The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TK Fvnincr Hra A Uuckot wlno ' oponinR m it, col-
i ne evening neraia.nmil, n ,yinlM,ulll l)t Morlos nni,
M I' I! It
ICKomls, una of fuels. It thoro nr onny.
, about thnn undent myth. It Is, per
, Imps, usldo from tlio discussion.
Inhllh.,l .inllv except Sunday hv,,.hU,!h "" ,nlw"'nB cl
The Herald I'lililWhluc Company of ,,mu' to ,u,,u tlliU KhrIo cot tho
Klamath Knllo. ill lift Koutth street
Knterod nt tne postofflca nt Klam
th Fa IK Oro , for transmission thin
the mails na secnnd-clsts mutter
Subscription term by mall to any
address In the United Stales:
One year 15.00
Ono month . . . 50
Impulse for Its laudable plan from n
lettor wrlttun by one. Tyra Allen of
rendlcton. With customary Journal
istic Rallnntry, thu editor printed tlui
letter, tiitl made a movtui; appeal to
the romantic Instincts of his male
readers by nskltiK them to toll the
young lady whatever they, or any of
them, might know about llluo Muck-
mm lai
Then, too, l hoy hao their repilnr
nunniineor ho ha uciiiiel a fluent
speech In lecountliiK the won lei of
I'iiiIpIiiii iit'chltoctiiie The M" '
uuih are kciioi illy rniidn n I h
i.onio lepiesenliitUo of t'e YoutiK
Men's Chilstliin Association, while,
the lliltlshci's are seixcd " mem
Km of the Hllll-di women h .uv'llim
i ipuiUiitUm.
Theie also Is In operntlim for tlio
uleiiiii of the witr, a line of liillyho
coiiche These u l ",l 'h'liuinl
ln.auite of their uoxellv for tlio Am
ei H mis "iiumhlow." iiriiiy mil sen,
nitlllerymeii, the, m ny took and the
rim iiimKsiiillh pile Into the eoieh.
Puc'led hluh above tlio wheels, the)
f the slKhis of I'm Is with holiday
Herald's Classified Advs.
WAS1IINUTON, Apill 11 The
t'nlted States Fuel Administration
has tailed attention to the ostlmutes
ot. Tho (lrst result of the newspaper ' hist October that 1.2SO.0HI
hunt for tho historic golden tleeco
SIciiiIht nf tin Associated lrt
The Associated 1'ress Is exclusively
entitled to the uc tor republication was a vigorous letter of protest from
of all new, dispatches credited to It Tyra Allen that ho Is not . school Klrl
or not otherwise credited In this pa- ,,,v ,i ,
per. and also local news ubliuc.l W,th KoUten cl,rla' "kX'B " "rite
heron. '" essay on something she knows
All rights of republication of spe- nothing' about, but he Is, he says, "u
elal dispatches herein are also re-1 vllllan ot the old school, whoso wills-
KltlDAY, AI'llII. It, ItllU.
tons of coal were saved during seven
months last year thtough the opera
tion of tho "Daylight Sivlng" law
The plan was adopted lu tho I'nlt.
ed States after Its success had been
demonstrated In (trout Itrlfilii.
Fiance, Italy, Germany. Austria, Hol
land. Denmark, Sweden, -.Norway,
l'ortugil, Australia, and Iceland In
Kuiopean countries the period dur
ing which tho clock is advanced Is in
most cases shoiter than the sown
months adopted as the fulled States
plan, bcciuso Kuropo Is further from
the cquntor than this countrv. and
oirlv sunrise prevails dm lug a mm h
,kets are turning gray from the fro3ts
, of over forty winters spent in the
wild and picturesque mountains of
, Eastern Oregon." Yet evidently tho
fancy of tho old prospector still
Following our policy ot keeping yearns for news of Hluo Hucket.
the Herald just one step ahead of the! The storv of ,,,Uo ni.ckot ,oI(1 ln
city, your paper comes to you to- Horner's "Oregon" Is that some chll-
nlght enlarged to eight pages. This ,lrell wh,0 cncnm)tf,i tm tho Mlll1L.tlr ,.,,,,. ,l0rt,m of the jear.
-,:, .u uc ,uC . ui i..K ...-..., ... uiu Hiver. with an emigrant train, found i (;relt Itrltaln the plan is opera
future. V do not, however, take to some si,ning pebbles Inn brook .They tivt only dining Tour ami a half
ourselves the credit for this growth. ,vere thrown in a blue bucket and months whllo In Frinre thu clocks
-It is duo entirely to the liberal, uu- brought to camp, where they were do- nie moved forward foi a period of on
selfish support of our advertisers. In clared to bo gold. Tho story of tho lv three and a It'ilf months.
