The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 25, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, APRIL ba ,,
The Evening Herald Lieut Co1' Theodore Roosevelt, Hia Wife, Who Wat War Worker
j in France, With Their Children, Ju.l After Reunion in New York
K. J. M I'ltlUV '
J. j;
Published dally except Sunday h)
The Herald I'iiIiIIsIiiiie Company or
Klamnth Falls, at llf Fourth street
Entered at tho postottlco nt Klam
ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru
the malls ns secnnd-elas matttr
Subscription terms by mall to any
address In tho United States: -
One year SR.00
"One month .60
Member t tho .oMn-lnlnl Pro
The Associated Press Is exclusively
'entitled .to tho use for republication
or all news dispatches credited to It
or not otherwise credited In thl pa
per, and also local news published
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches heron; are also re
served "FRIDAY, APRIL 'Xi ,II.
The following from tho Portland1
Journal is Interesting to the people
of Klamnth county, from the fact
that we occupy an almost similar sit-'
nation to of the Malheur-Harney
ceuntry: j
"H almost seems as if effort is be-'
Ing made by the Oregon Short line
to make the Malheur-Harney country
Idaho territory.
Railroad geography has made Kla
math and Lake counties a commer
cial annex to California and Nevada'
though In the long slope downhill
to Portland nature made them a loe -
leal port of Oregon
r . .
u.aufu ui .i.i;uuisuuit:t?3 over
hich the people had no control.
Coos Bay has long been a satrapy of
California commercially.
The train service over the Crane
branch of the Oregon Short lino is
gradually annexing extreme Eastern
uregon to Idaho The Crane branch
leaves tne main line at Ontario and
uthwest to with-!
s It is Bta5tl-')iC
s. n is siageil-
the agricultural
extends 127 miles southwest
in 37 miles of Burns.
cally suited to route
and livestock output of interior Ore-
ron. nok Into Onrnn hm inn imk i
t --o- -- . wuw.
These products cannot reach tide-
water except by a rnundabout route I
to the northeast and then westward '
- Tt j .v'l1' .-.-. . .- .
luinauu ur oiuor buiumou river'
.o i
The projected Strahorn line from
-. l,VJ,,cu uuauuiu iiuo iruui
Burns to Bend, would be a connect-l""11
to, link to bind the Harney country!
,w o-'" - ., "i-j some inters woman i matter tneres L.inasay 01 me jsun rieia aninery
rect downhill route, to tidewater. others that a fellow would be more stepped from the train.
"Bat It Is the train service on the i-lal,c!r ab0ut' ,uch "" b,,U I The young man Is the son of Mr.
Crane branch that thickens this 'Vey haTelaid In a lot of automo. n li "ndaay of the Uon
aeemlng plot to tie the Harney coun- bile accessories, and are getting ready onra district and he left Immediately
try to Idaho, There Is ope mixed
train each wav mr ilav nvtr tho lino
It leaves Ontario 20 minutes before re'tha, tat" V.
the night train out of Portland something of a Joy, and not the hid
aches Ontario. Why it does. not ::
-wait 20 minutes for this Portland
train, nobody seems to know. Mall (
or freight or passengers arriving on'
that train must wait at Ontario 23
hours and 40 minutes before start
ing for Burns, Crane and intermed
iate points. Portland newspapers
-must wait the same length of time,
while Boise city papers and Boise
city freight have quick connection
xfad 23 hours end 40 minutes start
over Portland.
"There Is a single train over tho
line each way every day, and there
t is no particular arriving time at the
Crane terminus. A start of 20 min
utes later would make the Malheur
Harney country a part of Oregon
commercially instead of a province
of Idaho."
Klamath county has an opportun
ity to get from under the construct
ing contl-ol of the Southern Pacific
company, through the construction of
the Strahorn line. Some believe that
all of our ambitions will be served
thru the building of the Natron cut
off, but in this they are mistaken.
If the Natron cut-off were an accomp
lished fact, we would be little better
off than we are now, for we would
atlll be a one-railroad city which
means a town of very limited size.
"With the Strahorn line to Bend, or
aorae other point In the vicinity of
cur perfidius neighbor, we would
nave the benefit of the Hill line.
