4 1 MTI'HIMV III, Mill) THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I PA (IE FJVK , Al'lllli i P ERSONAL MENTION I It H.I' HlllKI.MJMIh i loin, UMi'tMSic tMONtl HID I ; t I I' III' III IS I l WHUIIMM (jOIMM AM I1IMIMH III I IICM, ll,,h ... m HlniP"" I'll"'""" """ " i .... I.. I.iul 4tfittifnir tho trnlii arrival " of Iteildlng I" li'iru III llllltter of IiiihI- into' j K Urn'" for a !'" (10 A TIidiim'" nf llenwick, Calif., Ih ,,i,tcte.l l'i"v "' "'" VV1"" VMian Vlrtory I.niin drive, who has been horn fur thn past few days on mailer l'1'" iidmlnililu plctun certain Unit nH l.oviiy Mnry In Alice Hegiiii KIco'h rnmarkrihlc sory, Miu will Mi'ir.i tt'iolliur triumph Tln rlmr inter of the kIi nf llrnfii-lil ()riliiui 'e who In ever I'.iuly to hiitlle for fuxtlcn mill liiitiiuiilty even llimigh ln mifrr tlieiefnr I- inif Unit will Im wiuiiily iMiinci liiicd hv her nnny nf iiilmlrcrit MIH limit Ik flnnly supported In IlKI Icnllng MTI OF Mm m of business cuiiuecteil Willi tluit work. Iuft for IiIh hoiiin ut 1'ortliiml thin morning Mm. (Innrgu Wiillon Iuft mi the Iniln IMIm morning for Him l-'riim Inco, whern Htm will greet her brother, II iijtfi.ti.i Mi.. i... i . . .... """ """ """ J""1 "iii.ni. Unit wind women wen, wont lo Im 'I rr oversea surli-ii with tlm ,,., ,,,, .,.,,,,. ,.,.,. . touched when limy foiuiil themselves inirmiod liy morn (linn mio sweetheart ttjltcre Ultl g , (Willi i t . ' 317.II1 infantry. Tim iiiiiik mini Im tl for n ,ll"r, ,,m" fr",M l'"rl ( been In Frame nearly Awo jeur Mrs. Klamath i Walton tiXii'(tn to Im away f,ir uhmit i; sv.li""' returned lust night ""' "'"V". ,fl)mbuim-'i"l ioKhii Pruncim-ci ,)IU, Hl,)())(i (l ))rolll n,.nt ,,. ml ilni" l N' ''''' 'mini nf Urn Dairy dlstrlit Ik IoeHJiii: .,... i.i.-i....... i..,..- t.. ..i .i Rnlilrt tlv lin Iipnriltes It flirill ' ."... .n ....... ..aii. in m inuiliy .,iSiif (hi ' te jMlor.Inv uftcrimuii, mini lining (.i.rflli Hughes iie part nf ltM WIkkr In III (In- ( ipHliln hand nf Mniv f'nrr. Hugh Km i directed I Ik- production. Way luck In tlm nrly dins nf tho tr"v,,r" '""I tourist. world when sirens were unknown liv Tli following bulletin on (lie mail coiiillllniiN In Oregon Ih pu'dlshcd liy tho t'liltccl KtaN'f Forest Service These reports will In. fi it IjI IhIiimI frc iiui'iilly by ili Herald during tjiu comliii; ii.imiiii for tlio lioiu-llt of all SfNNOTT WILL I COUNTY'S ; DEVELOPMENT (Conilntifil from phrp 1) Inrn HtntcK. Thy Western H(ate, IniK''ly Interested in IrrlB'tlon, liavp lt'H tliim 10 mcmlierH on( of tin; 43.. meiiilie.ni of the lloimc. It Ih for tUU i3Hoii that wo are compelled to no . . u..i t,. .. r..... ....... ii.. ...... triillHiirtcil liUKlll(ntH,"'"' '"' '"" ) ' r.'i'nrm nun , on1 1 1 ti mih In (hat Meitlmi urn nf thn iiuk( at IIiIh time, anil (hat dm worh Ih I'filfie . ..... ..... I.. .1 .-... . ..... . .. . . J!rl. OiiCiir i nail""'" "'" " '" umcihi hi lull Npeeil sir Hlionk irn- dlf(M a prnHperniiH neiixon for the Dally roinmiinlt) Mr ami Mr W li ranij'i.oii nun ,, n, aimhorii railroad- i. .mi todnv from l.uri'lla. i; -v u' II Krftl' . WI1H amonK tlm train tTal Iml iukIiI fi"i Mfilford. lie IIIIUMI t Hi" l1"'"' """ I jiu (' V. Iieaiiiilt, who Iiiih lioon le for a litiri vlnlt frum Dttutiiiulr. iturnfd lo Iht lionin tliln iiioriiliiK. ' J. K. Sihlifliler ! Iirn for u uliorl kmln l"11 ,rom I'ordaiul. lie Ik itopplns a( llio Wlillo I'ellcan liutul V A Marllii Ik iiiiioiik tlm riicen( irrliili In thlN city from Huiittlo. Ilo liltijlnitnt tlio Wlillo I'tdlcan lintel. ilr. anil Mr C II Carrol art; here lor hort tlimi frnm Krcmio, Calif. Th; ro rcgUtorcd at (Im Hall hotel W K Lkiiiiii of (he l.amin l.umliir tonpanr uf Mndnr I'nlnt Ik luoklnn liter builnrun liiteri-Kti at (tin county nt. William Kordney of (ho JameK Mmmtllt company of l.orolla. wan la the city yettnrday on matter of ktilaeu. Mr. anil Mr OrorRn