PA(JK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, MAY j, , nin, WUTR ,TWO MILLION MEN I i NOW DEMOBILIZED IMGIJN FDRFfGN T j WASHINGTON. Mny 12 -Domoti. 'Miration of tho uar army has now passed tho two million mnrk, nccord- 'Iiik to n announcement by the war (Correspondence of The department. Over one million .mvo now returned from overseas Thirty-two iere cent of ltu enlisted , GET FAVORABLE Klamath N- THE LEXINGTON Mltll.WH PARIS' Associated Press Canada Is In tho I midst of an eneKrotlc camnalKU for,mon of ,ho ,mn, MsorVt, fom, ,, foroifin trade which, from IN I I'OIITI ANI. Miiv I 'J Tho I'rlvato I'll si CIiihh V I' Hooper of tin. 3 1 tit h I:iikIiiihmm. HIM IHil- hIoii H'lnrni'il from oiiima-i si'iilen last l-'rldai Ho IuoiikIiI Hh III"' iast suvi'ial KOiiienliM. iiiuoiik them his results the entire enlisted personel of tho thus far achieved, bids fair shortly, regular navy Is to ho assigned to siv 'ek ''as boon favorahlo for tho ail- tin lint, fciis mask, haionet ami Mini duty Immediately It Is un.l n-t ),., ance of all M-geiatlon incept In "'' l",,t "I1'''1' "" ,l8"' m"r ""," llii" uuriMMii h m ..hi.i t .i i i II to u as 01 ei seat for nine moat h-t and -. -- . .. .... uuitiin 111 1' m- mi...iii. in ii,T ,'ii-.iiiii mill i..iiiin.'iii dltions to tho transport service to push her peace-tlmo exports up to unprecedented figures. On armistice day Canada's foreign commerce, out side of that in war material, was vir tually at a standstill, because of lack of shipping facilities and the condi tions Imposed by war. Today. flo months later, the volume of her peace time trade is said to be eijiial to that before the war. and the receipts to be Kroater. Canada's exports in 19H were valued at approximately S4S0. 000.000. As Sir George Voster. Canadian Minister of Trade and Commerce, who is in Paris, pointed out to the correspondent of The Associated D f S IHUr ffl 1 nf IH ihiiii it .m ri'ioiit III itrtlit counties of Oregon where tho Mill Is ... sonlco In tho Aikoiiiik woods too dry. HcrordltiK to the weekly MK., snm Vl.t(.i ld M'-nt Sun bullet'n. issued by the wt-.ii her ,uv , , j. j Kumaii liiime bureau hole The torn part of the j Mr and Mrs Nance hate boon ' as modraloly warm, the latter ,,.ri. fr(iiii Dunsnnili- tinning at the part was cool, with frost s'voral home of Mr. and Mrs K ti Hails l.-.orulugs There was abundant sun-' j p iii,r is huulliii: lu-iliot vhiuo and over mo-tt of the state 'frnm ,ttu , m(K flu. r, ,, most of tho Mate no appreciable rain rl.atfl)K ,H ,r, f,II A few fln'tfou of know fell In, Ml. ,, Mr ,. A s. hrWn. i llieoistern counties Northwesterly' . ,......,., , i. .1. .., linti- ii itiii'i.f-ii iiiiii 1. 'i in. "..I, 'Lester, of the I' S Nail who has 'been here oil a tinhiiigh Ho loft mi ope- winds prei ailed causing rapid eiapu tatiou This condition was lainr able for the progress of farm wurk. ami was theiofore gratifying to the farmers l:i the western counties where work had been delayed Winter wheat, oats and rjo con tinue to make growth, t Iio wei" report says, but In some localities NEW COMMANDER FOR WEST POINT that The government's del VI' n rating the railroads for the llrst would be helped by rain lto Is well three months this year, or the tllf- headed In county and Is head- j ference between net earnings and j K n rmatllla county. Wheit Is! one-fourth of the guaranteed com-, hendliiK In Imuglas county. -Vejfii; WASHINCiTON. May 12 UrlKudler rensatlon was about I f spring wheat, oat.s and barley isjoeneral Douglas McArthur. forim r!) for all roads under the federal mun- stl n progress. Knrly souu grain hrlgadl.-r of tho Italnhow division aBement. The government's loss for 111 IS ASIIINC.TON. May 12. Dlroo- Press, tho foreign field for Cnnadlan u,r lateral nines in a recent .' m ii npilvmes Is vlrtnnllv without limit, "'u" "f railroad earnitiKs lls.