' . V?' Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS ncciriAL Nfcwarflrw OP KLAMATH COUNTY thirteenth Ymr-No. 3 587 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919 Price, 5 cents be Ifcuimmn IE COUNTY II FOR ROAD TO THIS CITY r t t OAftAft In Wirei Offer ol qi,iAAi Join Klnmalh County CO-OPERATION ASKED llMrtil VIH Materialize I" M-. Mgrllrirliril l'ii.iln Cio-lnt." Iluniif Mllllnt llluli Owr Hit' Mountain Unf ruiiuD !' I' r,"1 ",f '" wft t "l"' ln "l" mtfiin'iil In .I- tn KMmi.ll! n 'llet to the ' V ..... .nfih Toil meek .IKU. hen II. I. Vonn, of Knpriii' here fm the flirt of lirKIIlK the people of Klimttli romily to ber.mix bkho. Iiletl ltb the Statr ( li.uuher of C.iiiiuierf.i t lild "You run rnuiit on l.mie toiiut) kfli'lse )iui iikiiiiII) ami flnnii lull)' Wlifn I r.'turii lo i:iiKne I lll take tack jour mnuiiKi' to our Coniiuer till Cluli a ihl I tan a-oiiiri" )oti jim ill! hrar fiMiriilil) from It " Tint preillctlon Inn. heen fulflllo.l Tkf mtan' (lint lr Yoran refetre.l to vii a H'iiii't for nunlitaiirii to in. cure (he fonxirtiriiou ol the Nitron cul-cK anil the (otiHtruriloii of an lotnraoblli' riii.il hetueeu thU rlty md Kuccno Toihi) Jililr.e lliliiliell fMtlvivl dm follow Iiik tel.'Krain from lt count) r.itirt of Lane Ceunty: Unr rniltit) Iihh tin aulo roail lo Ibe ttlftiliuie llmich I. line County mart l ruliii ri- fourleen tlioim ltd itollam fur the Military roml he linn lllililonr nuirli mill Crenrent l.ikp If Klamnlli County court will luUcrlbo lx ili.uiHiiuil ilolliiri., provl. dfd e ran set the I'orentry Depart mtnl to matt h natui' wlili twenty tboiuaml ilolhir n.ilil mail lo ho tullttinilerK.irei.iiy Depirtmenl Sti million ninl on Krade acceptable lo , . ... ,., w. lll() lmw (incil.-i ! t e many hulldli.Ks ntlll here """ "" "v lu" " """ '"' ' orilceor nubll. demandi. We want1'' Um "" wl" ' " "" , ' (lr pmu of them, which date hack tlio 1'r.vsldenl when he went to Ku tMt wprk ntarteil ami runheil HiIh iuckihki' '"" 0' ll" "'1 ( i,,,. , lm. )(Iir 1nnn t u n.ild rope In whiih ho expressed the hope lumnier When thin Htrelch In i I- tajM aboul the upti-lnl r.ile for whirl. n,i,t i,,,,,, n,e parent Krench In upokon t,at the Mission would result In lltnl we w Iiiimi nn autoload be I'ttn Klnmnth and l.mio eoiinties. l Wlllliinciu. pass Wire Answer. . II I Mown, County JuiIk.i. M H llarlnw, f'oiumlrnlon, B It Spencer Commissioner e HoKorH prenldunt of Dm fuilncm MeiiH AmocUtlon also re fthfil ii teliKrain from Mr Yoran Ititlns' "Our loiumltlen Is KtllnK 'Nulti on tin. nillltar) hlKhway bo Iffen fiiicciie nnd Kliiiniitli Kails. Une -omit) romt nK suhuillted a PropMiUon i ,, ,m,y ,.rt f Klamath niiint) and we have every rtamn In tinllio that the load ran be built this )(.ir Inn no tlin.i must b lift. I'li-am. M. )our court." j'"Im tluniifll w ih Interviewed r Iho i.l..ii,mii HiIh afieiuoon and lMea ilmt there would he a meet ln of the count) court tomorrow, l'n lm ii.i,.Kn,m fri)m tm .,, "unty offiii.n, ,WMllll hu n,(im ,, "ill cunnliluied KollolnK n, niensiiKU rucul vml V Mr. Kl,rH Uillc (IKU I'l.Kl.t.mt HuHlnesH "MI Ahmoi'I iiiiii. i. i ... WUliK resuliH ,. Military HI Lit tell' '" '.'