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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1919)
i OFFICIAL PAPER OF, KMMATII COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OM KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,622 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 Price, Five Cent KLMUTH FILLS AUSTRMNS TO mm GET VERDICT MAMMOTH AIRPLANE THAT IS ON ITS WAY TO ENGLAND. II Li Hi. T 1 I0BW Women's Improvement Club Fninou Gun Works to Be Gets Behind Move I D'mant!ed, Reported. MEETING YESTERDAY J RIGID STIPULATIONS !llr Arr (V.nlncr1 Thitlr Move to lie Autlmrlrd by Coming Klwtlori Will IU Mrrrl) IU(lf)liiK Agree nirnt Mmle Before Comtriu Hon llrgnii Itoml llrailiiro Tumble li) OiiiK' WIImiii'h MrMf in IVmRrr Will He Wry Short (Ji-rmau Drlrgu. lion Wry Ituxy Shotting Thr) Chiiiii.i Sign Trrnly nml I'UIng l'i Our Mori- AKiecnhle hi Hie Eni-tii). I I I'AltlS. Muy K Prrsldi'til lum niMni'd tln ruble riiiuiiitilH Hint IiIh iui'miiiko lo CoiiKrcHu nl til" :lpn rliil kkhkIiim will mil hu morn limn :i few luinilri'd words i Tin- Ailxlrlnn penro di'lt'Kutlo'i wil iikni'IiiIiIk licit Wrdiii'sduy to receive tlu pmirii tiTiiiH It Is understood tint , Hi ii illsmiwitlliiK of tho fumoun Sku'l.i 1 Armament work will be required In tliu Htliuilntliiim Tin1 Women's Improvement Chili litM ii n lniiortntit nieetliiK it t the Council Chiitubem In tin- City Hull yritrrilny afternoon. The. i'nttlon wan lirrrl)' taken up with conference lth tin- Eiecutlvit Committee of tlu Slnhnrii road, tin Kttutlemen o( uhlch were In uttitmlanre. Tin- Iml ln of I lie Cluli showed great Intrri'nt id brought out clearly nnil tu their Hllifactlnn from thn gentlemen pri'n ml the idtuallon of the city In regnrd ,,..., ., ,, . . ... ... . I'AltlS. Mny IS. Thr Couiii of to tho proposa to turn over tho ., ,. . ., . .... ,. , . , ' .. . ., Jour have declined to conn err Vnn Municipal Hallway to th Oronon, , .. . , ,, , ... ,. , ' . ' Rrockdorff Itantxau'ii note on labor Cillfornlu anil Lantern Kullwny In ' ..,, . I 11 KlnlHllUfl ichnnn for tin Income bonds of' ,b,tro'"1 WASHINGTON. I) C. May I r. Thr point whrti hrouRhl nut . lUymond II Fosdlck of New Vork lhomil that the people of thin rlty t. ,. of Hip permunrnt Ame-l-re limply currying nut the orlRlnul I run n-pri-in-ntiitlvi-H In tlu Council of Tln which from tho llmt. ciintmnplut.j thr League of NuIIoiih. when tho rq mi. iiiciirpnriiiion nr tin-Miinlclpnp liiRiin In organized, It In'v line wllli thr through line of tln Ore-' leurned today. ton, California & L'ltntoni Itttlluti) I The clrrtltui of May 2lnt being mere-' BERLIN. Wednesday ( lly Assorla U ratification nf uti nKri'fini'iit ul- ted Press) Count Vonllrnrkilnrff f'nily liiailn hy llii'in mid ImpotrH no ItiiiiUnu, limit of tho Curniiiu Pi'iiru iilJIHotiiil hiirili'ti of nny kind on thp i ilvli'Kiitlon. U riimiiiiliilriitln to thn tropic hut on thn ronlrarv rilliri I ' other nicriiliiTK of thn di'lcKutlon. I ln the city of the owncrnlllp of thr rond l"t of thn thrri' tinlm ln Hrnt to taklnc IioihIh In lli'ii Aiinlhir point I Prrjnliir Clriiiriirrnu. polutrd nut of Trent