SLig wmittQ Hrrald rtrClClAL NtVVarrtn OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS 5 KLAMATH COUNTY f US" Ycnr-No. 3 589 FIRMERS WILL ! ii it 11 i lnin i i u I btl mum 1U l F1HST KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRU. 7, 1919 Price, 5 cents NEW MEAT MARKET ON EAST MAIN ST. ii ro killed In t tin liiHt in I u t ii iiin- II I II filibuster II llllK llllllll till) KimI Hon of tlm riillrimil luliiiliiUtrutlon Hint iiiiilur ottriinrdluitry cur'nii' titiitireit capital nliimlil In supplied foi minded lutiuiKlonn where tin' rillrmtl' "Tin- IJinillly Market" Ik tint name ynli'iiiH nfTiTli'il will iiiiriivo of tint of tln new nn-iit Hliup which In get proposed new coii.truUlun. It Ii i.-!ll(! under Wll. , t,,(! Vrdcn hulld- l'ltVt',1 t II It t IT tlllt I'llllllllUllltll'N fill- cerned will nrgitnlm anil iieeuri STRIKERS IN NEW ENGLAND WESTERN NIGHTS TO through tlutlr c-iini tniTclii t urgaulta Hon tlm approval of lliln lliif, Hut money "III l forlhi inning Bnir on Being Made Cnnnl Are Now Inc. at l22 .Main street, anil which, ulll be pri'pntt'il to meet tlm ii In of tint public liKfoni Hid I'tnl of tlm week. i Tint new i-nliihllshiiicul will hit con ducted by J W Moorman, anil will I BIG filOI . ""Mm u) i .iiiiurniHu, uimi win year I Tin- in iiiov,, that .-., i, i,ip,i ' ''" ,";; " '""rk"1 "' "' '''"tl ' "f Textile Worker and Author- vl""' i along materially by the. people of this ly I . . .. , ,!or an up-and-dolng Chamber of Com-I . ... merce wwi a woman H auxiliary, unii DRAW HUGE CROWDS then you are In the right way to get all that In due thin part of the Htutc." Mrs. Kly will meet Tuesday nt l ii-paradum- an going ahead ra luncheon HOmo t the prominent wo Pl.lly for i In- big Klks Western nights ,,. ,,, U)e tl. , f()rm AMOcIate wnii n are ir, in- iii-iii ai me lompie Industrie League here. No money In lie lUtli. 1 Uli anil Ulll. needed or asked for. but 1imt the hlH c.vunt is a yearly stunt for , .unuor, ,)f (.v,.rv woman who k.Iom hero, h Ih a source of . .n,,.rested In Hin in.-hulldlnij of tho i iiiiti'iial cnlt-italnmcut to all who at. sla((! i tend anil It Ih phi lined to make this T the Tl ami ill) unii It U up to entry luislm-H mini ami enterprising cltlien to write tu Senator MiNitry at once, mid urge pfW USE EARLY WATER M" l" foll"w l,,li ,",tur "i'- " ' "" offer In iintilnt the inovn In any way j. possible ll Ih a mutter, loo, wlili It j might bit NiiliNtantlally aided by thu l .-l Jlmi.t.-r Sinlt- Hellrf "r,,"' flinmlM.r of Commerce, and a n,,'frt h . liriMUr liruiiKlil to bear which will .trrol "' Majority f ',,,'','r" brliiR till much u led construction Ulll Ik" rnTiil ) Tiirnliiit U'nler about at an early datn and glw Klam . i, . u .. i.i Ii..,. n,n C"Ullly a place en the map to "" "' " M" ,',-,,"" whirl, Hhe U JiiKtly enlltled IH T ROAD ities Commence Shooting best jet Kverybody Ih Iii- and from the Kenernt talk rybody Ih IiUiiiiImk to attend ..xii ciiritcn MKKTIXt; TOXKJHT. PROGRAM N jit u( Srriwi!''. Tbit llif iiiiiiifr.iiin rett)eU fium ik, nilrr uer of the Kli m.Un Ir rifitlon rfojrct, in lli flfeil I'mt iter for Ihli ncimoirn IrrlKiitlcn be UmrJ Into the laiml mi that It will taulUbl( In tlielr ue by Hie I .'