THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIII'ltNllAY, Al'llll, 17, ,m PAOK TWO 1! ? ilfi Hi w m 1 M Xm OF I. W. '.'. ARE LI IK PHOENIX, Arlx., April 17. -Doc- lock nnd key In tho United States commissioner's office at lllsbee. I An efficient system of bookkeeping with printed forms for every purpose, stomping the I. V. W. orRtuilmtliml ns one run on strictly business like lines nnd not tho Intangible body It! sometimes Is supposed to bo, Is shown j til l,o riMnpilo nnu l.M.l .. (Im l.i"l' copn county sheriff. Liberal hso of the malls for ordinary transmission, I special delivery packages and regis- 1 tered lottery also nro In evidence, while, thero Is abundance of testl- OREGON TOWNS iSAEE TEA BAMBY T I IT iiments and alleged revelations cf n ' mony, said Shorif f Montgomery, thnt former secretary of the Industrial money was rushed to t. W. V. dele AVorkors of tho World branch wero Bntes b' wlrc whon tho occasion de made public here today by Sheriff mnmled. John Montgomery of Maricopa conn-' In th verbatim statement which ty. In n campaign of publicity "to lot sller'ff Montgomery asserted, ho ob the people of this city nnd county tnlned from tho former secretary, bo know I. W. conditions hero and ' foro a wittness, tho following ques to Impress on Washington tho neecs- llons nn1 answers appear: sity for protection." I Q There nro still radicals in. tho An alleged verbatim copy of stito-!sta,e' mcn wno bollevo In force and TOPTit hv n fnrmnr T W f.rrntri-v 'torch. -- -" - - - .". "..-, A DMEH III TWIIXTV I'Ol'Il CITIKS IX STATIC j h.wi: haxk i:rosiTs ahevi: MILLION DOLLAItS. KLAMATH ' TIIXTH OX LIST IT'S (HtAXDMOTIII'lt'S Itl'l'll'll TO IIIII.NC HACK COI.OIt AM l.t'S Tlti: TO HAIIt PAl.K.M. April 10. Twenty-seven i cities In Oregon hnvo bank deposits j of $1,000,000 or more, as shown by . TPCpInt for mnnnr nml lpttpra worn 1 COI1H1 not point incm Olll. among the papers published. ; Tlic-V ,,0n'1 s,nnS ver- well In tho or- Sheriff Montgomery said his in-. KanUatlon. I knew .at the time of formation had been presented lo a flres lloro ' tllP vap' thnt somo committee of citizens and this nm- j of the b.vs wero l,olnB It. but ' ,11(1j cities In tho list named fn order, nc nlttce had decided upon publicity as i n't know who. cording to tho amount of hank de- a remedy. His. secret Investigation of J Q ou wero confident thnt some 7 V W. nffiira. he added, had heon i " tne memoers oi mo i. . . wera You can turn gray, inded hnlr lpnu tlfully dark and luntroiis nvo. night If you'll get n 50-joiii bottlo ot "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug, i.turo Million of bottles of this old famous Siige To.i Iteclpe, Imiiroved by tho addition of Inllinr tnL'ri'illnntn. nm utllll lllllllltlllv. statement Issued today by tho .tnlc,MV- W(l known ,,rtlKK,Hl ,,, llp. banking department, which Is bimcdlrUW u ,, , ,nr , , on the report of tho venditions of ! ,, rny ,nl 10 Clll l0 u banks on March 4. Total deposits In,,,,,, bcon ,Mj these 27 cities amount to $1S7,;1M).. T(()so ,,,, ,,,,. , tntnlnK Krnv 403. l'ortland Is at the head ot tho,or bl,comlnB fm01 ,invo urprlo list with 22 banks, having deposits of ;nwnUnK ,,.,, i,cnuil, f.r one or $12,7S,41M, ut.llo Milton has twin-' ...... nm,ii,.,ion. ., Briiy )mr im- ty-soventh place, with two banks hav-' ,g,,M nml ,.0llr Iorks iKciml0 n,xr., People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER It is just as easy nnd quick to jjo to the right plrtcc to get quality meats ns not; nnd inslontl of getting only some satisfaction and enjoy ment you get it nil. Phone 83 534 Main St. lng deposits of $1.0;iS.07 Other! prompted by a determination to pre vent a recurrence of alleged incend iarism in the Salt River valley. "Much of the matter given out, he "asserted came from the Phoenix I. W. "W. office which he described as head quarters second In Importance only to the main office at Chicago. He said he had obtained records and pajors Telatlng to I. W. W. operations In Arixona, New Mexico. California, Tex as, Colorado and Nevada. A former secretary of the I. AV. W. according to a stenographic report of answers said to have been made by him to Sheriff Montgomery's ques tions, is credited w-th the following admissiens: That Incendiarism In the Salt Riv er Valley near Phoenix last summer was carried out by members 'of tho I. w. w. That members of the organization still are carrying on the campaign of the "torch." That