niiiiw. may i, mm. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE HKVKN I nil WILL vt i't f Ionium 'li'lm' it'" will tllgll III ' I" "Hi (Inrmmiv wi.l nut HAM I ' .. ... tf .. . I'Allln. "" I ..-. lull Hi I ; irraw J,ay m.y " ' ,,,,(! NOW ') Til- Vl( iB im i-Ain ! M'1 TOUV TMI - ,,, fi.n-1 in", '"" " u''1,"" "'" .. . i i'. f.ljif Miiniliiir. Mnv ' K,C"th"'" 'l"'" "' N WO FH HAS LEGAL NOTICES I)IiIiIt muni st'ito the shortest period of time for whlrh lio will accept tho PROFESSIONAL CARDS BO TO SCHOOL FMI1NCE GET ILL PI nidi Idle i f ClirlHt IT I A Wonderful I Icaler Our WITCH HAZEL Many preparations are now On the market that aie.suppoM.'(l to take the place of Reed old-fashioned witch hazel, but they have failed to rob it of its popularity. There i- nothing better for bruises, inflainations nnd minor wounds. It is alt-o excellent for the face after shaving. Keep a Bottle in Your Medicine Cabinet. .. Half Pint Bottle 40c Consult Ug It Pays IET ms show you why j Firestono Trui.k Tire will &ivu you firo.itor weir, greater resiliency, p.rcn'ir protection for your truck, greater suvinft in rvpmr mul fuel bills and Most Miks per Dollar. This will not bo moruly n word of mouth demaustru tion; wo want to ftivo you proof of tho ubovo stnto ments; wo wnnt tothow you tho whys nnd whetvlbres truck tiro fuels thtit will positively tnenu n money saving to you. And wo wnnt to ocqumnt you with our facilities, with our ubility to roiulcr you truck tiro servico quickly nnd intelligently. Come in nny time. We surest today. '. a. ken yon llli nnil Plum. Tmttom Truck Tires ' ill Vc, I us. l" ir win inr m .'nllu'i iili.l .tiIh li I he Mini imi M . P v 1 1 ll'ICll H Mt II t"l III I flgliri n i ompileil if I il'H ullufi iiml (jderwoo(rs Pharmacy V'v MA1ATII TALUS OPIUM l 7" I ft IEfi.'vvJ"-' '-v v JL KEnEz3E3B9& tii( being .lli'rlliuted In Imih mid ri'p I li i mi flu ill Mi" imiiili) li) tin' ( lilldri'li t buieii i From ii ntinl of ii In ri: number of ti 1 11 it t minim II Iiiih Im-cii foil till I In I ill 2 y. in nf iii'.h llm boy who i" iniiliii'il In mi liiiol until II" wnn IS Iiml r.-irhid 12,0011 iiiiirn nuliiry limn t ! liOV WllO ll'fl hi liool in II, mnl tlnil In In hit liniii'd viiuili wiih then t iclvliii; more lliuil t'liio year i i - In piv "lli. t iMiultnli-ni in mi Imni I n' its I mi nl i ht iitll," t'.r ii i ill ilil ( ill n ho ' liirc-irtn lii I' i il n fun! In any oilier w.iv I'nii'i I his I li, in on the nntiry of li letter i'iIui iilnl Imy will ilo i'l i uir r Mildly while the earnings uf tin tmv who li'fl m-liool lit II ill in H ii- 1,111 llltln ' li 'n mot have Inrreiisi'd with iIh ni.r i'iii iruiiii Morm hIiiiuii In n it ! nf ui'i'klv uiinilii); Hi II I 'wild i nil- tlin Htiih'iiimil wild 'I'lii' I '-y v.lm lift hi IiihiI nl II nt tlin trim i'ii' liiti'niU'littiiii wiim tniiili' ri'i i'Im d i'ii I'M-nifii of II it ui'nk, IiIh wat'"H li n imlns null uur to t" il wrnk ill v Tin- Ihi lio rniiiiilni'd In M'liool until In- win IS bi'K'iii unrk ill till II Ml'lk At 2o Mm HIlllirll'K WITH f, 'Mi u wct'k for tlin lm lio lft irluiol riirly mid 1 1 ' for lil Ih'IIit filti'd MiiiiH'tlliir Al "Ii tlmy with iiiriilni' 'l ',' iiml $31 rtMtH'i'llM'l). mil! louil wiiki'h up lo Unit tlmi' li id Iilnl '. 