.III c( tbli month "" 't '' Kran lUlnJ )iu ll tho ilc lulmi ' Project M.uu- ( IfrllflMIt II JVrwi'll on airmiiii in ttr rrraln en the ninol, ddnKer of ipajnnJ (illn inntlum Ho linn in. i-iitrd Mi wltUin ) 'ie reiinwint: iiiltratnt TICOMA REVOLT iiitiiii oc , iiii.mox ix moxi;v AXIl MIAItl.V HAM-' A .Mil, I. KIN .mkn in in: i rn,i.i:n ox x.. TKIX'h IIICIIWAVS TENTH WEEK OF STRIKE iTMrnlj-'lliiee Arnln Mnile TimI.ij In l Ciiniirilloii Willi Itiimli i:ploMlmf, IMHAVS AltC IKIWX I'llOM ill Ti'iiemriil IIiiiim' Womeii llrltr I Clillilieii Ami) I'iimii Siliool Willi j Stnni". In '.Mill llNtilils. MILLET riSHINE i pricnm Mniii nm GLHOUHjriUVU Ullj The annual meeting and supper of ' the Flmt Presbyterian Church will I be held at tho church this, evening and Important matters relative to ' the construction of life proposed new church will be taken up. HACK TltO.M CAMFOKXIA SI l III IVATION h ...i.M uiMiiii .si i'pi.v. i:m:it llA.M IS .MIXTA IK AX(.l,i:ith Mr and Mrs. Charlcs-J. Martin re- ' turned I.iHt nleht frnm iin extended 1'HKII: vacation trip In Southern California. WAHIIINCTON. II. C. April 7 ,The blKKent road IiuIIiIIiik campalKU Mn' the lilstorY of the t'nlted Stales Is I hi'KiuuluK under direction of the uurl- I I.AWHi:N('i:, M.iks. April 7 lllot- Iiik ulik'li was marked by promisc uous firing by Hid .strike sympathis ers ami the pollec forces, opened the tenth week nf flu, lih- tnvlll.. Ktrlkn rullural department, acrordltiK to 'lcro 0(y "It will not be puiiMliln tu roin flrte nCTnry or dimlruljlo tepulrn mil rlfinlni: by that dnti; iitime". tmllr It wuuld mi'iln mi effort In itmitle thru Ihe neamin and prob ity lit lew miUlnctory nirvlio Irin it lulllrlt'tit time lind been tnk g la place the )lein Into tiflt" tradition. incith iu:'iaiti:n to ih: itixi- nait ihii.siiijviki iiiiuxo Tun: aiAitATi:it aiii: rxiii:u Ainicsr in u a tene- aensatlon statement by Secretary Houston Plans to spend $343,000, 000 en tirely on new hlghwayH ant beltiK worked out Half of this money has been appropriated by the federal gov ernment and half will be furnished by the states. Approximately 4 10, Mill men will bo stones ttu-Ir hands droe away the glen employment Wages will run children who atteinnti.d in co to TACO.MA. April 7. In answer K j intii inllllunn. Itoad workers received' school, iileps taken by lint Central Labor i from $2 SO to $5 00 last year. More It had been preloiibl announced Council to attempt to recall Hie I'a- will be diiuiaiiiled this year, It Ih ex-, Hint tho children of the strikers A bomb explosion ment house (rented Hirudin the city. j Twenty-three arrcalx lrtixo already I been made In (oiinectlou with the af , fair, j In thu mill districts, women with The annual mullet fishing season Ls on at Lost Hhcr and many of the Indians are clown from the Itebervi Hon to catch their yearly supply. Sev eral camps are installed at the Dler slon Dam and some at other points along the rler. The Indians on catching their sup plies of these fish, which aro always numerous nt this season of the year, dry them and store them away lot winter's use. It Is asserted that the .supply is nut as great this year as usual. Many of the "pale faces" also on- Joy this sport ami It is reported that there were about fifty uutoa jester- JLIfii TRIAL IS STARTED TODAY riltST TKIAL FOIl XKAItLV A vkaii is civil, actiox now; CXIIKK WAY. CASK . HKIXfi IIKAItll IX CITY IIAMi c oiii OF ISTSIN T W Foreign Minister Reported Assassinated MAY REACH VIENNA Conflicting I5onirt Are Itereltnl of Another Upheaval ' In Hungary, llariiria Voting Against .Soviet iov-rrnnirnt-r-l'rililent Wilson Ini prm r. Hut He Is Still ill Ueil. VIENNA, April 7. The Hungar ian Communltt