The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 09, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    a-gpyiwiMV. Avnu, o, nun
V '' ' " """ '"'""'I' """"" l'l"l ' err.,, lively exterminate mid destroy nil
, .1 TL i-.... llv."' A'"'"""" iniVMllMK .Iniiiinlli hiicI, rroumi ii 1, 1 y "
vW flip InPQieYS !" ",I,I,IH ''"". !.... i,. wi,.. Th , v,?iiZ ",.; ,
M (lIC JHCUltlil ,i, nil liii, limit ,,. .,, funnel l ni.M r m. K ' 0M .,or ""X,,IK
v n IimiIIiik H nl III.. I'lilaee 11, , , ,. . " "" '"" 'Wif Is tho
TjuIui lhM.Kl-.i-i1lvoic.Ml I.I.. I'uri f II... I. fin..... ,h "l, , , . ' ,;:'; ii.lntlonanU
- Wb,"u ...II.'. won..... In l..-r .1.1.1 I" II... I..IIII..IHV .r iViitny . J ' """' l(,tMI":! ''ulrri!l-
!e,0ppui"X'"r I,.-. n.i..ii..r I,,.,, ,, ;y,.i iu i. yH1rn!nm,'.,:,,n ,''1, ,ow,,
fWl,Ul . ".,..... ,.l,l,.y .1,11,1 II IK fill..,, Ill Kill I... , I I .... "'"""'"I HlryillllllHI Uli.'ll , ulM.
Wt hH n?,,. n.o sowing misery H... MIImI.mmm u,ii iMit.nt . 1 ., of T.". .'."'.' or,ll"K l0 ,,,,J '"""wing for-
K .hS lmrViit may b.t -low, bill II "Tl... I....,', i'l.iu.' I iilterHil'H II..III ' ,,"""",r '
1mI..iiii il.c lolil III!" IHK ll.l mil... ill K.'ihil ll.iiti mil. AhI '"!". I'-mi. kim.iI, heavy oiiIm n
HL.r. Illl'i ' "'" lv.lllll.'1'll WHS .If, Willi iH MIMII II, I II HOllct) lllllllllll. UlirU, liliycllllllll.l (lIUWll.TCl' III.
iHiih " HP I" '"' " l'''M'''K" ',' "." V", "l"1""1"" " "" II"' n.l luilolill. I ounce; bicarbonate of
;. mat her 1 l.,'l """""'""" """'" . ".' '" "." """' "'" "' never ""mi iiiiikiiik Niiilni, 1 uuru.t- thin
VS I '"'ll,, tt""""1, A l",",,l"' ,,l:::.1u,,i,1l",,t; "" 'i. mm; heavy ,
ikdliuti. """",K '""' ,U,l."r?. "'" , '""' ""'..I)" Ih ll. l..iy Hrm. .f,i. Klyrariiin. 1 ounro
u" t,...,.v i.inl Kenneth D.mik. .if 11 i.i.iKl. M..IH..II. Khl wl, Inherit, net hiiilm. 1- ..?,., ..i. . .....'
f' ,riiiiiltiiy m.'l KclllU'll. Doug- of 11 tough ..n...ii Kill wl, Inherit, net limine, 1, oiiiiar ... i'. 4
" nil" '"ir KiilllH'lli lillliw wealth 1111,1 10.11..H ...ihI In iiuiiiii New
''"'. .... ... Iinitlii-r iiinl uliiliir. 1111.I Vmk Kit hi, nmi ml ,. not . ,.
