oitmial i:vr.n 01 KLAMATH IWLI.H Thirteenth Year No. 3,593 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919 Price, Five Cents Ml UN , iibference II EXPECTED EUGENE SAILOR PROVES A HERO IM'CI.'Ni:, Ailll II () ivh , nliiglnii. foimxr Iiiikp.Imi of till-. clt but iiiddi icrxtilly nf ilm imy, In d covering fm m iiruhm NiMtnlnxd Id Hi'xitneulir rescue -of it ir-jimr-old Cllllll fllllll ll..MV li.Jllll III' 1 1' Hllxm recently, iIxIiiIIh of which Ihim Jut been rxrxlxd. , Mr IVitnliiKtuii was tnturnliiK l nugxim aflxr ixuilvliiK lil,i ilUclniiKi. nt llrniiirlnn Hexing Ilm runiwiiy mill realising thx I'nngxr of I In- II tt to chli ln lmi')i friini the linli;,i which wi'. mnvliiK nl a good iiilf, i WILSON IS SUCLLSarUL "l'rlm-tl out in.) yards and grabbed GRAFT SCANDAL OREGON'S I FINE SHORTHORNS I GIVEN BELGIANS FROMNEWYORK Nerly All Questions dared Settled Dc- STAHTLIM1 At'lTSATION'S .Mil: hivkn iiv siixatoh m:JAiii). ii ivi:itTi'iti:s iiio.m iiid tiia.tion cohimihatiox HISTORY KEPT .STATU I.IHItAIHAN WHO Is HIS. IOHIAN IS WOHKIXH IIAIII) TO i'iti:wi:ui: acm-hati: data or AI.IIANY. April II. Senator HAI.K.M. April II. tlu rxliiH iif tin. plunging horses, Ilx t'i'orge Thompson of Niagara lnlcl tlm l"r of Oiognn, ha wrlltxu In iIkxiIh of LONDON, April II Hix hundred ttl'iiillinrii little of tlm viii) lii-Kt liri'i'il Iiiiii bxxn prxHimtnd liy tint lt(i)iii Agileiiltnrul Hoclxty of Hrxit Hrltnlii In Hut people of llnlglum, mid !IUp of them hnvo already reached fill ill" In tlm vlilnlly of llrugxs Tlin rcmiiliulcr will follow hi a few weeks Tin' 1'iiltli', which urn uIiiimI nt VJilii.iHMI, w In, Hillilili'inniitcil tn TIIOSK WHO "l) Tlli:m lirr.'illi.' ni.nr fntiiri. with uililltloiiiil ulftH nftir wlili h uioix initio uru to In sent n Kirlilii tt if (1 Franco to take the Tlm war liln- pliin'i" f Iliu llvciitorlc killed or rnr- llol uuiiy liy the (inriiiHii Inviidxm II w WIN OF S r N Fifty New Names Added to Roster Yesterday wits Jerked under tlm hours of tin- Heiuitt, uiiuinlUex toiliiy Hint Itlrhurd -lr liy innii In tlix servile oversells' M"''''y ,or J'"" K,f,M " ,,cl,,K lloM. . . . - Mllll II II I Hill ll'lllll ull illllll.. kulall.H TS THRU txrrlflml i.nl.....l. . i...r i ...... . . ... ' '" " r.ngnsn cniuo ruiniliK ... , ' "" nurse oi jsxw ViirK tolil ! I lit Hint ""criiuii ity hiiiiiixih hi rumps "II J roimtlnn mill leiiilern of the move. C.llllll lirlllg UlKltl III II Mt)t ... .... ,. , . , , .. , . , I llllllieH, llll.l Wnilttrs or 1110 IIIOVO' m If lix would imHlm ihn pannage of tlm "'l ""I" Hix water mill In pithou- nmut expect tlm fund to rxucli $,. Iiurxiinxil trnllxy turn bill tlm Kovxrn- "' 'inltuoi liy tliiwx oiiniilx ilm BOii.nnu wltliln tlm next fow iiiontlm lonililp of Nxw York wnulil hit Hrcurxil riinl.ii. who hxlpxil "rurry on" to tlm' I for him. mill Hint Hut triictlon Intnr- '""t "f tht'lr iihlllly nt honm, will i't until riilmi half n million ilnlturn ll" pixuri'il In tlm Htntx lirrhlvxii ' for IiIh ciiiupiilKti. , thru Hip xlfnitx of Ktnlit HlHlorlmi TIiiiiiiiaiiii ilxclnrxil Hint fornmr ''''"'xllii Miirtln MIdh Marvin, who timxrnor Whllmiin liml Inlkxtl ulih n," '" ""l1" Hhrnrlnn Ih piinIiIiik Hix ' . .. ..