THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGK FIVE ILK POLICE F P ERSONAL MENTION l.llll.fc illlKI.IHlIC ll ,iim, IMI I'KMMJN MUI Mil l'WII'1,1: M.' HIM rVV 4MIIIIIMTY IIOIMIH AMI I'dMIMH Ml' II il M I'MI.KM LIBERTY THEATER T T TlirilHIMV, MAY H, in II), NATRON CUTOF GHIEF IS SHO T N IL "THK PICK OF Till: I'lCTt-'ItKS" iiiiiiiiii'i'iiiiiV''''i'''M llM l ii.mht " ': W,.SlllNi'l'lV KII.I.S who c.riTiii:i him. i:rn m:k i ''' oVi:,t "IVI:,! Mr iiml Mi- ii 11 M........... ..,i... it- . "' " ."r nun .tirn. - v l.oosley rtnd OI-'I'II'CII ,,,,v" '"'''" ,H'r" fr""' Tnlmil. Oregon (Iciirgit V Loimley urn In (own from turn ,t nlll ...111. i. .. a . .i . . . ... .... .. iBll nun iimt iiiriniirN nrotner, run Klmmith for m Hlmrt visit. TIijy W (' Meiouier. left mi llin (ruin In. am guents nt tin; lli.lnl Hull. iiny lor Anliliunl Krom Hint point Hiny will return to their home. tiih iiAi.i r.s. .May 'hi. .,ro(!lM""l "f tl'" '"' M "'" '"" dfalll) In J 'if'"' yMlurdiW In irrtnlfil i " wl'lcli 'm 'Inj;i;Mt to b l.fl llri't'"'" w.uili'l li.r Hit robbrry of 1 1'" WiiNlimiKul Hank. Clb bonill'''l i" li'i'ir" nr lialiiit hIi.u Hull) HH'ii mirupi'il hill lino ltd rn HPlurnl '""I ' li""Hy iri:iuiU'lil m purmil'iK " ol'wr. The riililuT exchangi-d hIioIh .villi Moril eft on tint iriiin (his iiioruliiK- I'ullriui llotiil. John lingers riiniii In hint night nil matters of litiklni-HH from Sim- WllHlllllHtOII. SOITIIKHX I'ACIKIf lt,l,ltO.l III TICIAIi MAYS AM. ItAIMIO.ll) impo.hmiiim-: i. iKit ii;m:it.L co.vntoi. J H llrlffllli left Hiln morning for knno ol Kim I'riinrlHro iiml other ('iillforiiln ImiIiiIh, where lie expects to Join Iih! ' '' J,"""' of llotiiitiru In look lirotlnir mill Mm Mnry (irlffllli, who iuK "f,1'r '"hIih-m Interests In inn Iff t ii Hlmrt tlmti ago. County Kent for n few days. POUTLANI), Mny 8. Construction of tlif Nntron cut-off or any otlnr i.'XliTiiluii of tho Southern Pacific lines In Oregon will not bo consider ed by officials of the corporations tin- C W. Webster mill II V. Tarter.' I':,,rl ' Mer'nll of I hi! li.lrd Hnafl- who liavnhccii hurt' forn few dnys on 'Hi"rlrH CDiiifmny ciuim in tast nlKlitj l" congressional action linn deter millers of laiHlnrnH for tin. Kim... "'" " ""hlnglon I). C. nth .Mnniifiictiirlng Company. Inft on '" "'" 0I""" '""trlcl. Ihl! tliltll lIllH tiir Mlfml ton. HIm linmn Ih mlncil the statu of tho rallrnids whi'ti tin- lines revert from govern mental control to private ownership Such wan the statement given by Washington hint for .Sun In Komi, ('nllforiila, wheiu they iuicct to imiki! an i-xicihIimI vl- II. Mra. It limlii lluriii-tt Iiiih ri'tiirniMl to her hoiiin In lorrln after n vlnlt in Klamath 1'iilln. the purniHT In nlnlil. crnil "f rltlifnn trloil In Irk" ihi, bumlll ny front Hlmrlff C!irl. min. lini In- mi riTapluri'il Inn th ihnllf ht'lil thn ni'ii off nt tin' Mint of n kiiii anil put th prlmnw r In Jill, (illilmim I""' nrrmtnl th men Mr- "nil Mm. I'lnrce Comhii let! but hml nut m'lircliPil them. wIipii one thin iniirnliiK for n vlnlt In .Munugua Kim ami nliot him on tho wt "nu rnKa. fuiirornlii. Kri-il llroun wuh In town yentrrdny with hi pi wlfo ami fumlly from Cry. , Dial, looking after hunlnens Interentn in Klamnth Knlln. palled a to the Jill VANCOI'VKU. May 8. Tweti'y tm hundred dollar of WnilinnicO bk money wti recovered lat 'ilc'il whin a bandit known ax u irrrnted ll later etcapod loondln nnn of the poaio in the UBd. lie l mill t larito. I Ullllatn Kiiinner, wiih iiiiiiiiik thu itialn arrlviiln lant iiIkIiI from Med- t... ,. .. ...... .. . . ..... Juiiub ni i.iiniiiuii. uiiuirillllll III me .Mm. .1. II Morrln mid Mrn Walter