MoNPAV, M'Mi " vnn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I'AOK FIVK P ERSONAL MENTION MITI.K KlllKI.IUHlH UN t.ttl'M. IMiriMMh IIIMI 1MK I'MII'I, : IMIHI'ITV H UliMTt HOIMIM 4M XMIMl Ol' MM'AI, HM.Kn' A MrCull'')' I" " recent iirrlvnl thlnm n surely hnniuliif; around the UKUn'iitlt Full" fr" w,"1- '" cl,l,,M- . O'Cunni'll I" mKlslered at the " ' Jamison of (ht hloloitlrul hit- i Hall from llorsmiy Vnllcy. v'r'- '" ''" l'""n hern for Hm piist ,l01" f'w il. workliiK wlih ('unity Arl. jlri. Ji"'1 T W"nl M '" "1" C"y 0,,,l,",lM A'",," ,:' " Thomas, for Dm . , ,'hnrl linn'. vIhUIiik frlt'iitU, iiMermlniiHnu if iho suulrrols In Klmimtli County, loft on the tniln Mr. J""1"'" K"1"111 l,,,t ,0,,"y HilH mnrnlnK for linker, where, he . for Chlco. Cnlir . fr ulit.rt vlwit. ,,,,,, , j.,,,,,),,,,,, ,H rk M. r K NVIi"'" " 1,'r' f,,r " ,,", J"m,N0" ,H ynr w"' '" with tin, , . on 'l.mtlem of huslnesH rrom r''""1"' ''ltieil In this ntiinty mill ,lffl "" y the farmers lire now tukliiK f"' "old 'f Hie work. A uulo-d effort on . .... ,....! mill 11 Antirm- uri. .I...I. ...... ... ..... .... Y. Bi """""" ' i' 1 1 in iiiin iimo will pill nn STATE GKAMBEB IS BEHIND SIX OREGON BILLS AIR POLICEMAN IN CALIFORNIA NAMED VRNICi:, Cnl. April H- A pro ooxiil miiili! more In Jest than In .;irn eM resulted In kIvIiik Otto Myorliof fei I'll- distinction of bi-liur .ini'inc tie I'ict row iwrliil pollfe officers In t'e I'nlled Hlalej. ctv Trustee Kdw-ird A. (Infty n i-ictit meeting of the bin id prn i'rpd Hint tho office of nerbil police W nvon. iiy , ri'iilcd, morn ns 11 Joke Hum nny. M'HARY HOLDS HIGH POSITION ON UNO si V 1 Monthly meeting of Htislncis Asso rlutlon Monday ovcnliiK, April 14th. Moose Hall. Ilaii(iit, CMG p, in. Matter of Interest to Klamnth Kails to lie discussed W. C. VanEmon, Secretary. 12-2t Wo arc determined Hint there shall he no more war, ami eiiunlly deter mined to ho ready for the next one. L'tlca Hcrald-Dlspatch. fMtl'l-l 1 l. . t. . . """' ","" ' ' " ' MV"- be rented, morn nn a Joke Hum nny. WASHINGTON, April 14 In frfriullnii t.w.fiiiiii ..j ... I... .. .Li... ....... ... .... m , . " " "" . '' in-n ms lenow momuer. public lands committee of the n to llir votniH at the mate !.. Hon. " l' '-' ',ril of Trustee conrldcind ,.,,. .,r ...Mi, ,.,,i,.,. i ... ... ... ........ ..... ., n......., nvi. ..j.,. ... .,-- The ex-kalner l still at large; un wept, unhonored and tinbun. lrool.lyn Eagle. J'liu .'I, liiiit hci'ii npproti") by the lionti1 of dlrccKiM of jii,. I'nrlliini: Clmmlier of Commenc Mijinb, r of I lie chniiilivr will be nrKnl lo utipport I bene niiMNUreH. The board of illKdom took ikiIoii on mroiiiini'nil.i' Urn of a special (ommltteo ronslsl li.K of K. C Knapp, (' A Ue'l, Hcl- ll:e In-Ill which an aerial p'ilTeinn.1 roil Id Ehe In settling disputes of (.'Ulnllon, ntcr power bills, oil i.rd flsbeimen off shore and appiehejrt. '""I Icislntr mensiires. bills dealing In r speeding motorists, the pripixn' 'villi tbo national parks, and !b:i!,r i.n..r. rr..i.i lb.. Merrill ..m. . "'" 'rmiui. . n iro.ii; nun I'.i.u ""'"' "n " "'" """ '"r"""H in Mliiphy. whirl, hud lnvesMtiit-1 dlitrlct. J. II. Mitchell mid J ro In U county m f"r " B,1,irl """'"ess Tldt from Hie Illy section. jlr, m Mrs A It. Tenhrook and Modi Skreii ore reKlslrnl ut thai Ho. tel Hall from Chllouulii. n n. Iliiftninn mid J. utt InnimlnK menKr on train taut nlcht from Medford. become it very serious menuce. At the Theaters be neiiiere-t and the beneflti Okiroii w! tccelve thru their .i.loplloi by the Miters. Mont Important of the mensures I) the one providing for the Isninnce of $r.,(i(Hi.