!li '''"1 . v... . .iiillllllll'll in Highway ills The .... "'.nil) m,,j ' ' '"in HiiiiiuuiiMi lohMiJv ".';l.v "IMl hu "" reuson cr b,,"l,'ls,,mi1 ' I'o bufli this urco'l,"" '""" lH '" ,l" H' nro J Vv"i' '" "''"K" imivlimut very.,,,',, , l",n,,l "ml K. It. Hull "'Jl''"li liiteiiHie.l Ken them. ." '' V0UAN' M'in:it (HITS HACK. t J zui,r m, WIH 1( ,,,,,. of ..., "' ' "IH t oiHt Altlllnrv :nil I 1 1 III the lioHpltal at IMillt.VI- boy. "lll"r Kl'iumlli i-'.AllBiiiH wo ilo, you would take ureal do- ' reachod home, camn In Woilnes -I llfiht In imt.uluK Into piirtucmhlp ' "'Kin uml Ih liuliiir wolinniHil hv OM frloiulM nbmit I ho town . "uh'N IX lli:i, wit COM). ,,. i tear a I0N' " C5- A'r" . ' Ih.. .. "Ipi1 (l"''Htin has citblod ,, . '.'tllll'llt WIUoil lu .iinriii,.,l In'ln ,. ,"... I,,.,. VI.. ll. . ' " u wt, , .... b3 -- UU1I III I'lllll lllll III. IT I I It HOVnri. i.iil.l liiil ll, . COl"lltlu Is um ,t)giuii0d uh rimI Olil, vwi wn.i, nisiti.; m IMIIMItlW, HOARD ( M I WAHIIINiriON. I) C April ( Steel foi tin' I'nlled HIiiIi-k Nut) will j out lit lit In In- bought on loiup.'U M lilith legurillcnii of III" prlien MKri'i'il illiiin It) (ni tniliintiliil llmiril ill i 0 lil I lie. lo mi iiiiihiiiiii iiii'iil toil i li) A. ting Hi'ii"liir ilooMirl I fixed nut having noo.i:. A M On IiiiiiI pin. nl guilt) )entei ''" befnr Jutlie N J t'liupiiiiin to ,.,,. ()MllUllK ,1U(ir , ,,,H ,,. I mvmlnn iiml uiih fined I" iiiol cunts ' I liy tlio ronrt INI'AVI IlltOII.IU I'OltMA (iiris ATTENTION AT (Ai'Aiii.i: mum: I ItOM t A I.I- I'AltlK I I.Alt Il.tMII If )ou are InokliiK for u Hhure or a , , , ,., r ,,, ,)., ,ih. .i ,' ' I I i NEW BABY HERE HAS FINE CARE may Ki-t It uml )oil nui) nol . Ilinl In. (ltt ,,,,, ,, ,KK to no-ono. We j If you arc ilnpeuillliK on Jem. Turner' wire fliiall) hrotiKht hark ami hlllet to ilo the work The fa.t In J.-hk lh,e.l will, tin- luhahitnutH of a lltt.e ,iowii III Haute Manic The name " r'"' '" 1,,," '"k"11 ,,H I""""'"',,,, ,. ,,llco I1K Hrullley Cotton anil iih lonnorlal arlli.1 anil klnn of Kl.tin-1 n K Kn niiiiiII that It tiami'l eon n1 nth I'ii pratllral Jokers, to take up plate on the limp Theru ii Hta)e.l . " " ' - " " "-:rrt! atSnrr,? ss neeli at ail) hour of Hut ill.) rockiim (,! Helinphore. wIkwiir exten.le.l or-1 ullill) to uml fro In the rear of tin. ilrr. fire miperlnrlty, nii.l hi' All thin ulioji. In nn attempt to M.otlii- the';' "f u " I" H'' l't nr hut ' '.. . , , . ... i when we cot Into anion later aKiiliiKt tiouhleH of a huh) hear nili. hl.ht,R, (.m) , Cl)1,..A) mit anil the win. rerentl) raptureil anil hroiiKht i ImiUc of Hmihtm BonteeniH our Irani- hark h IMwar.l Smith. I'rank I'eeholl anil I'rank MfDunal.l. who. liii)e JiihI retumeil from the lllu llen.l Hot riprliiKH nl lleuilerioti. Calif, lo """ "" ,'""r"" -;1 , , , The tuh wmh two ili.)M ohl when enptureil. ami In now Heen tokH. ..ml hart heen rained on bottle We were Junt about to m ,i,n. nilllllHIIHH, elH.i, hut hae derided not lo do n. Notice to Subscribers: Timoriow .,.K II,.. lH,t S.,tur.l,) of the mouth xour carrier will "ill , upon )t.i with )ou bill fo the pnpe- , Pt..iih. t.i.nr itilu In niliid mid bo le.idv I ou ran Ket lh lletald for one ea. 1 1 'in(l nnd I am KettltiK Follow Iiik the ciiHtom InaiiKiir ited a nifty totiKUe of It ni)i.elf, .- ''" ; ;"; iii!;i:iii;"':' '""" Ilh" yeir, tlurliiK the month of Apill. a.