linportiilico to thr city iind ' Hint thr irni'r trrnlv III lt prrscnt hlch un lliiinrdlittrly upprrclnti-1 ' form iniilil not lir sIkiii'iI hccnilsi) Ii lr tin' liiillcn uiin hroiiKht up hv Cup' iwiih IiiiiohmIIii to fulfill thr trrms. FIiiiMi Thr prrnrnt rail llur i Thr Crrmiin tli'lcKiitm h" miiil, I'alry a- lout; an II rrmalni In thr muni rnilrinor to lmpror Ihr treaty "tii rnhlp of thn C'ty Ib rxrtnpt fron " 'is I'1 miiko Its hIkiiIiik ihimIIiU' taiatlnn Ah noon iih It piikhviI toi the () ( I.' ... (-,, I. hnrniiii'ii tunhli! and thr pannriiKer trrmliinlK "hlcli will ,n hnllt In th city IokiHIi- J rwh tint land that mum hr iirniilr "I fnr tin. trrmlnnlH will then pro-' lace tnintlon Tim luilli'H of thr Cluhi" ontnlmmiHly aRrrrd that thrnt wim , "otliliiK lo hr dnnii hut to ratify tint ale (if (hr road at tint polld May 2 IhI I . . .... i. . . 1 ".. .,M i, Wan uimnlinmiKlv rmolv- ciuci'l'l' 'u io appoint an Kli'cilon Conimltlro r- 4 r Z-' E OFF N MB TW Start Is Made at 5 O'clock Today. TWO PLANES IN RACE Eye of Civilized World Will Carter on News of Most Daring U taking Krer Attempted by Hkctch of Daring Pilots Who Will Guide nig Planes on Their World Thrilling Journey. THEPASSKY, X. F., Mny IS. (By Associated Press ) Americas Navy seaplanes NC-I and NC-3 made Hop-off shortly after 3 P. M. ob Flight to Azores. w HOT SPRINGS HOME I HAS CHANGED HANDS FJ i E WELL KXOWX CITV IIOV WEL COMi:i HY .MAXV I'HIE.NDS Ai-"ti:it i:.'PKini:.cE i.v the TIIE.NCHES. HAS WHITTEX HIS-TOItV Arthur Wilson of the City and County Abstract company, has taken over the property at 111 Earl street In Hot .Springs addition, formerly owned hy Joseph S. Kent, and which is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. II. Foster The consideration of the deal has not been stuted T K ILLS SCHOOL BIDS REJECTED TIKES BRIDE EXGIXEEK WHO HAS .IL'ST P.E TCHEH FItOSI OYEKSEAS SEHV. ICE CDS (ilKl, FROM IlltOOU- ixf;s. . to i.m-: at kihk HALIFAX, May 15. Tha United Stages Seaplane N' C 4 after returning hero from an earlier start fo'r Tre passey, Newfoundland made a new start today at noon. Everything possible has been doc to make the overseas flight as sf as possible for the nervy aviators. E THE ItOAIll) PROVE TOO COSTLY M O It K inns to he opened ox may I "7TII NEW SCHOOL PLANS. 10 'it Hi" proposal lo -mil Is ear- flul .M) 21m mid to koi out nory Hllalilc voir Thn I'rrKlilnit, Mrs. Kosi. Hoiih, llrnllon tln.n appolnlril Ihs fiillimiiiK comtnlltrr lo lakr fl"irk'c of the I'lrrtion on May 2IM. ?'r ' ''"'! Wood Klmrli'ln. Mrs K Mil kim. Mrs s K Mail In. .Mrs C. " I'l'iml. Mrs. II it. te)iinlilH and J,r" W I'oolr Til" liiadrr of thn liiori'iiso hy pop '"or suhsrrlpilon of thn Stiahom iillrnnu Trrnilnal Kiiu.l was iiIho nnrnly iHsciihsimI Ah (his fund was '"nti'ly crrairil hy tho woiiirn of HiH flh' lliroui-ii Hni inno Cluli which Va' 'inpoHrd ritllroly of woiiirn, 'W' or ih,, i,i,n,, prrnotil worn . '" ' "" Dm Inforniatloii ilrslr- " ih. "ii".iinl ( " "-Plr of Hin City riiKiirdlnir ''' " "nil iIkUih of way wan also nnr,,,,i Tl ' N" malt of ,,r uiy nwnrd of prizn'i "I" I'WIII rs of II, o l,..ol l,,,i,i i, , ''" lo 111. linli... t ..r l.:. u J.IKhlXIMII 1,1 .11IO. .,. 