The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 12, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ilVB -tff
iagk rout
HATUIHAY, Al'llll a,
& jThe Evening Herald
M V It It , V
PillilMit'd dillv rtit Siimhtv hv
The Itertld I'iiIiIMiIiik Company nf
Klamath F.tlK at lift Fourth trol
Kntered nt the piiMnfflpo nt Khun
th FhIK Ore, for triinimWMiiii thru
the nuilN as second-class mnttnr
dorleking, and not allow n condition
tn exist s set forth In tho statement
hereto nttnehed, furnished by J. V,
Hrovver of our Irrigation and drain
ntse committee. htivltiK reference to
K.ilo of public lntuls, which question
Is now receiving uttontlon of tho
Stato Ch.tinlior of Commerce, In an
endeavor to secure tho $0,500,000
due Oregon.
Out together anil forward to this
officii such data as wo may need In
frat line arguments to present to con-
grps and which will assist our rep-
' rovlltnt Ivoa In n,ttv wni- iwiaultilrt
Subscription terms hv mall to nuyu ,s "ecossary that wo act Immedl-
ddrevs In tho United States- ;utiv. nnu it ts our tiesire-tlint special
One vear ., $fi no
One month . 50
Mt'iiitxT of the -fliilnl Pro.
The Associated Press Is exclttslvelv
entitled to the ue for republication
ot all news dlsp itches credited to It
or not otherwise credited In this pa
per, and also local news published
here n
All rights of ri'illlcsttnn of spe
cial dispatches herein are also referred
SATURDAY, AVRlIi is, 1010
meetings ot (.ontinerclul bodies
throughout the stato be held, and
that opinions of Ind'vldmils bo re
duced to writing and forwarded to
this office.
Kery section of tho state timing
a land settlement problem, whether
It l'o reclamation ot swamp lands or
Irrigation ot arid lands or the Irriga
tion of lands not considered In tho
arid class, but which would becomo
mure productive with the npplicatlm
of w uter scientifically distributed;
whether It may bo tho bringing under
cultivation or Into production largo
areas ot looged-off lands, or an.- land
problem, should forward to this officii,
at tho earliest possible moment, com
plete figures, which will toll the story
and express tho needs of each county
or loralltv.
This -$500,000,000 bill Is to apply
to arid, swamp and cut-oier lands.
viicintoits ox sorrii rt,.
Ot vital Interest to the people of)
Klamath County is the work that Is
,,belng done" by the Oregon State
jKChomber of Commerce. This organ- We desire letters from different sec
m..i i .,. k. ,t.i.. . hv 'Ions o' thP stato. setting forth need
'jot reclamation and settlement work,
-returned to Oregon the $6,500,000 of !,,., nr.,,i. ,,i,w- in ,i, t.,r,u f
public money that has been diverted l'' I "no Sinnot or McNnry bills, tho 'l,R'' souUl of '-""""t. northerly
Irom Its reclamation fund and used, benefit to be derived arid tno neces- thru Lookout b way of Crolg and
, ,. . , , .... . , . ... ,,isliy tor tticso Improvements.
