MniiiAv THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iMfin rivn .trim. i. " " It P ERSONAL MENTION III II. I illlM.IIJIII " till l MMI'IIIn OldVU III) I'HII'I I l llllsim tMllllIMn ,,,.ll- Ml 1111 M m l IMt,t. "T In II hllfllH'M VUlllir III IliM'H'lUi will ll hImi nllfr I never i " TrMt r.m "'"" ,n,,,"" ",:" l!U"l,,u, f I'. II Merrill or Hi.. I) mm M M. H H iiniUfl' U iKlllUK III (MiiinliiK Cilllliuillt Of llilH It V ttHM -i iih KH '"' " r,,w '1',,', ,r'"" " l''niiKir mi iniln thin iiio.ii. "f" j liiK f"r Weed, uliitnt l(, expert, in ' .,,. , ... ,l. "lU'llll H' fletl till) lir Ittll (Ml lllllt- Joe lirl.coM I- ..rM-l t )f , .,B,riuniiiii'y no in i ! ' . tht ' Mix llurrl MIiiiii mill lliili. iIhiikIi. ' . .,,. l"r Mi'i"'1 !'" Ill' iiiirnliiK fin (liuill MrIinobtih ";;'';'',; '..llf..r.t m.H r I., .. .i ((AlfOWI. will mi. iiil ll'it iiitiniir iniiiiiliK In r p Kiln" "' ""' 'lill,"l",n l,,,m' K,,,m "' (''i"''y WfOBPT '" ,n '"" r"y ,,M k""' ' .H bul!lH' llll,f'",t I-.. ..... ,. . ........ linn. I Uitti lrr mm ft " I At the Theaters j wm bbbbbbbbV BbfjbbI fSaL 'mKna JrJB4.xi THE SUNSET GROCERY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "MORNING GLORY COFFEE" None Better Have you tried it? If not, order it the next time. You are probably paying 50c for one not as good. It's onlv 40c. I? LIBERTY THEATER "Till: PICK OF TIIK I'lCTUIlKtf" H. W. POOLE, Owner Theater dark tonight on account damaged con dition film "MICKEY" Reopen Sunday with Dustin Farnum in "THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS" By Zane Grey, author of "Riders of the Purple aage" and "The Rainbow Trail." ' ?U "kw will alto be given Monday, Matinee nd Evening. MVWMVMWWMMVMMMWWVW AILY MATINEE A lils Theater at Uiill) ii. .... MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director I'lilrniiM of the Liberty tlirtnlre -u III tti'iioini liimtiii mriiiim In hlti Iih; I lilted kiiiMtrfitiittirit, The UkIiI or Hiur," wliii h ti ! nIiou'ii li'ii' lii'Kliuiliii; Kiimliv nfternonn Tl im fiiiiHiim tr?i' hcrci'ii Mnr "III In. Kitp'i ph (in, niiii, imt loviililn '!i. ii. SI i' t nil,- nrp ronhoy of t ho M'nitli Wi'Klnrii border Willi Dunlin riiriinni',4 v'rllit, r oimIik'hk tiiient mill tin. 11101 tlirllllituly fiiMflnnlliiK of 'inn. (Iritj'p tuiiHtiTb Moile ilin I'lllllllt lll'IIIK WI I'Mlllr lllll'IIMl Tint ploi iIi'hIh wlili tin' nilwntiirc which urine mil of f.'etie K.emiil'ri wlhl wiikit Hint he would mnrry Iho liml i;i who blew Into the little Wi'Hieni (own When ho linn car rleil mil IiIk ny-r ftirthci than luj liicw nil the clrl provi-. to hp tin. nlMi'f of the nimhiir whoyc fori'iii.-ni Ktl'WIirt IR, tllllU'H ll.'III'l-tl ipilllf, II n.l tho iii(llitirij rwIdci bctwimi hone mill fi'lir rlnht or to t'c flnnl iil'litri' In It If tt2lliu of the pro liictlon 'hn SwIrPuril Iuin c-iiufht the uuthor'i woiu'erfn! Ingnlrntlnn The photo Krnphv Ib iiiiirrrilflr tit v bei.ntlfnl I'l KiihJi'Cl unit In iiti'Ciition Wlnlfreil Klnfutiiil In n fjm inntlnr len-ll'i ' uotiiiui nnit thn giipp'Tt Ik exreeiit (hrouplioiit. H OUSTON .MclriiMiliiin Aiiiiifi'inr inn ij M MIVS. ATTi:.VTIO M,,hortMlt '''"' ,l,'m)' N"v,,ll' flt