I'AGK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WF.DXKSRAV, APRIL i, IMn The Evening Herald R. J. MU n It A V BDITOU Published dnlly except Sunday l The Herald Publishing eoninanv of Klamath Falls, at lit, Fourth street Entered at tho postofllco at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any Address In tho United Slates: Ono year $5 o. Ono month 50 Member of the Associutcil Press Tho Associated Press Is cxclusivol entitled to the use for republication of all news dlsnatchos, credited to it or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local news r-ublisiicd herein. All rights of republication or cno clal dispatches herein are also re served. WKOXKSDAY, AlMtlli l, l!)t! , hi- and bulshvNm to determine m lii-t'u-r the shall ho reaped at all ( It. ..iHll.lH. AFTKR TWO YKAItS Only two years ago. now, tho Full ed States declared war on Germany. The anniversary, April 6th, causes certain reflections. Because we were unprepared for war, we were slow to take an active part In tho campaign in France, and for that reason It was for a time nip and tuck whether the allies would be decisively defeated he fore our troops lined up at their side. We have been as unprepared for peace as for war, and for that reason have been slow in making peace. Al most Ave months have passed since the armistice was signed, but the United States and the allies have, not . yet agreed what terms they will dic tate to Germany. That delay has en abled Germany to recover enough courage to say that peace must bo negotiated, not dictated. That period of two years naturally ; suggests contrast between now and then. In April, 1917, ruthless sub marine war was at its worst, the spec ter of famine hung over tho British people in particular, and they made superhuman efforts to increase their home production of food. The Brit ish and French began their concerted offensive In Flanders and on the Aisne, with limited success in the for-, mer, failure in the latter.quarter, and I there was danger that defeatism ( would destroy the martial spirit of. France. The first provisional gov- ernment ruled In Russia, and great j hopes were entertained that that country would again become a factor in the war, though bolshevlsm was eating into the army. In the United States the army of about 100,000 men was swelling by enlistment of volunteers, but the new levies lacked arms of any kind, and there were no aircraft worth mentioning. The navy had been prpnounced only 50 percent efficient, hut sent its first squadron of destroyers to fight the "U-boats be fore the month ended. After having declared war, we were just beginning to prepare to fight. . In nineteen months we increased our army to more than 3,600,000 "men, had provided for indefinite fur ther Increase, and ha'd sent over 2,000,000 men to Europe, we had in- creased the fighting craft of tho navy .10 per cent, we had begun to show our power in the air, and had begun to produce munitions In quantity. ' Our troops had beaten tho enemy in every encounter, and had driven him from the natural -fortress of the Ar- gonne, from which tho Frencli In three years had vainly striven to dis lodge him ,and the submnrlno was beaten and penned In by the great mine barage across the North Sea. Germany had become a republic, tho kaiser a fugitive, and terms reducing the empire to military Impotence had been accepted, after all three of Ger many's confederates hud surrendered In little more than a month. Austria had fallen apart and become a group of republics. Bolshevist Ilussia alone remained in arms against tho allies During. the five months" which have since elapsed much of tho power then possessed by the allies hus been lot through the delays of tho diplomats and the discord which caused tin in. At tho same time Germany has re uv ered in some degree from the flpo abasement of defeat, and is using Bol shevism to save much from tho wrei k which militarism wrought. That plaguo seized Hungary and Bavaria, constantly breaks out anew In Germany, and muy extend up ward unless checked by peace and food. All of this goes to show tb.,i if the fruits of victory are to be reaped, they must bo plucked wl.cn they are ripe, for delay may chiini them Into Dead Sea fruit. There .o be a race botween tho peace con for Till. inAltO HFSIXKSS PliOKRAM The -.tiite government of Idaho has i-i n put on n business basis by nbol-i-hmi: 11 xat horde of boards, com-i.us'ior.