. for the benefit of pet projects, but It' j,ertaJ of our roprosen,utlvea aro
f is working towards securing for this now In Oregon, and will shortly leave
state Its fair share of any money that . for Washington. It is desired that
may be appropriated by tho Nation th Information requested nbovo
....,.,,,, -.. '- . shall be In the hands of tho State
lor irrigation am. uramage. ...o ioi-lCham,)er of C0Illmerce nt tho Cllrlest fc0lIth ,,, , v, Mo
luwius icuer iruiu wie sime urguija- possible momeni. so tnut a compun
ction Is self-explanatory, as Is the tion of tho needs of each section of
statement from Mr Brewer, which!"""5"" ",uf uo f"-fa"" r
' follows It:
)ou felt before jnur blood, iiimu-s and
muscles boinino lomlnf with l'l "
polities, git rtiitn wmr pliiiiiiH"lst a
quarter pound of lliiiei.iiii' i-i il.mi'
whkh Is InoxpeimlM' nml nl' ' "I"
lcs, eiit for a Mini IhIi twine" whlih
Is not unpIeaHant
.lust us soap mid hut win.r nrl on
tho skin, cleansing, sweoiui " and
treslitnliiK. hot m'it i ' '""
stone iihosphalp net on tho 'omiiih,
WITMy I'UOI'OSKU .Xori Kldneis and how, Is Mmi mul
i. ....... i
women who am tisuimv r ""mihu-h,
bilious, licnilnrhy or bap iui 'nmnrh
disorder should begin iM Insiili- biilh-
'ng Wfore brenkfst The are nf-
surod thev will lipcouie real crunks
Tint the enterprising residents of 'm the nuhleot fhortlv Alv
Modoc County, California, aro not
going to let their Klamath County
neighbors get alio id of them In the
matter ot road construction this jear,
Is tho petition dlsploed
today b V C. Ihilton. a prominent
resident of that dlstriit, which mils
for an election at the earliest possible
date for bonding tho Couut for ono
half million dolUra to carry on this
Seien highways nro mentioned In I
tho road program as outlined In the
petition, ono of pnrtlailar Interest to
tho people here being "a highway ex
tending from tho l.useen County
,. it ni f III K0 district, near Mlillnoa ,,
Herald sClassilicd Advs. XU'V:
hko dlslrlcl, near Mlillno, nml w
a.m. .iiiini.i,. f,.r ,.r " ..."l "fir.
nrlv ... :
unlls. M MolHiheiiln. hr i. ', 1.M
V 9 Hlntinli (ommiih , ,.i
IIISI.I VM'lili Immi'dlutiily. man
to lirU In gi'timnl tntirrlmiidlso
stoio ono familiar with n"t ''
tine ptefeiri'd Apnli 01 phono l
giiinii Lumber Co , Algoiim. re 1 1- II
roit hali:
(lenenil mi , I..TTT
IhihIiikhs loi-iilnil hi, ... ....""''
: ; urn
on iiiKiiniii .Miiiri'x !
f:euhiK liointil
VANTi:i llxperlencod
Jewel Cafe
waiter at
VAN'ri:p l.adv lo do iillli'i' I'lemi'
lug. cull ntti'inmins 'JQ-I Mnln 1- -
ision to them,
I Much can be accomplished by unit-
It Is reported this Is the amount of,ed effort, and It Is to tho Interest ot
funds Secretary Lane will ask con-'oery citizen of our state to becomo
Kress to appropriate for the soldier active In this all-Important question.
settlement plan. , It Is desired that you familiarize
It is likely a new bill will bo for- yourself with tho statement ot focts
mulated by tho Interior Department, and figures presented in the attached
requesting early action by congress table, and wish ou to know that the
as a substitute for the $100,000,000 State Chamber Is using Its best cf
bill Introduced. In framing the new forts to secure tho $6,500,000 to
bill, the bills of Lane, Slnnott, Mc- which the state is Justly entitled,
Nary and others introduced at the which Is not in any way connected
last session, will be considered. ,wlth the $500,000,000.
Oregon is Justly entitled to Its pro- The following are facts and stnte
portion if the proposed bill becomes nieiits furnished by J. V. Brewer,
a law, and with our senators and rep- farm land specialist, and memberot
NresentatUes now thoroughly alive to Irrigation and drainage committee of
the situation, we have reason to be- the Oregon State Chamber of Com
lieve the Interests of our state will be merce: "
Dry Lake to the Oregon Lino on tho
east shore of T11I0 Lake "
This menus of lourso if thebond
election carries, that the Klamuth
Dalles Highway running north nnd
a di
rect connection on tho state lino with
an up-to-date road straight on thru
California, over tho route most n.scil
by tourists.
Say glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
Helow are given the figures shnw
Int: the receipts from the sale of pub
lic lands In seventeen of tho reclama-
well protected.
Oregon is very fortunate In having
our land settlement plan presented
by Whitney L Bo'se of Portland and
professor H D Scudder of Oregon
Agricultural College to thei Interior tothe national reclamation fund and
ana Agricultural department officials used by tho government In the reda
ct Washington, and the plan has had matiin of arid and swamp lands of
-their approval the West. Also Is shown the funds
V.'p wish to wo pvery effort to as- expended by tho reclamation service
s'st our congressmen in this great un- in the various states.