lor M """" """ r' . ... ...i ii.v u' ii Ik it- nre In ... ......... .. (TUrlH " " i"'irm .inuiii wiirKieiuiier, t'le ,, county ' "" "''' r 'hI- (lnlim, ,, ,ihmniliy tnr .ll ;( Irom the l.i'rclln tllHrlct for ,,,,,,,. , ,ih Htnr thenrn toiilultt l, Jjf J. I'l Iih i i Dm k fen th ur him iieiirel X T llctlur niiuniu the triiln inliil' "' '"""' "" U r,!l""r ,1 it the While IMInin Hotel from jll.itcf. Onllfu'iiln i, v. (1etr nml '. '. '"ry r" mot atrlvsi'i In Klniiinth Kitlln H3I rorilMi'l The re kiikMh nt tV White I'rllrnn Motel. Vlr snrf Mr P I- HoukIk re i, it, rltv Iron the llimk much on ,., l',p(.r Klnmntli t.iiht' They nre afilmt Ilia lltitt-l Hull. C 0 Merrill nml Mr antl Mr V E llurrl " county M-nt "l ten from Merrill totlny They me Itlllnsat the Hotel Hull. Dr iml Mrs II V Hnlliiiin, l.'te uSlriler a'l '""' w"' rnMt '" " "r" l,1,0","" """l ",,y "u,rl ljtt.ttrd iifternonii from the """ "' "' l'fe' Ion. numb, rim: AKcnry on thn Itenervii. '" 'lo humlreil In her elKht .tr ,,.. ' i.Mteileiice on tho ncreeli She I nut "i hlntlflil iih Stir lili the .irt- Mmln ''". ' "torkninn of ItMelnnl IIUou Co. nlno with S.iIIb. fill- Bl; d!irlft lm ha ''ten In tliu , Knleiu nml Mutniil Coinpiiibn .i.. i... . .... .iii.d i.,r. tnf tr. ..... ... . . ... ... . .... iiij iui n .." .v .... ..v-fi- ueniue, iroiiuriiiK iniiepeiiii.tniiy. Ijij 1I1I1 tnotnlnK for 11 Hit of new' rI iliyi j With n thrill In ewirj foot of film, Mil. J! s ltcck, who litis heen n m,Hni: tllmnx nml n love stnrp r(0aUlt with rehillve left thin ,t i ,tnlKlit fully conlririiK. "Tlitf Bcroliii! for 1 .-. home at hn tonor wirelo." tht new Wlllla.n : Mitwo.iii..iii.! h her Utr.ln-lin.(fftrl pictitro. which wnt shown nt Ur J ,! " "" ( the Star Tbentte cMlnln Is tint .'f Mr aatf V - M insrabim Uavo ho b,wl '" w,,,,, ,,,tu Ur", w'"',,' mtfrl tn v , V!,- Ml dlttrlfi whore n',Ar hnR ''v,"' "IM'art'il. It lit mi Ait Htrllli ' leoitt twomoiiUw rrnU l'"'"otltiy uml ns .lltrntml hj rtlte Mr 'nn.,1,.,,,, t, putUiiK lirMr- ,,flr, I'l""""- '"' H'f -uperM-wwon lin.1. he hn Icasml. ( '' of Thomas II. Inc. The Mo-v i unn written by Howard I'. Mor.nii Fedtril (iffit.r l'i ico Itccnh, who and (', (jtinlner SiiIHvjii tlld the n.oii In bwn hen. for neural tlayit 011 of- nrfo litlal butlnem left todny for Neih 1 Uy llnl Iiik Mr HiiU'h Weilnrii tie Eij, WmliitiKinn in reiipomie to tln of ehnnirierltiitlon with n dlttlnctly uomoni He expertH to return In 11 modern Munition romillmit from the iiort time , uir, luvohliiK 11 wlreleim plot on the- hordor etiKlneereil by Herman splei. Jin. Clinrlei Miirple loft thin npd brliiKlliK In mm niUlRlte llt aomln for a llt of Kx week or tie leleKrnph oporntor. the uiithor.