The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 13, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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i.f (lie Statu
. . . ...... ..r 1..1. ..
I,;. Mnin i in in" i-i"i" "
1'I,;1 ,!, .IIIMIIH HIM.ll.Ml Ob.0.1).
.i,V(iiiihj ''""' "f ""' '
.iffmini'ii . . ., ,,,
I, I rim Dlfi'li Jiilii'llii" ii'TKi'. i.'i'ii"
....kudu vnirii" '.'"'"'.
In lhi' II'"1"
Inlimi snmii itmlor nitvlnniuriit and
finding said plains, xpei mentions mill
estimates Id In. h.iI Infill tnrv
ttti ii f
l" "-." . n.
,i ! v lit
,( Klnl"'
W ' """
nf lli Mat" "I ro
Ihicv) ill'il mill te
( ouiiiy ( unit
ii County
III lliero-
I nils In tlin County
mi Niiiiiniiiy in" "!
l'lltl lit ion n'rlock II
I '"Li to nl " '" ""' ('"""1
ItlCHOMITION. published iih liy Chnrtor provided. IIK IT HERKI1Y RKBOLVED.
I lin City Engineer, pursuant lo State of Onpon. County of Klamath, Thnt mild plans, specifications ami
IIi.miiIii, If. ii .r II... f. i ...It Mi.. ... i.
Ill' IT II Kit I'll v iii'uni viiii mi . . . "" " '" '"'""" 'W '" nimnmn runs SB cnlliniili s ror tne improvement 01
lll II 1111(1.111 lll.HOLVLI) . I hnl lii.i.i.r,irn H1I1.1.1...1 1.... 1... t a 1 t ii.ii- ... - .. .. '.....
- ""'i ii.iiiii. mi tii) 1 1 1 i.iiiiiil. itiiiuii .1 mini, 111 1 1111 tin in Tiririirin in i-.nninnniip
I Mb ilny of April, l!H9, filed plans, the (Itv of Klnimitli Kill In, imrun mrc-l nndNPortland Streets ,nnd
Hiii'ilflinlloiiH mid itNllimili-H of Ibn do b-n by certify Hint th" foregoing I'arlflc Terrace bo, nnd the same urn
Mitt of improviig Stb street from In 11 ('ill, iirolbd mipv if 1 i-i 1I111 on hereby approved, and
IHrli street iioitlinly to PrnspcU nilopt'd liv the Common (oi.i.i.I on jn: IT KI'HTMKH RKSOLVKH,
1 tul iMluslve, LIikoIii Ht from Mil I'"' "b ''ay f May I'll'), .bcl.iring That the Common Council hereby de-
ItK iTi'ft'on t'. i-n.-w 1 noln rr,. tH Intention to linpiove. said
Mlreet from 'Uli Ktn-t .'ns'erly tr ,,rtllM f Explain..!" and Portland
IH'i in t In. biding nt Ioiih Htr(.H ,lI1( urfr r-'raci. In ac-
''' "" ' I'rU'iiHon and -,.r,i,ltir,., ,ilt, kni,i .,1..,.. yncii.
rw;ni 111 w ly nji.iunc n.mi iiieieu,
mid -("proving the plnns siclfl
, , (I, r. . , , .l. .(I.q f 1 out e..l mlt
HIIIII pillllH, Siifl( lit llllH ami eiill
mutes for Ibc Impiovoiueiit of kiiIiI
porlloiiH of 7lb mid fronpeit mini
hi' mill the mime are l,eii.,v
proi d, and,
111: it n it 1 111. 11
That I lie CiiiniiiiMi Coiiiull hen by
ili't Inri'H II n Inlentiiin In Imptiive nalil
InirtliiiiH of "tb 1'ioHpeit anil .lilfei-
KOII Htleil, In IK c III llllllf will, tin,
nnld plaiiH. HpeilfliiitloiiH and 'Htl-
Mtiiet uiHiitlj to Stb ciriii and Jef
f'liiiin lrnt from Mb i-iiNterly to
'nb hi rmt , Imliidliii; Inlerm dlotiM.
mid the foil ncll lnulrii; taken hiuiiii
iiinl'i iiiIvIhi meiit and flnillni; raid
lilanii hiii'i Ifli nl Jniiri iiml nitiluniii.ti
nun en kii 11 1o iihmIhI nl HiiilHfiiiliiiy,
liillil'liii' km lil HlrenlH lo I lie I'lilabllnb III: II 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 V IIIJSOI.VKI). That ",'1 ,n ' '' ''"' IKlneer
d nude jf, feet In Mltlth; i-riiil nr hiiIiI .1,hih, npe IfbatlotiH and' (Ml- A ' ' rs
t, 1.1 HiteetH to 1'iiod mid 1 Iff. 1 Kilt iiialeH fo rt In) Improwmt nt of llm l'i-1'it I'ollcc
t limn 111111 llllllllK HIIIII HireelH Ulli'll Hill linrtlMiiii nf till.
