The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 15, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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TUKHIMV, Al'ltll, la, nt
xkw ow.M'.its von
oiu:;o. tiii'tiun.
IIKRI.IN (Correspondence of the
Associated I'uw 1- Dolitod an
nouncement of America's pCnn Inst
IYrembor ti abolishing rr-trU'tim s
unon movement of en"mv allcti" In
t':e I'nlte.1 Sute.-i is m!ill'ie! prom
i: e'ltly In the morning n.ipor. The
delay Is understood to be duo tc the
fact that the tterm n government I as
oi'ly Just boon informed of the no
tion. While the news, ncro'dlni; So a
semi-official announcenion, new N
published to reassure relate cm nnd
friends of Germans In Ameriin, it
undoubtedly Is Intended 1 1 contain
vte to the ery general ienli;v; ami nu
the German people that th i l'n!ted
States Is treating the conquered en
emy as fairly and constdeiftclv .ts
possible. It also Is likely to Increase
thp realization een anions classes
of which Count Keventlov Is an ex
ponent that Germany must 'bly unon
the serices of America as an nJto
cate to obtiin what )1ip cons'dcrs
just and reasonable terms of uenio
and eventual restoration to a nln-a
in the f imlly of nations.
Germans of all classes ."onftnntlv
comment upon the courteous iin-i
considerate behavior of officerj and
soldiers of the American Army of
Occupation. Writing personal letters
and communications from the Anit el
can zone of occupation, they ne 'or
fail to emphasize this. Though dlaar--polnted
at tho delay In sending f jod
blatt, who has just visited Coblenz
granted, the American soldier or ex
ilian In "Germany everywhere is re
ceived as an honored gue.t. The hat
red and abuse which was vented iipo-i
Americans before America's entry In
to the war has been replaced uy an
almost officious, super-friendliness.
The correspondent of the Taso
hlatt who has just visited. Coblenz
and the American zone, comments on
the "rigorous discipline" imposed up
on American officers and soldiers to
obviate the possibility of annoyance
to women and to the civil population
and upon absence of chauvinism,
theatrical display of triumph or un
necessary Interference with the Ger
man civil authorities. '
The correspondent's chief criticism ,
of the Americans Is based upon the ,
strictness with which orders are en-
forced against the exchange of gifts,
food or cigarettes between Ameri
cans and Germans. He says that 23
of the C6 sentences Imposed upon
Germans by the American court in '
Coblenz in January were for "unauth
orized possession of American prop
erty1' arising from the enforcement
of this order He tells of the case of
one American officer who wa3 cash
iered "merely for putting his arm
around a waitress In a cafe."
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
Etore for "Wyeth's Sage and. Sulphur
Compound,' you will get a large bot
tle of this old-time recipe, Improved
by the addition of other Ingredients,
all ready to use, for about 50 centi.
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the balr.
X well known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeths Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because It
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell It has been applied
It's bo easy to use, too, You simply
dampen a comb or soft brush and
draw it through your hair, taklngjme
strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another
application or two, It Is restored to It
natural color and looks glossy, soft
and beautiful.
Residents of Mills Addition or oth
ers niease not use the Klamath, Kor-
poratlon property without first get-l
tine normUalon from Cbilcoto &
Smith, Agents. . 15-3t
Come, bring your friends, and havo
n good time ut tho Hot Springs Rath
IIoubo. It
MKUKOKl), April JR. It has been
announced hero that H. J. Percy and
A. J. Miirnn, proprietors nnd lunna
per of the Ktnlto theatre, who havo
branched out In the amusement nnd
moving picture business, .ind uho,
w'th otheis, alreadv control so oral
theatres In other Oregon cities un.l-,
i"" the nunc of Globe Theatres com
pan, have taken over the Antlers,
t'i largest theatre In Uoehui'c. Tho
cor.unny pinna to take over theatres
In other Oregon towns and I'l nilill
t'nf Is preparing to build n new $L'".
000 theater in city not fur from i
Mtiifird. .
Thp companv now controls 'h fot-i
InMng theatres In addition to the
lll.lto The Globe and Itolfo house-
of Alhnnv nnd thp Antlers of Kos--luur
It Is expected that two more
soiitlioru Oregon houses will mmii l
i ui'cr their control.
Oct a 10 cent package of Dr.
