The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 17, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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19- t
The Evening Herald
K. J.
Its citizens, nnd thnt tho conditions
nml charges of trntnc to bo 'Just nml
oqultnblo' must bo Impose,! nllko on
vessels of citizens of tho United States
as well ns on vessels of citizens of
. other countries; that no preference
Published dally except Sunday t r"'' Kvon our Ulwns or vessels.
The Herald Puhilslilug Coiiipun of e' thoso r olnor nations In tho me
Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth street .of no cnn- . ,
-miKru3s, ui mo urgent request, u
M V It It , V
Mi:ilP0lll. Anrll IT A bail fi nit WASHINGTON. Alilll 17--TIS0
occurred in ilio Roguo rlcr valley . bureau of Internal row'iiuo todnv ;n-
Entered at the postotflco at Klam
ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru
the malls as second-class matter.
Subscription terms by mail to any
address In the United States.
One year $5.00
One month 60
not nt tho dlctntlon of president Wll
son, acquiesced In tho llrltlsh Inter
pretatlon of tho Panama canal treaty,
Monday morning, probably tho wont
of the season. General smudging was
cm lied on In tho alloy nnd It was so
ihnk with smmlno in Mcdford bo
t'veen T nnd 8 a. tn thnt ono rauld
not make out objoc's 200 f . t n.uty.
RE Fill !!
nounied it .locond exh'tistui of lliuo
fu filing Innnporatloti tux leturni.
This extension pminlti tho flllnn ot
returns for corporations up to ,luntii
Jt. Tho first ovtoiuloa whs fnimj
March 13 to May I, but It win found j
impossible for mnny if the law "-if.
nml rancinlml ftm In... .! f...A J
tn. tnn ; ;nnT..i. ".. i- ,.'.? Smudging bcKim nt 4:30 . m ot n
. Wii vimoniiPU IllUIUi IKlVilHI I iil'vi'i'iu sui fining w ..,n ....
of tho phraso "nil nations" of tho1 tcrnrerntiiro of 2S iml two liotui hU-' -,,..,, tn pnnmlntn thi.l.
i-uuuina cnnai treaty. Arucio .v.i on cr uie lempernuiro uroppcu to m i-b, i .... ,.., .i...., ,, .,, ,i. i,,t(K,.,'on.
tlon of rcotiuo loulslnMoil. In Kinnl-!
in several othur piirt of tlto, . ,,.,,, .,1111llll , j.mi, iv Torn
to covenant has tho synonomous tim minimum, holding there 11 to
t"i'wt. Ml PKUUS, Illt'lllUUnf III IHU !,-
Imtnun - ..!... l i ... . - IllllUH.8,
ivtuu, tin nuui i'(uriiuii is tu uu
i. Tho
'vmuvr .. .- unmk-i ami rc miuQ to sccuro ,, mnntnln -iucy u.o minimum was ji, i un mBI1om,r ,,,or f tu re"nuo bur.
entl led to the use for rem 1,1c tlon ""'V,1 "?!"" ftmI cqUlVU) ? tront- ' ,nn "" J " '""" " "" ' ' 'V ' ""' warned corporation. Hint tl.or
St.lMld"h rX" toH "U":,,"'""00 f "" '''. ,.t Winter No.ll, and ,. , ,.,, ,,, , Jl(,
or not otherwise credited In this pa-i -jho folIowinr is Art'lclo XXI In Its1 R mooni, iinu ote B,10Wn Uy , .ei, ,,,. tml ditto
. ....til l itwi iiniiiit nniiio niinnn
uea yuuiisuou entirety:
per, and also
"Tho hl-Yl rnnlrnrllnp Tinrtlna nirriui
All rights of rep'ililleation of spo-Uhnt provision shall bo mndo through
clal dispatches herein are also re- Dm imiriimnniniiiv r ik !,... .
THl'KSD.W, AIMtlli IT, 11
probably badly nipped.
. Wo now have tho Animal Book and
Hubble Hooks, one, two and three.