I iii F
ficatlotis and eHtlmatdi Hal.l Im-
proveiiK nil to conMlKt of palm? nald
portlonn of Kti'd streets with bltu
litlib pavement at an estimated cost,
InrlildltiK (onirete curbing and Rrud
Iiik of 101.273 00, oil inacadain pave-
at a MeatlniHldl (out. Including
Riverside Cabinet Shop
All Klnilt of Furniture
f him nil I'lirnltiire llepalrliiK
Si ri ent for WIiiiIowm mid
H( r rn Doom
Mii.i.oits iti:sn,vi:itKi)
I MA IX ST. I'HONi: 170J
A. Mauritsch
I 1I11 ll III HII1IU IIIUNI II 1. ..1 ...i 'm" tivi.iM nun Illi'IU l U nfBlIIIIUH,W iUBl. IIKIUUIIIh 1I11U,... -!. !.- r. . 1 .1 f. Ina ,
" '",, by m. (inter of ni.Ii. ,. .:;',, V Jr. . 11 . 1 , '" J,,",;w''",,"' I...i.iiic' lire ItKHOM'TIOV. toiK.r.te curbltiR and KradlnB of ' ;
y? ? ... I """I- "r f II. h' .1,1 1 1 rv !!..' 1 '"V." .".i1.'",1"" ","1' Th" '" KnK""Tr I'1 '" csilKOO. or concrete pavementat OKIX.OV IXIUAX I'M'KS AND 'l
iWf. , ,, nl prop ," ,' , ""' '" l,r',v;;n " ," ,l,,vr "" lll: I' l-l-UTIIIIll i:itK()I.Vi:i). It. solution of tbe Common Council ,.Hllmllt(1 cmt. Jncludlns concrete orilflK IIKUCH
,M ''f . . ..! " Pr valo sale, "" ' " r 'mlir ,7 IV' I 2i ' ,. ","" "," """""" l ,M,,,f" ""r,,,'' '"'"' ..dopfd. bavlnB on thn turljlng uml Brn,nBi of ,rl0,867 00
"V (f, ., for i.iirt Iib mill iinil ,, '"; " ' lT'H III.K Ul.HOI.V i:i. Ily .b.r-H its Intention lo Improve said r.tb dh of May. 1919. filed plans, Sa( npr(,vement In eitlier event to I'ostoffice Ilox 266
for "V ' ""' ( ""Ii loiiiull Hint tbe prop pnrlnitis of Stb. Lliuolii anil Jeffer. sin clflci.l Ions an destlmnKs of Hi" ii,i m,iine rrtlllne eiirtnnu anil KLAMATH FALLS. ORE.
!. I.t 11 I
Icrriin " "
Tdr iinru"
iwt 'l"" r
ibr north""
rjnir in 'I
fITf i""'
t iiiiniler of tbe norlli
1 f ei Hon tueiii) -fiMir.
1 i 11 11 I 1 nf lioitbueHl
HiiltbveHl illlirter of
ini.irii r or Hi'i'lion tweiu
ill. inn tin lint iiinrler of
nrlhil 'I'luri Helium iniri)-
, .. . .... ..ul.n. llttrlt nl umilli
,I, 111 I" '"""I- ...." " .
IjntC IIH" " ' "' ' "' '" Himu'-m-
U.rl.llBIt llllllllllHIIK II" lliriH Of
lind In MnniiiHi 1 j . Orricim
The ncr'ti nun in in"
itiirlrr ti" Hiiiiuitwii iiiumri u,
the narl'i iiuarler and llm nortb-
,t ouiirlir HI (lie lllirinenni iiinr-
ur( MfHi 11 iw nl) Mix III tottimblp
ihlrtrn" ini'li ,,f limit'" flfl""n cast
, (,o Willuiiiitti ciiiiHii
ICt If" "rri II""" "1 lenn. Ill rtinill-
kti (lllllll On KOII
The nun hum 'jiuirier 01
rgirtir (II MCIIOII .Weill). UIWIIHIllll
thlrtru riinre sUleeu iu.hI of Wll-
limftti' M' rid "II 'olllallllllK u ncren
t mldiiiilt bind In Lake (oiiiit,
All im m Hie pi'tiuoii Kir sale
Ibtrrtofnrc until" mid filed In until
Court In nald niu". prajed for
WITM.hh Hi" Hi"' " " lllinnel.
Itite nf Hie County Court of llm
Miti nf OreKou for Hie County of
Klimith nnd Hie seal of Hiilil Courl
kttrlo affiled lliln IStll day of Ma),
Mlem C It IIK LAI',
(Sol of County Clerk
I Ccanty tmiri 1 13-20. 27-3-IO
ii) nerilli.lier ili-Hcrllieil lie and mm MtreitH.
bun b) h de( tared to tin beiinfittid by huiiI plniiH.
Hiild proponed Inpro elm n( to
In aitiirdiiiKK ultb Hid
spei IfkatloiiH and cmH-
I.oIh 1-1 r. and r, of lllock ri.
I.oIh l-l fi mid (, of Mloik M,
I.iiih 3 1 mnl r, of Him k i;i, Nirh-nl-i
ildiiloii to tbe Clt) of Kliimnib
I.etH 1 'J and Hi and K'i of l.ntn
3 nnd S of lltock 4f.,
l.olH 1 2-! and in and V.'-j of Lots paenieiit
3 mid s or iiiocrt ti,
Loir 1-2 'i anil Hi and I'.H of Lot
S, lllock 3 1.
