THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, ,I'IHI, ,,. t) PAGK FOUR The Evening Herald J. M V It It A V EDITOR Published dully except Similar hy ' The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Knlls. at US Fourth street I J Entered at the postottlce at Klaiu-, th Falls, Ore., for traustuisalon thru the mails as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address in the United Stales: y One year ............ $5.00 One month ......... ,50 - Member of Hi" Assiirlulcil I'rcMi) ' The Associated Press Is exclusively, entitled to the use (or republication ot all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this pa-' per, and also local news published herein. All rights ot republication ot spe cial dispatches herein are also re-' erred. MONDAY, API til, 14, 11)10 'REAL ESTATK DEALERS At the last session of the .legisla ture, house bill No. 425 became a law, requiring any person of firm' deslr-' ous of carrying on the business ot a real estate broker In the state to make application for 'license to the I commission upon payment ot a II-' tense fee of $5.00, together with a I bond in the amount of $1,000 to in sure the commission against, fraudu-, lent representation, said application to be accompanied with a recommend j dation of ten freeholders ot the coun-J ty in which the applicant Intends to carry on nis principal business as a real estate broker. This bill will prohibit dishonest parties and curbstone operators fromi "entering Into the real estate business ( in our state, 'and will leave the busl-j ness in the hands of gentlemen who! are a credit to our state, and whose' object is to Increase our resources In' exchange and sale of properties along agricultural, commercial and Indus- trial Hnes In referring to this measure, the Rtt rhmw t pnmm. h .w. to say: There has been a feeling among certain citizens in the past that all the real estate man wanted was to get his commission, which sentiment prevails in other states as well as Ore gon. This office is in receipt of many letters from without the state, froii parties having money for Investment, and in the first letter they sav thev u uui iu iu uc iui up aeuuisi .,) real estate concern. We desire to be nlared in n position that we can write tlon between any honest, well-mean--hick to these parties and tell them Ing citizen and the local bank, we have hone hut refutable citizens m in the business In Oregon. We wish to safeguard the Interests ot prospective Investors, and feel a though some plan othex than turning over inquiries to the dealers general- ,,,.., ,m,,. ,m ..i,. ly should be adopted. Agreement Astern, lumber mills are market should be made as to a scale of com- ln tDelr P'duct at $2.80 per thous xnisslons, both as to cash and trade and below cost of production, transactions. Some plan of guaran- While wages and material costs re tee as to values, other than that , , ,. . .. .. , Placed by the real estate man and mal!1 at f,resent flBUres there ls no the seller should be considered, way out "' tne woods but to raise either by a statement of three disln- prices. terested parties or some other plan. Figures from twenty-four typical It by three disinterested parties, we .. ... . . . are of the. opinion each locality West Coast saw mllls show C03t ot should be represented by the ap- Production for February was $25.45 pointment ot the county agricultural per thousand feet. a8,?.nt as ,one member .of tn,t8 om- Average selling price was $22.65. mittee. Another member might be . , . ' , . . chosen by the bankers In that local- Tne Pr,ce ot Southern pine lumber ity .and a third by the commercial was $6 per thousand above Western organization. lumber. This is a matter that should re- Federal price-fixing set the figure celve the attention of the local real for fir lumber at $2 per thousand be- estate men. low Southern pine, and a $4 advance IXSURAXCE IS A HUSIXESH In the state of Montana state hall insurance has Jubt settled with farmers who had crops destroyed at"1 44 cents on the dollar. It is probable the insurance was on some mutual or co-operative basis, because there is no great complaint, as there would be against private or stock company Insurance. Farmers carrying policies on crops in regular standard insurance corn- panics would expect policies paid in . .. ... . . full, or