MUNIIAV, Al'ltlt. 7, nun I'AOK Foun THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON H If You Want to Be in the Fashion Swim zmmnmmmmmimmikmmmmmmmmmmwmamm this spring choose one of the many attractive waist-seam mod els that we are now showing. They are KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES known the country over for their superior style and wear, and the spring styles are better than ever. Don't buy your spring suit until you see ours.' M B I) Hi ' if l s li K K i iwr4i M L". u: Kuppenheimer Clothes Knox Hats Nettleton -Shoes K.K.K.STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters ilffiHi III i Ml A If l mcW ll'i I N'WWb Hi uh I You'll Be Lucky April Is the "Diamond Month," and If jou want the Goddess of Lack to smile, on you the jenr 'round jou'll put n diamond ring on her finger, nnil equip jour car with Diamond Tires It is a roo business proposition to invest In "Diamonds" at any time, and the sooner you do the more ou Hill appreciate jour good luck. Klamath Auto Tire Co. C R. MARPLE, Prop. 120 Sixth St. Tube Rose Food Products PERFECTION IN QUALITY ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED ASK GARICH HE KNOWS Garich's Quality Grocery LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Klamath Falls, Oregon 220 Main St Phone 326 William Farnum at the Liberty Theater AGAIN fiPlgpfj'fDR nEEDOt-WmMim. PRODUCTION tE SUNDAY AND MONDAY Matinees every day at 2:30 Prices 10 and 20c REGULAR SERVICE OVER Local Red Cross .'. Activities .'. in OF PEACE LEAGUE IS i 'oriucr President Tnfl xuk II Is TOO LATF TO PI AmilFV ilillr nf tlm I nlt-.l MM In lin ' UU LA ' Y roniii u iiioiiiTmm "I Mi" nimiiy in nu tlims If Kiiropn lum the power I" 'OltSAI.I. heap, flnn wutnr pnwtr force us Into war ullli-nlll). Hum washing iiiiirhliio, like new 9111 I'liclu Sum miiHi got 11 Utile power tn '' l II keep Ktiropo out nf win wllly-nlll) T LONDON', (Corrcsponilonco of tlio Associated Press.) Just as soon as aircraft regulations have been de finite arranged by the Peace Con- rson, C. Howman, Hazel Howman, ferenco, an airplane passenger and I Geo. Wright. It. C. Anderson, D. Stu. freight sorvlco, will be Inaugurated kol, F. Stukcl. between the principal cities of Eng land and the continent. It Is an nounced. It will be an experiment only lnsofjr as the whims of the public are concerned, as the fifteen machines to be used all saw more trying service In night bombing work during the latter months of the war. There is no doubt in the minds of the promoters that the project wil. be popular at first among those who enjoy adventure and are not hamper- Tl-osu present at the Red C ns room In Merrill last Mopdrv wero t": Mesdames Hazel Pav. man. .. I' liau Wright, R. li. Andirsor.. 1'red Si.iKel, Joe Sttikel, O. K. Punorer I II C Anderson and C. M Ucrrltt ; tk DAI.I.KS. April S. Ju bad Thoso present on Tuesday vB'n ,,, WMhlnslun, niter 1111 :i'i'np u( Mosclnmos Geo. Wilson. 11. II. And- ,r t.. s.,zr. foiicrrxsniati V -" Slunott b lie. ci thnt the imii'Ii will act :aoriMy upon the l.i.n;t of Nations, provided that nmonil- inputs such 11s those suggested by Houston I'nit I'och wept when li signed the armistice The lluus wimp every time ho signs 1111 extension tlroouvlllu I'li'diunnt I'lUST CLASS cook, hit I rook nncl waller want Jobs In lumber rump Kmiulrn Houston hntiitu 7 tl "MIi'Kiij" lit Dm I.lbnrl Krlilii) anil Saturday T It Jed by lack of funds but, In making LONDON HONORS 0. S. ENTRANCE 1 1 the announcement of the new service, I P. Handley Page said that his com jpany wanted to put the servico pure. ! ly on a business basis and that j charges would not be out of reach of 'the average merchant who might ' want goods transported quickly ot make quick trips in Europe. Announcement of the plans wasl undo slmultaneausly with the first IpuEIIc exhibition of a passengcr-car- nlnc airnlane in London. The plane is one of the night bombers with i the fuselage equipped to pccomoditn seventeen nassenccrs. It saw sen Ice I LONDON. April 7. -London on over Gorman cities but appeared Friday celebrated the second annl- vcrsary 01 rresluont w nson s speccu announcing America's entry Into the war. Wednesday Mesdames Geo. Wil son, J. W Taylor, Grace Taylor, Joo Stukel. E. M. llubb. Fred Stukel. R. C. Anderson, I). Stukel, R. II. Andcr son and R. L. Ualton. Thursday Mesdames Fred Stukel. E. M. Uubb, R. C. Anderson, C. M Merrltt, A. Hammond, K. M. Horn- mond and R. II. Anderson. Friday Mesdames R. II. Ander son, R. C. Anderson, E. M. Ham mond, A. Hammond, R. L. Ualton, George Wilson, D. Stukel, Fred Stuk. el. INTO THE W Mr. Hughes are Incorporated In the oncnint. At the present time, dm grejsmin Slnnott declared, the sen- ,tlmcnt In congress is opnse to the covenant. Especial menace to Ameri can commerce Is seen by C'otigieis iiinn Slnnott, who believes Unit the no-called enuallt) on the sen would militate to the. disadvantage of this country by removing the protection to coustwlse shipping and