1 '11 lllll COIIIICRlIoll II Will '' ird (lint tho El);u niipro " ilnlliiiti to ho uwuriluil in .H'IKJT FAILS TO tilt.WT TKMPOHAHY IXJCXCTMIX IV spit oveu env li.Mtii.viii: i:i.- CIIXTLY llltorOHT The wedding ceremony of Ernest I.. Cassel of Kirk and Miss Xaoma Moore of BrooklnRs, Oregon 'vas prr formed yesterday afternoon by the Reverend E. P. Lawrence ut nls home on Third and Jefferson. The groom Is one of the solillers who has Just returned from overseas service and taken a position at Kirk. He was Identified with the Tenth En gineers. The bride was accompanied hero hy her mother from Brookings and was present at the ceremony ""reami f this fund to flftv 'I I.II'l'V mil Ihr lirnnilumt U' ' 'I, li r. .. Ii'! l'fl t. I S('(. OltliEIIS' CONVEXTIOX t, , I'lv , , '"'ii ih, C1l , lllth I ', I'K'il L. Morlov of IIiIh ' iril an luvllnllon to nl '"" Ciiiivnnlliiu of Ho- "Hioi'h fv,)m ,) first to Hal Attn..,,A m... ,.. lie """1111; i'iiy. inoro lira io lati" numl,1' (lt moutliifis wllli pro. ,, ''"" "fflnoiH nml other orgunlzu tl("" t this time, Application for a tomp'rinv onlor to rrstralu Fred 1'. Uri'uuo.i licm liiiulliiK KiirluiKu away frni'i i aln ratlnt; Iioiihi'H In tho city lui been ro ftiHrd and a ilriiiurrrr to llio imih plaltit Hiistuinrd, III thr suit li'ionlly hriiui;ht by IOd Iluntrr In a cutitro )rrsy nr thr city gurbiiKf. Tlli'so fllldlllKH lux i borll Blvr'i In' Circuit Juilgo 1. V. Kuyki'ii'l.ill (i 1 liiwlni; 11 liourlng of thr itrg'imi'ii'x Iluntrr was trcrutly appolntr 1 eiiy scavrngi'i' undrr tho now KiirbfK'i r.r illnauco pashi'd hy thr City C Hint II. I'nilnr tlu trniiH of his coiitr.ifl ho was to haul all tho naibiiK" for tnmi lalril fool and In hr protected liom coiiipollllou by n lii'i'liNP fro ot a thoiisaiul dollars. It lutor ilovulopril Hint Mr. Cini-1 man. tioti hud priivlounly rontuictel nml paid for Kn.hao fiom several of ";"CUMMINS WILL HEAD HI Inclnal oatlllg hollies uiul ho .vn- tendoil for his right to Rnihrr :l r rofusn for which ho h.ul paid The t'liso linfl (iroiiBOil POiiHlilrriiblP Itnrr est hero. Thn plnlutiff Is lppresrlit od by Allot iioy It. C. (irorsbri'k mid Hip defendant by IlPiiimr and elms-tnln. Well (lino to our of Hut Klamath Kails heroes who lime been thru th" big ordeal In the fnr off trenches Is biting showered today on Corporal i Forrest Pell hy his many friends in i this city. THOSE OPENED BY Corporal Poll arrived last nlKht i from Portland where ho left his com-, nolo Ralph Carter, who has been , with him slnct! their enlistment to gnthi'r In tho all 1st Amhllliiii'-r Com puny of the Sltlth Sanitary Trajn of! thn Ninety First DMslnn. Carter, who was married in Portland after i With $ IS, 000 to work with and happy couple expect to make their l his enlistment, will remain there for'ovor $22,000 usked, th eschool board home at Kirk. time. 