The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 25, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1'iuu.w, .xiiui a, ,,,
What American Flyers Were Ready to Do to Germans Shown
by Two Hours' Flight of 212 Planes Over City of San Diego
s ;"jmrw. aiN x , . - 'isi '
. AMWV Vt- " to, t- . .vV. . f.-. 'IMMkUIOt J
An Idea of what America's a inters t.ikin nt Rockwoll Field, San Diego. i!tld, manoeuvred oxer tho cltv rnd
TK camera could not taKo thum nil lnmp-d without mishap All tlid t'jers,
ero readj to do to the Germ ma Is ,,, ))llt here are a nllmber ot ,h0 aj2 t,a,Ml(1 , UocKwcll KIolll ttortl rcail)
Siven by this remarkable uho'niriaph l',,re vliich rose from the flvini; for service in Franco.
NT 1
FJ 1
j Ob, Joy. Oh, hoy, whoro do wo ko
1 from here noun to the Hot Spring
I lirth House for the fun wo do not
fear. i It
mn neglect a
Co cTccr 1: v.-::h C'rr.n'3
ARCHANGEL, (Correspondence of When jour kldnejs hurt and your,
the Associated Press.) High prices back feels sore, don't get scared and
and no work hive exhausted the sat- proceed to load jour stomach with a
ing of the peasants and, according to lot of drugs that excite the kldnevsj
advices reaching the American and and Irritate the entire urinary tract '
other allied food committees In Ar- Keop your kidnes clean like )ou
change!, the world will hae to feed keep jour bowels clean, by flushing
and clothe the half million people them with a mild harmless salts
who live behind the Allied lines Ii which removes the body' urinous
North Russia for at least elghtean waste and stimulates them to their
months. - ,- normal activity. The function of tho i
Six months ago, almost everj peas- kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 t
ant family in this district h'd Its hours they strain from It 500 grains
secret hoard of banknote?. While 'n of acid and waste, so wo can readily
the cities the people were. In Hianv undoMtana tho vital Importance of
instances, starving, the peasant had keeping th kidneys actlvo
money hidden under m stresses, 'n Drink lots of water jou can't
sacks and buried in the ground and drink too much: also get from any
hidden away from possible Rsd pharmacist about four ounces of Jad
Guard raiders were supplies of grain Calts; take a tablespoonful in a glas
and other foodstuffs. of water before breakfast each tnorn-
In August frost killed nio3t of the ing for a few dajs and jour kidnejs
meagre acre ge of grain that .vis will act fine This-famous salts Is
sown last er in this territory whl-h made from the acid of grapes and
is tnostly forest The secret food lemon juice, combined with llthla,
hoards were eaten months ago I.'i n- and has been used fpr generations to
ber mills and other concerns whMi clean and stimulate clogged kidn;v3,
usuallj prive employment have been also to neutralize the acids ,in urine
hut down, and the peasant, with no so it no longer Is a source of Irrlta
sourre of revenue, has been digging tion, thus ending bladder weakness
every daj Into his monej savings to Jad Salts H inexpensive; cannot
buy the food that came in from injure; makes a delightful offerves-
abroad when the Allies linded Thero cent llthla-water drink which every-
is no prosnect of North Russia feed- one should take now and then to Kcrw-iatkini;, jlltting or dull,
ing herself until the next harvest-! keep their kldnejs clean and active. i.
and oven this U made extremely illf-l Try this .also keep up the water ,itr winch coat only 10 cent a pack
flcult bj the shortage of Beed grain, 'drinking, and no doubt you'willwon- ge nt any drug store. It's the quick
The Allied food committees in Ar-ider what became of your kidney trou- wt.irUMJ.heffrellcf l""!;
changel are seeking a way to help hie and hackacho. ' Rjrony ul(l .nrc. now! You can.
this population The conditions that Millions of men nnd wotiii n liavo
prevail In this territory among a I Seo Charles S Hood. khimTTn ,"n'1 .l,at ""'"he and niiirnlpa
Imputation of half a million are be-j Agency, for .Indian grains lands and "V U "- Get wllt "" "
lleved to prevail to an equal or worse tl,nl)er 'V
extent throughout Central Russia,
i.nder Dolstipvlk control.
