The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    rtPWiwnAV. AI'HH. a.
iaqk tiireb
County Court
,.,,1'S'lV COPRT or tun.
l '"TK of UKl.tlON for M.AM
'feATisrina.. ......
18 7 11 H I 1.1 LI " llfTl'IIINH Im
M rr Z Court llmt tin.
"1 ii il.I..K
t "'f , mother uf UiK'o clill-
S'VdHh It' ''' (,',",,t, :""'
I?.0' mi- Alirll 20, ItMti
! li ihiiii". irtr t. M
lonild H II'''1"""' '' ',,', ,, , ... I
' ? ii tliV mitU'ort nml iimlnteitimii.)
. h.tiel ' nittl mid. ilillilriin wIiomi
"..... i i.i it vt nil i w n ii'ii"twi " " i
"".....i vtlilllH M l.e..iiwii "' l
": nmnllil till' 11 HUH' II I wini i
""mi., nllcini.l to '" l"'r '"."''
,,Ul..i.;i, nri. nit follow
7 fill I
tie -
ii i tub
AwuiKtm, - ..... ,.
.til n.'ltiilfnuu r ";";-"":
illawnl II'" "" ,2r,r",' n
mmM, until t'"' ",rll,,r "r,l,,r ""
.bit rourt
It II lliiniu'll. I'oitniy Jutlitu
Th. f6llolltK rlrtlm "(,w;
,i br Hi" IllK'1 Hrl""11 1,0,,r'1 ."'"1
th Clerk InniriHlcil to .Iruw
union on ll." '' H,l"ml K"ni1
for Thtlr Upcrll nmuunlii
nm B. KrMfr. nlry Mo
rodloB K.b JS HUH f''.'
f 0. Ueaucliamp nliry M"
ndln Fabnmry 2d ll fidxi
UliJiiditir, (mUry Mo rml-
Ink rbruW 21. IUI 120.00
Atlt Houchorl) rlnlny M
.hJim Kfliriury l!M va.un
im Fftnmrr
ffiltir J Moure Salary Mo.
tndlnil Kebrimry l!l!
Hifhil Applvcnle, Hal try Mo
tndlnx Pfbrunr) 2s, 1 1 1
lid utr
11." 00
I.uctte imtmll, tulnry Mo,
endlnie Kobrusry 2d, 1919 H.1 (10
r It. Ilnvtnmn sninry Mo,
Mliilnc Pcbruiry 2H. 1919 IHOt.O
n.... ......ii.. ...... i...
J n. rtNM, Hilary Mu eti.lliiK
Fbrtiir 21 1919 97 r.O
W, 8. Krltilevrr, Hulitry Mo
tndlnr Kebrnitr) 28. 1 1 i 90 no
Wbfrrupon rourt adjourned until
fUlurdi) March lt. 1919
It II liunneii, JtnlK".
thti'Tfll HI
Hhort. t'ommlsslnner.
Ata Fnnlvre, Coiinnlmiloiier
Saturday Mirch lit, 1919
. day nf tern.
pAlirl (tint lii.rMi.nnf In ,1,1 limrii.
m(nt ill mi'tnlierx being prcmil
tn the following proceedings wer
Ui to
The follo.l. tikmi ni.t.w
td tnd the Clerk wns Instrtirted to
dnw warrants on thu Oenernl Pliltil
im tnrlr ronpectii'a nmnunts
(lt. I., llumphro). salary
Bherlff Felirunr) 1919
lltii K, Hawkins, Rnlnry Do
puty Sheriff. Febriiiir) 1919
T K. Orlfflth. silnry deputy
iL.rlff, Fni.runrv I'HJ
J R, llriltnn, imi.ry Deputy
fhcrlff, Petn nr 1919
2B0 00
1 2 ..(Mi
. i
100 0-
Kiil "0
NT'on llarnes h 'uiy Deputy
Sheriff. Fehrunry I9t9
(' K Karnest. t .Itry Deputy
"'hfrlff, Pol utrt 1919
l.'i!.rletia Plu'iir. Bolnry De-
100 00
'JO no
.7.1 (lA
1'iuy snorirr Ft n 1919
I I ,, shi inmcMnor. Feb-
tliarjr. I9U ISr. 0C i.ilr Deputy As-
I ! r. A . t v .
( iudl, H,..iT i M. ... i. li" "l
--..-.. ,.r,l)n, ,I(,,j I'tiptii)' ,
-"'"". rtiiiaary 1919 71 HO
r,bfiruKi:w!l,K1,:,'u,,,,j. r Mon nph.'.iiiit.s .i...