(iiiii rermistriK-tldn bondi for lost lis (omle nspee( nnd li unll'im wa rieated by unanimous vote. Merhoffer will wear the rei;ul,i tbiii i.'ulforui of the Venice J'ollto I)n I'Xi 1 1 itK'ii t nnd will be Iven n regular slilft In which to work. He will be paid for the time actually downed to rlty work nt a rate to be rciim. feuded by the police commission. AIRPLANES MAY BE USED TO FIGHT FIRE 8P0KANK, Wash, April 14. Ta Hie lonstruitlnn of uddcd farllllles The rotor of the Kouthwest, l state InMltutloiis, re'liuiinlloii nnd 0. IVrrls """xlf'U'lK le of wld.i -ip.i, land settlement The bill Kiiiiritiiteo ,., f(JICKt frPH w,tll hydro-alrplanes Hie '""'. ""'Kers oi noruer lite, and ' i"-rrii i..r n e years mi unuui and wireless telegraph InHtmrnenta M Hie Iur of wonnii's beauty riurh Issued for Irrigation nnd dralniiKi ,PC ,,Iin f prominent lumbennun I the setHiiK of "The l.lulit of Wwi. projects, by the state: another auth. ,. u-.i,i. ,i t.ii, C. E. Wloks l a recent nrrlval In rn Htars," and In It are Kami (lry'rt orlxlng the state rompensatlon lioinl Hydro airplanes will be used to in- thU rlty from Albany. He Is a guest greatest characters virile, fearless to "tllUo funds In Its possession In llo ,Ilk,. en ,i'Orellle. Mkc Cieiir it the While I'ellcnii hotel, "l forceful men. courageous nnd constructing an Industrial and recon. d'Aiene and other largo bodies of lo able women. Zanti (Iroy'a people strurtlon hospital In Portland; foiii-Hi w.nler in (ne licavy ,m)eP dulr((,. lira. KltU Hums left this morning nrr Out.of.iloor people. They thrhe In " l",rnllt counties to contract bonded Tne ,,nn n,80 contemplates wireless lor PortUnd. and eapecti to go on . H,j g.pnr,.,, along the weito-n l'lebtednes not exceeding ror telegraph stations at strategic points Iron thrre lo Canadian points. trultsf. .Hunllght and starlight, the ''" "f " assessed vHpatlon for per- Waslilngton. Idaho and Montana Kred Zumliruin A V Tlndnll and n"""",ll "I"''" "! stinging stoims. ninnenl road contruilon and a fifth 0 tla, re,,orlg of frest fires may lie ! W Co'iielanil are county seat vis- "'" Jnr horitu " treiueiidoiis provlijlng for the construction of made quickly.' Tn wlerless tele- i.L it- W.....1 iiivnr ':,,,' "f ,,,l"'", "" ""a" lin" ' 'rlet roads, all were approved none, Brcnijy have been purchased Itonfrom M mver aiiey. Mr mnrk Mxlh mmt known a le b, n wn be (j operatIon g(J0n M. David was among (ho county and of his breathing characters loin for l1'1' construction of the Roosevelt Mt wwk end visitors from thn resrr-,'H more virile than his (lenu Hlew.'rt I'lghway was heartily Indorsed. 'oi. q RLp J ntlon. Ho resides at Modoc Point. ' wlilch Dustlii Karnum lfillxe In gressman C. N. MrArthur held n -The I.IrIii of Western Hlnr.s," wl, ,i onforenre with the board relative lo CLOTHING COblb was completes Its run at the Liberty matters now pending before ropgnit V, M Toinllnson of Portland tmonf Die train arrlnls Inst night He la registered at (he Whlto Pelican ranch Klamain ukc, is in lown for a iijt. few m:.s ci,i:.utri or mixk.k. Theatre tonight. w""'h lll afreet uregon. He ,)le.lFe.l CHICACiO, April 14. No decrease I himself to do everything wltbl.i his n ,lu rces of medium and better , .., ..,,,. Princess Monn Dark feat her. the l"er to obtiln appropriations for n grade clothing and possibly a moder- jantcs niraw, who operates a raum ..,,.. ... . .,,..,.1 i... inr n. ri.,.i.i,. ..,.,. ... . ,. , ilm u.. i l I., .f !... '""""s inuinn pnoiopiny star "" " " " aio reuuciion in loner Kraoe coous .... ..... ..... ..(.,.. ,,, , .....I, . , . ... ,. Il.i.i ii.til ra.l.i.i.n. l... l.tfl l.m.l .....lo . , . . . I niiM ner eurjueineiii ai tint h jr " "" - ! m Tbenre tonight, luis visited or llvd 'ent projects. with most every tribe of Indians In Jlr Annie Hush, who has been !"" western uuintry nnd Alaska, and here for a short visit with relative!"1'' r,ll,'r I"'"ck of tint Moosehldes In from Aahliind. returned to her liotno !' Yukon Terrllory Is a personal LONDON. Apill 14 The -ess arc thl. mnrtUhL- Ifilend of heis, ami she went on a l'"l"K eletred of tnlne t tho rate of ruining trip with the old chief sev- ","",t ,0 " ,,r,-v' according to the ers nnd