1T7 fill no Unit lln liov who ri'iiiiilui'd In m limit lui'l minimi ui'iirlv Mi prrri'iii niiiri' In iilnht i'.irn tluin tin- oilier Iml Iti 13 i'.irH ( liililri'ii hIiouIiI Hl.-iy In iir'iool iih Intir. ii piiHittldii Ihthiiso cilitcntliin inciinii liittnr lulu," tlm nilldri'ii'ii lluri'iiu urui'H "IIihh iiml Klrln who ko to work nt tin- i'iii! of i;riimimir mIiooI niri'l Ki't koimI John Tin1 work tlii'V find to do l iiiiiiully uiiHkllli'd; II offiTH llltln tnilnliiK or rli.inrn for iiihiinritiiiiit Whim thi'y urn oldnr i'm'x find tlir iin xt 111 iiiitriilin'il for llli' nkllli'd work whlih offiTH il fil ' tun' rdiiriitlon nii'iuiH lilr.hor wiiki-h i 'iiMny lio)i nnil KlrlH wIuti tho li'iivo mIiihiI find work that offers u I Mtlh li iiir , i I n i nl ti, As HOI lllll'll I'll'HH I I Mill nfr llli tin- I'i'.im. ( onfiTi'iH . i ("Miir to let tin Mm In i off loo i. mil kihI I'rofi'MHiir Niilln. of Suit- or IVrMtnnl Propcitt """, "' lh" Ii""1 "" " onnlrt'-ratliin for ll ,iliiilitlMrnlo, nt 1'ilwiti' Sili-, "'""'' " whlrh-porlod ulll bo of I'.opi'it) of lllnlilltM-ii l.-ltf. ";"""'l"f"d In nwardlnK mntrnrt .Nolle. I IliTi-liy rjlwii Tint the ,,. ..,,.. ,,,,. rt. ,.,, i-,.. Mimied iidinlnihtrator of th'i - r,.,",,.r inf,,r.,.iiM ,.,.,i t ,i... , - .ii.i iiiiiiivii iiiiii it i' f l mi I. . fi . ti, ,. u ,. .. ,1 .,... 1 f. . t m. t m ' I'PMllllllin IIIIII IllllllUllif ll JU ! lYtV . . y ' ',? ,"r',, '" ' """"y '" '' " H'-lntniitlon Iiitid the rollowliiK ili-orlb'd piT- , ,, .. , hoiiiiI pionrl hidoiiKliii; In Dim said . l'l '""'" 'Hini m Norirr or si r fli. I.uul nu.oMioblle; onn ir-rtlf- ,., ,,, ,., c'ourt ,,,' ,he"SlBtc nl ... or li Hhm.H of tho .apltal lv k orn-on. f..r Klamath County. '.' l" V ,"",'.,' '"." 1"""r"a'', ''" of li'-rt K Wlthrow. AdinlnlBtrator of OiiklHiiH allfonila. one nut . .. le ,;,. f Amil Q ,-, (lc. mill i n nil Hiiiull .utii'lL'H or perorml' u:tn i IMalntlff effe.tH, ' () Any and all of mild mentioned per- 'lnf)l,y r. Hunum and Fannie I' pr.ip.rt) may be h e an. . x- !!...,, i,0f,.mjatltH. mIT'.'m ' ,'! '"y ' ' UHlr.e.n In NoU,t w ,, Khvn lhnt by ,,,.. .' , , !'.K"" . ... "" (,f Mn xerutlmi and order of IKIh r the putrhaie of ..,.,1 p.op- .,(,. ,,,,) ()1Jt , tll(. ,10VP unlU,.(1 rlj will be re.elwd at my pki-o of (.01lrt an(, )n Ul,H ,alJHP on t,e 2ih bi.Hln.'KH and nddrei-H, Merrill OreKon. ,lav of A)rll iil9i u))0n n ,1(cr(.,. or IiI.Ih iu..y be left with or mailed to mmlc. an,, pntered of re.ord In raid 111 V Illtlirill'V I. I. r t MiT T ' 1 I - I J r. , . . - . . j ln..,i.Uly of lh, .em,,,,,. , h.,-, Wl, hulhl h Kin. .11 l-Jl On Vl,1 l ?.'. ' fa""0' "" "'?. " . "Y ." ! - --.- -.- . ..., ... it in ii. i ;i l ii . in ;r.iir fii i mi iim i The al.oi.. ine.itloii.d prop-'v to ri3Ill(.(l ,,jn,fi and against the said lie luld under and by lrtu.' of mi .,.r-.i,,nta ..