.'..TiJiirti Tliul till' Mlil Mrt i i,.. i. , h. ,,
1Z . mm 1410 lid 00 "I '""' I'"' lerl. n instrmiMl i the olemcnls that make for unman ""'" " '"" "'"""" " "" ' the bonds of niatrlmont existing be-, street. Fourth street from Main street Tmra ana .Main, fnone aiy z-3l"
ID rriiriiir) ..", ..,. '" v ,rnu wn.nn.i. .,,. ,.,., n,.,.,i i'.,,i ... ,,, ..i . pott iilnlnillf and their minor child ,. ,.,,, Itr ,, ,,.,, ,. ,...ln,.,.ho,iv m pita .trof SMfth utrenti
ndlnt p'lrtiiii I WIS 130 UO H'"lr reiperlh.. ..intiuuU " '.. " ' . ... ,..,. ,.I0i1i..m for , "loro tl,an H.rei' jears linmedl g()Ur.(1 , annu,ied, anJ .or uch trom Man street northerly to Pine PASTURE FOR LEASE 14.000
inL iNowi.' " ' '"I""1' l'.'" It"l ilifii'f !.. .r..ii lioliUiii n.y last p.,.i. and for cruel anil in-oUl rclef aa t0 Ul0 Honorable! street; Sixth street from Main street acres tule land of Klamath Draln-
1 ,.lS ...'..... ..' iiiiii tin nn Pthtuitrv 1 U I 'j . Mm lll he slionn iiKiiln tonlghl at the l,t,,Mnn treatment Inlllcled upon the f.,.llr, ,.... .. ,, ,lnrt pmli(n,i , nnrtherlx- to Pinn street., and Seventh ace district, near MidlanH and Wor.
invpiuiiiuiA0.4ir awuvv
Fully one-half of the time you now devote to ironing with old stove
heated sad-irons is a..shcer'loss.
Thisamount of time could easily be saved for more urgent household
requirements by using an
In addition, an Electric Iron will do better work for you will save
your clothes, linens, doilies, etc. will eliminate needless tramping
aboutwill abolish dirt and muss will save fuel and expense.
iimii 'iiitiiiuii
in Hell hiiii-i ,a,niy A,
o.'.hii IVIii.'iiiiy
UK" (iilli
Ami I'omI)(i t 'u i mil"
n.i (iiuil i iiiiiiii Pnbru ii r
7 I
C It llol.up nili i) 'nil n I
rii-iit. iVi ii) iiu'i
l.nyd It llel.iip, Miilur) lii
put) ( 1 1 1 1 ii I ( lorlt, I'uli-
liilil) I'M 'i
Vitrn lliitnilnli militi), llepiny
Clilllil) (Teili 1 Ii i nit
I "I I It
I'f f It (linn Inn nihil) Deputy
Clcili I 11 1 1 :i i I U I Ii
,1 It Itfftt mil. ii) I'iiiIi In
IJ'i on
Inn no
Mm mi
Mpt'Miil lehi.i.ii) 'l'
Iciini. r ii.-i.up miii.o i) iv
' "; !" ' ""''' miiir) ii IV
t r i i r i ' i .ii ii n
l in lilt I Hl It ii I ' I
,Uui v,,. ,,Hr. a, .X
, riiiu I'Uti
2 3(
;,lm v. miliiiy h. Iiooi
Mllllllflll I I l"l III IIUI I
. I"(" Hll'll'l" II t Ullllll
i : i :i
, IMiui Widln iriiii'lliu: in
ui. mi, p(.". I'iiIiiuii) -ii i
I on .10
i no
J .M I'lllllltlllll Hllllll) llllll
lor, IVIiiiim) I'll 'I
' (! K Vim Itlin'i Miilur) Cnuti
ly 'lii'iHiin-r I'MJi
hi :n ,
'". .""" '"! '
J t'lupmmi mnnll iliilm
-l. t imt J Cm.
l'.iliriiiir I'M'.
Jin. Jnnnpli aiiti, l.l.i, I )N I
Alt") IMirmii) I'd
II A llonil i"tit) Hmiliir
WiilKhln t, Mi'tniiriK. mil
nr . I vi.riitir) I I ft
Maud M Car ,,. nl.r)le
put) Hrliiiiil Sup ( IVht.i
, .,,. . ,,,
...l,r .). .' 3' ""I
II I. Veil aid Count) I'nor
t'id.riiiii) l'.U'i
K (' MirkMiirdi, mi.lnt.u
i M ii n ti hi in, uiii I nit ii- i
n.r P.m., Pain. P.,, '
ai' 2)'M...
he folluulni; .lalm. .... nllnn
The fnlli.M Inn ( In 1 ii)K Hen, allosi -
".I mid I Im Ch'rk uu luuiruiied ti
dra wiuti.nt on the l.lhnir) Ptind
for their intpei live ntliotu.tii
T J Pntteri. I.nbor nn ivoinl
for Counly l.lhrnr). Pel. ;
rti-t) I'Uli "i no
In the COl NT COI HI of KI.WI
ATII nil Ki v s'MTl' f mil
In the MATTER of turiilshlug utd
ti. FLORENCE llll, KEY
It ippuirliiK l the Court that
Mr Flnreuio llllk") In ll.e mother
of two minor .hll.lren. mid Hint her
limibiiud Iiiih ileierled her and that
she Is In need i.r iiNslstmir..