there would be a state insur ance commissioner raising a row. In North Dakota stato hall Insur ance has worked In the same manner, and it seems so dangerous and risky a line of Insurance that It requires' CORDOVA, Alaska, (By Mall) companies with a large reserve and Shut off from civilization since-last lair rates. summer, chiefly due to aevere storus In the case of North Dakota and which prevented boats reaching thorn Montana there is no use going to the two lighthouse tenders of the Cape state officials, because it would be, St. Ellas lighthouse have Just lea"n appealing to a political situation, ' el that the war is over. Drought "where there is no appeal. "ere yesterday, 111, after five at- BANKING A COMMUNITY' One of the net products of thewar wo f a crew of vo romaln at ' was the demonstration that banks, llg''tl'0Uiie- are the strongest factor In commun-, M ATTEXTIOX Ity service. tn mnt rnses the banks became A Btate(J communication of Klam In most cases the banks became ath Lodw Nq a & the headquarters in the Liberty Loan ,)0 neI(l t tho ,lu on Mon(iayi Aprll drltes, and met the Increased do- 14th, at 7:30 p. m. A full uttend- mnnd generously. , . unce ,8 ''eslred. Tho secretury will m nearlv'evorv cltv when called !,e nt ,,,B lesk at 7 ' "' t0 "UenU to in nearly every city wnen caneu ,mortant fjnnnclal business. Uy or- npon they put in additional desks and der 0 yt jr., 0, C. Applegate. 12-21 Wl v I - f ' ' nlred increased force to do the work necessary. Tne Dank ,s tne keystone in the arch of immunity service, and is the strongest asset for community spirit. Banks are extending the commtin- Ity service idea to the country, nnd ....... are leading and specializing to pro duce farm prosperity. So the old idea of a bank being In any way hostile to the Interests of the producers is being changed into mutual helpfulness. There Is no reason why there ohnl,l n, IlB ,hl. ..llo, co-opera- I.UMIIKK PHODl'CriOX PltOISI.KMS ls claimed to be justified to keep la bor employed on the Pacific Coast. GOVEUNMKXT OWXFIWHIP Another nail has been driven In the coffin of government ownership policies by Chairman Hurley of the "" ooaru recommencing mat government owned ships be turned over to private ownership us fast as possible. Director General nines of the railroad administration voices the deep-seated opposition to perma nent rnvfrnn,nnt nurnnruhln et vt.ll. , ,, ... .... . . roads. Here Is the right foundat on on which perlty. to build permanent pros- XKWS SLOW IX ALASKA. I tempts hud been made to reach the I lighthouse, the men were surprised tit the tron.l nf wnrlfl nvaitla Onlv ANSWER THK K.VKMY IX Ot'lt MIDST. (J, II. IU-th, Scienre Dept., II. KiIhmiI) It should be a matter of gratlf. cation to everyone to note that there Is a movement on foot to clean up'" prohibitive . the City of Klamath FalLi, with an especial purpose of abating the fly nuisance nna umninrC it a more healthful and pleasant place to live, duct-.l It must he all Hirnped up dally Hut such an attempt will be fore-1 and placed In a fly-tlKht box or tank doomed to failure unlets each and It Ls removed from miicIi tanks not all of us enter Into this campaign In less than twice a week, hauled away the proper .spirit of helplessness. This ' and spieiiii'out thinly where It qulcic. Is no matter to "let OcorKe do It," nor 1 ly dries, and of course, In thin eonill to anyone else while we sioff Hon the matrgot ion not v In It. at their honest efforts. In 11 fly cam- The most practical method fur pre- palgn perhaiis more than In any other may we say that uultuil we succeed, divided we fall. Lest there be who doubt that It Is possible to rid a town of Mies, let me cite our neighboring city ot Eugene which was n few years ago, and still Is In a Urge measure, a lly. less town, thanks to the efrorts of Dr. Hodge of the University there In educating the citizens up to the pos sibility of controlling the fly situa tion. There is no mystery about the fly. His haunts, his habits, his breeding places, in short, hLs complete life history, are known. The proccedure for exterminating him is not a theory or a vague hope. It Is a simple and practical as ridding your house of mire, or your barn, of ruts. There are two chief kinds of files which infest our city, the house fly and the stable fly. The .life history of these is nearly