-i two montlin In !.on AiiKfle-N, whtiro huo Micccciled In IiiIiirIiik tin itriitnii k ki cone for the henuflt tif her up to the minute without micilflclm; (Mlth. Mm Miirple Iuin neor fully any of that plcturesquenemi that 'coterul from 11 eere attack of tho eiery admirer of Mr 'Hurt ilemanth HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE I'Asristj sititiMV rvu.M.vr; JAZZ ML'hIC STAR THEATER TMIMV AK'ICIIAIT I'llKSCNTS WII.I.IAM S. HAHT In Tin: ittmiicit viiti:i,is" Im- Tihi IteeU of "otneily. l.n I'iiim is mii t i.itiiriTiti:tt 'I he r-initMU IikIIiiii I'liotopbi) hi ;f Will Appear in I eion. M XUAY .V MO.MIAV (IM.IIWV.N llli:si:.MS MMII.I, NOItMAMI "itu to thi: wooiiv A I Ml l.iili;liiilli' two Itivl 111k V. ('ti.netl) TEMPLE THEATER IODAA I'ttmiioillit t'iernt vitToit mi urn r. ".ssnits" A (.cent Ciiiutily in I he I'm is. A No The Kth r.pNtMle if "'I he Line of The Clu u" -ii'inv- Trliinclt' l'lt'-citi .MAItldltli: UlI.l.vOV ".MAltKI'D CMtllV AImi I'nthe New l.n.i ( mi-rut Ktento. AiliiiNshm III .V I." i.'ii Ala tin. c J.Itll. I'tenltm. T:;ill .Vi 1. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'ICltltr.s TUKSIIAYS AMI SATl'ltliAVS Merrill. Oregon A ft n ted commiinlciitlm of Kl.'im nth I.'lr M11. 77 A K h A M . will n held ai the hull on .Monday, April 1 Hth. nt 7 l'i p. in A full attend I unci! Ik tlenlred. The Hecrntnry will li at bit ilefk at 7 p m to attend to ImpnMnnl t'nanclnl biiKlnem lly or der of W M.O (' Apple;ate 12-2t -fflffiEEEXBHmm) Let us help you Clean House A thorough renovating at this season will insure a clean, healthy home. We'll do our part by furnishing just what is best and at prices that are fair. Eora:c, Sponges, Chamois, Ammonia, Sal Sod?, Floor Wax, Paint, Wall Paper, Cleaner, Furniture Polish, Disinfectants, Germicides, Bug Exterminators, Rubber Gloves, Etc. Check off ?uch items as von need and bring the list to us. V KLAMATH TALLs OPEt.O.l , J I STAR THEATER TODAY lHsSsJu t H ' 'HBw HkE 1UMm-3M: IHIMifilHlS-BEr;i OMV "BflBBaHBBHBHBaHHMHBaaa),l'',,,,SMB"MM Paint is Cheap Today Y'OU producers nnil growers ho sell uch things as beef, hogs, Rrain, beans, wool, crks, butter, potatoes, do ou know that the money you get for thcic things will buy more Heath & Milligan Paint today than ever before? Then why net use paint freely on your buildines this season rather than wait and have expensive repair bills llcath k Millipan Pain: on your houe nrts like a macintosh. It m shuts out any chance of decay. It is oependsDle chiapest in the end. Roberts & Hanks HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. I" LIBERTY THEATER REOPENiNG TOMORROW SUNDAY AND MONDAY . MATINEE AND EVENING ANOTHER ZANE GREY STORY "La the light of Western Stars" nlHHflHffil DUSTIN..FARNUM . ' aBiiii f WMVrfll1UTHE LIGHT OP WESTERN STARS - 5gS$jJB lst ;BlSalgTL mint wctun imiwi w nm . &iJP JT Regular Prices 10c and 20c Tii5i ..? WES d ssess'M THE FAMOUS INDIAN SCREEN STAR Princess Mona Darkfeather Appearing in Person HEAR HER SEE HER Prices 15c and 35c I - LISTEN BOYS AND GIRLS Wouldn't you llku to Ihhc a Suting AretruntTiero nt tho First National Hank mid make regular trips hero (or depositing the Hpare tlollars Just like jour parentN? Then hernpo up $1.00 or more to t.tart with, mid eoino down here. We'll fchow ou just how to do jour banking like icromi-ups. Four per rent Interest cm Suiug., eoniputeil ttvieo n jcar. K. It. nemitCM, IVesldeuU Ii. F. WlUetf, Vice-I'resldent. Ix'slte Itogers, CatJiler. A. l. Collier, .Ahst, Oibhler. John SI. Sloore, Ami. Ciishler. She First National Bank """is open (,t 2 o'clock KLAMATH FALLS OREOON