1 1n. IraiiKUlnr lot lylni? between
Oram, 7lli mid I'mupe t nlr-el, ami
Loin 1-2 I 6-7-S-9 ami 10 of lllock
.12, I'lrnt Aildltloti to tbe City of
Klaiiiiilli I'iiIIh On 1:1111
Ami 1 Inn hiiIiI proper!) iiIiom- ile-
Mrlbeil be mid bi reby Ih d.-diired to ilitmiin
lie miHi nmil for tbn t'xpeiihi' of said
ImproM'iuent, mid
111: ir vi in 111:11,
Tlinl Momlii) llm 2nd da) of June,
1919 at tbe boiir of h o'clock p in ,
nl llm Council Cbaiuber at tbe City
Hall In Klamatb 1'allH, OreKon. bn
fixed an Hie limn ami plain for tbn
liiarliiK of objection mid reinoti
Htraur. h 1iKnln.1t llm said proposed
llliprnii mellt and llm I'ullce JuiIkd
be. anil hereby , dlrecled to ciiiihi.
mil lie of Mild bearliiK to be publlsb
ed us Ii) ('l.tirli r proid(-
im.Kh H.ild Imiinni-mi-iits to con
sist of pavliiK mini portions of said
streets Willi oil mai.tilam iavem.-nt
at an iHtlmntiil (ot, Im IiiiIIiik (
meiit s'de xwilks ( tirblnK and
I111:. of f2J,iil(i 00, liltulltblc ji.iw
meiil at tbe estimated cost, Includ-
ini: 1 nt nlde miII(h, curbliiK and
Kiitillni;. of 29. r,b!i(io, or romrvtu
at Hie iHtlmate.l lost. In
cosl of ImprovliiK loth street from ,irH,mK(. fia'd pavement to lie 0 norlb'-rly to I'roHpcct ft m n'dtli between Hie nortberl)
str it. uml lllisli rtrect from 9th u,le of Wall street and the northerly
str'e' i.istirl) to 11th striet. In- n ot Spring street and 2r. feet In
cluilinK Internectlons, nnd the Conn- w,m, between the northerly line of
ill Ik.Mok t liken Hie same under ad- HprlnK sired to Pacific Terrace end
plans, iar!flc Terrace from Hun.i .treet
"' '"-' northerly, to I'ortland tr-t ..nd
Portland strc-t from Paelf: T-rrai-easterly
to the eastern bo-i' of
tbe City of Klamath Falls; Infers' c
tlons to be full wid'h, rml,
UK it fl'ktiii:r ih-:sol ED.
hv the Common Co'li?ll Hint the
vlscmi nt and flnillni: said
Hicifi'aHonH and
said plans ) p ( Iflcallons and estl-inat.-i
fo rilm Improvemint of 10th
iludlni: (eiiietit side walks, itirbliiK fir.-it from Main htre'l northerly to
nnd HiadliiK. of J2f..l7b 00 Said Prospect Mri. l and Illfch street from
liiiprouiieiits In either cm nt lo In- 9th street cntti rly to 11th street. In- prop,.rty hereinafter d'-S'-rlbed be and
ilude i;ri.ilniK. rollliiK and iiirbltiK clmliiiK IntorsKHons. bo and the hertt,y B declared to bo Vm fitted,
tuiiil piiti-iiii ut to be 2.r, feet wide, sa,n ar( lien hv approved, and, to-wlt
with side V.11IU t fi-it wide on both '' IT FL'KTHKIl IIESOLVKH, All of the property '-mbraiv 1 in the
side so fi.ild portions of 8th, Lin- Thai the Common Council hereby de- U0W.,R dencribed litnet iinproio-
"111 nnd Jefferson streets and park- (tare Its Inteiilln nlo Improve said lnenl District, to-wit:
lhi; ulnji bnelid HirouKhoiit i-nllru portloiiH of 10th stre.t and HiKh 1'erlnnlni: at the Inte'-wi-tici of
of said Improvement, ex- stre't In accordance wit hsald plans. -M,ianade and Wall -tr-'-t!. In the
i.-n at Intersectloni where said "P" flcallons and ectimates bald t.(y 0 Kiamttn rails. Oret;cn;
pavcuieu Us to lie full width, nnd. improvements to consist of paving tnence easterly along the 'enter line
IIH IT Ft'If! lli:il HKSOLVKI) ly said poillons of said stieet with oil of Wal 8treel to the so il'iv.r-jt point
the Common Council that the ii-oii- macadam pinement at a nest I mated nr rornpr 0f ui s. Illo-k 6 of Sec-
coci incnidinK tetnen iside walks, otui iiot Springs Addili-'n to Klntnath
concnte curbing and grading, of falls, Oregon; therw- northeai-terly
3.r..42i 00. or concrete pavement at between Lots 1. 2 in-1 S and Lots 9
i The Harper Met boil
j of Scalp Treatment and Shampoo-
lng Facial Treatment,
j Manicuring
I'hone 360
; .-.10 Mnin St.
sl MMONS..
Kuult) N'o
Suit fur IHvnrie.
lo the I'irriiit Court of the .State of
Orrciin for the Count) of
W II Price plnlntirf.
IlioraK Price defetidi.ut
To Ikirn V Price, the nbove named
Sinie of Uregiiu. Count) of Klnuii'th,
( It) of K In mill li Kails ss
I A I. I.eiivlll i'ollo. Juilre of llm
( II) of Klamatb Calls, Oregon, do
b.-reli) icrllfy thai the foregoing is
n dtilv ,-nrolbil cop) of H-sotullon
1 ted b tie Comtno 1 ( mix II nil
the filh da) or May, 1919. ilcdarlng
Its 111 t 'I I Inn to improve 7th iitreel
fiom Washlngtcu street northerly to
Prosped street. Prospiit street Iron.