-i .......... ... nun i unit tlm miiiiix innltiir i "'" " ' '" ' k'""wj i" xvxry iminiy oi i -' OrttKon mill linn unmi-it iininty li Ih-' G Ml I MOVK KI'ltKAI'lXti KHO.M It.WAU. I A TO IIAHCX. AHITATOItK VKIIV HfSV. (iKIIMAN AI'STItlA .NOW thhkati:m:i) ('OI'K.NIIAHKN. April II Tlm n (iliitoniiry mo; xnmtit In llniirln Iiiih now iiprxiil to llaili'ii mill iiKltiitori II III l.llllll IlllIllI'M III lllf.Il I l..u ... I...... .I...I- ll..... . nro now worklnif lii KnrlHriiiix. Mn.m. "iliio.it tlix liinihxrliiK Ini'iimry. In ....... ....;.....:-:.. '..V' . .... t'ikx nir,. of Ilm iinroniplxtxil mnttxrH ". "' ,u"u """ ' l-eliu mill othxr InrRx li.n Tlm Imik nl hU piut mul U In fliu, WHo irv iirlr.. ilurlnit Hm nr U ...I.I m " '''"-lty In ixRiinl to tlm Htrnhorn h0 M"",ort " ", """",t "i.t. ,. . ,nr' "",,,u uiirinK nx wnr, in hiiiii to ..... . . ., iiiimiiis ho nitirli to Hie ilxvoloiinixnt of CominiinUU hnvx formxil ,, Com- for Ihx nlln,!,,,- , ,,, vml.iti. ramp,. , nviilliiblo thru tlm rxionU of uir., ,u'ro'"1 W, """""l ut " ''""' "'iKInmnth KnllH Klnnmtli County and ..Minim Kov.nmi.it thxrx .11 mlnrf H-x I.ovh. who wnl to work In tlm Ion. brnnchxi. Tlm AilJ.ilnnt (Jxnor.i ,"","',' ' "iKlit nt the Whllit t.t.nrn 0 other Kovxriinmnt i.mpxrn Hnihxr Mr Itymi linn l.oxn Multlnc nl Iiba Hix nniiiim of r..()28 mxn of tlm ''""''"" UalKl T,I.U commltlo inn-. ()ne of KTnllttlnB I1B ,, (ixriunn Austria lKxporlx.1 to l,x nroiiml Hi), liny rountry for tlu pnut Ori'Kon Niitlon.il On.iril w,,, .wnr ,H "' J A '"lor.. A. A llllin.in. ,(.Iltw, ,,.,,.,.', ,',,,, ,I10(.nlt rum-UK unilpr li,, liiriui.tiio of thx x nxxkn nn.l JuiIkIiik from lit- n rnfti-.l iik nn oritunlxntlon. thorx U J " HIciihiiih. LchIIo HoRurn nn.l ,.,,,,. . ,, , Riplil l-rngri1" H.i- II .Mnilx In rl Forlj-KlKliI Hour Altrn Knli nf thr MonriM- DiKtrlnx Will ut He Imnlhlnlxil Knxni) Will MpilViirrDnl) IIiimiI mi II liilnl PAHIS. ril 1 1 Tlm pxnex coif fwnce li nnw rxuclixil un iiKrxx. ntnt on M utixntliiiiH r.mrxrnliiK p 1th Orrmnnv anil tlm prxpur itliint of Inildiinltl."' an.l thx fron-' lien of thr Ktiltu' anil I'ulaiiil, nr i wnllntt to an minminu'iuxiii mn.lu to-, l djjrby thcifcrriar) of I'rxmlxr I.loyil Cforje The few ih'talU rxmnlnliiK till probabl) be ncllli'it In thx lixtl toor thrre .liO" u i Ninlxil. i WASIIINOTON I) C. April 11. ' AJtIm to the White lluiux loilny iiiiy tlat more proKreii. Iiiih tixen mnili) In At ttut eonfereiire In thx pant forty- dbt hour thun iluriiiR Ihx entire preiloai to nrxk It It Indicated that Prrnlilxnt VI mi hu ifcurnl the arcvptuncx of cxr Uls Important ikiIiiIh for which hi) biibn canten.lInK , PAWS, April 11 While thx txxt cf the Monroe. Durtrinx auixnilmxiit adopted by the I.e.iRiix of NutloiiH toamliilon lant iilcht It wllhlixlil, Iih nils feature are nliini; tlm follow lot lines cf Arllrlx 10. which h:ih "Xothlnx In thin cowminl hIiiiII hit conitrued an IntalliliitliiK any iiKrxx aenl mch a the M.mroii Dortrlnx, for the maintenance of peacx " UMtM.V, April 11 -Count von Brokdorff llantiau furelRii nilnlntur. ipeaklaB before the national iihsxiii- My t Weimar Haul Hint (Jorniuny ouli! not sign u pc.ici. trxnty whlrh ' detUteil In any csm'titlnl from Hid Thx occdhIoii of thx KlkH Wxnlorn fourteen peace pointH of 1'ri-nlilitiit NIkIiId In IIiIh city which hiu hxxn Wlon Heiahl The llniinclnl ilx- nnniint xvxnlH for Ilm piwtl Hiivcnil, ndi are catiBliiK our oipouxntH nn yxurn, Imvu bxxn n Krxnt hiiccivih, t much dirllculty an thiiHx rt'KiirillnK ,IIU ",',, J",,,r l,lny ""' tmiklriK n IiIk-I territory, anil it h iinpoHlhlu to hoIvo Kr ''" t'ul" ,n'r If tllH iiHi'n.lmicn "ill question ulth.mt nvRotliitlon IHt nlKht IhIo hx tiikxu iih n.lli'iitlon t.i. ... . ........ . .." iiu uur experts at the confxrxn:it '" ""' row.is ioihkiu nun lomorrow tab,e- We will innkx n clear uccount "'K'"- loouropponentn relatlvu to tlmlr ilu- T1' i'""!""?" t''1" yr ru morn xliihointn thun ever huforx anil hoiiiu noxl InnovatlotiH hnvo hxxn Intro iluccil, Oim nxw feature which prcnxil u Kroat drawing canl Ian! night wi.h thn rufflliiK off of viiiIoiih piUuk fur- r.lHliud liy NKW YOI-.K. Anrll li - K..H..V. lorlmn In co-opxtiitx In kxHIiik tlm xriinr WhU unit hait ilenleil thx Htuto- iniiuloim aliiiiuut o'f iliita rxinilrxd.1 i;xi:TTIVi: fOMMITTKI un nmi pnun DDRDI EMC IID ENTHUSIASTIC MEET I'roriiliiriit Mrn of City Apprar IWv. font IUmI)- mill ONruxN IH-rrlop-iiu-nl Mullxr. ToiiMltuHon 4 ll)-lrfiN Arx AiloptiNl Itlfc n Kriim fur Year ItxIiiR Mappol Out. nii'l.l nmi'ii liy .Soiiatur ThompHoii rx Kiii'llni: ilm triictlon compnny hrlhx JIMMY'S BACK Thxix Ih Jo." In tlm rank of thx liiinhxr IiiiIh, for fmnxH Itymi, or -Jlnini)" ltnn. iih lm Ik lixttxr known TIlllM fur III., mill1 ui.r l.li.l.pv .if ' '" " ! ... mi (irxKou iimthi'iih mill nctiiiilly in ' I. mill, is Hint or thx 147th r'litl.l .-.r-j llllxry, lomplxtx to Jiinunry Mill). Koum of Hut u n I ti tint plnnuliiR In puhlUh tlixlr own hlKlorlxii Thn Hint..' hlHlorlmi now Ih ninkliiK i ' Htntx-wlilx ilrhx tor rxtoriln, ami Ih HoctirliiK mriiy IntxriutlnK rottirnx Hi: NA.MIII) SATl'IIHAY TO LOOK AI'TKIt ri'LI'ILI.IN'Ci or .)iii:i:.M.'