'PAGK RIGHT THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ljjtomvmmmmwmnf ansin &3&Mte New Clothes for the New American wj i Or1 jftoKuppenholmor o X jirwtxcnu TIIHIWHAV, ANlll, 7( , I HnMWf J I ii i BBfUm rR fSocwBag fv is I, Q TfteKuppenheimer ... iL anyviUM-f a Y H ni. XN J KWtaa SB 4 ! I This Store is" overflowing with these new, nifty styles; also styles you'll want for Easter in Knox Hats, Nettleton Shoes, new exclusive styles in Silk Shirts and Neckwear Everything is being arranged to meet peace-time condi toins and the new clothes especially The styles reflect the after-the-war trend, and lend themselves easily and truly to the lines and measurements of the new Americajp. THE HOUSE of KUPPENHEIER Has fashioned its Spring Styles in this readjusted spirit of things. Clothes for men of the new type clothes that win the quick favor of meswho have caught the broader viewpoint clothes for men who want quality in every detail, and nothing less. BOYS' " DOUBBELBILT " SUITS AND BOYS' "DUTCHESS" GUARANTEED KNICK ERBOCKER PANTS ARE READY FOR YOUR SELECTIONS rtifikmMMXfs I 9 Oi9 JUippenhelmerLI I I LJTq) LEADING CLOTHIERS (r the Kuppenhelmerll YpQ mmJyixSL Knox Hats Kuppenheimer Clothes Nettleton Shoes ftVMlWR JJZs Klamath ftouty News ! SHASTA VIEW ' I '' It seems that spring has come at .last and judging from the hustle and bustle of the raachers they are doing their part for bumper crops this year. The ladles of ,the Helping Hand Society met with Mrs. C. C. Garrison, Wednesday, and all report a fine, time. The next meeting will be iietd at Mrs. Slmras April 23rd. C. W. Bailey and Joe Chotard made final proofs on their homesteid? be fore J. O. Hamaker of Bonanza re cently. Their witnesses were C. Maupln, H. E. Wilson) 0. E. Hunt and Ernest Heiining. A number of the young people met at O. E. Hunt's Sunday afternoon and practiced singing for Easter service to be held at the Shasta View school house. Everyone Is Invited to be presen at the Shasta View school house Frl day evening, April 25th when tho ShnatR Vlow Fnrmnr'o Plnh mnnra I County Agent Mr. Thomas will be i present and illustrate with lantern slides high altitude farming in Coin. i rado. Also County organizer, P. W. Sexton will have slides Illustrating i hl1Hrnna Mtth wnrlf Annrnnrlifrt' I music will be furnished. Mrs. C. P. Stone I busy Improv I lng the old Dixon place. Just a little i more water and the Tule Lake valley mil null tuiuu iu lis vmi. O. E. Hunt made a trip to Bonanza one day' last week with a four horse load of potatoes. He says the roads are not Just what they ought to be. J. I.. Bailoy expects soon to gel his lake land ready for a crop. He is now working on his homestead. Quite a few people aro purchasing seed grain of H. E. Wilson. C. M. Klrkpatrick Is fencing his place hog tight, which will enable him to hold sheep, of which ho has ISO. The chug chug of tho tractor plow is quite common In tho southern part of this neighborhood. Come ahead. We will soon bo getting our mall from Klamnth Falls by airplane. The social at H. E. Wilson's Friday evening was well attended and en joyed by all. Mrs. C. F. Stone and Mrs. J. T. Ward were Klamath Falls visitors Saturday and Sunday. Klamath Falls Learns How to Build a City Get a Travelers accident and health policy and protect your income. Clili cotc & Smith, Agent. 9-tt (Continued from page 1) home and clonched It well, Klamath i Kails can become one of the wealth iest and host known cities on tho I'u ctllc Coast In a tow years, It thu peo ple will get together hero and make tho necessary effort, "in the opinion of Dr. a ray. 4 In dwelling on the socond essen tial of a homo town, 'bringing up good boys and girls'. Dr. Gray gave particular attention to tho younger portio'n of the audience, andreclted many very Interesting accounts of tho rise of groat parsons from humble cir cumstances. Ninety-three per cent of tho great men of this nation hnvo ccmo from the country and tho small town, according lu accurate figures on this subject, and every boy and girl present was fired by the Inspiring words of the speaker, toward higher and better things. Dr. dray