I'etomon, who caaa hero n few day ao from ManhAfld, left on tlio train today torYreka. Martin I.. Sutton of tho 9th Coait irtlllcry, arrived on (he train laat alibt from OToraeai. Martin Is a ion otMn. Prank Sutton. Prank Orohn, a prominent cattle Baa of Langell Valloy, came In ye tirday afternoon for a short builnci 'Wt at the county eat. t. D. Otcy, who haa been horo for a ihert time, vlnltlnn at tho homo of Hi iliter, Mra Hebo Boulo llratton, marned to Dorrla today, II. 8. Wood, superintendent of tho Pillcan Hay mill, hun received n telo. nam from his son. Claud Htanloy ood, saylnK ho m, arrived In New Torlj from ucroM tho boiik. Mha W Kranti, teachor or the Lorella achool, Iiiih deon compelled to H'up her work thoro on account of PMr health Sin, loft fur her liomn tn , Portland thla niomlriK. Word hint Juat heeil roculvnil rrnm Sneant 'Illlllo" Weuka hy IiIh nliitor. Wm Dorothy, t tho iiffect that ho Ih l0 en routo for Camp UiwIh, and IH Probahly hn releumul nmi I........ h short time. Kdward N Htronir. fii.t.i ,,,,,. -- m ! Sf' " uisinct for the coiiiIiik IiIki Welern Orenn Three KlverH, AIhc.i Itlver, Kiiboii' rinrnine .mil KciittKlniri'-Alleih:inv rnnilH. In the vldnlty of (ho SIiihIuw ' lr, lh ' of tfl Northeastern national furriit. are not yet open for anil Southern Statei. With this In IhrnuKii travel. Mttlo North Fori; view, It lB the purpose of the Sccre- ro.nl and the Kantlam wni;on road are .... , ..... .,.. ... , , ., Ilnw a mnderii Hlren danr.lei men'H m.lh dosn.l to travel. IleeauHo of "'" ''"' ".""'--"' hrlilHOH helnt; hurried out. It Ik very "" '""i""""' aiiiinijiriauon lor me pohHlhle that Mtde North Fork root" landn In the South; 1-3 In (lie Weit. will not hu open until late In tho and 1-3 In the Northern States aside "':l"""- from the Wontcrn States). (' l '111 ia.j-VJIII11 Will HV ICJ . f tl n,1 In fnlr r,llll,. l.t,w f- ,.,. 't l IllipOHlble for One con' Clly and I!nmklm:s ItniiKh be tween llrooklnnH arid Gold Dench. Crtter I.aku HIkIiwii) Open and In fair condition ietwu"ti Medford and I'roiipett, Cloned on account of snow between l'roipert and I'afk I'O'jndnry; will probnbb be open ty At the Theaters 111 tlm wide nnr.e nf I lie Hereon drainn, few mure nppealliii; motion liktlireH hne been luodllie.l ll.l.n 'Tlio Dawn of n Tomorrow." Kiar rliiK Mary liikford, whlrli lie Kpowii at the Temple tlmitre tonl:iit TbU Ik a .JellKhtfill plcttirltatlou of I'rnureH HoiIkhoii IliirnetlV fiimn.iH lery of the hIiiiiik nf l.ondn'i In which "Our Mary" appcarx us ,i waif with n rellKloiiH turn of mind The story Ih one of uinminl HtreniCh and exreptlonal heart appeal. Walter I'erry, ono of fllmdom'A cleveret chnrartur actors, Is cast In tho rolp of n New Jcri-ov former In1 herlH at Urn tlpH of her fliiKem, II rb (h off her ullnrH and eentuiilly Ketn ( hi' man of her eholr. o Is depleted In the latent Tbeda llnrn Htiper-iro-diiitlnn, "The Him Devil," to bo pre sented ut the Liberty Theater for two dnyn Im-cIii nl tin Sundnv Rfternnnn. Theda tiara, tlm well known nrreen nlreu, wtis never neon to better nil Mititai'o than In her latent produc tion. Him pliyn tlm role of a SphiiIhIi Juaultn, mm of Uioho IniiKuld dreamj Klpb-llke women of Sunn Spain In "liy Proxy," Hay Stewnrt nets to. say whether or nc thin IcKlslatfon will be successful. The Webtern member will make a strenuous effort to se rum thlH legislation for homes for returning soldiers. If this appropria tion Is secured, I am very hopeful .lulj let On nccount of the heavy that the Secretary of the Interior will snowfall It Is doubtful If Dittos will salect at least two new projects in the bo thle to travel through the park . . - , ... , . ,, ., . liofor Julv State of Oregon, at least It will ho I'nrlow-OakKroveOpcn and in m- ndeaor to persuide tho Secre-' fair condition between Portland and tnry and the Fleclamatlon Service State and at