Tho Washington Post of March 24
securo nnd maintain freedom of tran
sit and equitaolo treatment for tho They nro great for children. Shop
. rnmmerce or nil states memben of herd, next door to postoltice "Now
tho league, having in mind, among location soon. 16-2t
o'"r tMnrcs, sneclal arrangements
with regard to tho necessities of thet -
regions itvnstnted during tho war of
Sinnott further nsserts: "No doubt
You can buy Huckhocht
Sh""i f(' fi.7" nt the
n iihai)m:v siiei: stoiik.
MaKWWF WfflttiiA
OCsW! fcsrc
iBsasi?-.' i3s rn e& aw
SJ fmmyr
'ii un. twa.
i I j.'rA
Wll'); '
1 J
10 c n button, fiOc a rip; hos guar
nntei'd pants, ut
17-3t K 1C. K. STOHi:.
contains u speech by X J. Sinnott on we would contend, if wo signed tho
covenant of the league, that we could
the Covenant of the League of Na-
grant to our own citizens special prlv
tions that is worthy of careful consid- ileces and preference rights in our
Aa(tnn ta l.A a.1a . A . t !
..-lluu u, .uc ywy, Hl iUls nuuon. woul(, be conrronted wlth tho prece.
as it warns us against falling Into a dent of the interpretation and con
traD similar to the one that rmt n. structlon which we acceded to nt the
.. ... . .i. n . behest of the President In tho matter
the free use of the Panama Canal. , th Pannma cana, trcat).( nnmely.
The article and speech follew: that the citizens of all other nations
Charging that the Smuts league o had a right to use the canal on the
nations covenant contains In one sec-, same terms and conditions as our
tion .the same ambiguous language! own citizens,
which cost American citizens tree "Citing this Interpretation as a pra
nse ot the Panama canal and pre-! cedent, it would be contended, and
cipitatcd an unsuccessful effort to with even greater force and logic,
naye America's interpretation of the t that the 'equitable treatment for the
language prevail. Representative sin-lcommerce of a" states members ot
sou of Oregon directed the spotlight the league,' provided for in section
ot publicity on Article XXI ot the i XXI ot the covenant. Is not complied
league constitution and section 1 of'w'th unless the citizens of all other
Article III ot the Panama Canal! nation have the same privileges in
-treaty. I our own commerce as are accorded to
After showing the striking similar-! our own citizens.
Ity and the same phraseology in the "Is this the removal of the eco
two articles, Mr. Sinnott points out nomic barriers referred to by Presl
that America's effort to.. protect thedent Wilson In his fourteen points?"
-rights ot its citizens respecting the I "u generally conceded, and I
canal was defeated because the Brit- think the President admitted it, al
ls interpreted the- phrase "all na-l though I am not sure, that the British
tions" Up meaning other nations with i P'an " "" league oi nations u
the United States included, thereby adopted after the rejection of the
torclng American coastwise trade to American, French and Italian plans.
obtain no benefits over the British In
the matter of tolls, etc. .
He now asks if the phrase "all
states, members of the league," re
ferred to in Article XXI, means other
states with the United States includ
ed, which would prevent American
:'MCr' M&t x: 'Sfflfr P
jtfKT' Z7 --.T KfJ- 1 Xrr-
yjr ),m' x tptzta'-. ,-"7 .rviu.
B I x3 stkw Ad
liS iT iVL fiT(r '1." 'I yJWP97
c aaim 1 umJmn
tar LdHBB lliUCHHI m1mskiim'J
l.m" amp' -9firl nrwi
Pf Ik
herald:; classified columns
WANTi:i- llonril mid room with
J. ,v,.ww t JMIUHh: cioso III. Y Z ,rd
LADY wants washing to take homo or ' ''
work by heur: Kuurantuod good ,,,,,.,,. ...... ..."