'of District No. 1 faced a problem yes- ! Corporal Pell, who was formorly turdny afternoon when it considered I city editor of tho Evening Herald the bids for tho new school Jiuildlng luiH many Interesting things to tell! that Is to bo located in the Mills Ad- inf his ten months training tit Camp dltlon. Thore wero soveral bids, tho l.invls, his MiyiiKo to Franco last July highest reaching tho $22,000 mark, nml his battle engagements at St. but all of them wore too high, and, Mihlel, the Argoiino forest and In Hip the board decided to reject all and l.s Scheldt sector In Belgium. He , call for new ones. Tho now bids will ' was actually at thn front and In ac- ho opened May 27, when It is hoped Hon for twenty-four days lio wm tho contractors will have n change of lu Auilptiurilo, Belgium when the i heni t, or change of pencils and fig arinlstlcn was signed, niemhors of thr uro closer to tho $15,000 that tho !lst Division liming captured the 'hoard will have to spend. city on thn day previous. in tho erection of this now building Pell and Curler were In Hip Com-, in tho Mills addition, the board is puny coiiimanded by Major Kbrrlo starting on a policy that It is hoped Kuykonilall, previous to his death, will hn followed. It Is for tho erec Thoy wore nine months overseas. jtton of several buildings so located Corpoial Poll has prepared a com- as to accomodato tho future, growth plnln history of his company's ac-' 0f the city. This will call for a simi tlons from tho tlmo of starting until lar strurturo at Shipplngton, auotlior their lolurii. for (ho bonoflt of l ho at Falrvlow. tho eventual abandon liiomhrra Hiomsrlvri. It will lie ' monl of tho Central school and tho T HOI III CITY SEVEN ROOM RESIDEXC1 SPRINGS ADDITION OVER BY PHYSICIAN. IMPROVIv MENTS TO RE MADE The planes have a dual control system, with seats side by side and forward of the gasoline tank, for th pilots, each of whom has a complete set of instruments, including c.ompaa ses. The navlgstlDS ftntlftt, tuttl ted with the regulation marine in- Istruments, Is In the bow, while the engineer and radio operator occupy the main compartment at the tanks. The planes are expected to cruise, . without winds. To (land) miles an hour and the gasoline capacity of 11, 400 pounds will carry them upwards of 1,500 miles, considerably In ex cess of the longest lap of the ocean flight from Trespassey to the Azores without re-fueling. With Commander Towers in charga of the expedition, the three planes set out in command of Mr. Towers, Lieu tenant Commander A. C. Read and Lieutenant Commander P. N. L. Bel linger. Commander Towers who Is 34 years of age, was born In Georgia and entered the Naval Academy in 1902. After service on various warships ha was assigned to the aviation section for instruction three years before the The outbreak of the European War. Mid winter of 1912 found him In charge of the aviation camp at the Guantan amo manoeuver grounds of the At lantic fleet, and In September, 1914, as a lieutenant, he went to London as assistant to the American naval at tache. After a tour of duty on tha staff of the chief of operations at Washington, during which he particl I pated In the selection of aviation sta tions and won his commission as com mander, Mr. Towers was designated early this year to develop the plans IV HOT tor "le trans"Atlantlc flight. I