n rmiMV. mav a, """ THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGK SEVEN CITY Market ji-sr i iw doors kast oi pohtekhci: ntilt MOI-IO "IIKHT MEATS 0 XI' IU.ST Pllll'KS" LAMB Ronil Leg of Lnmb 32c Roast Shoulder of Lnmb 28c Breast of Lnmb ..15c Shoulder Ronst of Beef 20c to 24c - FOR SATURDAY ONLY fiucnr lilted Union Itut K ill ra llimi Vlnilouln 33c per pound PHONE 108 Phone Your Orders High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS 1IRST 01' WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PKHKKCT KIT GUARANTEED rrlrm are irry rraaonnble Your lnprrtlmi Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR HU Main HI. Chili Parlor NOODLES Chili Con Carna Tamnlcs Enchiladc Fine Pastry Good Coffee Phone orders tnken for Salads sail Kliht-rinrn'a Lunrlir Mlmlnurn Lunelle served as jou like them. PHONE 446 Ji around tlio corner on 7tli. We niter to tallica and Gentlemen PHONE 446 0. K. Hue Arnold V, Hako CLEAN UP With ft GOOD Electric Vncnum uenncr In your home, your "? "'"I rnrppt will bo clean Mi Till: TIME not merely nouso rlrunlng. TI,o ROYAL Sweeper U on Mho uiiou kind. It I- not lo.t, nor Uio highest Priced sweeper u, hm,t yct u "tho most eniclent of IU typo, ?., i"" Cft Prove this by a j "MAI in your own -own'lopXe!0 '"' DOt Link River Electrical Co. Pbone 171. WE CoRDiALLY IN VITE YOU TO ATTEND Epworth League Sunday Evening, at 7 M. E. CHunriH Tenth and High Sti. NOTICE iN yy p INVITING PROPOSALS. Ilio Pollen Judi:o-nntl In tho offlrn f will i.n ,.,. ....,! ,i ,,.i.i...i vu Pursuant to OrillnniKc unci order the ('lty Engineer proiio.tal mum he accompanied by n responsible or tint Ctniiitifiii Council of thii city of Klflliilftli Falls, Oiegon notice Ih here, liy given tint proposal will m re ceived hy hiiIiI Common ('otmrll for making tlii. Improvement designed for Lincoln Mtrot Horn Ninth street noillerl to I'IpwiiIIi stree, Imlnil- III' Intersections Hnld propon-d Improvement to be Hindu In itcrordiiuce wih tli(. plnu nid n(ii' irti nllfiriH of thii City Kiigln. eor for ohm or the other of Hi- l . ms of liiii'rowmetit mentioned there. in mill approved h tin. hiiIiI Council, Tho proposed Improvement will ho cortlfli-' check Ii't In tine contmcl, nnil thn time In whlrh thn nu mil In to ho completed In fixed hy wild ordltiiitKU tc October l r.tii. i y i : Mils niUHt ho filed with thn Pollen JiiiIj: for HiihmlHKlon to thn council on some mink in fimuuut ociiiil to r per ;ont oi the aggregate ainniint of-the pro-I'o-iil, the mimo to he forfeited to the CIl;. hy the sutcecsful bidder upon fclliiri to enter Into contrnrt nl hond for the faithful rompletllon of nt his offln- In tho city hall not Inter "'' linpnuenn-nt In atrordiince with tluiti H o'clock p in of tho r,th day of l"' 'p'-'lflffttlonii. May, I'Ufi; at which time nnil place '"" f'ltv of Klamath FtIIh, reserv- propoHilH will he opened and consld- '''" lp TKhl nt nil tlmen to reject any end und p'l propooalH The awiril to tn Knelt propomil mimt ho nccom- pl" '"sf''l bidder for inaklnK the pro- twiili'd hy a fertlfled check on some I"'1'" improvement Ih hereby mad" LEGAL NOTICES NOTH'i: TO ON Tlt.tl-IUIIM. hKiiiml lilni Mill ho ri'i'i'lved hy Dm Hoard of lilri-cti.ru of Hchool l)l trlrt No Kliitniith I'jiIIh. Or:on, until Mm in, KH'i, for th. election Hd ipli tlou of a fiihllr ridiniil hlllldlllK. iicrerdllii: to plutiH mi,) upeclflciilloiih prepnr.