-j .,irmi,H the oldcM Ihliu rem Kiilmcrlntloni. for one year for. .,,., i rraure In a Blretc M Man) of mir miliMTlbiTH inki. u.l. JulliiH Caiwir or Old Homii lloiil .onWmoil that the ol. va,,Ke of ,.,U npec.,,1 offer and ..,.- b.mM.-M H.nr. ).m , lnd8pi.ndMM0 which .,, Iiopu ini.i tuin jeiu ..'... mir ... Ini: the innei will do xo. In the llrnt liopi! that thin jeiu ever) one 'K-1 Iiik th p'ipei lll do xo. In the llrnt i place von sae t'l a jenr h iloliiK so Iiik for )our paper own month. or I l. If )iiu haw been p.i)liiK b) lb. jear at mi) olhei time than diiilni; I .. .i r ..n ti.i. iu ii Kiiffl the month of April riiln is a slltll .lent hiiliiK duniiK tlii'Hii di)s 'lj,i. lilub mlies to Jusllf) )ou In taking,, ,!,,. ,,!,.,, r ililn offer ,,, . , . ..I ,,,,i cumuli I ill rillllfll- 1 rtHlltl HO IIIHIMHIiIICU aim inn nihi'i Wo haxe aboul ...mplelei nl I iiim. ium (1(1(, f()) ,,, ,,,, ,,, lt roml meiilH foi etilatKliiK the llernlil to ' f wlll(1, -mti, Countv needs elKht P'fieH This will, of course. Seriously, tho. I note the stops be moan KlliiK win a paper whhh will Iiik taken on tho (loo.l llni.U move- .. li ..; n, . in and In all III '"'''t ,,v "'" ,ll' " l""1,1 "",l " lie a ctedlt to tin. .ID and in "-1 ,R m0ll, ,iy imuo f,. i,p)tovi dliect way opieHliiK to )oii our up- W(l A K(1, 10U, ml . USI, from preclalloii of the .oiillal Hiippoit vu . i.nv.. .-IV..I. Tin. Herald. Wo inn Ku I UK (O IIIIII.O tills paper one in iuu . i... hi'Hl In the st ite owiylhliiK untHld.ir ed Wo want your nioiiil and fliitin . hit Htippoil In this woik My paying In aitviiice you saw. us a gi.mt tleil or time und expense, foi the piacllce of monthly lollecllons tiiwihes n Kiinil (leal of wink ami " " " good doil of mono We want to sirto tblH Hun. unl inoiioy to put Ilium Into a heller paper At four ilnllais a ).ur ion mo imiliiK for little ow'i the . . t ... . ..,,. u.i ii... in ardial tost ..r tho pupei we tine in, lululliiK Hi" Hi'"' I Pay your Htihsiiiptlon (o )our etr. er. Ho will benefit It II If .wm know IIioko lltllo cliups iih lulliualel) with them. No better set of bojs me at work In tho Stale. Wo want )ou to got iirnittthiloil with them anil xxo himw of no hotter way linn in Imv- , lug n talk with them when lliey cotno nig a mm win. mum i.. v - firtiuuil to hoo oii tomotro Thoy will toll you wlntovor you may wish "... .... rf' -- V Imwiw iililllll 1,1, r Hllllt'llll llffOI'. II II tl , , ., .1,.,,, ...in rt.,,1 IV II III IIIIIV IIIIIII IVIIIII 1IIUJ II III ! out for you, Just try thU plan oiue, und you will always follow It, Kim TELLS OF LIFE III T SI I imii thim.s MDiti; ANCIENT III N KLAMATH (CM I IT IIOI'Si: I Kill I'. CREDITS C.l. lt WITH maiitim; good roads Tin following Interesting letter him JiihI heen reuheil liom Will 1 1 ill li ' 'I.MItor Exeuliig llernlil Tliant.it to in) wife mill mother, Iiiim- iciolxcd nlniiml u romplete file of the llciilil from Dei em Imr :iutli to Kehiunr) Inl In the IiinI few iIidh mill It li is htmight liomii to ine the fait tlnit Klmiiutll I'iiIIh wun n pretty kooi! olil plnie In a pretty good state iili'l mi t, II) I hail long liitemleil tliat I would ilrop n I life to the llernlil after airlx- 1 11 k oierneiH hut in urrlxal wan hih-Ii a Hhoit lime before the .signing of the Ol'i iirmliillie anil an a result, all the ilope jpollileil homeward llllliieill.itel) that 1 1 hail the hellef thill I would he home lalniiiKt iih mioii a a letter woiilil ' We were traelltlR lip Into the M''tz mi Hon when the armlHtlii) iih "iKiieil anil for the .lay aiiil the .lay rilltllVfc till U .. U.tr.l fill lllltfll lllMlltlMt rnltnuliiL wi. wiirn mi outfit, lieatli'il Iiik at lleiitiie) lotton won tor iih toe linttle A iii'kiI of .'ii.hI.'