work at reasonable prices. Apply at ' V., Vi. ..... - "i . . '" lrM
I7.HI ' -- ,,..'-- ... . .tilt,. iiiiToygilf
lri'ii'rri-ii nij uik
833 Delia street
Mills Addition
WANTKI) Woman for general house
work Apply to Dr. A. A. Houlo. wantKI) llucks to
1&-31 '
WANTKD Rxporlenced
Jewul Cafe.
waiter at
pimtiire on Hear
Island; good grass, plenty of w.
tor; careful nttonllon by eipurlcnced
rnro-tnkor. J, D. 8k Ift, Klnmitb
Falls. S-lOt
WANTKD Two nettlm: of brown
Leghorn eggs nt ouru ()r(on
mwwwwww MNMxii. Ilouse, phono 209W, ltf3t
M.NJ?.y'!f.?.W'",J.?L ?iC5 '! IIUIII1IHH OR OAltllAGK
.uui.1 innu UU.S...U vi ... n u. hi i..i
and' second cook. Apt. 9,
Main, phono 349.
3rd and
WANTKD Job on farm, alfalfa or
cattle ranch, by man with family.
Address W. Zeltznmii, McMillan Apt.
Whether this is true or not, the mer
est glance at or a comparison of these
two provisions from the covenant ot
the league ot nations and the Panama
canal treaty discloses that the same
sagacious and far-sighted English di
plomacy has overreached our negotia
commerce from obtaining any ad-t1? ,n oraiung me covenant oi me
vantage at any time not accorded to league as it did in formulating the
the British
-Mr. Sinnott admits that the .Amer
icans will contend that the language
ot this article does not bind Ameri
can commerce to sacrifice Its oppor-
Panama canal treaty.
"Surely our experience in the mat
ter ot the Panama canal treaty should
teach us the greatest caution, and
make us wary and cause us to scrutl
tnniitpi in thu future, and does not nlze every word of the covenant, lest
mean a solemn pledge never to g!vewe surrender American rights as we
to American trade an opportunity notj dld in the canal treaty rights that
given to the British. But he contends never were intended to be surren
that with the Panama canal precedent dc'
already established, the British Inter-! Constructive criticism is said to
pretatlon would almost certainly pre-iDe welcome. Then let us remove all
vail. Any argument as to Interpreta- ambiguous language from the cove
tion would naturally be given over to ant, so that we may not have a repe-
Tne league "Doara oi aireciora xo ae- " " uuomu uui uuntu, ( j.
clde, and, with the precedent already! .-
Parisian Millinery
A wonderful grouping of new Easter Hats in
trimmed and tailored effects to be shown Friday
and Saturday, April 18th and 19th.
In waists and lingerie. A splendid assortment of
the new suit vests so popular this season.
COMPKTKNT woman wants house-
I work or washing by tho hour. En
quire 129, Houston hotel. 12-71
PIKST CLASS cook, second cook and
waiter want Jobs In lumber camp.
Knqulre Houston houto. 12-7t
FOR 8AI.K Four room house, close
In; take lot or Liberty llonds, bnl-
joncc terms. Inquire 703 Second
street. 17-2t
must be-
burled or burped If left In city
limits. It la aga'liut the Uw to put
garbage or rubbish along a public
road or in a watershed on a itrrim
used for domestic piirponm U-it
LOST Sunday, 30x3 'Iri nnd rlrn.
r.otwean town and lviloin liny mill.
Finder please return to llcmtil oM:e.
Howard. l-:t
LOST A Ranger bicycle; any Infor
mation lending to Its recovery will
bo rewarded, I need It to deliver my
papers. Newsboy No. & U-t(
FOR SALK Forty acres In dnllfor-
' nln; will trado for houso, lots, auto.l
What have you? Inqulro 703 Second
ZI'RICH. April 17- llvarln
now simpers, by order of the tovltt
gntornment, hnvo reproduced tcitu-
&A4nti1latin1 1(1a rlrtuVit Id ontavtslnAfl
as to what 'the ruling imposed on the SHi2Stl'HEEEICEEESfflI!aEBJ2EE21iaHHEiQfilBEIIllllBllllia
AUlcntau icujiie wuuiu ire.