"Ill sl reel iiorthweslerlv lo Mb
iftli-mlant In Hut inline of the State striet ami Jefferson street from 7th
of Orcfnti xni are hereby reijulred stieet e.isterly to Mb str'et. iiictml-
to appear and answer thn couipli.liit lug Interm ctlmiH, and uppmvitig thn
filed against tut In the above entitled
mil on iir before the 3rd day of June
IIH, Hint being Hm but day of the
ribllmtbin nf tills numinous mid the
lut day within which you urn re
Ulrnl to answer as fixed by Hm
crdtr of pulillratlim of this suin-
Koai If von fall to appear 11 tul mi-
rr, the plulullff will npplv lo the
toorl for Hie relief ileinaniled In said
roapUIni Kadi suit Is broiigbt lo
eriy berelnnfler ilescrlbed be .mil
hereby Is declared to be benefitted,
to wit
Lots 1,
Lots 3,
Lots 3,
Lots 1,
Lots 1,
Lots 1,
Lots 1,
l.olH I,
llln. x C.'i
Hm town,
And that said proper!) above des
crliied be and bercb) is declared t'i Iaj
iHHiHiifii lor thn expense of said Im
provemnts, and.
Hint Monday, the 2nd day of June
1919. at tbn hour of fc o'clock P M
2. 7 and ii. lllock M;
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 lllock 63;
.'. 4. ', lllock (.4, Lot 2
All In Ni( hols Addition ...
now I It) of Kbimatb Falls
hv the Common Council, that the
described bo
at Hie ( ouncil ( hambers In the Clt) Falls. Oregon;
nail at MamaWi Falls, Oregon 'In
fixed as the Hum and ptme for the
hearing of o'tji eriions and "miioii
said Improvunent. to-wlt
Lots 1 and S of Hlock 13 of orig
inal town and unnumbered lllock
known as the "Central School
Grounds" adjacent to 10th street and
betwien said Hlock 13 and 10th
street In original town of Klamath
us. spedflialliiiis and . vll 11. H en of -"''' ngalnst the said propoe-d Im
c.i-- ttihmltti',1
1) the f Itv i.iuIih i-r
a l i.i:vvivr,
Police Judge
Lots 3-4-5 and 6 of lllock 4S;
Lots 1-4-5-G-7 and S of Hlecl: 4G;
LotB 1-2-3-4 and S of lllock 47;
Lots 1-2-3-4-5 and C of Hlock 45;
Lots 1-2-3-7 and S of Hlock 44;
LotB 3-4-5 and 6 of Hlock 50;
The enst 26 feet of vncated portion
'1 he Clt) KiiKliiffi, pursuant to
Resolution of the Common Council
lurilofori. i.dopted. having on the
:stb da of April. 1919. filed iMan-i.
speclfUatlous an destliuates of the
wure ilissolutlon of tbn bonds of '('' or Improving Maik.-t slre.-t from
irHrlmony existing between vourself the uortherl) lino of tllh s'rect to the
ud the plaintiff ami is liascd upon s.nillier'v line of Lot 10 In Hlock 17 , lnpnt((m 'lo
llfiil desertion of the plaintiff by "'! "' soutberlv Hue of Lol 30. ,ft from ,,,,, Sr
jou inr a perioit or morn than 01111 """ K ' "' "enum iviuuimiu mini.
fr Itnmcillatel) prior to thn com- ll," lo '' ('" of Klamath Falls, In-
Wra'iiKtit of this suit This stun- eluding Intersections and the Council
Kent Is rilbllsbed In Hm Kimmlni: having taken same iindi r ailvlse-
litll ilnllv nl If tnm, .11, 1'mIIm in u,.i.i said plans, speclfli atloiiH and estl-
founu mid Stale hv order of the mates for the IliiplovemclU
HuicKilile ll V KtiykeniliHI, Judge porlloii of Market stred
1 inc nil,! t ouri. and dated April
of V11nhlnRton
known as Canal
and 10th streets;
Iots 1-2-7 and
Lots 3-4-5 and
Uits 1-2-7 nnd
The easterly 26 feet of the reserve
aoft is ruullsbeil In thn Kveiielng nnviiiK uihcii hi.iiii' iiiiiii r 111.111
H111M a dull) newspaper of general I"""! and fi .ding said pl.-e -..-
tittulatlnn In Klnmnth County Ore- H'ni'nu nnd ebtlmntes m.Hsf n ur'
on. printed publl , mid rlr.n- HH IT IIF.RHIIV RKSOLVKI). Tb
Jnd, the first puhllcntlon to be madii
upon the 22nd day of Anrll. 1919.
aa Ihu last iiHbllcatlon to bn madu
upon Iho 3rd day of Juno. 1919.
Atlnrnee (mi llm lllnlttlirr
roslofflco and lluslnoss Address-
'09 .Main Slreet, Klntnath Falls,
Orrcon 22-29-fl-13-20-27'3
of said
be, and llm
tuuiie are in reii) approved, mid,
in: it fcrtiikr ri:solvi:h,
That the Common Council hereby de
dares Its Intention to Improve said
port Ions of Market street, in nccm.I-
i.nce with Hm said iil.tu. .neillKa
tlotis nnd estlmiites
provement, and
The Pollie .Itidge be anil hereby It
directed to (ause notice of said bear
Ing to Iih published ns by Charter 1 ro
Statn of Oregon. County of Klam uh
City of Klamiith Falls -s
1. A L Leavltt, Police Judge of
tbe 'Itv of Klamath Falls,. Oregon
do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a Resold
Hon adopted by Hm Common Council 0 tbt- north side of Lot
on ttm iii 11 (lav 01 .May. l'li'i. clccinr r,i
liu'irovp Sih
reel northerlv tr
Prospect Street and Lincoln Street
from Mh Street easterly to 9th Street
nnd Jefferson treet from Mh Street
ensterlv to 'Kb Street Including in
lersectlons. and approving the plans
sieclflcallons and estimates of cost
""".nf, submitted b the Cltv Fn
glnecr A L I FAVIt-
10-lot Police Judge
street, formorlv;
street between 9tb
8 of Block 51;
6 of Hlock 57;
S of Hlock 56;
portion of Jefferson street abutting alonB tho southerly lln of Portland
ui mum Btreet to center line of Eldorado ave-
Ttun ITinnna on.ilhnrlv nlnttn- lltit i pn.