-.i ,..i, .i. .n I r'ft'tiK the Hale of property -"r'-ln- ifter doe-rlbed, to f.itlfv the sum I of fill 01. together with In-, rest thereon at the rate of S per cent per iinnum from the date of said oecrte nd for the further mim of $100 00 ai attorney's fee and the Hum of 16 60 ai rosti and dlshurs 'lents, now, therefore, by Urtue of laid v 'It, 1 havo duly levied upoi s,ild rejl property and will on ho 'ith day of .May, 1913, at 10 o clock a m nt the front door of the Klamath "'wiWfcjrfJMM Riverside Cabinet Shop All of 1'liriilliire C.iierii! I'lirnltiir.' HrpiilrltiK Siirm for Window mill H rerii Doom MIM.OIt'l KKSII.VKIttai 111 MAIN ST. I'llONi: 170J l.otllM HiiIiiiIh il.putv fur ll,i. i(. pilittlietil of the Heine, to the Ah Hiii'lnled l'i.'H todny 'rofeMor I)u ImiIk Iiiih tniiile a nperlnl utility of the i.onot.ilr Niimylon In northiirn I'rmiin proilun"! uy the ieftnn tlve A. Mauri tsch j IllghtKt canh prlro paid for flno OUI.f.OV IVIHAV PUTS AND ormat KKidcs p liniltlcit to the ll'i'iiilie- nf liepu 'l i u del lib il ri'jioii of hln find In'p 'Are the Ormitn i In bi Mpiir'd'' lie inked "Wl'h I'lelr IndiiHirl.H un liiipiilred tliev n "II hmr i". il tlie egoti in ii r It "til Ii,iik liefur" ne are re.iilv to .ninpi'i' llh them If onlv I'reildi'ilt WMroii woill.l eiimc nnd w with 'i'i n'vn inei whnt utter ruin mid ili tiii"t'n thev lmH hrmii'lit upon our unhappy land 'Ore bllH III Hen the l!eMril"tl l'l with tl'olr i i i" e,i hi. went n Mneli h h Li-en r'i' up iilreadi iiriier oi Hiiie m.uiu upon nppi .'.itni'i of the mnli-re Kiiifl adui nlK' i.ilor to th" Hon It II I'.unn. II, Jud:?.. fount) iniirt of Klamath County. Or- J II IIOIIIJS. Ailrn n'Htrutor of the l.ita'e of (Iiiih Ilitdrlkpen. doc pl. 6-It .Merrill. Orecon I'nstollro Hox 266 KI.MATH KAM.S, OltB. Tin: i'Aieisian ih:autv shop The Harper Jletliod of Sralp Treatment and Shampoo ing Treatment, Manicuring .'HI Main St. Hume .100 Sale of 'llnibfi Kliiliifitli Indian Hi". .'riiitimi, Ml); lleiiil Ij-iukI'IK I lilt. S'lilnl lililh marked oulhide 'Hid, l!lg Hi nd Logging I'nit" and addres- bimI to the Supeilntendent of tho County Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Klamath Iml an School, Klamath Oregon, sell at public auction to the Ageniy, On gon. v. Ill be re'e icil un- highest bidder for cash In hand, sub- W'lth iI"1IIIkIi tigenult th" '.ermmn t'l tiwhi- o'tlock noon. Pacific time, Ject to redemption, according to law, inniln a np"lnlty of deHlnnliig the Slll"'dav, June 7, 1U 1 a, for the pui- all the right, title and Interest of ..,i..! ,!.,... i ., . i i clmw of tluibi r upon about 600 acres the taid defendants and each of them. .iHscntlal tiling'. Tnei e)..n h.i.l i ,,, T,)ttn),i,,w ,-,, aI1(1 3r solllhi m and to the following described mnc'ilne Hir.,y i1..hp, to desir-v Hang.. 7 eapt The sale embraces premises rnflwiiv poln'o 'iencnl ilrnioul'i approxiniatol) h'x million feet of yel- Situate In Klamath County, Ore- who coiiiftiiridi 1 1"1 northern p.'i.fin low pine l.ncli bid must Htate the gon, north half of north west fjiiar- lold .at It will take two 'nl't1 1' thousand feet Scrlbnur tor and northwest quarter of north- . , diclmal C log scale that will he paid en si ui'i rter of section 2, tounshin the rnllwnv "Hteni is in prop- ,or llmt.r cut No bl(1 of egs 21 south lance 10 cast of Willlamette er working oriler nrain than three dollars and seventy-fix e meridian, "Tr uiKportanl.m Is interl.i-ked tents per M feet for yellow pine will or so much thereof as may be nec- wlih nil the Iih: difficult. we iue '"-' ''"'isldered Kath bl dmust be sub- essary to satisfy sald'writ of execu- ... . . . 1. 1 i . .. milled In duplicate and be nccompan- tlon to cope with There In the .fiiiMiio'i ,,.,, ,1V a cultlfk.