The American Red Cross has ceas.
ed civilian relief on a large scale In
th Archangel district, since this
work Is to bo taken over by the Hoov
er federal organization whoso rel
rtFPntatlves, at this date, have not
The Archangel Vlestnlk, comment
ing on tho situatlpn say.s; "If the
Northern Region desires to bo nblq
tpp',y a little, don t m, let It pent
trclt, ami kood-by tv."i.J Lrr.j for
external aches, pums, vf.i.-.3, tulineij
oi pints or muscles, bi.ioncj, Lruiscj.
Iastant relief witliout muut'neu or dotliins. Kclbblj tlic bijeest
selling liniment year after jcar. fcco
nomical by reason of enormous salca.
Keep a big bottle ready at all times.
Ask our druRjist for Sloan's Liniment.
30c, 60c and $1.20
fern gone
Dr. James' Hcodacbo Powders
give instant relief Cost
dime a package.
to subsist on its own upplies, the nec
essary seed grains must be received
not later than in four month.s If thoy
aro not received In that tlmi, the
population Is either condemned to
starvation or they will depend entire
ly upon tho Allies."
Relief work among the peasants In
tho hunger stricken territory, along
tho Murmansk peninsula and on tho
Arctic Pechora, nt this tmo of tho
ear, is greatly hampered by tho ?i'.
An Ico breaker with about 700 lon.s
cf flour, sent to tho Pechora district
lied to roturn to Archangel, unablo to
penetrate the 'ico fields.
Then they CanniMl Him.
yyl!- r I Til ft ihPTPjfcfc3i
Ifftli i t I III firw.
t Mi fe fS IW 1 mW
The "Mopping-Up" Job
Customer "Whorq will I find tho
Now Tloorman "All canned goods
mo in tho grocery department on
tho fourth flooi " Judge
THAT'S what I his VJetorj Loan mean to every patriotic
Aincriiiui. Our JHainuth Ih.jA vvrnt "Out Tliero" mill
rlhlu-U lliclr lives to liiing things to n flttliiK climax. Now
the lcjiht AVI3 can do In to piofltablj imt in n few AVar
Iloiidi WITHOUT JtlSIC to nnjlliliiK.
The 1'in.t Niillonul Untile htaiid in the flint i.iiiUh ngaln
iw usual to li Iji jou lielp jour kiiiiiIij.
ie Rrst National Bank
April Only
Once more you will hnVc an opportunity to secure the
Herald for one year at our annual Bargain Rate. Each
year during the month of April we accept subscriptions at
the following rates:
To get the benefit of this rate your subscription must
be paid up to date. If your subscription expires any time
in the future, you may take advantage of this special offer,
and we will extend your subscription for one year from the
date to which it is now paid.
This special offer is good only
during' the month of April
This week you will rcceii a statement showing the
date to which your subscription is paid. It will be the only
notice you will receive. If the subscription is not renewed
by the date indicated on this statement, we will accept it
as a notice to stop your paper, and it will be discontinued.
Next year is to be the big year for Klamath Falls,
Klamath County, and the State, and the Herald, and the
Herald, in anticipation of the great strides towards recon
struction and development thai are to be made, has en
larged to eight pages. We are going to keep a step ahead
of all development, and this means a better newspaper
than you have ever had before. You will be furnished all
the big news of the world, of your state, of your county,
and of your city, for about a cent a day hardly enough to
pay the cost of the paper used for printing it. The Herald
wants to enter every home in Klamath County, and that is
why we are making a special effort to give you a bigger
and better paper, one far in advance of the real needs of
this section, and why we are making this big, special Bar
gain'offer. Do no,t postpone sending in your subscription until
the last day Get the spirit of the times, and DO IT NOW
today. And, please remember that this special offer is
good only during the month of April.