Lots 4 and .. of Hlock 61; er line of Fldorndo avenue to the cen
Lots 1-2-. anil S of Hlock 6. ; ,er ne of Meirose street; thence
Lots I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-K of westerly along the center line of Mel-
Hlock . same being tho ea-terly por- roso Blreet t0 the center nne ot Ala.
t'011 or half of Hlock bounded by .., ,rpR ,nr Vp,m. thenc B.niih.
Prospect. 9th. Grant and 10th
stnds-of the Nichols Addition to Iho
town now- Clt) of Klam 1 h Ft'lb,
Ami that atd property above de-
hcrlbcd is hereby declnr-'.l to he the nlock 61 t0 tho center line of Spr'ng
property to be assessed for tho e- street; thence southerly along Spring
ponse of said Improvement ; SIret to the cm,.herlv line of Paik
Anil bo It further resolved, that pinro. thencn u-eslerl vnlnnir arvnlh.
(OHt of Improving Lincoln .-tieet inuring
from inn streoi casieny 10 j 1111 Htiancis
street. Including intormi"ti
the l' S. Irrigation tiu;
of way nniiurteiiant tber.
Council having taken snum under ad
vlKimeiit ami finding Hm :i!ini. : c
IfUntlons and CHllmiittM bit- nfacto')
nluiiH. HPeclflcnllotis iin.l estlm.Uei-
for the Improvement
r'treet from 9th Stieet
1 lib Street, less said I
C11111I and Nglit of vvu, l" ami the
same arc lioreby apprit-cl and,
in: it Fi' h;;ii
nielli to consist of paving said por
tions of said streets with liltulltblc
pavement nl the estiiuatul cost, wit li
mit cement side walks, hut Including
hair nf 1 - 1 1 cum tig ami grading. 01 )i,uuu,
"cur limner Mmiiiilli Indian lies. 1n,i1 ,, ,,.,, t ilu, ehtt.
niitlini, K t(. I,, 1 ,K1.(n(j Unit. ,m,,., cohI, without (oment side
Senloil bids marked ouihIiIii "Illd. ,, ,,nt i.m Inrlnillni- inililnir mid
"'Sllilid LneeliiL- I', .11" .11,.. ,.,i,ir..u. LTiulliiL- of SI. 052 00 Said linmovi-
fjl In Ha Superintendent of Hm incut In either event to Include grad
Mwi.ui! Indian School, Klamath Ing, rolling nnd curbing and drnlu
Senry Oregon will bn received tin- age Said pavement lo bo 30 feel
illUi'he oclodt noon, Pacific Hum, wide, and,
nllinltiv .Inn.. ! ini i. .. .1 id' IT I'lTliTllPIl ltfSOLVHI). hv
, . ...... ,, ... .,,, i..i tun i, 111- .,.. .. . ..... . ..... -. -,
cntso of timiM r iiikiii kIioiii 600 lines the Common Council that tho prop
"'am Townships
-....O HIT 11 !..... ..... . ..II.. .
, . ."' ' Il'fl 11. 1 11.I1I1W I
1 16 Cdlmlit. r...i it... i. I. i : . ..i. .. . i i t .1.. i.. .i...,in. ...l i.t ... i it .1 . .-t.t .. iiiwttt
m, " 'I 1,1.111 III (IIUIISI III) HUD- BCrilll'd HO HUH IH'I"". m tn-t.niit.ti it, .,11 .ill III I'liitiiih
fiitiul In ilunlbatn and l in iicconiiiiiii. lie assessed for tho pmjohbu of said street 8 inches ot cinders v'itbout
i tiy ii (ertlfle d i beck mi u siilvent Imiirov ement. and. side walks at
Mlloiml biink in fv,)r r l)lu suiier- Hi: IT FURTIIKR RHSOI.VKH, J2206 00-; or concrete paveiuont at
'"ii'inliiit of th,, lciiiiiiniii imllmi Thnt Mondav. tho 18th day of May, an estimated cost, Including content
m In tin. amount of fa.nini. Tbn 1919, nt Iho hour of S o'clock p, m.,
rX, .V" ll0 r,'l""'"''l It Hi" lilil Ih at llm Council Chamber nt tho City
cint. iP "'lalned If tho hid Ih nc- Hall nt Klnuiath Falls. Oregon, ho
,'i''!l. and the reunited i.iiitniei niul fK,,,i mm tin. time and nlncj for thu
""mi urn not ,.ecnieil nnd presented Hearing of objections and iwiinn- jr.SOO.OO. Said improvoment It
0 uplirmni within tbltty daya from sttauces against 'the said pioposed either ovont to Includo grading loll
n . . ' V. "" Tho Hiilil to jojed linproveiuent and tbo I'onco .niiigu u.. ...... " ' . .