-d by ('hurled II lliirKKrnf. nrchiteit. AIImiim. On.umi I lie low oat bidder will he required to HU'l ',"," I" "''"ril'iiiie with Ordlintue No. renioiiHlhln hank In amount eounl to ''out indent upon the nale of the bonds UK. ndopted on thn Slat day of April, r, per ent of the ni'KrcKntn amount "' l'","''l l' provide funds for rna'k- Ml i. mill by the mnvor approved on ,jf the pronoaal thn mime lo he for- '"C ll' Improvement the 22,.,l day of April IS la fel,V,V .H. 'ity hy the succeainu T o Plan, ppedfliatlons and ell- PROFESSIONAL CARDS - .. -. . i i-ii i -i n. rujijiru i-1 Riverside Cabinet Shop All Hindi of l'lirnltiire ficiienil I'lirnlt lire ItepnlrlnK Screens for Wlniloua mid K( reen Doorw Mlf.l.OHS ICKSIIA'KltKO III MAIN ST. ClIONi: 170J A. Mauritsch Kuld plaiiH upei IflcntloiiH anil eatl inntea ImltiK on flic ulth the Pollen ludro mid In the offlrn of the City I'liillneer Tho proposed ImproMMiient will be let In one eoiitrait, and the time In I'l'h t Hiime Ik lo bo lompleted Ih fixed hv nald ordlinnie ror AtiRtml lt I'll!! lllda liinat he' filed with thn Polho Juilire for MibmlKalon to the imiiicll, lit bla office In III,, city ball of hiiI, iity not Inter thnn 8 o'do, li I'. M r the ",th dnv of May At wblih Hun, and place pro- bidder upon failure to enter Into con tiad and bond for the faithful com pletion of wild Improvement In ac cordance with the HjieclflcatlorM th refc r. The I'lly of Mninnth Foils reserv Ipi: thr ilfht nt nil times to reject any .md nil iio-ue-nli The award to the HincesHfiil bidder for mnklnK tho proponed hiiIiI Improveineiit Ih here- bv made contlnceut upon the Kiile .if ipritrn above referred to embrace and provide that the proposed Improve ment shall consist In bringing the M'ld street to he esabllshed Krado nnd to full width and pavlnc to the width of 21 feet, execut 10th street from Main to Pine street which shall be 40 feet wide and hard surfacing sild portions of sild streets to tho same width oer all, Including curbs with either O'l Macadam or Cement nnvement. Pronosalf. are requested furnish referent ea iintlsfiii'tor to the "" '" v'll he opened find coiihldered I'l'i'id ' aeh proposal must he ni'omplinled All liPN liilii be imdn out oil blink ,V ' leltlfle,! check on some respoil- liiiM.i,a mi ilio en III, i llliiiika flit- sliue Pntilt to the nmoiliit of r, tier the bonds au,or,Zed to provide funcU Z'Z ovXnZZ or nakli.K said proposed Improve on M,ni(inln nni, fVmfn, meut The plans, speclflcatloms and esti mates above referred to embrace nnd provide that the proposed Improve n.lshi-,1 upon application hy Dm chirk """ "' l" nKKreiralc nroposil to I"- ""'"' ,,1"," ro"Kll,t ,n KradlnK said nr iirciiiit'i't Plans and spcclflm llnna may he h,. en at Klamiith Falls or at Architect's office A certified check for & per cent of llm illinium of the hid must iicmm puny the hid. Tho hoard renerves tho rlRlit to reject any nnd all bids. Hy oritur of Hchool Hoard No. 1. lllda will ho opened Muy 12, ll!i, hut no blila will ho recehed after May. 10, 1919. IDA 11. MOMYCIt. 2f- Clerk. xeTiri: or ham:. In the flu till Court of Hid Stnto of OrcKon, for Klamatli County. Hon K. Wlthrow, Adniltilslrntor of the Cstnto of Alum O. Kills, do- n-iised. Plullitlff, vs. Timothy C UurKoss nnd Fminlo 1. Hurress, Diifeiiilunts, Notlie l.iteby kIvuii that hy vlr tUH pf at oxeciitlnn mid order of sale taa.it d tun of tho above untitled Court ami In this causo, on the 24th day of April. 1919, upon it decree limdo nnd entered of record In mild Cm rt an, i ciiusu. on tho 21st duv of lAtirll. 