With the full development of thr
Strahorn system, we will have the
Pacific. When we secure
these two connections, we will also
get the Natri u cut-off .mi tho .Mo
doc Northern and not be'ii, l
has always been the policy of the
Southern Pacific to "kill" Oregon,
and thlB has been quite successful
and will continue to be until the
construction of the 'Strahorn line,
which will open up the vti' heart -f
the greatest undeveloped territory
1n America.
Klamath Falls must not go to sleep
on this great work. Every moment
of delay means Just our remaining
that much longer under the evil con-
trol of the most conscienceless rail-'
wSMM ' -
JL4 n- V.,iMHwn4n- -
This Ist tho first photograph of
Lieutenant Roosevelt taken with his
family since his recent return- from
France. He was with tho Twenty -
road company in tho United States.
Give us an outlet over another rail -
railroad system, nnikthu difficulties
, ,
of Klamath Falls, so far as railroads
'are concerned, are at an end. Wo
will get a three-cent fare, faster train
.,.,..a ..,,.. i.nit-l.nuia nn.infn.
tlon b the higher officials, bettor
freight rates and bettor treatment In
every respect. , '
-.. i,... i' i
. '"" " " '"" "" "'
"""" ,.-.." """""""
Ji.,,h AaSo Tlre ComPany' sh
M..,.rieU em,out SuniUy up on
t,e Williamson river, and I believe
It's the best elj;ht an' a half I ever
Vou know they've Kt a new man In
...- . i. ...f.iH. L...11.
-11 the business, so he took Frank
n.t.c uun... ..hwuic iuuiiiu i iiiuiuic
Smith in as a partner an' -they have
changed the name to "The Diamond
Tire A Vnlcaalzinir Gonmar." Home
r,v, . .. ,. ft' 1
l",e. eh? It seems that there ai-e so)
nun- institutions here thai trt '
their title with "Klamath," and the
mi- uu7 niiu AUBMuif mu uio
. -
'. n ni.rht h i.ii u..
la. of cr SSI
" 'he bljc time that is promised the
" VI. . .1. . !. r..
Jilamatn country this summer. You
The week Just past has been
significant In Oregon history.
The referendum vote of all
Chambers of Commerco in tho
state, as to whether the Klamath
Falls Strahorn line for the open
ing of Central Oregon should be
encouraged and supported was a
landslide for the affirmative tho
entire state voted yes, with the
exception of the town of Bend,
which has doomed itself hence
forth to be a way station only.
The overwhelming weight of
public sentiment is clearly in fa
vor of our great project and voices
the universal demand that Klam
ath Falls take the lead and finish
the great work she alone so pluck
lly began single-handed. Quick to
precelve the psychological moment
and quick to respond to the call
of the people of the state, on Mon
day evening last, the mayor and
common council of this city, with
out a dissenting voice, cleared the
deck for the Immediate com
mencement of the greatest work
to be ubdertaken by this genera
tion the opening to civilization
of the largest productive area re
maning undeveloped in the United
The steps take on Monday eve-'
nlng led to the winding up of the
construction contract with Robert
E. Strahorn, so that the city could
proceed, at once to vote as to what
disposition is to be made of our
municipal railway.
The destinies of Oregon, and
especially of Eastern Oregon, rest
ed with our mayor and council
on last Monday without the in
itial link the Klamath Falls
Dairy line the development of
Eastern Oregon Is Impossible at
this time. If this city sells tho
municipal lino to tho Oregon, Cal
sixth Infantry. Mrs. Roosevelt, tho
tlrst V. M. C. A. canteen worker sent
to France, camo back only u short
j tlmu before her husband. Tho child.
'eons nightmare it MimetlmoN turns
'"'" " l'""I won't work,
"P,.ou, l"lr,nt, i",y 'V? "h '
jou can't flntl the putt-lies, or the
rrnicnt is nil Koue, or any tliirn tliln
like that... You know, omo of the
" timv '"'' ' " iV ride Is
" "l'l .....,.. -
of II
enuseil ii delay nt
80me hnly spot nlonR the rtmil. Anil
Mimotliiim ir nt Just
such times that you learn the illM.
Mltlon uf the ones )ou lire traveling
ml piMictiiieil tire has piiiie-
tuc,, n,orc l,m" on'' r'",",.
hiouri ii was proimoiy oiumiMi onto
somethlm rtr. Tukn m- uilvlrr.
Jllrk. ,. ,,, havc' ,llo
you want on tho neat, lie sure you
Imvc ever,thlnK you nd In the uol
i-i w, fjij Timer
' " ",u."" T' jnjn
... . -, . , . -., . .
amM m.,m. m ... -, m . . . .w
ki ama in ww w w wa
ri ner ta nrm im
,-. .,i Vi...ii, . -v,-. re
ne more Kmn Hero who per
formed valient service for his conn
loruieu vaiieni service lor uis cuiin -
,rr In the great world conflict .
,rr ,n ,ne reai wona conmct re-
turned early this week when Walter
for hU old home. Mndaay had been
overseas for nine months. He has
seen active service in the trenches
and. actually got within ten miles of
ifornia and Eastern railway, Hob
bert E. Strahorn will be enubled
to commence construction from
Dairy to Spruguo river AT ONCE,
as soon as the question to be sub
mitted to the people Is settled.
By ordlnanco passed to second
reading on Monday last, and
which will bo up for final passngo
next Monday evening, tho whole
question will bo HUhmittod to tho
people of Klamath Falls at a spe
cial election to bo hold May 21st.
Tho vote to bo takon on that
day Is whether the City of Klam
ath Falls shall sell and deed tho
present municipal railroad to
Dairy to the Oregon, California
and Eastern Hallway company,
taking in exchange the income
bonds of shI drallwny company,
amounting to 4300,000 tho tltlo
to be turned over when construc
tion reaches Sprague river.
Our duty and our interest aro
clear thero is only one thing to
do and that Is to get rid of the
municipal line on the terms offer
ed and get Robert E. Strahorn to
ivork throwing dirt on the
Sprague river extension without
one minute's unnecessary delay.
Our prosperity depends upon
this extension and WE MUST
HAVE IT-THIS YEAn. One large
mill concern with an estimated
pay roll of $260,000 per annum Is
waiting our action on May 21st
to establish Itself at Klamath
Falls. v
We cannot stand still to go
backward is unthinkable we
must go forward. The people of
Klamath' Falls are the architects
of the future of Eastern Oregon.
To us belongs the leadership to
us will belong the trado If we
have tho capacity to seize tho op
portunity before us. ,
The eyes of tho country nro
upon us. Oregon expects every
voter in Klmnuth Fulls to do his
duty on May 21st.
ren from left to right are draco, Cor
nolltiH and Theodore, Jr. The photo
grnph was taken In the Ilootevelt
homo In New York City.
llerlln before he returned to this
country. Ho hu.s received his ills
chirgo and will probably remain In
Klamath County.
The best klmTof a time Is In store
.for the crowd attending the Informal
'"""" me lino i euciin no'ei
thU evening
which Is being given
,,v ,,,,' lnU1,,a of ,l,a Klcor Churoli,
tho ,irocct.d8 of whlcll ttro K,I1K ,
be used for church work.
; A large number of tickets tmo 'il
I ready been purchased and thiuo who
K.v l ...i.,l ll..m ..III rln.l .1.
. .. n. a tm. m i.. .,..
first dancing party held at the
I, . T . ' . .
i hotel or .a long tlnaand tho many,
dauring enthusiasts in Klamath Falls
will bo glad to take'acvatcge of the
- PPrtunl5p ui evening. Everyone
. ii,j
la invited.
The congregational meeting at the
Presbyterian Church, which was any
nouncod for this evening, has been's-mi SAi.vTrrt.A.Fnr.i
postponed until after the service on
Sunday morning.
Libby & Libby's Sliced
Pineapple, 7 slices to
can, 2 cans 35c
Log Cabin Syrup, small
size, Sat. only 25c
See our line of Tru-Blu
Cookies in-window, Sat
urday. Fresh and New.
We Are Still Selling
Whittier Brand Toma
toes, 2Jo size can, at 2
for 35c
We A,k You to Try
Them and Compare
Quality With Others.
