THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIII'IIMIl.tV, APRIL ai, , ll 1 III, PAOK SIX ' m L m r diamond SQUEEGEE TREAD Tires m uv FINISH THE JOB Our job here at home is not over as long as there is one American soldier overseas as lomj as one dollar is needed to finish the task. Nearly a million Yanks are still "Over There" guarding what they won. SO STICK. STICK "TO THE LAST MAN, TO THE LAST DOL LAR." .STICK WITH THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN This space donated by Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 120 H. Sixth St. Telephone 107 Klamath Fulls, Oregon A Wathlntlon A Monumtnt JVoiAlMlon, NATION LME lEttB IDE I plans are made nui simi'l tankovs release ok ':h:' TREATY OX PA UTS OK A. ERICAN CONTINENT T I SUBSGRPTONS BY PREC NCTS Precinct a, I M. W. Cosptinom 100 Miss K. 1.. KnrlKlit . .. r.O ! It. ( (Iroesberk 250 ... Juntos OrUcoll 100... Loin Drlsroll 150.... M. P. Evans COO.... Mrs. Elisabeth Evans COO ... J. 1). Morrytnnn 50.... .M. I.. Poland 400.... O. J. Cnrlnn too.... J. K. -Woller 100... Mr. & Mrs. Hay Telford CO.... C. 1C. RrandeuburK ...150..., Prwlnrt fl. Louis Holdl'-clialr 100.. 250.... 60.... CO.... 50 ... 300.... 150.... PARIS, April 24. (My tho As sociated Press 1 The council of four of the peace conference. In the Inter, vnl before the peace treaty Is handed to tl'e OJermati delegate., will take, up the question of mikltiK the docu ment public. Ray Staunard linker,! representing the American rielcen-, Hon, In agreement with the press ad visers of the delegations of other ' Chas. K. Stnmwotl 300.... countries, has recommended to the; Sam Smith 150.... council the publication of tho treaty, Mr. & Mr. P. C. Murphy 100.... Immediately after Its delivery to the C. L, McWIIIiams 100.... Germans. Otherwise, It Is pointed ' J. 1,. Hockley 000.... out. tho first version of the Impor-iC. 11. & Kathlyn House 100.... tant provision! of the treaty would be Hnrry Dalley 100.... Issued by the Germans and might be loaded tin with German propaganda. ! Tho plan proposed on behalf of ' the United States Is for tho American delecates to cable for simultaneous distribution on the American cotttln- 1 ent. first a 230 word official sum- j ntary of tho treaty: second a 5000 .word official summary and third, the text of the treaty. The two sumntar- io. ouiil lw clven to the American press at about tho same time and1 i.o treaty a day or two later, the! text possibly to be distributed by In. stallments. as It was received. The .text of the covenant of the league of notions has alreidy been cabled to the state department at Washington for release when author- Ized by President Wilson. Other parts of the treaty are likely to be cabled i during the present week. The flinl 'dispatch, which may count up to. nearly 100,000 words, can he cabled , O. Pevtnn 100.... In four or five hours If all the cable, Walter C. Van Kinon .. 50.... lines are cleared for the purpose. Tho Norn A. Klnker 50.... capacity of the cables is 600,000 E. V. llllllus 100.... words a day and tho associated gov- rternard Ilicklnitd 50 ... ernments could order the text of theiO.. K. Van Hlper 300.... peace treaty given first official prior-' Wm. M. Humphrey .. 100.... ' lty so that the enormous task of j Chas. Click . 100.... transmission could bo accomplished ' E. D. Hall 500.... with less delay than a press message Geo. Rudlcal 50.... ort'lnarily sustains. J. n. McCarter ' 100.. ' On the day the peace treaty Is , D. H. Campbell 1300.... .signed tho American correspondents) A. A. liellman & Son .. 000.... will have their telephones In the j Geo. H. Merryman & A. E. Whitman Mrs. W. A. Collins Mr. A Mrs. Phelps M. G. I.esllo 11. It. Ounlap John C. Cleghorn .. J. P. Campbell 150.... (Svd Kvnns COO... Mr. & Mrs. It. S. Van- dampen 100.... H. II. Swizy 50.... Harry Prather SO.... J. W. Fltzpatrlck 100.... Precinct 7. Pert E. Hawkins 100.