11... 1110) I'1' . .. . ... 1.1 . a . I 111. Illfl.iit-lit . u. 1 .. .1 1
InlliVr ll'1 ll",,r "' " '""l ( nullum nil IMIXI'll HH K)
lh'. lf. ln. II... .Hrr. ill Tin. iiimit iiilniltriH of CIiiiI.m ." , ,MU ,lr. "'"" "Uncu powiluriil
Bri;"uti.i.-.. 1- iH.Mtit-.-t i.y t...r it..r.. .1... iii..m.i 11 I,,... l,;.r ; :,,:l;",",";","l ""' " K
Stilt" "' ''"" "1!'" "'"''v'"- I'lilnii.oi.i.l (.him.... ulm hiiw. I. ",'", ,,'"k" ' Hlnri-I. piiNln of Htlr
P h Vtiei.r.l 1 IIH.IIini. ","'' 11 oi.iril 1 H.k l.lm h i, I.hhIi M'-l''.nfiil of kI.ihh Htiircli Into
.'ill "'" "Tl.'." '-"W .""" "" ,,""",- "". '" l' H..r,.rl..'.l J'"""'"' "! H.M Hnlor. II...1. pour
5ldrt" 'ln,n"1 "' '"""" "' " 'I tl... I t,,iy, ,In ' V ,""-",,r I'1'" ' ImlllMK wtiti.r
.. tilnmx , . "w ritriimiiUiil .Ii.iIii.ii). ' I'IidIiik "'"' ""k "n,ll " tl,l('kl rl"ur' lr"H-
Kitlin-ii HI"""1 "," tlllMlliutlvn ,,, ,., ,,.,, W11H ,,,' l"'r.'i.t jiiikW. Ih forinc.l which Ih fn-n
MiiiiUr !' " "' ,,m"' '" " "'"ISliii'MMiiixl n 1 tl... Him TI1...11.. M.Ht.-i. fr;"" '""'I'" WIiimi iirniif In form....
'""i. tininn il) Hi.' roln ori(iy mill th.i .try mlxtiirii of utrvchnliw
k'ilhlffli I'lf-Hi'i '"'i1 '" M' "l11' I Tin. ii-tiii.. U inn, nf it,,. .H In ""'I il'i. Htlr until ilioroiiRlily mixed
Mrrd by Ki-iiiM'tli llnil'". I''ll"""' J w lilt It Mi Itut l,i,h,.vi 4.,..i,r...l A.lil mi half pliii of h.ny cwrn Hynii
iMilIni mm Htniilov lmlirokn, liii'',,,,,! ,,, ,nr,., , Iotl ,,,,,!, u, ,,, ( Ih IichI ) , tlr In four luhlu-
"" . . .. full IllllltV IIMII1IH I III! I I lli... . . M'l It t .. .. HIIMJItlMrill lf u.,11 .. .1.1 - .. m
urn! fiwnrn in
Adil. w hi hi
rlmlt'H DnrlH I im HiiIhii Mi Klin MI. "nrruiK. unit laNmonfiiI (or ono
Mn n t.oriuliii' Mil timet ami Chin ":uth tiuncu) of uncrhurinn. four
..-i.i I'irli'V A tif tl I f r.nihiii. mi Mtmfi.r...- lIllM OVttr I Wi'Ill V nlinrln nt ciimiI t..nh HlllilV ".111CKUV. I. ' "'i . -- n". v.w.ti.
.:.". V.... . !. ! Ilmn MOUhloifH hill U a luiiKhal,)
hiii"m -- .-.---.-
tlrk Call."1"1 ',1'1 M"",y ",,l"r" V. ",l"1"" "' Tl.iiiiniH II Inn. wn ,K,t "l'"'ifiil "f milt, ml.)
!w Tint DUIil'1"" ciiltiPH lo '"', in tint!.- Tie Hii.Hiitliii; umt m Klx-'Tlnu (mix w.ill)
UtnlfT"''1"" i. "'
Tun li.'iivy oiKh, nn.l mix until each kernal
Uiriiiiiiniiuti of hiiI.I Krotitid miulrrolii Third Thnt Iho Imlntirn. If urn
Thin nolle.!. Ih imiIjIIhIhuI iiirnlilint lie, U- d'-poHll'-d with the rlnrk
10 tho ntututo In iiuch cum- mndu und . of this court for thon untitled to It
provided, mid for two consecutlvo
w.'.-kN or thr.'.) Imiipii, und till perotm
d.'Hrrlh.-d therein tire required to tuke
notice thereof
Ili.led mid puhllsiied thin 'Jlh day
or April, 1 9 1 :
County AKent for KImniith County,
Orecoii ii-IC-23
(i:.ulty No. 1042)
Thnt the Court alio tlt ree Hint at
hucIi mile any purty lo thin milt ma)
hecumu the purchuner i! nny part or
'if (ill of laid property, and de
cree that Immediately upon I lie pur
chiuo of ituld property, tlie sheriff
flhtill placo the piirthftBi-r Into rntri
plet.j p(imiHlon of the property ho
That the Court alo dTee and lie
'lure that the ilcremlauis und earh of fnilopted hy the Common Council on
niijcrtionu nnd remonstrances against
the nld propoied Improvement; nnd
the I'ollco Judge be, and hereby I di
rer ted to ruuse notice of said hearing
it lie puhlMhed as by Charter pro-
-it. te of Oregon.
