The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 06, 1919, Image 1

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on k i.i. ivi'i:h !'
KI..mtii rou.vrv
Thirteenth Year No. 3,614
Price, Five Cents
ilrrnmiiH to ICrrrlve Trruu t Tlir
Fifteen Tomorrow Report Tlwl
I'liiinr Will He I'm-iI i Neutral
I'ort for I'rrwrnl Jernmi Tnitli
Ma) II" t'ut OH If Klin I .. not
Celebrated Hpcaker Tears Into Slack
era and Ilolnhevikl in Avalanche of
Criticism Hlggcst Audience Ever
Asnembcled in City Listens to
Great Appeal.
mi; unill lllTn -j sJaf r . . ' tui.a ... , ,.,' I
IHmillU -jam- MSM": 'GUN BOMBARD
Pfflt KING &.'. Wtt-i'Mm. .1 KLAMATH
New Adjuatment U Not .'.'V "j-J " S wfy
Made Public. V ' .-s V 'K '!', County by Storm
ir i"-. . ..t srvM'N
V . "f3!Ud- sJE&fcSNv, X'oZWJl
i tfV .S! -"-V5 - I lA '-5,'fc..-.
1 f V 'VJte ilNk - A) -)VS&m
UT5 JX ;,rlK5JPr f fi i W ttT iliW -'f1 -'-" --y
vhv.'i .uij cttu- mt,?mr--mgzrf.
if l- . --.. ..;" mmm.. w- --.vjxt?w N.x,ckuw vsiaW; .-;-- Pi-n. -' x -
?m&;bf.h x-ir-- SM$s rg48aiXx3s&i .,'
' ;;-&u5Mrm. .y- v v-jg '-rrvcgfc-Lai'ay jraysarja ..
.W5MWItoZAZ '?&& &&S"Ze'SSSP .,-f..
.ffls;-aRS?Jr x- v.
.,. teWYVtf'.LK KW
r i ..v -v vi. -ia- v a v 17'1
JeV V'flf iVr a il
BANK HELD UP i:;H::CflUlilTlfFl
i'h . I ncclnl offer for yt-urly sub-
S . IS M
Billy Sunday Takes City and Water Users Purchased It o.
Duti'ti'i-H DUimtrh tiy Anaoclnlcd !
I'remi I'n'iiHtiillotiK ur now roni-
nlcli'd fur Urn tircnt'litiition of tin I
praca Inrum to (iortimtiy ut 3: If. to-
morrow afternoon. Tim pri'llmlnurlet
of llie treaty tiiuy do cominunlciileil
to thtt Allleil ileleKUteH today.
NuthliiK official h known an to the
titrreiiiviit uuiler whirl lliu Ituly linn'
comenlrd to rroiimn thn Interrupted '
ntrtlclputloii In thn Conference. A I
Indon reitort declare tliut It In pro'
poci) lo iimkii Klnine a lirutrul url
for two yinm nfter which H In to t(
turned over to Italy.
Curmnn now.papum print rvporti
from Vi,'rnlllo- to the effect Hint the;
(irrninn deleitnteM have nerved nollrei
on tli Allld I'owani that further il
lay In thn preiirntntlon of tint pence'
tiTnm will remilt In the Oerinimt
lcivlns for llnrlln. Them Iiiih lieen
nntlilnn lo thin effect Intllimtcd from
Stephen I'lchon, lliu l'renoli I'or
elRli Mlnlater Iiiih lieenf elrcteil lit
('lihlrmiin of the I'rovlHlonnl untiinl
ration for the I.eiiKtin of NittloiiM.
The power of the KovIoIh In llud.v
pit iiMitim to tin cniliililliiK rapidly.
Tim fierh troop nro now only twen
ty tnllei uwny.
The liolnhnvlkl covorniiii'iit In lluie
I.i l hIho now hnril prewieil with
circles of iintl-l'olnlii'vlk forces clos
ing In from all UiertlmiH
Under ordinary conditions It would
take a lot of money to get blm here
Uncle Sam.
Ity Original Contract Vlth GoTer
ment Ranchers of Klamath Project
I'urchawed Right to Every Drop of
Water Which Goes Down link
lUver Should Hold On.
