fl ' n f mv ISunrng Mttuth OFFICIAL iWlKIl OK OFFICIAL PAPER OF .M,IH COUNTY Kl KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,602 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1919 Price, Five Cents I UNIK f cur cots UP IN FUMES PROCLAMATION MEET LED T Whereas, ilfliilli) iifhiiniiiccs lire given tluit tlio Trent)- (if Peine between tlio Allied (Snv- iirmiieiii mill (liiriiuiiiy u 111 II T T: TO BE PUKED : i noun bo signed, that Urn pntrlo- MAW RELIEVE THAT GERMANS I'ETITION FOR IIAUI) SURFACE Prominent Business Corner Is in Ruin. BLAZE EARLY TODAY Cool Headed nnil Efflrlnit Wurk if Kir Iteimrlmrnt Hmrrw Untold 1im In Till" Clljr Htruclure Krwt nl Forty Ycnrn Ago HurriH Willi Adjacent Hulldlnjr. Willi ! of 100,01X1. tic (ItUntiH will npiiudlly tut Klmiuith KiiIIn, mill Klmimtli Comity nt I ii i km, "over tlio top" ) :i In (lio Victory I.iihii Drive now In iniKri'N, unci nil can now hotter bend tliclr energies to ! of T'lU" . ' fro n 1 tO"lC" I) 1 Oc ' tKp M v , r J C ( Vj It.. , tachrr port Jp The Atiirrlcati Hotel, omi of tlio cltlut landmarka In tlio city of Klain. Mb Knl nml tliu building on tlm cprnr of Hitwntli mill Mnln Streets It today hrup of MtinulilorlnK ruin hi rMiilt of it flro which broke out fcttwMn four mi if flv o'clock this laornliiK In lb" kllcliuu of ihe Hex Cif. which mcupled purl of tho building John Dlxnn, onn of thn ocrupunts of the Hotel, una luiilly burned unit In bed today nt t,tm Washington Itoomlnit llmne suffering iicuttily from virion Injuries on hi fncit, kmiti nml feet lli In n m ranger In the city InlriK initio hero n few iliiytt no frnm Weed. Hi l attended liy I)r, A. A Soule . Tie liw of il o tiiillillnKit ntul to the r;t cf tin' nrriiimit la ronsor TstliH) cmimiitiMl nt Ifin.ono, up rrotlmate'. Imlf to tl'ji owners t' tlio itrniMiii-r miiI half to thn oceiiiiaiU.- A A li llitinn, owner of the m trlcan Mni,. iul o of tlio heaviest loiters, believe tlmt. about one tonrl'i of tho unt lio loss l covered hy in lurinr" 'i" Mi'hamon. who li'iil Jutt ten t i"i 'lio complete tenov ttlen o"i 'ililnii to hi Ctifo (o lbr . ri il-nimuml dollars "in if oor J'tl.POO with . r , l.onft Insurance.., t mn', wt-o c'yuductod n in r 'l, In home nvar - 'in a tot ot bilwvon iniifrt, a stater of .Mrs. 1 niirough of tUU city in i of tlio coiner ftrurt ' by tho M. Muf'iehou ml Imml nml tho Dnvcn iv Htoro on thu ground floor mi i tin A mm I run Annex np taln !. tier rnwreil by liiKiir irnto Until in. i t of thu uwiirm. Mr. Moiulir-ii in-r will In1)!' about olitht huiulrcil iinllitH nhovn bin Itiaurnwu nd Mr ipnport nlinut 'H.nOO. Jlr nml Mrs It. R. Vnnt'ninpnn who comliictfil tho until Horvlcn of ,to Just mk of thn lliiniiiionil Htoro and who rvHhliol In tho rooms nbovo (ho offloi xuffiiri'il n Iohh of ovory tblaK tlny limi n tho liulldlne. bnri 1 getthiK out with tholr clotlilim. Mr, Vmii'iuiipiin milil totlny bu lind lost nt leant $1,000. ' J'rcil (irennoii, who hail a cold lorgo plant in tbo ronr of this uto aervlcn Htatlon, will lo'fo nenrly 1.C0O, nccnnlliiR to roport. Just how tho blnto Bturtod hn not ten Ocflnltoly dotormlnod, butt n tho qulckont to aproad of any flro that hna ever occurrod In thla city, MordliiR to roport nnd tho oxcollent ork of tho Klamath FalU Flro do Jartmont la roBponalblo for tho fnct that Its spread wob checkod andathnt tae entire bualuoaa contor of tho' city ai saved, Tho losses to Hob Curtla ot tbo Amcrlcnn llotol mid to tbo Anuox In the corner bulldliiB lmvo not boon learned, Commonts In prnlso of thcJofflclont rlf ilono by tho flro boya, nro koii- al toiluy on tho atroot, nml tholr ablUty to tiolormlno whon it wns eles to work furthor on tlio wnlni? hiiiiaiiiK nnd dovoto tholr twita to saving tho biilldliiBs nonrby "a