'"ot.nly of Klamath. ss:
' it t Klamath Falls.
I A I. I.eavitt, I'ollco Judge of the
cm of Klamath Falls .Oregon, lo
hei.-hy certify that the foregoing Is a
lul enrolled copy of a resolution
the 17th day of March, 1919, declor.
Inf Itn Intention to ImDrove Pine
street from Third street to Elgnin
them nnd all iierponx (liliiilni; or to
f'll.ll.l liV tlir.tlti'li fir iinilur lliutn ,.r
III the Circuit Court of the Htate of;,.i,r r them, shall he r..rev. r har-
Oregon, for Klamath County. r,.(1 UIlr foreelosed of all th.-.r iigin street; Fourth street from Main street
The Htato I.uml Hoard of the S'uto r j t,,,t ,,Ht, ,.a)m ,.,,Uty or lien, ut ' northerly lo Pine street; Fifth street
law or In -iilty, and all eti't ..i ro-froin Main street northerly 10 J'ine
diu.ptlou In, to and upon hciI reul street, sixth Htreet from Main street
proper!) and ever) port nnd panel ' northrl) to Pine street,, and Soventh
thereof, and that plttlntltf ip.iv l.awUireet from Main street northerly to
such other and further rel.i. an lo. Pine street, and approving the plans,
c.liiHy mi) seem meet I sperlllcatlons and estimates of cost
This summon Ik piiliUxhfl purmi- luhiniited hy the City Engineer,
not to an order of the Honorable II. A I. I.KAVITT, Police Judge,
V Kuykeutlall, Judge of the Circuit! .11-101
Court of tho Stnto of Oregon fori
Klnmalh Count), which order Is .Int.
ed the 7th day of March, A I) 1 y 13
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
12 19 20 2 9 16 23
Oregon, PlalntllT;
'i H lllll and Huttle C Hill, Defend-
till tM
To K H lllll and Hattle C Hill, the
uhove named Dcfendun's:
In l fin nam.) of the Htale 01 on
gun- Vou and each of you are hereby
summoned und required to nppeitr
anil answer the complaint filed
ngnlnst you In the above entitled suit,
within six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons In
the KveiiliiK Herald, u newspaper
printed und published In Klamath
County, Oregon, which said date Is
the 12th day of March, A I). 1919;
And you will tuko notice that If you
fall to uppeur and answer, or other
wise plead, within tho said time, the
plaintiff for want thereof, -will apply
,,, -... - . . . iiTOiuiiiim) i...tire 01 ii.miuerH r or coiivi.iiienrii m nan.!- lo the court for the relief prayed for 11,, it rif.nir.i ximi n. ,n,i,. n ..n.ter n,lvlement. and nndin
Tl,..,f. " ...r f.i.L-..! this mini- . .-. .. llnr- "'I' Kril,M hIhmiIiI be now spreudlln his complaint, to-wlt: Washlncton street i. .. ri....i nlans. sDeclflcatlons and
" !"".", mi,., .mrv nl "Mirk. . LtUAL INU I ILtb ""l '" llr'. "tlrrlng It up occuslumilly For Judgment against tho said do- im .,m..w ni!fantorv:
''' "1...1 uiii. ...lion, liuirh of " ' '" 1'fvi'iit ilrylng In a cuke. fondants, 8. H Hill and Hattle C. Hill, At Intersection of Washington nn.i ! lie it hereby resolved, that
". ,.i. .. 1.1,1 m 1 luil wunderfiil tw. II.NAI. ACCOI'.nt 111,1:11 '" 'luart of 1 tin poisoned grain for thr sum of $900.00. wllh Intorcst First streets, said crudn U berel.v sncclflcatlons and estimate
.T. '' .. r..m.,.tr where half the In tin. Coiintv fnun ..r n... .... ... '"''" aforesaid Is sufficient for on said sum from the 11th day of l)e- chanted Mm Imnrovement of Tenth street
MIDI lUtIP " ' flirlV t.l MlxlV tlllllu. n. 1.1 fill. nn,,lllv .a,lt..f A II I.I.I! Ml !...,. l... . .. ... .. ... '.., ... . .I..-.., tn
I The City Hnglnecr, pursuant to res
