ruwiu, rim.ti. mn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON run: hevlv KS TO PROBE HSSI1T1 f 1HEM CZAR I((. hi . . iCiirimiHiiiili'iiii' ((ikfAMiHi i Murium .-r icr( HI l" "" '" ,l"l",l"ll" ""' tIltt ili'l-ll- '" 'I"' HMaiutlniilluil of ,re llinmum ""I'-'l"1 """"y """ trturrcl In ,""IHI' "' IJIi,,-II'i-k v,r0Mi in. - "' ""' l"f"1'' '"" lll mrri'in i " tt,,,,r" "' l,r"' ,nt rt'l'ti ,H" """" """ K,,lll,,, tb0tlnT KriMi-ii hIiii were, nltiiched to (ho fiimli' "' '"r anil ,1,0 rre '" ""' """"PI'V ''" irthi lint" Hic ef" remmcd from Tdkolik li ti.f hiiiiMi of Fkntctln lurir ln'fi' ""' w,'r'' "'"""liH'iiil' nmrildcl Officio! i .i' "tin gen w Ii" Mulled lfel, h, nl ! Mini kiiinv (iior tunltr of K1"""" ,l","llH "'HI II'" norr I'"'' "" '"' ""'r i:i"l",r,,r Nl,n pin, Mi Kl" ""' "'"ll rlillilU'ii were throw ii im ' i " "' '"Il"r "", ,l""" till Ufl'K ' ' wo'iml'"! ""'I flliill WWi uii'li'i ' ! "' "' mlnnlli. Ill' 'ml S( liomt." Hi.) believe thill the tfljJii'ii r" ""'' transferred I" lUfi)"'1 '" ' ' ' ll''1 v,l"''',1,l liMU itlon I ' ' k """1" "' "'" ' ,,v "' '' wmmmmmmmmmrmm r SAVE the LEATHER LIQUI DS aM PASTES For IJIoc k.Whlfc.Ttin ny 0-I3lood (cltirk brown) Shoes ICPFO YOUR CUnirc NEAT i org, : mr. iva' "N, mm if roMii r toni(ii,TiONs ivTTsffiftr MfiBimESje &8$$& ffl . . Hx5 Jtm H wMWMiMiwiiinii'iwMjiwwiiiaMMMMi Ha i iiw. hnii r.n wimtmAmmmvmamm0miiumiidtimttimimMtidVMiM'wnXim iinnn'w ' iniiXMbfc'iiHs. CAMELS will put more real enjoyment into your life than any cigarette you ever set between your lips! Camels refresh; Camels are the cheeriest work-and-play cigarettes that ever came your way! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos is a revelation! You have never smoked a cigarette like Camels! They give such unusual satisfaction! Y, tou do not huve Camel Cigarettes. The blend takes care of that!- For, you start right in as though you had been keen-on-Camels every day for a yearl Camels not only win your taste quickly and permanently, but they never tire it! Camels refreshing flavor and fragrance and coolness become more enjoyable all the time. 9 R. J. Wi,, .,.., un i,.j. .. i. ini'ii'.' t -vr "."A"; . dlli' il llin Jewels ur t In- furini r I 111 I'l'-"" ii iIIiiiiiiiiiiI, unn fuiiiiil in a rin i'ii! i in Km A luiv Unit Nlihnlii hIiiIiIic.I i', ii I'lilUlllild by i mlloi while In 1 1, i.. 1 1 n ik ri i ii , r t iii nun ilium ii, nil nlll.'l Illlil i luil kl h'iiii tin liein i.f III' llllm h k.iiiiuiiI Ii t ii.ini-, Tin llirlll, N Mill I1IM cptl-il n n on ' l-ll for Ik ti) lil. dm n it I ii ur ii nullum. Illilliri OVERALLS u v u t t, tjf r Keep Kids Klecn $1-50 the Suit A New Suit &FREE m ') if they rip t"f'AI Imitation I . It 'for tint K.l KOVERALLS fit o I'M orr. v.vcn RHkW-S! LtWjjjsriiYEiwssTa If VI STRAUSS tea H.J. I-, """vi. LotiMiaiiM A Co.,.Smi Frnnciico ...(.( CHAM) rm.'r it p.p.i t Tfe k ar.-..-2n M. nuriAio,N.Y. to cultivute n liking for mm trm.Ti !. o r 'tm n " 1 i'lsSS in 1 1 tm fc-TMM!MMll'lrTMWTMMJ"--JW ,v'y ft'i't A'l ",t in REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Snlem, N. C. 11? CMOS INKS fnon 01 131 LIST I'iiil". A i r 1 1 11 1 1 iini.H,iiiliMi. i' III III.' Ahhih luted I'm .n i 'll,,. jt mm in.' on tin- nlili ilii'U. i lUt of Mi.' Ami'Vli in l.xpcdllloiiir Folic Is l'ilnli' An, ii' inn) tin' In h I Is ('iiriiirii '.i'in'iifi'll lli'iui'i'ii (In- two niiiiifi in.