11-Knii.xv, M'ltll' IM. !' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HEVEX Hol , Record for Length 'iii'o wild Hid Mrst Annum i inn i lui'l ilir Mm. Hii'iilnui ii'ii ii. iiiii Hiim.i! ( Wnr Service o Nurse t"'ilor In Lanitaio immtv, now d.-nd, ' .. ini'iulier nf In.- in! i-.iiiiul Jurv . I II1HI III! Ill g,. p nlrlii I I IT : " fc I . Ill' lOIIIIIIMI'll of H'Dllll II LE All eiraop is i EUGENE ASKED FOR AIR MAIL STATION CI'JJKNI-:, Or. April 21 Eugrjiia l xpe ted In In- III li-iiillni'n foi vIh IIIiii.' iilrihni-H uIh-ii nlr null roii(-n il" "xliili'luhil mi life I'mirii roust. W I' lillHrnp, miiii'iKi'i- nf tlii' Cliniii-tn-r nf Coiiiiiii-rcn, Ii -B lii'i-n imki-il by !' XI Cunt i, cot responding n-i-rii-lirv if llui Aero (lull of the norlli i"l. lo rlml mi available nld, fur binding. Mr. fllllmp linn n iipoliix-'l Mnlilnii Hwct'l, iliiilrm hi or n om- llllMl'l. Ill llllllo) tin, Hl'll-ltlOII 'II appears Hint tliu nortlivMitt , til 1 1 en tin lioiir tin mink' four slops -lit TiiMiin, Hwri'twn(i-r, Kort Worth tiiiil Amorlciis. LEGAL NOTICES male or Tt.Miti:it Sealed proposals :n duplicate, radi III tin envelope marked "Proposal for rlbal tlmlicr," anil dlrei-ted to (in !!iip"rlior In charge, Kl i. iili Indian School, Klamath Agency Ore gon, will In- received until 12 o lo- k noon. Purine Coast time, April '!", 1919. for the purchase of the incr chiihtahlc savV timber on the- follow ing described lands: Portions of Bi llons 25 and 20. T. .11 8.. It. 7 r , W M . comprising all tribal 'timber Tb" timber In estimated at approxi mately .1.000.000 feet, nil yellow pine The lowest bid per thousand feet. Von i"ikliHH men atul women who board measure, log nolo, wlilrh will .--j.-.. -. .... ......,.............. STOP A MOMENT! LISTEN TO THIS Cincinnati man tells how to lift off any corn without hurting one bit WAAAM'SMWMWM Riverside Cabinet Shop All Kinds of Furniture General Furniture Repairing .Screens for Window h anil Screen Doors- mii.loks iti:siiAi:iti:i) r 10 .MAIN ST. PHONE 17H.I A. Mauritsch SW "III liavn an iicilal mnll nervce In ' aro peiitcreil with corns, and who ',0 considered for this tlmb'ir Is t.1.,15 All timber must bo cut. ro- liorniit Nti.1. inn ul 1. 1 I , i., ,..r i i. , ......... "- " I'"'" ior una ' ' .'.... i.v hi"'"; I.MHII U.'illll j 1 tf 111 UWVJi. "I IIIUIMI II,.,. nrAanrlhb. I... .1... r-... ... I-..I... !,.( I -..... I., . . .. 1 ... ....,.,......,,. .., ti.u UIIIIHIIUIlur """ .-..n.-.i iii nun uiaiuT, .iys .ir. poiKon, are now tout iy ii i Itieinnat) of Indian Affairs before Dee .11, COIll.CNZ. April from iiiioii'iipleil (Inriiian teirllor) ' ll,w" In Ms lettet. riiioiuiiK Atli'iilcau liilelllKcme offl. urn or thi Army of Oieiip'itlon Is to I'mO. iilld iih l.iieiuii' will In, nn-frti- I.,,.,,... 1..I.J. ,...f... . ......1 i.Lt.i..i .... .r.i i. , ........ "'"veu """.Pain '" unoer reBuia- HlKhcst cash prices paid for fine OHKGO.V INDIAN PII'KS A.l OTIIKK HKI.ICS I'ostoflice Hox 2f.6 KLAMATH "PAU,8, OIIK. AMKItirt'S. (in, Apill 21. A re. authority to use a dniK called free- 101'J. With eah proposal n certified zone, which the moment a few diopa chcy- amoiuitlnK to 1500.00 must be the fcoroness :,"':.'.. ...,.'"'?., ..... ""... . U MMJII$ It I Inn In of 8 nil' iiiu inii'ii.-ii w uuj (urn, hid Kuruiies-9 ,lru. ... ,.., ,.f ,,; .,,.. , f firil lilt I rtl IIUMfiM I t II tilil ill 1liltn.. I, ...II. ....I ....! ........ il at.... ... . t.. eir.'Ct that tli.. -ul,. ,.r . i,. .. . ' " """"'11 "' '"" "'" nl"11 u""' enfl!e. Klamath Ar.ecrr. Oregon. i.i einci nnu Hi', "nin.li' or ub. travel Is . lalmed by-avlatlun ofriclalu root and all. lilts out with tlio flnRers. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will (lurmiui H'clim-ntK now In their da or Sodthetrield here ror Major T. J.! It In a sticky substance whlcli drlei returned, and that of the snccena I'otfl In virloiiB purts or (ierniniiy Is, MacAuley r Tort Worth. Tex., who'th,. moment It Is applied, and Is Mild ful "i,1(kT will be applied toward the .ixri.Wi,Bl low. AliiifHt every .,."(- flow to Jacksonville. Florida, on tlm to simply shrivel the corn wltfTout In- 1otMI1 the bld's aed'J'and I'tim-r rn'iiii ttiii'Hiiiiiller lowns on t:o I'-st lei; or a men (ountry tour from ) liamliiK ir even Irritating the stir- the bidder falls to enter Into con'tri'-t other side of tlm bridgehead wli.ite Kan I)Iik. t'al. .Major MarAuley left roundliiK tissue or skin. It Is claimed for the purchase of the timber within ti'i'-ps ate rnrrlsoned report mo or hero early, arriving in Jacksonville nt that a nuarter of an ounce of froe-'tn,rty 'rom tno 'tato of the ac Uner.) cases or robbery of the hattalloiii :! o'clork and returned hero at 7mo will cost very little at any 0ficeptancc of tlio proposal. The timber ftiiidK and theft of army horses or! II. He left soon for Kort Worth. j the ilniK stores, but Is Miilllclcnt to UmT ,,j. uepsltg of not less than ilb..r e(1eiici-s or ilUliimi! r Acrordlti,: to .Souther field orfM.ils ' rid one's feet of every hard or soft $1,000.00 each. Thu right of the M. Iiidlcute tint the thefl4 art- b . Major MarAulev traeled from San torn or ealltiH. Commissioner of Indian Affairs to ttlil'iIN tliemsules due to tlm low , Dleuo. Cal . to Jacksonville In 1 'I ' You aro further warned flint, rut- W8lve technical defects In the ad ijioixle aiuoiii; the troops Kcternl liours' rlylng time, an average of 1ST t.i.rC M n corn '.s a' suicidal habit. Ad . .tei or stealing by temporary coin- iiilesli'ilCd orriims have alr.o bci u ' Till: IMItlSI.W IIKAUTV .SHOP The Harper MciIiimI of Scalp Treatment and'Shampoo- Ing Facial Treatment, Manicuring rtl II Main St. I'lionctOO Sllu Kiittilf"' .. .. . ,i... ...... .,.. i ti.t- I.......I. I It, it " "ol" ""'" Y " ,,, f ,,, olwir nervlrc uii.ong Aiiierlrnit linr-' . , .. ...... . . v v i i. ...i.. in . ' Al " ri-cmit meeting of the Ho - i Sh lefl Nf in K In July llill,'. . ,, ,, ... ,, ., M.oiiffi... , '. i . dler's CoiiikI of the Tourth Oerniim Ttodax tic fen- In- d neinbarktnl tit , ..,,,.,. tlv "'" i or!' at MEiL-itiilnlri Il u., fluin..,,! it r.s.ono mark . till.' lllllil III lni)llllluulniia f.,,. vll 1D0 nriiiiiii iiiiiii mm n i'-i.'ii lnittlrcorUre incr since Hint, Join, ultht Anu-rlcaii lied t'rms foreCs In tbicsazassRxrosara mm "uu"'""' , I ,, Hirt's at Mocileburg Ultrpool r was declared. l'l'lt!ll ,l)r)H ,,,,, f HW.I inonil,. she was In T rn.ife ,,r,my ,,, , ,.0 civilians lo whom the corps fur me I i out llelglnn clvlllani, had iimti'1.i"(' April 19 te anil I" now icniriilng for i t-catiifil ' lo ,ono mirks mid that the dlffi'i- etice bad gone to staff orfliers, mn' c-r rfiilfn or re-lmbutsement ror ex petinc. HI1N ; m RESIDES III WHINE 1'itirrrv imhtv viwniitii.w A pretty party was glen yester day nt the home or Xlr. anil .Mrs Lev in Itodlng at 2222 Orchard Stieet In Mills Addition., Thirty slV guests were prevent. An appetizing dinner was nerved and lie cieum and other rcfreHlimeiilH Inter In the iirtemoou (Jumes were played and all enjojed u good time. Bve&dxop the same Red Crown gasoline Is depend able. It is high quality every chop and every drop the tame. "Red Crown" is straight-distilled, all-refinery gasoline with the lull and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for easy startincquick and smooth accel eration, steady, dependable pow;r and Icng mileage. Look ior the Crown