.appreciation of this unstinted patron- supposed find spread until it was fu--age.
we are going to bend our ener- n,uiar throughout tho Northwest,
gles to giving to them and our sub- where hundreds and thousands were
scribers one of the best newspapers In sUU easy to exct0 over reports of
the state. We are going to ask, yes. fabulous discoveries. Its effect was
urge, our readers to remember thel,)articulary to-HtimuliUo gold hunt
hnslness men whose advertising Is lng ,n Eastern Oregon. A party of
making the Herald a bigger and bet- five David Littletield. Henry Grltlln,
Ter paper. Head their advertising, William Stafford and C. W. Scriber
snd buy fronMhein. wa3 organized In Portland In 1S61;
in ?u. uu a.c uunib ": " and under the guidance of a man
hammer down the high cost ot living named Adams, set out to find the
than anything else you may try. BUB rucket diggings. The guide lost
Coal pioductlon in this countrv
having been at a low ebh for the lat
five months, there are fears of n -e.
vere shortage next winter, particular
ly If the weather should he cold and
stormy. The economy which will he
effected by the "daylight saving"
liw thl.s ) ear, therefoie, may prove
to he a direct ndwintige.
Monthly meeting of Duslness Asso
ciation .Monday evening. April Hlh.
.Moose Hall. Banquet. 6:4.1 p. in.
Matters of Interest to Klamath Falls
From time to time we are going to i,i0 ,,.,,,- i,iii,l,,,i to be discussed . C. anhtnon,
"tell you why you should patronize the a,i discovered gold on Elk Creek. It SecrcturJ;
advertisers in the Herald, and we is salll to have !,een the Ilrst placer
think we will be abje to convince you uncovered In Eastern .Oregon, an.
that it Is your plain, honest duty to otuer KOi,i districts were found ami
do so. They are serving you In a (pvclnreri
direct, personaMvay, by saving your But the mystery of Blue Hucket is
-money, and common gratitude do- nsoived. Perhaps there was such a
mands that you show them-your ap- mne; perhaps not. Let it be hoped
preciation by your patronage. In do- tllat tlle jJluo .Mountain Eagle will as
ing so. 3-ou are serving your own in- certain the truth. There are still In
terests more than those of the busi- ns mnny men w10 bellcvod It once.
Tess house that solicits your patron- antj some 0f them acted on their be
ase. Hef. A few believe It yet. Oregon-
'To make 'the Herald the-paper w-e"an
want to see it from a news standpoint '
PARIS. (Coriespondem e of the As
sociated I'rees) I'arls Is full of mili
tary tourists, personally comlm d
tho not by the usual professional
coips of guides and tourist 'gouuos
Americans, Enrllsli soldlei t'an.i
The good ne that his on, Rob- dlllnSi Australians uml Now Ke.iland-
crt has reached Helton on his way ,irov,u tila ci,lef mcinhei-liip of
home safely, has Just reached J. ,i, uii,,-, tmritnii t. im Klein.
Therefore, if you will call the Frank A(llnl3 uy wire. Xf) particulars EeeI,;K aiitomolilles. termed In tour-
1st vernacular "riibberneck wagons"
swerve thru tho .streets of I'arls al
ways filled with overseas visitors.
it will be necessary to have the co
operation ot Its readers. We try to
get all the news, and we do get all of
the important happenings. It Is,
however, impossible to record all of
the goings and comings of the people
of the city and county without your
Herald and tell us when you are go- were given e.s to when the young
ing away, or when you return, or If ,an cpuld get home, but It is be-
you have a friend visiting you, or Heved that he will bo released In the
leaving, we will appreciate it, our near future.
readers will appreciate it, and you "Dob" W3S with the One Hundred
will be doing your part ln making the and First Infantry and saw' active
Herald a live newspaper. When you service in some of the hardest fought
say: "This darned paper hasn't a battles of the last campaign. He
bit of news ln it." Just-ask yourself I was wounded once, but recovered
Children's and Boys'
Footwear at Reasonable
As all mothers know, shoes- are very high, and
there are many shoes that, even at the high prices,
do not give the service--but we can truthfully say
that out shoes will give absolute- satisfaction.
Shoes for growing boys and girls, from 2 L. small
size to 2 in the largersize.
Fifty differont stylos to pick from, in black, tan,
gray, brown and mixed colors. They are foot form
shoes ,and preserve the natural arch and form of
the feet and toes, and this store takes pride in prop
erly lilting children's shoes.
We keej) buttons and rips sewed as long as the
shoes last: Our low rent and no clerk hire enables
us to make prices that defy competition in this
class of goods.