Washington to promote) the much needed railroad facilities, You ank me about the sentiment concerning the League of Nations, f 'Ind In traveling over the stile, that there Is a strong sentiment In favor of pome film that may avert the hor rors of War, but I find the people very rrlllrnl and circumspect as to the first proposed plans of the I.eaguo nf Npt'ono I find a great unanimity for the amendments suggested by Kllhii Itoot nd Charles O Hughes, come of which, If we may accredit the Pres have been adopted at tho Peace Conference. Public sentiment seems to be very jealous of any haz arding of tho Monroe Doctrine of our rlrhts to control our Domestic affairs. our immigration laws, for wo can never surrender to any nation tho right to say who shall be admit ted to our shores and citizenship. I alfo find a very general desire for a provision permitting our with drawal from the League of Nations after a definite period, so that w may not be wedded forever to a plan which may hereafter grow to be ob noxious and detrimental to our best ptere3ts The agitation and criticism of the proposed League of Nations It.s been beneficial, for many of hu inoft serious objections of the Leaguo ttem about to be removed If the press reports are true. Hefore I left Washington, there wna much discussion concerning oos-oiMc- presidential candidates on the Tlrpiibllcan ticket. Many favorite s:ns are being mentioned, but as yet out to woo n pretty girl for bashful Twin Bridges. Clo'ed on account of that the Statu of Oregon, due to dls Aleck. emploved on Ited'.s ranch The "J"'1, between Twin Bridges and crm,iaton practiced against It in the Cblneno conk. Ah Sing. wIiih all tlio ,',,,,,.,. A,i.n.ni.mm hnnl,l past, Is entitled to a large share of the ,v,.p h. . nn rrv.tallzatloii of cowbojK1 clotheH by phvlng n weird tarry tiler chains on (his road. funds that may be allotted to the sePiiment on any particular candi- biind at poker. When "lied" returns Kn-eburg-Peel-Opcn but in bad Ve.st. (lalG Were the convention to be l-.oi.l . . mt . at. rsi.. t flnn.lllli.il linltiiniii I)nui,liiii nml Itinl - .... .... wun mo gin, no iinus aii ning ia- .-y""'','"" "VV . . , " V . " " I am certainly glad to see tne inter- i.i.i,, the next few months it would ccndltlon between Hoseburg and Psel. .Vull Is hauled over this road In a ..,..,, .,, ,.t ..,u .lr.il.l,m .Villi is nuuieu over iiiih rum in il . . ... ... . ... nieritlng tlm Ions of his clothing jrM rur Uoa() u ba(1)y ruttc(ji un(, est and energy of the citizens of Klam certainly be a free-for-all. for no dom- which Im had packed on a hore. cmlv ,amipt i. traveled with a heavy Mia to haii his horse run away from him cl Ine enjlly. Taking Ah Sing back to the ranch Kastern Orc-gon with him and Llndy. "Itud" learns Crescent-Kort Klamath Closed bc- tbn( he lias brought Aleck the wrong cause of snow Ncl detours poKslble. girl and promptly proposes to hp' This; road should bo open about May Just the nnino. Supporting Hoy Stew art nro Maud Wayne. Walter Perry. Wilbur HlRbce. John Lince and Harry Yamamoto, thn superb Japan wo comedian. At the Temple Sunday 1st Iji Pine-Crescent Open and In fair ccndltlon. Hend-Fort Itock (via China Hat) This road is closed nt present becuusc of snow. No detours possible, load will be open about May 1st. Auto travel time between Dend aui Fort Heck about 4 M hours. 'Three X (lordon' tho lie screen UAI.PII IIIT11N COMING. n,.-v ,.