nlutlon of the Common Council here
torore adopted, having, on February
. lfiifi nieti nlans. sDeclflcatlons and
'..., 'estimates of the cost of Improving
llbSOLLTIO.N , Tenth street from Main street north-
Whereas, The Common Council, rly to Lincoln street, and High street
deems It expedient to change the from Ninth street easterly to Elev-
gradn on tertnln portions of Wash-,nth street, including intersections.
Ington street; land the council having taken the
T Inrnln
iinihi ire .'l .' ". iir.'K.iu. inr ine . t.uniy or Kiam- .. . , '. .' '' "" . . m ". u " . n cm suia w asiungion street, rrom , nun streui uuiiuhij " ,...-...
'"" . . .. 1.. .!.... mi., ml.. HI alter. '.1 lllOIli: mllllrrel Iri.lln nr in tier rnl nor itnnni.i nn.l fnr flu. fur. -.. n ... ..... .,. r. .. .,... ., ,! Hid. ilrl frnm Ninth
rhlsvoui llltl" Klrt. by her In the Mailer of Hi.- Csttite of Harvey -""11 "artl 011 the surfuco about ther sum of J100.00 as attorney's! south slde'to 270.0 on north sld"reet easterly to Eleventh street. In-
iaitr ftthrr 1111 "I.I miner, nnd her c Vincent, Deceased '."" ,1,"l,, wl" ""l nlnger stock foes, nnd for Its costs and disburse- and 2CS 0 on south side ,'luding Intersections, be, and the
Mtr tnntt " " wl" ",'1 l''Jlu Notlre ih hereby given that the un- h'ryi'linlno In any form other than monts herein. - Kasl side Washington street, from,-"1'"" ' hereby approved.
Suttv In Hit inoiinttiln i-oiiiitry far dethlKtied 011 the IM day of March, "" l"w,l"r,'l strychnine (alkulold) And for a decree of this Court fore-1 2CG.0 on north side and 2CT, 0 on And be It further resolved, that the
iy fiom tin' Klninour mid hill "f 1919, tiled In llni aliiife entitled Court ' ".'" "rfc'cllv" '" '' uhove formula, closing tho mortgage described In the south side, to 2fi5 0 on north side rominon Council hereby declares Its
I, tliy ami mailer here Illicit account, and ' r"m ,MU ,,,,t" hereof until May complaint filed herein, and foreclos- and 203.5 on south side. ' mention to Improve said portions of
iJltrr ilir U sent 10 the illy "lo tlu.t Wednesday, the 9th dn of April. ""' ,N ,n" "",'" "Toctlvo time to Ing the defendants and both of them,, ,t 170 feet cast from east line nfiTenth street and High street In ac-
mlke Mf "r '"" " "l "'" ' '" "' ,a, "' ,0 oTIock a m . In the court I"l'i'"i und destroy the ground suulr- and all persons claiming or to claim, First street, on Washington street 'ordance with said plans, speclflca-
drr unt, a clietiiiiiK. Jealous hypo room of the a limn entitled Court, has r''' by, through or under them or either! from 239.6 on north side and 'i00' nml estimates .said Improve-
ffn iml sln doesn'l find l'r P'th been IKetl u the time ami place The County Court of Klamath of them, of all their right, title, in- 239.0 on south side, to 23S 0 on m,'nts t0 consist of paving said por-
...M.t irnftii with tones Hut thru- where the Conn 'll hear iililnctliiim County. Oregon, Iiiih sect. red a sun- terest. claim, lien or ouultv In and to ,,,,.11, .i, .i nte'n "., ,..i. Hon of sal.l streets with oil macadam
out lbs obi rlienrtiil. hi nil llil "I theieltt mi.I hhIII.) tliu 1111110, mid up- ply of lr)chtiln und tlii. other Ingre- all und every part und parcel of the 8(e 'pavement, at an estimated cost, ln-