sign beiore you till. COMPANY The Greatest Tractor Made WALL:. : Wr3Wffo' JX?.hX. IAJIAXIIK Wjo April 22. -Tlt' 1 ltjr not cinH clalnw Hie nldeit -vom- jp into la the Culled .State, but slwrUrs clultii to luilu'( had tl.o flit omnn otrr and llp't n imu. focrt tinlllfr Mri, Nam i Wtlhnlmlnn Drown, Hftnllr mnile "luntlipr of the ion Hntlon" or Hie N'atlonnl American Woman's Surfiige a.orlltl(in at St Louis. I the wife of Judge Melville C. Dronti of I.iiramln lountV's police wurt. She Ii the oldest oter In the. THE MOLINE VWlatlOB llMUrDCAl TDAfTfXD lti. llrown was not rild I'liough to ..... .. ..... . I tote lien wonmn surfnig.i In Wyti- JUHIN M. LtWlb, Agent j ami twine a fict but sho beenn fitK nnrl Mnin Prion Idfl' 'WtltiB the voting booths In 1S74 i hm been voting at every, oloclloit I ui(, "7' "Ornrnlma" Swnln of l.arnmlu wah !! tint woman voter In tlm United ''UIH as far as the records show. St can liei Mite while on lior way Ik market to buy grocArlM. Mrs, N.t. If1 Stark, new ,,f .-. Moreali. Mo., rtaihed the polls In Cho.vot.ne l"Hly alter iratM'-,u" Kvvaln In il toted. Tlie Intp M. h Mr tin AiMnmn. Mlicr of J.,1,,1 m , r in,.,,. I IIIMI.(lWt..ll.,l .il mmmWWm .mmWmEiJ&f ?,-V-VA VlWMlflKkVisf. fflV$ STANOAKD OIL Gasoline imBkBmzp Qualify NfVWVWWWSVWWW A ,!fe5tf?3SsSW ft TSSl K -?&$ New City Laundry wi: ciir.11 ni-i:i: oun'woitic Milrti mui (-..nr Iuiii"i1..ri-,l M nsh silk, vm, IUul col. ril Reed, v,,y rarefiillv. Trv u "te and l, comlncecl. Our prices Mtljlii. ',cno 15'(i 127 Fourth Street : of t lint National Dank fWSFYJNG RELIEF ' FROM LUMBAGO c V " ' ' f?"0'" Llnlaent has the . (PJnch that relioveo roeumatlc twinges Ii n h.-VH rj&mw r! si .-ntrvVi tf i r i .. v v h r- if-: v. Ml -wa; tesi !? trr. -N il J-M $m. V s" Wwi tL& NLft't-VO'S: WA s !' pW(7. , j r.r.V?w.iiT cj jl. mTf jy. Tn "Afc'&iJ? -3.V iMMBjpjjBpjHjjgpjriBjpwftpJpw'y' i JiSrjtf'jg'ji,T TUi armth-i l'SbLp v0S,ttwb!uI?M:.... "nuch aVi, '"""JTo'fs itttic, ' &MA fecrViMyou.r duW't fpr It "" economy. fiilFTTS 18 cents a package. E What -you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! XPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable "body." Camels are s:mp!y a revelation! You may smoke themwithout tiringyourtastel For your, own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarptte in the world at any price. Then, success with smokers because ujie you'll vbest realize their superior blend brings out to the limit tf.e quality and the rare enjoyment refreshing flavor and delightful mcl- they provide. t t R. J. HEVNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Vinatnn.Sn'om, N C vertlsement nnd proposal wind to re ject any and all bids , Is reserved. Further Information as to the timber4 and regulations concerning timber sales may be obtnlned from the Su pervisor in charge, Klamath Agency, Oregon. Klamath Agency, Oregon, March 29 1919. 1 4 S l'l 15 IS 22 25 29 DR. G. A. MASSEY Slice eir to llr. Trnax Suit 'JOII, 1. O. O. P. ltldg nrtlce plmiie H(l. lie's riione HUM sY DR. CARTER IJKXTIST WHITE IIVlKDI.a4 I'HONK :W5 : itp XOTICK OK SIIKIUKF'K HALK KXKCUTIOX. OX MMMAMMMAMMAAAAMMAAMAfWWMVWWWSM DENTISTS ' Notice Is hereby given that under land by virtue of a Writ of-Executlon ,In Foreclosure Issued out of the Cir cuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, in the case i of N. H. Hogue, plalnti:.', vs. Charles -Murray, Clara E. Murray, W. A. Jones, Anita It. Jones, A. E. Brown, Title Guarantee nnd Trust Company, a corporation; II. L. Flowers,' J. T. 