'T tun nil liliU Im ..,u..... .i ..',. i... ...,.i i,..i. Im .llieeied to cniiho IIH IT FHRTII1.R RL.MlLVLH, H
""I for other
ed, as by Charter provided
Stalo of Oregon, County of Klima'h,
City of Klamatb Falls ss
1 I Ti.ntlt, 1ft1l,t.t litli.n nf
"r ,'I;R"" the clt of Klamath Falls, Oiogon,
,-isteiiv ic (0 juri1)X lerllfy that the forego'ng
in , .it.t. i. ,l,tlt. ,,,,t.nll,.il irttiv nt n llnu,.lii-
tlo niidoited by the Comiiisn Couniil
on the Gib duy of May, 19l', de-
an esiuai.'(t com ot Aiuiievlm: the Plans and Sneclflcn-
llous Piep.ucd by the City Kn.
Klnci-i- fo rllio Iiiiprovenient of IN
plniimlii Stieet l'liini the Xoitbeily
Sldo of Wall Sl.eet to Intersee
ciflc Teirjiio; Pacific Terraeo fi-om
llmoii St. northerly to Portland St.
Iliddsive, ami i'ortlaiKl St Hast'
sldo wnlkH, curbing and n-ullns ol
$4600.00; or bltullthlc p.ivoment nt
an esllmnted cost. Including (e-uent
side walks, curbing nnd gradlnc; of
Improvoment in
benoflts received and,
Thnt Monday, tho 2nd da of June,
1919, a ttho hour of S o'clock p m ,
at tho Council Chamber nt Hie City
Hull nt Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, be
fied ns tbo tlmo nnd place for the
hearing of objections nid remon
strances ngnins ttho hAld proposed
improvement and tho Police Judge
be. an dhoroby Is directed to cause
fWu f ,," "...".. """.'"" ,..:." :""',' '".";".. ... .. - ., o , ; : the c;on Council that the proper
or ..'..: "..,.'.""",.v.'".,i"" "V1"-"."' "'M'""'" ".."., ' tv borelnnftor be. nn.l the sano If
iia- . ". mini million, uiiiim-a- oil as ny unariur ii.uviiiuu. ".",;..:..;. ; .,..! ,... i.i
"ul HI (III I l I ...ll....
t ..iiiiiii in in. i .mi. in.
'it Perl iiimi.i.....
o,;,.. """.
Agency, stmo Oregon, Couiily ot Klnmnth,
Winiii.,... . city of Klamath mini -m.
""IHiiKlon, 1) c. April 29, 1919. . a. L. Leavltt. Police Judgo of
ConnniM i ('AT0 H':u"s' , tho City of Klnmnth Falls. Oregon,
oiiiiniBsloiior of Indian AffalrH. ,) i,oruby cortlfy that tho foregoing
hereby declared benefitted by snld
proposd Improvomnt, to-wlt
LotB 1, 2, .1, nnd 4 Hlnck ii2
Lots 5, fi. 7, nnd 8 Hlock 56
Lots l nnd 4. Hlock ill; nml
Lots 5 nnd fi, Hlock 57, nil In Nlch
U I' tit iv
nt8M. ' ''K"oor,
Is ii duly enrolled copy ot Resolution
adopted by the Common council on
tbo 2 1st
pursunnt to lug Uh lut
erlv In (lot r'llv nf llm dli'
of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Deter- !,raI iioanng 10 no puousu.
mliiliiK tho lloiinilnrloti Wllhln etl ns by Lhartorprovldo 1.
A1ilch tho rroitcrty Ues That Is
to lie Henefltted ami to lie As. Stato of Oregon, County of Klamath,
bcnmhI for Such Iinpioveiucnt, ami I City of Klnmnth Falls ss;
Ordering tho Publication of This I, A. h. Loavltt, Pollco Judfje of the
Itenuliitiou and the Postlmi of 'o. city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
tlces by tho City Knsftticer: hereby cortlfy thnt tha forsolic Is
rho City Englnoor, puisuant to n duly enrolled copy of Resolution
Council on
thu street from tho northorly sldo ot Wall
ols add Hon to t del y of Kltiiuoth csolitlon of tho Common Council ni'opted by tho Common Coai
Falls' Oregon "nn.l tliots "lit or herotoforo adopted, having on tho tho 21st day ot April. 1919, de
v bovo describe, bo and la hereby 38th day ot April. 1919. filod plans. I Its intention to Improvo Cp
II. r. M'HIiHKK 4
Pli).t.rl.iiis uml .'-urgeouK Y
Offhc, White Hlilg. X
Successor to Dr. Trunx
suit son, i. o. o. F. nidg
Oflhe phone 80.1
Hes Plume 841M
2. 7 and 8, lllock -; an cstinat'd cost Including cement t0 o0t inclusive, of 'aid Hlock 6
4. 5 and 6. Hlock 43; , walks, concrete curbing and grading, to the ct,ntcr nnc ,( spring rtreet;
4. 6. 6. 7 and 8. Hlock 52; of 140,360 00; or bltullthlc pave- thence easterly bclvve-i Lots 2 -ind
2, 7 and 8 .lllock 53; "lent at an estimated cost. Including 3i jjoc1( 60 and Lots S and 9, Hlock
2, 3. 4, 6. 6, 7 and b, Hlock comen' sldo walks, concrete curbing 54i of Fal ,)at,ovo ndJItioi. to the
and grading, of $46,407 00. Said Im- ... llne of Mlchlcaa nvenue. nt
mo ement in either event to Include lt8 intersection with Menlo Way;
grading rolling an dcurblng. and. thence along the northerly ih'.e of
iw. ii riiiiiiM. iimuuicu, Mpnln Wnv to tho s.ouMiwvst corner
nf I.nt 10. lllock r,.l. Second Hot
property hereinafter deBcrlDed bo c..-in. A.i.iuinn m th.- tliv ,.f Klam-