"Ambiguous, If not artfully con
ceived language deprived American
citizens of the free use of the Panama
canal," Mr.- Sinnott warns. "We
should not be caught again."
"Did the same subtle and skillful
diplomacy contrive both Article XXI
of the covenant of the leagne of na
tions and section 1, Article III, of thej
Panama canal treaty with England?'
he asks.
"Is Article XXI of the covenant of
the league designed to give to citizens
of other nations the same privileges
enjoyed by our citizens in our own
commerce?" asks Sinnott, and con-'
tends that "the import of the phrase
ology of Article XXI of the covenant
and section 1, Article III of the Pana
ma canal treaty are so perilously
close, so susceptible of the same or an
analogous interpretation as to Justify '
aQlemand for clarification or amend
ment of said Article XXI.
"If this amendment or.clarlficatlon
is not made," he asserts, "we may be
compelled under Article XXI of the
covenant to open our markets to the
commerce of the world on the same
terms accorded our own citizens, Just
as we were forced to open the Pana
ma canal to the vessels of citizens of
all other countries on the same terms
and conditions as enjoyed by those
of citizens of the United States." and
he argues, "that the language of Arti
cle XXI of the covenant of the league
is as crafty and insidious or at any
rate as ambiguous as said section of
the Panama canal treaty, and that It
is as susceptible of a similar or analo
gous interpretation and construc
tion," He quotes section 1, Article III, of
the Panama canal treaty as follews:
"The canal shall be free and open
to vessels of commerce and of war of
all nations observing these rules, on
terms of entire equality, so that there
shall be no discrimination against any
such nation or its citizens or subjects!
in respect of the conditions or charges
of traffic or otherwise. 'Such condl-
tions and charges of traffic shall be
Just and equitable,' I
"The United States contended," he,
says, "that the phrase 'all nations' in
the above section means all other na
tions; also that the equitable condi
tions and charges, referred to in the
last paragraph of the above sertlon
meant equitable charges and condi
tions as among other nations not in
cluding the United States, which con-'
btructed tho canal at its own e
pense.'' . "
"Tho Tirltlsh contention nnd inter
pretation was that the phraso 'all na
tions' Included tho United States and
'ally the rccommi'tiititlonn trnulo In
FOR SALK-Spnn of mares.d and 9 1 "''m''". X Mathlns Kr.ber.
years old, weight 1.400 to 1,450. K"r, then lender of the ( entrliit parly
Phono 21F4 or wrlto Alex Pardue,! regarding Indemnities to bo oVmsnib
R. F. D. No. 1, Klamath Falls, Oro, i(.ci hy Germany. They are. In ub-
17-2t (stance-
FOR SALE Tho best buy In Klam-' ""dmbursomont Mr nil ar dam-
nth Ceunty: Flvo-passengor tour-i "KM nnl H "' 'lebt.i, S0 per cnt
Ing car, thoroughly otorhuiilod mid of which nro duo to iirmy nml mj
repainted, inquire Howie's gurnge ' . xtienses
JU-U. t
An Event of the Utmost Importance Is Our Special Springtime
Selling ot All-New-Style Ready-to-Wear
Every woman wants the very latest in style, and what feminine heart but beats
quicker at the thought of getting the very newest styles at MODERATE Prices?
Just Now! Before Easter! We are placing a host of delightful attractive attire
in all new Spring styles at prices especially moderate quality considered for
this unusual and timely event
FOR, SALE Fresh milk cow on
Dukes' place, half mllo west of
Miller Hill school. 1C-41
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 1 1211
aero tract 2 miles south of Eugene,
on 2 good roads, well fenced , 50 acres
In cultivation; a beautiful 3-ucro
homo tract, partly cleared, Hj miles
southwest of Eugene, on good read:
two good lotH JtiBt north of Eugene
high school, Wltl oxchango nny or
all of these throo properties for land,
sliecp or cattlo in Jackson or Klnm
nth counties, Wrlto for particulars
and submit what you hnvo. II. C
'Caley, Ashland, Oregon. 10-tt
The New Dolmans
This is the most popular of the sea
son's newest novelties, delightfully
draped iri classic folds, accentuated
with odd lines and centers of but
tons an all-season 'garment of
rare distinction.