tbe Nntlonil Association of Jo Wllioii Is In Hid county cut'r: enrs ago and bagged her llrit "r'"" Admlralt). Oivrntlons are clothing Mnnufacturers. for a almrt time from the Klamath1 moon... mid the head now adoras the chiefly confined to the North Sen Armey. He Is a gui-st ut the Whin-1 wall of her bungalow In California w''rt proit mlnefleliK were laid Ttllcan lu.lel Ml,,, Darkfeulher Is an acromiillshed lihig the wir ond which ll be a . . ... containing reworked wool (shoddy I and cotton are the prospects for the fnll and winter of 1919. This stntement wns given out of ficially here as representing the opin ion of members of the National As- oclatlon of Clothing of Ketall Cloth bind legislation generally will be ion t-Mered, Fentor McNary will I id .1 p omlnent place, due to -the retire ment of romp of the Republican mePi and the shifting of the majority lo the Republican side. In the Inst congress he ranked .is be sixth Republlcm member, of I'tah, Kail of New Mexico, Nor-l of Nebraska, Sterling of South Da kota and Kellogg of Mlrtnesota etind Ing alfcnd of him. It Is und"rtoo,l that Norrls and Kellogg, at least, lli drop out, and McNary will rinV net lower than fourth out of a mem bershlp of 17. flenstor Chamberlain Is also n Member of this committee, standing fifth on the Democratic side, a fart wl Ich has been of material benefit to Orepon, particularly during the Ore gon ?nd California land grant'legista ; tlon fight. CLEAN UP With a OOOII I-Heclrlc Vacuum Cleaner In your home, your rtiir and carpet Kill be clean AM, TIIK TI.MK not merely for it week or so alter Hprlng Iioum cleaning. The ItOVAh Sweeper Is one of the ;OI kind. It is not the loneM, nor Hie lilghext prirc-,1 sweeper to he hnd, yet it Is the moit efllrlcnt of Its type, nnd you ran prove this by a FItKK TRIAL In your own home. Ilullt up to standard, not down to price. Link River Electrical Co. Phone 171. EASY TO DARKEN T C Ft . rj-rrjnm.w,mr The HALLMARK Store o YOU CAN HltlNR HACK XI.OR AXI I.L'KTKK WITH SACK TKA A.M) SLI-I'HLU HATH lli:i)l'(Tlt).V IX HOAIi MATKItl U.S. Mra. K A McCiillnm left on tint train Oils morning for her homo In J d nicer and Is familiar ullh the il'lici' of different tribes, .such as the Ghost. Hear, llurTiilo, Kagle, Sun, ths Wfiriti.ll ilUfrl,.! nr...i. .. Mt.,... ' ' ' .ii. r .V. Snake. Rain. Hopl mid Corn dances -l.l Ml HUH t.11 Principal Kred Peterson -if the. .Merrill HIrIi School won In the coun i at Saturday afternoon, looking after bualacsa Interests. menace to navigation until they are removed. If n sufficient force can be obtained to euro on the work, fish ing grounds and trade routes. It ', WASHINGTON. April 14. A re dm tlon of 10 cents per ton In the freight rates on sand, grave, crushed It. !. Hnss was among the county at week mil visitors from the out nldodlatrlcts. Hu u registered at the Hotel 1UII from the Agency. 8. C! llniiinkor, who operates a saw nlll In Ungcll Valley. Is a Klamath Falls bualness visitor for n few duys. H la stopping at the Hotel Hall. Mra. Charles Drew and llltlo son l't on the train this morning for Macdoel. Cnllf , whern they will visit Mra. Drew',, purents. Mr, and .Mrs. William Keen. Mrs. B. ii, Hull and MrH. h. M. Mar- of the Hotel Hull camo In Snttir W nUht from Sun Kranclsco. where Ineyhavo been for the, pttHt two weeka vacation visit. Thoy report thol mnd of u H nnd she his entree to their most sa cred reJIgcou.s ecreinonlcs, and Is loved and trusted by all of tho red race, as she sas "once an Indian, al. wn) an Indian." Hhu went us the In vited guest of Chief Harvey of tho Pueblo Indium to witness their un derfill snake dance on the Arizona divert nnd she believes Hint she Is the only wumnii thnt was ever allow, ed to enter the Klvn, which Istho Bi rred place where the snakes are washed and kept In readiness for their annual snake dance. officially expected, will be cleired stone and other nnd