&nnin .feW- Ik urn? i ? ' I
rs-w 5?7 mmEBr
XfesL mw
l?iM. VS'AlP.S V. SBe&M
9 "gtatofc- pai
i m
WANTED - MenneilKor boy. Must !
i yi'iirn of age. (lood opportunity
leiiru toh'Kriipliy- Apply Wi'tlttnt
- Union. 21-31
FOR UKNT .Sunny front
416 Pine nt. I'honii If.
RUNT -Ten ncre trait acriin
from C'lifldeu Hot Factory. Apply
A. J I.vle. (!lh lllll Kll. 1M-21"
L'lill Al I' .S'nnl mid iniidern five
room plastered bungalow on Ninth
St. liak tilth, hireeiiotl ImrK porcn.
rhirkeu house and yard, lawn and
trees. Owner will mirraflco at I1SU0
for iiulck sale. Terms. Chllcote &
s,1,,tl1' 63.:1 Mul" 8l-
FOR HAMS Dandy five-room plas
tered bungalow on Knplaunde
with screened front and buck
porches, hath, fire place, Inwn And
bl K lot. Price 12250. Auly 12SU
cash and balance like rent. Chllcote
& Smith, 633 Main HI. .
mil hai.K s two.vrar old llarretl
Ili.l. r.wilnra O A. H. liu-k 12
. .- --:-- -.--i:
oach. Merrill Creamery. Merrill.
run MAI ab Ainmicv pu
tBt0 planter and a Hoover potato
digger, all In good shape, roople s
Warehouse, successors to Fannr'
U'nPJlhnilBM f'o
"enouse uo,
FOR RAl.B or Exchange 105 acres
near Midland, at a bargain. In
r..,.r r, j, Jackson, Fort Klamath,
Oregon. 32-261
FOR SALE 3 disc plow and disc
. harrow. Inquire Joe I). Dervln.
Cood as now, 1 3-4 ml. Wexc of
Malln. O. F. (Illck. 21;6t
FOH SALE Roan Shorthorn null.
Weight 1800 lbs. Edward Frcuor.
Seven Spring's Ranch. Poo Valley.
FOR SALE Three fine homes, suit.1" l. "t the purpose oi Tunas
able for largo fnmllles; a few choice.
frcsldence lots, closo In; one of tho l erection oi n rn '"',"',"
'best Income properties In Klamnth "lock 100, Mills Addition rhsHetj
Falls; tuln land In tracts, large or1""" w111 holil In llio cnir'i
small. W. S, Slough,
FOR SALE Flvo room cottage, mod
ern Improvements, for sale by own
or; closo In; furniture If desired, In
cluding plnno. Eiuiulro Frank M.
Upp, 511 Mnln St. 31-tf
uc r oh tuln land of Klamath Drnln-
donj suitable for crazing cnttlo; tract
can do iiivinod into two nearly equal ,' ' """ .,.,...
;unlt. M. Motflchenbachor, U. Jncobn, ,1P , . J " r '.'ik'
W. S. SIoukH. commltteo. ,.tt 'f 25-31 . JOHN ( Ol.r.M'UV
WANTED -lly Uentlomnn, room or
room and board. Phono 128. 2t-2
1 WANTED A now 3 In. low-whool,
I wide tiro wagon. State mako,
iima uscu ana prico. Address Charles
R. Stephenson, Merrill, Oro. 24-2t
TEAMS WANTED At once, to skid
logs by contract. Lamm Lumber
Company. , 18-10
LOST Thursday, between this cltv
and Dairy, two 324 Goodrich!
tires; ono new with rim. Reward will
he paid l( returned to 117 Main St.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon , for Klamath County.
Bert H. Wlturow, Administrator of
tho Estato of Alma O. Kills, do
ceased, Plaintiff,
Timothy C. Hun-ess and Fannie P.