beun nnteil, So quickly did tbq flro aproad thnt '' I'ttlo Bhort hf ,n inltnclo thnt n numbor Mum not burned m dontli, "t nltimuKh thoio woro mnny rum- c' on tho stroot thlamornliiK lo'tlio witct that ouo or mora had lost ,ur lives, u Is npw bollovod tluit no of IrrlKitlou euturprlneq, kooiI (Crops, hlKhwny nml rnllroud 4 mnt Kliiiuath Count), ulth their thu mom pleasant victories pence, nml, Whereas, the enr 1919 pro- inlses to bo tho ban nor yoir 4 In nil thn history of Klmuntli Falls, mid Klmualh County Ore- WILL REFL'HE TERMS OFFER- SO SETTLEMENT WITH ITAL IANS VET. O.V RESIDE.VC STREET IS EN DORSED IIV C1TV FATHERS NINE HliOCKS REgUESTEI) fermit needed punches ; fornewseir; for railroad HltiUullON STATE HEALTH HOARD MUST EN DORSE PLANS OF CITV FOR MILLS ADDITION SEWER HE FORE WORK CAX GO AHEAD. The Mills Addition Sewer Is now up to the point in its progress where Resolution Passed, Waives Terms of Payment. Kou, with Its I'Ik prospects for business IiihI Industrlnl iievolop- incut, street iiiivIiir, nxtnnslon coustrurtton, mid, Whereas, It Is expected thnt j u Kiuhtly lurrenseit iiiiinhcr of i tourists will visit Klnumh Fulls 4 tunny attractive reports, chief of which Is Crater UU?e Nntlonal of optimism each niiiuI every Park, nml that the lnrKcsl Rath- nrliiK of visitors that bus eer rome to Klnmiitb Fulls will lie here on AilKUst 14, U nnd Id, diirliiK thu OreKou Stntu Klks' v Couentlon, mil), with thrplrlt DntelcsR Dispatch by Associated Pross The ,1UK lml)ctus wn,ch has oon H in now probable that the meet- f'"" lh' " '"J"""1 " ,!,T ' .T, f-BUILDER TO OPERATE In this city was further Indicated at Health will be necessary before fur-i lr.R of tho Allied and German dele- ,ho mcMnf; of th(j Counc)1 Rm ther aMm can be Bafely takeDf andj Mien win noi occur until April zxth, wnen petitions for the paving of a visit frorrt one of the members of duo to the Impossibility ot having an High Street from First to Eighth this body is expected In a short time, official druft of tho poaco trea'.y streets and down First Street from according to disclosures made at the loaily. 'High to Pine was presented for con- City Council last night. Germany Is reported to bo reurty to Rldoration. Tho council decided that' The question now at Issue appears call for u plebiscite on tho treaty, a preliminary expense, fee ot $100 to be whether or not it will be nec S. mo believe tliut the (iormuti people would bo satisfactory for this pro- essary to construct a septic tank to will rufusu thu proffered terms, over- posed improvement and as so?in as it take care of the sewerage of this dis lroHiiK"tho consequences, unless the Is advanced by tho Interested property trlct or whether it may be taken for Atl'c. agreo to negotluto tho terms owners, tbo city engineer will proceed a conlsderable distance Into the lake with Ocrmuny. ,wlth his surveys and estimates. 'and left. City Health Officer A. A. Tho Italian situation Is grnvo and High Street is ono of the most beau- Soule deems this proper in view ot Preliminary Step Taken in Actio That Will Lead to Completion oC Line to Sprague River and Secur ing City for It Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Already 1st vested. public spirited cltlmn must feci, all clllteus should now tnko pride In making Klamath Falls n'niore wholesome ami beau tiful city. TheVeforv, lly virtue of the authority lb inu vested, I. I. It Hti utile. Mayor of Klnmath Fills, Oregon, do hereby pro- The first step In what ts to -lead to the completion of the Klamath It Is not certain whether tho ItnllniiB tlful resldcnco streets In Klamath the general conditions and will make Falls Municipal railroad to Spraguo hiivo permanently withdrawn from FalU und tho Improvement by a hard