The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 19, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAOK four
H.Timi),tY, AI'llll. n,
TheEvening Herald
&pmt&vKL iv h
r- Vl , ur .f-m I f m-A HMB Hi mm m
J. M V It It A V
U1 .
. W t " f - ... .- - 4
Published ilnlly except Snmlay li
Tho Herald I'uhlNliliig Company of
Klamath Falls, nt llf Fourth street
Entered nt tho postoftlee nt Klnm i
ath Falls, Oro , for transmission thru
tho malls ns second-class matter
Subscription tonus tiy mull to any
address In the United Stntev
One yon r $5 00
One month Bo
Member or tin' sni l.ititl lre
The Associated Press Is eeluslvol
entitled to the use tor republication
of nil nous dispatches credited to It
or not otherwise credit! d In this pa-1
per, nmt also local news published
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are alo re
served SATU5DAY, A1MSIL ll. HMD
v n. r'.rfj ivi ijT 1lj' 1 1 I
iiknd's perfidy
The arrival of the Oregonlan last
evening brought with it the greatest
surprise Klamath Falls has had for
many years. It was the information
that Dend did not want the Strahorn i
railroad. ,
This policy was dictated by the big
sawmills located in that town, and,
while the manager of one of these
concerns, speaking for both, as well
as intimating that he was represent
ing the people of Bend, says the rea
son for rejecting the chance to get
another line was due to a fear that the
mills of Klamath Falls would demand
a freight rate adjustment that would
put this city on an equal basis with
Bend. But this is mere camouflage.
The real reason for the Bend mills
dictating a reje'ctlon of the Strahorn
line was fear of competition from the J
mills of this territory.
Bend places herself in the unique
position of being the only city in the
nation that rejects the possibility of
setting a third railroad and the op
portunity of making her the mistress
of Central Eastern Oregon. She also
occupies the unenviable position of
having betrayed the trust and confi
dence of the people of Southeastern
The action of Bend will have no
effect on this city. Klamath Falls
"will go ahead with her plans for the
Strahorn line Just as though Bend
"were not on the map. The Strahorn
line will be completed, but whether
to Bend or not remains to be seen.
The day will come when our north
ern neighbor will bitterly regret the
mistake she has made.
IkSHML S -Appeal Oiv I jSTS$ ,''
'" WStors' . W ' ll III
r 8rjm8$tmsm -
' " n t '' -' rTr t? n - n- --
VolL nL
Oiu3 Pri
VANTi:i) UipKrlonci'il wnumn fur
gmieriil liiiUHuwnrtt ;to go liimut
tilKlitH. Cull nt S.17 l'nrk iivvnuo,
WorttiSldn l'J-3t
lint inver ol po.trj tins mi' "i-uitin town on th. slopu nt the thu spirit ot Hie poem u m ullicr
cr-nmert of visitimj the places mink- h.ll ms the well with lt sculptor could Hie model of hi
tmnmrtni m sonu? Anil what soni'i mo'-'-crown ,stntuc has been purchased liv tlm
buy aroused this longing more in- Ducket fastened with iron, nnd near I Cnnadinn rurific. who huvo.commls-
it h trough for the horses.
TCi pirce of eround nt Grand Pre
inisel than the story of the uentle
srmlians and their (treat ujiiish-
'.tiun for Nova Scotia is easy toor- wh,ch ia ''- well of Lynngellne.
reach and each succeeding summer i together with the old willows, has
(- mo c hundreds inakinc the pil-1 been boucht by the Cnrjidian Pacific
criniaire to , for the purpose of preserving it for
The Arudian land, on the shores of
the Basin of Minas,
NOTICE In order -to Insure pub
lication, copy tor church announce
ments must be at The Herald office
ot later than Friday evening.
i'tuni. secluded, still, the little vil
Inge of Grand Pre."
here they find the meadows, dikes
'l orchards of which Longfellow
SHtm and they trv to retrace the
action of the poem by using as a
tuide the still remaining well which
the noet described aa.
Before he died last year, Philippe
HeL-ert, the greatest of Krencn
Canadian sculptors, wes encajrid on
a statne representing Kvangcline
leaving tho land of her childhood and
looking back in sorrow',
Philippe Hebert was himself an
Acadian and, although a perfectly
happy exile in Montreal, entered .Jpto
stoned Philippe's son, Henri lleliert.
also a distinguished sculptor, to com
plete it, life size, in (ironic, to be
crecteo beside the famous well.