Another new development has
come to light in the controTenp
but at that It would be an economical i caused by the effort of the Reclama-
vay of taking the census of the! Hon Service to steal from the people
i it K wit or iiti. s i's in ;i:
IV I'llfeii;
Thin U the Inst week for our
Hpcclnl offer for yearly BUb
Hcrlptlons to thu Humid. City
Hiibscrlbcra ran 'get It for $4.00
Comity Hulihcrihers, receiving
their paper thru thu malls can
get It for $3.00. This offer will
end next Saturday, May 10.
Stop your euirler tonight and
hand him your eht-ckH for $l.(in
for one er - It saves yon money
and ,
County, because the people here
could all be counted at once.
I)y far the largest audience that
ever assembled in Klamath Falls, es
timated by Mr. Sunday himself, at
3,700 gathered to bear -the great
speaker's appeal for the Victory Loan
last night at the big tabernacle con
structed for his appearance, and he
bad the huge gathering coming his
way from the start. It might be stat
ed in parenthlsls that when you come
his way you have to come In a hurry
or you lose sight of him' altogether.
Tho vast throng whose members bad
all read much of the evangelist and
wondered vaguely regarding his great
magnetism and forcefullness, discov
ered that he simply winds and cork
screws his way Into the hearts of his
of the Klamath Project the power.
power possibilities and wter rights
they have paid for and to which they
alone have the title. This Is the fact
that when the' people of the Klamath
Project purchased the Ankeny Canal
pompany, tbey also purchased the
water rights of these companies on
the Upper Klamath Lake. These wat
er rights' call for a sufficient num
ber of Inches to'more than consume
all of the water flowing down Link,
river, and they are in position to di
vert every drop of water and scatter
it over the lands of the project.
When the people purchased tha.
Ankeny Canal, for which they paid
$53,202.10 they also purchased the
water rights of that company, which
amounted to 500 second feet of wat
er. For the Klamath Canal company
KiitsT iwin i-oi: si:vi:. vi:;
Iw vvnrvi'fii J.viif vi.-vt'
i:i to i'kkiwki: i:iintiTS
I'AIIIH, Muy fi. The rompleti
vcotiomlr Uiilnllou of (ieriiuiliy Ik lite
Ing nilvornted by the Council of For
tlgn MltilBtrrit iih it meaHiirti to lie
nilupteil In the event Hint Tierinutiy
ri'fuiii'K to nlgn tho pence treaty
i i -
That tho Klit mat li I'alh Imyn who
ore returning from the ovithi'iis Hen
he nru not long aliout getting l"t"
liuliiusn h hIiowu In thu unnimwe
woiit or tho new firm of Louis lloai:-
hllhl mill i: A. Mrl'allum ulm liue
, WASoriLVL. WnHhliist n l C .
M..V fi. Two it iKe-I i..ii r 'itiiil i In
Clark County luu. . ei n ji-lei '.. oi
HLen thiiueitnd dollar In s 1 1 v - r 'iir
lenry iiud esrnpoil In a finall iiuiemo-
lilln with nu Oregon I. Icons" .'.iiule i
j They forced the cashier mid., his
two young women iiswl i-ntiM m ii'i'd
up their hauilH nil il treated ., patro;
man who entered in a l;ii:'nr mini
j nur.
' Tlpy took tho mutiny In the open
snfn anil overlooked fifty Itiiiiir.r.ui!
ilollurs In l.llierty IioiiiIn )iit lakon
from the unfe, hecaiiKD Miss Kauier '
lliu Keep, one of tho hpiKIhii'h ,ii d
daughter of the malinger of t'to l-nnk
backed up against thn ikMK, cineer.l-
Klnmiitli Is to have a County Fait1
next October, for the first tlmo In
seven years, according to a decision
-reached at a meeting of the Fair
Hoard at tho County School Super
IntendentN office
hearers who strive with all their eyes
and ears to follow his machine gun they paid $1G7. SOS. and this purchase
fire. , carried w'th Its water rights for 3,-
The only time he stops for breath "1 second feet, or a total of 4250
lb- when four or five Ideas get Jammed ft et. The average flow is 2310 Seconf
I in his mouth all trying to get out at feet, or only about one-half of what
I once. 'he project Is entitled to. The highest
Its! Tho big meeting was opened by' monthly average flow is 36C0 second
Ulnnlnt. nl h C .. Cn.nnlml llnnna.l fPCt. (If nlinllt fi 0 0 ffPt lPSS thlln thAt
by the audience and several patriotic to which the people have title to.
