4 inriiMv ,uiiii at, loio. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAilB FIVE h P ERSONAL MENTION l.iri'l.l sIMiKI.MIMIh ON I.OIMI IMII'l-MMJ Ul( 1MK I'KOI'I.K OI'TIIH rn nilUI'IMl'l C.IIIMM AM rOMUH OK UM'AI, l-'OI.KN l lf the Theaters ssis's f . 1 . L. I . ..N..K roriC PhfH I" nrn """ ;. Infr-sK from ..urns. ... M)H" I" l"' f,ir " H,,,,rl ' .if imaliiKHK friim Ho- huan"'"" ' U ...i. ,iini u ri-tflsturi'il nt , . ti.j K. wimui inurii. ..... ivllmti Imii'l toilny from P""' II M. Ipcrrt- M Vnti Klin ii r JiiiIkh I) V. ICiiyloMiiliill (if IIiIh city, luft fur KiiK"im this iiiiinillu;. Mr (mil Mm II i: Wlniinril rinmi In ,)iititrlty iiftiriumii fur n liirt visit from Uppnr l.miKitll viillcy. wlmrn .Mr Vliiinril opitriiti-s n Htoi-.k VllllKlltl, Willi llllH lllM'll till) r-'mithiirii Pacific it r mi I ul AIkimiwi fur uf .tut M" " M VmiK,,n ,,r" Noiiin limn, htiM linen tninsfnrri-il to .. i.ii fa-tun .'tmi . I .. .. ..... . v Lf (uf """ " ;urun I.UKH, miitonim, (mil Im left for I Mill point with Mm. ViiiikIiii thin innming. kliloraU. 1.I0H Krupl.ii (tal.l ii visit in llio Lltfirtr.iTty (rum lila Mrm Lr JliNn In InuUIIIK llfti'r r. Ml. hni""1 Lttrt Inti-rcit" 'fr "r f,nV 'ay sea lorrl EUGENE OFFERING PRIZES FOR LAWNS i:i?KNi:, April 21 Tilt) wc.tk of April 2S Iiiih lic-i'M cIi-hImiiiiIi'iI lis (if- V! E. U m ill f ",0 In,I,ln I-'imli'tr flrlnl rliwuitip iml In Cuomo At aapwr l """ " huliiti 'r"" Unit Muni ri'silnin of Hid city will Happily, Hid Matij hlRliwny commis sion tuts decided to build 400 miles of lilKliwiiy In the two coiintli-H to 1 link tlifin lli with 11m rent of Oregon, 1'loui.r ollio Husk." Ik Die si-c- """' r"",,''H nr" I'Mice'l to Ko tho oml of Dm ilellKhlful tiovil, h Myr- ,I1,U "f t,,olr 'ndi-blr-ilnuss In co-op- i-rimn: wim in sunn tioimr lor Hol lar, wlillo tin- fcil cm I Kovornment will do IIh share. HUH anotluir chci-rlni; word comes from Viililiii;l(iii .uln-ru Henator Mc Nary bus Ix-i-ii urnliiK completion of th'i Natron cut-off to connect Kliim nth l-'nlls with tin; Oregon lino of the Hoiithem 1'nclfle. News dispatches Klvo the Information that hi; Imi heen , Klven much encouriiKument by thu rallroatl udmlnlntratlon and It now prepared to iitku th'i construction upon the railway illrcrtom, who will , lie ruriiltihed funds for tho work should they recommend Its comple tion. The Improvement would bring n' moitt Important scetlon Into direct I touch with the markets nntl Indus-1 tries of Oregon It would make the Klnmntli ami Lake district it part of (rctron In fa'-t, as well as In law. KCJoc rolnl. Hmrr Crntl. une of the mircnsiiftil Itirstrs of Yimint uillny. wn III the tlif julfrila)' Vri. ny I'lrKiUl ttiis HIiiOliK yes- .,.j,yclty vlsitiiix Rho relilen in lliJ!i!luMtln Wr jBCkixin In In the county sent lirtB rori hiniimiii iti)'. " I'WlDit lh ,latl- J, II, Norrli uml W !. Vit nrn !ttttrrd at Ui HH llllnl Imtay Ifrta ibt Klnmntli nxency. II T Toll. furuirr of th Merrill Iturltl, In Hie city Inoklnn nftr Uilsru Intercuts yesterday. t U Tnompsun enmn In on the Inla Hit nlchl from Knu Clnlre, Wis tcsif, on matters nf business. tllUrt Klect left this mornlnx for Ii trltf Tint wun ins nrotner, .Morn- atfflMtit Klectwootl, Oreon. B. U Is snuinn tho county sent IUilitM fliltora from Chlloquln to il;. Hi Ii ilopplni at tho Hall ho- Mn. 8. P. Mown of Portland la In lilt ritr tliltlnt her daughters, Mm. t Kinsley and Mrs. WllUrd llilta. Mr. ind Mrs. Prank llllomlnitcamp. bokre been here for a ahort vlall. MinM to their horns at Dorrls itli Bornlni, I C. Anderion .one of the well- won and proxrrsslrn ranchers of it Merrill lection, was In tho city tub; on builneas. Wm Lorlntla Soulier enmo In yea- uritj afternoon for a ahort visit ltq the Klamath Aitoncy. Bho la wjlaiatthellall Hotel. In P. Smith was nmnnjr Iho truln ""nil Itit, nlKht from Mncdocl tiWornla. Ha Is n Kuest at the liltl Pelican hotel. Arthur Maddux, n well known if of tho Merrill district, is In 'ty. Ho has lust relumed frniiit Hilaeii trip U Portlnnd. Vl President Alex Ilnsboroiich f th full,.....,-. ... "uiiuii, wreKim rower rom-i p'f lihcro for a short llintt on mat-! fl"ot,ailnpsfrom Oakland. "' W. Kuykemlnll mid Mm itiiv.l "11 of Uub,.,,,., who hnvo been I pM&i frni l. ... . iiwiuk nir iwo iiioninHi hn ..