and ben by Is declared benefitted by atn Fnlls Oregon; thmce i orthrrly
between Lots 10 and 11, said R'.ock
53, to the northwes Isomer jf Lot
10. said Hlock 53; tho'ice casttrly
between Lots 6 nnd 7, and Lots 8,
9 and 10, said Block r.3, to ihe west
erl slde of tho U. S. lr-lgnilci Ca'i il
right of way; thence in u lortheast
erl'" direction to tho norihvut point
'r corner of Lot 10, Hlock 41, Hot
Springs Addition O the Clly of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence east
erly along Auburn street to (he City
limits; thence northe'ly along the
easterly boundary of Klamath Fr.lls
to the southerly line of Manzanlta
street; thence westerly tlong Man
zanltn street to the northeast corner
of Lot 10, Block 36, Hot Springs Ad
dition ;thenco southerly between
Lots 9 and 10, and 19 mil 20, saal
Block 36, to tho south'Vlv line of
Portland street; thence westerly
Dr. E. G. Wisecarver
I'HONE 334
Dr. P. M. Noel
erly to tbe most northerly point or
corner of Lot 11, Block 61, Second
Hot Springs Addition, to the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; thrice west
erly between Lots 10 and 11 (it slid
Over Underwood's
Seventh and Main Streets
lxionns liiug., niamain rami i
R17 Main
IIKsOl.t'l ,l)
111. City Luglneer pii'iuan' in a
resolution of the Comiion C iimell Monday, tho 2nd day of Juim. 1919. ,k. u' nf rn,v m,,o tn u,,. nr,h.
bet.ilofore adopted, h.ivliu inder nl the hour of S o'clock, p "l . at the MCst corner of Lot 5 Block 5 sad
(into of January 4th. 1919. filed pl.Uls rnmirl! rhnmliers of the cliv hull, he o' .. t-. c ,'j.j,.,' -w
tin, tiifiiinu - . . - . -- --- - --- -- cn-iuiui iiui oyriiii;s vuuiihmi. (ueaiu
Said Improve- HI' and rallin to ol 1 the fxt.l hs the time and place for the R0UtherI yalong the westerly line of
oi oojecnons ami romon- in,s r.. i". ii. in. 9. s. 7 nnd fi. s.ild
miainsL the said D-iinosetl m t. r n . ,. n ti..n
..,.,. ,.e "lU'rov ement; and the Police Judge Etreet; thence easterly nlotig the
" ., mi m. '"' "ni1 hori',,'. is 'lri,eetl to .wis.j conter eof Wnll 8tree. nml oe.
,'.., : , l ,.i "0,lrl (.,f B'li(1 henrll,B J lm I'l"lh- tween Lot 6. Block 5; :,n.l Lot 16.
nlock 4, said last named Addition,
to the place of beginning.
And that said propany nbove de
scribed an dembraced in siiil Street
Improvement District hereby is de
"inrcd to be assessed for the expense
o fs.i'd improvements in propoition
to the benefits received by euld
pioperty. PROVIDED.
That should property owners on
it .--- iiiiipiiiir itL liiTntifmn tn Imnii.iiii liltli . ... i
III unit .15 south, eriy hereinafter .1. seined i.e and Tha, ,!, Common Cou-icll Uereb.v do ' "" "", " r ""J". ... V;. """ "ree.s man (novo -eoy ui-
"ast Tim sale embriKes hereb Is declined to no lien, lliu-.t. , s ,ntou to fc.ild "' ,;, '"". J""" I 1", fp,V, i".i. . ' , imor.ive , ,,es.r'. ai any h miiiiii.. f.ti.i ,.r m, i. to-wlt t,.,,.,u ,tr t .inrmn so,.,.. .11 .11 ,-( ro Mreet .ind lllt,li street from .ith time, to form another Slivot lin-
I'ln.' I a. i i ii... t.nis it. 12. 13. 14 and I.'.. Block ......., .i,i ,ii...w . ...-..t, B,rt' t0 llu' Btrt'et .Including Inter- provement District, pitllall or
i,,.- ,i ..,..'. V" ,,.:.". ,- i i u .... ..-t ... "r. ! .j?. "'. "'".."" ',., :.... , sictiuns, and approving the plans, wholly within this Imorn ement Il.s-
I i ,;':.." ' ."" n Si'. ' . ,:; ,; I,! B,.V. . ' ,u::.1",.. "r..I' ;,..,';..., H.clflr..tloi an destlmates of the .net ho ..ronertv .ilurtln his
nil ii.,,i.... .... ..... .... ... '. ...i . i. ii. i,. ,, Hm nuv nf Khun. .... .. i. ..n n i. t, ttn... i..,.ni cost HUDiiillied tivttiotltv b.nMieer. imnrovement District .hml not be
, "' -in .tu on. oi less ii.u.t tt. ... u ..... - .f-im tt ii mi mutt.. .. i-....... -.. vil !.- wcp-p .
three iliilh.iu mnl u........,v.ri... ..ti. I'niiu Oreeon i n., .tuiiniiiieii cost. I u'lii.l ii,: . "ii " l' '''"vul ' exempt fro masses inumts for nich
.......". o.-.t. .., ..,.. ..... r."- , , . .it .... - ;; ,,.. 111.1111 lnllrn .In ileo .l i i ... ..... ... . . .
i im w Am nit sad nrnpt'iiy nnovo mi- ,,i,i Hie vvalKH. ciirning un.i g.iui.iiK - umt-i iii.r.t,,u..ii-...3 i., ut.viu ui
Osteowthlc.Plivsilan A Burgoo
8ultt) 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi
(over K. K. K. Htore)
Phone 821 . .
