THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'lUDAY, Al'llll, .t ,,, TAGK TWO m. l M pi if f HE'S WATCHING YOU REV. DUNN FEELS IT HITTDSFEK w wis tiTin its 'io urM:rrr in i uis i:irmi:Nri:. spent im-n. KKIIIs ) pnl.l.Xlts THUNI1 I I.N VAIN 'IO IINII RELIEF nml then ntliom mill now 1 nm Just PHEASANT RANCHES llko n now iium I 'mi o't miJtlilnK m iMMm IM CTATC nml Mr, Flolnrlimr ,m., i . .. nlnn i. tul If mi p..,- ' lll " ""' iiii'iiiiiiii- 'UllllllllHtlllll lllllUlfHi,. Dili ,. Iin rmiHii in niti Ix.l Mi . . wurklmt on Hi., ,mi, r, ,.., JOIII1. '" t (lift I W n Klmiiiiili rutin, mil " n'?'."t lillllillllK. lllmvo HllKiirimm , Mr, Vik unit Miilli. 'j '-I I i now without tlm tt'iiM (I'iniinfoit i iiflorwiirdu tt kIviw mt pI.mihuio to Mo what 1 nm Uir my .follow mull. rtA1-Mi A,r , Tin IiIkkohI 1 mm in. T.inliio Inn boon of mull great hK ((i(( (1(( 1( K()0 ,.mm,(m ! benefit to mo nml to h mnnlvr of (mu f(). ui ,,, of ,,, my frl.-mU iilfo, I nm It mfi (lM) t)(( )( ,,,.,. , to nii'i noiiy itoiiihIh worn o.fillliliit, In clulmoil 1'.... I ,. .s lu Hillll III Ivlllllllllll I'll I II llV I (ho S . I. ruK M J i.. I.orolh. l.y " """, . .... ..... ... i i. i Ill'.Ml lllllll.' for llll OIOimKHllO.1 of HIV u.iim--. .HI " ...i. I -i - .. -- - MmiiuiiIIiiii lilu llxtllltd W llllmit tlltt II V " - thotirmiiN of tin- i.inN will tmiiin Tho Grcntcst Trnctor Mnile llio IIIIIIIIIIK hoi (."lis oi urn mum hii ( 1 1- Til' lllllll lOllt(lllllllt.'H I ho milt limit n( two K.Ulin fill nit, ono of . '.'s in icn nciir CorMilllH. unit tiiiiilhoi nf 4S iiirnH mur l.'um'iin ttovorno. SA1.KM. April 2S Aiitomohllo 0, ,, ( N- n,,mi,.r, of Tori roKlHtiiitlo.ii hint Siiltirihy I'iuh.mI i-,,, mt,it,(.r of I'm i'iiiiiiiiIuhIoii, tho i;;l.t.)ii murk, whltMi In n Rromor ,-.,,,1 ) 'shmi.miWor. mnlo ir-iiio wur ll(l ll'IK l(lll AUTOS INCREASING THRUOUT OREGON wr-nC? i "Kov J II Dunn. I'nMor of tho (Church of Chrlit ut 2110 V.nrt S.. loiut Ao., SioliitiP, W'nsh , mul rtwl.l lltiK ut T24 W'Mt Slmrii St root. Is -till miolhor MluKtor wlioio .Icon i ...,.- Ilf ,.,., worn lotlsloroil ., ., sonso of Kritllii.lo mul .lolr. to hol. ,n ls )ll,1, ,,,.. , ,,, )tm. ,;,,, ,,'. , ,,, fl)r oiuora "in urn no...... ...... .v, ..- ()f ,uls T , r,,KMrtMOII ror , )tn p, ,( n Hot n ..( I'll mini mimi ii-mwimii. uif "'"it- ,,, .;.i.S25, m'ror.IltlK 10 I'o ,hu. .lorhoil from tlm uo of Tniihio Socroliirv of Slnlo Him Kosor "Tnnhic htm not oiilv ioIIowmI mo SsMS t'lity If (oiiiiurlKon In roKUirnttoiig EDIT GHELL II T I of my ton onrs' Hiifforl.iB." tihl tho M,0 f()r furrpspnnillnK poilmK tho Kov Mr Hiinn. "Imt It lint l.ullt mo ,()a, lnlm)pr ,,r ruril roulMoroil up up wonilorfnlh, I liM' snlniM flf- ,() Aprt (yt jots, xvia J'lto. r toon poniuN In n month"-, llmo hv nKnJus, fi3in,) r, ' tho Hint porlml taking It M foinnrh In hui'Ii n lMx )w(r (.ll.onlorw! romlltlon tint I coiilil not li() liuinj,0r ( niM t . ont wllhoiti snffcrliiK Kront imtn. Mv r(,KtBtr, ,h, J0.,r ,t(,v u I.Ik food foil HKo louil Iji my stoiniiph 1llf0lUi, ou,r Iasl )pnr rinUtt(itl'n (in.l I would oxpol gai allium ovory jf tH J0Rr (,ri, , , rt&a , , xr,s r Bono, lo wt'iiiji t ?lou tho on till foi lin'im tho fnlhor of tho now mitor ptloi i ..iitorii'il tioro Siil.irdm loll in.' i" i i'o I'tnn Ki'xonior Gth nnd Mnin THE MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR JOHN M. LEWIS. ABcnt hone 140 tlio roKlntrntloiM In l!l". Iieiitlni: rmlior i l(. BT T UllSira STARTED SOON htofith. My hontl achod (oimtinlly mid 1 continually lost In wolfiht.l stronth and onorKy 1 spoilt iiroiin.l ' threo hmidroil ilolhus for mo.llclnoH hut Kot no hotter. "Whit did tho llttio onoi miv . hon "I flnnllN boiiKlit Tnnlir on tho n. told tholil thoro U no Stiilil I strotiKth of lilijl. fiulorscmont'' nod Claim" my first hottlo miido u uuirko.l rluiiiKo Tho inked mo If I n Junt find. In m foollllKs ho I tioiiKht nnotlirr iiik It out WmlilliKloil BEND, April 2".