government In Hilda- I pest has been overthrown, according" to rumors, current In official circles. Newspapeis today declare that Hel akun, the Foreign Minister Is report ed assassinated. The reports do not say whether tho attempted revolution was organized by the Socialist or Bourgeois parties. WASHINGTON", I). C, April 7. Advices reaching the state depart-. The first Jury trial to be held in hnont today Indirectly from Vienna Klamath Fails Circuit Court since; said that the Communist revolution coma City Commission li-jimmo " t J ! t ! irnente! lint null- of tnea bv Hi- i nt. Kltieer Thuiiias McDunald, chief en-i would be kept awaj from schools ho-'day at the Diversion dam. of tint Iowa sinlii lilgliway cause or tne alleged autl-strlke nctivi "Turnlnti Ihn nlitr lulu tlni ry . offliluls todnv took comni nslon w III be In chargu of thu ties of Ihe teachers. hi wllcr ihnn renlly ,tec.nW, '""f. "' r ouiiiais uma imk Jh.fori..iilitrii nn. L-itii-irjilv t,re. h'eps lo arrest mure lenders of Ihe campalKn. He has been named head - pirftl to mske line of It. means an Turn nut soldiers, Sailors mid Work jof the government bureau, and will PORTER BOOTLEGGER item ltd (ttnKN.ury Inert-nun of seepage trou- b', trrater liiconvetiiiinre and ox Knit liter In the semen fighting moil In cttniili nml a direct Incrensu In the oi'criilloti expetiMi-n, While dooMIca the early witter mlKht he cl btneflt In a few It m-ciiim more this proliablu thai It would be mi in Jury to a crrntrr number "I int Informed thai during the lien's Council and declared Hint the 'take charge in a few days. organlitalloii Is a repruduMloi, of the lll.KHlun Soviet The trial of six!) iihMi nu-l woaieu arrested Salurdiiy cwulug bi-ghts to. I .1. .. . , . . , ... ., i ' tiny. i. aru is expecieu tu iniiiiuiiii n Aoparate trial. The Labor Committee met to ar I Itiri when loe Valley rented wator rnnK0 , rllH, lhu r0cll. ia pim mr it m pruporiion to inn quintltr U'i'il, nti'ly was thttrn any ronildrrablo ili-iiinud for ll until Jnce, illlio li was loiumonly avail ible much earlier I unilt-rntnml fur Iter that this uilley Is purtliulnrly Urtatened by seepage and srenl rurn tboold be tiieil to aiinlv water hene- Ilflillr ami nut put nn more than Is 'Her biolatoly ticcimsiiry ( m "H ! Hip t-ipeclatlon that water -t f SMITH IX X -hi uc iiiiiii-n nun me sysiem on or , iKfor May lt In the .sandy portions! . , , ol tbe project as, for example, near . Albuuuernue, Now Mexico looks Wo Uke, It niay lie posslblti to like the end of lhu world, according mn me wau-r a week or ten days ,,, w irll. lll... i .,. :,. I" V Mayor Itldgell said he ttfl''nmd ll.i Issue between the ItiiiMiu ll'd-Hl-tNlkl Idea nml Ihe A nu-rl.-n I Idea nf goti-rnmeuL He said 'he i inn n n hiding Ihelr Hue rhui.u-i-i- iii-d-er the prelensc ofMicnefltlitig Ihe nil. :w MKMCO, IDARLEY GOING TO FINDS ROUGH TRAIL I T com i;iti:.( i: at imhtlami m:.t wi:i:k iiixiAitnixti civ. hlltfCTIO.V OF IIK.'IIWAY FIMIM KLAMATH XOIITII TO DALLI'.S County Judge ll, II. llunnull has MLDFOllll. Apill 7 -Couiity Pros eeulor Hoorgo Huberts sprung a new wrinkle In his ctusadu agaiiiht boot legging Thursday to which C. M. Johnson, head Pullman porter run ning on train 14, between Oakland I and Portland, and one of the oldest porter.s in point of service on this illusion of lhu Southern Pacific, was 'thu Hist Mc till). I The piosecutor brought a special man here from Portland, hid him .sworn In ns a deputy sheriff and put him on the trains. His day on ,tho Job as a special detective result led in his purchasing a pint of whls- Medford HERE TO BOOST T I1CII WO.MAX IIF.lli: TO STIMCLATF. iinixi; coons MAiu: ami citowx ix oki:;ox (jhkat- I.V IMI'ltKSSKII HY KLAMATH Kev on tin- train tietween .. ,...... ktirimi fir niiiniiiiiT in i u.,.1.1. l. I, vl.lil.... .,. I J""1 '"l" "" "' " " " I1Mll ,;,,, Mill for S7 from Johnson , r, tiiiotii, ! n - ' r ,... 