The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 06, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"'KHIMV, MA n,
Zedelers at Chautauqua
Symphonic Quintet Popular in Musical World
hi i
I St -
B s& rm wf E MyillSMOOTHEST
VTII1 i. M n onm on I ue
Of tile V- I Mllll l"r"i lilfnl Is
ill. I. 'I'll'. I lo tin- I tilled SI itiw fo
imim Milan but she piilahl will
I'lni'inlii'i' Inugeett llii ill. I gUett In
the Aniel lean Ki'il t'rons to the "'
imio or more refugees who hae been
e mini; lmti front MulgurU ivml l i
Minor oor i'Wj mail mill inoiintiiin
piiM i'nahle thru Its own aKemlc"
to mio for this Immense iiiiiiiIm'i- of
LOIIH'ICIS .lllll lll'Stltllto IMI)'t, tln
t.teek goxeriiuifut left tlio tusk t.
Aiuerlu's big relief orK.itiliitliin
king Alevnmler, Premier Venlielos
iiml tlio Greek goteriimont hne nl
rend) testified their gratitude '
tils ossl.vuiu'o which mi mmli' i .
slide thru tlio Ki'iioroalti of tin- A.n
crlum people.
Tttcntj-four lour after the siu
itiK "f the armistice, t'e U1 t'rms
established relief stations at eer
point In llulgnrlu, Turkey anil Maie
donli mer which these Innocent !c
llms of tlio ar were llkel) to come
It dispatched trnlnl ail after trnln-
- The Zcdeler Symphonic Quintet brine to the Chautnw,tm n gennlt.elT ' lt""1 ' u.iIIb to the amii In wh! h
new Idea, that of piventlnj: symphonic concerts with n company of nnlv fvj , bUffortttR n known to bo worst
musicians encn an nrtlt. To secure this symphonic effect u vpeei.-iily con- i" stream oi retugees ii3. not
strutted reed organ Is carried. This ghes all the reetl ami wind effects of u )'et coaxed, and tlio work of tlio Hod
large orchestra nnd combined with the p.ano and stringed Instruments, pro- Cross continues. There has been h
acea an effect as startling as It Is unluue. They hne refuted the old belief lurlnn. ,i..v..lnti,mn nr tvnim. ...........
I ttat American audiences do not care for the be,t In mule by making Uw ! the refugees quartered In KaolM,
i classic popular with etery audience.
May 25th to 30th, 1919.
The Greatest Tractor Made
PORTLAND, May 5. There Is
still some complaint throughout the
state of shortage of farm labor, ac
cording to the Weather Bureau's
weekly summary of Oregon crop con.
dltions, just Issued. The weather of
the past week was generally favor
Me for farm work and for the
growth of crops. The temperature
Teraged slightly above normal but
there were several cold nights and
some frost. There was considerable
cloudiness, particularly in western
counties, and some rain fell, but the
soil was generally In better condi
tion to be worked than at any pre
vious time this season and farm
nork made rapid progress. Farm
ing operations are .still backward
over most of western Oregon, the
iammary s.ald, but are fairly well up
to date in the central and eastern
Winter wheat, rye and oats con
tinue to make good progress. Some
low fields in the Willamette valley
are showing yellow but the condi
tions is not serious. Winter wheat is
dn the boot In Douglas county and
rye Is headed In the milder parts of
the state Seeding of Spring wheat,
harley and cats continues. The soil
is generally In good condition and
.germination is satisfactory, though
jjrowth is rather slow. Plowing for
torn Is In progress and some corn
lias been planted. An Increased acre
age of corn is expected. j
The general outlook for fruit is
excellent. Some local damage 'has
been done to all kinds of fruit by
frost and cold rain has Interfered!
with pollenatlon In home cases, but i
this applies to a very limited acre-l
tige. Peaches, plums, cherries and I
pears are well set. Prunes are sett
ing well Apples are In full blcom in j
most of the commercial districts '
Sprit) Ing Is well In hand Kxtenslp
plantings of straw ben lea and logan-j
berries are being made.
Contlitluns Uao been particularly'
fnvjrablf for grass and hay crops.
Alfalfa is 12 inches high In 1 rn.i
tllli county VoUh is doing well.
Stoik (on-inues to make gJd
gains. The peicentago of lamts is
highly satisfactory. Shearing of,
sheep and goats Is nearlng comple
tlon In Douglas county,
I'j3nting of potatoes and garden
vegetables Is becoming general as,
the Mill dried. Karly garden vege
tables aro growing fairly well. Some
early potatoes aro up,
1 -L y-r-a
-JSmaKWymm ;
iiiHnrMBJi r n
i Hnw: uSfc-TGLdK
6th and Main Phone 140
We liave on hand a largo stock of
mineral water. Come and enjoy It.
Hot Springs Until House. lt
Consult Ug
It Pays
IET us show you why
J Firestone Truck Tires
will fcive you greater wear,
greater resiliency, greater
protection for your truck,
renter saving in repair nnd
fuel bills nnd Most Miles
per Dollar.
This will not bo merely u
word of mouth demonstra
tion; we want to &ive you
proof of the above state
ments; we want to show you
the whys nnd wherefores
truck tiro facts that will
positively mean a money
saving to you.
And wo want to acquaint
you with our facilities, with
our nbility to render you
truck tiro service quickly
and intelligently.
Come in any time. We
surest today.
tllli and Plum.
Truck Tires
j Drann and this city.
! iMward Walker, cf l.urny. Vn , n
young officer In the American lied
i Cross, gao his llfo In fighting the
'disease Three American nurses hne
ilso been stricken but nre recover
ing in Greek hospitals.