Bradley Shoe Store
how often you have tried to give it an
Item, and recall how many times you
have known of an important or in
teresting piece of news and kept it to
yourself. We are not mind readers,
nor super-beings. We must learn
about what we print by word of
mouth, and if you will give us Just a
little help you will And how much
more Interested you will be in your
NEW YORK. Al'rll 11. The trans
port "Julia I,ukenback" carrying tho
157tn Infantry complete and which,
reported a lost pinrJeller at sea, ar-'
lived off Ambose light ship todd,
WHKKK WAS THE BLUK BUCKKT? ' The men are from the 40th, National
Guard Division from California, NeV-
Thc Blue Mountain Eagle has set i.da, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and
out on a belated search for the Blue New Mtxlco.
soon. His many menus in jviam
ath County will be glad to see him
For the Lunch Bucket
or An Outing
Then- I nothliiK that will fill tlic 1)111 quite n well ax koi.ii of tlio
many thliw Hint we list below. And baddes, they are uIwhh .1.
Mruulr for the table when jou arc twlied for u "quick meal.'
FrankN Meat TreatH, French ntsle. per can 20c
FrankH Vienna HauwiRe, In nice wiuce, p-v can f
FrankH llamburjc Kteak, ready to eat, per ciin -
Frank. Chicken and Beef Broth a fine article -
Bed Crowl Veal I-oaf. pure and wholesome, per can "'"'
Bed Crown Deviled Meats, wit h key open UH ; and 1
Fancy Chicken Tamule. that will appeal to you s rr
Wellinan Fancy Crab Meat, choice ami sweet, per can ....- ... c
AVellman Fancy Lobsters, none better, two slw-s U Y,,
Wellinan Fancy Tuna Fish, per can -"
Wellinan Ktra lro Giant Olives, "Best Kver," per ran OOr
AVellman Fruit Hnlad, "5 iiiT." Just try It, can )c
Ited Crown Mime Meat, In packages; a "pick-up," and Is .V... 1
lilKli Brade Hoods. This we will sell as lonK as lu stock at
two packages 'or - "
1 ours to please, nausjucllou "or money back,"
Call 2(M, and we'll do the rest.
As a Grand Finale tothe best Western Night Entertainment yet
given by the Elks, arrangements have been made for the presence
of ten Indians, who will take active part in the entertainment.
They will play the great Indian gambling game, G. G. Y. With
their wonderful Navajo blankets spread on the floor, they will
give a touch of high life that will be unique and interesting. '
Another feature will be
The Shaker Dance
One of the most astonishingly picturesque affairs ever witnessed.
In this dance are to be used the wonderful silver bells ,the sweet
tones of which are noted throughout the West.
All the other interesting and spectacular games and amusements
will be staged also.
We have a surprise for you tonight Come and see what it is.
Public is cordially invited to come, stay as long as you like, and
be a real Westerner.
"' 1 1 srt
NV" aim.
"It nf "
'I fnl
nil ii
'i -act
I'lies'i: t'l'vms .
nut hai.k on i:v n
lien, unci :; mil ,
on 1! Kood roudn, w . it
III cultivation, a In ,
Iioiiiu Unci, parth I.
tmiilhtti'Nt ot Kuiti'ii.
luu Kiiod IiiIn Iiim i,
hlr.h Kchiml Will v
till Of tllimii Hirer ,M
tdiVp or cut tie lit I ,,
r lit 11 roll'lltll'H Willi
111 vl xiihmll UllMt ,ni
C.ilnv, AnIiIiiihI. Out,"-!
I'Oll HAI.K Tin.... I,,,.
no in lor nruii rami i .. .
leKldeiirn lilts, do.,, m ,, . ,5'
bent Iiii'oiiik pro KlnmlVs
Kulls; lulc hind in i,,,,,, , '"'"'
small W H. HIoiikIi , "
SKI'.I) II VK for miIk in , ,,"
tin, Ori'Kon , Cl, '
I'OU HAI.K Hi: i, .,i u l.,
HW '..and Sff.t . tt, ',"
T Twp :t!i. lt.ti.K- ' iii.i it,,. 'Np
N'lJi, of Her :tC. !,, iti.tiKt. in
Jill pur iicro. Adilr. .. ,., j..,,'
Hl.HM.rl Hunt, Itini.lnir, nr,. 9 j,"
" ' ' mil,
' ""I road,
,'" '" i:mr;
'""K" 'my or
r' ' " (,r Mud.
"' r Klin,.
'r l"'l.tti,r,
inn- v
'"''lies ,.
I'OU tlVI.K Ciu.rl ., .
siuul-liKiirilli'ii-t i hii,
!'::.; Muln n.
"'I'll De.
I'OU sai.i: A IH-i . I. t- I ,,.