IT IH THEREFORE heieb) order-
.il. tbut Mrt Illlke) be mill i
In, relit In 11 merrli 1.11IU14 in.'
tount nl ltnheit A. Wlillnmri. mnr,
to the atitmitii nf I in on per uiuntlt '
until the fuithei outer of UiIh imirt ,
( l
It II liunneii. Judge
Uurrell Short. CoininlsHlonor. I
Aita Ford)..' Com.nlKHlouer.
.. the COPNTY COPRTof the Co.,.,-
l or Kl MVll STATE or OltE-
iwiv " '
In the uf aid fiiriilsbi'.l to,
N ' ' l"" , , . ...'seat, nml That Devil 'Hi
It iippearlug in the mint that i , . ...
(I. Plei.e was Injured while nt vvoili ' l,lH" for " " '""
In Kl i ninth Cunt) Oiegon, and1 -""
Hint he Is at the ptoM'tit tlui" unable
id earn it livelihood b) re.iHon or
jtuih Injur)
That V (! Pierce he and he hereh)
lu nllmt,..! t1'.. ll. I nn. .nniilli Ill
eli:in.lln" to he bought at Roberts
Whltmore store, until the fiitlh-
.or order of the ('out I (Signed I
' t. ...... . I
" ."'""","'" ""K",hi... II..K Coinpaii)
ui. i reii ..oi t. v .iii.iii.iiuii.'i ,
Ann lonlxo C illusion.
Time Sqver
- Oregon Power
j 4un? Theaters
'Hi tul.e mi. In Hi) hIiiihk white
hi mi' PimiiIiIiik tin- ioiiiIiiv nf ii
"" 'Inx '"I"' "!" MiiitlH tmid
I .Midline In the ben ill) Iilni gtienglh
nf IiIm m.miI Hut priciw, HiiIiiiiiii km..
t ni l ihu liiinii) mill hln-iiKlli or lil
lMnr In tin lnmun iin in, in .nut
not mi n iiilii,,, f imniHi, minimi
tint. Inn r.n mii-MiH nml loi not
hi ii pmpliii Inn iih a MAN Thy
ll(ll lH lllMlllllflll O I'lOphl't It IH
hlldllK Hllll Willie llllll Mil. light is
i It i iilni nf itliHU'iii ,(. hid Iimii h
lliv Imily V, iM ii hIiii teielvi Ih
in ii ii lli'Koin limn ilimi'lili r nf llil
iiiilv Pull mi I In Inn -ii anil prii)
fnr folKl wiii-h HIii. ei,iH ruling
Mtnl tiiiirilni hum nm! in hi y tit 1 I iifi ni
,, ... ,,,,.., ,.o ,
J for tin. h.,,.1 ,,r loin, -Hal.
oni" nt th,. I llimly IhurHilii) and,
I Hlunri IIH. htcii. ...inl-r plod..
irr mori'd iiiiutlii'i ilci IiImI 1 1 1 ii iii p ii
whi'ii IiIh IntiMi Rti.pi ihIi, iik prndnr
tlnn l.lfc'B (Iri'titimt I'mhliMi. ' mi,'"' an- liiTi'liy miulri'il to nppi-ar
,.. ..ii.,.,,, i.,.uiuii. .....i iHi'l aiiH'r th" (niiiplnlnt lll"d
""'"' , "K'tliiHt )..u In th" ..lm" cntltli'il null
inn.... l.n... nt tin' l.llmrl) lh".it.-r ).Htr r ,(1.for() ,,, 19lh (uy ()f MllJ
diy M'.U'.i. that heltiK til" last day or th"
, ' Thin uiiiitmil pliolndrama l.'il'oil.i- tllii" pr.'sc rlld In th" onliT of i)lh-
(. Mltih.-ll I.i.Ih. nt." nf tin. ureal . ' ll" "f '"' miiiiuikjiih. and If )(iu
..... . . , ., fall o to ap".ir. pli'iul, .-mutter, d"
.1 .(I .ml MinriKK'i a.tort. of tin. ''""...,.. or th.T Ih.- n.o. ultliin that
who appimr In "."ll"iii ailvmitau"1
.. it. I- I....1,. ..I uliiu, ttt
. . ..
