PAGK KOim ' wi:i)m:mi)Ay, apiiii, a, lntn HUE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m. is m 1 ii:ii( m m m m M mm S4 I wm i m PUCKETT LOGGGING CAMP IS STARTED Tho Puckott Brothers logging comp at Chlloquln Is now In opera lon for the, season nnd lm8 commenc ed work on tho eight million feet of logs, which It will handle for the Klamath Manufacturing company About forty men are employed at the camp. SCHOOL OPERETTA j WILL BE ORIGINAL PIONEER RETURNS. O. A. Stearns, a pioneer resident of Klamath County Is homo from Corvallls where he has been for the hard under tho pnst govornl months. His wife and Eveljn Applegate and son will follow whea school Is out. tiinment Is assured. Those who have not yet secured their tickets for the school Operetta "America First," which la to be ghon Thursday and Friday of this week nt tho Houston Opera House shviuol realize that tho seats for this event aro going fast and that an event such . this promises to be should not bo missed It Is to be given entirely by the boys and girls of the public schools and Is something entirely new In this city. The cast Is working direction of Miss a fine enter- LOCAL C1IER PRETH PARTlf Til llLP Bill S LAST EVENING COMING HUME LIBERTY THEATER Announces the most important attraction of ' the season J. STUART BLACKTON'S Massive Master Production, "Life's Greatest Problem" By Anthony Paul Kelley Starring Mitchell Lewis A human character study of existing condi tions. (Not a Vice or War Picture.) Dramatic in its appeal, with abundance of comedy relief. TONIGHT, APRIL 2 I .""ni-ialn O C Appl-oK a' eiie tary of tho Klamath Commercial Club has recehetl two letters from Wash ington. l C, one from the I'nlled States Chamber of Coni'iimve and the other fiom the War Lu-ti.trtiiinu lelatlve to facilitating th rohiin of dlschaigcd soldiers, and providing I employment for them. Til" following quotation Is taken from s'.ie fhst of ' the letters- voi'Mi ladies ci.iit Tlir.llt OWX AMI OTIIKIt MOTH. IlltS. KINK PIMHiltAM .D I - rsiwi. n:.Tim:s , I.miikIiIIii, Knjo llogue, .Mrs. . II ll.ou, Ml. II C. Oioesberk, Mih. (Jiiy Sattcilco Mid Hay Tel find, Mi t Verio HiowbaW and Mih, W S Slough The guests ueie. Mrs. II ('. I'd foit'. Mrs. i I' l.awionco. Mi'i. Wil bur Jouos. Mri. .1 ('. JoIiiihIoii, Mi. t..ronco I'lielpM. Mis. J. A. Houston, Mis i: S. Phillip. Mis .leuulo ll.uui, Mis .1 A l'oir. Mm rt. ('. t'liniplnll, It Momer. Mis V. S. vouch. .1 (1. (loble. Mis. Kiln McMillan, (1 FloeUind Mis C. C iIoi;u- "SALOME' THE PICTURE STUPENDOUSWITH THEDA BARA MlM Mrs Mrs OTICK i Vln the headnuirters of th 'tional Chamber. Ulgns HillldluK. Washington, theio will oo established 'a bin eu u for the pur, o.., ol ipout I In? and clearing (. ' work with 'which you can get In touch at once by 'addressing tho general secretary of tho Chamber Tho bureau will In 'conducted under ti. supji vision and ndice of tho couriiltti'o which makes .this report Mnj 1 ..a uti as soon (a.- possible to linvo taken tn le , j-pense to this request iln fur ? tho agency you may create nnd tho i name of the principal officers In charge of it." One of tho ciijo.v.ihlo oentH of tho season occurred Inst menlng at tile residence of t ('. Hoguo on High near SIMh '-iliret when the oimg ladles of the Ked rou Club of this city eiiteital.u-d their uiothers nt an open meeting. A good 'Na share of the ladles hid mothers liele to Invite hud those who lid not. made it a point to lnlte some otlmr persons mother. All kinds of prank and oilglnal slums were povfoiniod fiom theatrical porforimnciM, m lie feat of walking a string Inking thru tin. wrong end of an open glns-i Thero wns not a dull moment diirhn: the entire evening and It required tae entire evening to complete 'he pro gram Delicious refreshments wen sorted nt its close and eery s.ies In- 'I'he legulnr lueetllig of the Woni nii'it Home and Foielgn Mssloiutr. Hnclotv of the Kniliianilol Chinch will he held Tliursd.iy at 2:8" I. M. at the home of Mis C. It. Mil ler. litKI Kasl Main. You are United l netici: The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church will meet toimiirow afternoon at 2 30, with Mrs. Harry Pelt. Ml I Walnut street NOTICI): The l.nlles Aid Society or Hie l'rosb.Worliin rliun-li will iiieet at the home of Hot K. I' l.awience. II id & Jefferson St on Thursda afternoon. ' April S All ineiubeis mo urged to he piesent as lepoits fin the i)als' i wor kwlll he glteu and others elect ed for the coining .tear The other letter described the no-'parted highly pleased with Urn -n-cesslty of getting tho boys Into some- tortnlnment. 