TI'IIKIMV, MAY tl, 1IH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAUK FIVE ha WNS 1E1EIUE o H HI DARK r ERSONAL MENTION IMII- itlll I lllll I- UN iii U iHII'hMMIs AMIIMI lilt I'lMI'l I' UK llllsirn MKIMIt MIINflx (MiClHIIMImil'llllAI II,K .-.HinM.MOTIM'lI'MIHM'IfKTIi ',,(J H t COLOU AMI 1.1'H. Ti;OllMt pbur piikM W ' lidrf, I"""- Xtnit t,.'ii"t"i'. '''" shiuti' of lrk. ,!ni.yMr " ",,ly ' '"' ,,y ,,r"w" " ' .... t u,. Tim I Hill. inn'" ' " , y, i Miir l your charm. 11 tllll fllCl'. Wllt'll II ii y or streaked, Jiift mi ...Him ..r ln til Mint' aim mil. Eur 'i.lii" "H oi'i'c-iiriuid' 11 him ittitoU . ii ! vr 111 irri'i" ""' n gel I'll riimoim 11111 ,i bv llin addition or t,tn for Mi tent n large .11 fur UK'. II In lulled nil Kiililiur I'niiipmitul. i, tin depended upon (o II. M MrFtidileil, sperliil riil'ri'Hrn tntlvn of (tin KIIIkoii U'llllii I'hiiui.iir Him Hiplmn wlm him h'eeii here com pleting iirriiiiKi'iiii'iilN for llu big ('Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii left fur iiurtliiirn points 1I1U nieriiliu: Ho held 11 meeting wild lliimii who are promoting the iiffiilr hero Into ymliTiliiy afternoon. . Mm. Henry Wilson, wife of Chief Of I llllCI' Wllmitl. llllH KOMI! 10 l,oi Angeles for 11 months visit with her mother Mm M !:. drei'ii Hoy I'roimt lull II1I11 iiiiirtiini: Denver. Culoriiilo. lie Iiiin been cenll.v illHrhurgi'il from the military service. Mr. mill Mm It II. MiColliiin are luirii from Kresiiu visiting ii 1I10 homo of Mr. mill Mm .1 II Mct'ollum on Nlnlli Street They have come for hiiri) with the Idea of p-muliilng pur-re- niiirieiitly In Klamath County. Iion't lure; X"1 ' irtH I"'"" other Hie""''' Mile i'11 "" Wrll" ' Thi run '" trlM bark " liniuriil color onil lu tro(your inir Ktrryln " "WyoOiV Hnge mil Sull'ln.r 1 mpiillilil now because It drkni ' iuii"rully mill evenly tMt iiuluiib .111 it'll ll lnu !" ip- fiw, V" umpiy dampen 11 ihiiiki er iit I""'1 ""'' " mul ,,r"w '''" throucli i'"' ,,,,,r Iik oii' small iirnl "t 11 "" by moriilng ll"' urnv lilt hm irniin'.in.il. nml nfT an other nt!l ''"U becomes I"1:' tl fullrilrk nml appear Klonsy and Ins-troui. Mr nml .Mrs. Waller ('nmpbull hnvu returned in their homo on HpniKUit Itlvnr nfliir 11 nhort vlnlt In Klaiiiulh I'iiIIh. Marvin ('rutin, a prominent kIuck man from Ilm Illy fcrllnn Id looking alli'r IiiihIiii'hh ItitnrcHln In tlm County mat for 11 fiiw ilnyn. Mr. nml Mm. .Iuiiipn I'i'llon rniiii' 111 yniitiirilay for it Hlmrl vIhII from liuii. I10111K In I lie W001! Itlvi'r Vulli'y. V. II. CuiIiIi'hh, ilii ni'w irprltitor ill KhkIm ltlili: Tiivitii Ih 11 IiiihIih'hk vlHllnr In tlm County Hunt. It. M. Aiiilcrmii In n kucnI at iliu lloti'l Hall toilay from Sun KranclH 10. Mm. Mary Mnmrow In ilown for a Hhorl vlnlt In tlm city from Chlloqiilii. J. M. I'ttnr Ib lii-rc for u lmrt tlmn tin in.'ittt'm of IiiikIiii'hh from Kort Klamath. Ilu In a K 11 cat nt tin; Hotel J I lllll. Mm. Will (i. WIIhoii left today for Canyon Clly In (Irani County, whuro lit' has lii'un mllvtl hy thf hitIoiih III iii'kh of Imr dlhti'r. Mm. Henry Her hurnitr Hh uxpi'dH to b- roiiu about a month. Mm. Harry I). Wntem loft thU inornlnK fur Iu")inimilr, whuru sha H OUSTON' Mrlrt'Hilllnn Ainunrmrn is Mm. May MrMiihon wan ainiiiu: tlm tliiln nrrlvaln latt nli;ht from Oak-j cotiiluctii a millinery ittore. laiMi. Mit ih Moppiun ai urn wniin I'ltllciin Hotel. Itay Talliot in rt'Klntcri'il Hntfl Hall from Illy toitay. i:. H. TerwillKiir, who Iiiih heen in .town for a few iliiyti. left thU mornliiR at tlm for MrCloiiil, Cnlifornla. after which I hit will Kt) to Hud llluff. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE TWO XHMT' MiniH) A Xiimlii)' .May llh A. .1th. Tlie HlU Mulrnl Spiflnrlo "MV Wll.lllint I.IIII." 4(1 I'ci'pltv -J Sprt'tMl ( lit: STAR THEATER TODAY Jrr H ljuky l'rornli VIVIAX MAItTIX In "t'.VCiaiMKII (JOOHS" AImi Two Itcrln iff (SimmI Ctimnt)'. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY .Mtxrt K, Smith I'rr-riilK Klltl.K WIM.IAMH In "A MOTHKIt'H SIX" AUii A IIIk V. Ctimrtly. AdmUnlon 1(1 A IK cet.M Mallnrc 230. KTrnlnca TiRO A 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'lCTUIlKh TUKttllAYH AND HATUUDAYH Mwrlll. Orfwtin Mr nml Mm. I). W. Crawford of f'hllitiitii are uiiiimi; lodily'H vlitllnm from tlm outiildii rountry illntrlctn. ' Mr. Ilolmrt H. Kry In htirn for a Hhort tlmn from AIkoiiiii. Churleii C, Cooper, who hnn heeti hurt' fur a nhiirt time iiftur Inline ro Irimeil frofii tlm military tiervlco, lert on the train IliU innrnlnR for Snn Kralir)nco. Mm. M, C. Nowlen left thin morn Iiik for Wordeii after a nhiirt vlnlt In ninnth Knlln. A. I). Atldlnon, who hnn Junt re covtirml from an extended lllnnnn hnn left for Oakland and other California pnlnl. where ho will upend nomo tlnie recuperutlnK. Mm. I.. I). Fiddler and children left thin m urn In for Yrcka after a vlnlt In Klamath Palln. Mm. II. II. CdmonclB left thin inornlnK for Yrekn, called there by the death of the youngest non of -Mr. and Mm. Scott Howard, who tiled thin inornlnK at 1 :3d. W. i:. (irlfflth of Merrill wns tilt) city on business yeHlertliiy. In (ieorKn llannnn left today for 8an Franclnco of 1 01 a nhort hunlncnn vlnlt In Klamath KoIIh. Mr. and Mm. (!. II. Went enroe In lant night from Mctlford fur a nhort vlnlt. They aro ntopplnR at the Hall Hotel. Mr. and Mrn. Jesse Siemens are In the, city from their ranch In Fort Klamath. Chan. McCarlle. a prominent nhcep man of Illy la In tbe city on LuBlnesn for a few days. Mm. a. M. Tompktni and daughter and Jan. Kline came In from Ilonan xa on bunlneay yesterday. SAY, JACK, LISTEN! I've been boontlng thU Diamond Tlm Vulcanizing company for unit m while, anil II luNt Mriirk nin Mr. and Mrn, W. 1). Citmpliell and lhM UKj,t to tell you nerlouxly junt Mrs, II. K. Wlnnurd ciimt) In from what It In and wimclhln;: nlMiut It. Ltirelln for a ihnrt vlnlt yontordiiy It w marled wvrral yrant ro bj- will n.turn thin '""rut- nr.n- un -1.r,....K -.... will rtaurn fnll,wim,. ,..,., ,. H liiw the nerve, tliut he Iiiin iiilileil tiullo 11 liuntli of nftenioou. evenllik. Tlmy Dassengers and Baggage AXYWIIKHK IX TDK CITY gL'ICK HKKVICK IIKASOXAIII.K IIATKH I'llONi: 187 WesternTransferCo. w :aanmnmmmaaMmmmmttmn SAYS HOT WATER ' FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. nlioeKtrlnirN to Hie liuslne nml he keeps ntltliiiK. He recently took in n partner In the liuslnt-ss, Kriink Sinllli, nml I lie two tif 'em Kure make u iliintly teatii. They tlo vulcanizing, of course, anil hen I say I hey tlo viileiiniliiK I meitn nil that Matr- , meiil linpllfs. They may nut tlo It itille its cheap n you can Kt't It tlone, hut their work Mnnils up, ami If hy any chance It ilnen not mct't e. peiltl rotjulrejnenlH all you luno lo tin Is lo lei 'em know anil if they don't make It wc'iiare with you il will lie Ihh'iiusi' they have hotli tlleil. All ot her IhliiK, they tlon'l Klve (ll any of thalliull con stuff. When you take work there they will tell jou what run lie tlone, nml what's more, they call tlo It, ami still further, when It'H I