I hi flne.t portra)..!,. of i,i ''"''"'; '" 'u' ,"" '" "- ,"""""""'n.. Emma VauKhn. ahoe nai-ed I)e- - -
...renr . "H . "'lott" V f .. .1 , . ....... , ! fendnnt I !'
. lor a decree of the nliovc entitled ... ... ... , , ,.
Tie ti-imc drama nml the .il-iiliu .,... for,..,.r .HhhoMiik the IioiiiIh of ," ,l" "amo of thc blutP of ,esoii
-n ." tt"..d"rful.) Id -iK Zr,lrcuy or Klamath Palis .OroKon. dc
ilai i i linos th" i. lav out.) truth
full) ho .nlled it niip.n-i.iiiii.iP.
ii if j iiu 'mini n ifi -'iit ' ""
it CM III U IlOll tlllf It'll Ht Hllllll 1 1 JJlri HO-
K"' ' ',, , u , . nth" n 'o. Ii
'""".-. II" f L ""'"- '"-"' "' ll
ti nn nup.-r drnni i Ii lontiiliiii .iM.
i I
1 lit.i.h.ieil before m n.i.llence
IilspliDed In fort an . '' fe
i hleh tilled the. iipadt) nf tho .U)-
limine The White Mini's l.a." the
,,,.,. ,,.1,1, 1.. f s,,,,!,. MiDitkuwa.
,,-... t ,,,,., P.riimnunt star
ll.e fninniis .1 iianes.i I .iriimn.iiii (
wim pieaeliieii nun cuipirmc minraii
at the Stir tin aire )eHterdit) The
pbotopln ) written b) Marlon Pair-
lol.n Ilrowne and directed
r'x "ml """' "f"""0' """ , ",ro""' I
b) Jnm.-s Young. proe.l to he on.. r !
ihe liel iilitiiriM In wnlih tills stiTI.
, K jpm,ee mlor has bun seen In
h ' ,.
m,,,,' lll"'',",'
The erlsp. splc) air of the Preuch-
( HII w,hmIh will tome to )ou In
, , . ,.,, ,,., ,ii,, ,
""" ,,f I"'"-'"'"" """" "llll'-1't
the Tempi.' Theater, wliere )tiu win
.. Monroe Siillsbur) In his Intnst
ih..i,ip,i ,,,.. ndtiioilriiinn That
I,lm,,jlr'1 """" I'titoitrninn. mm
I""- l''','", "
(iii to the Temple Theutet tonight,
tike )out plaie on the edke or tho
1 An union to rtnovei the sum of
.'.r.l 2r. nlleged due to plaintiff for
work .lone on a boat engine has been
Instituted b) W Tompler and S T
StimuierH as the Kl imath Auto and
Ma. hliio Compan) agtlnst the Choi
Tho plaintiff is
1 lepiesentul b) Renner und Chastnin
v.w i
I t 1.1: SAM SMJU PAY.
ROSEIIFRH Apill 2 -Oliver II
J lloiiglo, n veteran nf tho Inillilll wars
"fl'''' I" H'(ii HviT Mini Southern
""''"". I""-.! ri'i "Hid piiy for u linnii'
,i" ,",",,,1 "'- Kovorninont 'luring
'" l ""' '" """'" " wnrrum nil
H "0 hint u. ek Ironi th" slut" of Or".
,;"" """'": '" '"t twj y.-urs ;ho
.''IJ'.H'i.l .'"lu-riil or Oii-khii Iihi li"')ii
,rl" " ' r MiihkIi', anil Im
tt 'M fl,ll,ly ill"v.cil at tin- Op-kiiii
",,I'"",H ll'imi' II" rn"l"il no In
"""'''" "" """ '""': MtlillfllllK il"lil mil
Mr Ili'iKIc h i) i I," Ih Kind In j;cl the
nilr.linil iiiii'Mini i,r ih, 1 1. 1 1 in tl'i"
(i:ijiiit) s'n
'" "'" f'lriull ( mirt of th" Sl.ito or
r,.,.OIli f()r . (.,lllnt r Kllln).
iin.iii" i. itnrr, I'l.iiiuirr,
I "
"" ' "J" V,TrV1",,,l,1l
In (iiM.rif" 1. Itnff. tin iihiur, ri.tttU'il
In tin mini" nf tin Stall' of Ori'Kiiii
,!,,., fr , n.r,.f, plaintiff will
nt.iili. (i. Il I...... ..111.1 '.lliv frtxl
.,' '..., ' ... .... V i ......... ;.i......
plalntltr ..nil defendant upon
Rri.uiiUB of desertion hy .1.-
. , . m , , . , , - . i . .