I m: vtorkliiKini'M . i.,, i, i iiian
iish reiinlri'il A.'.li. i i . ",a
street, clt)'. ( i; '
Hill SAI.K I'll,, r , , ti. tn0(f.
urn liiiirui.iii.iii r..r . ,r i,T 0.
er; rime In: furiilliiri' it .. nirnl a.
clinllui; pliiiio Kii.iuirr I'mnk M
I'pp. '1 1 Main l i (
KOU SAI.K ( i r. hamlli
Iiiiiiii., jiiciitnt mi irtiKHteil ranch
mi IllKhwiiy' Adilti-HK tiMitrr rnr of
Kvi'iiliiK lienild Si-K
FOIl HAI.K- New thr rii.nii m.rn
lillllKlilinv. oil pitted tr,...( rlin,. In,
misy terms mill Imrnain Si-t. nif.
Jitini's SI. WntkltiH Jr C I Vtninnt.
or illume r.'nlt lu It
Kt'llNISIIKH r 0
I'uUon. OJH Murki'i I'li.m.. lilt
KOU UKNT N't -imn rnrnHhM
' ' 'ii'itii" ''r .'..nil. n, n in mini
cm home. Mo w ilium i II Jt
I'fU.N'lHHKI) AI'AK I'M I Ms in rnl
Third uml Mul'i i- I'I.-iii- H9
lO-3f '
- . , - -
I'OU UKNT T.i fiiriii.timl l.r,l.
rooms. i;.1i Citili i t(
nrr" tlllo hind i,f K, . mill llr.iin
ui illntrlct. m-iir M'ilti',1 .mil Wnr
linn; BtllluMti fir era in. . it'll, ttn't
ciin tm dlv!dd loin t . . trn fiu.l
Hill!. M MotKClll'llt. I. I. i I. liiril'U.
W S. HIoiikIi. roiniultii I
mi: SAI.K t'hctr.ili'i ...r ii' cikhI
itH ni'iv, J5ui). Kiniinri llnttii-Rar-nK.
KOU SAI.K- (liiinl four r.inm him(
liiur hlnll .chiml. prl nlv 11.001
on cany ti'riim. Clillroti Smith 9-lt
roil HAI.K- .Moilcrn four room huue
near 11th Htrcct pavement, excel
lout condlllon and cheap at J 1.500;
tcriiiM; liunifdlato pinHemilon. Chll
coin A Smith. ,-t.
KOU SAI.K Dandy the room ImnRa
low on Kapliinailn, with nrn place,
Hcri'Diicd front and hack pnrchM.
lawn, bits let: price only 12 :50. with
$2C!i ciihIi. Chllcotf & s'jtI'l:3.;
MAN AND WIKK Kxpurleiiriil, ont
Job on ranch. W. II flln. lutel
Hall. "-
I IIAVK 40 acres of land I "III trn'1"
for city property. What hare you.
MIIIh Addition preferred ",2 "ttK
Mmet. "
WANTKD llurrcd Hock und KhwU
iHlnnd huiiH or roimterK. l I"'
le) ,,'i'rkel price. Aclilrerm o. u.
Allyn, 3U, Weed, Calif. -
WANTKDHpau of inareH. 5 In i 7
yrnrH old; wnlKht :I0 to .1 Frcu
W. UlionInK, 1U2I) M'fn ,,, 10' .
WANTKD lluckH In paKliir.) on IIM"
iHluuil; Kood KraHH, plenty of :
tor; caroful nttentlcui h' M "
enro-tnkor. J 11. Swift. Nl""aUl
s .lirn
Tho liidlCH of tho Kiiiinaiiiicl liar
tlHt Church will hold n .'k1,,V'a
hiiIo Saturd.iy April latli ut 1 I
nt tho JohnHtomi I''""'11""'.!;
719 Main St. llrlnK yr '"" tar "
Von ur HollclKid Hecioltiiy
Tlio M popiilailty "' ,,1,,,.T1,"iIi!!
IcIcn U rrtliH-lwl In the fuel '",,.
lnK IIMH this iiwKn-NNlw " I' ' '
Hiied morn thnn ai. "" '1 ,h
life buHlncHM. AkW nilleote A Sn
about the NKW ll l"'"'1''
t n Trnvi'lerH iiccldent ini'l l'"'Jl;
policy ami pnilrd nr ',,,n"'!
into & Hnillli, Ak"1
M. K. (Iray, M. K. 'y ,r- 1'1'1''
aid (lrny und llorl A. Miwoii f" "
party of Klnmutli Kulli vlll ,rn'
11. 9 O.Iohhii Hiiclluii. The vialtiTB w
Kin-Ma ut tho Whlto l'nllcai noiu.
. . TT! .... w i.lrt pl''cd
.loiin uarioycorii nn n,.i,ne
n tlio Him. but lu. Huh HIh uunni'i'i"
(Irconvlllu I'leniiioiii