1?....,. II I. ,l,i..r.t. r'.iiinitluulti li .... T ftApriUhouhinnu;;,,,,- ,,y , '""" ""' "'- ''- "- m ..I , Z hm. ,m e 5 .1 of."" "'-o.Cy arrested J,d,Son ooalomeiisihoimhlt will do the grels lo the brother i:iks of l.s in- " " " Ulm tll0 mlU(or wI" W1,K tkel1 from tllB ln"" antl injKtmarohi.riii.ilimiRondliihnvi. ability lo he hero for the Western '' , "' " l ,V IMX.. J b,0"!,,t toJiwtko Tnjlort comt nt . ;i'nf7.,;r''1"''l''''10'' ' bf NR1; ,, week. Ills .many friends " ll' ' ' l" ;" ' " fa Medford. where he pleaded guilty to mil,l!i xW ,, ,,, , kllw lhnl ,lu ,H .. Mend an.lKlui. Ii Kill wl II b, so , wsKc. ,, W(8 , Mrs. Hen C Kly, Held worker for the Associated Industries of Oregon, 'arrived In the city Saturday. Mrs. 1 Kly Is preaching the gospel of buying 1 everything manufactured, mado and gtown in Oregon, if price and quality mi N CUT-OFF. Iniprineil In health coi:s to it. c. coxvi:.tio.v ""WiOX KIINATOH MAKi:s ,l. ''Wl. TO IIAILUOAII AllMIMH TBATIHX KlH COMI'I.KTIOX OF KW'KK (IAP TO OAK (1H to send County Surveyor C T Darley ,, ... , . ,,. to is conference at which there will ll. 12. Hill Ih expects lo leave to-1 ' , , c ,,,, ., r a so be roprasenlatiNes fiom the morroty morning for Seattle, wl.e re Fi,(lunU h will attend conference of the . Northwest DlM-slon of the American " ... Horvlro I ' r",f,"'t',,ro ls ,0 l, ,,,,,u nt tl10 Ml,,t" uoniau t ouii iiimisu. -. ,,. I .., .I....l.l..n !... up mr uimi i......,, ih... $2ri(, nll, Khin ., j,,, ,,, of 30, a lepreseulatUe of Klamalh County , (,nV(. ,I()llU8()Il mmedlately tole-i he present. Tim couil lias uecmeu lied ('tons. Mr. Smith rhnlrman of lhu Home partmenl of this grtnt society and ho expects to get some new Ideas for 'Increasing tlm efficiency of Ihl.s work hurti. IIKNF.HVK TO UK IMSCHAIKiKll. WASHINGTON, II. C April ". mmedlnlo rnlenso of prnctlcilly tho naval ri'Hurvo force on ac- VICIOUS TORNADO TEARS UP OMAHA WASHINGTON, I, C April 7.-',, Wtl IdmlnUi...,!.... ... .. 'l Of . "ouiiii ny sitnutor Mc "T lo coinpi,.fl, ihe Natron cut-off no bi.utliorn Pacino rnllronil ..." W0U1" lllt,i'" tho construction 0IPPro millnU. ,. . Iron, o.i, ,7. " ,"""8 "' nm" this nflnrnoon. Kirt i,, K ln l'n,,u Coo'liyt lh::; ftmiM1 bounty. This would nen tho route i,v rnii . d.. lK!r,'n" "l!1 Ktan' "" on! 0l,y' R. .- nun ra road. ' . . ....... ........ i. uimri Till) matt,,- I,. n,ul u- wiinuiiriy mu iim UPow.i lironontml to T. tmn t0 HfsMt thoso who nooil aid In "i iiirecifir nf iim ,iiuiinn ,. OMAHA, April ". Hoavy pioporty dnmnge and u few persons Injuiod were tho results loft In tho wake of thu lclous tornado which swept graphed to San Frnnelsui friends to send him money to pay his fine He lias been a potter yn tho Southern Pacific li! years. mciiL.sT to wkii. NKW VOUK, April 7 Mls Marn ret Cainegle, daughter or Andrew Carnegie, Mild lo bo tho world's rich est heiress, ami her fljiico, Knalgn Uoswell MJller. I'liltotl States nttval reset ves, today obtained license fof their nurrlago, which Is to lane .date April 22. at tho Carnegie itmntv) place at Lenox, Mass. Miss Cainuglo's engagement to i:n sign Miller was announced last Nov- umbur lie Is tho son of tho Into Hos- .MILS. IlKX C. KI.V or Mc- , . .ii i ,i. . iin ,,r ' " uinuur uu is inu "ii "i mu mm "t- cut",fr 2,d2 , :; K,,el 1 -, K rr, ,,,,,i t: uUmn ,,,8,,k,t;- f- -m i,r - tuo, nllrontl. ' 1 c L r to ennc ho naval 'f ,I,H c,ty ,nst nlKh'- . , 'Chicago. Milwaukee St Paul rnl'- ()t ,,-. ro ,- ,:aht t0 bny , frtlluio of congics.