1111I. Mlckm I'tev-tll, mid with her pr. 1. t.r rejeit stilit uccouiit tllenls neiessury for the mixture, and following described premises, to-wlt. t inierBciinn t v,o.,ir,,.. ,, 'eluding cement sidewalks, curbing
r T-. ....... .... ..... . .' ..." ..... . . .. . . ... 1
ihrrr Iil'tij 1 erseii't eiite ..w i".- i iiiet, inis i 1 111 liny oi .Mt.rcii. i -j i j " iuiiiiiuy niereoi nus noon mixed rue souiueasi quarter 01 tne
nun. wl-nl .eiii i.nbemiilili! burdens I.O'ITII! C VINCKNT. mid Is now on sale to tho runners or northeust quarter, the north half
nd dirfiriiltlei for lite llllle Miiir
There nre wistful mid pilhetle
toucli In "M'rkev " us well iis hum
or liltl In ltb drllraey mid n sure
M .Vermniid Is always a chirm
ln( fomitllt'iili"'. Iml she Is at her
ttrjr If'! In this I'll It -In the lvlil
ind i),filliit! drnmn with
ttll llilnic fh riders told without
inusih I In bullies or (tin se.llirtl.lli
of lb Innocent heroine.
Admlu'striitro or Hal. I Cnlate persons Interested, at actual cost, nnd
12 1'J !.. 2 9 limy he hail by applying lo tho under-
signed ul his ofllco In the I.uomls
NO'lICi: 'in i:vii:UMIV.Ti: bulldlUK. Klamath Falls, Oregon.
t.UOt Ml sgi lltltKUs If any person herein designated
My order of the County Court of shall within thirty days from tho first
Klmmtlh Count). .Stale of Oregon, publication nf this notice, fall to be
lli pursuance of Stale Statute, rel- gin In good faith to exterminate.
iillve to Cxteriiiliiatloii anil Kriid- eradicate and destroy, according to nnd ordering the real property above
Icntlou of iiroiin.t squirrels, other the method aforesaid, or by any other described to be sold by the sheriff oi
Obnoxious Hodi-ntH mid I'redalory elTectlve means, said ground squirrels Klamath County, Oregon, in the man-
Animals heroin designated, tho County Court ner by law in cases of this kind pro-
i:ery person, tlrm. ... iiarlnershlp. of Klamath County. Oregon, will an- vided. and that tho proceeds of such
On. nf ih.. most iiotnhln casts nvnr cttni luiiiy or c urpnrulloii redding on, point a persuii or persons to proceed xale be applied:
ccordril mii slur Is to bo seen In owning, leasing, occupying. with the extermination nnd erudica- First To the payment of tho costs
of the southeast quarter, and the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of Section ten, in Town
ship forty south of Range five east
of the Willamette Meridian, In
Klamath County, Oregon, contaln
1G0 acres, excepting therefrom the
timber growing on said land
iutH)il of I rbnllln Demi In her utiw '" or liming charge of or dominion Hon of surh ground squirrels, and und expenses of said sale and the,Cjty of iciamxith Palls
nl bluebird production, "the Unix- "v,'r "") laiui. nuiming. wuari nt int. coil inereni uicuiretl win lie as- costs ami expenses oi mis sun;
rn lltiiit)," which ioiiivs to the Tern- dock Infested with Oregon ground sesHed to such land, building, whurf Second To the payment to this
'l lite ire IuiiIkIiI squirrels in Klamath County. Oreg.iti. or Dock, and unless paid will become plaintiff of tho amount for which It
Thuntun Hull, who Is her leading In hereby notified to begin ul once lo a lieu against the same, for tho ox- asks Judgment herein;
m,,. , .i, 1 1 . ,- - ii i I, i i i .mMuimmmmm Mi 0 iJ tmmrmum i
HWxfe ',: " '- '''Wfev "' "" ''' ''""',l:iiM
I 9 -; I
-. A -r -"'
' tflfc J
I For further particulars B
I follow the tracks ! fj
Intersection of Wnshlnnion nml ' eluding cement sidewalks.
