THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tl'KHII.W, .Willi 'J.J, , III. ICBEKt: ISRHBig JU1CK THAT ;iViRl)fc:i 1)01", UKO l'KCMIS&S NKW ERA ON FARM SPECIAL pagi: SIX v - 1 It Ciktv ' To defeat German ilans for , "irnceless sinking," provision was made for n small auxiliary, electric' plant on the deck of every U." S. transport, with nn nutcmal.c switch loard that brought it into p!nv when ever the principal cc:it; plant ras crippled. It was to kevp the , ichts burnins; and tne wircl?s tele i rrnph callinc .or help so lonn as anv ', ;rt o' '.he hull remained abeve: water t A youiiK Ohio engineer, II. C.i Cc.Kray of in- Muim-ws ("ivinecr ina Co.. Sandusk. . who so. ed the r'ectri-ol feature? of the pior-'eci. ."lys that thy samt Pi i.'-cinie which operated to "cul i:i" thr iiAih-uy pwr.f wSiiuat l."ss i;f a dot ( r dash tn the wirrits oies.saye. aio ovr thi :rol)(oni of continuous cur rent for suburban homes. .v.-hemt re qumni; tiiat the owner so much its ire.'A a button. Wisti stored electric current fell below a certain point, the t-rnrne wn- automatically started and ran until ! the current Was restored. The irpntl'i HiVii art of "t-piirlos icnsanxttf." or i tnifcies.'i Bnktnc, consisted in dlreit ini; an attack at ntcht uin the , cii;inr coni of the doomed vepf It un. ri'tdlud with shell or iit oitf Willi b torpedo, so at to si.encc t.. .' eircless and leave the mukipit 1r. darkness Hv:ic the 'i'n,-m'' on the deck of tin- trnpKtmrt r.m-ti ' tutnl the dtjuvhfiov'5 last link w 'Ins rescuer .N-j lc. than 12-" mi ; plants wen- built m Sandu'.Ky I. i 'the Kovcrnment. HHtLP LAKECOUNTY IRraCE : I 1 fet. y - PORTLAND, April 21. Farm work"' Is unusually bickwani over most of western Oregon and farm lorp Iislscarce. ncjordfng to tlie week ly Q'op estlmnte issued by (be weath. er buro3ii here The. past week was tit lfrately r-oeii 3ml fretincnt chow crs"ocqnrred over most ofiitlie fito bu' there w-; con.lderable sunslil'io between showers Frost occurred ,ev. rrI) mornings and vegetation dere ojif.I slowly. A'.'inter wheat oats and rye c?mo tl.rouuh the v.:liitr In excellent con dition except for.i small amount of wlntpri-killing cau3eil by the cold, dry'Sventlier in January, and '.some local damage by excesslve inoisturo later in tli( winter .in the western cciifitles. the state summary -yr. crops nitulf slow but satisfac tory! proxies iTurlng the week.' Seed Jner of sprlnr wheat and oats- ispro reedlnK rapidly except where delayed by wet toil and in some eastern coun ties is practically complete. -Some I'qiley has been sown. Karly. wheat Is Kerniin.itiiif,' vell. The aero-fc-e of winter wheat is uniisus'ly larpe and unless wet weather jire vents seeding the acreat-'e of sprinK wheat also will be larse. Wire worm.5 are iiijuring winter 4vheJt In Jeffer ton county. Some damage was done to cherry, peach and apricot bloom by froat but in most of tlie commercial fruit dis-. triets the s.taple fruits are not thought to be seriously injured. Pears and cherries are blooming In many sections and prunes in some nf the milder districts, while applo bloom is just beginning to open In a few localities. Wild strawberries are blooming. Fruit trees are In excellent condition. There is some complaint of winter killing of clover In the Wllliamette valley. Alfalfa wintered well and Is making a good .start but ns'Bds warm er weather. Pastures and tlie lower ranges are furnishing ample feed 'or Block, Kxcejit in a few localities whore hay was scarce, stock wintered well. Stock now Is being turned on '.ho raiige In eastern Oregon and Is gen erally making good galnB. I.ambing is progressing under favorable con ditions and with satisfactory results. Shearing has been begun. In rinatllla county, .. P'arly potatoes are being planted and a few early garden vegetables are up. Hardening has been delayed by wet soil. I SAI.KM, April 21. -Another scheme to 'rob the gullible of their money. It Is another land fraud schem." , . This is the way I. II. Van Winkle, i assistant attorney general, character ised the scheme of the promoters who ate 'locating" settlors on the bed of .Silver lake, in Lake ccrunty.nt $2 ."in per. A man by the name of Winters came up from Portland hst week to Rto the attorn'ov general about th,i scheme. Ha .ald the promoters rep resented, that Silver lake has be.en dried up, by water which has been flowing Into the lake, being diverted for Irrigation purposes, and that pur sons could sijuat on a HO acre trad to which ho could later secure title which would bo worth at least $10,- I ooo. I (Assistant Attorney Oonenl Van Winkle pointed out that the whole scheme Is pure bunk, as It Is not known whether the land Is owned by the government, or by the statu or ! by the riparian owners, atld the best a squatter could hope for would be n Juvsiilt'. if the land Is owned by tlie government n tiintter could "siiat" , on a homestead In iiusurveyed gov 1 eminent land, but could nut sipiat on a (U'sort land claim, while if a Is owned b the state he could not i - quire tine in such a manm-i'. nnv more than he could If It belongs to (ho ripari.m owners. The Kieat popularity of the Travel, i-rs LOW COST r.iiiirnlileril lire pol icies Is rcllecleil In llu fact flint tlnr I(IK 1018 tills irogress- company Is hiicil mure than .SUIII.OOO.OO'.I of new life business. A,k Clfllrote A Smith about tlie SKW llilli policies. 9-tf - j- ' . J To Make European Baggage Smashers Go Easy With President's Luggage Is His Job 1, 4" -" (A " "myitis . . 'Mm I It lias just been learned that Prcsi. I ' dent Wilson during Ills travels I ; I.'uropo is accompanied by an official j guardian of, tils luggage. lie Is a j doughboy. As a sign of his authority ., to supervise the continental and Kng- llali baggage smashers lie carries it small presidential flag oii a staff. s I ' ,-----,AAA,,,A,,A,, VV VVVVVV-VVVVVVV-V 1 1 ! i:hViSkwM..: w$mmM$. , ' Ml? MX' i-L'-bfjii vmkmm$?& wmm (1 m ' X" 'VVV h t.J..tiZi I Vh $ M$$ fiy&. :- r'XSM ! V&: '4M "rWmfit'i si a a u JO M H 9A Subscript! OFFER for April Only Once more you will have an opportunity to secure the Herald for one year at our annual Bargain Rate. Each year during the month of April wc accept subscriptions at the following rates: DAILY, BY MAIL, IN KLAMATH COUNTY $3.00 DAILY, BY CARRIER, IN KLAMATH FALLS $4.00 DAILY, MAIL, OUTSIDE KLAMATH COUNTY $4.00 To get the benefit of this rate your subscription must be paid up to date. If your subscription expires any time in the future, you may take advantage of (his special offer, and we will extend your subscription for one year from the date to which it is now paid. This special offer is good only during the month of April ' This week yon will receive n statement showing the date to which your subscription is paid. It will be the only notice';you will receive., If the subscription is not renewed by thedate indicated on this statement, we will accept it as a notice to stop your paper, and it will be discontinued. Next year is to be the big year for Klamath Falls, Klamath County, arfd the State, and the Herald, and the Herald, in anticipation of the great strides towards recon struction and development that arc to be made, has en . larged to eight pages. We are going to keep a step ahead of all development, ancf this means a better newspaper than you have ever had before. You will be furnished all the big news of the world, of your state, of your county, and of your city, for about a cent a day hardly enough to pay the cost of the paper used for printing it. The Herald wants to enter every home in Klamath County, and that is why we are making a special effort to give -you a bigger and better paper, one far in advance of the real needs of this section,' and why wc are making this big, special Bar gain offer. Do not .postpone sending in your subscription until the last day Get the spirit of the times, and DO IT NOW today. And, please remember that this special offer is good only during the month of April. ' , , THE HERALD PUBLISHING GO. to i &?!& " Hnvo you been to the Hath House? Don't miss It, It , 1 " 9u