SS .-"XJBt: . -U lAGn TWO WEDNEHDW, APIHI M, ii THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WiVi Ml ' S Pttl S.f f E4 51. I II & If? i.w ft' IKE? The Evening Herald P.. J. MU II n A V KD1T0II opnr to nay -nil advance In frelRht rt'3 which in no case was loss than .. per cent anil wh'ch In some cases w.ia as high ns 9t! per cent, also nn (ulxnnre In passenger rates ranging ... . , . .. 9 from 1G 2-3 to r0 per per cent. tMKK? WhSSSPlCo85J ; At .fo end or the year the railroad. Klamnlh Palls, nt 116 Fourth street show oil n loss ot $198,000,000, anil -li P ERSONAL MENTION I.ITTI.K NIDKUOMIM ilV I.OtMl, MM I'KMMJS AMONt ,TIIK rKOI'l.i: OK THIS CITY AMI VICINITY. tiOINOS AM) COMlMll (K MH'AI, KOI. KM Kntored at tho postofllco nt Klam nlh Knlls, Ore, for transmission thru the mails as seconil-c.lasa mnttor. uoiigrpss was axkeil to appropriate' jTfut HtO,000 to make good till loit and to make delaxed improvements The go eminent took charge ot thei Subscription torms by mall to nii 'telegraph and telephone lines on Jul ntldrcss In tho United States: ' U. lis and the people expected re-, Ono year . $&onl. f frn, .., ihe- considered ex-! Ono month Mouther of the Associated I'ros i osslve rates. On March 19, 1919. an advance of. Tho Associated Press Is exclusheh 2" Prr CPUt '" rn,tw "as rlor,-,, ! entitled to tho use for republication, take effect on April 1st. and the olll of all nows dispatches creditcil to it i ft rs ot one cotnp.inv were ousted in' or not otherwise crediti:.! in this pal ri(I int lhev ,uK,lt , cllarK,, per, and also local news published , . , herein. rates. I All rights of republication of sne , For many years many people who clal dispatches heroin are also re tl'tuigM they were reformers have nnrrnil I M V. llauers left on the st ige this fine time and says that Iheio n'e morning for l.nkoilow mine people In Oio lluy Clt nuv t.ian ,,,,.,., , ,, ,. , , , eer before In Its hlstorj I M Lindsay left on the;o lew stage this morning for Ueatty. I! J. Young went to Maedoel Dili ttlitl'tt I mr llftlll. .1 I tntl .fill. I.t ...... K. V. Klfenilahl Is a count v seat """" ""- " 'j"11 """ ' business Msltor from Chlloquln. , '" "wtin ""' '"' "l-eratlon heie. , A. Vauilennack was a passen?or ,,,.., his tao.nlng on the stage for Illy. , yU , APl.IoKnlo has gone to 'St. Helena. Callfoi ul.i, for a lst Mi. (1. Ad tins Is in the elty for a with lier daughter Miss Alum A. Ap .shot t time from the Met rill district, pleg.ite. AIR GOPS JtRE i UTEST TIG II EI IK 1 Ni:V YOltK. Apt II I Plum of tlie New York police depailiuelit for n "I'loud-iop" section iiuttni lalUcd i ln-re when lit! Aiuiirlcan. Ililtlsh mid I Kioucli nlators were hwoiii In In I he olflce of Deputy I'ollco ComiiilssliMi i' Itoilmau W.iutiuuiUoi as iiiembris o' tho police reserves i Col Jefferson de Mount Thompson served. John Drlscoll of l.orella left to'lav to- a visit nt Kugene and Urow'ns- AVKDXKSD.W, AI'Klli 2, ll)l AMKHICAXS, ukwakk: iili.ti.orod for government ownership vllip. I of la'lroads atiir wire sjstems They Ih.iNo got government operation. 1 which is next thing to It. Oregonlan. V. 1.. llrlggs Is here on matters of i business for a short time fiom itr Ktancisro. i IN DISTRESS AT SEA V SI. Howard Is In the city from the Merrill distitct for a short lime on matters of business. ! K. Fraser is a recent arrival In Klamath Falls from Seattle. He Is n -The United! guest at the Hotel Hall. llowaro of the backers of the Hrit-lSOLDIERS TRANSPORT ish scheme for an International leaguo bearing amendments. A fort night ago the American sponsors of the Smuts plan hail 'swallowed It! ..,.,.,. ...... , whole and were denouncing the foI-!SlatM gllnlllv ,., ..Cl,iBOn.. wUi lowers of the Farewell Address nmlij0 reurnnK troops, all casuals. Is' Ernest Schoirock Is a recent nr tho defenders of tho Monroe Doctrine j r0porUHi.jn distress near New York, n , rival from Weed. California. He Is ns -little Americans" with "ptKiny, Wrejos, message states. The essel ' stopjiiitK at the Hotel Hall. minds." A fortnight ago these snnte,vas hove to ln ., str0ng northwest sponsors wero for "sharing the Mon-' wlm, aml n r,n,gh sea. It Is declared roe Doctrine with the world." Today' tlmt tUp vessel was still capable of they protest' their desire for an ' making six knots per hour If the amendment to the pending scheme1 weather moderated. Her circulating which will "reserve the Monroe Doc- pump Is out of commission. She trine" from tho world and leave it j sailed from Hrest on March 3th. the unshaken corner-stone. of Amer- m ' ia.ui luitriKii iuut;j 11 u.i ucfll from the day It was enunciated. Whence this somersault? The som l II. J. Tli'knor, a well known lesl ident ot l.atiKell Valley Is In the tun ! ty seat fur a short time on m.itteis of husimvis. W, V. Copelaml of the Wood Itlver Valley who came In from Port Klitm. nth jestetday. left today for. Ager, California on mutters' of business (loo. Streeter, who has been In Klamath County for some time from Creswell, California on nrltteis of business, left for that point this morning. ) Mr and Mis. D. M. C.rlfflth, whose name hn.s been so long associated with the Kagle Ridge Tavern on the Mrs. - F McCollum left Ibis XVm1 h1,i of th l'l,l'"r Klniniitli , morning for her home at Dorris. aft- iM- a," who rocently disposed of er a short IMt in this city. , ,M' Property to Dr. Oa.ldls,of Al- i hot tii. are in the city for a short Hoy H. Ilradley, a government rr- t,m. They are guests at the Hotel presentative Is in the city from the Hall. They tue accompanied by .1. I. Klamath Agency for a few days. i cirlffltti. HSiUITH GJMMPQH ' 11.1. I'HAISi: T.M..C S I.OM, s i 1.1 vi :, sin: wis is' m:i) ti: i.omi .months . , l I.TIMATr.M SKXT I ci:chosi.ov.ks. Fay K Diamond returned 2-St I1ASKL, March 31. The Hungjr- llils ' ....ll l.u......l ..