funclant of n uintirr for more than
, . . . . lif lJt Itlltl 11 ) ll 1U11 I (J I USnt", ir',u'u " wmi v - w
"U .l''J '".''", T I ?""?m fM thereof, the plaintiff will lalti the 17th day of March. 1919. dcclar;
;-i f tliU nun. ubuIiihi th- lll of . (),tr(l), u , 0U as ,d for n,,ng tg ntenUon to ImproVe Pine
plaintiff and Mlthout her consent; pJlIlUff g complaint to-lt That 'street from Third street to Eighth
plaintiff h) defendnut
i "' U'"'""H ""-" "'"'"'"""tion by order of the Honorable D V
,U,! Ra''1 ,1!ifL''ul.'l"l. y . le,.)U i 'i Kllll!t'mlal1 Ju,K'-' )f thu Circuit
thereof In the Evening Herald ... ,Courl of le stlUe of 0regoni for
newspaper published in Klamath Klamath County, dnted March 25,'
TIiIh MummiinH Is sered upon nu,lton t)y orilBr ot lle jj0norable D V
-..!.! .!-. ..&!.. l.n llii iiiilillit..- .. .-. -I
FalU, Oresoi, and of general clrcu
laH' I" Klamath County, Oregon.
onie n week fnr six successUe weeks.
.nii.llrntlnn lie nt nun p Anr II
, 1919, and the last publication May
ii,,' 1 Ith. 1919. by order of the Ifon-
urn hie I) V Kii) Kendall. Judge of tho
Circuit. Court of Stale of Oregon, for
the County of Klamath, which was
,,!., entered and filed in said Clr-
L.t Court 'on April 1, 1919.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
2 9 10 23 30 7 14
riv.ii. accopnt rii.nn
In tho Count) Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath In the Matter of the Estate of Harvey
I ' Vincent, ueceaseu.
Nol(Cl. is hereby given that tho un-
l.lerslgne.1 on the 1st day of March,
1919, llled in the above entitled Court
C 'lncent, Deceased
and mutter here final account, and
that Wednesday, Uio 9th da) or April.
1910 a H) o'clock a. m . In the court
room of the ubovo entitled Court, has
been tr.ed us the time and jilace
where tho Court will hear objections
thereto end settle the same, uml ap
pr, v. or reject said account.
rated this 11th day nt Murch. 1919
Administratrix of Said Estate.
12 19 2Ci 2 9
(Equity No. 1042)
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
The State Land Hoard of tho S'aio of
Oregon. Plaintiff;
S HIII nnd Ilattle C Hill, Defend-
To S S Hill mid Huttlo C Hill, the
above named Defendants
In the name of the State of Ore
gon ou and each of )ou are herebv
'summoned and required to appear
innil answer tho Complaint llled
i ira!i -.( vou In the nbovn untitled suit
- -,--- .... ... . ... - ,,. v. v. yi vu,,i.ti!.u ... .;, .,..- ., ......
within six weeks of tho ilnto of tlio,Cuiblng and grading at an estimated
first puhlliatlou of this summons iiiiCOst of $40 S19 00, said Improvement
tho Evening Herald, a newspaper! ,.ither event to include grading.
. iprinieu ami piiiuisiiuii in nuiiiuiiu
t i Count). Oregon, which said date is
yih.t 12lh da) of March. A D 1919,
I And ou will take notice that If you
X (fall to appear und unsvver. or other-
wise plead, within the said time, thu
'plaintiff for want thereof, will apply
t to the Court for tho relief nrujed for
J'in Ills complaint, to-wit
. . Por Judgment against the said tie
. Ifendants. S S Hill and Hattlo C Hill,
t I for tho sum of $900.00, with Interest
Ion said sum from tho 1 1th day of Do
. 'comber, A D 19 IC, nt tho rate of 6
J per cent per annum, nnd for tho fur
thor sum ot $100 00 as attorney's
T foes, nnd for Its costs and disburse-
'monts herein
f And for u docreo of this Court fore-
closing tho mortgago described In tho
1 complaint filed hoioln, and fnreclos-
f lug tho defendants and both of them,
f'mu! all portions claiming or tu claim
. it), i.iroi.K.. or uiiiiur or oiu.ur
or them, of nil tneir rignt, title, in
terest, claim, lieu or equity in nnd to
nil and ovory part and parcel of tho
following described promises, to-vvlt.