-..i-es The difficulty which is being encoun tered is the inability of Kuropean countries to pay for goods, although they are anxious to got them. Can ada nlready has granted credits of J25.000.000 each to Belgium. Greece. Knmalna and 'France, making a to tal of $100,000,000. Other credits ar under discussion. Large advances also have been made to the mother was J22C.000.000 conntry to enable her to pay for pro- Tho entire government loss Incur ducts for herself and her allies. red In 13 months of federal opora- Cnnada is operating in tho foreign tlon was $4 IS. 000. 000. field through a well organized sys- .Marked reduction of freight traf tem of trade commissioners. This flc under records of similar periods has been supplemented by a trade of similar periods of the last two mission in London and' a branch mis- years were responsible for tho bad 1 fr puiionnllon of apples and prune slon In Paris This machinery Is tie- financial showing and conditions p HI ,st of the commercial fruit signed to get into close and quick April, though not yet reported fully j districts theso fruits are setting touch with European necessities with sh,"v " Promise of Improvement, j huavlly. There Is complaint that a view to placing Canada's natural 1'esplto the big government defl ,liey aru ,ir,,,,,1? 1)miy in Lane and Industrial resources at the ser- clts' lhe '"rector-general does ti- t.,)Unty. Some local damage was vice of the countries over here for contelPlatf nn- KPneral Increise In (l)ns ,,y frost ,,ul ,)C,UV, thnt reconstruction. The results thus far tho tev uf r"te, but prefer, to wait tho eolmorc,u, trllU 8CConi, wcnp. I achieved have given rise to great ,,,, eu sclt,u, injury. some gruwers optimism In regard to Canada's fu- ihnS' . ,' , , uru ,,eI'""1 wl,h 8lira'"K- ,n , ,. Tne Kovernment also Incurred a, Alfalfa, utch .clover and tlmothv A !! , nf p,, 1,.. mr ,' Uef'Clt f ab0Ut tUM0 00 '" P'SM ' " satisfactory growth but In A large part o Canada swart me-momhs. operatlon of tho AmcrIcnn , , rn,n .,, industries are said to be convertible RallwaJr Exprcss company. th). con- theBa cropil. ,,,. nn rnnrM for peace time manufactures. Can- solldate.l expres corporation up to ninp,8 uh!lMl,nCi: for Btockl which adas war Industries were, as a mat- March 1. 1919. , 1Hl(nf. Kool ,,, s,1Pnr1B ter of fact, really an organization of n pronr,,ss uni,,.r fiivril,,u. ,.,. her peace facilities. Sir George Fos- XOTICK. I tlons. Tho number of lambs and ter estimates that the losses wnich calves itrrmnod Ih L-enerallv s.-itUfnr- tho train 'I'uesdui mnrtiiiiK Ills many friends bore hope that ho will soon bo homo for good Is growing well but rain Is needed 1 has been appointed suporlutt'iidotii at to germinate that which was sown tio West Point Military ucmlem Di lator Much ground is being prepared wm r,,v lirlgadlor S.imiu-1 ' 1 . i-i for corn and some corn Is being wh(, r(.turus to the retired list planted. Karly corn Is up in Doug- las ami t'matllla counties Italn Is needeil to germlnato the later plant ings. CondlMons have been favorable JS? Tl DARKEN YOU CAN HltlMS mt'li COLOR AM) LlhTRi: WITH sU.i. m:. AND St'LI'lU'R will be sustained In the conversion, The regular meeting of Aloha1 tory. will he ft minimum. . Chapter O E. S. will be held Tuesday, ' Mn, 11.1. Inllln.lAn o n ,1 mfFnuh. Coupled with the quick return to ents Aj, memberH an(1 vlsitorsbo peace conditions industrially has present Nellie Van Riper. W. M. been the successful working out of the demobilization scheme for the troops. These men are -apirtly 1 s ing absorbed into their old occupa tions. All the Canadian troops re maining on this side will be back home in about two months, it Is stated, ready to take up their pre war work. Snaps all over the house, at 1008 Main st. Seo 'em 9-3t Potato planting Is progressing fairly well In the lower parts of the state nnd is extending to the more elevated districts. Karly potatoes are comllng up well. Garden vege tables nro making good growth lu need rain in some sections Some tepiinr vegetable were Injured bv fr st Get a Travelers accident anil health When ou darken jour bnlr will. ' Sage Tea nnd Sulphur, no one carii tell, because It's done no uaiurnllv. so ovenly. Preparing this mlitiire, l though, at home Is mimsy and trouble-1 some. For SO cents 'u ci.n buy nt I any rdug store tho reiuly-to-me prp-1 i.