-.. and functionaries, all more 1 - livv- political sinecures l'.i' Idaho Idea :s sound In prln 1 pli because it makes the chief eec w;r i- of the slate responsible to the people for the Injection of business 1 no ii .nls of public affairs. riie (iovcrnor and the party that elected him to office will rise or fall when they again go before the ppople 1 -'n- merits and record of the show-o-.g ;hev make In handling the state '.hi- -icss That issue cannot be evaded, and t:-ere ran he no blaming irresponsible hoards and commissions composed of persons not chosen by the people, and rut responsible to any political party In time the cabinet system will be improved by reducing the number of commissioner, and in the end about three competent members will form a good working county or state gov ernment. The commission or rabinot form, with direct executive powers located in a few individuals, who cannot evade responsibility, will also take the place of present cumbersome city councils. 1 ir i IJ i ERSONAL MENTION I.ITTI.K' HII1KI.HJIITS OV I.OCAI, It J I'F.MXdN AMONG TUN PNOI'I.N OF THIS CITY AMI VICINITY. 001 MIS ,l COMING OF I.OCAI, FOLKS J I. W. W, TO IIIC DCPOIITKI) I.NAVKNWOHTH. Kansas. April '.'. Warrants calling for the deporlitUoii of forty I. W, W. sen Ice sentences In , the federal prison have been seruid ' here by the Immigration officials. The men are lo be deported at the expliatlon of their .sentence If vim don't want to swim, lake 11 Uih Itii t li Hot .Springs Until IIouho. I "Mickey" nl and Saturday. Hie l.iberh I'VliUjr It Mrs. K. I.. lie-ley has gone to Sun Kinmjsco for 11 hhort lsit. xetici: it I.. ItnrdenbrooU left on lie. l-.i-a this morning for Oakland whom! he will visit bis mother, who Is 111 In .1 F. King and V . P King are re- ., 1 .vpiial then- , T, womans' Foreign Missionary cent arrivals from Portland. , . . ... . ,,,., m11.1111iui eium-li will ; Miss Mirle McMillan ' left this So' u,t "f . . Mr 11 r i.m IS. N. Smith was 11 passenger on mi-.ninc for San Francisco, where ' l',,' "' '""" f ' '"', ,,:;,. "1 the train this n.o.nlng for Seattle. lu ,,,,. , spend the neM two , '''''VhuJlay al 2 3-' Dudley Cain Is a Klamath Falls wo,'1is " b,,!,,mv!s- j ,. M ' A ,.rdlal Invitation' l.s extend, business visitor from the Midland ills- Many McFiillaud, who has been od to all members and rt lends W01I, trie.. lsltlng' friends In Klaiunth Falls for 01 nm requested lo bilng finished . .. , . - .. 1 ..... .....1 r.i...i. 11 1,1.1. sex-nil uiijs. leu mis morning tor woik such ,is uihimu nun min., - bis homo at Ashland. . fi tho Waster Sale. U. I). Carter and W. Ik Morris are In the eltv for a short time from Port land. I .lames Pellim. tin extensive slock-, in in of the Wood River Valley Is a; " . mm reunion.' tm . 1 ( .. 1 . .1 111 I II Ul III,' ,,,,,,11 I, , 1 ,'l 1 IIIH-J IS .i ,, V-,1'. :,'"," ' roKJfV ' 71 "V, . g-.est at the White Pelican Hotel to Hotel Hull today from Mockton. ( a.i , , Kr, ,;,,.,,. -, loinn. 