a member of the I. W. V. from California told him pjrlvately some of the "Sacramento bunch" cf responsible for tho fires? A We wero confident some of tho members were doing It, but we did n't know who. Most of us are opposed to that, but I will tell you tho truth, the old 400 are in the biggest part of I that. (He Is reported to have said previously that "400" was the desig nation of the agricultural division of the I. W. W., the mining division be ing "800") Q You have men in the organiza tion doing the same thing yat? A Yes, but it is nwfully hard to untly dark and ho.Mitlful. This Is tho iiku of joutli. (irny lintred.'unnttractlvo folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyet.i's Sage and Sulphur Compound tonlMit posits are: Salem, Astoria, Pendleton, Kugene, linker, Albany, Tho Dalles, Medford, Klamnth Falls, Oregon City. nll,j you bo delighted with your dark, handsome hnlr and your youth ful appearance within a few dayjt. La (Srando, Corvallla, McMlnnvllle, Hood River, Mnrshfleld, Roseburg. Hillsboro, Sllverton, Ilrnd, Heppner, (rants Pass, Tillamook, Ashland, Lakevlew, Ontario, NAVY WILL IUXJCK NOTICK Residents ot Mills Addition or oth ers please not uso tho Klamath Kor ooratlon nronortv without first Eot- i.i.ivc ni.' KTitiKvim'tlng permission from Chllcoto & iSmith, Agents. lC-3t WASHINGTON, D. C, April 16. Transports will bo operated in nnd ' O. F. Oomorcst, (lontlnt. Is located CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE nn nt Now vt if i. .......I,.... In Klamath Falls: ottlco In the llrlstol ., .,,,,.. n. . . .. i building, above Sugnrman's store, lith the onflro United States navy Jo do It,' .,. .t.,n 9-1 ''t find out a man like thnt until he has " ,s officially stnted today, In connec-! : gone an awfully long ways. Some of j Hon with plans of tho harbor work tho men are In Sacramento. There jorso start a strike tomorrow, with was a fellow down here from there, ' the Intention of tying up traffic com who told me privately that some of plotely. the Sacamento bunch was guilty. , Sheriff Montgomery stated he had ADLKIM-KA AOAIX been pursuing his investigation inlnj "I ha( a bad case ot constipation, I. W. W. affairs since the ilrst of JKas on tho stomnch, nnd other bowel .,., .... jm..i .I,., i, ., trouble. Twelve hours after I took tpe year. He declared that IT it were .,,,. , ,, . ... .,,. , ,,. ., , , . i Adlor-l-ka I felt better, nnd after con- possible, he would prevent tho out tlnulng I consider myself CURKIV bursts of Incendiarism In ho Salt! (Signed) K. H. Beeman, Callspell, Rjver valley which characterized for. (Wash. I summers, and to this end ho uier-i-ha eipeis all, gas ami 1 eillnniX elnnnliifT alnnmAh illulvnmi . . . , .A ,,n.o,l nn o I V V In. ""i "?? ""'"" """"". i.n.i.o forty convicted mere several mon'.nsi "" ..vt...- .. .... .. INSTANTLY. Removes ALL foul nulry. .matter which pohons system. Often "I have laid my Information be'urnlCUUES constipation. Prcventa, up a committee of business men", said pondlcltls. Wo Bold Adler-l-ka many) ,. . , .,., ,,,,. ,,,. ,i ,i,,,i ' years. It Is n mixture of buckthorn, tho sheriff, and they havo decided cascara Klycerlno anil nno oUu)r : that some of the dctnlls of m? inv3- pe drugs Whitman Drug Co. Adv. tigatlon should he published In fin i - endeavor to let the people of this lit,. nn,I n. ... l.'nmi. T t f..n I I I 1.1. ...ill W..M. n.,u, .. ... ,,. ..i. ditlons here and to Impress pn Was.i ago, were guilty of the sabotage charged against them. That the secretary, together with other members of the I. W. W. had held conferences on "labor matters In "common" In the Phoenix labor temple. I The records of the Phoenix head-! Cement Work of nil Kindt nnd Hooting Let Me Make You an Estimate N W. D. MILLER Contracto ' AIR IS CHEAPER THAN AUTOMOBILE TIRES The Ilrst nml lust rule for t in inotorUt who would gut the hm. est tire mileage from his tires, Is to keep thuiii prupnrly InlliUcd Thero are ilnllnllii rules covering 'I'" proper Intliulim of tinn, nml we are In a position to supply I'lem to every motor car owner When tins tiro uudor-lntlated nnd driven In this condition, limteud nf ihq H'l'lli'iit action and even dlstrlliutlou of thu loud, they nn t'ruiuiil between tho road and the rim. Anyone at nil familiar w itli tho construction of tires knows thill (hey are built up of u carnum rum. posed of tho fittest cotton llhro. Impregnated utid coated ullli rub ber, to which a