1919, In favor of tho tbovl iimnid plaintiff and iiKnlust tho tnl.1 defendants mid each of tlu'ii, ill rcctltiK this suit) of property piraln nflor ilescrlbed, to satisfy tint hum or 9H 113, toKiitlier Willi Interest Mirieieii nv ll'e Hilicexsrul bidder pp. on f. Hero o enter Intc continct and bond for the fiiltlifiil couiplttlon of " o lini'rciteinent In accordance with the contract. Tl,,. cim nt t'luiiioth Falls, reerv Iiik tho rlnht to reject anv nnd all topiHis The award lo the success 'nt li'ilder for titnkiiiK tl e proposed ltiipropment Is hereby made contln tent iii-cin tin. an'e of the bonds all Hior'eil to nroxldo funds for mnklnK m'd Imtirovement Tim plans sieclflcatlon and estl 'iintea iboxo referred to eirtbrace and "iroviitn for t!,o nroppsetl Improvo 'iiont of sl, street by hrlnclm: same to oinlilbod rriiilo nnd 'placing ihorenn Invn rlnders to a (ui:Kcsten ilenth of six Inches: or water hound "rushed. rock mncadntn: nr Oil maca dnm pinement. ProposnU are re oiioatcd on all three kinds of pave ment Dated at KhniiMb Ful' Oregon, this 23rd day of April. 1UP A. I. MVTT. Pn"o .Judge of the Pllv of Klamiith Falls, Oregon 23-Klt Htuels to estahllslicil grude to thn w'clth of 40 feet and hard surfacing said streets to the width of 40 feet over all. Including curbs, with either bltiillthlc pavement, oil macadam pavement or concrete pavement Proposals are Invited on all three kinds of pavement mentioned, with mid without cement sidewalks. Dated at Klamath Falls, April 23, 1919. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judge, of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. 23-10t NOTH'K INVITIXO 1'llOPOSALS. listed at Klamath Falls. Oregon. ( April 23, 1919. A. U. I.KAVITT Police Judge of the City of Klamath P'alls, Oregon. 23-10t. a"'aaAaaa'aaaVaVa'aMa'a ! Highest cash prices paid for flno ' OltKf.ON INDIAN PIPKH AND OTIIKH ItKMCS Postomce Ilox 2CC KI.AMATH FALLS, OHE Till: I'AKIKIAN HKAUTV SHOP The Harper Method of Scalp Treatment and Shampoo ing. Facial Treatment, Manicuring .-.111 Main St. Phono 300 XOTIl'i: IXVITIXO PHOPOSAI.S. Pursuant to ordinance and order of the Common Council Nif the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice Is hereby given thnt proposals will he receiver, hy said Common Council for making the Improvement designed for the Improvement of Crescent avenue from U. S. Irrigation canal to Canby street: Cm by street to East Street; Knst street to Inersectlon of Cres cent avenue at I'. S. Irrigation canal, and intersections. Said proposed improvement to be i,... . . . ii " . i made In sceordnnce with the plans ursuant to ordinance nnd order an,, secfcaona of tne clty Engln. of the Common Council of the City of wr for onc or the other of th'e cIa Klamath r nils. Oregon, notice is f improvement mentioned therein hereby given that proposals will he ani, approved by the said Council, receive. hy said Common Council anil ln accordance with Ordinance No. iur iiiuniiiK uiu .iiiprovemeni lie- in ,!, ri .i, o II. ( SC'IIMIKP KATHKItl.Ni: SCHLKKF Plij sic lanx and SurKeoru Office, While lililj;. Xr'.r& .-:-m-m-:-:-:-:x:"W-:-M"5-:c-s-m- DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Suit 200, I. O. Oftlre phone JMU dies Phone 80M Dr. Truax O. K. Bldg aMaMaaa.aa XOTICK IXVITIXO PHOPOSAI.S. Pursuant to Ordlnitice nnd order of the Common Council of tho cltv of Klnmi'lh Falls, Orpgon notice Is herehv given that proposal Will ho Tcolvpil hr said Common Cnimcll thereon at tho ralo of K ner cent imr for making the linorovement tleslgn- ii tut ii tit from tint date of said decree ,m1 ,or IninrovInK Soring fit reel from nnd for the further sum of Itnnnn Intersection with Sixth street lo signed for tho Improvement of Pine street westerly to