4e-o-x:-c ?E - W&GttmiA f) ill H? x jZtssss MKmLM --x: f rimm J J X r thing whereby they could make a lt- Ing. ! Accompanying the two letters are ' printed details for this work wl.lch I hpve been worked out under the aus pices of tho two agencies. Captain Applegate declared that tho local organization would bo reuly to stand behind' any mote whereby the returning heroes could be assi-l-cd to prompt and congenial emplo)-ment. The hostesses weru, (.oitrudn 1'ur ker. Alta Ralph, Alice I'almer. Mmid Cbrlton, Anna Mae Johnston, Olive Humphicy, Frances llcto, Vera Houston, Helen Cuest, Itoleno Mc- lOlt I'HINDSI) NOOlll.KS TA.MAI.HS .V (illl.l CON f.MIM! (iO TO Arnold's Chili Parlors Corner Sixth anil M.imntli UCor Oxford Time Early Spring tendency of style in footwear is toward the Oxford. Style in Oxfords to har monize in the new skirt lengths especially Louis XV. models. April ItecoriN nt SheplienN. 2-3t , STAR THEATER ! DATE CHANCED ON "Italy's Flamins Front" j Through an error In the booking of the feature battle picture, "Italy's Flaming Front," tho date has been changed to Sunday, April 6th, open ing wtin a maiinco ai :.mi ji. in. 31-3t. NOTICK. The ladles of the St Paul's Epis copal Guild will hold their regular cooked food sale Saturday, April ."th at the offices of the Western Trans fer Company at Fifth and .Main Streets. i,Wuxwm"Wh"ii i Styles in kid leather: and white. Brown, black, gray DR. CARTER DKNT1ST WHITE nilll.DING PHONE :J8.-i 'SSfSSli'i'l I Styles in calf leather: Low heel, walking shoes in black and brown Russia. Styles in white cleth: Low and high heels. Forerunners of Fashion $2.50 to $8.50 (.:..-".-MH.4-H.....4. .,.. Victor Victrola X 900.00 YOU NEED Your Spring Clothes cleaned now. Phone 30 for prompt service and good work. CLEANING, DYEING REPAIRING AND ALTERING D. & M. CLEANING CO. FREE DELIVERY MODERATE PRICES Sixth and Main. Phone 30 SPECIAL PRICES FOR SALOME Matinees all seats, 25c Evenings all seats, 35c MATINEE EACH DAY LIBERTY THEATER THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 3 and 4 -.- s ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY SURELY EVERLASTINGLY Victor Victiolu XI. 9113.00 SATISFACTORY MIBMs Sold on Monthly or Crop Payments EARL SHEPHERD CO.. Standard Proven Quality Instruments .Next Door to Poitofflce. Victor Victrola XIV. 917S.OO '-jflflsBBBBB- Vlctor Victrolu XVI. 9223.00 IJ&II 3 -. ' Yuivrzrv ZST3M Consult Us It Pays IET us show you why j Firestone Truck Tirc3 will fcive you greater wear, greater resiliency, fcroatcr protection for your truck, greater saving in repair nnd fuel bills nnd Most Hilcs per Dollar. This will not bo merely a word of mouth demonstra tion; wo want to ivo you proof of the above stata- ments; wo want to show you J the whys and wherefores truck tire facts that will positively mean a money saving to you. And wo want to acquaint you with our facilities, with our ability to render you truck tire service quickly and intelligently. Come in any time. Wo su&fcest today. Sixth and Plum 1). A. KENVO.V firesfene Truck lires La Crosse Happy Farmer Tractor THE PERFECT KEROSENE BURNER i 12-24 H. P. ' - 2,000 Pounds Guaranteed Drawbar Pull IS I I t I i sJ. THE JEWE CAFE FOR THE BEST IN EATS Everything cooked to suit your taste Our Pastry can't be beat JESSE BAILEY, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. ! -,-l-l-f.(-.J.4. 113 I Pulls Three Fourteen-inch Bottoms Holds the 1918 Low Record for Fuel Con sumption. Has established its superiority for practical and efficient work. Can be used for pumping and all stationary work. SOLD BY J. S, Mills & Son Sixth and Klamath. ' Department for Thrifters Tin neu NiuIiik Di-inrtmoiit at the Klrot' National Hank 1ms already ittlracleil Iho allenlloii of man)' pcoplo (tlm realle Ilia) tlm SAVINIJ ronlo In (ho HUreat way to lirosperliy. Four per tenl luti-rvxi ulll liu paid twice a ir on HailiiK", anil as lltllci as fpi.OO will open mull an nccoiml for man, womnii or rlilhl, She First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OR COON )