.Iiiiii e tn tile Motor (Tratmport Corim I'liimutl the tranHfer 'of a iiik number of the TankerB und :,;nri.2i:mVar w&rxz si (), rllf Ailmlnlnnilnu Office In ''rmirH ami after rornw nil) Iiik down I here In .S Cheaux-10 lloiumes Htand- . II. .11 ....... J...M H.....1..1..I 'iiru r.iiiiiiiiiin i.Miiin .in. i.if.Mn i . ...... ...,., (.I..,lu ,,,,r.. Inins. , '"" ,","' "' ' , " ' L for the Ih an. were tojd today uy he- ferret no work In i-oiimim. nnd re-1' .... i. i- i .oi.Htrurtlon ihiiKh and an I-'ranre Is, crot n y Maker that he spoke I'resl a little niuil.h. I feel like concratu-1 ilont WIlson'H mind when he m.IiI he IntliiK mn.f Hint I wan sent Horo ' i,tlicMl the time had come to Krnnt rather than elsew hem ' ,.,i..i,. iMilenpnilenco desired by the ....Tmir- llM-lf Ih a "'' J :' "J"""",; "pVi,Hh f Kranco and a ,,,,. ,..,,,nn f h'rnnre This city .. ,iu f,ii.nl..il n fi.w i.nrn It. C mull ic,tv Court House uuestlou came i i mn idices It (the road, not cNnmiv Court House uuestlou came I mn piices It (the road, not , l e coilit Iiihim.i has been cox emit nn HOt tlon. where wo were It Is built of u. flat stones with a rhincI ton diessliiK and makes a permanent io.ul uii'l while on the subject, nnllni; tifi,.,p nf iforinlil Couit House uuestlou ir iM outer I would siiKKes! thai lone or the other of the bulldlliKs . . I. II 1...I .....I It..,, t-K.l- tlo'in on the touilst travel tluui ever Heforii. t.H'e oierwiue .use nrolmblv the most desirous thing w-as tho hopo that soined-iy wo might see Sunny Fimicii but of the men who luivo .nine oxer here, the most will do their tinxelllng In the stites when ewir tho 'xvnndeiliist' should slozo them nnd Crater Lake needs a pro-it deal of n.lxei Using )et Somehow, the Idea ws mine that Outer Lnko and Oiei'on weie iintloiially fainoiis hut - If the pereentuge runs as highly thru .mi Mm whole nonulatlon of our conn- Irv of People xxho do nol know what I mute Oiegon Is In or whj Crator Lake Is. -ih II has In the different out- , , , 1.. 1. 1.. .1. ....... .!..! UK I nine ueeu in, u m nun. .. ni.ni 11lmm, mlNortHlng campaign. Fiuin the HerahlH I htvo loameil of the terrible enldemle if 'l'lif xxhlch Klamath Falls nnd tho county UIIH Hlllllll.'.l 1.11. 1 ..."... ... ...,-. tun going to ho missed when xvo fin illv in ilvo homo. I am thankful that ll Is cheeked and hope Unit It ro innliis checked Toiiih Fe.ems to hnvo boon uulto a Mecia for Klnmnth Folks, Lt. Col, Robeit A uml MiJor 8. 