..vrs Tim Klmnnth Improvement Cluh niel nt Ilm homo of Mm C W Kber li'ln Wxtlnxmlny iifternoon, n larnq WILL nttxndnnco helm; prxHxnt. It wuh ono NKSIIT'0' ""' "'""l ""ttniHlsMttr mxctlnKH yot hxld hy thin proKrxH.Hlx. thorouKh KdliiK orK.mlratloii, that promliien to piny hiiiIi un Important part In this ihlx ilxcloinixnt of the city Mr. Stnhorn and Mr. Khxrioln ail droHxd thx ruthxrltiK, iIIhcuIiik thn A iiomlnnlliiK couimltlxu uhldi Ik 'in Hxlect un xxxciithc commlttpc to """'"I "iixitli.n and urKliiR tlm lad. Minii.l. HiidnpvHl Soviet Kovoriuueiit ELKS WESTERN IS NT BIG I m:w ii:.Tiiti:s aiii: .iii)i:i to I'IKKiHAM THIS YIIAIL INDIAN (.AMIILLItS AMI WO.MKV DAM. CHS TOMlllliiOW MHIIT pxnrmicx tliorotmhly xivJuyxd nn.l a lint of 7.33K oltinlxxrH tikxn from l.xnxflltx.l from liU vncillon Ilx nayn tlm rxconU of thx nrmy rcorultliiK of- Him thx ixporlH of his mitrrltiKx liuv(. flier nt I'urtlmul; thx record of IT.,- hxi'ii 'Vrxiitly xxiiKRxrutxil," iih thx in drafted mxn Ih iivullnhlx from ii I v wnv l.x w xviir hiicixkiI III Ket- dnift IioiiiiIh of thx Hljtit, navy mid Unix ii hxlti meet Ih Iiv nroxv liiurliix rxcriiltliiK nfriixm will film. Hriwliiir nn tlixlr liuiiKliintlon. tho'lli out four thoiiHiind morn nnmxii. Hl'"l"i' "'''' '"" " cillort ... ho)H ritciirx.l Hut nlctiirx of n iIiihIim Thx wnr rxcordn drnlri.il nr.t ilivld. hIiih mnttxrH. with Ihx xpo.'ti Iiik lookliiK miililxn, aiul kuv(. It n nil Into hxvuii hitIh liy tlm Mate liln piiimluxut plum In Mr. Ityiiu'H lutiiil. lorlmi In Ihx llrnt illvlnlon am mxn IliurtxrH, anil If tlixlr Kix.ii opinion In nilllt.iry hitvIc.. their l.(.iKra.liixs, and x-ilxxm for him urn to lm mxiiHiir. with ii'-nrili. of xullHtumuiH. Indue- xil hy tie "kooiI lookn" of thx fair llmm, pen lie, i iihiiiiIHuh. ioiiiiiiIh- limit Hixi Mtlxitxd for him (lieu lu hIoiih mid ! In t Iioiioih, hiipiiIx- Iiiih no n"'xn to hx iihIiiiiiix.I of thx umntxil hy IxttxrH, illarleH, nxwHpnpnr frlxndH hx Iiiih hxin C'lillM W l!lmrlf.li. Tin. i nm ...lll..n Iiiih dxcldxd to mxet on fliliirdny ,',,r',,,'m- ""y new namx,. TliL nhow, nxnlng nt tlm llxllmnn offlex Bnd .' lJ-" f Klniiinil. Knll, .r i.wiikc in irx nxcxsainxH ot tlm day unit nro kxIHiir ready to do their appoint t 111 h Importnut Rrnup of men Th.. ri.llrfiH.I t.llllin.r litfl nn Mm' irnln thin mornlnK for l'ortlm.,1 a..d!!,.nr' '" ,lm -"-J'"'"'l"" " '' I iiik I'liiKniiii now loriuiiiK Thx I)-Iumh ami (onutltullon of tlix new otMiilzutlni! wxrx adopted. I'oIIiiuIiik thx liiiHlncct mxxtinK. thx rathxilnR rxnolvx.) Itself Into a. neml-tjoclul affair, n feature that took away thx .Iryuean uxually prunont on fliich occnnloiiH ItefrcRhment.H wero urvx.l hy Mth. IChxrleln. Hon or ret u in Iiik nhoiit tlm II 11 of May Ilx Htiitxil on IiIh depiirturx II at hx hud nut piiHlixil fur. a decUInu of thx lluniiiixn reHltlenU ruKardliiR thx loiiHtriiclloii of tlm propoHod kxv. xn inllo npiir hxcjiiHx thx tmiVhxrH wxrx utry huny now kxIIIiik In their CTfllWW ""nuiaml our alilllt) to My ' i ITCHING ITS UP SOON notlceH nmi nciountH mill photoRraph- rr(",H ","1 ',,,"",x h.t would not hnui xd rxllCH. Tlm Hxronii dlvlnlon iovern ,"l" ",hc ""' utWv wiMruclUo IKtr-toiul nm Meet with ollmr 'jkxii- ' ""'I''' Ul,,u ,,,,' Klaimitli KiiIIh iiRrxo (Ixh. hiicIi iih Y M C A . K. (' xtx lm'" '""' m," '".""" coniplutxil. In tlm third dlvlHlon are IIhIxiI lo. Iih-IhcIIiib Hut lompiotlnR of thu tei cnl wnr uctlMtlxB. hiicIi iih drlv.