(. a u. hnnr. their homes from Washington aulck. I'lodiirt In which J Warren f.rrrlgjn - Uond-Fort hock (via La Pine er than one can go from Portland to will tic seen In the nnnto pait at the. Word that Knlph Hum has arrived Iload Is open but In unsatisfactory Klamath Falls. This intolerable situ- Liberty theater tonight. Mr Perry safely In Now York and Is now nt nnn'),1,ln,j " VsmabMtWnveTat,on 8Dould not be Permitted to e- will bo rccnlled by local patrons of .Camp Merrltt has Just been received hours main. Klamath County needs better ath County towards securing better . iMPr.t. candidate has so far. appeared. Railroad communication, and the - County Is cerfalnly entitled to better' VISITOK PROM KLAMATH JIARSH railroad communication with the rest, of the State, and particularly with Oeorge Hayden, former County Portland, the metropolis of the St3te. ' Treasurer of Klamath County, who Portland capital should throw off its now- resides on a stock ranch on ths apathy and use every effort for direct Klamath Marsh on the Indian Reser rallrood communication with Klam-, vatlon Is in town for the first time for ath County. , several months. He reports that con- I believe that 75 per cent of the ditions are prosperous In his part of membership of Congress can reach the Country. AVIATOR FALLS IN SEA L1MRICK, April 19. Major C. M. J. P. Wood, the Britisb aviator who (he pictures a the accomplished ar-l by Mrs. Oeorso Hum of this city In Uend-Slsters (via Tumalo) This railroad communication with the bal- left the East Church In England ye tlsl whose portrayal of the role of i a wire from Mrs. Ralph Hum at Van- road Is opan the year around, and In ance of the State, and the balance of terday for this city fell into the Irisa 'n... ..I." I .. frlw In "Hrl.nn.r. nf .....w.. KT.. fn.lhir I n f .mi 1. 1 Inn VM fair Condition. It .. ' '. . .... '.. ... . . ' . . .... .... u and requires l'A hours to cover It. J. ine lines wnn wo uuiikiiiuiiit mucr. conimncu in mo rat, "' . Paullna-Rurns (tla Bear Valley) CilplrtK. In "Three X tlordoo" Mr I Hum expects to get particulars re-Open and In fair condition between Perry is seen In an altogether differ. ' Harding his discharge and arrival Paulina and Suplee. Closed between ent sort of a character and has amine here in a short time. The many 'Suplee and Sllvlea (will probably be opportunities to prove hi. versatility friend, of the youn man will bo LulnlroTaVu.Jll I groatly pleased to see him home Creek ,0 ncar Vaey and from Bear Marguerite Clark, widely known as, again. 'Valley to Sllvles.) No detour possl "the sweeteat girl In motion pic- ble. mres" lonir wru. recognlted before' See Charles 8. riood, Klamath Prlnevllle-Mitcncii upen ana in tures. lonK was recogniieu oeioro d ,.i ... , d 4 passab e condition for autos between she entered the silent drama, as one A".nc ,or Indlan a"8111 """." pnnevlllo and Ochoco Ranger station of thn moat charming comediennes i of the legltlmato stage. Blnco sho entered the III in world, hor progress has been pliononmonnlly successful and her record Is ono of unbroken successes. Miss Clark will bo seen In her lat est Paramount photoplay, "Mrs. Wlggs of tlm Cnbbngo Patch," nt the Star theater tonight, and It aecms the State needs better railroad com- sea last night. The aviator anJ hi: municatlon with Klamath County, invtrrtor Captain Wylle were un (The advantage of this would certain-' injured. Wylle went to Holyhead for ly be mutual, and I hope before an-1 assistance. The machine may bo. re other season expires that we will .see pr.ired and ready to start Monday, work actively progressing towards Lencaster Parker, another aviator better railroad facilities. I shall cer- who left East Church soon after tainly do all In my power both in the Wood, landed safely. -atfinSSBsMai ORPHEUS THEATER Saturday and Sunday MarKiierllo Courtot IN "Till: 1)AI AI.1VK" Comedy l "tvi-:i:i dan Tin: hkcuuit" Mallnio Suiicliiy nt U:!IO evening, 7:110 ADMISSION 10c anil SOe Show nclvertUecl fulled lo urrlto H OUSTON' Metropolitan AmuHrments s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCINO 8TUR1)AY IIVUXINO J A MUSIC LIBERTY THEATER "THK 1ICK OV TIIIC l'lCTUKKH" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT J. Warren Kerrigan, . in ' l . i "THREE X GORDON i Mutt and Jeff " . International