the same, as an egg from eight to twenty-four hours; a maggot, five days, pupa five days, after which it emerges as the adult fly. The female adult may lay as many as four batches of eggs, each batch numbering upwards ot a hun dred eggs. The progeny of n single fly for a season may be almost un thinkably large. The true house fly does not bite, but sinks up ll'i)lil food. If it be n solid food It lets down saliva on the partlsle, dlssoivi"' It and then sucks It up. The s'uhle fly lim:a sharp iprobosoii whKi penetrates the M:it of the anli' and Ibru vlilch It sucks Its blood. The stable fly often frequents the house, and almost In variably a certain percent of the flics found In the house are stable files. 'N Of all places In which the fly la Its eggs and hatches Its offspring, straw horse manure is the favorite place; after this comes pure horse manure; and next comes decaying straw, and row manure. If theso four sources and no other were eliminated from Klamath Falls, we would not have one fly whore we now havj ono hundred. After these como back yard filth, garbage, the open privy vault and other places. In cities where the fly problem liun been worked o ami flnully nolvcil, many mistakes wero first mndn (on ternlng the manure difficulty. Occils. lonal removal ot the manure heaps, doea not help ut all.' Jtemoved it In. z. tervals of two weeks was n little hot. J ter. The experiment win made of treating the manure heap ullli chvm- I IcnU, notably kvroeene or rlilorlile of ,,, Tlll.H(J wm mfrwtul ,r ,18l.j In .sufficient quantities but the cost The most successful mitliuil yet worked out m far an I can leiru Is as follow h, and It has been tery sue ee.ssful." Wherever munuro Is pro- venting files In the open privy vault U the free use of kerosene. Itlght now Is tho time for its to get busy. The hold-over files from which black clouds of descendant will spring, are already emerging from their winter hiding places. Wm can make Klamath Falls almost liter ally a flyless town, or we can leuve it as it has been In tho past, the fly Metropolis of the United States. The house fly Is the typhoid fly. He Is the nun In our midst. He Is already beginning to how his seeds of propaganda urn! propa gation. He will soon outnumber us a mil lion to one. He will pnrado our streets und ter roilze our homes. ' He will reap his toll of annoyance and death. We need not Ic3Vo home (o heat this foe. It tukes no Liberty l.ouns or War stamps; All It takes Is common leunu and cleanliness. Now is the time to begin. May we have no slackers. toll FOR N 1 WK EAT TOO MU;II MEAT WHICH CLOUS KIUNEVH, THEN THE HACK IIUHTH Most folks forget that the kldnoys, like the bowels, get sluggish untl clog ged and need flushing occasionally, olse we have buckacho and dull mis ery in the kidney region, sevoro headaches ,rhoumatlc twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness nnd all sorts ot bladder disorders; ' You simply must keep your kldnoys active. and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kldnoy region, get about four ounces of Jail Baits from any good'drug store hero, take a tablespobnful In a glass ot wa ter before breakfast for a tow days and your kidneys will then act flno. This famous salts Is muilo from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthlu, nnd iu harmless to flush clogged kldnoys and stlmuluto thorn to normul uctlvity. It also neu tralizes the acids In tho uriuo u it no longer Irritates, thus ending bind dor disorders. Jail Halts is harmless; Innxpoiml make u delightful effervescent llthlii water drink which everybody should tnk.i now iiml then t hoop tlicilt kid i.njs clean, thus avoiding serious ruin- pllClltlOIIH. A wt'll known local druggist suy In. sells lots of Jail Sails to folk who . .. . . 1. 1.1 ...... Uellove in overcoming kiiii.hj iiuiiimk VANTi:i)--i:xprii.,,., while It In mil)' trouble. Adv. Jewel Cafe Tlio Kaiser is mini in iimm. ," ;"" ' "inr. ti-,, !.... 