such a recommendation to the Board river, was taken last night when tho tho conference. surfaco road is the one thing neces- of Health. The Council and the peo- Ou the Ural front all the Husslnn sary to mako It Ideals Tho matter Pie of Mills Addition, where this im- govurnment forces have ngaln dc- will evidently bo pushed so as to get provement Is so greatly needed, are fonted tho bolshovlkl, who arc re- tho work under way at tho earliest very anxious to get the matter pushed 1919, to bo '('lean-Up Day." Let claim Thursday, April S tth. treating In a demoralized condition, n.oment possible. PAULS. April 22 Although the Italian peace conference dulegntcs lmvo made no announcement, a mem ber of tho delegation told an Associ ated Press correspondent today that It was considered useless for the Ital ian delegates to participate further In the osnference, unless tho Allies wore willing to grant their requests. imnr iiiniipiun nUUL iiUIiILIU 1 MEETNG through at the earliest possible mo ment and believe that the people of tho city will vote it through when it i comes to the ballot. City Council passed a resolution waiving the terms of payment under the contract with Robert E. Stra horn. The meaning of this resolu tion, stripped ot all legal persiflage, is that the city anticipates an ac-' tlon that would have to be taken about July 1, or whenever Mr. Stra horn completes the line to Dairy. There is still a balance of $16,770.15 remaining of the S300.000 that the WELL KNOWN BOY " GETS DISCHARGED , city was to pay for building the llne- to Dairy. This money has been turned i There is one nappy little woman In over to Mr. Strahorn. He now can Klamath Falls today, Mrs. Richard turn to the city the line, thus putting oveivme on this day do nome- thing to ml vim co tho chunliniMs and beauty of Klmiuth. by planting flowers, cutting weeds. nml piling up trash nnd nshes In tlio ollo)s or streets convcnl- cully lo bo hauled nwiy. o tinted tills 22iui dny of April. I'llU. -I H. STRUULB, Mayor. K Hnnnon, and the joy is i)ue to the Klamath Falls in position to take the receipt yesterday afternoon of a tel- second step, that of returning the cgram from her husband, announc-i road to Mr. Strahorn, who will ope ing thut he had been discharged from ' rate It and pny all expenses until tho navy. Mr. Hannon was principal further dlsna'ltion is made, of tho Falrrlow school when war was Tho thinly ?nd final step will bo declared nnd shortly thereafter re- trVen when the voters of the city signed his position nnd enlisted in adopt an ordinance that was tntro the navy. Almost at onco he was dnccd last night and passed to se- gram from Paris advised tho Admin-' ... ,.,,..,. P..l3 n )ltcr..r ,ma assigned to duty on the gunboat Mc- cond reading, unuer me lerms ui Miration Officials thnt In 'consilium- ' "" 'i 'SBl Cal1' f th nav' ul!d6s, that this ordinance, which will be. voted tlon of tho peace problems .urt as f"''r "V'l! !"5 J"'" f acted as sub chasers throughout the on .it a special election on May 21st - I lltlt'IlU' W" UCAl iVftUlMI. iiUi;lllh Mi PAHlS. April 22 Premier Orlando o' ltalv was absent today whon tho other premiers met. President Wil son, nml P renders 'Lloyd George and Clemcnceau woro present. I1IO (i.Vril.ERINCS IS SCHEDULED HERE FOR TOMORROW AFTER NOON AT CITV HALI ALL WO MEN IN CITV INVITED WASHINGTON. April 22-A cable-, A womcn wUo nrc In(prost0(, ln nnrt rv rimi, wan m , " it , ef ih-An.tr'(Mii l!'al nd T" An I'ox t ad a iUu call in 'golfing Mil of ihe-lr reoma and manv fluNiied iitei?. ius on tho. alrect. Some d.image win doe to th ror of Jacobs tmlUlnu -rnplad by the Wortern l nion. the tho W 13 Seaborn Company ami tho Tailor etuubllshmont of Fd Hodge, but It was not aorlous. So