1 ' ' tho Liberty Friday 7 It "Hey, Feller, cnine on mer hero 11 minute, I waul I" tell Jim Miniclliliitt. "Wluit do on Know about llil Pud in he's going to llx up (lie obi ,., sas he's going to put on DIAMOND TIRES nil hi omul, mill us Lid- can run Vi lli death If ' want to, "Hail mi Hies me like Hie hull soles on ii'Ihi'- shoes If )oii ilon'l use (lie best on'n' losing out, anil Hull's) the iciison be Is putting on IMiimond Tins Ho mijs .11111 cull I liimlh went Vui out." KLAMATH AUTO TIRE CO. C. It. XIAIIl'Li:. Pmp. FJII SMIl St. 4 U Mr. and .Mrs. C. Burr loft today for Portland after n vt-jlt with Klam ath Falls friends. KIUIS LOOK FOR THE RED 11ALL. TRADE MARK Burleson's order raising telegraph rates 20 per cent will add a burden of $16,000,000 a year lo the users of the wires. .President Mackay of tho Postal company, who is a responsible man. makes a public statement that his company, if Burleson relinquishes control, will restore the old rates at once. It is always foolish, not to say dangerous, for a delnocracy to con fer autocratic power .upon a cheap politician. Telegram. fill. . t V.I. .... -St. ,....! ll II ( tl 111111 til M.s. T W. Otey who has Just re- r ", . " , , rr r-.i- civeieil from an operation In .he V. .. . ,.' .,.' ..,.,. if ,iiiv..r...i In- . Klamath General Hospital here left '"' """" .:. , , , iii,m, is" 'f.- !.,.. hmne at Morris lo.lav. 'llllro .U.I Ninth stteot I lionn .!'. II Hinds was nmong tlio tralji ar- ,, ,. Smh ,, , wU ,,IVI, ' " . i-vas .as. uigni in.m n, , in . -,-. , , ,,. sx ,, e I- a guest at the White Pelican U)f( (M m, ,,..,, 1)llny ,,,,. S:l1 Krutl """' cisco, wheio they expect to resldo In A. Kallna, who operates a merc.in- the rut tiro, tile establishment at Matin is In thq M , M , s t ., 0l. county sou looking after business In-, v,lk, (.0()k ,ou, ,,l(i,vtl.ri, lhl!t H-'iests. morning for Maiysvllle, California, I. F Kesterson. a lumberman from where they expect to .spend Mime the Worden district is In the Conn- time on matters of business, ty seat today looking after business f c .xi.c'lolli who uperatet a laU,rcf,s- general stole at Mt. Lnkl paid tho X I). Glusbich, a saw mill opera- county seat a business visit early tor "on the Klamath Uosorvntloii is this week. He reports that crop pros, in tluvcily for a few days on matters perls in thai vicinity were never bet- of business. 'cr. IT. 1) Brlugs came in on the train m evening on matters of business Just received my new spring sam- liom Ashland He is stunning at pies. 1 will bo glad to call at your the Hotel Halt. "Madam" iRreartnst? Ammunition Shootin'BiM'l yW(Hl-T-lnvCI:UhstUl When xou give public liuslness into' the hands of honest, well trained business men, you may depend on getting 'results. For example, note( the speed the highway commission has made with contracts, and com- pare it wi til" what you could reason ably expect if tho work were in charge or, say, a board of United States engineers. Telegram. ; See Charles S. Hood, Klamath Agencv, for Indian gra-.'.ins lands and t.-bef. 12-tf J. Sdftr Chocolates home to lit you to a Mi-Hone corsei 1 guarantee to tit you satisfactorily Mrs J. It. Vollmer. phone 22.IM IT'S HERE AT LAST SSEVSan Buy your gasoline where you can SEE it measured. We have the only visible GAS OLINE Dispenser in the city. It's your own fault if you don't get full measure. It's something new; come and see it. We bine fn-e nil- for jour tln-s; nliuijs plciill of It. mm 88HJSi iOA :i o ! LUc lusiiniiu-e companies lime paid sit 10.(1(10,(10(1 on account of liillueiie. ilecd Hie wiinilng anil gel a low cost policy from Clillcole .V: Smith. 1-tf HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Ainiiscnicnls J HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING SATURDAY NVNNING JAZ MUSIC I CLEAN UP Willi li (iOOD Kleclric Vacuum Cleaner in your home, your niKs anil carpets will be clean ALL TDK TIMK not merely for a week or so after Spring liouse cleaning. The HOVAL Sweeper N one or the (IOOD kind. It is not the lowest, nor the highest priced sweeper lo be had, jet It Is tlie most cllicient of Its type, mid j on can prove this by n FUNK TItlAL In jour own home. Built up to down lo pi ice. standard, not Link River Electrical Co. Phone 171. -rtrr jrtrx-if j.u LT1 ?s(?i5mr va, REMEMBRANCE i Keep down the gopher pest with a ,.22 caliber Remington