PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATimiMY, Aflllt. Ill, mm m f 2' ,. FIRST SESSION OF INTERNATIONAL FOOD COUNCIL IN PARIS ". - , - - rfwiftWiAft :C5Ui.VL -- liinoly American unit In llio dmns-l NOTICI! mother rcilpn, nml .,( r(, tnted illntrtctH or IIi'IhIiiiii "nil not Hi I Thine knowing theniHiilvoH Initolit- using It to ketip unir Imir n- i i... miiiiiittiiiii itii tn tmt will itlitiiHit i nil at niv nwU' t 1.1 ... eru immv, ttiuirti tut' uvi.. mi. ..... .... ... .......... i----- - - initii ittnir, wiurii i "ruin KOOd, u oo or ,.,. hi ,,,,. ..,-,. JK1Mv.,11f,1r,,, "v"m," nffT'r 'm,"K '"''- , jtititiMiii iiiirriimit in ,,f m ii ) in ii i . t. urini. tlon nml wlmro hooIiiI ioiiIimh nro fnvv mihI fur between. Colonel Wlllliiin n ,. iillor-i. tltMillnt. In lonitiul Jut iiilvnntiigo. Melntvro of Nuw Yoik, Inn iirgnnlMM M Klnniulli 1'tillit; ulllni In Urn Bristol NnwndnvH, tlionrii w, i ....i i ..ii. i u .. i mil .i ti 11 HJ.MOm 01 traveling unturun iiiuiuini;. iinmti ntitiiiiiiiiin n nuii.-, ...ii uio iruuuirnouii) limit ir whole till) llll'll will tin nble to oil '' Ml,ln tuln i'll iooKimI foml nml iiit H In i it in " fit i i'iiii-u iii.-ii I. ii. . '.. B I I r f w i comfoit liisli.iul of In n liiphnrnul TLJjlj II fl I U II A LI I fashion on tlio .loin step or muni) I I If ly 11 II 1 11 1 1 4 if hnir-iitiiioiiiii(ii dwelling iionv, Hi I UN 3a I If II 1 1 Uilll Is now tlio lulo intlu'i limn tin' ' (option - i IAR "1 Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Toll why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. WIT TH ' liavt U 121 , ,, .'..fc '""""I Hi l """ " "Minn) till i, lit ()m I All ding nlori'K hi II Hi, , , , ,n prnilutt, ImpioMnl In n , iiinnn"! i other ItiKM'illoiitN, 1,11,1 ,ftiC. 'Kiikii nml Sulphur i ,,, ,,( . ' I iilioiil M) ii'iilH n I, .mi. , ,4 r IOlllllll lll( llllllll Hull , ,,r. It hint Ihiiiii npplliMl , , oin ronili or n miri In i tll ( llVV tlllM thriMIKll i i , r Inl,!, itiktt Mliinll alriitiil i.i .. i . " " IllOfll. Ing tlm grnv Imir ti , r, , what ilnllKlilH tin' li'lii i i, lf,lh Kmtii nml Hiilplim ( mi i ii ,, ., , lii'Hlilt'H lii'iiiitlrnll) , t, I ,, , ,,, )i( The olil time mixture of Siiko Tim nftur u few uppllwitl. i u ,n . nml Kiiipiiur (or iinrhi'iiiiiK Kriiy, uiim'h inui him iiihi i i i Hlri'iiKcil nml iiulcil Imir U Krniiil-' of iiliniiitmiid which i ir Mii ii wmi sri.ruru ir ni:ur4 .so wii iti.i.v no ll(l c ii:i,i, ! "i iMMtanre ""i-Jdlro Delegates to the International right at the table are Norman K. the tn thaw or reconstruction oik Food Council are seen here at their i v'ni"- Herbert C. looer unil Mr ost of the Jtlit'no, M. VllKrnln anil rst official meeting In the Ministry UV 'r "1 "L,". ..T' ,' c,"npV, .,1, '"'""'' ! Pml.ateU by lllnts , . i --.. -.."mu ui iuiij, ruiiiio iiiiu i.orn ici'iiiiiik and Sir t)I Commerce In Pari,. From left to General lajot. French represent.!- John lle.ilo of ( Mrltnln. Vh Is man ami uommi, half the ! tltni'i fei'lliiR nervous, iltispuiiili'ul, I uuirlod. some ilus heailaihy, ilutl and unstriiiiK, xonio ilaH rtrnll) luui-j First Woman Appointed ' i to Faculty at Harvard UHIIKISTS . HUE DEFEATED OFFICERS KEEP THEM FROM RUXXING WITH MACIIIXK UXS.MERICAX OEXERAL Alt RIVES IX ARCHAXGEIi UTimiy cffiaaa.,: "t.AUCfi KAUU.TOH For the first time in the history of Harvard University, a woman has oeen appointed to the faculty. She is Dr. Alice Hamilton who goes from Chicago to be assistant professor of Industrial medicine. She is -a skilled Bacteriologist And a specialist in In dustrial and occupational diseases. Dr. Hamilton was born in New York. OPENS J 'IT" FOR DK ARCHANGEL, April IS. The Jlnl. sheWki hae now ovacuated the ton m Army has Just opened Its first "hut 1'AniS. (Correspondence of the As sociated Press.) To glo tho Amerl. can soldiers n center where they can both lodge and spend tholr timo prof-'tho Inside organs of the previous dn nnuiy tnruout me day, the Salvation og Bolshle-Oserki, being driven out by the constant Allied shelling. l'he Bolsheviki morale has been greatly Impaired by the bombardment' ni.d their is a shortage of supplies, due to the thawing roads. Officers are now in Paris proper. It Is situated on the Rue Cllgnnncourt, and was formerly tho barracks of tho 7th French In fantry regiment. The "hut" accomo dates 3,000 men. SnWil-fll tmlfnra npnnUnllnnn holding them In place by means of whcn operate amonR tne Amcrlciln uiui.uiuc tuiis ui me ivur. Brigadier-General Richardson has arrived with a staff aboard the first big ice breaker which has made Its way into the docks since the begin ning of the winter. He made public to the troops, a telegram from General Pershing call-1 lng on them to maintain their mor ale. PRESTDXT WANTS PRICES STABILIZED WASHINGTON, D. C. April 18. President Wilson has directed the In dustrial board of the Department of Commerce and the railroad adminis tration to reopen the discussion of price stabilization, and find a com mon ground for agreement. The