selections by tho Liberty Loan Chorus I These purchases are going to play
which has done such effective work, important part in settling the'
In all the big" drives of the war. The question of whether the Reclamation
llrst speaker on the program was not Sen-ice has the authority to turn over
Mr. Sunday but "General Ma" w!q u'e power of this project to the Calfc,
appeared for a few remarks on being ' fornla, Oregon Power company and
called up by Chairman A, 15. Epper-,als0 as to whether this company can
aon later step in and claim title to water
A tribute to tho ginger and tobasco already owned by tho Klamath ProJ
sauco, which composed the makeup. of cct- If an evidence were needed to
fho Klamath neonle to have got to- I""ove that the People owned the pow-
Igcther such a structure on such short er or tllls Project, then these con-
(illLAT VAKIL-TV OF I.VOl lltll.S
ATM -O.MMi:it('l.L CLllt. SV.W
As' an ovldenco of tho mlscolliui-
eniiH ch.uucter of lutters having tho
,, ,", ,0 e ' notice was paid by the speaker In his facts furnish it. They also show the
Silas Kllgoro ranch now owned by , intr(Kluctory remarks. nw,ttrancc lepehite straits to which the Re
liarlcs I rew near llson s HrldBo ,ven that e woud w,ro Secre. clarantlon"Mrrtce is driven In its mad
im. uuuFt . of ,h0 Treasurv GIass at onco of "ort to cover up its profligate and
rlltrd. Innlfl.tnn. nP ,UA
the big thing the people of this dl
, . , nacheu up against, inn iiihk, cinenr.i- " jiii
imineliwl uii auto repair mIiop. two IR u J(,H ,.,. , ,,,,,,,, ;, attentlun of the commercial club, wo posC(,
(mors this side of tho I'ostofflce In
'hi' luilldliig formerly occupied by
William iiiiniiil mid will ho opened
to the puhllciiomorniw.
I'oth theso young men, who were
with thu uvlntltm sorvlco, had tho
niOHt valuahlo experience In engine
wing and othor moclinnlcal iiiuttcru
nd tint well niulpped to servo tho
public They expect to inoo booh tu
kiiotlier location
in thn Klamath Ilasln
sot nro October 2nd and Third
Plans are being made to make this
the most successful event that
ever been held In the County and
people aro urged to begin now to b
prepared for their exhibits.
The present Fair Hoard Is com
of Fred Peterson, Miss Kdna
Inefficient administration of the at-
trlct had done. Ho had travolel all ""'" ut "" fJ
the wa yfrom Jacksonville, Fla , in.
Spokanu and Seattle and had seen noi
demonstration of patriotism equal o
that of Head and Klamath Falls.
In calling upon tho people to "dress
left bj auto were stirV'iu.i.led l u
piiHsea on a ranch near llru.i I I ulrle.
ZIm Ilnldwln, who Is In tho city
Jroni Lakovlow to tnko hack u car
load of Hiilcks for tho Lakovlow gar
Kn, win ,o nHBlstod In driving thorn
'fck by h. Newell, who la In tho city
wh Mis, Nuwoll, mid Mr. Schuster,
mini! me itiiiiiivuiK ayiiupsis oi com- 'eis nmi p '
niuiieuiioiis receiveu ui.iiiy ,0r ,s yct , ,)Q appont0,1f
Tho assurance from tho Portland ,
Chamhor of Coiitmorco that they will
back up our plans for development,
from the Stntson company of New
York that n railroad from Klamath
Full will tap Immense mineral de
posits In Central Oregon, and wants
specific information; a (Holm, ArU-'
ona mull who has learned that there I
Is a rail road building from herd to
Nevada wants Information In re- ,
gard to nil kinds of Industries hero; ' IS HOLDING OCT FOR HO.N'Olt OI
Another writer hns seen In tho pap-
,-.-..... .. I tin to tho colors" instead of having .
ouxiou uiiu iuem"i mg a
..... . , ., , '- J- Chapman.
Sunday painted tho most vivid pic-,
I turcs of tho despicable alms of the1
Prussian mllUnry rulers and tho in
j expresslblo ruthless means resorted
to to bring about theso alms. Tho
'money wo aro now paying for Vic
tory bonds wo would have been pay-'
j lug to the Kaiser as a toll for breath-,
j lug It wo had not bought Liberty'
Houds and wo nro now simply asked
to lend enough to pay tho Kalsor'u fu-
J. Miranda, who has been arrested
, charged with stealing a blanket
I wrench and other material from Mr.