If ou wnko up with n bad tnsto
bad breath and tongue is ceated: If
our head Is dull or aching; If what
jou eat hours and forms gas and acid
Hee!pts from sale
STATE Public Lands to
June 10. 191S
Arizona $ 1.533,249
California C.3S1.762
Colorado S.202.446
Idaho . 5,916,359
Kansas 1.0 15,3 2 A
Montana 12.40S.414
NeVaska . 1,929, 1S5
Nevada 691.327
New Mexico 4,714.158
North Dakota . 12,151,520
Oklahoma 5,867. 860
Oregon 10,1)7 1, OltH
South Dakota 7,373,575
Utah 2,337.948
Washington 7.021,686
"Wyoming 5,296, HO
tion states of the West, the major In htomnch, or you nro bilious, constl
portion of which fond Is transferred ,ated. nervous, sallow, and can't get
feeling Just right, begin inside bath
ing. Drink before breakfast, a glass
of real hot vater with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphnto In It. This
will flush tho poisons and toxins from
storaath. liver, kidneys and bowels.
Net Investment by Percent of receipts and cleanse, sw.cttn and purify ttiq
irom stoics re- futuo alimentary tract. Do jour In-
turned to states .. . ,. . . ., . ,
1,100 percent ' e tathlnB Immediately upon aria
50 percent 'nS 'n tho mornlag to wash out of iho
106 per cent system all tho previous day's polion-
283 percent mus. waste, gas-a and inur bile before
Reclamation Senr
Ice June Jo, 191S
338, ?14
3, 387, ISC
,nt !!erce!!J I'utHnB more food into tho stomach
"'"I'" "'" T f.1 lll, n. .,. ,.,.-
percent " wu"b um icoi, hub
856 percent
122 percent
16perccnt CslBBIS
1 per ient g ,,",l,
4 1 per -i-nt m
46 ppr cent S-
. percent
145 per cent
137 per cent
146 per cent
uour Eye
The best prescrip
tion by the best oc
culist is valueless if
improperly filled
why take chances
why play with fate
when it is unneces
sary? Conscientious at
tention to the small
est details has given
this shop an unchal
lenged reputation
by enthusiastic pat
rons. Lenses supplied in
less than an hour.
.n: i:lkie axi) oi'Tit i.w
70(1 Main St. Klamath 1'nlN, Or.
piiexi: I IflW
lOMIMVrTNT woman vmuiIm Iioiikp
work or washing h Iho hour In
quire Ui'i Ilountou hotel l.'-Tt
K1HST CLASS cook mcoml uiok and
waiter want Jobs in lumber camp
Knqiiltu lloiislon Iioiikii 12 71
Si:i:i) UVi: for sab
Un, Orpgon
V()lt HAM' New tin
1 btlliiiiilow, 011 iiii ii
misy tiirtut) and a bun
jJiimoH M Wat Mint Jr
or phono ,120lt
ii I
1 niiiitrn
I rllla. I.
'u me
Vnln h,
l Jl
MAN AND win:
Job 011 ranch
i:xpnrliiri'd. want
W II Cllne iiotm
li ton. 1120
A pnrim,
Mark. 1
Mr. 0
IMimii. 1JH
K)lt Itl.M Mu imn fiirnUliM
bed rooms for Kiutlmn in n,0,i
urn home S40 Walnut i jj.,,,
. in'ltNIKIIi:i) AI'MtIM Msinrtm
z I Thlril and .Main l I' )
I'llllI) for sale, cheap
12 :t
I'lionn 205W
KOU lll'NT Two furiilnli.,1 lfJ.
nionuil3j t)k i 5.t(
roil SXI.i: Four rooms and bnlh.l ..- . " ..
on tho paving; newly plnidored uni'KIOVCIINMKNT LM) rr liomintMj
plumbed . wmpi $1,400, terms to eutrv, live hilm-. .if 120 tte"
right party (leorge II Chnmborlln. tuich; iiIho soiiivtbiiiK pe ml m Mr
"ti! i:iiiviiutli t 12-21 jKinmcnl IiiikU Hum , u rltyi
" - Inquire nt tlo' Main -t t 12.11
. .. .. ..Ik k IS lil I 1111 aim ilil r
l.lli Mill MI1I1'. llliMV'i
close In location
build to suit resp
sumo mom')
.1. -i.wsi.". oull;,'. .- .- , .
lion will imerllleo or SMAItT fov terrier pup nmii homh
spoiislbln person w-IUi nick, oos Mnlll ., ...