0, Johnson w.ue both located hero hut loft for the slnlon before I lnndod here. Clara Itonnsovoll Ih nltiichod to tho Chlof Hiirironn'H Offlco hero. Lt. Clifford D, Tin lor Is Ailliitmtt or tho 20th Kngrs. Iiiiro, Curl MrCIeurv, formerly on 1'hiico oiorator at Klnmnth Falls was, chief opetitor of tho tologrnph serv lio here Stanley Wood Ih In tho Ord. nunco C'oriis horo uml Harold Merry- j BAKER TAKES RAP AT OUR SENATOR WASHINGTON. I) C. April I -' Coiuiuciitllig on what lif termed '"J lie i xer) Intemperate spcci h" of Henn-i j lor Chamberlain dellxercd In Null hex ! MIhhIkhIihiI last night In lonni-i tlon villi thi Aimell Onxwhr ionrt rrail-i Inl mutioxersy, Seiretarv linker Hild In- uiiilil not ri'inll ii nlngle helpful suf-gentlou for Hi'iuito'- Clnuiili tlain j or oni' tli.it was Intend" 1 lo !. 'ilt'- ful. In tiulil "I n in ji-ifffl'.v willing) io let lln people decide between what he war ili-partinent li.n ilonn In '' Sear anil what ft'luUr Chdin lierliiln Iiiim said In tine) "-an. Granting of Request Favor ed by Wilson OBJECTIONS REMOVED i .Npe inl .Ml-slm Here for Isl.ui.Is In rnrillr Itrli.K Ahout Their Free dom 1'riv.lilrtil UTImih'h I-etter Siijr Our I'.iiple l,.n I.lhert) Too .Mm li to Dcii) 11 lo Other.. WASHlSC.TON, 1). (', April i Mumherh of thoxpeclu! miHslon of tho I'hilllppitio l.enlnl.iturc. who jre here .. .. . II.... .1 .. ...... HeeKlliK me imuiuiiiaiu unieieiiueni.u ... . ,.,,,,,.,,,, ,.. He mid that "the American people jmu niK.rtJ too dearly to deny It to .. ., ... .... .. ......... i..r i... "brlncliiK aliout the desirable ends net fnith In the Joint resolution of tho I.eKthtaturn " Krancls lluiton Ifirrlson. goxernor Kcneral of tho l'hllllppliie-'.. declined i po.trei! ,.... ... po.tred to elst a few years aco had i,otm cleaied away Manual Quez- . hit man of tho Commission, tie that a stable Koxeniment Is now manured and supported by tho pCOplo themsehes. mini made Toms hlH boa. miniters in Iconxo) woik until transferred to Oily Field Paris I mls.se.1 seeing Harold by ii bhort time. I am expecting n lslt from my brother Ralph on the 22nd of this month He is on the ll.ise 3 I linm ploiiHlilp llasket Hall team which Is touring Fiance on a thltty day tour pi i) lug for the A K. F Chninplon shlp I will In, foitiinate Indeed In hoeing him iigalu. Mother has prob ably told of our meeting In South ampton. England, xvhen 1 came oxer. Wo spent five xerx enjoy ublo cu)n togcthur there 1 alt... xvis glxen tho oppoitunlty of xlsltlng Hlols and s'iw an uncle, Carl Grnbb also Drlscoll ' and Miixxvell of the eastern part of tho county Tho boys uie together In tho 20th. 1 note that many of tho hoys tiro lotttrutug homo and their feelings, 1 ran well ImiiKluo as I know xxiiat mine will he If Jimmy Clark lb homo, I hoo that Klamath Falls will havo a bang - up ball team again this oar, 1 nope to see tlio nosing games i una or unt ear's heiisoii Wo are organi zing a team heio and I expect to got u c innco to see a llttlo more of Ft unco by reason of being on it. I would puts up tho ehanco to soo nny more, oicop't tho ntt from horo to tho coast, tho to get to ho n K l on n hont going homo For j on. Mr. Mm ray, as tho noxv editor of tho llonild, 1 wish every succobs In thu xvorld and every plue on the good ioiiiIn and noxv Industries you in o nuking is nn added boost for you i sol f. I'lenso ronxoy .to tho people of Klnmnth my het wishes for the pros poctivo growth and development Inrtl cated to ho coming bor way and to my fiiondH my ery bot gteetlngs anil hope to meet them nil soon again. Sincerely