Payne Alley, In cluding intersections; Payne Alley from Pine street ln a southerly di rection to Mnln street, Including in tersection. Said proposed Improvement to ho made In nccordnnce with the plans and specifications of the City En gineer for one of the other of tho classes of improvement mentioned therein and approved by the said 21st day of April, 1919, and by the mayor approved on the 22nd day of April, 1919. SjIiI plans, specifications and esti mates being on file with the Police Judge und in the office of the City Engineer. The proposed Improvement will be let In one contract, and the time in which the same is to be completed Is fixed by said ordinance for August 1st. 1919, afWaaaaaMW DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE 1IUILDINQ PHONE 33 'aAiA'(aara'Vwaaaa'aMS',ai'SNat . . as attorney's fen und tho su:n of $16 CO, us costs anil dlsburs-iinents, now, therefore, by vlrtuo of said writ, I have duly levied upon said real property nnd will on Mio .''Jth day of May. 1919, nl 10 o'clock a. in at tho front door of tho Klmuuth County Courthouse, Klmnnth Falls, Oregon, sell at public nucllon to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, sub ject to redemption, according to law, all tho right, title and Interest of tho said defendants and each of thorn, In itnd to tho following described promises .Sltutitu in Kin mat Ii County, Ore gon, north half of north west iuar tor mill northwest iiuartor of north eiiM iniiirler of section 2, township 2.1 south iiiiiko 10 etist of WMJImnolto meridian, or so much thereof as may ho nec essary to satisfy said writ of execu tion. Dated at Klmuuth Fulls, Oregon, April 2fi, 1919. (ii:o. U. HUMPHREY. 25-2-9-1C-23 Sheriff. Department of tho Interior, V. S. rtlfla mllat hrn flip.! U'lth tho PnllrA Council, ami in accordance with Or- Judge for submssIon to the Council, dlnnnco No. 442. adopted on the at hlg offCe ,n the clty ha of 8aId 21st day of April. 1919, nnd by the cIty not lateP than 8 0-cIock p. mi of A,nnr t"ciPPorOV n t tlle 5th day of Mny- 1919' Al wnlchl April. 1919. tlmo and place proposals will be open- ouiu inuiio, oprtiiituuuiiB uuu 3ii- ed nnd considered. Each Dronosa the north line of Oak avenue, Includ ing intersections. Qi.l.l iirinn.nil Iffliirm ntnnnt in tin mo, I.. In nrrir,l.nrn tvitl, 1 1,,. ,.lnn. IllOtes being on file with the Police mH. hn ncrnmnnnleri hv n rertlflp.l nnd specifications of the City Engln- "''K0. and ln the office of the City check on some responsible bank to eor for ono or the other of the classes Engineer. tho amount of 5 per cent of the ag- of Improvement montloned therein Tho Proposed Improvement will be gregate proposal to be forfeited by and approved by the said Council. lot ln ono contract, and the time In tne successful bidder upon failure to snd In accordance with Ordinance which the samo is to be completed lSjenter int0 contract and bond for the No. 431 udopted on the 21st ihy of "cd by said ordinance for August fathful completion of the Improvc Anrll 1919, and by the mavor ap- 1st. 1919. ..,,, ment ln accordance with the ron-' iiroved on the 22nd day of April, '' "iU8t be tiiea wlth the Police tiact.. The City of Klamam Fulls 1919. Judge for submission to the Council. reervlng the right to reject any and F5ald plans specifications and es- nt his office ln the city hall of said 0n proposals. tlmnlM being on fllo with the Pol- city not later thnn 8 o'clock p. m. of The award to the successful bidder, Iro Judge and In the office ol tho the Bth day of May. 1919; at which for maicng the proposed improc Cltv Engineer tlmo nnd place proposals will be mPnt 8 hereby made contingent upon The proposed Improvement lll bo opened nnd considered. Each pro- tho 8aie 0f the bonds authorized to let 'n ono contract, nnd tho time in posal must bo accompanied by a cer- provide funds for making said Ira- tlfled check on some responsimo provement. I bank to the amount of 5 per cent of The plans, specifications and estl tho nggregato proposal, to bo forfeit- mntes above referred to embrace and ed by tho successful bidder upon fail- provide for the proposed Improvement tiro to enter Into contsnet and bond 0f said streets by grading same to for the faithful completion of the established grade to the width of 24 Improvement In accordance with tho icet, on Crescent avenue and IS feet enntrnct. Tho Cltv of Klamath Falls n Pnnhv nml Rnt otmpto nmi hnrd .oi,ln wi be oneiied and considered, reserving the right to reject any and .nrrnrim, anl,l irpt hiwnn thn ''nch nnx.osnl must he accompanied un proposals. points mentioned, to the width of 24 hv i rortifled rl-eck on some respon- Tho nwnrd to the successful bidder feet over all on Crescent avenue, and, .alh'o bnnk of tho "mount of f. per for niaijnc the proposed improve- ic m nn rni ind Pji irwt. in. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 ---. i-.,c Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis Bldg., Klamath Fall which tho sump Is to be completed Is fixed hv said ordlnnnce for August 1st, loin, iiids must he filed with 'tl Police Judge for ."iibmlsFlon to tho counrll. nt Ms office In the cltv tmii of said cltv not later thnn S o'elock P. M of the nth tlav of Mav tilt At which tlmo and Place tiro CITV AND CODXTV ABSTRACT COMPANY B17 Mala ARTHUR R. AVILSON Manager Orecon Ai rl t iai PiirKm.n ' " ' .' . """'" 7 , V',, '" m mpnt I stierotiy mauo conungeni upon c udlng curbs, with either oil maca-V o Z of Conlress m. .roved F, br rv tmt? ,'"' X' l'""r7P1,,f"1 "r im. 10 sale of the bonds authorized to dam or Bht standard bitullthic or1 "lLin2KlthVnuZ I1" fr""ro. p;"1?1rf",1, 0O",,r"rt ni" ProM'lo funds for making said lm- cewent pavement. Proposals are re-, -, 1911 (.10 Stat.. ,S9f.), tho l tilted j,oni for tho faithful Completion of ..()VC..,,nt ml.,,.. nn nti rlnPo nf nnvement I States wll offer for ... .1 public . ,mrovonie,.. In nccordunce with ' " , nlt, speclflcntlon3 and estl- SoLd? pavement) nUn, Mvl' h lan'lt tloomc! of TV""""'"',,, T"i? ClV..,;f .'"r'eCr mates ubovo referred to embrace and ""nated t Klamath Falls. Oregon. I p, m. .Mil) I. tit, 1919, at tho olllco of Falls reserving the right to reject uroi,ie for tne proposed lmpnve- .ni ir. ,inv nt Anrit miQ the United States Heclmuatlon Sor- .. all proposals. ?' rn IffJlVLZl, tblB -3rd dn f AAP L. LEAV1TT. ' vlco, Klan.ath l-nlls Oregon about Tho nwnrd to the sucrc,Ssfiil bidder ostnbIlsh Krndo t0 tho width of Poce Justife o the City of, ono m lo of ennui of iihimt llfty see- for pink ne the iiropne,l Improve- on ,,,, ,, i ,,, srfncinir 1 1 u i"t. tCn A. on.l-feet rapacity (locally known us inept Is horcbv ,,, contingent tin. :L.!.l"nl wm? T'ni .w.'r . ,- Mamnth rails, Oregon. . R....1-.-. ,w ...V ........ ... -- .--. -. JO'lVl the Ankeny canal), sltuato In SVU on the lo nf to bonds iiithorlred SW4 Sec, 29, SEV1 Sue. 30, NKU to provide funds for making said NK"4 Sec 31, und W'M NW4 Sec. linerovcmont. 