Weekly Newt STAR THEATER SUNDAY Nnlinnal i:blbllors INiguo PriNeiita "Till: STILL ALARM" Tlio (invitest Mflmlriiiim of nil lltin'.s AJkQ Two TIioiimiiicI l'Vel of l.nuuliler In ! on account of now; and from Beaver Ranger station to Mitchell. Closed by snow and mud between Ochoco Ranger station and Heaver Ranger station. No detour possible. Should be open by May 1st for light horse rigs and about May 15 for nutos. Paulina-Hums (via Fife Creek) Open and In passable condition be tween Paullnn and mouth of Grlnd Btono Creek and between Fife and Hums. Closed on nccount of snow and mud between mouth of Grind stone Creek and Fife. No way round except Prlnovillo-llums road via Mil- i Mean. Should bo open about May 1st. j Prlnevllie-Paullnn Open but In. poor condition. A few sections of this road have been drugged this spring. Tho road Is very rough and full of holes. Sparta-Kast Eagle? This road Is closed entire distance on account of snow. No detour Is possible It will i bo open for travel about May 20th. Hnker-Cnrnucoiiln Open and in ' fair condition between Baker and) Carson. Closed on account of snow between Carson and Cornucopia. No I detours possible Will probably be 'open Mnv, 20th. A two-mllo section ' of tho road between Richland and Halfway, known as tno Sag, is in bad condition .but passage Is possible. i Hnkcr-Pralrlo Cltv This road Is I closed between Baker and Sumpteri nlso netweon THE REX CAFE Will serve a Chicken Dinner Sunday that will consist of Crab Cocktail u la Lou I so Chicken Gumbo with Okra Chicken I'rlcusse with Kgp; Dumplings , Special Fruit Salmi with WhlpiMxI ('remit Mashed Potatoes Sleamed Rice Chocolate Bhinc Mange Pudding ' Cafe Nolr SH .; "V .$1.00 ItlK V (Nimedy. w SUNDAY AND MONDAY "THE SHE DEVIL" Starring Theda Bara AAaWVvMVWWWA'' DAILY MATINEE At this Theater nt J mo i. m, lien nt a o'clock MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director TEMPLE THEATER TEM PI,E , TODAY Ailolph ukor PrcvicntH MARY PIOKIXIRD In "TIIR DAWN OP A TOMORROW Also Tho Ninth KplHOdo of "THE LURK OF THE CIRCUS." SUNDAY Trlnnjrlo lreeiit ROY STEWART Ju 'nY PROXY" A RocJilInk lecture of Love and laughter. Also Patho Non-8 Latcwt Current Event. Admission 10 & 15 rent Matinee S3.30. KvenliiEs TiUO & 0. Sumpter and Whitney, Whitney and Austin ,nnd Austin and l'rairio uity.i Should bo open May lBth. I RECOVERS FOLLOWING SEVERE OPERATION Mrs. Frank Ira White, who has boon dnngorously 111 In Portland and who was obliged to undergo a sovero operation as the result of tho Influ enza has rallied nicely according to word Just rocolved by Mr. and Mrs. h. M, Wtlltts of this city, and thero are now tho best of prospects for her re covery. Mrs. Whlto Iiab a host of friends In this city whore Bhe resided for many years, who will rejoice over the nows of hor Improvement. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE! TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill) Oregon DA3 NCE AT THE MOOSE Tho Poprless Orchestra has rontod tho MnoBO hall for tho purpose, of giv ing wookly dnncos thoro, and from now on will glvo a dnnco ovory Satur day evening, featuring tho lotest Broadwny lilts, A cordial Invitation Is extended to tho public. Thoro will bo a dnnco thero tonight. . 10-lt Art Versus Work Art wins, consequently there will be no more Kodak flnl&h lng, no more postcards or cheap work done at THE BOND STUDIO Iu future )ou will know you nro getting tho best, becauso your work will not bo rushed through with n lot of amateur work. Every picture will be finished right, and have our per sonal attention. Wo havojho very latest model of electric skylight, so dark dajs mid evenings will inuko no difference in your pictures, A little extra work ou a picture, nu artistic touch with brush or pencil, adds to its beauty. THE BOND STUDIO PHONE 270J liao MAIN ST. ! i i . i M m ii II; m ImMl ml ii m m M