Jaiiies' Headache Powdors
and don't suffer.
WHcu your bond nclics you simply
mint lm i' relief or you will go wild.
lt' needle-M to milTer whon joit cnu
take remedy llko Dr. JuiiieV Iloiid
nfhe l'owders nnd retlmo tlio liln ami
neuralgia at oneo. Send mmieono to
tl '-ug Mon now for a dime p.ckiiKtf
i ? r. .I'""V Iloadnelii 'owdern.
I), v snlTei n few iihimh.hIm joii
will feel line Headache gouo tie "ir
nenntlia pii.
Ycu'll find Sloan's Liniment
softens the severe
rheumatic ache
Put i: ca freely. Don't rub It In.
Just let it penttrde naturally. What a
KwC cf soothing relief soon follows!
External aches, stiiTness,sarcncss,
cramped muscles, strained sinews.
Lack "cricJis" those ailments can't
fight oil the rdic ins qualities of
Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient,
economical. Ask any druggist for it.
30c, 6Uc and $1.20
Don't suffer! Hurry, take
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin."
Just see that the "Bayer
Cross" is on eadi tablet.
Adults can take one or two
genuine "Bayer Tablets of As
pirin" with water. Rene-t
( dose three times a day, after
mcais, it necessary.
Truo world-famous tablets.
Buy original Dajcr packagej.
Owned by Americans Iit!rc!f !
0-ccnt package Larger size.
Ttw'Bayer CrosVon Genuine Tablets
Ap!rin it the trad mark of Wrr Mantife.
ture til Mjuociuaciacsicr wi -. ...-...
jjllfj .afirH- ifcziii5k:ggTift..i Jill
I A "Close-Up" I
II Swift & ComDany's Profit of 2.04 II
nil I " i. till
IP cents on each dollar oi sales j I
I' 02ISIKP1S300 11
K 12.96 oe oil Si
p Wf ToStockRaiserl 1 j
I r L'li IS - " "taJ-c f lllll
II JmfJtiBSl ToStockRaiser 1
HI The diagram at the top shows the distribution H
HI of the average Swift dollar received from sales ;M
H of beef, pork and mutton, and their by-products, H
H during 1918. The magnifying glass brings H
H out the distribution of the 2.04 cents, profit UH
H psr dollar of sales: H
H J4 of one per cent goes to pay interest BH
H on borrowed money, taxes, 'etc. IH
H 0 of one per cent goes to, pay divl H-
H derids to sharehplders. H'
H .60 of one, per cent, remalnsi in the H
H ' business to help in improving and H
H financing the business. H
HI Total 2.04 percent' !H
HI ,91' Yc(r Book of InUMitlng and IH
HI Initructive bcti int on rtquetu HJ
H I Addrtit Swift tt Company n
H 1 Union SlocW Ytrdi, Chlogo, llllnoli 1 IUI
1 1 Swift & Company, U. S. A.
April Only
Once more you will have an opportunity to secure the
Herald for one year at our annual Bargain Rate. Each
year during the month of April we accept subscriptions at
the following rates:
To get the benefit of this rate your subscription must
be paid up to date. If your subscription expires any time
in the future, you may take advantage of this special offer,
and we will extend your subscription for one year from the
date to which it is now paid.
This special offer is good only
during the month of April
This week you will receive a statement showing the
date to which your subscription is paid. It will be the only
notice you will receive. If the subscription is not renewed
by the date indicated on this statement, we will accept it
as a notice to stop your paper, and it will be discontinued.
Next year is to be the big" year for Klamath Falls,
Klamath County, and the State, and the Herald, and the
Herald, in anticipation of the great strides towards recon
struction and development that are to be made, has en
larged to eight pages. We are going to keep a step ahead
of all development, and this means a better newspaper
than you have ever had before. You will be furnished all
the big news of the world, of your state, of your county,
and of your city, for about a cent a day hardly enough to
pay the cost of the paper used for printing it The Herald
wants to enter every home in Klamath County, and that is
why we are making a special effort to give you a bigger
and better paper, one far in advance of the real needs of
this section, and why we are making this big, special Bar
gain offer.
Do not postpone sending in your subscription until
the last day Get the spirit of the times, and DO IT NOW
today. And, please remember that this special offer is
good only during the month of April.