building mnter- by tho early autumn H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusement s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXUMi SATUHDAY ICVKX'I.VC JAZZ Ml'SIC IhU, when coiiflgned to states, coun. tlti- or municipalities has been an pounced by Hallways Director Hliiei. T'io order provides for a minimum of 40 rents per net ton, except In eises whero the regular commercial r.iu-i ire les-s than that amount, In which instances the regular rates will obtain. .Ml eeneral deficiency bills In fu ture should contain salaries of sen ators. Wall Street Journal. When you darken your hair with1 Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can 'ell, because It's done so naturally, so' ivenly. Prepailng this mixture, though, at home Is mussy and trouble-1 loroe. Kor fiO cents ou cr.n buy tit j ny rdug store the ready-to-ue prep-, iratlon, Improved by the addition oil ithtr ingredients, called Wjeth's Sage nd Sulphur Compound" You, just! lampen a sponge or ?oft brush wltb it nnd draw this through your hair,' inking one small strand at a time. B ' morning all gray hair disappears, and ; after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. ' Gray, faded hair, though no dis-j grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive' appearance, get busy at once with I Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. Appropriate Easter Presents One sees at Upp's many articles appropriate for Easter presents. A bar pin, brooch or other piece of Jewelry in the latest fashion, will help set off new spring cos tumes. A bud holder, vase or basket will give Easter flowers a beautiful set ting. Upp's quality is always complimentary. It makes the gift more welcome. Uar Pins U.00 to $3.50 Brooches $1.00 to $25.00 Pea-' Necklaces J7.50 to $35.00 Cut Glass Vases $3.50 to $16.50 Frank M. Upp ' JEWELER 511 Main Street Official S. P. Watch Inspector II Ss-eSSS! HKIIK'S A (iOOl) i:AMPI.i:. So far as Is known, Oliver Martin, rust! commissioner Is the first appli cant In Klamath County for one of the Victory Uian Honda. Mr Murtln Mdiiiilurlly nppeared nt the Klamath State Hank In Klamath KnlU and made his application. One en into of tho bone-dry victory lltn iinnhull loll. - t n"n l,,,M ........ ... ",u " "-J ; Brooklyn Kagle. LIBERTY THEATER "THE PICK OK TIIK'ItrrilHES" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT i Dustin Farnum in "THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS" The Story by Zane Grey Comedy"THE WATER PERIL" Weekly New"THE GREAT VICTORY" DAILY MATINEE At this Theater ut " SHU) p. n,. floors open nt a o'clock MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director STAR THEATER TODAY AHTCUAKT IMtKSKXTS I WII.I.IA.M S. IIAUT .. ' "THE IIOItllEll WlltKI.KSS" Also Two Itet-U of Comedy. 1 Also PHIXCESS MOX.l DAKKKKATIIKltl The KnmoiiM Indian Photoplay htv Will Appevir In per-on. Sl'XhAY Ai JltlXDAV t.'oi.mvYx iiiksi:ts MAIIEI, .VOItMAXIt "HACK TO Till: WOODS" Also A Laughable two Itivl lllg V. Comedy, TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Paramount 'Pi-cr-eiita VICTOR .M(K)RB In "SXOHS" A Great Comedy In Five I'arts. Also Tho Htli KpImhUh of "The I-uro of Tho Circus" . SUNDAY Trlango I'i-cwent MAIUOHIE W1LLSON In "JIIARKED CARDS" ho News Iditest Ciirrent Kventn. Admission 10 & 15 cents Matinee 2.110, Evenings 7:1)0 & 0, MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon 4 JDUBBEUBIIT SUITS FOR BOII stow to wir otrnx to wnr Dress your boy for Easter SALE OF BOY'S SUITS Tomorrow I propose to outfit scores of Klamath Falls boys with these regular $8.50, $9.00, $10.50 Belted Suits for $7.25 x Regular $12.75, $13.50, for $10.75 Regular $15.00, $16,00, $17.50 Suits $13.85 Regular stock of Boys' Suits at these prices. Dress him up ' for Easter. K. SUGARMAN "I Ain't Mad at Nobody" , btiEaEniifiHiBEiasHiHimiiHiiiHsiaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii