THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wi:i)m:hi),v, aimiii, i, inn IBHQllii tv U:4jV.WtKfciUg(SHKttlCI3;i PAOK RIGHT GET OUT IN with a KODAK THE OPEN BUSINESS IS THE SCIENCE OF HUMAN SERVICE Highland Linen m (SI There's one at our store just wait ing to go out with you, and a Ko dak will make your whole sum mer more pleasant. KODAKS FROM $2.50 to $30.00 This fact has always been fully appre ciated by us and during the many years which we have conducted a drug business service has been our hobby. We realize that drug stores exist as pub lic conveniences and for the promotion of public health and safety. Therefore, our store has thrived and grown be cause of its service to this community. This thought of Service extends to every department of our store Let us serve you regularly Phone 37. Free Delivery Let us finish your Ko dak work. Leave your films today get thenr tomorrow. SL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON uinl 0 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE vAj - . z 1 m- i i h f -r m i -zrz. : : T H W I, J, JZ" J w w l t i w i ( witww I AC DAINTINESS- -ELEGANCE-CHARM These can be obtained for relatively 8n)n cost if discrimination bo used in the mentis employed. Our dress and deportment re veal our taste to the nearby onlooker. Our note paper reflects our tnttc to the distant friend or acquain tance. HIGHLAND LINEN is nni an nvn.,i,.!.,. turner, vet if nnUl.. all the daintiness, ele gance and charm that it it possible to put in to writing paper sold at such a popular price. Don't be satis fied with any kind of note paper, but insist that your choice shall be Highland Lirtfn stationery that will do you credit IIHMHHIEB3IBIII iiiiNHNiiiMiiiiiiaBiniiaiaiioiBaiaB!29iBiiii SCHOOL HELD scrutiny of a dogmatic mlno foreman anil a lynx-eyed safety engineer. QUARTER MILE BIG LUMBER SUIT SETTLED AT BEND BIG SUM SPENT TO ADVERTISE I MOSCOW, Idaho, April 16. A REND, Or., April 1G. The blgges suit, from a monetary standpoint, evei; brought In the Deschutes 'oinuy e'reuit court, was disposed of liero Saturday, when Judge T. E. J, Duf fy, on motion of attorneys for the plaintiff, granted a non-suit In tho school room 1,400 feet under ground $4S,000 damage action brought In the Morning mine at Mullnn Idaho, in which returned soldiers are being taught the art and practice of raining lead-zinc ore, is one of the latest educational innovations of the University of Idaho This work,, which has been inauguarted by the school of mines at the university, so far as Is knonu, Is the first attempt to apply to actual, underground min ing work, the new system of voca tional education provided for by the Smith-Hughes act, and the experl- O F. Ward Spokane lumber buyer. against the McXIniey Hampton lum ber company of this city, for alleged breach of contract T HI If EST I campaign was determined on for Can ada. Tim mumburti of tho iiasocinil mi I pudlctud that moro than 100,000 toi rlEl.i would Ult the Pacific Noith ist this summer, I I Special arrangements are to bo, i ii'.ulc for the printing of a number m c mall handbills which will bit went to a selected list of tourlstM In tho Past. Travel bureau In the Kistori rttlcs have agreed to co-opointt) in i this rump.ilgu. printing for tho ear 1919 Tim huc- ruurt ri'mrvi'ii the riKht to reject any etmsful bidder will b dititlKuateil hh or nil bids tho otllclal uiier of tho county All lly ordnr of the t ouim ( nurt bids must conform with th nmi law ( it dk lap governing county printing Tho 1C It Clerk or ( ounly Court hoys ok 1i1st to hi: hki.k.vskh noox PORTLAND, April 1C Expendl ture of $02, ."00 for dlsphy advertis ing telling of tho attractions of the, Pacific Northwest will ho mode by - j;i:v YORK, April 15. Nearly tho Northwest Tourist association 3iGOo troops of tho 91st division, between now nnd tho middle of Jtm. .v.,!,... rrlved vesterdav. Iitivo airoadv Tho defense objected to the Intro-' afordlng to plans adopted nt a meet- disembarked, nnd Imvo been taken to ductlon of all testimony on the!1"- OI l I'uuucuy men oi noamo. grounds that the contract, calling! Portland, Vancouver. II. C. and Vlr for the delhery of 10.000,000 feet of' torla. f'- at which Sidney H. Vln lumber In three jears, tho basis of c"n'. Publicity director of the Pon tile complaint, was one-sided, iud I 1-,'"l Chamber of Commerce, ' pre- failed to protect the seller. t:ip Plaintiff, the first witness In tho ease, had ghen but one answer to n,'iev tlons asked by bis council, when ihp sunt Herbert Cuthbort of Sonttl.i 's ex- rcutive secretary of tho North wct T" urist association nnd A. It. David day to tho nrmy camps around Now York, preparatory to being sent to tho camps nearer homo for demobiliza tion. They are mostly men or tho .tClst nnd nGL'(i Infantry. HOOKS THAT SIXO inent is being watched with Interest objection was entered, and the court's n cf Vancouver, W. A. McAdam of by miners and mine operators alike throughout the Western states. The school room is far under ground, end it is devoid of black boards, books and benches. Pupils and teacher alike are dressed in over ruling ghen. OVKRSHA THIP M AY STAKT TODAY. ST. JOHNS, April 15. The wcati ... i in iiiuiiniieiiL iii:ii alls ana mining boots .and the school er here, lias improved materially nero , equipment consists of rock drills, '"''' and "'' worsens flight by Harry (.. Hanker may oa niiiii-Mi i- VMorla, W. D. Chandler of Remit) J and Sidney Vincent of Portland were tho city delegates who went over tho ory plans for tho year. Tho plans, according to Mr Vin cent, are to placo display advertising in prominent newspapers and period. Wo now Imvo tho Annual Hook and Hubble Hooks, one. two nnd three They nro great for chlldron. Shop herd, next door to postolllco Now location soon. 1G-21 netjci: to Nr.wsi'Ai'ints Notlco Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will bo recoiled until noon. Mon- country. A similar day, April 28th, 1919, for tho county. driven by compressed air, or "ma chines", as they are generally termed in mining parlance, steel or drill bits for these machines, picks, shovels, timber, dynamite, caps and fuse, and all the proper paraphernalia of those who go down to the mlno in sklp3. The teacher Is Lieutenant Frank II. Skeels, olllcer of the engineers of the U, S. army, recently released from service for this work. Before going Into the army Lieutenant Skeels had been a mine manager and mine super-, intendent, to which position he had risen after spending all his life since, boyhood In and about the ralne3 of I tho Couer d'Aleno district. I Admission to tho school Is obtain en thLs aftpmoon. The aviator has lieen waiting since Saturday for propitious weather on which to K'arc his momentus voyage. i .......j.:.........M.4...:..1...............:.f. ioi IRMAXS l'H.LAOn ami: II I CAN IIOAT. PARIS, April 15. An American steamer laden with food for Poland ban been pillaged at Hamburg, ac cording to a Warsaw dispatch. VISITORS KltOM CHICAGO. Mrs. Raymond Shannon has arriv ed from Chicago with her three ed by application to tho federal em-, children to spend the summer with ployment agent at Wallace, and pref-'er father-in-law John Shannon. Ac-m-finrn ! trivnn in returned soldiers ' coinpanying Mrs. Shannon Is Miss who are young enough and bright enough to be teachers. . The work In hand Is what Is known as drifting, that Is, driving a horizontal gallery or working length wise of the vein. Tho pupils operate tho rock drills in turn, learning the Intricacies of tho "drift round" study ing the number of holes necessary to break out tho predetermined sec tion of rock, the angles at which they must be driven to make the greatest progress with the least amount of drilling and the smallest possible sup ply of dynamite. In 'addition, tho placement of timber to support a 'weak wall or a-"slabhy" rock, and all tho various kinks of tho underground trade are taught, and taught by mak ing the student do them In actual workmanllko fashion, to pass the Jonnle Shannon also- of Chicago. Now line of Brunswick Phono- graphs. Some class. Winters Jew elry Store. lti-it i:.STRAY NOTICE "Came to my placo, a 2-year-old rod and white steer, without brand, and under car clip. 10-3t MARTIN GREENE. m Don't forget No. 239 Main street for Good Meats at Right Prices. We deliver twice a day. Phone your or ders eni-ly. Samo man and tho samo kind of 'meat I sold from tho Wagon. lC-3t QUALITY MARKET. See Charles S. Hood, Klamath Agency, for Indian gra.lng lands and ti-nbor. 12-tt Ford Garage open all night, 15-2t. iBHHHMWaMBHHMHBMMHMBMBMMaHHHMHNMHMV IIIJvJvJvJvJvJvJvII illiFiBI Rl HI illJvJvJl r. . JMHSHi v m v$MwwwAim7?ML&ittm BKBMKSmmfSy-H&MKKKM Pay a Visit to the JEWEL CAFE HIGH QUALITY, QUICK SERVICE COZY AND CLEAN EVERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON SERVED JESSE BAILEY, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. Tis Indeed a White Season From head to toe milady is costuming in white this Summer and surely it is the sensible thing to do, for nothing is so comfortable and so cool looking as white, especially in footwear. Some of the most charmingAVhite Shoes to be found anywhere are at van Bcllen's, nt very reasonable prices Pumps, Oxfords and High Shoes of fabric and leather in the smartest and latest of patterns. Heels all shapes leather and fibre soles, $2.50 to $10.00. The last days are the busiest days always, so make an effort? to see about your footwear today. mmimm.h .. V n iT i 1. .7Jn,'.. ". 5- jBF'Kfil