conclud ed his speech wltfl nn nppcrnl not only for tho principle or "llvo ana lot live," but "llvo and help llvo." Tho Klamath Palls Business Men's Association and the management of public schools of tho city and coun ty, who brought In this speaker, are to bo congratulated on their happy Kolectlon. Tho gratitude of the pub lic Is expressed to them for bringing such un' attraction to tho city. I CAM()t'FI.A(ii: IIKFINKD X , LONDON April 17 Harriet Coli. stone, a munitions worker it DU- j nnl (Irci-ii, who Inst n leu In in . plosion lust summer, Iim opplM tho ministry of i lum for (Ink enamel leg Instead of a brown ttiittr ' member, lieraiiso "I alwaji rev openwork Mocking." According to tdo regulations it Ii I "loft to tint discretion of the tuptr I vising surgeon" whether Harriet gu r n pink or n brown Ick. I'HYhician itirrniXK. Dr. Henry C. Scliteff liu rrl4 home from fiitn Francisco conildr nbly improved In health. Oh, tho sport! Hath House. At tho Hot Springs It ' Hoys' Dutchess (lunrnntecd pint. 10c n button, 50c a rip, nt 17-31 K K K. STORE. DO YOUR EASTER SHOPPING HERE . ! J. F. MAGUIRE CO., Inc. The following suggestions are quite appropriate for Easter and right in style and a little less in price than you will pay elsewhere: jj ' - Coats Suits Dolmans Georgette Crepe de Chine r, "- frnnlnrn hnn Vt ' Taffeta Dresses Exceptionally good val ues prevail in the Dress Department. You will be' agreeably surprised' to see the nice garments we are showing for these prices. Special values, 416.50 to $27.50 , t 4, ' HAVE YOU IN MIND ANEW BLOUSE TOR EASTER? We are 'showing some very pretty styles in both Crepe de Chine and Georr gette Crepe, at very modest prices. $5.95 to $9.85; sizes up to 46. KAYSER AND FOREST MILLS UNDERWEAR Fine knit underwear, the product of two reliable mills:- ' Vests, 40c to $1.25. Union suits, 50c to $1.75. The above may be had in cotton, lisle or silk lisle. QUEEN QUALITY OXFORDS AND-JBOOTS l 3 -rrr &rsjm2S&& mmff j m v We are showing three new styles in Oxfords' in dull kid, black patent and white Nile cloth. We have a limited lot of tan; 'black and white pumps in mili tary and Lewis heels. Prices, $5.50 to $8.00. WHITE KID BOOTS Nine-inch tops, witii Lewis covered heels. A beautiful soft glove kid, and reasonably priced, $12.50. MISSES AND. CHILDREN'S PUMPS Rubber sole canvas pumps are very popular for summer. Children's sizes, 6 to 10y2; $1.00 , ;, Misses' sizes, 11 to 2, $1.20. t , ' ' ' k hi DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS FOR EASTER In Shamrock, Lawn or pure Linen, plain or embroidered corners. From 5c to 50c each. UNUSUAL HOSIERY VALUES Colors are gray, silver, brown, cham pagne, tan, taupe, black and white. In Lisle we offer the abo.ve colors at 65c. In Silk you may pay at little as $1.25 up to $2.25. INFANTS' CHILDREN'S, MISSES' AND BOYS' HOSE A splendid stock to select from. In fant's hose in cotton, cashmere or lisle, 15c to 50c Children's hose, black or white, in , cotton or lisle, 30c to 50c. Misses' silk lisle or cotton hose, black or white, 30c to 75c , Boys' heavy or fine ribbed hose in black on,ly, 45c to 75c Cheaperrades at 30c .,,,&. , , MUSLIN , .1 UNDERWEAR Specially Priced Corset Covers, Camisoles, . Envelope Chimese, Combinations and S)cirts. A saving trf at least 25 per cent can be made if selected here., R. & G. CORSETS for the New Costume Many new models now being shown for the new garments. Sizes 18 to 36. Prices '$2.00 to $5.tio $7 S s You will pave from J $5.00 to $10.00 if you I purchase your gar- J mont here. A com- parison of prices on similar garments will convince you. Prices $18.50 to $35.00 GEORGETTE CREPE, $2.00 YARD ... . Avaat uiten one wisnes to maKe over u' a or alter same, and Georgette Crepe m used extensively now. About twenty- g SILK KID GLOVES FOR EASTER Kayser Silk Gloves in black, white and gray, 85c and $1.25. , , Fine grade of French Kid Gloves in taupe, tan, brown, black and white; a special value, $2.25 pair. I S DIANTY NECKWEAR FOR EASTER j Organdie, Lawn, "Georgette and Crepe, do Chine Collars; also collar ana cuff sets. 50c to $1.75. x j Ifilll IISHllll