Tho southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter, the north .half
of tho southeast quarter, and the
lioi theast quarter of the southwest
quurtor of Section ton, in Town
ship foity south of Range five cast
of thn Willamette Meridian, in
Klamath County, Oregon, contnln
160 acres, excepting therefrom tho
timber growing on tm!d land,
and ordering tho real property ubovo
described to bo sold by tho sheriff ot
Klmhnth County, Oregon, In tho man
ner by law In cases ot this kind pro
vided, und that tho proceeds ot such
sale be applied:
First To tho payment of tho costs
and uxpimiirii of said milo and thn
costf) and oxpcni"i of tlilu uult,
SrondTo tho payment to thla
plnlntirf of thu amount for which It
ttti Jiidirii-nt her'lti,
Third 'Hint tho halanr" If nny
fhori' h" Im di'poMlti d with th" rlerk
of thin tourt for thos untied to It '
Thai th" Court alo dxr".' that at
nidi Hiik any parly to thU mill may
hfioine th" jiurdini'r of any part or
of all of until real propert) mid d"
ti'b Hint Iiiiiiii dlal.'l) upon tho pur
rhino of "aid property th" Hh"rlff
ilinll plan, th" pur' I. ih, r into rum
plitn jioxmihihIoii or th" prnpiTl) so
pur.huB"d I
That th" ( ourt alnn .!' ri " and d
dare that the ilfi.iilniitK mil ,nh uf
ihi'in and ..II p. rnotiH . lalmlrii' or to
(Inliii hv ilirouitli f,r under them or
either of them ahull hi forewr hjr
re, uml fori r IokpiI or all th.-l' rlihl
till. CHtnte rlalm .fjult) or lien at
lu- or In "iiilt), nn. I nil ult or re '
dimiitlou In, to mid upon Held rial
prop. rt .mil .'ery part .ml paicul
Ih. rtof and that plaintiff in i) have
such other and further r I i an to
e'lulty mi) ni'iiii meet j
TIiIh Hiimmoni l puhllBhd purwu '
ant order of tho Uonor.ilih- 1) I
' Kuykendall, JudRf of the l Irrult'
Court of tho Stato of Oregon for
Klainatli County, hlch order In dat-'
e.l the 7th day of March, A I) 1313 ,
Attorney for I'lalntlff
12 19 2C 2 S 16 23
nun in i,iini) lllllirii i
III th" Circuit Court, of the State of,
Ori'Kon, for the Count) of Klam
ath Onllle i: Vaughn. I'lalntlff,
a 1
Emma Vauelin, Defendant
nii mintt'-i iij? i UIIJIUUII Jll-CU i "" " .-.-... - - tw.-ra ,
i..niH,.i ..... i.. i.,. i .i.i.. i ....i.lhnFAlii- nartltv thai tho fnrprntnsr In fl
..ii. !..
0 op u,f()r()
vtf,mitl JU 111 1111 UIIUYf VIILIIIL'II 4Ull
tli da of May,!
uii ui Ut'liJl TJ lilt- fill UU) III !." ." rs w. vv.
,, ... , ,.,, . .....V ' ,' n,iMfl,i , n nnni n
JThls summons Is son-ed by nuhll'a-lstreet
1919. which order requires that rum-t
nions be published for six succes lvet
weeks, tho date of the first publlca-
Hon to be made nn March 26th. and
tho last publication thereof on May'
7. 1919. that being the time within
which the defendnnt Is required In
said order to appear and answer.
Attorney for Plaintiff
6 2 9 1C 23 30 7'
The Cltj Engineer, pursuant to
resolution of thc Common ''ouncil
heretofore adopted, hnving, on the
15th day of March. 1919. filed plas,
specifications and estimates of the
cost of improving Pine street from
Third street easterly to Eighth street;
Fourth street from Main street north
erly to Pine street; Fifth street from
Main street northerly to Pine street;
Sixth street from Main street north-
erl) to Pine street, und Seventh street
from .Main street northerly to Pine
street, including Intersections, and
tho council having taken same underlenl" sireei ana rtign street in aa
advisement, and flndlnc said i)lans.crilanee with said plans, speclfica
specifications and estimates satisfac
Ho It Hereby Resolved. That bald
plans, specifications and estimates for
the Improvement of said rortlons of
Pine street and said portions of
Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and Seventh
streots be, and the same are hereby
And ho it Further Resolved, That
the Common Council hereby declares
Its Intention to improve said portions
of Pine. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and Sev
enth streets in accordance with the
bald plans, specifications and esti
mates, said Improvements to consist
of paving said portions of said streets
with hlthullthic pavement at an esti
mated cost, including cement side
walks, curbing and grayling, of $43,
193 00, oil macadam pavement at an
estimated cost. Including cement slde-
,unlk enrlilnir nml LT.nilliiiT nf "1 or rm.fmi., im,, -.,.
rolling and curbing, said pavement to
bo 4n fCet wide with sidewalk 6 feet
uville oll Kouith. Fifth. Sixth and Sev-
enth streets und 4 feet wide on Pine
street, mid parking strip leveled
throughout the entire distance of said
Improvement except at intersections
whom said pavement is to be 60 feet
And be It Further Resolved by the
Common Council, That the proport)
hoioinaftor described be und hereby
is declined to he benefited, to-wit
Lots 1 2. 3. 4, block 7. lots 1.