Yours, WM. C, HURN My tnosHitgo to tho Red Cross ' I nm bitvlng to deliver personally." PH1LIPPIMES i NOW ISK FOR VEIEH! S I IIP T L I U7 I lIIU I I ")VS and (;nti,h or ii v schools make uk; hit with entertainment at hoision opera holse Whether Miss t:elyn AppleR.ite, teacher of music In the public schools, who directed the splendid operetta. "America Klrst," which made such a lilt with the packed house at Hous ton's last nlKht. had any subtle mo tive In makiiiK the selection of the i entortalni'ienl. Is hard to guess, hut 'the entire country could he combed w.liily fir a better lesson to this en- tire community. A great many haiu been brought to realize to a lertuln exlci : just what an unsavory spec tacle has been made of the city through the ancient feud, hut there Is no way of getting the thing forced home with a punch like having it played up by our own hoys and girls We are so accustomed to attending things glien by big folks that we for get what the little ones really can ilo, and to have a real musical entertain ment carried off so successfully by hoys and girls of tho grade schools was a genuine surprise to the audi ence, een though It came prepared . for something good The plot of the affair deals with a feud between the Kast Side ad the West Side bo)s, who meet to hae a real old-fashioned scrap, and are brought lo tee where their lighting efforts coutd be better emplo)ed, and ends by bringing both factions Into the organization. One sat and wished that Klamath Falls, of which the plot was an exact miniature, might by some special dispensation, he visited by a "Scout" body of some kind, that would have the same effect. The hoys who composed the cast carried out their parts without a Illicit, the work of tho entire enter tainment was absolutely good, nnd no little credit is due to the manner In which they have heen trained. The Camp Flro Girls guve a most plctur txiue Indian dance and song Com ments of praise wero not lacking by people through tho audience. The performance, will be repeated tonight The excellent drill work of the Boy Scouts is due to the care and training of Knslgn Harold Hell, who has had tho hoys under his tupenlbion for some time Following is the cast: Kast Side Chorus Kugeno Ham rlck (leader). Homer Onrlch, Hurry Pelt?, Dellmer Houertson, Arthur Childers. Wendel Smith. Jonnle "J Powell. Klton Waldron. Stove Ehret West Side Chorus 'Rogers Mont gomery (lender). Teddy Hecket, Ken neth Malur, Albert Wos.tfall, Vtihm I raiicls, Da.in Deckley, fieo-in Will. Manfred I.owden, Elmer Smith, How ard Ilamber Scout Master Reynold i Apple Mite (high school) Scout Chorus Robert Murphoy, (Hon Adams, Harold Ilateman, How janl ciraham, Walker Peering. Rich- ard Uwigans, Charles Johnson, Zed Humes, Donald Veatch, Lannler Wal lan, Halo Soule, Kmiuttt North. Arthur Miller, Roland Cofer, John Morgan, Fred (ioeller, Roy Moore. George Condrey, Carl Yancey, Robert Knight, Durrell Covert Camp Firo Girls Chorus -llouitu Keeseo, Ruby Rexeuuo, Dorothea Wortley, Gortrudu Smith, Elizabeth - '"'"'. Ktherine Walton Emma Hlohn, Kathryu Ileach, lteatrice Wal ton, Gertrudn Cofer, Herl Daniel. Thyra How.loln, Nelln Elliott. Mar.x Kitcora. Edith New banks, Clara Cor nish, Clnudina Witt, Loyo Smith, Agnes