ford, lie Ih a cnenl at thu White ,.,., i.. i,, .. .i...., ... the .Southern Pacific corporation, who with a Kroup iff officials of thnt com pany and reprenentntlven of thn I'nl ted Htiiti'H Itnilway ndmlnlHtratlon, In maklnK a tour over the llncH of hia 1 company. ' "Our corporation Is spending a large num of money In Improvements of our properties In Oregon and wll ! continue to do so In order that our ; lines may continue to be both smooth "A Woman's Kxpcrlonce." In which ond ate- Thl" work consists of the tho fascinating star. Mnry Iloland, is 'W1" of mnny ml,e of heayf rMn seen at nor vory best Is now at the . unu ,no BnB " e roauneus Liberty theatre. I wl,n 8ned rock and gravel. The story which was written by' nut consideration of any exten Mr. and Mrs. J II. Mitchell nrc hern for n short visit from Illy. Mr Mltrhull In a well known cattle buy er. 4 At the Theaters H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT "A WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE" Featuring MARY BOLAND "HIS BITTER SELF" Two Reel Keystone Comedy Tomorrow "CAUGHT IN THE ACT" A Society Comedy Drame. With PEGGY HYLAND. Regular Prices, 10 and 20 Cents ITIinro.. H K' Mnr,ln '" ,hl" ' f,,r,that past master of drama. Paul M. lonsmust necessarily be delayed nn Mid Ulr Hncrn"n h" 'llfornlB Poller .author of "Trilby," "Arsene'"'. '" ou' "tatus-when the points, where he expects to vlnlt for a nhnrt time HOUSTON'C Mrtropollua AaiMaMt J HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE II A NO N J Wrtlsmday M HalunUy MirhU. JAWS' MUHIC. STAR THEATER TODAY Meet 1'lctnrr lMita IVXSTAXl'K TAI.MAIKJK THK LKSHOXV Mr. and Mrs. II the train this morning for Weed, Cat , Ifornla, where thny expect to ro. main. Mr and Mrs. I .en Kluven are re I rent arrivals In tbls city from Ited ' (Unit. Callfoinla. 1 Alfred hmlth came In yesterday ' ufternoon for a short visit from , Ijikevlow. i i ,.nin nn.i nth.. ... ..... lines are turned oacn 10 us. me which' have been presented on both ! r,lroad of ,he "britry. as monthly llnnfleld left on iUro and screen, 1. decidedly the are losing money, jn mist exciting of all Mr. P-tttfB , "" "l V" :",, i 7 , . . effective by the railroad admlnlstra- ... . i .. tion. In 1918 the deficit of railroads .k k nT!" ZV,V I, . W. country was large and. Judg- though it deal, with the problem. Of iag ffom ,utthwhu beInf lg8Ued thl. married life In exclusive society. i,,Saf tho 1918 defwu wl be gtm unlike any story you have ever read -fjf or seen, and In Its development pre-' "Tho revenue secured through the aenta many new and thrilling sltua- ,ncrealle of mi,, j,aa been far less lions. i than the expenditures caused by both Although Intensely dramatic and . u,e Increased cost ot materials and even tragic at times, the delightful , the Increased wales to the employes I I. n fl.wliav Ka ah.i MiHtlrromiOfiH ind llm iHarrh for hannlnftkii . t AAmA.niM Whan th ll. been discharged from the aviation I which la ultimately found, prevents j roads of the country were taken over service Is In the rlty for a abort "A Woman's Experience" from ever time on business. He Is stopping at 'reaching the depressing stage. On I the Hall Hotel. i 1 Glenn D. Hart la registered at the 1 White Pelican Hotel from New ork Two Iter In of fiootl Comedy. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle I'mrnit JACK 'AIIIIK "MYSTIC PACKS" ,lo l"the .ewn Utrt Current KvenU. Adtslulon to A to cent MaUnec 2-10. Kvenlnga 7 1 80 A 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION riCTUKKh TTJEHIIAYH AN HATUHVAYH Merrill, Onms City. J. W. Hoyt Is here on matters ot business for a few days from Ashland. H. M. Gllllnm is from Portland. recent arrival C. I., McAndrnws, who has been In Han FrunclHcn with his family for the lant seven months Is now In the rlty. Ho will sttiy a short time and then go Kouth again. He expects to bring his family homo In June. "TWO HUNDRED POUNDS OF RADIUM m !!! I Ml ,-l-Z . WATCHES FOR GRADUATES H In tlinu to roiiHldor thn present for your child lieii Kim or ho graduates, "nil thero H no better Present than a good watch iimm moru doHlreil by ly or giil. liimliiu wntchuH nt Wpp's wi lmvu a largo Muck of n,, .Bi Aniorl ru mid SwIks iiialdis. ''fie aii) fiim watch val lies. Hrrbsman Wins That Name In Chau tauqua World. .1. C. llerliMiinn, lecturer on the fifth lilllht ill ('hiiiitainiiia, Iiiih iiinro "pep" and punch to the tiiinrt Inch than any nther mini on the plntfnrui. The folkti of the Chniitaiiiiin world call him tho the contrary, It haa a charm and In terest that will delight any audi ence and send them away happy. It la truly one of the very great by. the government many were on the verge of bankruptcy and it la cer tain that It the lines were returned to private ownership at the present time many could not survive." With the power of making rates In The newest shapes and '""i r n h In brucolut witches uro huro. Mi:S W.VTCHKM WH.00 to l7rt.0O U'ATlXAIXi.; WATCIIKH WHMIO to 50,00 "HACM.kt WATCIIKH VU.1.00 to 950.00 Frank M. (Ipp JKWKIiKH oil Main St. 'flclnl 8. l Wntch JllBpOCtOf, T3' S1 aflaVSriaMiasaW. ftV flaaBasai i HgSi Hpj playa of the acreen, and it la earnestly. ' the hands of public bodies and the urged that you avail yourself ol tho j Question of wages virtually out of the opportunity to see it. corporation hands, Mr. Krnttschnttt I stated that future extensions and do- ' velopment of territory will depend "The Lesson," tho latest ot Con-1 largely on the terms granted the rail- stance. Talmadgo's Select Star Series roa(ls by the government for opera- In which sho is presented by Lewis, ton Bfter nnes have reverted to priv- J. Selznlck, and which will be seen ute ownership. here tonight at tho Star Theatro, Ih When Mkei t0 express his opinion a pago from the intlmnte dally life op wnen railroads would revert to of ronl American folks n hundred I private ownership again, Mr. Krutt per cont human. It wns directed by ' Bchnitt employed thnt classic expren Chalos Rlblyn, ono of thn bestgon consisting of three words col known voteran screen directors who aensed.lnto one. often utilized by a hus registered many successes by hls fnmoUB gtaKe tffif "Damflno." Constance Talmadgo, Mr. Qlblyu hns( -There Is no other way to answer also directed "Scandal." "Tho Hon- fho question," he stated, "for the cor oymoon and "Tho Studio Olrl,' pornto officers of the railroads have ouch of which has achieved treinen- absolutely no Idea when the rail iIiiuh pnpulaitlty und rovealed tho roads will agal return to private Htur and tho director liui new lli;lt mnnnKement and control." j After ho hud been worklin? on( jir. Kruttschnltt has not visited "Tho Lesson" for about two .voks, i Portland for a number of years and "Director (ilblyn wiih asked -what lieitntod Inst night thnt his work has j considered CmiHtniico TnimulKo'H dcen so heavy during tho past two moat Important attribute, i.s far as, yenrs that he has not been outsldo of ! ticroon Hiiccess was concornod 'Sliojiew York during that tlmo until he Is absolutely plastic." ho replied ; started on tho present tour, which he "SiiggeHt nn Idea or a pose, and ilm vtmoil was being mnde into an offor adopts It linniedlatoly and iiinkus it i to cover tho greatest amount of mile- THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Aa