dime, it will be tlone ItlOHT. Don't ever net the Idea that work Is so scarce around Mini place that they New City Laundry WK t.TAKANTICK OUll AVOIIK Khlrls and Collara Ijiiinilereil H'o iiKo wash nllk, wool mid col orcil Kimds very carefully. Try un once and he ronvlucetl. Our price. rorlKht, I'houo IS I, 127 Fourth Street Iliu k uf I'lrst Xatloiial Hank CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE I'emi'iit Work of all Kinds ami Ituolliii; Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor1 To feel an duo ns. tho proverbial lldille, wo muni keep thu liver washed clean, ami almost every morntiiK to lireveiit Its BPtiKO.llto poroH from cIokkIiik with liullRestlblo material, will take on any old Jon ami 1 in io sour ...lo and po.nonouB ,.. By .- JW noleil iiliynlclnn. )mli sj j;,st ij,.,.,, omt ,ur mliul If you yet hiMtliichs, It's your liver. '!,,,,, j ( uny cnslnns or tubes If you tutcli cold easily, It's your liver. I viilcmiUetl. If vou wake up with 11 had tasto, fur- ''. J'"!. I.Men! 1 pleketl up The ,e,i ,onue. nasty breath or stomach "-jW J-', ;, "jM" hecoiiu's rancid, It's your liver, ballow u,.,,,,, J(, (ou the man who skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes, s("., to talk some. Well, II was llin nil denote liver unclennllneas. Your; first lime I hud heard of him since lie liver Is tho most Important, nlfo tho'l"lt III" Jl WashliiKton. , , , , , . , llou't you know, I Ihlnk he Is 0110 most abused and noKlectocl orBnn of '(if ((u N,U.S, ,,;.,.. .iM ,.. the body. Kow know Ita function or ,,v Uhh ,.,,.,. produced, nml lie Is nl liow lo roleaso tho dniumed-iip body w,'ty advocalliiK for chanue anil lie waste, lillo mul toxins. Most folks I Hants Hie climiKe. WIiiii'n more, ho .esort .0 V....cl ,a.o.ue.. which I. . . M; ZuXZ iliiiiKorous, snllvntliiK cliomlcal which ,lhlM,If ;M,. ,, Mm.u.( t nihoeat. can only bo used occiislonully booauso illK f,-,. siher In (he kIiiiIsuiiio free It lucuinillntes III tbo tissues, nlso ut- lumli ilaysuf line youlli iIiiimi happy lacks tho bones. '" "lien wi lenist.i . ..., .... .... - At the Theaters Viv'.ni Muriln, who plays the star part In "t'lii'lulmeil flooils" has Ioiir held n leiulliiK place In flint clrelea. tnvliii; to Imr vivacity, niituralnenn nnil rliildlik'i rliiirm. Ah a Paramount star nlm has won hosts of ndmlrem who Assert thul nlm In one of tlm most (Iftl'Khifiil of all Bcret'ii nrri'Hsei, pos ncnnltiK a nalvctte that Is Inimitable und it cliarm of manner that Is Irre sistible In Imr new picture nlm will portray a. western role, tint of the drumhter of a sheriff and her reiiiiirkahlo ex litirli'iirn Ik that of lieltiK sent "by exprenn" from one town to another, t'ncln'med at Imr destination, she is ilioul to In- sold at auction, when sho Is re"iitl und ,a "hud man" mIu- hns once befriended sacrifices his life In her defense. "I'nrlnluieil (ioods" will lie displayed ut tho Star Theatre to nlKht. "The area l Victory, WIN011 or the Kaiser? The Kail of the Holmnzol lems " a powerful play ileallnc with the Internatlonril events which have decided the fate of the world, will he the attraction at tho Liberty theatre tonlcbt for a one day engagement This Kreat Screen Classics, Inc. pro duction shows the tragic and heroic events of tho upheaval of nations the went struggle and the final dear-ly-tmugbt victory of the Allies. It shows In vivid rontrast the difference between tho upbringing and the trnlnlng of Wilson and the Kaiser drawing a' parallel of their lives at various ages and showing