-t lo unnci tne iiimu M homes wore unioofed and ..,.. m, mothor lles hero with her ., . ,,,., 'n nppropilatlon bill'. It was announced y 0o ,.,. ,mt,k Wll!t - hat can bo bough ., Oregon, or "f ' this nflnrnoon. . i80'1, , j tho Coast. That It is tho duty of ixcemi: tax mkn iikhu Harper, John Wilkinson! I STOCK MOVED TO ISLANDS IN LAKE SOUTH AMERICA WILL BUY MUCH FURNITURE WASHINGTON, Apill 7 anils goods on ev- tiry mnn mid woman to build up their 'own town first, thun thu state Tlio women do SO per cent of thu buying done in Oregon. It lies in j their hands, to build the statu up or -Moro ,ear " ''ow"- When they realize, that "Pltal making tholr Incomo tax rotiints. j0, Anton, who has been feeding (unu a mj0 dollars' worth of fur- ,llu mi- ro11 t"'llar Is tho fastest dol- the McKendree murder case last June Is the civil action of J. P. Sater iec ersus Martin Iirothers which commenced this morning in the audi, tori u in of the City Hallv This is a case in which the plain tiff Is suing for alleged Storage of " eight S-nt the introduction of grain. The amount Invoked Is 11061. a SoUet RcP'luc ln Bavaria. The plaintiffs attorneys are Rutenic and Y.tlen while the defendants-are represented by attorney H. M. Man ning The time is being spent today in selecting the Jury. BASKET BALL GAMES AT KLAMATH AGENCY Two basketball games played at tho Klamath Agency Saturday night drew a largo crowd ln spite of tho stormy weather, and the Indian boys and their opponents put up the best kind of a game. The first garni was was deemed Austria Imminent In German . NUREMBUnc, April 7. The Ha varinn National Conference of Social Democrats here has oted forty-two WASHINGTON, D. C, April 7. Advices received today from Paris stute,d that President Wilson Is steadily improving but still In bed and unable to attend tbe meeting of the Conference today. LONDON, April 7.--Tho Commun ist .Government at Budapest was still in office on Saturday and the Foreign Minister alive. No very strung opposi tion was indicated at that time. P'ayed between" the Fort Klamath team and the boys of Mho school ntj tho Indian Agency, the latter winning by ii score of 29 to 4. Tho second game was a contest be tween the reservation employes and tho reservation Indian team. ibo employes won by a score of 52 to IH Tho proceeds of tho entertainment ire to be devoted to athletic enter prises, A dance was given following tho games. II. lllard, who lias charge of tho Agency school, is in tho city to day, with F N. Coopor, and declares that everyone hud the licit kind of a time, and more events of this Kind aro to bo given in tho future. PARIS. April 7. Because ot tho indisposition ot Premier Lloyd George and tho continuous illne.w of President Wilson, the Council of ; Fcur did not hold its expected session here during the forenoon today. HACK FKO.M AVIATION CAMI Kenneth Perry a well known city lioy, w-hothas beeu In the aviation ser vice, and stationed in Illinois, re turned