and hollow point cartridges. a -12t ; I Mrs. Agnes II. Kskelson will be in , Eskelson's Furnltu -e store .Monday 'and baturday of each week, and the , remaining days shf will be found ati 343 Ninth street. Those having ac counts with her kindly see her at 'once. 8-:it STAR THEATER TODAY Pnranioiint Presents CHARLF.SRAY IN OutlesUV "PLAYING TUG GAMF," Also A Two Reel Comedy "BKWARI.: OF IIOARDFRS' Adiirlsslou 10 .V- 211 cents' DON'T LEI A GOLD IBEPTOOATBOHB Dr. Klnrl'3 Nov Thccvrrry r.!most novcr zllo to brln qu?cl: relief Traill do;:3 onct; in aw'.": -.n.l t'5 Itiroat-tsarinp, lun-;-jp!lr;' ; c -. 'i Sion .;-L:j dorm. Another .' . la l..t L.i!l befarj junpir.- i- - 1 !, a ;3oJ -U:p, and bac!: to i.c- - .' i t':a t.-i;r:.i.:j. Lno-va. lor C'. yo..M i. .i L -.1 r.iisvir.j co'.-jtij, cJ.j a- I L -.. l aitac!... For f:.':y y.u:- i. I., j Uv.i :ld by dru;;Uu cVs.-'' . . A reliable remedy chat you youn.s.i crany nembcr of your family can t-L u-.t., e.0c and SI.20. TrainThosoStubl)on bocli Help nature take its course, not n-ith a viobnt, l.abit-forminj purga tive, hut with (,-entle but certain and ritural-Iaxativo, Dr. King's New I.ifo I ills. Tonic in action, it ttimuiutca t!.c -.. 'it- .'ic Asa Li-c bowels. C;!J i KSTUAY XOTICH , Came to my place last October, one Hereford cow atid culf; no brand vis ible; marked under hulf crop In left ear and smooth crop and swallow ' fork In right. Owner can have same ' by proving property and paying ex- I peilHOH. I Also, one Holstcln row, no brand Tr w p i t TMFATFR visible; marked, what looks like small L ivi r l c lncvicrv M...,.iiou. ri. i ri,,i, ,,- v.. Ilt,ir THE SOLUTION of buttery troubles. Kquip your cur with an "lExtoe" Battery backed by "Exfoc" Service 44. m Lightin "patteries Automobiles f JUDD LOW 23 Main St. Phone 22M ,-?Pt3'TV dZ "1. - kftr. Stm. .-! ; Ask Chllcote .V- .Smith about the LOW COST life, accident and health' policio of the Trawlers. 1-tf TODAY llliie Illnl Piesents PRISCILLA DF.AN "Till-: RRAZKN IIKAUTV" Also A l.jiuis anil .Moi-nn Comedy. Admission 10 & l. cents .Matinee u.:io. i:enlngs "::) &. . MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'ICTUKKS TL'KSDAVH AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon mark. Cnmo to niv nlncu I-'ebruarv 1. '1918. Owned can have sami) by prov ing property and paying expenses. -, J. N. Stiles, Rznll Stock Farm 7-:it ' -. a i . - ssfksssammm Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MA DM TO ORDFR FINHST MATKRIAI.S RUST OF WORK.MAN.SHIP JiATFST .STVLi:.S I'l-IRI'KC'PFIT GUARAXTl-:i:i) Prices mo icry rciiMiiuihlo Vniir inspection Imltcd . J. Cizek Ml RCIIA.NT TAILOR rIS Main St. Chas JbliJ ERTY THEATER Tin: pick of Tin-: phturi:.s" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT Kathleen Clifford in "THE LAW THAT DIVIDES" Smiling Bill Parsons in "BILL'S PREDICAMENT THURSDAY MATINEE AND EVENING BIG DOUBLE BILL FOR ONE PRICE Hale Hamilton in $5,000 AN HOUR and Peggy Hyland in, "MARRIAGES ARE MADE" DAILY MATINEE At tills Thi-aler nl ' li::t(l p. in. Doors open ut 1! o'clock MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director f Y it it if t t t t Y t T T lT If t it t t The Time Sver 5'5''s5 2 i i 2 5' X ! m3 i t t t t t ijgpMuiMiiiiiiiiiiil MOMENTS ARE FAR TOO VALUABLE T6DAY TO BE WASTED OR MISSPENT Fully one-half of the time you now devote to ironing with old stove .heated sad-irons is a..sheer loss. This amount of time could easily he saved for more urgent Household requirements by using an ELECTRIC IRON In addition, an Electric Iron will do better work for you will save your clothes, linens, doilies, etc. will eliminate needless tramping about will abolish dirt and muss will save fuel and expense.. t t t t I t I California-Oregon Power Company xk t A f f t t i For Your i 4r BLUE GRASS, WHITE CLOVER 'NONPAREIL LAWN MIXTURE Murphey's Feed & Seed Store aWn ENGLISH RYE GRASS AND LAWN DRESSING 126 s.d, sixu, st. Pb.