Well as Any Kind of Music is at the- KLAMATH FALLS ".j MUSIC HOUSE We represent the best makes of Pianos, from a Steinway down, also the three stiwi-. -ard makes of phonegraphs: The EdiseJSTJi fctaond Disc, Victrolas, and the CrumliU Grmfonolas. -. I 'I - We have received many late records fju all Phonographs within the last few davjsji -t i You are always welcome to come in and listen to the world's best music, produced on the world s best instruments. ( KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Geo. A. WJrtz PHONE 125 733 MAIN ST. "two-hiiiiilroil-poundH-of-rndliini man," so remarkably docs ho radluto entliii fIiimii, Ho wns formerly bend of tho De partment of Public Hpeaklng ut ono of our great Universities. Slnco coming j to tho platform ho has reiiched n high plneo niiioiiB American lecturers. Ho Is an orntor mid thinker of tho first rank. Ills addresses lmvu tho red blooded vim and vigor tliut uppeul to every American. U. H, MAY AHSUMK CHAHGK OK AltMKNIA her own. Sho has all (ho plaKtl-Iiy of clay, and yet all tho stroncta of tho finished inarhlo. This Is iie most stHking thing about hor, end I know of nothing more valualilo in n photoplay, whero each niomiuit de mands tho adoption of a new Idoa and thn expression of that Idea In porfoclly ' uiidorHtnndublo nctloni." Tho elements ot myslory, snrp.-hio, ! norm. n Intrigue and Oriental I'liilil- tloii'iiro all liitorwnven with skill nnd dramallc effect In TrlnngloV lat ost play, "Mystic Faoos," .vhleh la to bo bIiowii ut tho Toniplo tlioator tonight. Ynnorn Jnpanoso delivery boy, and his dog bnlk tho agents of tho knls or when they ronch out to obtain pos session of nn American Hod Cross Blrl, A bonuUtul romniico, with Tnmn, "Tho Precious Jewel," thronds h'.un tlngly through this tenso driiini;. Dlroctod by E. Mason Hoppnr nnd written by E, Mngn,ua Inluton, ','Mys'tlo Faces" Is u',;play of more than. ordinary Interest., "fcffHiViIll lltrt rw-w Mn . irun -ii!LnMASKStoro PAHIS, May 8 I tl syxpectod that tho United Statos will bo 'apkod to 3U0CO1110 11 llllllllliuuiv iui jw.i.u.u... Probably 1'rosldont Wjlsop will sub mit tho miUtor to'coiiBross.1 l nge In tho shortest spate of time pos sible Ho Is accompanied by Paul Shoup, chief executive officer on the Pnclfie coast and vlce-presldont of tho South ern Pacific company and ) it num ber of railway administration ifflecra Including W. K. Scott and William Sproulo, federal manager of tho Sou thern Pacific. .LP. O'llrion. fodoral manager Oregon lines Joined tho par ty at Ashland. . t nil "V WILSON PARDONS . FIFTY PRISONERS WM"MWWMWMraPMrrArrAAMlrAAAr-AMrrVVMVWWWW BAINUM BARLEY ciReus MAY 9th - - 9th & Pine "Benefit Christian Endeavor Society" WVSNV ...-:: Wilson has granted, clemency to 0., men co'nvictedof osplonno whohavo.j IV tri V TJT TTW Tl TfVTT nbwmorvod terms of ono year. Tho f I Uh I H I I li I .11 1 ll ls'lncludos Tholdoro Wilson, Henry Jones ami,-Anton Jacobson, all ot uregon. , , ,?J' HVNAllIANH (.KU8K r nii.MAVIANS .4 AHSIISTICE COPENHAdji May 8 Hungar Ian.( comraunJs'tVigoiJtjrumeiit, hus ro f lcl tlib arfsttt terms of tvnd by tH6, Vumunla'usjantl 'dectdod fo fht to' thp'iutmopt .According to n,.l)uda '. .(I.. '.i.ilLLA I $1995 F. O. B., Klamath Falls CAN YOU MATCH IT AT ANY PRICE? CD A ME. rpha -ft-nvriQ in V-annt inn nf 09 nrJnf nop. bon stefil. .'It is tlip samp fvnnifi ns nsprl in thn $4,000 t . - - --- -------- w ,..- -.. . w -r -, . 5 Marmon. I .... 1 , KLAMATH STAGE GARAGE S ONE -137 ' - 127 SIXTH 8THEET ....,4....j...4,.5...4..;..x..:....k:..:..x..m....:...:.K'-'.," J4 -aaHunaiuapiiwipiBP " y'Pr M'fj il i. .. . . t A)' )" t