(The only Osteopathic Physi
cian and Surgeon In Klamith
Falls )
Designers and builders of mod
ern Saw .Mills. Planing Mills, Box
Plants. Complete plants ( on trad
ed. Appraisals nml reports made.
Dredging. We commit to build
mi (lass of n building mid install
marliiiicr.i ot any kind.
Drafting of mi) kind done. Blue
Prints iiiade. PHONE 140J
Olllcc in K. 1). Building
nnd Engineer
Klamath Falls, Ore.
207 Odd Fellow h Building
Leaves Van's Auto Ser
vice Daily.
Passes thru Klamath
Hot Springs.
FARE $6.0 0
dav of Anill .1919. d.iclnr- .,.., . i. i,n nmnnrir tn be as specifications and Mtlmutos of tho street
itmitlon to Improvo Mitrkot R0,n,i for hn oxponso of said Im cost ot Improving Espl.umdo from street to intersection ot Esplanade,
. ii i.. ii..n..iTtii . inn nnriiinriir dima iir tt'iii oifnat in oirnni
keretnf (t l,, Coraiiioii Council Mi. ml from tho northorly lino ot Cth ,nVeiuent nnd.
Ith Hi '"'"I'tod, having on tho Mteol lo Hio soulhorly linn of Lot 10, ,: IT piMtTIIHR ItnS1
Hii. y ot M"y. A- ! 1011), fllml In lllock 17. nnd Iho southerly lino Tllt Monday, tho 2nd .Inv (
'.""B. Hllnrlftnr. I .a .. i. II 111 1. 1 O ..f O.wlfttl.l 11 till- .. . . i A.X. - t. O .itlnn
10, lllock 18 of Second Rail
tho northerly sldo ot Wall street to street with Pacific Terraee: Pacific
OLVED intersection of Espla'ndo street with 'Terraeo from Huron streot northerly
of Oitno Pucttic Torrnco; Pacific Turraco from to i'ortland stroot, lnclmuvn, nnd
Y t. . . . v.'V'.'v.'.v
ond Rail- ii in (lt tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M Huron streot northoily lo Portland Portland stroot easterly to tho City
ot Klam- ,,( ti,'o council chnmbor nt tlm city Mieot, lncluslvo, and Portland stieet limits ot tho City of Klnmnth Tails,
iirovo tbo I,,,)! im fixed ns tho tlmo nnd plncc lrnm Pacific Terrnco eastoily to tho Oregon, an dnpprovoing tho plaus,
.1 '. . . I . .1 .1. ...... . t(,1, 1 l.ttlld n tl.A eil.i .. !.... ...... 1. DttnnllMnllnnn n.. .1 Anil... .. ..0 ....
tji.j in.iito .,& ii.u jii .14 iMuiimiu oiiut.iiit.iiiii,iia uii in cost
fsubmlttod by tho City En-
' n, epeclflcntlons nnd estimates of of Lot II
H'n.iii". !,f 1'iilirovIiiK 7lh Htiout from toad Addition to tbo City
... "'"h'l'll Rlleet noitbnrlv In Pros- nth l.'aliH. Otegotl, nnd IIPI
.. V Stroot ; nn.l li.... i ..i i ....nnlfl.t..,li.tta mnl i.Htlmnles .. ,l.n linn.liiit nf rtlilonlliulR nnd in
LniiU. . ' "-lit i iimei'i... niioil liuill i luillin, n'i-'t.,,,vittit.iii' ...... - 1,11 1,111 (it.ittii.rt -' ....j.. ..-- -- - - r, - ,. ,. . .i
-SBlriel nn.ji . . :. . . '. '. .. .. ...t IU...I .... it... n ii. .,.. il.r. ,tl.l niAima liiilln. riropnn n.ul ll... r.ti.ttnll .nv. Il.oren
nil i... " '""niweHioriy to si n Mieot or cost tnoieoi muiiiiiiiioii i) muv.iv; monsiraiues nr.iiiui .... ".-i i- '-.-"" ; --' - '. -
teri Bun Bt,uul fl011 7tl BtroutiKiiglneur. ml Improvement nnd tbo Police Ing talieii sumo undor advisement elnoor.
Shoit Order Meals Served.
aiturt.. .'""" "i.uui nom Yin si
er(.ii.. 8"1 stroot .Including 1"
council liuvlng 10-10t
-iuns ami n...
A. L LKAV1TT. .tiiiIl'o bo. and'heroliy Is. directed tclnnd finding said pinna, speclflc.i
I'ojlco Judgo. cntiso notlco ot said henring to br lions and eatlmntes sntlsfnctory, 10-10t
A. L.
Pollco Judge
72 Jlaln Street ?