- ,.. ' -" vhiiiu im iiihi iiii-iif r,i- t FirlU at the liiim'i. r n,..ir u,. scour their premises thoroughly, re movii Iranli .burn rubbish, cut ktiiks, I rl mi trees ami lieitKen iiii, otharwlHii make their homes attractive. To assure active participation In the work, prizes iimountlnK to tlS have licoti offered for the best kept lawn This amount will tin divided Into sums of 2l, fciio prize to bo awarded rnrli month for five months, be cln n I hk May 1 Tho city has been divided Into four wards each of which tins been placed under tho supervision of n captain, who will ho responsible for thnt section. Kxlenslvo Improvements urn VieInK planned, which Include pnvlnR nt city streets, palntlriR of public buildings, Branding; and other needed work. Hit Heed to be minuted for the urn-en 1111 of Himiomo Viola I Hi mi. (harmluK little Metlii slur, the first beliiK "WeiM-r of Diejiiis." Ileirt Inleresl Is lint keiiiolo of Miss Daiia'a orl ami '-l-'lower of tin. Dusk" pn-iienta a luoblem of iiuiiaual strength licli bllllKH out tbi lieu uly mnl depth of her emotional mtltiK m no other play, t.xri-pt perlnps, "llltte .le.uis." for which she became fimous all over tin' orlil tthere plitunvs nre shown, lies ever done. The story Is oim thai lays'holil on the llinnlmitloii nod Is n-memlieretl Ioiik afler the plrttiro Is seen It Ii a I'.TlUililo trvnsuto-hoiiKi! of human emotions. "Plower of the Otisk." will be seen at tho Liberty Theater tnlK!it only. The srenes of "The ("In". Clara Klmlmll VoilllK's blest Hi-li-rt i tlire lilt-li will be seen here tunlcht at the Hlitr Theaire. lire lultl In ibe Kaffir lounlry of Africa, and many wild linlm-la ludU-f-iious In I' it "i tleiil tiro almw n In tin- curlier scenes - hippos, hemiH. lions, tlireri and elephants In fact, the charming star has to fate one of the in muls nt dosn rnnrp ilurlnir a nle'il s"ent on tho trncklnxn veldt, nntl It Is thu sound of her revolver, as she fires nt the clenmliiK eyes of the bemt, thnt brliiRs .Major Anthony Klnsella, or "Kim", the hero of the Btory, to her nwcue. Ixiuis I'hysloc, who Is responsible for the beautiful photoKinphy In "Tho Cluw" sa)s thnt wild animals nre much more difficult to handle before the camera than the stum, and more temiiernmcntal. "Matty" Showing Rookies' of Giants' Squad s How to Pitch Pennant-Winninfj Baseball xwmrriwMatmBmmmstt . "VW.-i r Sit W , LL LVUI IET VJEEKLY i $& m p v?;v &, w "Mj Wig .," ' J.t.i ,"n "Mim w ' W' 't? xi i V J-fi't til I i . u ' ' -.-.. aLaWe51 K. al i -- .'.' r .JrMl -. '"4.W .- . . .. ,. . --2B iKiffin?'Mf(fcti..'tit i tt,Anintmit ii, fii 'japusasjjKjfiggaasaaaBaMBasaaa&sia l'reklnK Mutter of Ilulni.i Now llefore IIimI)- N-rpllnt (Iiither liij; I'ju-Ii Ve-k for n Tim'- r " mv jr ! Iniroduclng Cbr'sty Iatheivnn Inp ' r- berths with the New York 'Just back from the war. Photograph toni. lust how one foei about it una taken at Gainesville, Fla , -here to become a penn3nt-wlnnlnB pitch- tbe pitcher who earned the Mile of er Msthewjon Is at th extrmne the "Peerless One," Is trying to sho- right. From left to right are Rom- ' three rookie twlrlers who art try- met, Clary and Jones. Owing to the number