2 .!. 4. block S, lots 1 2, .1, 4,
block 9. lots 1. 2, ,t, 4, block 10,
lots 1, 2, 3. I. block 11; lots 3. 4,
ii. 6, 7 nnd S, bloik 11, lots 1. 2, 3
4, G, 6, 7 und S. block IB; lotb 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 und ., block 16; lots
1. 2. J, 4, G, 6, 7 nnd S, block 17;
lots 1. 2, 5, 6, 7 und S. block IS,
nil in the oiiglunl Town of Llnk
vlllo. now City of Klamath Falls,
nd that said proportv nbovn descrlb
ed he, and heiohv Is declared to bo.
assessed for tho expense ot said Im
provement; And ho It Further Resolved. That
Moudu). tho 2 1st da) of April, 1919.
ut the hour of S o'clock p ui , nt tho
council chambers In tho clt hall ut
Klamath Palls, Oregon, ho fixed as
tho time mid placo for the hearing ot
objections and remonstrances against
tho said proposed Impi moment; und
tho Police Judge bo, and hereby Is di
rected to cause notice of said hearing
to bo published us b) Charter pin
vided Sipto of Oregon,
County or Klamath, ss
fit o' Klamath Falls.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judgo of tho
) VJtvtt't
Blue Stone
Underwoods PhamDrv
w-(t)l tuTCUi mevt lit
r v nr Kinmnih vmia firptrnn. in
j -"- ,.., .. w .w.o" a -
duly enrolled copy of a resolution
from Main street northerly to
Pine street, and approving the plans,
.. .- .1
Pine street, and approving the plans,
specifications and estimates of cost
submitted by the City Engineqr.
A L LEAVITT. Police Judge.
iii"uni irxrnv
I lll.UJ-.lllItJ.t
The City Engineer, pursuant to res-
'olution of the Common Council here-
tofore adopted, having, on February
3. 1919. filed plans, specifications ana
estimates of the cost of Improving
Tenth street from Main street north
erly to Lincoln street, and High street
from Ninth street easterly to Elev
enth street. Including Intersections,
and "the council having taken the
I same under advisement, and finding
said plans, specifications and esti
mates satisfactery:
He it hereby resolved, that said
plans, specifications and estimates for
the improvement of Tenth street from
Main street northerly to Lincoln
street, and High street from Ninth
street easterly to Eleventh street. In
cluding intersections, be, and the
same Is hereby approved.
And be it further resolved, that the
'Common Council hereby declares Its
Intention to Improve said portions ot
tlons and estimates .said Improve
ments to consist of paving said por
tion of said streets with oil macadam
pavement, af an estimated cost. In
cluding cement sidewalks, curbing
and grading, of $18,696.87; or ce
ment pavement, at an estimated cost.
Including cement sidewalks, curbing
and grading, ot $25,000.00. Said Im
provement to include grading, rolling
and curbing.
And be it further resolved, by the
Common Council, that the property
hereinafter described be and hereby
Is declared benefited by said improve
ment, to-wit;
Lots 1 and S ot block 13 ot Orig
inal Town, and unnumbered block
known as the Central School
grounds .adjacent to Tenth street
and between said block 13 and
Tenth street, in Nichols Addition;
lots 3. 4. 5 and 6 ot block 48; lots
3, 4. S. 6. 7 and 8 ot block 46; lots
1. 2, 3, 4 and 5 ot block 47; lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ot block 45; lots
1, 2, i. 4. 7 and 8 of block 44; lots
i, 4, 5 and 6 ot block 50; the east
26 feet ot vacated portion of Wash
ington street, formerly known as
Canal street, between Ninth and
Tenth streets; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of
block 51; lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 ot
block 57, and lots 1, 2. 7 and 8 of
block 56; the oasterly 26 feet of
the reserved portion of Jefferson
streot abutting on the north side ot
lot 7. block 51. all in Nichols Addi
tion to the town of Klamath Falls
Oregon ,
mid that said property abovo do
srlhed is Hereby declared to be the
property to be assessed for the ex
pense of said improvement;
And be it further resolved, that
Monday, tho 21st day of April, 1919,
at the hour of S o'clock p, m at the
council chambers ot tho city hall, to
bo fixed as tho time nnd place for
tho hearing of objections and remon
strances against the said proposed
improvement, nnd the Police Judge
ho nnd herob) is directed to cause no
tice of b.ild hearing to be published,
is by Charter provided
Stuto ot Oregon
City of Klamath Falls,
County ot Kiumnth.