Um,i ..!.. .. .i.i ti...i. 'and grading, of $18,696.87; or ce-
Ington street, from 231 0 on north ment pavement, at an estimated cost,
side and 231.0 on south. side, (o lnc udin'' "T.-'nSnnn q,m lmB
231 8 on north side and 230 0 on'""'1 B"dlng. of $2t, 000.00. Said ra
south side. jprotement to Include grading, rolling
East side Washington street, f rom ' ;iru cVr,Ij '",':. .u , , u tu
229 5 on north side and 229.5 on . Aml ue , l further resolved, by the
south side, to 231.0 on north BideT0'""'0" Counc";, th,al the FSZ
nnd 230 0 on south side. ' hereinafter descr "ed be and hereby
At 145 feet east of edst line of Sec-',s declared benefited by said Improve
ond street on Washington street.! melu' to-wlt-
Lots l and S or block 13 or Orig
inal Town, and unnumbered block
known as the Central School
grounds .adjacent to Tenth street
and between said block 13 and
Tenth street, in Nichols Addition;
lots 3, 4. 5 and 6 of block 48; lots
2. 4, 5, 6, 7 and S of block 46; lots
1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 of block 47; lots 1,
2. 3. 4, 5, and 6 of block 45; lots
1. 2. 3, 4, 7 and S of block 44; lots
3 4. 5 and 6 of block 50; the east
2G fee of vacated portion of Wash
ington street, formerly known as
Canal street, between Ninth and
Tenth streets; lots 1, 2. 7 and 8 of
block 51; lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of
block 57, and lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of
block 56; the easterly 26 feet of
the reserved portion of Jefferson
street abutting on the north side of
lot 7. block 51, all In Nichols Addi
tion to the town of Klamath Falls
from 230.0 on north side and
230.0 on south side, to 232.0 on
north side and 232.0 on south
State of Oregon,
county or Klamath, ss:
I. A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of
said city, do hereby certify that the!
foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of
the resolution changing grade on cer-l
tain portions of Washington street,!
as above set forth, as passed by the
Common Council of the City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, on March 17th,
1919. A. I, LEAVITT,
l-10t Police Judge.
Herald's Classified Advs.
j -
rOK SALE- Three flno homes, suit
able for lnrgo families; a few choice
residence lots, close in; ono of, tho
best Income properties In Klamath
Falls; tule Innd In trncts. largo or
small. W S Slough 9-tf
SEED KYI: for sule
lln, Oregon
Vln Zumo, Ma-S-Gt
FOn. SALE 8EH or NWV, E4 of
8V4. and NWi, of SW'4 of Sec.
7. Twp 39 Range 9. and the NE
NE'4 of Her 36, Twp 38, Hango 10,
$10 per acre Address ownor, Elln
Stewart Dant Hoseburg, Ore. 9-12t
FOR SALE -r'our room bungalow,
practically new; two lots, 24-foot
back porch, screened: front oorch.
out buildings, city water. Mills Ad
dition; price $1,050, half cash, bal
ance easy terms Inquire box 27.