Inst night. FIRST AUTO. IN FROM SOUTHLAND Tho first auto to come through from California this season is that ofr W P Johnson of the Klamath Falls creamery, which arrived bearing Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson after nn extended visit In the South, Friday evening, Thoy eamo In -over tho Lookout routo after considerable dltnculty, FRIENDSHIP S CAMPAIGN I -Oil l-l Mis Foil I5K- lu:f of ih: stti:ii ikaxci: IS , STAKTLll IIL'ISi: UXIIF.K LKAIlKltSlin- Ol MAYOIt 'Tho .''Bonds oi Filcndshlp" which aro to bo sold heie at ono dollar oach for tho rehabilitating of tho and do not recommend the trip' ns ai French homes under tho leadership pleasure excursion for their friends 'of Mayor I. 11 Struhlo have arrived for somo II 1 1 lo time to come. Mr. Johnson indicates that thero worn in stances en routo whuro the powor of reu will bo gotten under way at once. and, this campaign whlih will bo con ducted mainly tin the school child- gnsollno gave way to four stalwart horses in tho deep snow. i:asti:k pi:aci: not phoiiaiili:. PARIS, Apill 7.--France's confl- '"I OXnoiiillln I urn-nib mu.. ... ........ i .nun niuvn, ...." ..- -- .- man million unions worm in nu- " -- . - l'AHlH, Apill i.--fl'ances COIUl-, UlttlCtllty, Although llio cuius mr Pretrial. Nh0 haH p"wor Thoy may bo found at the court house hlB oatt0 m) hoises this winter t ntmo Is Imported annually by tho r ' tho world to come back into ,Il00 , ..i:,IBtc. p0,co." voiced by liolp. from tho wiir zone ai'o many, This worth) work Is being carried on under the auspices of tho American Committee for de tstaled Franco and It Is- believed thai the city's quota, which is $270 will br raised without difficulty. Although tho call.i for "viuiiii nniiiiit I..-., i- ... . "cow in i, "' B,H """,e "r tho Hotel Hall. h wh?h "-'""Hloiw from the, roi'ld. J-. !'0"Kr"8S H "POCloU lo MdtfT SHII-T STARTS ltin. l n4rli0B0 very soon i-k,", 'i iiAiru session ""last ciiiiuriMH iim ...t..i . . '""oaio J7nn mm nn ... '""""" mr uuprovu- tattti AT I'KLICAX HAY. ono "xleiiHloiu, hut tho rno-m.' Tho night shift ut tho Polio in Hay Luinbur Company commenced woik for tho hoii.sou last night. tho II. St. Gcoigo Bleliop piaco near ( Woat'coast countiles of South Amer- circuiuiion titey win ue wining. I am rulCK MlnUtot Plchon, Is iccelvlng the, atrlcltcn folks are lu desperato. Crystal on tho west aide of tho Upper pn, Chile, Peru, Kcuuloi nild Bell- buvo, to buy tho goods mnnufactured no slll)po-t from other sources, Tho straits-and they call on Ame-ica. Klamiilh Liko, has movod this stock va, nnd tlioro ls to bo un incroaso as li Oiegou. 'litllof appears to be growing that, qw-i alono able to assist them to to the summer rnugo on Buck Island, 80on us .normal conditions aro res tor-1 Alrr. Kly soos tho wondtnful possl- jI1K to BW problems and deelopment a polnt.whoro they can again bo self A. Wlcksliom has beeu busy moving 0,i. bllltles of Klivmuth Falls. Sho thinks 0r differences In opinion regarding attstiilnhi-. Tho bonds aio b iiten tho animals, Ho lnw also moved somo of Georco Grizxlus' stocl; to Baro Island. tho futmo. brightur for this nut tho old ones, signing of pou-o by Kas- out in a uni(tie form and aro issued VhnU tho mutter with starting a of tho state than any she has visited. ' Ur Sunday, April 20, U out ot tho to "Clmugo no man's land into somo furniture factory nt Klamath Fulls? "What you nood hero," sho says, "Is q-mstlon. I man's homo."