-H mid ',"1""1 f,,,,rt ttWi tiunliiK out thx llhxity limn (iimpnlRnH and mtvIox l)nlr' ",,l "' "Hmimea Hint thin on Hut food mid fuxl iidnilnlHlrutlon.l wln '", ,lll,lu "owo'er. In thx nxnr cqiiiicIIh of dxfoiiHx. farm lahor com.! f'lturo and hoins thnt tho ixhIiIoiiIi mlttxx. mod Ira or duntnl uld rxpren- -, "m -iicr i.eai lown win nino hIiiii of xnxmy plotH. piirlflclKin mid,"11 "'" preliminary nrrnnKxmonts Klli;i:i'.Mi: IIAVM HUNT IXVITA. I W. W. activities, U'Rlitriillon and '""i'"" o i"i "" " ir- oxempHon lionnLi mul HoIrIiiii or ' "'"I contrnct with them n booh as ho TIO.V TO CATTliK HAIHCItH TO prr, rotlof ruiniiilllcPH. ls wrranteil In doliiB no. Tho fourth division of records will T GET TOGETHER hold coi-i:iti:.N(.'i: ix at- 'rnmprlHo ntatn aKenclxM a nil federal TKMIT TO ADJUST IIAXHi: ukiiiicIxh In the Mil to. IiicIiiiIIiik pro- I rlamall.uiH by tho Riivnrnor, IorIhIh- Hvo art)), Btato offlclnln for Rovorn MM Nl NEVER BEnEH HA.N'CHl'.ltS 1'ltO.M ALL I 'A UTS OF KLAMATH AUK KLATKI) OVKR OUTLOOK KOIl (.'OMIXO SKA SOX iiklp Hnri: That thn Hhxepmon nro iiiixIoiih to mental wnr nurvlcu, llheity homln, tho IniMiieHH mxn of the nioot-wlth the xattlemon of tho conn-. wur ,"'v'",'. "n'1 fo'" l'e "on- illfflriiltloH which have been grow- war Hcrmona. wnr Hardens, war labor rnndlllons, local price ctianKes and food conditions, education Ills WatT-OX WILL Hi; iiKfiiiKO N "AX KHA.NCISCO OX SIXTH OF WAV, ALL IXTi:it-.sTKI AUK IN. iTEDTO!ii:i'ui:Hi:.vr T"t iwltchlnK lliultH for tho H " K,"Kat' Palh may h fX9- llt W(lnson May ,,, , s ,.,,, .' ... ( - i 4 111 it- lty. .KverythlnK fiom u sack of (y nni m,OHVor , ndJtlt , rang0 iiuur, ii ioo oi wu.iii nun iivu u. inu red iiouiids of Ice lo a lm 1 1- of laitlxs Uppers wero captured by lucky part-'I'1 Kieuler .luring tho past few years, tory and war literature are listed In los who paid only ono hundred dol.J Ih Indicated In u Icttur which bus JiihI other divisions. lars for the chance. All tho old time j boon sent to tho Cattle and Horse. USING PLANES KKIIIT HONKS A D.W. RamhllnR games, faro, fortune whells mans' Association of tho County, He- HIIII-WOHKKHK TO AUK and vnrlmifl other Ramos of chanco proHeulnHves of tho Sheepmnns As nro available for tho rucklxss spirits soclutlon, assert tjiat'' the conditions . of the visitors. I which hnvo bro'iiRht about a tempor- 8AN FIIANCISCO. April 11. The At no tlmo In recent years have prospects for farmers of tho Klamath, district been as bright at a corre sponding season of the year us at DKTOOIT. Mich. April U.