- nunc Hum 2. mm, nun others ricnrgi. Washington, Aliriiliiim I, In. ruin, li.'iii'riil UIi'M S (Jriinl, llob "ri I! Lee, Woodrow Wilson, sevcni! (ih-iih unit ii fi.w 1 1 i him ii n Ih adorn in iiink with Intermittent fri'(iicn- I'X' llltlltIK ll'l' KlIllimilllllT lll-l'lllf of i In- firm v mnl imvv, Huti' Ih 'mi I'i'i' Wumltuw WlUim Hi' h ii iirlvnt". mnl iinorilliiK to "Ri ir mnl Strlit"" , I'ii- J'ihi lii'i'ii ilarii in tin- working pi iHuiiiii'l of IIiidd llniltiil No. 'J7. ". I'lfli wiin uri-'aiili'il In I'll IhImi r;ii 'ilii'ii- In nil iilinnilJIl'i' of lli'i ' Ii men or KIIMt llli'll In'liJillliK TI i.iiiiki WiiHlilnVoii" The iiiiiiU' of Mi Mttt pri'-lili'iil Is Kiiriuii 'iy T'l Itlll'l'll i: I.!'!', wl'ii lioliln (tic ri'. ir.'il Tor lii'nri'iH or i'h iiiiiiic of Brent ii i n 'I'll i1 1 1' mi- lint two AIiiiIiiiu CLEAN UP Willi ii (iOOl) i:icitrli' Vmiiiini I li'iiiii'r In jour Inline, jour rilU" illlil eiirpets ill lie i lemi l,l, Till: TI.Mi: not in.r.l) for ii eel or u nfler KprliiK liiiii-e i leaning. The ItOV.M. Swreper N one of the (iOOl) 1.1ml. It I- not the loiteM. mil' llie llluln'M pllriil eeper to lie hull, jel it l the niifl ellliient of II- t)pe, mnl ton run proie llil- lij ji llti:i: Tltll. In own liiniii'. Ilullt ii t to'liii .1, not iluwii to prli e. Link River Electrical Co. I'liont' 171.' The more liberally you smoke them, the greater your appreciation of their freedom from tongue-bite, and from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! Smoke Camels on a try-out. Put them to the severest test you know! For personal information, compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! "' l"4!';?'7'?t'V11' " ''"' '",-"-7'? i l.lii"iln mnl hi'vmi CriuilN, twi-lvi- . ifim ,'inl f.Hit ll'mnnnkM Aumiiif Him ioiiiiiiiiii ii'0ili',' llmro .ii' iiiiout "l.ono Hmlilm Trim hi t'u'l' triulllloniil'i. of ti.' dlri'i lorli'n of iii'Kt rltli'H, iIk-v i . ii.initi. thi' AmBit"iin i:xH'illli)ii t I'' ire In nnniliir-t Trim' an.' i?'l 'inn lolitiMoin. 22,'i'Mi Juiii'DOii anil i I - iiniiiiicr of (Jiiciih SiiIIIviiih an "i u.iic n "i'ii), III. in nil 0,(100 aril o'lfim 4, ".no oiiinioii iiiiri i I'liitt.Tv h ii Hurt of miiriil imrovlili ll MiniK iniiiiy ii uonuin'H lii'inl.--IIohIoii Triincrrlpt 'Ilml I'rotlm l.'il I'enre Mci'llliK They're nilllnn llieni "TIk- Allied I'ow-wow-erM," now The I'iihiInk Kliuu Your friend learned to wlm at the Hot HprliiKH ll.iih IIoiihc Why don't )"i'' It LEGAL NOTICES iti:soi,t"riov Vherean. The Common Coitnrll iIi'i'iiib it expedient to change tho crude on (ertaln portloiiH of Wanli ItiKton direct; He It Itemilved. That the crndo on U'aiililnKtoti Ktreet lie ohnnKed an fol Iiiwk At InterHertlori of WsmhlnRton and I'lrst trc'('tH, said j;rade Is hereby rlillllKfil' WeHt Klde Washington Ktreet. from ;'7n 0 pn north nlde and 270 o on couth Milo to 270 0 on north Hide and 'JCS o on mhiiIi Hide Kat Hide WanhlnKton Ktreet, from 2C.'i u on north side and 2G.V0 un Honth Hide, to 2Ci.o on north Hide and l'C;i s cm nouth Hide, At 170 feet eact from east lino of I'lrst street, on Washington Ktreet. from 23!'.0 on north side and 2V.I 0 on south side, to 23S 0 on north side and 23!) u on south side At intersection of WnHhlnnton and Second streets: . West side Wash ington street, from 231 0 on north Klde and -31.0 on south side, to 2.11 S on north side nnd 230.0 on south side Kast side Waslilticton street, from 22'J r. on Jiorlh side and 229. f. on Kiiilh Hlit., to 231 0 on north side n ml 230 o on south sldo. At 115 feet east of east lino of Sec ond street on WashlnKlon street, from 230.0 on north side) and 230.0 on south side, to 232.0 on north sldo and 232.0 on south aide. Stole of Oregon. Countv of Klamath, ss: Cliv of Klamnlh Falls. I ,A I. Lenvltt, I'olioc Jmlcc of said cm . do hereby certify that tho foreculni; hi a duly enrolled copy of the resolution changing grade on cer tain portions of Washington street. I fit above, set rortli n piied tiy (he ''ouimori i mini ll of the City of Klam ath I'ViIIh. Orison, on March 17h l!l. A U, J.BAVITT. 