1. .... I... -III. III. I r'lhinr III, IMKl (till HllllllllllMK till ... V""l- l, I'll II llllll I" P" ........... ....... III tlio knowledge Unit no lire a lot better men. Newark News. TIiIh theory tltiil the removal "f the I.ADY would tike m K( ,,, " Iser changed the criminal nature, of Iiik. Cnll afternoon 0.1 m.i. ff'" . Ilun seenid to Indicate that HIM I - ,ln "' hurt of adenoid. (Ireenvlllo CO.MPKTKNT w mi Wl, , knl the HOI 34n' " ! J ;v, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 and up Men's. Hats MALLORY HATS, STETSON HATS, HELBING HATS, ' WILSONS HATS, In colors Green, Seal Brown, Pearl, Fawn and Olive K. SUGARMAN "I Ain't .Mini at NiiImmIj" Liberty Theater TONIGHT Dustin Farnum in "THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS" wwm mttiKm ' V IP! v .. - r DUSTWFARMuffi Unir ftturfTUHm fAmtrlc j Prices 10c and 20c LIBERTY THEATER High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OIIUER FINEST MATERIALS IIEHT OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MICIICHANT TAILOR nm Main st. '"1" Herald's Classified Atlvc HELP WANTED v-irw-ixfin 111:1.1 WANTIII) '"HlI'lllllUI. .... . "V. " .! "'I intrch':. to clerk In mum mm tain ur win, ,.: IIiir prefer.,.,! MI, , ,' !" U Konm Lumber Co . uKMm ,"" J- 1.1. . filler it U-lf ho broke. WANTED--l.ady 1,1 , ..,. " "! .linUl Ml of ;- "- z-j SITUATIONS WArITti i-i-fc--- -- . iii'i1ry.' 1yi work ir ... i.. ."."" "U- (lr. 1 a!. Moumoii l.ot.l ij..,;-" w. Iter ijant j.,l , imhrta)f l.nnulro lliniHton in,,,,,,, ,jj- MAN AN' I) WIKK Job tin rmicli Hall. !l'i'rlinrfil, wiM U-l FOR SALE TlltKS KOIt 8A1.K eord tlren. at. T" Jt fflrdn nun an roiiiI an new . fr alo C(iub 1,1 KIlllMHll, lli.r.l.. ..... .... ...' " ..... ..I.' ,11 l4t KOItl) for snle. rheup 12-21 Phone 105W. KOIt 8Al.K--Kour rnuum anil luti on the paving; n.ju pl.irrd i Plumbed -,a nnap. fl.too. rmi i8 right party, neiirgn II Chimbrrlla 738 Kin vent h si U-Jt LOT KOU 8AI.K 120US0, cholw cIosb In location, will acrlflce r build In suit reiiponiillile pron win some money. Call 801 JuSerija street. KOU 8AI.K- Neat unit mmlrrn t room liungulow, clone In, owair leaving city nnd will ncrlHt it $1,00. half cnh Chllrote Smith. 033 Main street. l!.)t PIIONK PKVTON for ihi,mir KOH 8AI.B OP. KXCIIAMJK -A 111 11 ere tract 2 mllrn south of Kuctat, on 2 gooit riuiiU, well fenreil, SO tcrM in rul'lvatlon; 11 livaiitlful 3 4-acr homn tract, partly cleared I ' mlln southwest of KlIKi'lie mi good roid; two good lots Iiml north nf Kud high schoiil. Will eidmtiRp any or all of these three propi-rllr fur land, sheep or cattle In Jurkmin or Klim mil rounlleM Write fur p.irtlculiri iilul suluiilt what you hiiie II C Onlev, Ashland, Ori'Ktm 10-tf KOU 8AI.K- Three line Iioiiim. null able for large fuinllleK a feu choice residence lot, clime in one o( the best Incline properties in Klimith Kails; inle laud In tracln lame or smiii: W S. Slough 9-tf KOU SALE- Si:, of NWi,. K4 of 8V"i. and NW, of SW'i ol Sw. 7. Twp 3!l, llunge ! nail Hie NE't NIC; of Sec 36. Twp 38 limine 10, $1(1 per acre. Address owner. Kill Stewart Dalit. Hiisiiburg. Ore 9-lJt KOU SAI.B A first cIhhh miod pil ing worklllglilen's hotel, $2,500 cash required. Address 1310 Mils street, city M!' KOU SALE Five room cotlnne. mod orn Improvements, for sale by own er; close In; furniture If desired. In cluding piano Knqulra Frank M. Upp. B1I Main st. 3'- PARTUUE KOU I.EASK - M.M ucres tule lund of Klamath Din- .n.iFiri iingr Mlillnnil and or' I den; suitable for grazing cattle; tract enn bo divided into two ncimj -.,-.. units. M. Motschenhurher. I.. JK0M. w a aloiivh rnmiiiltteu '" SEED HVE for sale lin, Oregon Vln Zutne, Mi s-et FOR RENT KOU RENT Nlrn sunny Mrnlihed bedrooms for gentlemen. In nun nrn homo. 840 Walnut M. H"2' FURNI8IIEI) or unfuriilsheil apirt mont rooms; hy day. ' m.i. month, dray Apnrtments. - " street, M' , FURNISHED Apartments """" Piiytim, 20 .Market I'liono H"' ll-3t KOU RENT Two fiirnlBlii'il b4 1 . -t1 ul ' I rCHMIln im "n rn MISCELLANEOUS WWWWMWsVlrMAMAA TEAMS WANTED logs by contract Co. At once, to rtl I.11I11111 l-ui.lier' 12-2t GOVERNMENT LAND for 'C'"J itry, live claims of " "T. each; ulso somothliil? Hecll l "T ornment lands. Hnv y ''f"' Inqulro at 606 Main street J- I HAVE 40 acres of laiul '" lrJuT for city property. What Iim J Mllls Addition preferred. nil uuii 6 to 1 WANTED .Umili of mures, yoara old; weight 30 to 31. . IluesinK, 1020 Main st. l" Frea W, WANTED nucks to pasture 1 on DM Island; gopd grass, plenty ljei caro-takor J. 1), Bwlft, 81 OtV Falls Thoso frlonilH who nro ''".,,. Prosldont to Introiluco tho Ir'8",0q 0t tlon in tho Paris c-oiiforc-nca ao Hoom to undorHtnnd tlmt tne ' dent Is trying to bring about poaw. Houston Post. ssmaummstums . 1 j