(l clleck on a solvent Hated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, of rtw nateria'H and the ntiestinti of national bank in favor of tho Super- April 25, 1919. labor If. hv il.inobllUat'rui we j" iuteniletit of the Klamath Indian (il.O. L. HUMPHREY. suliool In the mnount of $2,000. The 2S-2-9-16-23 Sheriff depoHlt will be returned if the bid Is ritf.'f-li'il lint If tlw hlil is np. Wo tlrp nni nn file I.Ji rnifli m we must liiitiKo and f 1 the. i rii--e Cl.,llcit ,in, u,L. required contract and take care of jour fire Insurance, thil ls mi'ther food nor housing ux-ono bond are not executed and presented rote Smith, l):ta Main ft. 9-tf tor within thirty das from such acceptance. The right to reject any ami all bids is reserved. For conies of the hid and contract forms iiiiikn fuller un' of the mnals but nmj for other information, appllca these canals perveil iih lines ,f d tion should be made to the Indian fense for the enenu Their I .inks ore Superintendent, Klamath Agency, lebri nnd .Ur. n n ,.on ,, ituiiiiiHiua, xi , iiHii -Jt AJi. CATO SELLS. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. lOt - . ?".".. '..'..lMM'M'.l'M'H,,M'MlH'HH'lAlVt II. C. SCIIMT.F KITH I KINi: SI III.HKI'' PIisiiian- nnil Surgeons Of.'I-, White IIIilx. DR. G. A. MASSEY Suciessor to Suit liOtl, I. O. Ollice phone 811.1 Ites Pli.ine HUM llr. Trunx O. V. Hills DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE HUII.DING PHONE 3H5 w ( (" ' liiliiir we uiiist transport the in mi lo plan's where thev are needed Den datlon. To provide It, we iiyaln 'ined tranHportntlnu "We are :iHi;cd whv we mti'iot high wage fo ra beginner Hut these wages Hi'Iilimi grow because thn work TR, contry runi iciUlri'H no training ' A posltlou with n Intuit and Hteiiilllv InrrenHliiK wng.'H reiiilreH sdiiiol triilulni: Does It h.iv iiintlnile .vour stud le Filticallon iiii'iiiin a HiirroHsful liattered. they are full nf need dredging .Many of tl.e locks nre dcslrojed. "The pltH of the coal mlnlir: dis trict are flooded In places On-j or " 7" ' ; " . ., i, . .i i . ., , . . K aimilh Fnlls, Oregon. April 29, two may bo worked prtl In ,x to 10I9.The un(k.rsKned will receive eight mo'iths but It will be :i,. or ,,is at tll0 offlco of the Reclamation six years before the ar.i In Service, Klamath Falls. Oregon, un- proper working, condition iigiln til two o'clock p m. Juno 5, 1919, uhrn ,r. .. ... n.,,1 .1... ,i. .-., when the same will be publicly open- en, inr l lie reclaiming oi unoui i,uuu rilZeil t nit nr,.u .. luihihi tnn.l Ki Pristnl Preelf devastated to a degne of which neo Marsh; 1.000 acres In Hnnk's Mnrsh, pie have not the faintevt idea There and 19S0 acres In Pelican Hay Marsh, Is not n house left standing in I.pus I'PI'er Klamath Lake. Oregon, within ii..... ... i.i .. t i .. mo iviiiiuiiiu i rnjett. .mi reiuai iu are we to lodge and feed n be exnrted for the use of the land; mining population and how are W- io 1)Ul tlll. UCCessfiil bidder will bo re LiFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift .sore, touchy corns off with fingers WNIi"Vl'VHfl Dr. DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 3.VJ Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets retrain our prewar outuiit of 'Jo il HI. mil mil in hei.Mn wnrk within six and useful life. It pavs the Individ- ,, ,()8 )f roa, n X(,1(. l)tll ,t.n months from the date of the contract; mil IMurntlnn means efficient .vorl:- ,,, ... , , , ,, ,,,, to complete the work within three s ) FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Uldg., Klamath Falls e,H It as the nation Hiow this AHk(, f rranr(. 