-Wh.t ,,r80nt- Fr01" Vry co"un Is claimed lo be the first- itlrplano to'"08 ro,or,8 of the most optlmlMIc bo used exclusively for conveyance nature, and the dry farmer, us well aa of n commercial salosman, arrived In, his neighbor under Irrigation. Is look- Detroit Monday from Syracuse, N. Y Without n cinder In tils eyes or hnlr, "Airplane" Irvine, the air route lug forward to a bumper crop, C V. Loosley, u prominent resi dent of the Fort Klamath district. drummer, dropped Into Dotrolt for ,vhn u hr fnr i,r n... ,init . t . . . ,,. , I . .... '.. ... .. . . ..-.- H H)VI t"IV, IIWUIUIU. Something very now and iinusuui nry osirnngomoiii can mi sumou ho (lXteuslou of tho Labor Hoard wage ino purpose or soiling goons to local todoy that th'o grass In the Wood Itlv Is being planned for Saturday night when n band, of Indians may bo Im ported with their famous 0. 11. V. that both tbu interests ran be oporat ed successfully In tho county and Ihn best of fouling between liio two Onmhllng gnino, tho wlerd shnkor factions bo maintained, dnnces and Imllun songs, .1. Frank I Following' Is u copy qr tho letter, idBoir ' "'" 'll"lM,,l ,'l,m,,,,r Adams Is nogotlutlig for this font-l IhsuxiI hy the Blioopninn llnmigli J .L. .... ''"" ngroomont to October 1st as rerom- mended nt the recent Washington Conference hus boon disapproved by this vicinity, Including Cleveland, :ir.,000 workers of the Pacific Dli- during the coming week. ti let Mniltlino Workors Council.' Thin will bin a coastwise protest FKDKHAL IIOHHOWKHS (ilT dealers. He announced that ho would or Vb wng , , gh make flights Into Intorurban towns In , ,, , .. .....,., ,. ' ...... ...... ...u .....Clinic nuuiu mi umu to turn nut tholr stock In n short tlmo. Tho ranchers nro looking for ward to a good year there, ho says. Lnngull Valley has been brought j tin nil W..Q! phi! .......... ... ......... .. 1. 1., t.it'ii ('iirtmiin.i nuMim .nil Hi'i'i itiiirv in .i .. .... oi.i ..i. ...... ..i ri..ir. nii'i ii iu n wriii'it W.",T "" "'" "" ,nJ';;'' thio;;. public. tlm ..rin.nU.ll.ni ! ,d"n m'u Ml,. Tb. workers d. tT.nJ "Ti TrT ! It j '""""" Just, ecxlvxd from I ." m (lontlumen; Tlm Klumull. Wool ,,, nnpn.xlni.itoiy ulgl.t ilollnis per Tlm Federal Lund ,lnnk of Spo.1"1" ' ,M,V Bnows of tM0 latu wlntor . I"1."'" K0"t,,,,r" ,,,1C'flC "AHHKUI. MK.V TO IIK , .STcntt' ovour0 nlclallon0 , '""V. wl.ltl. has not lioon provided for. kmu. has declared Its Mis. divide:..! '". reservoirs are being re'llled. H m " H,l,ra,m,n,' TAl-OIITTOI-HOroSK. ! M ! e0" "vo .. u too o r ch J ' -took, nn.l the borrow,,.'., sl,o -" Creek I. nl Mood height, the b hc hMM !" "' "X """,'""" otlmr nMumltlxo oh may be appointed lautlllKD .0(M 0 I under tho Farm Loan Ail wore re- w"l "'"8 "' " " '" u.. "Kl at t'10 S.IIl I'ViitiflHr'.i Tiir..l r, . .,., . kw,,,,.. a..m ii ii tn rntif.r wllli Mintll Willi rnriH'niLf'n I i.,... . v .wwr.i ' i ... ...I,-, r ...... ,,.., f it,, VUlloy Uflt U VttBt lllku. 1111(1 QVOrVthlnir -i ' i iii'j.iin . .in imin. iiiih i-ti in limn i iui iu i tji iiiu ,, ..,..-..,......