heavy tread Is vulcanised. They ure built so they glvo resiliency when fully Inflated Hut when they ure run almost Hat. thero Is a derided breaking utrsln thrown upon tho fabric It hni u similar effect, whim the tlr are In play to sonstautly bending wlro back and forth In one spot Tho wlro will break, nnd likewise thn fabric composing tho foundation of the tiro Is destroyed and the tiro Is worthless. Over-lunation Is another evil. In tho first place, nvcr-lnflntNl tires are subjected to uniluo strain. Then they have not Mm caiy riding qualities In this condition. They nro almost like rldltiK on solid (Ires. The careful motorist will always take care Hint Ills tires are properly Inflated, THE WHITB ( HlLICAN m is.t THE OFFICIAL AUTO DLUE DOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE Quarters of the organization in the -5TSTrlfr. ndssesslon show a total ofi'nston the necessity for proration." --.. .. ! 1 I.. ,!., ,l...lnti hnW. ' " ' The creat popularity of the Trmel- cr LOW COST GuarantecI llfo pol 17,000 received In dues during half. a year, mostly miners' dues, those j for other branches having been sent ' Icies Is reflected In tho fuel that lur- directly to Chicago. A grand total of ,K 10i8 ths progressive contnany Is-j nearly flOD.OOO Is shown as the nued more than $218,000,009 of new, . . . - .. ... , ...- .il .. f. C.I.Kf Phoenix office s receipts irom an iiic ouim. m. uumire . ri sources for less than a year. Of thls'" the .NEW 100 policies. 9-tf more than $80,000 Is represented asl n coming from the sale of literature. I 22 cilIber rtemlngton and hollow due stamps, six hour stamps and de- point cartridges. 3-12t I fense stamps for the prioner's fund In this state. New Mexico, Nevada, Cali fornia, Colorado and Texas. '(United States government docu ments, declared Sheriff Montgomery, -were not safe from I. W. W. hands and In proof of his assertion, he pro duced two, orders to the United States marshal for Arizona for raids on cer tain premises in the city ofDisbee to seize seditious literature, proscribed badges, etc. According to tho in scriptions on tho back of these, the seizures were made, one being en dorsed by C. J. McFarlane, who sign ed himself "SpeeiaJ employe Dept. of Justice U. S." One was dated March 18 and -the other March 19, 1918. Sheriff Montgomery declared these documents belong properly under P assengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK 8KBVICE HEABONAUI.E HATKB PHONE 187 Western Transfer Co. . PLUMBING STEAM FITTING SHEET METAL FURNACE WORK Pumping and Irrigating Plants of All Kinds Estimates Cheerfully Furnished 'Contracts Taken - -0f UlttHZ 123 "North ,6th St. I ikt$ - Paint is Cheap Today Y'OU producers and growers who sell such tilings as beef, hogs, grain, beans, wool, eggs, butter.'potatoes, do you know that the money you get for these things will buy more Heath & Milhgan Paint today than ever before? Then why not use paint freely on your buildings this season rather than wait and have expensive repair bills later on? Heath & Milligan Paint on your house acts like a mackintosh. It shuts out any chance of decay. It is dependable cheapestin the end. Roberts & Hanks, PHONE i73 HARDWARE 422 MAIN jST. m Goo d Blood MEANS Good Health Have you ever thought of the important part which good blood plays in our daily lives? The rugged, care-free boy, the healthy, growing girl,' the at tractive woman whose complexion is the object of so mvfch ad miration, the strong, vigorous man whose keen mind and clear skin command respect and attentionall these are rich in this powerful force so necessary to health good red blood. If you would enjoy life you must keen the blood pure, and thus prevent many forms of illness. A valuable aid is NUX-I-TONE A powerful tonic containing Iron and Nux Vomica, in combina tion with Beef and Wine. Nux-i-tone is recommended for convalescents, weak, anemic women and girls, feeble old folks and delicate children. Its valu able tonic properties act quickly, soon the appetite improves, digestion is better, and the road is opened to health and strength. Nux-i-tone is pleasant to take. Try it and watch your health improve. Price $1 per large bottle WHITMAN DRUG CO. JT"" . J In business for your health. Si L." m SnDVAIlb I A WW BLUE GRASS, WHITE CLOVERl NONPAREIL LAWN MIXTURE Murphey's JrUll iUUK LA II 11 ENGLISH RYE GRASS AND LAWN DRESSING 126 South sM st. s Feed & Seed Store , Phone 87 J ' p1 firni ' '