Thus will be added one more at
traction to a land full of attractions
for artists, devotees of romance and
matter-of-fact sportsmen. The art
ists find an inexhaustibto supply of
subject ranging from many-mil
long vistas of apple blossoms to un
couth but picturesque fisherfolk; the
romantically inclined find a land of
legends and sleepy beauty; the
sportsmen find fishing and Bunting
such aa la seldom equalled and never
WAKT1JD Two or three men to
work on ranch; mini and w'ltn for
dairy luiuso work. Phono l't Is-al,
VANTi:tV- -1 unf mai mui hi to
uiiloinolillo to travel : new prnpnil
tiun, no experience nt'cewmry; i 5 00
pur ila gunraiitei'd, can make up In
$16 per day AiIiIti'sh (' , I.. Town
send, general delivery, or call be
tween G nil IMIll .H .10 p in , llooui "7.
Washington hotel, Klamath Full
"situations wanted
WANTKD Work on lawns nr gar
denliig Apply Herald otllce. 1 9-1 1
Ml Kl HI
be "Eternal Life, and How to Live
It." Service at 7 p. jn. at Presby
terian church. Special Easter Music.
Evening services at 8:00 o'clock.
The chorus choir ot fifteen voices will
give a sacred concert consisting of
anthems, quartets with the Easter
message. The pastor will give a brief
address on "Practicing Immortality."
There will also be a moving picture
reel ot strong Interest, "Russia A
World Problem." It Is a special Red
Cross reel, and is very fine.
First Christian Church, corner
Ninth and Pine streets. C. V. Trim
ble, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sermon at 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, with Presby
terians, 7:00 p. m.
Sermon at 8:00 p. m.
The Sunday school will have an
Eastet program at the Sunday school
hour, and the pastor will preach an
Easter sermon at 11 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 8 p. m.
Lutheran services at the Baptist
church, corner Eighth and Washing
ton, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. M. Rossman
pastor, residence 137 First street.
Sunday school will be held at 2:00
p. m.
Services will be held at 7:30 p. m.
Sermon subject, "The Lord Is Risen;
He Is nisen. Indeed."
All are cordially Invited to worship
Emanuel Baptist Church, Eleventh
and High streets. W. L. Wilson, pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning services at 11 o'clock.
Evening services at 7:30 p. m.,
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:30.
First Baptist Church, corner Wash
ington and Eighth. J. B. Griffith,
Sunday school at 10 a. m., C. R.
DeLap, superintendent.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
All are cordially Invited to worship
-with us.
Sacred Heart Churcn, corner 8th
J t,l-L . 1.. ,, L , -"
auu njgu sireem. ner. nugu i, .uur-' with US.
shall, pastor.
Easter Services:
Saturday evening Confessions;
don't wait till the morning.
First Mass, 8 a. m. sharp.
Second Mass, 10 sharp; notice the
The Christian bclence Society of
Klamath Falls holds services at 113
Fourth street every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday
evening at 7:30. AH are welcome.
Tho subject of lesson for Sunday,
April 20, is "Doctrine of Atonement."
The Sunday school session Is from
9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday morning.
The free reading room and free
lending library la open from 2:30 to
4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Methodist Episcopal Cnurch, Tenth
and High. Rev. Simpson Hamrlck,
pastor, 1117 East street. Phone 67W.
Junior League at 9 a. m,
Sunday school at 10 a. m. INDIANOLA, la., April 19. There
goorpg?rsaeethJ?ephrUera. A, be wlthout th
Morning services at 11:00 o'clock. I acceptance of the League, of Na-
Subject, "The Living Christ," ' tlons by the world, WUliam Howard
Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Taft told nlembera of the Methodist
A good program, a live meeting, spe-1 . . .
clal music. I cliurcn liere-
Evening services at 8:00 o'clock. I "The peace treaty means nohlng If
liat "Tho Wnrll'a norlooma, " . ... .nnn, nnHAA It " c.ol.1 1.a f-
Subject, "The World's Redeemer,
Presbyterian Church, Pine, street,
near Second. Rev. E. P. Lawrenco
The services of the day will be in
keeping with the Easter spirit.
Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Spe
cial songs and recitations carrying
Easter message by Individuals and
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Sermon, "Immortal Life." Special
solo by Miss Frances Wiloy,
Thoro will also be baptism of in
fants and reception of new members,
JVo will welcome to this horvlco lnem
hors of tha Knights Templar.
The Christian ndeuvor topic will
wo cannot enforce it," said tho for-
Epworth League
Sunday Evening, at 7
Tenth and High Sts.
rcer president. "Conditions In Europe
are such that we must have a union
of nations."
Taft said the covenant was not
perfect and that perhaps It would 'lot
work as expected every time, but
abolition of one-halt of the wars Is
worth the effort.
"Excessive armament of nations
must be abolished If we are to have
continued peace," Taft sdded. "The
League of Nations makes this Its first
step. Another great step toward peace
Henry Newell Is In from l.ilicvliw,
where he la connected with the South,
em Oregon Auto Compahy.
Dr. Oeorge Wright reports the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs, Del
ia the covenant Is the clause that, Sattl of the Midland district Tuesday.
OMSK, Hlberln, I: T llcilil t
Iaeuporl, 1 1 1 u . who In la tiirge of
tho wi'Hierii dlntrUt of ttu Aniorlcan
Young Miu'n t'lirlAtlnn Al.ntlon
work In Siberia, linn rttiirm-tl to after a llt to tln l.ittl (runt
nml reports that tlm V M (' A li
doing everything poxnlt! in lighten
""; " : tho hnrdshlpH of the noUUm Two
COMPETENT woman wants house- , . . , , ,
work or washing by tho hour. Kit- A,""rl nurli are working, he
qulro 129, Houston hotel. 12-71 reports, at the fighting line Thry are
II, L, Tliikhnni, of ri'iumylwuilit, who
Is at I'M, nnd (' W It ll- nwitlr
graduated from NorthwimtiTti t'nlw
slty at Clilcimo, uhn Inn n rltib car
further north on the line Mr llller
brought the first Y M (' A mipplr
train out of Vladlviutok
Twenty-flvo American necrrttrltt
are now serving In the wentern Klbr.
la tone and have organlx-d twentr
canteens, A general supply depart
ment la now being orgnnlied for the
local purchise of butter, cheese and
general dairy products for which Si
beria Is fnmoua, but whlrh the sol
tilers have difficulty In oMulnlnic.
FIRST CLASH cook, second cook and
waiter want Jobs In lumber cum p.
makes secret diplomacy n thing cf the Enquire Houston house. I2-7t
past. Treaties must be made public." 5
FOR SALE Extra good family cow,
Jersey; Just fresh. 1210 Sargent
avenue. 18-31
LOTS FOR SALE Lots 7A and 711,
Railroad Addition; will sacrifice
for cash. II ox 1156, Klamath Falls.
TOR SALE The best buy In Klam
ath Ceunty: FIvo-pasaenger tour
ing car, thoroughly overhauled unit
repainted. Inquire HohIo'k garaga.
A Reminder
If you desire your monument placed by Dec
oration Day, it should be purchased immediately.
The finest designs in modern cemetery work
are represented on the floor of our show room.
Any selection made now will be held for you.
1014 Main St.
FOR SALE Fresh milk cow on
Dukes' place, half mile west of
Miller Illll school. 16-4t
PHONE PEYTON for Wood II 211
i FOR 8ALE Three lino homes, suit
able for largo families; a few choice
Tlin following note appears In a
Los Angeles dally of reient dati
Mrs. Jotliam IlUuy. Jr. ami hr
sister, Mrs. J. P Salerlt'ii wore KUMti
on Saturday nt n delightful mulca
nnd luncheon given by Mrs Leopsld
"' ibiro wiiiniinij a mw eiiuits ;.!, . , aiii?Iii to which
residence lots, close In; on. of ,! ''"w-. , '""fir'wf.o ? .
mil tn,.,i,nn iirnnn,,,,.. Minn. ...-----"- ---
best Ineomn nrnnnrllfw In Klnmniti i many
Falls; tule lnnd In tracts, large or
small. W. S. Slough, 9-tf
FOR SALE SBH of NW. Ktf of
HW'i, and NW'4 of SWVi of See.
itp'ent In Southern California wore
hidden. Among those present re
Mrs. Illxhy. Mrs. Baterlce. Mm Mm
llelnrlrh. Countess Llln Petrhnlkoif.