Perkins at tho Straw Dairy is hav-
hearlng today before Justice
ors that a railroad Is actually under
I construction from tho "lively and out
Wo lmvo received n letter from Rod torprlslng city of Klamath Falls," to
Cross lleadquiirlorH ut Seattlo Hinting' tho undeveloped interior of Orogon,
thnt when our allottinonts on lin'tid n wunt specific Informatien: A
Centrnlin, wasnington man wants to
two finished our work will bo ilnuo,
"ffo linvo yot to mnko ono hundred
j bo put In touch with men conducting
iiv poi'i'LAR . snisemi'Tiov.
controvi;rsv ox.
PORTLAND, May 6 A dispute
Mr. Wluldwln reennttv iinivn f rum ! and fifty ladles' night dresses, thlr
""" iraticlHco with u now llulck mid
enino ovor Ilurnoy inouiitiiln hotwonn
lull Itlvor Mills und Redding, Ihonco
"'""ugh Alturns to Lakovlow. Ho ro
por,B tho roiulH to ho In very good
tnnilitinn for thin sonson of tho year.
t'Ol'XCIIi mkkts tonight
Mnmbora ot Ul0 c(y council who
met last ovonlng for tholr regular
session, but tho luro of Hilly Sunday.
Proved too strong und thoy adjournud
'tll this ovonlng.
teen pnjamii suits und twenty-flvu
children's iindoitdilrts,
Tho garments .should bo ready for
shipment by Juno 1st" mid by making
u Hpeclnl offort wo enn get them dnno'
To accomplish this, wo vll iipik! nt
least ton workers n day hut slneo
this Is thn end It should ho on In-
tho largest logging oporntlons neat has dovoloped between Or.iijon and
Klamath Falls; A Colorado Springs
man Is coming hero to prospect; in
tending settlors from various sections
of tjio country wrlto for particulars
of various kinds; tourists want to
know how soon thoy can reach Crator
Lakb by ear and want road maps and
description Information mid last, but
not necessarily unimportant, tin nc-
saxaphonlst and
contlw! to work n llttlo fiuvdnr Mi.coiupllshod Hazz
t 1. ...I... la, n 0I.III..1I
lllll 111 IIIH1III1I , ttllll in (It." i oimiiu.i
that wo tuny ho through hoforo tho
hot days of slimmer nro horo nit'l
nlso Hint our allottinonts may bo got
ten out on tlmo.
nutolst, 'wants to como up from Sa
cramento with his yvlfo in about throo
weoks' and give our city tho' boneflt
of his 'musical and nutorlal skill.
tho other states which havo paised
tholr loan quotas.
Chairman Kdwnrd Cooklngham of
tho Oregon Campaign telegrnphol Se
cretary (llnss that Oregon had uor
subscribed by popular subscription
and that ho ' understood that Iowa
and Michigan had 111 a do tholr re
cords only bocauao tho banks Imd
guaranteed tho bonds.
Orogon claims to io tho first stale
to ralso its quota by popular .-mlHcrlp-tfon.
Tho treasury department Is InviwH
gating Uio matter.
noral expenses. If wo don't ccmo thru HANDSOME
now after wo havo given our nssiii1
nnco to Undo Sam to stand back ot
him to tho Inst, after tho wonderful
victory that has been brought about,
wo aro nothing but a bunch of hot air
merchants, ho stated.
Tho Kaiser, who shot, cut and rap
ed his way thru tho beautiful land of Architect Herbert A. Poag has. just
Belgium and Into the heart of Franco completed tho plans and specltica-
ns stopped Just in tlmo to save ourjttons for the handsome residence An
sklns nnd If wo. many of whom havertrow j. collier Is to erect on the
not lost an hours sleep on account of property recently purchased from tha
tho wnr havo not enough grntltudo to Preabyterian church at T,ll(, aml
buy a victory bond, wo nro so low
wo couldn't got to hell In an airship.
Gornmny did her best to force tho
principle ot Mohnuiadlsm on the
world and to bring tho fprcos of
Mohnmndlsm to victory ovor those ot
She forgot Christ in the worship of
Krupp. God never was on the other
Continued on Page 8
Pine streets. Tho extorlor follows
the lines of a modified country col
onial and Is a distinct departure irom
tho many styles of architecture to bo
found among tho fine residences ot
tho city.
The home will havo eight, rooms
and will be finished in white oak,
othor hardwood and fir, und will ba
heated by a modem heating plant.