Cull sol Ji'ffoM)n' ...
room bungalow,
leaving city and
$1,600, half cash
G.U .Main Ktreet
and modern llve
cloao In, owner
will Marrlllcn nt
Chllcolo A Smith,
I'HONi: I'CVTON for Wood--ll2ll
1 UAVi: 10 (teres of Iniiii I will tradt
inr niy propi riv v imt lnur jou'
.Mills Addition pri'firml SJ Oal;
Ml not 1 1 st
WAN'TKD - llarrr.t It k .in, jihoiie
iMlnud liens or rooirrii uj ,ay
local murki'l prices V.l.lri'M C 0
Allyn. 311. Weed t ulif 17. Jt
I'Olt SALi:Oll i:XCIIANOIJ A '.I.t-IW' of mr.. 5 to
aire tract 2 miles south of Liigno.i y(,r u,. Hhit t , M yr
oil . goon roaiiH, wen iciirro; un inren llilenlllt:
in cul'lvation; it benuilfiu aij-iicro
102D Main 10 10 St
homo tract, partly cleared. I M, miles w'ANThll lliu k to pu-dirn on llrar
southwest of I:iikiip. on kooiI nnd: island, kooiI KrnH pinny nt
two riioiI lots Just north of Cukmiip ,,,,.. CMrf, attention l,v . vimrlcncfd
hlr.h school Will oxrluttiKo ny or rnr,..takcr J I) vwfi Klamiih
nil of these throe properties for bind. yun , it
sluep or cattle In Jackson or, KI11111
nln t ottrit Ir.K Write for particulars
nl il Ntibmlt what 011 hate II C
C.tlfv Ashland. Oregon 10-tf
ni:(ii'i:siN(i or un
1. 111r.1t 1 iiiviiimiou
FOll SM.K- Throe line homes, suit
able for InrKo families, a few cholcu
residence lots. 1 lose In, one ot the
best Income properties In Ktamttih
Falls title land In tracts, lam.' or
smull W S SIoiikIi 9-tf
FOH KALi: - SKU of NWV, . 1:14 of
SW,. ami NWVt of SWi of Sec
7 Twp I'). ItatiKn it. and the NK'
Ni:' of Sec 30. Twp IS, llmiRe in
$10 per aire Address owner, i:iln
Stew.irt HosoburK. Ore i -1 2 1
. . 1 1 A 11 1 .
roil SALi:- A first i'Iiihs. kooiI poy
lnK workliiKiiien's liotel, $2 M)0
ash ri'iiulred Address 1310 Main
street, citj 4-1 21
I'Olt SALK Five room rnttnRi', mod
ern Improvemenis, for sale by own-,
er, closu In; furniture If desired. In
'IikIIih; piano i:uiulrn Frank M
I'PP. 5U Main st 31-If
After beliii; ilosid ( .bus im a.
Oltiit "I thi) film Mil Kl hC'if
r,elvi'd In poor .011IIH..1 ih" Lit
erty Thnatro will uoieii 'r the
Miudu Mntlnns Tin tote
ni'i'it lit 'Thi) l.lKbt of Wi inn .start
with DilHt In I'm mini in un. l.'adlns
role. Tbl U iinotlui ' ihi' Zan
(!lev Htorlix, the sii'ni ' her lio
prodlicnl 'The lllders . f 11. Purple
S.iKo." mid 'Tim lliitni" It
When mi hlmi n in 1 ic .1 man
tlltltiK hl eimir so lunii 1 (ti. b
rulM tho rim of his ) n. .11 mat
know tlint his but bus ju k .I liomi;
fiom France I'hil nl ip'" l-fnlnt
acres tuie lumj of Klamath Drain
Southerni'rs who fetr ut nirpriv
dui'tlon iff cotton this ir huvo our
consent to plant waterui. Ins imtcao
hut vvo don't soippoie ihet will Un-
14.000 out 11 Kuaranty of $.' a sli. i Kiimat
City Star
The original plan of the govern- any future .appropriations for gen
ment was to letun. to each state a era) reclfmatlon work. If the petiple
&nm equal to the amount contributed ot Oregon will but study the compur
by said state, less a percentage for atlve figures given above, they can
overhead expenses. In the early his- not help but realize that the state has
tory of the reclamation service, con- not been Justly treated,
struction of projects was begun In a Every agency In the state and every
number of the states, and In order tax payer has an Interest, either dl
to cayy on the work and complete rectly or Indirectly in this matter end
s the projects It became necessary to a united effort should be put forth to
borrow from the reclamation funds secure a Just expenditure of reclama,
of other states. Soon the projected tion funds here. Every acre Irrlgat-Yr-ork
in some of the states assumed 'a ed adds to the taxable value of the
proportion beyond the possible re- state and increases Oregon's produc
ceipts from the sale of public lands tion area.