'tt,M riKII.rllIK ' "' ""' ""'oo 00 for oes'1 "urt a blt' Drop a little , vr P. rents and ask th. in uhul mn of the textile, metal mm.ufa-tar ,!," reclamation of Crystal Creek freezone on an aching corn, Instantly Marsh lanuV.i. bond of $10,000,00 for uml lor" slo',s n"'"B. men jou mi the th nk iibotit It Sta) III Hclioul' f lUi c L E URALGH GONE lug or sugar refining machinery i tul en bv the Cerinnns. he renlleil tin- li the reclamation of tho Hank's Marsh mm STOP was difficult to transport it and most It right out. Yes, magic! for1 A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but1 a few cents nt any drug store, but is Dr. Jnrucs' Headncho Powders give instant rolicf Cost dime, a package NiTVe-rarklng, pplitting or dull. tlimliliing li.'iiibuli.'s in l'l in just n few . iiinitiiit to llr. .Imiii's' llciiiliu'lie 'n- li m wliiili i'i "t t niily 10 u'liU a puck- iil'.i nt imy drug Hture. U'm the ijuiik. rot, niiiivil lii'iiilurlii' i.'Ilcf In tin' v, hnlii 1 wiiilil Don't BiilTer Itellevi' tlm ngniiv iiml il!ti.'H iinu'l iiii ran. Miliums uf ini'ii ntnl wnimi linve fi'iiihl Unit lii'itdacliii mid mi.ralin iiUHfry la iacillcn. (let wlint Jim imk for lands, and a bond of $20,000 00 llm r.'ptn Hint lull nf tlin Ppllpim llllv of the 1'ri'ui'h lilantH were not vet m.,-. i. i...,.i. . ,1.1 i,.,.i ... i... ,..ui, ready to receive it "I know onsen of an acceptable ' Surety company as 8,lf"c'ent to remove every hnrd corn, Cormnns npproachlng the original surety, conditioned for a faithful oft c". r corn between the toes, owner-i of machinerv and offe-lng in compliance with the terms nnd pro- and the calluses, vvlthcut soreness or ,, .,' ,..,', ' visions of tho respective contracts jnltntion sell them back their own propertv ,,,,, b , f p,Z, I. th. ,M-,ii,i .thmr they had stolen from them. " he said. nllv or all three tracts but In award-, rt0 th "n.ntlonal discov- "Then there is the lug the contract each tract will bo ery of a Cincinnati genius. It is won- iiuestlon," I... continued Tho arable ciinsfilcred as a soparato unit Each derful. soil In these part'i is nnlv ten Ineh'H deep Heneath it Is a sub-soil of lm. tt n chalk. The good soil thn' g'ows wheat where is It '1 he farmers w'U hiivn to begin right froi.i the h.";.u ling again, as the siuaipr- did ii Amerlia. that is, they will hive to prepate the soil for eulth it ion Lab or and transportation again' Not in fifteen or twentv )e,iirs Mil! that soil produce mijthlni; in t'.J way of food grain." CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY R17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD 0teouthlc Phfi-leLin A 8urgeo Suite 211. 1. O. O. K. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 21 . . " (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon Iu Kl&outh Falls ) Counterfeiter Caught 1 to- , .iAM.,... A great cure for all Ills at the Hot SprlngH Hath House. It l . 