how and why their minds developed In diame trically opposite directions making of one a lofty and deep thinker to whom self was last and his country first, and the other who used his country only for his own greed and aggran dizement the acknowledged super ogotlnt of the world. The cant of players for thlsVproduc tlon is composed of fifty-five stars of the stage and screen who play the Important characters while hundreds of other noted players arq seen In lesser roles. Such names as Frank Currier, Henry Kolker, Joseph Kll gotir. 'Fred C. Truesdell, Margaret McWade, 'Earl Schenk, Fanny Cogan and Pauline Dempsy are listed among those who make the performance one of unusual, and artistic value. The story was written by Maxwell Karger. adapted by June Mathls and ! A. S. I.e Vino, and directed by Chan. . Miller under the personal supervision of Maxwell Karger, director general of tbe Metro studios. A man's hatred of a faithless wife wrecked on his son, Is the theme of '"A Mother's Sin." the Vltograph Blue Ribbon Feature, which will be the attraction at the Temple Theatre tonight. In this powerful drama writ ten by Hilda Sharpo, the father, per mits the son to go the pace, and then when he Is hopelessly In debt, disin herits him In the hope of gloating over his disgrace. Hut the son thwarts him to the extent of leaving the country and the father dying realizes tho great Injustice he has done. He makes a new will which does not conto to light for several years. Meanwhile n profligate nephew gets the estate and almost gets the girl tho son loves, but finally the will Is discovered and all turns out happ ily. Tho picture Is replete with strong situations which are well taken care of by Knrlo Willlnms, the star, and by Miriam Miles, Denton Vane, Ern es'! Maupnln, Fred Peters, Charles Horton, Louise Du 1're, and Eleanor Law-son. Every man and woman, sick or liiella Willi 11 crook in M10 handle lie. cause (hey fit tin (lie rail so nicely il well, should drink each morning u-lws M, eonveiiietil to rornel where font hroakfnst, n glass of hot w-ator ,ln,K ,.,, or late years it would with n teaspooiiful or llinostono phos-' seem that ho has been ndvecatliit: hi-1 plinto In It. to wash from tho llvor nnil I ''. "' l; K'i'i-"1 l'lHi; !" " milium 11, wii i,iiMi,in met ' I '" tritnt l,"K ,("' "iny bowels the provlous day's Imllgoatlblo . M1I11,.llllir mnlorlnl, tho poisons, sour bile nndlj.,,,, .ju Keuerally- find It in 1111 In toxins; thiiB cleansing. 8WootoniiiRjhuio position and not lop or column, ne.tt to leadliiK mailer .eiuicr nim. AMKlllCAXK KILLED OVEKSEAS. DAILY STAGE SERVICE TO BEND FROM KLAMATH. FALLS Call Van's Auto Service. Van's phone number is the TO as always 298-W. M' und freshening tbo ontlro alimentary canal hoforo puttliiB moro food Into tho stomach, Llinostono phoflplmto does not re strict tho illot llko calomol, becniiBo It can not siillvnto, for It Is harmless and you can ent nnythliiK nftorwnrds. It is liioxpenslvo nml almost tiiBtoloss, and any phnrmnclst will soil you a umirtar pound, which Is Btilllclont for :rf demonstration of liow hot water nml llmostond )liosplmto cleans, stlmulntos and froshotiB tho llvor, kcoplng you fooling lit ilny In nnd dny out. Adv. CHILEANS, Franco, May 0. Throe Amiirlcan soldiers wero killed and eight injured when a railroad train lilt 11 motor truck, near horo. SEOItETAKV HAKICIt HOME. NEW YOKE, May C. Thu trans port (leorgu Washington with Soory-, tnry of War linker und MOO troops has arrived from abroad, A Drop On a Touchy