in those states. It was then that the
original plan was repudiated and new I
-"rules adopted which provided that
the reclamation receipts be placed In
one general fund and for general ex
penditure on reclamation work with
out regard to the receipts from the
gs I I S gi
Van Brunt The Light Draft Drill, with Adjustable Force
Feed Will not crack the grain.
Flexible Spring I'lC-uro Di-i' llmrott
The following is a summary of I
conditions at Portland Union stock- I
This proved of great value ;o some yards at the close of business April
states, while others were forced to 10th: .
suffer accordingly. The figures shown Cattle Receipts B0 head; market 1
above but prove the statement. Art- steady. Iieef steers, 13 to S14.S0;
zona received 1.100 per cent of her good to choice steers, $11.60 to J
contribution and Nevada 856. -With $12-50; medium to good steers, $10 J
the exception of Oregon, all of the to $11; fair to good steers, $9 to $10; I
Northwestern States have received an common to fair steers, $8 to $9;
amount equal or greatly In excess of choice cows and heifers, $10.50 to
the contributiens: Idaho, 283 per $12.50; good to choice cows and helf-i
cent; Montana, 100 per cent; Utah.'ers, $9 to $10; medium to good cows
145 percent, and Washington, 137 and heifers, $7 to $8; fair to medium !
per cent; while Oregon has received cows and heifers, $5 to $0; cannors, J
but 41 per cent. It will be noted $3.50 to $4.50; bulls, $6 to $9;
that Kansas, North Dakota and Okla- calves, $9.50 to $13.50; Blockers and I
"homaTiave received less than has Ore-. feeders, $9 to $10.
gon, but there is a reason in that' Hogs Receipts, 250 head; market
there was not in those states the need steady. Prime mixed, $19 to $19.25;
'for Irrigation reclamation as there medium mixed, $18,75 to $19; rough j
was and is In Oregon. In this state, heavies, $17 to $17.25; pigs, $16,50 J
with the land and soil, water avail- to $17.50; bulk, $19 to $19.10, )l
able and climatic conditions excel-1 Sheep Ilecelpts, none; market'
lent, there Is a crying need for recla-1 steady. Prime lambs, $10 to $17; 1
matlon. Thousands of acres now al- fair to medium lambs, $14 to $15; !
roost barren, could be made produce' yearlings, $11 to $12.50; wethers,
$9 to $10; ewes, $6.60 to $10.60.
wonderful crops.
While there no longer exists any
legal obligation upon the part of the
government to return to Oregon the
e,6UU,uuw, vvnicn is inneitem 01 Th ,, .,d Socloty- wlll hol(j
contribution over reclamation invest-j tlielr Kaliter Sale.'consistlng of Fancy il
uieiii, jci mcju Dim .oiu.uo w.v worK ar)(1 cooHeu foods, Saturday
ilr-f . gT-"",1tMBBrr
n'VW?-mMi2i92Ht w
Ii J)22KK
-j MFaBHHr
s v
Dunham Culti-Packer An implement which should
be on every farm.
Baldwin Hardware Co.
moral o
This sum should come to tho state turo store
Jn addition to a Just percentage ofjj.'rjday
April 19th, at the Johnstone Kunil-
Watch window displuy
. " A
J lm