'Poters, J. Curtis Kimball, Jessie Y. Kimball and the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, defendants, which said writ was dated on the 19lh day of ,Aprll, A. D. 1919; I will on the 21th day of May, A. D. r91, at the front I door of the Court House of Klamlth I County, Oregon, in the City of Klam iath Falls, Oregon, at the hour of 2 'o'clock in the afternoon on said date, 'proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of the said defendant and each of them and all persons claiming or to claim bv. j through or "Under them or. either of -them, In an,i to the North Half of f the bouthwest quarter and the South Halt or the Northwest quarter of ' Section 15 In Township 39 South, ' Range 11 East of the Willamette , Meridian, containing ICO acres, to- i 'getner with the tenements, heredita- ment and appurtenances thereunto i .....0...n u. ... ,,,j , U'iCltUIU- t 'Ing, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy a judgment ren- " , tiered in the above entitled cause ' r,r.r.r.ATr. upon the 12thday of Anril. A. D. TR- F- R. GODDARD Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONK 3.14 Dr. P. M. Noel I'HONK 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DEXTIST ' LMiiiih Illdg... Klamath Falls' CITV AMI" COUNTY ABSTRACT COM PA XV r 1 7, Ik lain AKTilUR K. AVILSOX Manager i M Shrgeoa eliilte iill."i. O. ). F. TeiupU (over K. K. K. Storo) Phone 8at . . t (The only Osteopathic Phyal cIhu and Surgeon In Klamath Falls ) 1919, which said Judgment is for the , OMecipathlc Physician nuiu tu iu iiiousunu uonnrs wun 'Interest tlvereon from the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1916, at the rate of , S per cent per annum nnd Two Hun dred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum. of Seventy Six and 97-100 Dollars costs and the ad ditional sum of One Hundred and Thirteen and 26-100 Dollars with in- Iterest thereon from the 2th day of January. A. D. 1919. at the rate of - S per cent per annum, and the costs . and expenses of this sale on execu - tion. ' Dated this 19th day of April, A. D., 1919. GEO. L .HUMPHREY. 1 Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore. By Allen Sloan, Deputy. 22-29-6-13-20 "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM SAAV MILL ENGINEERING & "" CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer anil builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Bov Plaus. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals ami reports made. Dredging. Wi- emu nut to build any class of n building anil install machinery of iin.v kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 1 IUJ Ollltc in K. D. Building jvvsm.s. Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" LIEUT. HERBERT A. POAGE Architect and Structural Engineer Klamath Falls, Ore. 207 Odd Fellows Building MAMMAMAMMWWMWWW 4 feAYHIpq . IcD Ji Millions of fraudulent Asprln Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn manu facturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Asprin," the true, geunine, American made and Ameri can owned Tablets aro marked with tho Bofety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then Insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Asprln" and always buy them in the original Buyer package, which contains proper directions and dosage. Asprln Is tho trado mark of Bayer Salacyllclacid . X H. C. SCHLEEF KATIIERINK SC1ILEEF S Physicians' and Surgeons X Office, AVIilto llhlg. i v Chili Parlor NOODLES Chili Con Carna Tamales Enchilades Fine Pastry Good Coffee Phone orders taken for Salads and Fishermen's Lunches Delicatessen Lunches served as you like them, i PHONE 446 Just around tho corner ou 7th. . AVe cater to Ladles and Gentlemen PHONE 410 O. E. Uao Arnold V. Hftko S,! A. ( 3c, 60c and $1.20 nfr-v "T.tw "(" ifr'TrW" '"' f':,. v :.' L-.v i-- a-. . . I.