liueiwo wns tbo heat that tho big pinto Kim window Jn ho IiusIiiobs linusos op pohltn 'wore without isvctpilon 'so crarkfiTor slmttered thnt thoy nro now usele9. ' Thn Anieilcnn Hold, ns above men tioned. Is one of' tho very oldest buildings In tin. city, having been const) uctod fmty years ago this S'irtnK. U Is reported to hno been built bv J. N. T. Miller for A. (Jrahaiu. who slmted n restaurant there. Tho building was nt Urst com pnratlvely sninll and was enlarged Inter. II. S. Clrlgsby, ono of tho county s ploneor stockmen, today described to n pnrty thoro, thirty nlno yenrs ngo. With tbo oxroptlon of two or threo other buildings thoro woro at that tlmo no other structures west of ho plnco whoro tho Haldwln Hotol now stands. !o Btatomonts as to rebuilding on tho proportyhnvo yet been obtnlnod. Ono of tlio notable Incldonta con nected with tho flro 'wns tho aplon dld Borvlco rondorod by tho tolophono company, particularly when tho con flngratlon was nt Its highest nnd tlio tolophono offlco soomod doomed. Miss Nova Whltlntcb nnd MM Mar jory arise stood loyally nt tholr post and allayed tho fears and satis flod tho curiosity of thoso who ap pealed to "Control" for Information. Thdy nro dosorvlnR of tho unstinted prniso nnd'tlmnUs of tho community. v ONE YEAR A TODAV. Two wodRoi In Allied linos throne nn rollmwo of tho Allied Wostprn "flormnna rondy ytyo hit -i-third blow from Ypres to Itholms. Hun trench rnlds nlonu tho Avro lllvrr mennco Urltlsh H"cs Heavy (Inrninn Kims open way for nttnclc on tho Sommo nivor. ,Ilo oHln.B of Italy. President W!son (hQ Wonlcl),5 lml,rovomet ,lub. n.i'i'il tii' fi.,. .itrht.! ih'crea Jeopardtze tho Leugne ot Nnilona or conflict with lis fu.ul.. mental principles. i the Municipal lino will be turned over to Mr. Strahorn when he does ii m tl-jti which might In , .. ...... ... ,...,.. !.... Ono of tho officers on this shin which wm uu -iiuiu luuiurruw, cu- ... ivm thlntrs- i . ., ,,m ., . !, ..,,,, ns iiieiueuani teon uouer ot mis nesday, at 2:30 p. m., in tho t-onn- Fi , j must compiete and ope- cll chambers of tlio city imli. At city. Mr. Hannon will go direct to Roch- BOOTLEGGERS . GfllJGJT DEI SIIPKirr IlfMPllltCV TAKI-.S l TWO MEN' WANTED AT MC t'LOl'l) AND TURNS "'THEM OVER TO MSK1VOU OFFICERS rat" the lino to Sprasue river. this meeting JSS o to -- - ' -"' l moanB of n "get together mootlnqr ot Klamath Falls incorao bonds to j nnriQT i (iiiiinu i i t ti it iip ii ir rti- - for the purpose of helping ovory on- terprising busines.8 lu tho cauntv or city. SBE1I5R portant duties with tho Rochester tho amount of $300,000. obligating tbo Oregon. California and Eastern s Food company, ono ot the large east- rv-ii m it ti ii f n At i riM.0 rt fnrxtl Yirl t ntj X.-i HlHUIUUVlUiia Ul 1UUU lIUl(MV.l?i , ii i - 1 . ,, u M. i . 1 1 . Railroad Compauy to pay the holder whero Mrs. Hannon will ioin him in """""" v-"' ' . ibout threo weeks. of said bonds, annually. Its pro ram TILLRUNill Two Italians O. Tnrt'ettl nnd A. Dsxolll, who nro welt Known boot Ji'itpors. lu SlaklviH' County weio nkKod up horo Rntuidny by Sheriff SOVIET COVERNMENT FALLS IN RAVARIA SOVIETS IN 1IUX C5ARY ARK ROUTED REVOLU TION IN TURKEY. , , . ,', ... Sot the net earnings of said company. Tho vesseltm-which tho young man ol .,. .. ,. ,,, nra served was shot at seven times by t,)pn KJnmBth FMs submarines, but tho deadly torpe- wU, turn over to Mr. strahorn, or hU noes misscu in encn insiuncu, inu ship on which ho served succeeded in disabling two of tho U-boats. Dur ing Hannon's term of service, two ship wlilch were found disabled woro nidoj oft tho coast ot Ireland. agents, that portion of the line be tween this city and Dairy. NO GRANGE III LONDON, April 22 Tho military Ceoigo Humphrny nnd woro iurned suuuuuu m u,.u . ....... u....b .