-... J. E. Howie 200... John Siemens Jr 300.... Dr. Warren Hunt 300.... J. J. Furber 100.... I.ouls XIV bathroom in tho Versall ! les palace. The entrance will be by a secret door not 20 yards from the peace table, into a little corridor and jthence down a few steps Into the 1 marble bathroom, which Is sufficient ly large for the Installation of five or U. V. Yadon six telephones and one telegraph In wife 300... Mildred Thrashor 50.... Lesllo Rogers . x 300.... Chas. A. Hunting .'. 300.... Mary Veneta Hunting 300... Mrs. .V. n, Nowbanks .. 30.... 50.... 100 50 250 100 150 fiOO COO 50 400 100 100 4 50 300 150 100 100 CO" 10. i ton 200 MO 300 .50 Ml) 50 CnO '.50 150 COO i 100 .o' 50, 100 j 100 200 300' 300 100 100 100 50 100 100 500 100' 100 500 50 100; 600, 000 300 50 300 300 300 60 50 strument. t, DIVORCE SUIT FILED. ITALIAN PREMIER PREPARES STATEMEXT. Premier Orland has prepared a Suit for divorce has been instituted statement for the Italian people after In the office of the County Clerk by I reading Wilson's statement. Mrs. Ooldle O'Donovon from John I r R. O'Donovon on the grounds of cruel I NOTICE and inhumane treatment and .to-1 ,T,ho,o knowing themselves Indebt- , . . . .. ied to me will please call at my rein sertion. Renner and Chastaln are the!(Ienco S31 Klamath avenue, ond st P'alntlffs attorney. tie Geo .Hlehn. 17-St i BIG DANCE AT MALIN SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 Music by M. Dobry Orchestra Everybody is cordially invited. Good time for all People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER It is just as easy and quick to go to the right place to get quality meats as not; and instead of getting only some satisfaction and enjoy ment you get it all. Phone 83 534 Main St. SPECIAL Subscription OFFER for April Only Once more you will have an opportunity to secure the Herald for one year at our annual Bargain Rate. Each year during the month of April we accept subscriptions at . the following rates: DAILY, BY MAIL, IN KLAMATH COUNTY $3.00 .DAILY, BY CARRIER, IN KLAMATH FALLS $4.00 DAILY, MAIL, OUTSIDE KLAMATH COUNTY ... $4.00 To get the benefit of this rate your subscription must be paid up to date. If your subscription expires any time in the future, you may take advantage of this special offer, and we will extend your subscription for one year from the r date to which it is now paid. This special offer is good only during the month of April This week you will receive a statement showing the date to which your subscription is paid. It will be the only notice you will receive. If the subscription is not renewed by the date indicated on this statement, we will accept it as a notice to stop your paper, and it will be discontinued. Next year is to be the big year for Klamath Falls, Klamath County, and the State, and the Herald, and the Herald, in anticipation of the great strides towards recon struction and development that are to be made, has en larged to eight pages. We are going to keep a step ahead of all development,' and this means a better newspaper than you have ever had before. You will be furnished all the big news of the world, of your state, of your county, and of your city, for about a cent a day hardly enough to pay the cost of the paper used for printing it The Herald wants to enter every home in Klamath County, and that is why we are making a special effort to give you a bigger and better paper, one far in advance of the real needs of this section, and why we are making this big, special Bar gain offer. Do not postpone sending in your subscription until the last day Get the spirit of the times, and DO IT NOW today. And, please remember that this special offer is good only during the month of April. THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. 9i B i