of Important, mutters involved In the Strahorn rail- M T N H OUSTON' MHrapolltan AmauMtnmta SI yutEiuto HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DA NCI NO HATCnOAV KVKN1NQ JAKE Mt'HfO 1 n n ment. We -wtimen of France with VICTORY IOAV PICTURES AT s ro,l completion, and the big amount broken aw) bleedlnR nearU dpmand , THE STAR- nf wnrV In tri atrfml IrnnrfivoTrioni rrt, nttnMtsn ffK(n1 nnv nlinAa I . , , , , ... , . , , ..', Justice from the peace conference o i ,,'v'" ,,, Q., ,,., r ; which Is about to be started In the ' are booked nt tne Star tneatro lor (city, the Council at Its regular mcet-!behnU Of 'our martyred slaters. the benefit of the Victory Uteri? Ing on Monday night decided to meet ' "To prevent such crimes from ever Jq nQt y Qf them Co3enc. each Monday evening trom now opelng perpetrated again Te demand lng tonght Edith Storey will appear until further notice. that those guilty o tlhem be punlshcj la "Edith's Victory" for Demicracy: Ortler were passed authorizing tb like ordinary criminals. We trust you "A Call for Uberty."" with JuWr. EN Improvement of Lincoln. Spring. Pine 1 exact full instlc from Germany fJjf,! a! west from Third and east trom . and ner a,1,es- We aTe narInK t,,e May 1-2; "A" Woman of Fraiice," Third. Grant and Lincoln and direct-' anniversary of the djy. April 23, Mme. Nazlmova, May 8-9-10, 24-lt lng the police Jatlge to advertise for, 1916' wnea the a,0U8 deed aEa'stl ' STAR THEATER TODAY Ktrrt rrtwT PrrnraU CUftRA K1MHAM, YOUNG. -niK ciaw- Also Hi lllgli ("lam Acta of Mot YmM-Vn And KDITII STOltKV "KdriWn Vlrtrjr for Ifc-niocrsary" A vcmmrnt Victory lAWn l-llm. leaking the Improvements. The following ealttoiial appearing in the Oregon Journal, gives a boost tor roalroad trmaarportatlon for this -section. The people o! Klamath and "Lake counties are si long way from the old homestead. When they visit their fellow citizens of the valley counties necessity compels them to trespass upon tho haclr yard of California to 'get Into Oregon If they Journey by rail, or (o climb over more or less TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Prtwetils IMl'll,AH I-'AIHHANKH In "WHEN HKtiHIE .MIXES I.V Also IMllip N'mis InteM ("uncut Evrnt. A ml , Vlettiry liiii Heel Starring KDITII STOREY AdiuUslon 1( 15 centi Matinee i.W. Etenlngs 7:110 & 0. j MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MORION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oregon HITES TOS 0 I undeveloped mountain roads should ' they travel otherwise. It Is easier for them to do business with California than to deal with the folkB at home. Hut tho people of Klamath and l.nke arc Oregon people. They want imi,te jt gnvg to meet nnd mingle, to assoclnto and deal with the people of Oregon. j Lack at adequate transportation has ' made thorn go away from home. They , huve been pleading for a long time I for relief. ' PARIS. April 25. The punish ment of the German nifielals respon sible for the deporrafron of tho-is-nndt of women from Roubalx, 'Lille nndTurcoIng In 19181s demanded In n petition signed by 15,000 Prenih women. The petition which will soon be "presented to the ?eace conference, numbers among its flpnera Mrs. An na Roosevelt nnd Mme. Gaston Cul- whlch the "women of all nations pro test, was rarrled out and we firmly trust thai another year will not elapse before tne guilty are punished, both those who Issued the order from Her- j lln an8 "those who executed It In lb . moat trtrtal way, (DAILY STAGE SERVICE TO BEND FROM KLAMATH FALLS Call Vans Auto Service. "In spits of the most elemental y lnws of humanity, thousands of wom en, girls nntl chlldr.m of every rqndl. tlon were systematically nbilucted from their fimllles