hoard will wait the return of Director General HInes next weeK. ' I soldiers, including tho Young Men's Christian Association, Salvation Ar my, Jewish Welfare League, Knights of Columbus and the American Lib rary Association have combined to I offer the boys hero both Instruction I and entertainment. Doughnuts, pics, flapjacks and cookies "as mother makes them", are provided for nil comers. Athletic meetings alternate with nlnplnE? unit Inctltrpu nml thorn ATTENTION mll.n ntnrp n rnttmn nt fonp. Do you want a new. modern, five- . hnll,q uh . ., ,,,, fnr. . room bungalow on pavement, close . .. '. . " " --. in? Best residential district in the similar institutions nro uemg open- city; on easy terms. See me, James ed at the big seaports such as Brest, SI. Watklns Jr., 121 Main street. Hordeaux and St. Naznlrc, whoro tho Phono 320R. 17-3t American authorities have placed 25 I hangars at tho disposal of the Sal vatlon Army. To minister I If vvo would nil puutlM' inslilo-liiitli-ling, what a gratifying change would ituki' plum Instead of tlioiixmnls of 'luilf-slik, aiiiiciiilc-lookliiK Minis with I pasty, muddy rompltixlumi vto hIioiiIiI see rrovvds of happy, healthv, ros.v .chiukcd peuplo ovorjvvlii'ro Tho ren. jhOii Ih that the hiimnn stuui does not .rid Itbidf cacti dny of all the waste Julikli it arcumulntos iiiiiIit our pre, lent mo do of living. For ever) ounce . of food and drink taken into the )h 'torn ncarl) an ountu of waste material i must bo carried out, else It ferments and forms ptomulne-IIku poisons which aro absorbed into the blood Just us necessary lis It Is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day beforo tho fire will hum bright mid hot, so wo must each morning clear s accumulation of 'indlgestlblo waste and body toxins. Men mid women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, beforo breakfast, a glass of real hot water with n tea spoonful of limestone phoHphato In It, ns a harmless means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kldnojs and bowels tho Itidlgestlblu material, wnste, sour bllo and toxins; thus cleaning, sweetening mid purlfjlng tho ontlro alimentary canal buforo putting more food Into tho stomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid Btomach, nervous davs and sleep less nights havo become real cranks about tho morning Inside bath. AJ quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much nt the drug store.' but is sufficient to demonstrate to nny one Its cleansing, sweetening and. freshening affect upon the svstcm.-Adj Are you making thrift a habit 11 If you are making Thrift a habit; if you are regularly laying aside a icason able portion of your earnings as a picp aration for OPPORTUNITY and also for use in case of EMERGENCY you are on the right road. fl A Savings Account is just as neces sary to bring success as it is to ward off adversity. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Boys' Dutchess Guaranteed pants, 10c a button, 50c a rip, at 17-3t K. K. K. STORE. to tlio comforts of The Burns Bros. Memphis Min strels are genuine darkeys, with the darkey's Inimitable happy faculty to please exceedingly in this particular form of entertainment. Their fun inaklng is genuinely funny; their singing has real merit .and the at mosphere of "negro" life" is as per fect as could be desired. Combined with tho old timo flavor of plantation days there is injected into the per formance sufficient comedy and humor of a modern brand to make it1 appeal to every class of thtater-goers that enjoy wholesome entertainment. 10c a button, 50c a rip; boys' guar anteed pants, at 17-3t K. K. K. STORE., See or phone us If you have chick ens to sell. Quality Meat Market, 1122 Main. Phone 239. 17-3t CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds and Roofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor &IKg Paint is Cheap Today Y'OU producers and growers who sell such things as beef, hog, grain, beans, wool, eggs, butter, potatoes, do vou know that the' money you get for these things will buy more Heath & Milligan Paint today than ever before? Then why not use paint freely on your buildings this season rather than wait and have expensive repair bills later on? Heath & Milligan Paint on your house acts like a mackintosh. It shuts out any chance of decay. It is dependable cheapestin the end. Roberts & Hanks HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN "ST. HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Sunday and Monday, April 20-21 BURNS BROS. PRESENT THEIR Famous Memphis Minstrels Carrying their own Band and Jazz Orchestra A Whilrwind of Fun, Music, Singing, Dancing, and the most laughable Colored Comedians. Watch for the Big Street Parade PRICES: GENERAL ADMISSION, 75 cent CHILDREN, 50 cents RESERVED SEATS, $1.00. ; FOP VOU!? I A WW BLUE GRASS, WHITE CLOVER NONPAREIL LAWN MIXTURE Murphey's Feed & Seed Store mil I UUll Li If 11 ENGLISH RYE GRASS AND LAWN DRESSING 126 South sixth St. phone si mT53 m