Lieutenant Commander Read, 32 T KEV ' years of age, was born in New Hamp- j shire. After leaing Annapolis he filled varied assignments until 1915, l when he reported at the naval air sta jtiou at Pens.icola, Fin., for Instruction Two years later he took command ot printed hern and a copy sent to each l erect Ion ot anothor By a deal Just completed lere I'r. tho aviation station at Hay Shore, on II. C. Schleof becomes the owner of , '-""B Islantl. later assuming a slmi a seven room residence at tho corner i lar I'0' ntMIninl. Fla. While on the of Pacific Terrace ami Earl Street In stafr of tll chiot o llaval operations Hot Springs Addition, hovotoforo jat Washington tho following ear he i... ti.. i t- c?. ... p r..,j,', ...i wus ueincnea ror tenmorarv iiiitv in inn. nnotlrrli In uum ". .un. u. i. .luuuil Ul liluinuiu. " " -" tnko envo of the territory between i l " llow nor is given immeamio MUIb nildltluu and Falrvlow. It will Possession u mo property mil pinna i... o.. c.,..,, o....... ,...,. .,.,, n,o to mako some ImprovemontB iru bi- UU BVBII ....... I...C ....... IhWUIWI. "" . ... . ..... I ll I, ,.... ... 1 ,.. .ll .. . inu mm lo uerora moving into It. The : "" "UB " iim-iiiiuu m connection with tho camouflaging of. BOiiplmiea nt Hampton Roads. Va., lat er holding changing assignments un- 1 tho ileiuaiids for school hulldlnits. REPUBLICAN SENATORS and giounds will bo provided for for transaction wns tundo tliru tho ogen jmniiy tlmo. years to como, if not for all ey of J' p- MBlro- SHEEP SHEARER HERE. 'ITALIAN' L.WDIN'0 FORCES ON DALMATIAN COIsT. MARRIAtii: LICE.NSK Issl'ED. A nun 1 1 ire lli'i'iiso hni lo"ii Issm d to (hail" l.unt of Hip Hivhu Loir illstrlet and Mis Blrdln Puekett by County lioiK Churli's It, DoLup. WARlllNfTrON', I". C , Mp ' " senator Cummins of lo..i I - ' 1'iiMired hy (he PregieHilvr' .n ! li t n iiuiiiilmoiisly for President pro tern , II. C. (Irnniils ami wife hnvo ar-' of the Sonatoul the'a'iiii' i oi-jrlved hero from Chico, Calif. Mr. i LONDON, May 15. Tho Italians ferrnco of the Itpiublnn 4oulor- ' Ornnnis, who is an expert mnchlnn nrp landing lingo military fovoe? at Senator I.mlgp of M iK-n.iiu-1 its shcaior, Is on his way to tho Tuttlo .nrn mu spb'onlco on tho Dalmatian I "10 Btntf ot tbo fhlef of naval nerou was ro-olected paitv Inner. ',' blie.irliig corrals. After the sheiirlng , coast, according to n dlsnatch fm-ii I utlc.. he was assigned to the Peu- iiu-isloii of thn roiiif ven ''r.vor Hii'soabou Is over, ho expects to locate Bolgrndo nml Borblnn capital. Troops jCominltteo Clialrmniishlps for lVn-iln Klaiuntli Falls mid ombavk lu tho are being moved eastward and fort roso nnd Wnnon hns been postponed Jvulcunlzliig business. ' Ifying ridges anil passes. tho traus-Atlnntlo flight. Lioutenaut Commander Bollinger, horn In South Carolina 33 years ago, weut from the Naval Academy to sea duty, which Included command of a uhnnrine. He loturned to the Aca demy for aviation inutruct'on In 1912 nnd the following Joinid air squadron. After sorvlco In 1914 on sacola station, whore ho won prompo- tiun to tho command ot tho Hampton Continued ou Page S