nnd were torcnJ to mbmlt to the most odious trei"- jsk& Sullen Mascot Almost Smiles When Allowed to Keep Guard Over Captured German Gun KiS LIBERTY THEATER "THE PICK OK THE PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner fONIGHT VIOLA DANA in "FLOWER OF THE DUSK" "FATTY" ARBUCKLE in "FATTY'S SUITLESS DAY" BOBBY VERNON "LOVE AND THE GOLD BRICK" Friday "BUCHANAN'S WIFE" Starring VIRGINIA PEARSON AWayyyyyyyyyyVWSrrrVW DAILY MATINEE At this Theater nt aiao p. m. open at a o'clock MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director gig, ? 3g. x , - ssSas ! vS f t tfla. Vsshss TrSsajMia ivKjBBsaKJBBBBBiasBaif Br sW vE jE 1 r cJ5 aJI 't 4S nHsnV' BssaakasKV 'V. sS ff ? BO wv-Kv VPHsBgLBHBaVBtfKt lil New City laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK j Shirts anil Collars Laundered j W iitn wiish filTk. lvnnt nnil rnl. i orl goods very carefully. Try us j I I once nnil be convinced. Our prices J ' : are right. Phone 154. I 127 FnnrfK Strflf CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of aH KUda) aad Rooflasg Ut Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracte1 llai-k of Firt Xntionnl Uank Employees at the huge Hush docks in Brooklyn couldn't underBtnnd why Pr.ddy's disposition seemed to change. This change camo nbout tho tlmo our doughboyB bognn to pour Into Prauco, lly tho, way Paddy Is ft dog nnd Tho maBcot of the Ilueli docks. It has nil been flgurod out now. Paddy, true to hie 'name, wanted to get Into the scrap but ho didn't have a chance. He hat, almost forgiven everybody, how over, slnco hundreds ot captured tier, man guns novo been brought from Franco to bo used In boosting tho Victory Loan. He almost smiled when ordored to keep guard over one of the guns gathered in by our dough Dassengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IX THE. CITY .QUICK SERVICE RKASOXAHLE RATES PHOXE 187 Western Transfer Co. Sensitive Scales The scientific com pounding o f prescrip tions often demands that weights be true to 1-1 00th part of a grain. Skill and accuracy are absolutely required. Our prescription scales are the b e s t and are subjected t o frequent tests. We cite this fact because we wish to impress upon you the careful service which is observed in the filling of prescriptions at o u r store. Care Counts. iinderwooRs Phartnary W'v- KLAMATH TALIS OREOOrtinSw LT-.Jr.tSJ IT'S NOT .YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease If bo rcanecter of mr- sons. A majority of the Ills afflicting people today can be traced back to the siuury irouoie. The kidneys are the moat Important organs of the body. They are the fil terers of your blood. If the polions which are swept trom the tissues by the blood are not eliminated through the kidneys, disease ot one form or another will claim you as a victim. Kiduey disease la usually Indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousneas, despoudeucy, backache, atomach trou ble, pain In lolus and lower abdomen, gall atones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All ttieao derailments are nature's jgnala that the kidneys need belt.. ?ou ahould uae GOLD HBDAL Ilaar lem Oil Capsules Immediately. Th soothing, healing oil stimulates tbt kidneys, relieves Inflammation and de atroys the germs which have caused it Go to your druggist today aad get a box of GOLD BEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-tour hours you should teel health and vigor returning. Alter you feel somewhat Improved continue to take one or two capsules each dav. so tn km ih w.i... condition and ward off the danger of other attacks. ask tor the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Thrva sliix. Mnn.w .. funded if they do not help you. J !M