Some of the experiences of the
i Americans In relieving the great mis
ery among the refugees have been
' tragic. A woman Hod Cross worker
1 thus describes a typical day spent by
Lieutenant Abner fjobb, of Denver,
Cole, at his lonely Hod Cross relief
stutlon at Nautili -
"With the assistance of two (!reik
bo)s he fed from SOU to 1,000 peo
ple, administered to tlio sick, and
' gave out rations of bread and soup
and rice, and that day had been able
to add 'bully beef to his rntlcns
"There were IS cars on the side
tracks loaded to the limit, forty to
sixty persona to tho car. These re
fugees carried with them In the cars
their donke)s, pigs, chickens, sheep,
goats and personal effects, From a
few of the cars, cowh poked their
heads. In this environment one baby
has been born
"Lieutenant Cobb numbers the
cars when they como in and counts
the Inmates, chalking their number
up on tho outside of tlio cars. Ills
kitchen Is on the tracks. He selects
four persons from each enr to come
after the food, bringing with them
tfcelr own receptacles. In that wny
they are cared for swiftly and with
out confusion. After everything Is
served, ho goes thru the train to ace
that no one hns been overlcoked
"On this train w-as the Coventor
of Zlchnl and his wife, both pitifully
wasted. He had been deported eight
ecn months beforo to Ilulgnrb, to
gether with 97 others from his town
Thirty-seven of his party died of III
treatment In Ilulgarlu." The same ob
server, writing regarding a visit to
the American Ited Cross station ut
Kavellu, says:
"Today thero are fewer than 10,-'
000 Inhabitants In Knvnlla. When
the Ilulgars evacuated the town they
looted It systematically, stripped the
stores and hankx, took all the food
and swept tlio homes bare, taking net
only ull tho furnishings hut all thoj
window glass, dufir and window fix
tures, electric light wires, door knobs
I elc-
"In tho Struma valley, noted foi
i more than 2,000 jears us tho homo of
'a peculiarly deadly form cf
I fever, tho road runs to Drama where
i tho American lied Cross has another
relief statldn. The plague is raging
I throughout the alley. Thero Iiiihi
been an unusual number of deaths,
I as there Is a lack not only of doctors
I but cf medlcine.s
YlHEN I smoke, I want my
tobacco cured by Mother
not by Mother-in-law Process.
There is nothing harsh
in Nature's methods no
stunts, no "hurry-up."
Her quiet, patient way with
VELVET during its two years age
ing in wooden hogsheads, brings out
all the kindly comfort of ne Ken
tucky Burley leaf.
The quicker, less expen
sive methods cannot possi
bly produce the fragrance,
coolness and downright
pipe qualities of VELVET,
cured in Nature's way.
Today it is your privilege
to enjoy, with hundreds of
thousands of other smok
ers, this mild and friendly
VELVET tobacco.
MISS momvkh hi:tk
IIL'.N OKI-'H'Kit'K lli:i,MI.T.
MIhs Idu .Moniyur, caslilor of tho
Klaruuth State Dank Is the proud pos
sessor of u (ieriuun Cavalry Colonel's
helmet which was sunt to her by
Sergeant G. V, Way, who Is at pres
ent stationed in Gormuny,
Tlio dress hat appears to have been
used very little
If fh. l mm
II m mM'mrMkjUr im
II it.''V i'" ( i -!Pr ITM
Ira jfrrtxt isMrt I j
Roll a VELVET . 1 Kg m&Xz:m . V
VLVn Mtoironi k. " i ,1
mildnmumtd tmoothn .W. 0m. A' m mMmW AX'M.,. m
maim if just right fmr vZ'XSi'UH7 r a SS, WI
" " " i JW
.. TTTLhf ttiHiiiti
Sh'ff &fi "ft" ' year-round sot drink Vv
ffB&&3 Retailers and consumers nre not required to 'VSw
.'r!wf ' nnv nnv I J. S Kruciiun Tnv - na.. r.o Urli
'fifW Anheuser-Busch pays flll revenue laxcs mLLI)
:TistTf. i ii I "v .1 - (I'.'iirffli
iai Tnrivnn r ifdr-i r -t c......u.. i rvj nn
MMVA' w.w.ww.. v.s. .w n,. vjuvtuuiiaii.K, ' ft Ma"
'Sit tit iw
Wm, ST-LOU, KSEimw " JbJ
r: .. j7" .;-y ;K4Ir ie
i:iiiti; jic.v saw
iitsT or .nw '
VOI,U.TKi:ilK i.kavi:.
LONDON, May C. Secretary Joho
phtiH Daululs of tho U. S, Navy ilo-
whlch Is decorated, ciared that tho greatest moral lesson
.. , , I... ., .... .. .. I .""' ""
nun u niifiu iviiiiu jiiuiiiu wiiilii uiuy ut uhj mir irinini uu in Bum me on- leorlllK Will nil 0VU an ndlllll iiuinliiir
i ho removed and worn with Just the. lire. Gormun fleet with' the proper of doughhoyH now with tho army of
.1 vtol -u'u"lu""-B' occupation,
NIJW YOUK, May (I. Tho first
contingent of ono thousnud men of
tlio fifty tliouHiind men now volttn.
ii:hmaxh iu:ci:ivi:
thiiatv 'iomdiui0w.
PAIUH, Moy"fl-H H ot"f"l"jrilj;
nounced that tho I'o.K'o treaty '
bu handed to tlio Gummas (in e
noHilay afternoon.
shell, scratch feed, cracked corn. IVlurpnev s t eecl & beecl Dtore
EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE 126 South Sixth. St. ?"