1 Van's phone number is the same as always 298-W. 2'tf CATTLE RANGE IS IN GREAT DEMANDi imr,ys n &::&'& WZ' f'MW'W !!( it. . .VJ I t,, iju.fu.' ' l 111 MMm, frr ,;..', i, mj7).wiv,i,iri " i mffl . ' !i MtStSXm I ILMi. i !.L-iti.",!r:n.r.i!k"v.vTi niii mum . r if il hmimm r Vrtti. x ii tyi.f t vrHAu . 1 1 ' flMf1, i . ave t&eleathei.'2u Ileep your Shoes Neat F n.r.uirc: .... irDc,TriPC WU BI-ACK,WHITE,TAN AMD OX-0LOOO (DARK UROWNJ SHOES "" KF.PAi-l.CY LfJIlPOUATlONSi UP, UUffALD, N.- I I.KWISTO.V, Idaho Mav - J. (I I Peterson of tho United States depart- ( moot of iigrieultuie has been in the1 i city conferring with O. P llender-l I nhott, secrotniy of the Northwest iLlvostmk show, lcgurdlng conditions In the livestock industry In Idaho. Mr. Peteisoii is Iu tho bureau of ani mal husbandry and Is making u sur vey of Htock-ialslng comlltloiiH In the western stales, with special regard to opening up now ranges for cattle The Investigation Is largely dun to imiulrlori Unit have eoiiui to tho fed eral dopartniont from discharged sol diers nnd other prospectlvo settlor. In this part of tho country The New York health authorities had a Brook lyn iiuiiiiiiutiirer i nti need to the peniti ntiary for telling throughout the United States millions of "Tnlctim powder" tahltts as Aspirin Tablets. Aspirin "DONTS" Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets say "Bayer!" Dnn't btiy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! Don't forget that the "Bayer Cress" is your only protection against dangerous counterfeits. Don't fail to say to druggist: "I want 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' in a Bayer package." The genuine! Buy only the regular Bayer pack age with the safety "Bayer Cross" upon it and on each tablet inside. SAW ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers nnil huilders of mod ern Saw Mills, Pl.miug Mills, llox Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals mnl report made. Dredging. We t to tiulld any class of n building mid install maclilncr.v of any kind. Drafting of mi) kind done. Dlue Prints made. PHONE 1-tOJ Ollice in K. D. Hiilliliog sjL of Aspirin The genuine American owned "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Tho Rreat popularity of th Travel. I ers J.uvv t. un l uiinriiiiiei'ii iii.i iwi" ln'cs is rellected Iu tho fact Unit dur , Ing 11)18 this progressive eoiup.iny Is ' Hiit'il moro than 8mil,0U(),()()0 or new life liusluesH. Ask Clilkolo A Smith Inbuilt tho NEW 1U10 polli'lea. !l-tt Aspirin l the tnile raaik of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacttlcaclJeitcr of SalkylicariJ Headache, Neuralna. Toothache, Farache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains. Neuritis. Proper dosage on every "Bayer" package. lloxes of 12 tablets Hetties of 24 Hottlcs of 100 Also Capsules. LIEUT. HURHURT A. POAGE Ardiitett nnd Structural Engineer Klamath Falls, Ore. 207 Odd Fellows Building KLAMATH FALLS ASHLAND STAGE Leaves Van's Auto Ser i vice Daily. Passes thru Klamath Hot Springs. FARE $6.0 0 VSfPVi'NiiifVSWNi'SiViVSiPSVSiPfP.w t SHANGHAI RESTAURANT 4. v CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE $ HOUSE .j. Short Order Moals NtrviM. j 73 Slain Street KLAMATH FALUS, ORE. j ! .Win.'""