FOR SALE Good quality need rye,
semi-beardless Chllcote & Smith,
633 Main st 5-Ct
FOR SALE- Alfalla hay. at ranch
near Merrill See C A. Punting or
phone 236.M. Klamath Falls 4-5t
FOR SALE A first class good pay
ing worklngmen s hotel, $2,500
.ash required Address 13 10 Main
street, city l-12t
FOR RENT Two furnished bed
rooms. 632 Oak st. 5-tf
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Call 294J. 25-tf
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to
resolution of the Common Council
heretofore adopted, having, on the
15th day of March, 1919, filed lilacs.
specifications and estimates of the 'and that said property above de
cost of improving Pine ttreet fror sribed is Hereby declared to be the
Third street easterly to Eighth street; I property to he assessed for the ex
Fourth street from Main street nortii-j pense of said imprevement:
erly to I'lne street; r if th street from' And be It further resolved, thatl
..tutu Dirt.-ui iiuriueriy to i-iuo street; i .Monday, tho 21st day of April, 1919,
Sixth street from Main street north-1 at the hour of S o'clock p. m.. at the
erly to Pine street, and Seventh street i council chambers of the city hall, to
from Main btreet northerly to Pine he fixed as tho time and Place for
street, including intersections, and , the hearing of objections and remon
the council having tnken same under, strances against the said proposed
ndvisement. and finding said plans. Improvement; and the Police Judge
specifications and estimates sutisfac- be and hereby is directed to cause no
tory; tico of said hearing to be published,
Do It Hereby Ilcbohcd, That said as by Charter provided,
plans, specifications and estimates for State of Oregon,
the Improvement of said portions of City of Klamath Falls, ,ss:
Pine streot and said portions of 'County of Klamath.
Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and Seventh I A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of
streets be. and the same, are hereby, the City of Klaniath Falls, Oregon
approved do hereby certify that the foregoing
And be it Further Resolved, That Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu
the Common Council hereby declares tion adopted by the Common Council
,us iiiieiiiion in improve sum portions, .hi nui win day or March, 1919, de
i of Pine. Fourth, Fifth, Slth and Sov-jclaring Its intention to Improve
emu streets in nccortiauce wiiu tnoi teiiiu street irom Mam street to Lin
said plans, specifications and estl-Kolu street, and High street from
mates, said improvements to consist I Ninth street to Eleventh street, In
of paving said portions of said streets eluding Intersections, and approving
with bithullthlc pavement at an estl-j the plans, specifications and esti
mated cost. Including cement side-1 mates of the cost submitted by the
walks, curbing und grading, of $43,- City Engineer.
393.00; oil macadam pavement at an A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge,
estimated cost, including cement side-' 31-10t
walks, curbing nnd grading of $29
LOST At dance at Opera House Sat
urday night Liidies purple um
brella with Ivory tips. Finder return
to Herald Office. Reward. 8-3t
LOST French gold piece with head
of Napoleon I. on it, set in coin
holder; dear to owner; suitable re
ward. Karle Montgomery, 315 Main
street. 9-2t
i973.00; or concrete p.oement. with
curbing and grading nt an estimated
cost or 4u,s jy.uu, saitl improvement
in either event to include grading,
rolling und curbing, said pavement to
be 40 feet wldo with sidewalk 6 feet
wldo on Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Sev
enth streets nnd 4 feet wide on Pine
street, and parking strip leveled
throughout tho en tiro distance of said
Improvement, except at intersections
whore said pavement is to bo 00 feet
And bo It Further Resolved by tho
Common Council, That tho property
hereinafter described be, mill hereby
Is declured to be, benefited, to-wlt-
Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. block 7; lots 1.
2. 3, 4, block S; lots 1. 2. 3, 4,
Suit in Ktiuit) l)lorce
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath. Onlllo E. Vaughn, Plaintiff;
Emma Vaughn, Defendant,
To Emilia Vaughn, above named De
fendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon.