32, nlkln Township 3S S. Itnngo 9 K. Tho olnns sneclflratlons and estl- W M., togothor with powor slto sit- mite above reforfed to embrace and tinted ln lot 8 of Sect on 32. Town- provide for tne nronoeu improve ship 38 South, Haiigo 9 East, W, M Klamath County, Oregon, subject to tho rights of owners of curtain lots nnd parcels of land l tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, to taku and uso therefrom u total of approximate ly live (S) mlnur's Inchon of wutor for Irrgatlon and domestic purposes. Tho cnnal right of way la burdoned I with an obligation to deliver wutor to a fow subject , will bo ' AnAf..l. UHV'lirui ll. tlon Is completed ;ono-fourth In ono year; ono-fourth In two years, and tho roinnlndor In throo years. De ferred puymonts will draw Intorost nt tho rate of six por cent por annum. No bid will bo accepted for loss than tho apprulsod valuo, nnd tho right Is rosorved to rojoct any and all bids. For dotallod list of proporty and oth er Information, address Tho United States Reclnmatlou Service, Klamath FuIIb, Orogon, 4 11 18 2C 2 trjent of H'ld street between tho nolnts mentioned hv grading same to I'm ostnbllhed grade to the' width of 10 feet nnd harilurfaclng said street to the widh nf 20 feet over all. In cluding curbs, with either cinders to n thickness of 10 Inches or Oil Maca dam pnvoment. PronosalB are re Uiiosted for both kinds. Dated at Klaimith runs, Oregon all. Itirliidlng curbs, with elthv (.11 macadam, cement, crused rock or bitulltltlo iiivemont. Including 'ce ment sidewalks 4 feet wide on each sldo of Pine street and on east side t Pnvnn AIIav Prnnnsfiln nrn re- quested on all classes of pavement of Klamath Fulls. Oregon, notice Is NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. Pursuant to Ordinance and order of the Common Council of the City mentioned hereby given that proposals will be Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, received by said Common Council for this 23r,l day of August. 1919. mumim ie iiiiuroveme.ii iieaiKut-u .ii pavitt for Grant Btreet from Elocntn. street Police Judge of the City of northerly to Llnkville cemetery line, 23-10t Klamath Falls, Oregon. ceVuin .Vacts ami' will be sold, '" " April. 1 t to this obligation. Tho sale ,, .. . .' oV' the Cltv of ' ,V,UU V," M.". K aa Ih" Fa is ?' Oregon0' urth payable whon tho trunsac- O3.i0t BRIGGS AUTOWOOIrSAW AtUchmeat On man cute 15 cordti 2 mas, 95 cord. Goes Anywltere Any Aolo. BRIGGS 4 BURPEE CO, Inc., MiDifirittrerc S79 Hawthorn Ava PortlanJ, Santferliifeawlloaand lUu.tralad Circular NOTICE INVITING PROPOSAXS. Pursuant to Ordinance and order of tho Common Council of tho City of Klamath FallB, Oregon, notice Is horeby. given that proposals will bo received by said Common Council for making the Improvement designed for tho Improvement of Pine street from 3rd stroet easterly to 8th street; and for 4 th' street from Main street to Pine street; and for 6th street from Main street to Pine street; and for 6th street from Main street to Pina stroot; and for 7th street from Main stroet to Pine street, Including inter sections. Said improvement .to bo mado in ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions of tho City Engineer for one or tho othor of tho classes of improve ment mentioned therein and approv ed by said Council, and in accordance with Ordinnnco No. 449 nuoptoa on tho 21st day of April, 1919, and ap proved by the mayor the 22nd day of April, 1919. Said plans, specifications and esti mates being on file In the offica of NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. Pursuant to ordinance and order of tho common council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, no)lce Is hereby given that, proposals will be received by said common council