I A L Loavitt. Police Judge of
tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do horeby certify that the foregoing
is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Council
in tho 17th duy of March, 1919, de
claring Its intention to Improve
coin streot, and High street from
Ninth street to Eleventh street, in
cluding intersections, and approving
thu plans, specifications and esti
mates ot tho cost submitted by the
City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge.
Herald's Classified Advs.
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 112K
FOU SAIiE Tour room ptasiorod
house, two IiIk Iota, !mth,nlrik, oloc
trlc lights, MIIN Addition, I'rlcn
11,300, half caih, halanro to null
purchaser ft K Smith Hcalty Co,,
r, 17 Main st 2-lt
FOIt SALE- I have 'wo Maxwells,
one Just oerhaul"d and now In
Kord paint shop, s"e It, wilt sell or
trade. JJr A A Soule l-1t
FOR SALE Five room cottace, mod
ern lmprocment for sale by own
er; close. In; furniture If desired, In
cluding piano Enqulro Prank M.
Upp, Gil Main st 31-tt,
IlYE HAY for sale
Vln Zuti.o, Ma-29-Gt"
FOR SALE Alfalfa buy nt ranch
near Merrill See C A Hunting or
phone 236M. Klamath Palls 29-5t
FOR SALE 1C0 head of stock cat
tle. H. N Whitcllne 27-8t
FOR SALE 1 600 and 1.300 pound
horees, and harness. Enquire cor.
Crescent ave and Manzanita st. 29-3
FOR SALE Saddles
Springs hotel
Enquire Hot
FOR SALE General merchandise
business, located on irrigated ranch
on highway. Address Owner, care of
Evening Herald 25-tf
FOR SALE: 14 lots -In thc Second
Addition to Klamath Falls; make
me an offer; will take automobile or
diamond, or will soil cheap for cash;
must be sold. A. J. Hocking, 279 X.
1st St.. San Jose. Calif. 22-tf
"- iA0.
e.riT nrtKrTV u...i.i..j . Lu
run rcii i-r u.uisjicu uiiunuiuuk.
i den: suitable for grazing cattle: tract
can be divided into tvo nearly equal
.. .
units. M. Motschenbacher, L. Jacobs,
IV. S. Slough, committee.
FOR RENT Nice clean furnished
rooms; also home cooking, by day
or meal; formerly old Slater house,
now under new management. 1021
Main street. 2S-51
FOR RENT -Nice clean furnished
rooms and apartments. 102 Main
street. 2S-5t
WANTED Two waitresses for log
. ging camp. Address Logger. Herald
office. t 2-4t
WANTED Man to work on ranch,
60 per month and board. Inquire
Herald office. 2-tf
WANTED A good dog to drive
stock. Address 624 11th st, 2-4t
FIRST CLASS COOK, second cook
and helper want jobs in lumber
camp. Enquire at Houston hotel.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Call 294J. 25-tf
IF THE PARTY who took enddle
from my horse about half mlln
trom my home. 5 miles eait nf Mor-
Kll, will return same, no nucstionti
will be asked. W. B. Graham, l-4t
A black horse came to what is
known as tho Archie Calson ranch
early In the morning of March 25th.
Branded W on right shoulder. Ira
Orem and Iven Icenbice. 2-3t
Whereas, The Common Council
deems It expedient to change the
grade on certain portions of Wash
ington street;
Be it Resolved, That the grade on
Washington street be changed; as fol
lows": At Intersection of Washington and
First streets, said grado is hereby
West side Washington streot. from
270.0 on north side and 270.0 on
south side to 270.0 on north side
and 268.0 on south side.
East side Washington street, from
265.0 on north side and 265.0 on
south side, to 265.0 on north side
nnd 263.5 on south side.
At 170 feet east from east line of
First street, on Washington streot.
from 239 0 on north side and
239.0 on south side, to 238.0 on
north side und 23S 0 on south
At Intersection of Washington and
Second streets: West sido Wash
ington street, from 231.0 on north
sldo and 231,0 on south side,' to
231.8 on north sldo und 230.0 on
south side.
East side Washington, street. from
229 5 on north sldo and 229.5 on
south side, to 231 0 on north side
nnd 230,0 on south side.
At 145 feet east of east Jlno of Sec
ond streot on Washington streot,
from 230.0 on north aide and
230.0 on south sido, to 232,0 ou
north side and 232,0 on south
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss: .
City ot Klamath Falls.
I, A. L, Leavltt, Police Judgo ot
said city, do hereby certify that the
foregoing is a duly enrolled copy of
the resolution changing grado on cer
tain portions of Washington street,
as above set forth, us passed by the
Common Council ot the City of Klam
ath Falls, Orogon, ou March 17th,
1919. A. L. LEAVITT,
l-10t PoRce Judge.