OIkh Hteeb, Fannie Dillon. Mrs Oar
nor, a composer from ("IiIibko, Mrs
ml-TWP,,3u9, 'TKS ' "n'!,'1 .V'0 "iKilwnril Klvyn, Mrs Rom, 1'n.lh. Ma
Nh't of Sec. 30, Twp. 38. Runge 10. ,nm Venltu and Mrs Leopold Oo-
tiv imr utro, AonresH owner, ,()WHty
Stawnrt Dant, Rosuburg, Oro. 9-121) .MrHi Haterleo Is visiting Mrs "!
- by ,,t her homo. 1S00 Enal Ocean
tOllSALL Five room cnttnga, mod-,, for n fnw dnM Mr Salerle
orn Improvements, for Halo by own- will arrive about April fifteenth from
or; ciohu in; lurnituro u iiesireu, in-1 Klimintli Falls, Oregon
mining pinui). i',iiiuire iranic ni
Upp, r.ll Main st. 31-tf
I'ASTUIti: FOR LEASE 1 1,000
acres tule land of Klamath Drain
ago district, near Midland and Wor
don; sultnblo for gnulng rattle; tract
rim bo divided Into two nearly o(U(il
units, M. MotHchonbaclior, L. Jncobn,
W. S Slough, coinmlttoo. 1-tr
mt m r m. j. j. j.. ltftr-tt rjLn.i"j1JUU'ajXrt-TJ'
FOR RENT Nice sunny' furnished
uuiirooniH for gentlemen, in mod
orn homo. 840 Walnut st. 19-lt
Presbyterian Church
tyl a. m. Sermon "Immortal Life," Rev. E. P.
Solo, "Resurrection" (Shelby) Miss
Frances Wiley.
8 p. m. Sacred Concert by Chorus of fifteen
Red Cross Moving Picture Film, "Russia,
a World Problem." Very fine.
Ten minute sermon, "Practicing Immor
tality," Rev. E. P. Lawrence. '
Remind yourself of the glorious victory of the
Resurrection by attending some religious service
Easter Sunday, and do not fail to clench the
Allied victory by buying a Victory Bend this
coming week.
FURNISHED Apartments Mrs. O.
I'oyton, 020 Market. Phono 112R,
TEAMS WANTED At onco, to skid
logs by contract. Lamm Lumber
Company, 16-10
WANTED Ducks to pasture on Dear
Island; good grass, plenty of wa
ter; caroful attontlon by experienced
caro-takor. J. D. Swift, Klamath
Falls. 8-10t
W. R. Campbell, n woll known
stockman of tho Spraguo River Val
loy Ih In tho city with IiIh wlfo and
family today for n short visit,
Mro. Frank Davis ontoi tallied
ubout n dozen ladloa lit lior homo nt
tint Iluldwlii Hotel Thursday tiftur
nooii in honor of Mrs, Verdn Torroll.
Mrs. Haterleo Is a member of the
Klaiiiatli Fulls MuhIc Club
III:NI), April PJ- -lleaiing ' l'10
$10,000 damiign suit brought
Cliurli'H J. Rl-iiiffer iikiiIiibI William
W. Drown, n wealthy Klol.mun '
Fife, Is now uiiilor n, I He "
which alleges iiuiIIcIoiih pnmeiiitloii.
Is tho Hoiiuol of nn liivenllgatloii In
tho JiiHtlco court last June, l wlllcl1
Mr1. Stauffer, on n complaint hrouclit
by tho Flfo ranrhor, was bound oer
to the grand Jury, on n ihargo of lar
ceny of sheep. Tho grand J"iy '""J"1
to indict. Tho plaintiff was on the
stand this morning, telling H" B,or)r
of his nrrcst', nnd tho BiibHi-Uiicnt ,lls
missal of the cnBo by tho grand Jury.
The caso brought by the
against Charles arlfflth, clmrgea
with larceny of a calf, roailiod
end at 8 o'clock this morning, ""J"1
tho Jury, he hours after leaving the
courtroom, returned n vordltt f ' "ol
. D. Olnsbach Is horo lol'n
after btiRlnosa InterostH from tK
for a short tlino.
m "" "
Itoboit CiiKoy Is lioro on iniittor
of buslni'BB for u Bhort tlmo
J ' ' .
4 ".t
.. Sj i f