Robin, Ehtrelln Luscomb, Cora Wilson, Nena Iteasly, Mary McKon dreo, Evelyn Whltmoto, Pansy Rob oi'tHon, .eltua Hunting, Tltelma llroxvn, Lorenn Colson, Gol.ln Jacoby, Ester Will, Vesta Hlhborts, Mury Francis Johnstone, Elslo Edwards. IikIIiiii Drill Ilraves Claiidlua Witt, Heatrlco Walton, Herl Daniel, Agues Robin, Mury MuKondroe, Edith Nowbankb, Ruby Revonuo, Dorothoa Wortley. Squnxva Constance Crystal, Clara Cornish, Mary Kucoru, Cora Wilson, Nora Ileasley, Emma Illohn, Maiio Ruhln, Helen Pitman RETFItX FROM MOXTII'S VISIT. Mr, and Mrs, A, A Ilellmnn, xvho hnvo been visiting for tho past month In the Roguo Ulvor Valley lvtvo io tr.rnod to this city. Tho trip w Pintle principally for tho benefit of Mr, Itellmnn's health and ho has re turned greatly improved. I N rem rns ai-m.h care i or FATHER I.N KAST. i Mm It A Mile hull, xvho left hero with lior father, l. 0. MoOlnti fori Erie, Pennsylvania six month nKO. Iian returned to Join her hiisua.ni! hero .Mr. McGinn jibjihciI nwojf at his homo In the oast a few days ago. A1TOS TO IILY SOON' The ronil.H are now ilrjInK off In e.irtlein Klamath County sufficiently j no that the auto HtiRe can he run Into j Illy In a few ilays. s tho opinion of ! the drivers ELKS INSTALL mi: who wim. havi: iti:sioxsi. i muni's or i.i:Ain:itsiiir mm ' iNo thi: i sit; vi:ak i.n ixkdom iii:i:i;, aiu:si:ati:i I Installation of the new officers of the Klamath Falls Lodge of Ktks at J I the Temple last night was attended j j by a large number of the members of. the order. The new officers have an unusual responsibility on their hands J this year with the big State conven tion which Is to be held here In Au gust and other things which the lodge has taken up. The following are the officers xxho are now at the helm. of the I-odge 1247- Exalted "Ruler, Clarence E. Under wood, Esteemed Leading Knight. G. W Houston, Ebteemed Loyal Knight, II. E. Peltz, Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Wlltard Smith, Chaplain, George Walton, Esquire, Walter C. Vm Knion, Inner Guard, John Ham. Ilton, Tiler, A L. Salficky, secretary. C A Ha) den. treasurer, A. M. Col lier, Trustee. C J Martin, Represen tatixe to Grand Lodge, W. S. Wiley. Alternate to Grand Lodge, W. O. Smith. T MAX WHO WENT OVER THE TOP FIVE TIMES IX AIMiOXX'i: AXD IS .ll'ST OCT OF HOSPITAL, IS VERY IJETICEXT One of tho greatest of the Klamath war heroes, xxiiose valient xxork and suffeiing for his country xvas exceed ed by none and w ho.se modesty xvas so great that ho dropped Into toxvn and got Into the country, before It xvas gener.ill) realized that he xvas home was Noah Nyhart, of the Seven ty Sexenth Infantry Division, xvho Is now w oi king foi George Watt in the Wood Rlxer Valle). Nyhart, xxho xxas In tho very thick of the fighting in the Argonuo forest, xvent "oxer tho top" five times and xvas one of 107 Yankees xxho xvero sut rounded by the enemy in tho Ar gonne. During the fighting that fol lowed he was wounded in both legs hi machine gun bullets nnd xxas in .the Hospital from October Seventh until his dischargo from Camp Fte mont in March While his sutloilnfis xxere un.lpsrrih.ible, ho declares him self fottunate to get out as he did, xx hen so many of his comrades xveru killed or maimed for life. His