Ilurgcss, Dofondants,
Notice Is l.t!t(iby glvon Hint by vlr-
tuo of an execution und ordor of
sale iHSitt-d out of tho nhovo entitled
court unu in mis cuuso, on tho 24th
day of April, 1010, upon a docreo
miido and entered of record in mild
Court npd cuuso, on tho 21st doy of
Anrll, 1010, In favor of tho ubovo
named njulutlff and against tho said
defendants und ouch of Hum, di
recting tho siilo of property heroin-
tifter d user I tied, to ,n . ii, kU.
of tuKiitlier . i ,.,.,
Ilicrcim at the rate "f - i . r , -n, ,,,,r
niuuini from thh d'i- ..i ,.,i. ncrts
mid for llm lurtlior ..,u, r tloooo
a titloruey'it fee mid the u ii o(
1 10.60, n rot and U-itir 'im.-it,,
now, therefore, by virtux of mi
v.rll, I lmvo dul) IrMi.i !,, kju
r'.-il properly and uin ..n h
liny of .May, 19 111. at ! . rlwk t
in. nt tint front door of tin- Klanuth
County CiiurthoiMi'. Kluumth vm.
wrun, i in puoii au.iimi U th
lili I'lililer for rah m huinl. ut,.
J'.'y1 ." """",u""- " T.nt,jc ( aw
ail tun riRlit, title mid iniirrt uf
the mild dofemlntim mid m It .( thrm.
In and to the follouiui; itcacrlbrj
tiltuatu In Miimiith Ciiutiir. 0r-
'" north half uf north et .mar
tor mid hortliwoM iiiurir uf north-
eitui iiiuitter ul m-itloii : lonmhlp
Si Mouth iiiiiKe III oiiat ul U illwiiitilc
or so much lliereor ns nniy Im nec
essary to satisfy said urn of viecu
tlon. 'Hated at Klamath Fiilln. Orrtun,
April 25. 19 1!.
li:o. I.. lltWII'IIHKY.
26-2.'J.lfl-23 HhrrlK.
Sowlwil bids will bo rerrlred
Hoard of Directors of School 1)1)
..-. .,. i l...h.
iritl u, I ninilllllll rilim, llll-iun.
. ' y.iw. iviv, ror tne erection
I and completion of a I'ubllc Bchool
'ttl.ll.ttnv ......jtr.ll.ii It. tilnn. .nrl
. , riling to plani ind
'specifications prepurnl by Charlrt II.
Ilurigrar, architect, Albany, Oregon.
The lowest bidder will he required to
furnish references satisfactory to lbs
Abliis mint Im made out en blink
proposal for the snmiv lllanki fur
nished Upon application by the clerk
or architect. I'lnns ami pacifies
lions may be seen nt Klamath Fill
or at Architect's office
A certified check for 5 per rent of
the amount of the bid mint accom
pany tho bid,
The board reserves the right to
reject any anil all bids.
lly order of School Hoard No. I.
Illils will bo opened May I!. 1H.
but no bids will be received after
Mny, 10, 119.
An election will bo Held on April
uon ,0 ," '''" ir n-"u" '"'
school and tho polls UI ! Pn
from - ti, in. to 7 p. in
MOM Villi.
. XOTH'K OF nissoi.rno.v.
Vii, thn undoriilKiii'il. ' ,,h " i1"'
nottneo Hint wn have tin "I")' "
solved tho piirtneslilp i'xiH"K "tf"
,. 'fi... imuiiifKrt lii the in
mi'.-,, tin, . .in .,.." - t.
turn to lie conducted l J'"n cole"
'" w " !"- "" ,kl""
Klamath Idunty News
Mr. E n. Davis ami lltt'o ,vl
Hobblo wont to Ashland Wcilncdy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. K, Kemp P""
8unday at tho J. D. Hooper home.
Miss Bolmn McRoynoldfl spent Bun.
day nt hor homo In LniiKcH Vol'e''
Miss Ha Hooper, Miss Hnttlo '
and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Button p
Sunday In Klomath Falls attonalM
Easter services .
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hooper rceelvM
tho glad nows from Uiolr son w. r.
Hoopor of tho 316th Kind"" ""
ho arrived In New York from orK
sou sorvlces last wook.
m "
J. II. Dalon, who was In tlio AtIi
tlon Borvlco In Franco and who re
turned to. tho United States wit n
French brldo U In Klamnth M" '
n fow days, from San Krone l. ij
reprosontatlvo of tho Slmonils M"
facturing Company. Mr. 1I"
compnnlod by his brlilo mid tbejr
guests at tho White Pelican