THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIHrtKDAV, AVMh It, !!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THR PUBLIC, 'pull together and keep down all fires nnd nave none, if possteie. wo in tend giving you the best of protec tion and ask you to help us. FIRE CHIEF HUNSAKKH. We regret to have to sty theso few Klamath Falls will ablde-by. this It ' n. lot,ot double and expense, and that Is, do not park your cars and wagons closer than 30 feet to fire hydrants. You were warned on. before and today I noticed scvor.U i cars belonging to business men park-' od against the hydrant. This Is the last warning. Also it Ib requested that all, not a few, but nil of the business houses clear the rubbish out of the alleys be hind their stores. Most of the citizens ore doing so, why not all do tho same. . And bo very careful and not burn rubbish too closo to buildings. It Is better to call up the fire chief before burning said rubbish. Now lets nil If you want to sea n tractor that IS A TRACTOR, then come nnd wit ness the demonstration of the La Crosse Happy Farmer Tractor nt tho Judge Hunnell ranch, across the load from the Altamont ranch next Satur day. You will have your eyes opened as well as your troubles solved. Ho member the time Saturday after noon, and tho place nt Judge Bun nell's ranch at Altamont. 3-3t Anv war veteran Is welcome at tho Hot Springs Bath House, it his pock ctbook Is empty. Let us know nt tho wicket. It TAOE FOWB if Ml "SALOME" THE PICTURE STUPENDOUS WITH THEDA BARA . SPECIAL PRICES FOR SALOME Matinees all seats, 25c Evenings all seats, 35c . MATINEE EACH DAY LIBERTY THEATER THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 3 and 4 Gto Whenever you want Drugs'or Drug Store Goods, PHONE us We have a Free Delivery System. We started it for your benefit, as well as our own, and wish you to avail yourself of it The system was established especially for the accommodation of telephone users.. You can now call us up, and within a few minutes have delivered, at your door, without additional charge, anything you may desire in drug store goods. If you have a prescription to be filled, our mes senger will call for it as well as deliver it. No need of waiting for what you want We will deliver it promptly at the same price asked for equal quality elsewhere. CALL US ON THE PHONE Let us demonstrate the worth of our Telephone System mMMSLM. 1 vt f 'O'BBf Si SBVa W v fcv JlVS? Jib v $Ki & NJsT rfi T .m TBfcWMlfrft5S' Ji&Wf AmH tlv uVQ !S .suliW KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES for Spring are better than ever. Not a trace of old past season's designs. They are all fresh and new with a sprightly spring-like atmosphere. One of the season's innovations is the new waist seam line style. It is making a big hit. We have this popular model in many pleasing variations of style and coloring. K. K.K. STORE Kuppenheimer Clothes Knox Hats Nettleton Shoes I & s m W hw f rr-'-nn i radiaters: radiaters: ' Made over at Baldwin & McKlmons. We have Fords, Dodges and Chevro lets. Wo can make your old one as good as new. Sec us. 3-3t I See Baldwin & McKlmon for auto body and fender repairs. 3-3t Stand1 Hard Knocks Ball playing is lots of fun, hut it's hard on shoes. So aro the .other outdoor games you play. "American Boy" Shoes are made for hoys who like healthy pleasure and still want to look neat. They last a long time and hold their shape as long as they last. JAPS DIVIDED on policy or PACIFIC ISLES TOKIO. April 3. of tho 1 Cannl nnd other points should lie rnz ' od. ! "Racial descrlmlnnlory treatment t in these rospects too, should he nbol- I (sued and these lalimd.s not he left j to white man's domination." ! The opposite view wan expressed by Yukiti Oznkl, former Minister if Justice, In an address delivered In i Toklo u few days ngu in which lie wild: "it Is, Indeed, a gro:it honor for j Japan to orctipy the position of ,i 1 stockholder In that great, Interna ! tlontil corporation, the League of Nn- lions. The honor is far greater thin DEAREST PUBLIC A dollar saved Ik a dollar earned ...... ...... - ; .Mcmumn, i.ud .Main street, ".in; Again we thank you for the timely side. (Correspondence Associated l'ress) Public opinion in Japan Is not entirely un animous on the qiiMtlon whether Jn-i Jl,,wn m "b""" ,,y ""' l"'3',"s-',ll " "' ",!r windows , ,, , , . . the Marshall and ('aniline Island." I ''hum Iioiikii" aid. "A word to tho wise Is inilllcltint" Is a diirn lie Volumes to somu of tho , Hctf-nppolntcd wise ones would avail oth nothing, hut we really have somu now things in seasonable articles. Time waltetli for no one, and In the end Its (K'ntli, and yah stay that way finite awhile, ho If something afToriU !you a pleasure, liny It; don't wait till tint 'ley mitt' puts you foruvur tiojoml It. Itniso hell ami buy Jewelry; who cares. I Wu also have alarm clocks In rasa yon need an early start. ' You will see sonin of our "drawers" Just received my new spring Mm plus, 1 will be glad to call at your home tit fit you to n Nu-Hmir cornet. 