Vou are horoby required to appear
und answer tho complaint filed
against )ou in the above entitled suit
on or before the 7th day of Slay,
1919, ami if you full to answer, for
want thoreof. the plaintiff wilt tako
a decree against you as prayed for in
plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: That
tne tioiuis or matrimony existing he
block 9; lots 1. 2. .!. 4. block 10; tweon plaintiff and defendant bo dls-
r0,c - -,V;, ,'C. V . .S '",' J-1 "lved and annulled, and for such
5. 6. . andS. block 1 1; lots I. 2. , ,: other relief as to the Honorable
4. 5. 6, , and S, block 15; lots 1. -'.Court niuy seem Just und eaultuhla.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and S, block 10; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7 and S, J.lock 17;
lots 1, 2, G, G, 7 and 8, block IS,
all In tho original Town of Llnk
vlllo, now City of Klamath Falls,
This summons is served by publica
tion by order of tho Honorable D. V.
Kuykendull, Judge of tho Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon, for
Klamath County, dated March 25,
injy, wnicn order requires that sum-
And that said property nbovo desciib-1 mons be published for six successive
wooks, tne tiuiu or tno first publica
tion to ho made on March 26th, and
Mm lust publication thereof on May
7. 1919. (that being the time within
which tho defendant is required in
saitl order to appear und answer.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
26 2 9 10 23 30 7'
ed bo, and hereby Is declared to be
assessed for tho expense of said Im
provement; And bo It Further Resolved, That
Monday, tho 21st day of April. 1919
nt the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., at tho
council chambers In the city hall at
Klamath Falls, Oregon, bo fixed na
the time and place for tho hearing of
FOR SALE- White and Rolarv sew
ing machine; in line condition;
price $2.. Inquire at Herat I office.
i . .
FOR SALE Late model Ford with
extras. In good condition, may bo
seen at White Pelican garage, or In
quire N. H. Bogue, K. D. bldg. 3-6t
FOR SALE Five room cottage, mod
ern Improvements, for sale by own
er; close In; furniture If desired. In
cluding piano. Enquire Frank M.
Upp,511 Main st. -Jl-tf
FOR SALF. General merchandise
business, located on Irrigated ranch
on highway Address Owner, care of
Evening Herald. 25-tf
acres tule land of Klamath Drain
age district, near Midland and Wor
den; suitable for grazing, cattle; tract
can be divided Into two nearly equal
units. M. Motschenbacher, L. Jacobs,
W. S. Slough, committee. 1-tr
FIRST CLASS cook, second cook and
waiter want Jobs In lumber camp.
Enquire Houston house. 7-4t
WANTED Ducks to pasture on Bear
Island; good grass, plenty of wa
ter; careful attention by experienced
care-taker. J. D. Swift, Klamath
Falls. 8-10t
(Equity No. 1050)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath. Dollte L Ruff, Plaintiff.
George L. Ruff, Defendant.
To George L Run, the above named
In the name of tho Stato of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the abovo entitled suit
on or before tho 19th day of May,
1919, that being the last day of tho
time prescribed In the order of pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fall so to appear, plead, answer, de
mur or otherwiso move within that
time, for waut thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the aboe entitled Court for
the relief prayed for In her complaint
as follows, to-wlt
For a decree of the above entitled
Court forever dissolving tho bonds of
matrlmoii) now oxistlng between the
plaintiff and defendant upon the
grounds of willful desertion by de
fondant of plaintiff, for more than
one year previous to the commence
ment of this suit, against the will of
plaintiff, and without her consent; s
for failure by the defendant to sup
port plaintiff und their minor child
for mora than three years Immedi
ately lust past and for cruel and In
humun treatment Intlleted upon the
plaintiff by defendant.
This summons Is served upon you, ,
tho said defendant, by tho publica
tion thereof In the Evening Herald, u
newspaper published in Klamath
Fulls. Oregon, und of genorul circu
lation In Klamath County, Oregon,
once a week for six successive weeks,
the first publication being made April ,
2, 1919. and the last publication May
tho 14th. 1919. by order of the Hon-
ornblo D. V. Kuykendull, Judge of the
Circuit Court of State of Orogon, for ,
tho County of Klamath, which wbb"
mado, entered and filed In said Clr
cult Court on April 1. 1919. ''
Attorney for Plaintiff.
2 9 16 23 30 7 14