Com Instant relief! Then corn or callus lifts off with fingers Just think! You can lift off any corn or callus with out one twingo of pain. A Cincinnati man dis covered this ether com pound and named It freez one. Any ilruggist will sell n tiny bottle of freez one for very little cot. You apply a. few ilrops ill- iruilj til'iin a ii-uuui wuiii y or callus. Instantly tho s soreness disappears, then shortly you will find tho corn or callus so loose that you can lift Is right off. Ereez6no Is wonderful I It dries Instantly. It doesn't ent away the corn or callus, but shrivels It up without oven Irritating tho skin. Hard corns, soft corns, or corns4be teen tho toes, ns well ns painful cal Hises! lift light oft.. There is no pain before or afterwards. . Ii soreness or squirting. Women' should keep n tiny bijttlp on tho dresser, nnd never let a corn ncho.twIco.T Aivi 4 1 S2 LIBERTY THEATER "THE I'ICK (IK THE I'KTt'UES" StAAMMIAI H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day rwnvnsaitfi TONIGHT The Wonderful Seven Part Screen Classic "THE GREAT VICTORY" or WILSON OR THE KAISER" A Two-Part Peerless Comedy Wednesday WILLIAM DESMOND in "WHITEWASHED WALLS" Regular Prices, 10 and 20 Cents SERVICE TODAY IS SERVICE TOMORROW Even if your car hag good treatment and excellent rare it needs Inspection occasionally. An expert who knows ever detail of a car's mechanuon, of tire construction, who lives in an atmosphere of :uto moblles and trucks, may locale some hidden weakutss lha! may result in a serious breakdown. In Ihe care of hard-working trucks, in the care of tires that bear the brunt of road conditions regular Inspec tion Is profitable insurance. Inspection today Is protec tion against loss of tlmo tomorrow a chain is as-6frog as Its weakest link. THE WHIT l3v 4fXifiQAImr'.'F iyEbSSmW ICAN THE OFFICIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION LET'S DEVELOP OUR OWN RESOURCES NOW that the government's needs are satisfied why not turn tho remaining energy In the community to cap italizing the resources of the Klamath country. By will ing and working together we can make our output and Income Increase accordingly. Tho First National Dank Is always for legitimate de velopment and expansion. E, It. Ronmos President L. F. Willlts Vice-I'resitleut Leslie Hogors Cashier A. M. Collier Asst.-Cashier John M. Moore Asst.-Cashter 5fe First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON A . .. . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V ' ' THE LEXINGTON $1995 F. O. B., Klamath Falls CAN YOU MATCH 1J AT ANY PRICE? I OLD STYLE EXHAI'ST SYSTEM USED 11Y ALL CAUS EXCEPT THE LEXl.MiTOX All cylinders exhaust into one manifold nnd hoforo tho comple tion of any exhaust period another cylinder begins to exhaust. Tho result Is that part of tho dead gas In every cylinder Is trapped. With tho old stylu siuglo oxhuust sys tem, no cylinder ever takes In a full charge of fresh mixture und1 tho fastor tho euglno runs tho. lnrgor tho volumo of trapped gas. This means wasto of fuel and 15 to 20 nor cent less nowor. V $ ONE 427 f .MOOIti: Ml'LTII'LE EXHAUST SYSTEM, AX EXCLUSIVE KKA- TUHE OK THE LEX1NUTON With this ilevico, In tlp case of a 6-cylinder engine, at least 0110 exhaust Is taking place all tho tlmo, and nearly half tho tlmo two cylinders are exhausting at tbo snniu moment, hut Into DIFFER ENT MANIFOLDS. Thus tho Mooro Multiple Exhaust System eliminates trapped gasses and in- ireasus' power 22.8 per cent. KLAMATH STAGE GARAGE $ .: " 1S7 SIXTH HTltEET X t $