for making the Improvement designed for the improvement of 10th street from Main street northerly to Lin coln street nnd High Street from Ninth etreot easterly to Eleventh street. Said Improvement to be made in accordance with the plans and speci fications of the City Engineer for one or the other of the classes of Im provement mentioned therein and ap. proved by the said council, and In accordance with Ordlance No. 444 adopted on the 21st day of April, 1919. Said planB specifications and esti mates being on file with the Police Judgo and In the office of the City Engineer. The proposed improvement will be let ln ono contract, and the tlmo in which tho same is to be completed is fixed by Bald ordinnnco for Octo ber lGth, 1919. Bids must be filed with the Police Judge, tor submis sion to tho council at hla offico In tho City. Hall not later han 8 o'clock P. M. of tho Sth day of Mar. 1919. At which time and place proposals Said proposed Improvement to be mado in accordance with tho plans and specifications of the City En gineer for one or the other of tha classes of improvement mentioned therein and approved by the said Pniinnll nnil In nnnlanno with flp. dtnance No. 440, adopted on the 21st day of April, 1919, and by the mayor'; approved on the 22nd day of April, 1919. Said plans, specifications an destl mates being on file with the Police Judge and ln the office of the City Engineer. Tho proposed improvement will ba let ln one contract, and the time ln which the same is to be completed is fixed by said ordinance tor August 1st, 1919. Bids must be filed with tbe Police Judge for submission to the Council, at his office In the city hall of said city not later than 8 o'clock p. m., of tho Sth day of May, 1919. At which time and place proposals will be opened and considered. Each pro- posal must be accompanied by a cer tified check on somo responsible bank to the amount of G per cent of the ag- gregaret proposal, to be forfeited by the successful bidder upon failuro to entor into contract and bond for the faithful completion of tho improve ment In accordance with the con tract. The City of Klamath Falls re serving the right to reject any and all proposals. The award to the successful Milder DR. F R. GODDARD Osteopathic I'hyalrlan M Norgaott Suite ail. I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K., K. K. Store) Phone S2I .,. (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon ln Klamath. Kails ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer nnd builders of mod ern Suw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plant. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build nny class of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 149J Oulce ln K. D. Building nMAMAaAM'aA'VVWAiaiaisaiVVV' LIEUT. HERBERT A. POAGE Architect and Structural Engineer Klamath Falls, Ore. 207 Odd Fellows Building MMMMWMMMWMMWMWVMMMM for making the proposed Improve ment is hereby made contingent upon the sale of the bonds authorized to provide funds, for making said Im provement. The plans, specifications and esti mates above referred to embrace and provide for the proposed improve ment of said street by grading same between tbe points mentioned to es tablished grade to tho width of 24 ft and hard surfacing said street to tho width of 24 feet over all, including curbs, with either oil macadam or cinders. Proposals are requested for both kinds. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 23rd day of April, 1919. A, L. LKAVITT, Police Judge of Mra City ot 23-10t Klamath Falls,' Oregon. t u i