-tratlon, Improved by the addition ol 'jther Ingredients, railed Wjelh's Suge I i ml Sulphur Compound " Yi'ii Jusl lampen n spoiiKnr soft brmb with it anil draw thin through your hair taking one small strand at a time ll n crnlng all grar hair disappears, and after another application or two, youi ,halr becomes beautifully darkened s'losjy ami luxuriant. l Gray, faded hair, though no ills 'grace, U a hlgn of old age, and as w? all desire a youthful ami attracllie Lippoaronce, get busy at onco with Wyutli't) .Sat" uud Sulphur C'timpouii.l niillrv mill nrotci-t lour Income. ('Illl-- , rotn A Smith. Agents. 9-tf ""' '0('k -' younger. Castellucci on Western Tour Fnmoui Band Director Dringi Concert Band to Chautauqua on Fourth Dny Custellucel, mnvter illreetnr of a master band, cinnes on the fourth tlav of 'liiititiniiiiii with the hg rntislr nl attraction of the week CuslellucerH Conctrl Bund has been n headline iitinictlou on Knsti-ni 'hiuituiujuiis for several jenrs mill llils ,iear iiuil.e their llrsl Westeni tour. Hlgnor Castell'.ii-i'l. illnctnr, In one of the recognized hum! lenders of llrn rank In th ciiuutry. lie was eilui-ried at tho famous Ititeiiiallonal Sr-hnol In Koine whore the grout composer, MuKougnl, was director. Ills stunilllig In llul.i lh altehteil through hlti upperaiice hj niial coiiiiiiaiiil Imforu lhe King nf Italy, Victor Liniimicl, lit tliu Qulriuule Roma. , IlesH (iearliarl Mnrrl'-oii. one of thocountrvfi r..i-i-iii(ist driirniillc reml-rs will iippear both afternoon nnd evening with CaMclluc-d'H Concert Hand, Her tour lust summer oier a midillu westuui circuit villi ibis mine oigfim.'itioii was one ol the blggi-n l'li,iiiiaiiitia Hiiirefhes of tho year. CHAUTAUQUA WEEK, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. May 25th to 30th, 1919. $1995 F. O. B., Klnmnth Futla CAN YOU MATCH IT AT ANY PRICE? X t r-iiAll!?. MM... e :.. V i! .... riivii; i hi- luiiiu- i j-vwiniii oi U-'i(ij ,,.,,. T boil stci'l. It is the .same frame as used in tu. ,j nnn Mannon. ' j I KLAMATH STAGE GARAGE em: t'JT iut sivin mi.,..-. t-s,. S,..s'.s'.. .N'. ' M.'h.W.WAAAAA K. , VVV$$$$ rZTrirryaR iTx . - I I KjKtv iVj?-! ' i;-v- I i!'l! file X J v,&S Mtfal mmsssssmm& :t!Ezm ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. ml:, uf IHE SOLUTION of battery troubles. Ktilp your cttr with an 44 life.. Pi 3rf "patteries Automobiles lExibc " Battery backed by "Exioc" Service JUDD LOW 23 Main St. Phone 22M 'CTV-o. -- ..... im&o !i;-ifi?-MJr3 r .ztt r-. v ,.i uk. m sca& sHiMii -Z'mM&Tm, , -.. . vu maYM iiiji-7. 4.t tf-. JUH tf WuB. " l A Dangerous Belief We should be remiss if we did not. warn our members and others against the belief that danger from Spanish Influenza had passed. Medical authorities look for recurrences, and they cannot promise that they will not be widespread. Safety first! Do not for an instant allow your families to be without sufficient liu1 insurance protection. If present insurance is insufficient, increase it without delay, an on no account allow your insurance to, lapse. J This Company is the oldest in America, and its strength is unsurpassed. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK KO. O. UlilllCII, DISTINCT MANMlKlt Offlcu Owr J.'ii-Ht Htato mill HnvliiK" Jn,t ii FOR CHICKS AND CHICKENS '??ENED. ALL SIZES, GRIT .OYSTER Mumr Ffifi J & See& StOfe EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE i9B cnil,i, ci.,i, c, Phoned 126 South Sixth St. KILLER.