fear ful bears his friends hay are exldvnco of what he must haxo gone thru. .SPLENDID TIME AT APRIL FOOL PARTY, An unusually fine time is reported ih.x those boys and girls, xxho attend ed the Apt 11 Fool pnttv at tho lomo of it ij Gtlgshy last Tuoodny even ing. Stunts of every possible kind ....... ,.,,l,n.t ,.. II, ,... nllnn.ll.1., ...l j IH'IU IHIIII.I l.l.tl u.wav ... .Villi, ..., ir-i I with the ronxlitton that there "s Mis of fun in being nn April fool jftm nil Thltty four High School boys and gills were ptesent HACK FROM OAKLAXI). Mis. William Duiioan has return ol from Oakland, wheio she has boen on an uxtended visit. W OF UT 1 I I TIB E E Lloyd George Denies Report Circulated BEST OF FEELING STILL I I H IT Premier Deeliire-. That KiikIhiu! Stands Iteaily to Make Further Sac rifice for Sister Nation, If Xrccs Mir House Itcplnrcs Wilson. California Issue Threatens. PARIS, April 4. In a statement to the "Petit Parisian," Premier Lloyd George denies that there are discussions between France and Eng land regarding the guarantees for France against Germany. He declares that the" understanding between the two governments Is complete "Eng land" he says, "Is ready to mako fresh sacrifices If necessary to secure the peace and independence of France" PARIS, April 4. The Council of Four met today. Colonel House replacing"-Wilson. SACRAMENTO, April 4 The Sen. ate of California has today sent a cahlegramto Secretary of State Lan sing ut Paris, asking if the discussion of the proposed anti-Japanese Legis lation by the California Legislature, would embarass tho President. LONDON. April 4 The Bolshevik! forces havo delivered an attack on the Archungel front without artillery preparation during the last forty eight hours but xxere beaten off with a fair amount of losses, according to reports which have Just reached here. Tho Allied losses wero slight. Tho attack occurred at Itolsheolu Ozera. E 0. II. C. RECENT PORTLAND WHITER AXH SPEAK lilt OF IWISCAL AIULITY IS NAMED OX HOARD WHERE HE HAS SERVED M.YXV YEARS SALEM. April 1. .Mrs. Clara U. Walton of Portland, xvidoxv of tho lato John R. Wulton, Justice of thu Oregon Supremo Court, has resigned from the hoard of regents of tho Ore gon Agricultural College, after thir teen years of service. Governor Oleott has appointed H, F. Irvine, editorial xvrltor of a Port laud uuxvspaper, to this vacancy. Ilo formerly xxas a regent of this Institu tion for seventeen years, beginning xxheu he xxas a resident of Corvnllls. Mr. Irvine Is well known In Klmn uth Fulls, xx hero he lectured last Sun day lu heWtlf of tho coming Victory Loan. He Is connc.tud with thu stuff of the Oregon Journal. WANT FORD'S 1IXT. The Dalles. April I This city will mako a bid for tho Pacific coast man ufacturing plant which Henry 'Ford litis unnoiiniod that ho Is planning; nccordlng to action taken at n meet ing of Tho Dall. - Chamber of Com merce. Mill crook, emptying Into tho Columbia tlxei near this city, Is said to offer tho necessary xvuter power , und Tho Dalles will offer Mr, Ford und Tho n five hll te for the pioposed factory. civil action' muni). The civil case of tho Dorrls Mer cautllo Company versus A. Dustl nianll Is bet for this afternoon In tho Justice Court of N. J. Chapnwn, HI I I!