' Unmatchable Values
The New Coats
Cutand fashioned with- a youthful
swing combining the eclat of the ut
most exclusiveness in mode with
the clean-lined simplicity of smart
outerwear so much desired by the
ever young American woman.
Many new materials in surprisingly
pleasing contrasts of color.
Extremely Attractive Models
$18,00 to $45.00
The New Waists
An endless variety of styles in
dainty cotton and silk waists, de
lightfully plain and exquisitely
trimmed novelties in white and all
popular new shades. From this sat
isfying assortment every taste and
purse may be suited.
New Dress Modes
Every color in the rainbow, eveiy
rtick of deft draping, and every
conceivable novelty of decoration
is worked into the most elaborate
of the new spring dresses, in mater
ials varying from the soberest of
''serges to the gayt of silks. And in
faithfulness rof design to service,
there is a special dress for every oc
casion of day or evening.
A Wonderful Variety to
Choose From
, Up to $45.50 .
FOR SALE Thrco fine homos, suit
ublo for lnrga families; a fow cholcn
resldenco lots, clone in; nna nf tho
best Income properties In Klamath
Falls; title Jnnd fn tracts, lurgo or
small. W. S. Slough. U-tf
FOR SALE BE', of NW'4, EV5 of
SW'i. nnd NWV4 of SWV4 of See.
7, Tup, 38, Range 0, and tho NEU
NE4 of Sec. 30,Twp. 38, Rnngo 10.
$10 per aero. Address owner, Ella
Stownrt Dantr RoHoburg, Ore, 9-121
"Live Model"
423 MAIN
Complete line
of Standard -Patterns
FOR SALE A first cluss, good pay
ing worklngmon's hotel, $2,!00
cash required, Addross 1340 Main
street, city. 4-12t
FOR SALE Flvo room cottago, mod
ern Improvements, for snlo by own
er; closo In; furniture if desired, in
cluding piano. Enqulro Frank M,
Upp, 511 Main at. 31-tt
"Payment of n 1 1,000,009 000
pension fund,
"Restorntlon of all commcrclnl cab
Hjf and stations.
Payment of rewards to vletorloJi
generals for exceptional sorvlcm.
.""Payment of funds to linproo liv
ing conditions In (lormnny."
KrsbcrgiT, ns chalrninn of tho ""
niati nrmlstlCH commission, com
plained nt tho "harshness" of the al
lied terms.
LONDON, April 17. VlckorVlm
lied, are about to stnrt n trnm Atlan
tic service with airships whlrli th"
compnny wns building for 'ho Drill'"
invy when tho nrinlstlro win "Icnel
nml which nro no longer neeihd, tin
Pull Mnll (litzotlo siys The iuweiia
rnto will bo 4S pounds nnd mnll wll
ho carried, at tho rnto of 10' pound!
n ton,
The plonoor ship will h-ive a K
capacity of 1,200,000 cubic ft and
onglnos of 1000 horsepower Large:
ships uro being designed to carry -0
.acres tulo land ot Klamath Drain
age district, near Midland and Wor
den; suitable for grazing cattle: tract
can bo divided Into two nearly equal
units, M, Motschenbacher, L, Jacobs,
W. S. Slough, committee. 1-tf
FURNISHED Apartments Mrs. O.
I'oyton, 820 Market. Phono 112R,
TEAMS WANTED At onco, to skid
logs by contract. Lnmm T.nmhnr
Company. , 10-10
WANTED Live ehlcltons nt tho Chili
Parlor, 7th st between Main and
Kliimutb, Phono 440. 17-2t
nrown Michael of Dnlry was
county sent visitor today. Ho brlnK
tho cheorlng news thot tho prospects
for big crops this year wore nover
The Greatest Tractor Made ,
6th and Main Phone 140
! i