threaten ing our commerce with the Insular possessions. Attorney Roger II. Slnnott was here from Portland to greet his brother. If time parmlts, the hitter plans to visit sovoral sections In his district which nre Interested In Iril gullon ind homestead laws now pend ing beforo congress. Ho had illffliultv in getting away from Washington, one of the pilnclpnl reasons being the large number of appeils which he is -niching from Oregon mothers nsKlng that ho use his Influnnre in xec.irc the dlsclnrge of theii sons the army or navy much different on exhibition. Huge glass windows had been cut into the j'des of the fuselage 3howing the sa 1 Ron fitted with heavily unholstero'' leather chads lined on each side of the carriage with a narrow isle be tween. Space Is provided for slxtea'i passengers inside. The seventeentn one sits outside In tho very "bow" of the machine In the seat formerly oc cupied by a gunner. The machine has a lifting capacity of six and one half tons exclusive of Its own weight. Is fitted with four motors, two tractors and two pushers and travels at an average speed of 100 miles an hour. The company which will operate the .service already has laid Its plans for petting business and for "feeder" services tapping Its main lines of t.-j-vel. E. J. Bray, formorl.' European traffic representative of the National Railway of Mexico, has became traf fic manr.ger of tho If imlley Page, Ltd., and Is at work on purely the traffic end of tho enterprise. Those Interested 'In tho projuct point out tfiat as far as the machines nro concerned this Is not an experi ment and maintain that It is tho most ambitious plan jet conceived for commercial use of the airplane. No especial effort will ho mado to get great speed but evory effort will be made, as tho service Increases to construct largor machines which will glvo passengers greater easo and freedom and will bp capable of carry ing several tons of freight. A Clear, Rosy Complexion Is But the Reflexion ot Pure Rich Blood Pallor indicates weakness while a rosy color signifies strength. The ruddy glow of health is but the reflec tion of pure, rjch blood showing through the skin. All the face creams, lotions, etc., cannot give you a clear, healthy complexion and soft, velvety skin if your blood is impure or impoverished. HOT SPRINGS BLOOD REMEDY will build rich, red blood and restore new life and vigor to every organ of the body, and with this new vigor will coniQ the surface signal of health in the form of a perfect complexion. Price $1.00. Spring is a good time to clean-up your system and clear-up your complexion. WWMMVWVWWsMAMMWitWVWWWSWMW The city was ablaze with red, white and blue. From hundreds of house tops Old Glory fluttered. A number of London churches, clubs and other Institutions arranged for special services of thanksgiving. Other cities and towns thruout tho Hrltish Isles are holding similar cele brations. At Westminster Abbey thcro was a memorial service at noon. The dean of Westminster preached and detach ments of the American forccj, depu tations from the American embassy and prominent American and Anglo. American bodies In London attended The English-speaking union, an Anglo-American body, arranged this serv T1IK PARISIAN IIKAl'TV SHOP The Harper Methoil ot Scalp Treatment and Shampoo ing. Facial Treatment, Manicuring nil) Main St. Phono illld nlWWOOdi P KsWsl V7 I rurTtvI KLAMATH FALLS OREGON mm Where, particular people duy their drugs W E2335S3 S .BSBEZQCBEDEHKHBEMUUMjl LAST CALL DAIRY ItANCIIKIl VISITS. Ross Sutton, a well known farmer of the Dairy district was In town looking after buslncs.3 Interests at tho County seat Saturday. KSTIIAV NOTICE Came to tny placo laBt October, ono Hereford cow and calf; no brand vis ible; marked under half crop in left ear and smooth crop and swallow fork In right. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex penses. Also, one Holsteln cow, no brand vlslblo; marked, what looks like small Icurnlliu. fnrt Iti ,-lfrlit nnt M tltiAV "'""'', fame to mv placo February 1, 1918, Owned can havo same by prov CHRISTIANIA.-Tho Hrltish 1e-, Pa7B expenses. .gallon recently challenged tno Am- j. n. Stiles, Eell Stock Farm. 7-3t orlcan legation to a bIx mile ski raco, and ten members of each organiza tion took part In tho contest. The Americans won with 37 points against eighteen for tho English. "Mickey" nt tho Liberty Friday and Saturduy 7-4t See Harry Telford for tractor plow ing. Address Klamath Falls, Merrill route. tf Tho Jap says ho Is proud of his rec ord in tho Pacific. Suro. But prldo Isn't u valid title to real , estate. Greenville Piedmont. i Order Your Suit Now For Easter i Clothes are cheaper now And you get the benefit of it here. Just received samples of All-Wool Worsteds to sell at $32 and Tailor-Made, mind you. THE LARGEST LINE IN TOWN. FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. LATEST STYLES. $20 up Dr6w & Merrill Corner Sixth and Main. W.WJBIiSV'V 1 ""A3 m m m m N B m m N H 0 S