1 guarantee to fit you satlsUrlorlly Mrs. J, II. Vollmor. phone ::3.M 3 6 April ItrcortU at Hlicpherili. 2- 3t pan shall renin possession of tho Marshall and Caroline iHlnuds which sho took from Germany nnd now j holds. Tho Osaka Milnlcht setH forth the attitude of many Japanese think. 1 ers in an article In which that nows- i paper Insists that the Islands shall ho, retained. Tho Mnlnlchl declares thatlTOO LATE TO CLASSIFY XUTH'K , Prosperity Itehekah Lodge No hit, I. O. '.) V., will hold Its regular meet ing till livening. Initiation ami liaii'iuct. All member of the team aro requested to bo present. If America was allowed to seize audi fulks needn't un dress In the cellar any mure, an tho picture artists don't wear anything to stumble over any more. Wo should worry. No luck without your birth stone. Diamonds fur April. We have four seeond-hanil watches nnd some love. Who Is going to write tho "Hprlgg pome?" Dash lo our aid and remember our motto "You can't bettor tho host " DANCING SCHOOL Friday Evening at 8 p. m. MOOSE HALL START NOW Mlt. ritKD 1CILLKNUAIIL INHTRUCTOK it ,)t ( inderwooft pnarmarv JYLAT1A1 n ITUd-ib UtOlUUrt WHBRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE m 'American Boy Shoes For Work or Play, for Holiday aro mado by exports who have been making boys' shoes for 20 years. They look dressy, fool fine the very first day you put them on, and cost no more than Borne other shoes you would not like nearly so well. Made In light or heavy weight, black or tan. Tell your mother she can trust the merchant who offers you "American Boy" Shoes. If ho hasn't them, toll him to get you a pair; you will make no mistake.' Bradley Shoe Store Exclusive Agents I Knd. :i-nt- i! fortify Hawaii and thus to greatly, WANTED Stenographer, man or threaten Japan; If f,ho was permitted1 woman Apply Algninu Lumber to occupy Guam and tho i'hltlippihos. ,'('',-v; n "l making them not only n source of rol SALK- -One Paige ear. good wealth to herself hut also a great lluhere electric lights and starter, menace lo Japan, China and the Brit-: HPeedoiniiter; $17.1 for tltreo davs loh n,l nll. nuouUl,..,u. If Al.u.lOI'iy- "I "IIIIIWIII V .MCUIIllOIlh, ItfH J tralla and New Zeiland have slmilar control over New Cuinea and Samoa; ' It is certain that Japan shall possess the Marshall and Caroline islands, ex ercising the same right and rule over them. "And in so doing," tho paper as sorts, "Japan will bo only acting the' part of a small watch dog faithfully protecting Its own bouse, In u very different manner and spirit from the American wolf whoso wolflHh ambi tion Is Indeed to be feared. If Japan Is not to he allowed to fortify the Is lands sho took from Germany and which of right belongs lo her, then tho defenses of Gibraltar; the Suez "' ,a""",a",sa -n MSV roit riu.vKsi: noodi.ks tamam:s & ('iiii.i cox caiixk Arnold's Chili Parlors Corner Sixth anil Klamiilli hVUVWI -wVVVJWVrWVWVVVi,iJMtl-WiJVM- WWWSVAVWVAkAAVSWWVA DR. CARTER DHNTIHT wiirn: iiciijiinc; I'llONi: 1IH5 i r The New MOTOR CARS People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER In those lionieN where quality meats predominate, jou will In variably find that they have lieen piircliaseil at tho I'eoplo'n Market. Why? IJecHuso the highly developed laste ileiiinuiN meat. . of quality. Logically and lnevitbly Mich u tn.(o (leniands the bent. i i Beautiful indesign, inorouklymoderfi Mechanically right DUNHAM AUTO CO. 403 W. Sixth St. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON II1BIBH1III I m 1 iipiWIIIfllliillB Phone 83 534 Main St. Repair Department Our repair department is exclusively con trolled by Morrison and Peterson. These men are expert machinists and electricians, will give you guaranteed service, and their charges will be reasonable. neuBjxsn UY TMEIR DRUGS LAceupArrvi