- . ... ii... ... dayl Tho Soviet government col- ba"k The two men had escaped nf-he- took tho town of Dachaubjr. v.o ter raid on their placo In McCloud, .lotlng tho armistice with tho govern a week ago Saturday In which two.mont troops lmvo now boon repulsed ot their partners had boon ciptured W tho government forces who are n, i.viir tickets on tho railroad holding tho place. Reinforcements and thon leaving ln anothor dlroc are now moving toward Munich tlon In nn nuto, thoy clovcrly sue. LOAN TOTAL IS DAIRY RULING GETTING coedod In oludlug tho offlcor.i for a PARIS, April 22 A-revolution has tinm but thoy will nov servo a brokon out In Turkey, and a soviet substantial sontenco for their of-'govornmont has boon declared. A jcn80 ' I revolutionists committee has been es tablished at Constantinople, accord ing to the latest dispatches from lov. RQSEI1URG RANKS TAKE UP QUOTA FORClTY. ROREHUnn. NAprll 22. Four banks of this city (dodged tho quota of J23C.000 assigned to Rosobaig, PROPOSED AMENDMENT RRINGS D1TIOX. ORDINANCE WILL NOT HE ALTERED. THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS OF YESTERDAY ISvDOUBLED TO- Voclterous objection on the part ot L.vmniciicTi. wnnv. Mills addition residents at the Coun- Icil meeting last night against a pro ERS WILL PUT COUNTY OVER p0sea amendment to the new ordi nance banning the. dairies beyond the city limits ot Klamath Falls, to per mit thla Industry In some ot the less populated sections, caused the com mittee which had been appointed to Investigate this matter, to report un favorably on tho amendment and it TOP. Thirty thousand dollars a day for Klamath County In the big victory Loan Drlvo Is a pretty good gait to ci-tim in t1,A nnlnlnn nf thn lenders of tho movo and that's tho way thojwlll accordingly go Into effect on tno peoplo horo are taking holdot the first ot next month as originally request ot .Uncle Sftm for his last loan passerby tbo Council to pay tno oiu lor mo war, This is a first class start and the workers who uro enthusiastic to tho last man. nro going to keep on tho job steadily until Klamath has swung ROSE FESTIVAL PARADE UP TO HUSIXESS MEN AMSTERDAM, April 22 Tho Hun garian government headed by Bela Kuhn, has resigned undor pressure . . . . !.- 1, lTnnmnnlnn trnnna. according DoiiRlna county. Thla notion uy tno " "" " - . . !? L . . ,,. in .i,w thn nn- to n Vienna dispatch. News from """"'" "" "' . ... Tl.wlnnnat enva Ihnt wild ehnna nro- tlonnl Victory Loan cnmpnignors m "-'" T'". I ,. V." '..,;,.. ncnin into tho blue ribbon column. Roseburg. Douglas county, do notvmw in in.u m,-. "''i indicated on tho part ot propose to yield to any other com- the Czoclio forces lmvo 3led with -Jho b jl 1 ;,ndlclt 0 l Jnunlty in America anythlns. in .ho Roumania mnrt have defeated tho tho pi JIlo Is of ory ,,;,,. ofVatltudo to soldlera iuu sail. Jlungarlan soviet troops. U .. . . " .... ,.. . -... os -nor nnythlng of promptness In Advice now indlcato that the Soc-! .. " J JlCcru dottier some moating money oblivious, Tho -j lal Pomoerats w-.l, ,ako oyer t ho gov- Jo o ,, to nin nrofor subscribing direct, to eminent control hoadod by Sigmund nod os and nn t tno peoiue uero un .0u"iu .,. Mnn'9 banks nt this season rather than to Kunff, Commissioner ot Education In wlinnis to enu xor wuai w.o .. b0 Bollclted. the Soviet Cabinet. loliorou tnoir lives lor. Tho Invitation of tho Roso Festival committee ot tho city of Portland to the City of Klamath Falls to partici pate invthe big victory parade during tho festival was read nud considered at tho mooting of tho Council last tho Klamath Falls Duslnoss Mon'a association. h mm i tiff II m t- i 5 ;i V Y JHe II Milt hi il Ii - a I'M