1-101 1'iillce .TudKc Dupartment of the Interior, V S. Ilfclnm Hon .Snl e KHniHth Fill'., ftnsoti. April Jst. l&Ui I'urHjant to net of Congrnvi approved February 2. 1911 (30 Blitf . 83.1.I, the I'nitoi Bin lei a- 1 1 1 offer fur sale at pii.ihn am Hon, to the MjjhoHf bidder, at 2 p. m. May 12th. l!ii:i, at the -iMI'.' of the I'nlteil Stntcn Itoflnmntlon fler ;lce( Klamath KnllH. (JrcKO". alenit one mile of canal of n'lou' fifty st-ond-feet enpnrlty (loci'lly kn jv n in the Ankeny eannli, sltM'ite in SV'i SIV',1 Bee 29, SK,i Sec 30. N'KH NK' Sec. 81. nnd W'-j NW' Sec. 32. all In Township 38 S. Kange 9 K. W M . together with powTtr site sll ue.tfd In lot K of Section- 32. Town hlp 3S South, Kanite 9 Kast. W M.. Klamath County, Oregon, subject to the rights of owners of certain lots and parcels of land In the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, to take and use therefrom a total of approximate- ly five (si miner's Inches of water for irrgatlon and domestic purposes The canal right of way is burdened w.tli an obligation to deliver water to a few certain tracts and will be sold subject to this obligation. The sale will be made on the following terms: ' one-fourth pnab)c when the transac tion Is compliti-d :one-fourth In one year; one-fourth In two years, and the remainder In three years De ferred payments will draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. N'o bid will be accepted for less than the appraised value, and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. For detailed list of property and oth er Information, address The L'nlted States Iteclamat'on Service, Klamath Falls Oregon. 4 11 IS 25 2 ft.'.l.t: OF IIMIJFIt Healed proposals n duplicate, each In an envelope marked "Proposal for tribal tlmbr." and directed to the Suiervisor in charge. Klamath Indian Schoo'. Klamath Agency, Ore gon, will be received until 12 o clock noon. Pacific Coast time, April 30, 1919, for the purchase of the mer chantable saw timber on the follow ing deccrlbed lands: Portions of sec tions 25 end 2C. T. 31 S , It. 7 E., W. .v., comprising all tribal timber. The timber is estimated at approxi mately 3 000, ooo feet, all yellow pine. The lowest bid per thousand feet, board measure, log scale, which will be considered for this timber Is $3.35. All timber must be cut. re moved and paid for under regula tion prescribed by the Commissioner of Indian AffuSrs before Dec. 31. 1919. With earh pro-iosal a certified chock amounting to $500.00 must be submitted. This check should be drawn In favor of the supervisor In charge. Klamath Averse-. O'egon. Cheeks Of unsuccessful bidders will ho returned, and that of the success ful Mdd-r will be nopMed townrd t"ie payment on tho timber o retain -i .is a forfeit If the bid is accepted, and the bidder falls to enter Into contrft for tho purchase of th timber mthln thirty days 'rom the date of the ac ceptance ofMhe proposal. The tlm'ier must be paid for In advance of cut ting by deposits of not less than $1,000.00 each. The right of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to J waive technical defe. 3 In the ad vertisement and propmal and to te Ject any and all bills is reserved. Further information as to the timber and regulations concerning timber sales may be obtained from the Su pervisor in charge, Klamath Agency, Oregon. Klamath Agency, Oregon, March 29. 