-. ... mill l W 1298 , , 1;"""1 (,'"'"')ltt Ilm. UuvltiK that !) out of 10 n eirtet a,i , """' W N"' 4 ,,,noIcnow how t proposi, lo a ijiii.,i . . ' """ "iiorxsta.i inn tl Hr vi l'riit or to pres'int ie U writing lioforo this "''VWIY mm h:tv Iat':t.im.ii ydsticiidav. Ik. ..' '' loinyor iintiirliiliH.il TvUnlon" v"-ty it "Kriio,,,, a,",tt ''o'Klita esl..i.luy noon. .'. t InilJiiYtliiK Hiirh rniiRo dlfficiillles u iiidii un ..".',,' , r.. .ll.w.u. . ... ,1.11.11111.111 IIH 11111 .lflllU'lli l.M HDi.n.- Ki.l, ...inn floi, Blollii Hlmrldnn, iiiiiniiKer of n hcIiooi i n..,i.. i..,. !.,, i ii,., looks brlMlit mul wot. I I. un. un. ... iii.n it'll., ill niui .. ... ...i .Thn lavish Inwol ' Farm Loan Association, mu iiIoiiho.1 t,, ni1"8 rlHK tho pnst few tay of oxpreHHlon, opxnuil u cIiihh today' lo teach hiisliful'Hwiilns how to express HieniHi'lvxH at Hint vital moment, ' PA11IK Anrll 11 'I'i'i that mul we hnmuy nxlniiil an I colU'cllou of the Louvqn will soon hollo receive thin news. Thu dhldonil 1,llvo ,IP0" luuc liwivlor In the oast- invlliilliin to you lo mxot our orgiini-1()1 ))Xin),(m nKllMi Tlm cotlxctloii Is 10 per cunt and covers the 20 mKn..Uai r,,movc'1 from ",0 Umv-ra wh,,n ' mon,h Hl,,t' ",0 ",,nk W,,H ,U'Ht r- gmilzoil Tho Dheetors of 'tho Klmnath Pdlls Fnni) I.o.ni Assn., will meet on i.tnlv ns v.iu mofor. tlm ilntn nf iiinot-1 thn flennmis mailii their threatening "Htitttering and stamm.irlng ituiliiug to he at hiii;Ii llino t lint uiuinborH dilve toward Paris, 'mumbling tuusl ho overcome," lm f ""I' uxecullvo commitlxo can tie M Dnilmer, curalor or the museum said, "A man many times limes u Wo tnist Unit you will give us this "",t ",0 J"wii1h uway with him per- Sntui.lay, and nnioiig other mntters, girl lii'oaiiHit lie doxsn'l know how to ......,,....., 1IH wo .,,,,i Hlll0 n,.,, (1Iiy Hoiinlly In llnidi'itux, cairytpg Iu hiajiiu iipportlmiuiMit of this dlvldond taiigi) dlHputes or other ilirriculllxH viml pocket the moil precious of tho uinoiig momhoiH, will he consldorod, iiilslng between moiuliui'H of our as- j Btr)neH u jewel valuoil nt ?2,0()O,0H0 J This Association now has on file- nM KIlHll Oil Mil! Mill' IHIIHIl IHIH IIIIHH" I t i.. j t. P.. .,. .. . ll,,,,.,,! i , 1 . .. j . ' A 1 i I iI lii t . & ltni-M nf vniii iiKHiu'liillnii (in tlmolhnr I M,,u """"" "H uu iiuiiuiiu isuhuiii . u iiiii'iii idii lur itiuuu auiuiuiuiiK iu iiiM"'iUH iti mi uiuii'uu iu xvi niuii uv '..!.. 1 1 ik llJ tliull,l ...llluCllIll..! III! court hpr." Miss Hhoildnn Imllgniinlly denlod Unit In iiiont I'ii.sim the woman iloos thu (ouillug, orn section of tho county than around. Klamath Falls ,and hnva beon of In estimable value to fall sown crops. Hesldonts of tho big Klamath Ilnslu around Merrill and Matin all report u line outlook for the season of lit ID. One handicap which has boon dwelt upon by the farmors Is scarcity ot help, High wages are offered, but It can be adjusted Hiitlsfuctnilly, gem. uny price, ubout ISO, 000 01) i