- That Central Oregon will within fiO da bo per mitted, under n special dispensation LONDON", (Correspondence of the Associated Press) "I expected ni sentence, but I am glad to die for inr country. In the slcht nf etprnllv. I know now It is not enough to love to orPanlz an KlKs loJeo. with he.l only jour own country. You must quarters in Uend, was tho iiromli' love all, and not hate any." J -Monday night of Deputy C.rnnd Evn"- Those were among tl last words 1 Ruler H. U. Toncy of McMlnnlllo of Edith Cavell, the British nurse In an address during the closing hour t who was executed by the Germdns in cf n banquet gten by tho local mem. I Belgium. The churchman to whom " of tho nntlered herd for the they were spoken, the Rev. H. S. T. E'ks of Deschutes, Lake. Crook nod Oahan, has Just returned to Eng- Jefferson counties. Ono hundred nu-i land from Brussels, where with his Hfty lodgemen, including many dele. wife he remained thruout the war. J Pates to the Oregon cattle nnd horre Aided by a German protestant mll.i raUers1 convention were there. lr. lUry chaplain, Mr. Gahan received Toney Is taking with him rhnrter permission, he says, to see Miss Cav. list of 58 names, which will h sent ell In prison on the night before '.he death sentence was executed. "With the chaplain," Mr. Gahan Mid, "I went to the cell door and it opened and Miss Cevell stood In the doorway. I trad gone prepared for a very trying scene. There stood my friend looking s calmly sweet as anyone could look. She was un changed, except that she appeared better for the enforced rest In pris on. The warden withdrew and we were not interrupted. "I remember practically all she said. She was thankful for the quiet time, as her life had been such a burden and rush in many respects.) She was not sorry to go, for her life had contained so much trial that she "was weary beyond endurance. 'They .have treated me very kindly here,' " she said. ,The little communion vessels wero placed on a chair, and after the service Mr, Gahan recited "Abide with me," Miss Cavell, joining under her breath. "Then I felt," the minister con tinued, "that I must not staj ninth longer, for I had been there an hour I stood up and said, "Good-bye.' and we were face to face. She was look ing slightly strained, but nothlnc more Wo shook hands and smiled, and I added. 'We shall meet again' Good-bje ' " The great crime of hurrying the execution according to Mr Gahan, belonged to the military governor of Brussels, who would not wait to communicate with headquarters. at once, with a special recommenda tion for Immediate action to the grand exalted ruler. While the baby lodgo of tho state Is expected to be In running order within two months' time, the charter cannot finally he granted until the meeting of the grand lodge In July. Work to organize a lodge of Bend and Central Oregon Elks was started two years ago, but was halted whn State Senator Vernon A. Forbe3 n:ul Ralph Polndexter, the leader In the movement, were drowned at Cros cent lako last summer. JAPS SAY KOREAN TALES OVERDRAWN fe rvw?V' 0 (3 ftp--' UUC' DON'T RAISE UNPROFITABLE HOGS KILL THE UCE AND KEEP THE PREMISES SANITARY BY USU.Q KRESO DIP No. 1 ItTMMKOIIfDI EFFECTIVE EASY TO USE ECONOMICAL EitwrtmmMon lirnhnn rmitht JS1 Jlluttmol Knoedlp No. I -III kill Vlruknt Ho CboJrra Virtnii UTorolnu.n bruritact. Writ tut Iraa tefclu mi tot iais A&U Ccacme Uutf Wallow Construct km 4 Kma Dap No. 1 In ofiaUal rti Fo 3 B STAR DRUG CO. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 24. The Japanese Embassy In an offi cial statement Issued today declared that the reported cruel measures of the Japanese authorities in suppress ing the Korean disturbances had been exaggerated and that tho total num. her of casualties in the proving had been 331 killed nnd 73j wounded People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER It is just as easy and quick to go to the right place to get quality meats as not; and instead of getting only some satisfaction and enjoy ment you get it all. VVVVVVVVVVvVVifvV..VsiniMiMMMAAAAMAMiMVAAAAA Phone 83 534 Main St. HERBERT HOOVER IS STILL IN PARIS PARIS, April 25 Herbert Hoover! has been groatly surprUd ami an noyed .) ti.e dispatches announcing I lie was in Berlin. Ho has been In this city for weeks. He Is unable to ac count for the report unless ho Is be ing Impersonated at the German capi tal. OlinCOV LEADS DISTRICT I VICTOHV LOAN" DRI E. SAN FRANCISCO, April 24.- Oio. goi! Is the leading state In the district In the laco for the first full Liberty Loan quota. Portland Is reported to bo lagging. The state outside Port land is reported to havo reached eighty per cent of Its quota, Get a Travelers iind health policy ..nil protect our income. Cliil-- cote & Hiiiltli. agcniH. 'J-u High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDEIt FINEST MATERIALS REST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STVLES PERFECT FIT CiUAHANTEED Pi Ices nro very reiisoiuiblo Viiiii inspection I. uiliil Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR BJS Main St, X'" Pineapple Pineapple Just yeceived, a large shipment of LIBBY'S Cele brateel high grade Pineapple. This SPECIAL PINEAPPLE is the choice of the season's growth. It is grown in Hawaii anil is gath ered when thoroughly ripe. It is sealed in it's pack ages within a few hours from the time it is picked, and in this way all of the rare flavor and delicious ness of the Pineapple is brought to your table. The distinctive rich and heavy rich syrup is made from pure sugar. This we have in No. 1 and No. 2'. tins; price 20c and 40c. We would like to have you try a can with your next order. THE SUNSET GROCERY PHONE 200 It's Easy to Rember, and We'll Deliver the Goods. "' '" 9 I ' v I --BP BIG DANCE AT .MAL IN SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 Music by M. Dabry Orchestrji Everybody is cordially invited. Good time for all Freedom for Your Feet You should treat your feet well during the warm weather. You can insure foot comfort through the use of NYAL'S FOOT POWDER This is an antiseptic preparation that is cooling, soothing and healing to sore and tired feet. It is especially beneficial in cases of excessive pres piration, as it prevents disagreablo odors. Just sprinkle it in your shoes every morning and your daily work will seem lighter. Price 25c. KLAMATH KORN KNOCKER Warm weather will make your corns sting and constantly keep your feet on your mind. You can not work well under such conditions, so get rid of the corns now. You can wear your .shoes and suffer no inconvenience or pain while the corns are being loosened. Price 35c niuterwooft Pitaroi Wv aor KLAMATH FALLS OREGON J WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE J i I I pumitv I BUY THEIR DRUGS (StSS) fJ 5 rau LJ fp J J J Iff Afl&v ; n 25l Wj rtn-, 'L.J ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. Full Sugar, Half Sugar, Golden Tankard MAMMOTH LONG RED and TABLE VARIETIES BEETS Murphey's Feed & Seed Store Phone oi 126 South Sixth St m v ' !!