1919. 1 4 S 11 15 IS 22 25 29 GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it In to get quick, comfort ing relief Cr.ce you've tried it on that stiff j-Ir-t, sere muscle, sciatic pain, rhcu- . .'i tvince, lame back, you'll find a vMrm, eoothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A larce bottle mcana economy. Your own or any other druggist has it. Get it today. 30c, 60c and $1.20 "OH, IF I COULD BREAK THIS COLD!" Almost ns soon as said with Dr. King's New Discovery Get a bottle today I The rapidity with which this fifty year-old family remedy relieves coughs, colds and mild bronchial attacks is what has kept its popularity on the Increase year by year. This standard reliever of colds and coughing spells never loses friends. It docs quickly and pleasantly what it is recommended to do. One trial puts it In your medicine cabinet as absolutely indispensable. 60c and $1.20. Bowels Usually Clogged? Regulate them with safe, cure, com fortable Dr. King's New Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, Eour stomach, tongue coat, by climin. Ming the bowel-clogsincss. 25c, iism t iiiwici: vr in.M.r.t i:sti u si mm v. TbiJ Socl'ble peoplo of tin lienl dlsirld, ami this lnliiile every one v, ho I'ves there ar plianfng to hai n b sket dinner on Kuster Suii'lr. at the Henley Schoo', axordlng to unnouniement made todiy, and 'i' Done is invited to (ome nnd bring good lunch. I'KijrfcsalUNM. v-MKUi Riverside Cabinet Shop All Kinds of Furniture Ociicral Furniture Id-pairing S rcens for Wlnilmt-. unit Screen floors MiiiHOKs ici:smvki:i:ii lit SIMS HT. A. Mauritsch High est cash prices paid for fine OlCIXiO.V INDIAN FII'KS ASH OTIIKII HKUCS 1'ostoflice Uox 26G KI.AMATH FALLS. OKE. Till: I'.UtlSI.W HKAl'TY SIIOI' The I turner Method 5 of Scalp Treatment and Shampoo ing. Facial Treatment. Manicuring .Till M.iln St. Finnic .'!(((! ii. c. schlkkf kathkium: schli:kf i l'li)slclans anil Surgeon Ollicc. While lllilg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to III. Triinv Suit 20(1. I. O. O. F. IthlK Olllce pbiine 8C.I III". I'liiiiic hflM DR. CARTER IlK.NTI.ST Winn: nru.iuNG I'Uoxk ma DENTISTS Dr. E G. Wisecarver I'jioxs :tni Dr. P. M. Noel ' I'HONK -1 Over Cmlcrvi nod's Seventh and Main Streets MMAAAM FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loom is Uldg., Klamath Palls CITY AMI COUNTY AIISTKAOT COMPANY B17 Main AUTHL'i; It. WILSON "Manager f I PR F R GnPDARD ONtcoHililr llivNi-liin M Hnrgeoa Millie 21 1. I. O. O. V. Temple (over K. K. K. Htore) I'bone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl- cIhii uud Surgeon In Klamith Falls ) w SAW MILL ENC.lNEEItlNti & COXSTKUCTION co. Designers mid builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Ilox Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appralsuls uud reports made. Dredging. Wo con tract to build liny class of a building uud install uinchliiery of any klud. Drafting of any kind done, lllue Prints made. I'HONK 140.1 Otlice in K. D. Uulltling WWWMsSVivViWWNW,Xiiii' LIEUT. IIEKIIEIIT A. I'OACJE Architect uud Structural Fnglnecr Klamath Falls, Ore. 207 Odd Ft'llovts Dulldlng IlECKAIll) KENT 8ICKVJCK Phone SO Mgtit Phono airs