( 1.....1ti.wt. morning to Medford following a brief ' busines, visit in Klamath Falls. ' illfo IIMlriu.,. .ompauliw l.e SI 10,(1(10,0(10 mi iK'i-oiint of lutlileiie. Heed the wnnilng and set n Ion cost 1-tf Airs. .'M. Hettinger came down II. U. Crane came In from Chllo nulii yniterdny afternoon to look after business Interests In this city errfaulters have heard from the Amer ican people. The voice of America ,au Rmormnet is repotted to hav. trom Honanza yesterday for u short ,,n,.j fri(m Clilliote .V Sinltli has been raised In righteous resent- ,.CIlt an ultimatum of the Czecho- visit. She is stopping at the llall ment against the whole Hrltish , giovak government because of tho scheme and Its American swallowers. ' concentration of the former's troops The mass meeting in Tremont Temple j an,i the rumor that there Is to be a has been followed by mass meetings .mobilization In llohemla shortly nil over the country, and other mass meetings are assembling. The pro-l posal that tho United States shall en ter into an Old World alliance and accept in tho body ot delegates a vot ing strength equal to ono of tho col onies of the British empire is so re pugnant to men and things American, irrespective of religious, political or geographical considerations, that the HACK I'HOSI HAY CITY. 1 .Mrs. E. V. Rice left today for Portland where she will Join her hus-i , band, who has proceeded her tlnro. i Mrs. Ivy North and son, Emmett jir8. Heue Hickman, manager of have returned from San Francisco, ti10 o0rris Times left for that point; where they have been on a vacation tw? morning after a brief visit bore, i visit. ', I Hen Howe left this morning for. Ask Chilcote & Smith about the California points where he expects to j LOW COST life, accident and health remain some time on matters of bus-' scheme and the schemers aro under politic of the Travelers. 1-tf ness. ' attack today from Maine to Callfor- ,. . . ........ i ' Remington firoa'ms and ammuni- nit. not only on-account.of this arUcle tIons were nwari!eil Gram, Pri2e at in the covenant, but on account ot Panama Pacific Exposition. 19-1 2t other articles equally un-American and obnoxious to virile Americans. Boston" Transcript. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amtiscmcnt.s s HOUSTON'S OPER As HOUSE DAXCI.Nti SATlltDAY I'VI'N'I.NTi JAZZ .MUSIC STAR THEATER -TODAY A TELEPHONE DEFICIT ALSO For years the American Telephone company, ably managed, wisely financed and Intelligently mindful of the people's interest, performed ad mirably a work of prime national Im portance. It was not an infrequent thing. It became habitual, for tele phone rates to be lowered. Yet all the while the service constantly Im proved. And the company was a steady and prolific earner for its. stockholders. The government took over the op eration of the telephones as It took over the operation of the railroads. ' Then, exactly as had happened ln tho case of the railroads, the Old Nick got Into the wires. More of the earn ings were eaten up, but there wasi nothing to show for It. Important , tolls wero increased, but the service grew worse. In the first five months of government operation there was a deficit of close to $4,000,000 for a company hitherto accustomed to noth ing but fat surpluses. And now a general Increase of rates amounting to 12 per cent will be nec essary to wipe out the deficit and pro vide a thin surplUH a surplus, per haps; then ngaln, perhaps not. For, ns government operation can wipe out any surplus that exists ln anything, government, operation, when there is no surplus, is an Insurmountable bar rier against tha creation of one. A surplus, indeed, however high mo charges to the public are jacked up. seems us abhorrent to government operation as good service. The touch of tho government In business Is the touch of death. New York Sun. Oassengers and Baggage AXYWHERE IX THE CITY Ql'ICK SERVICE ItKASOXAHLE HATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. Carl Coleman, night clerk at the Hotel Hall, who has been In San , Francisco for the past two weeks on a vacation visit, returned to Klam-' oth Falls last night. He report a; KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH MASON, EHRMAN & CO. Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES Oilier ISO S. (till St. Phone 87 E. II. JEFFERSON ' Local Manager WiMWMAMAAMA New City Laundry WE OCAHAXTEH OCR WORK Shiits anil Collars Laundered We also wnsli silk, wool anil col ored goods wry carefully. Try us once and be coutiiirctl. Our prices I are right. Plume 1.11. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First Natlouul Rank Jessli- L. Liisky Piesents SESSt'E HAYAKAWA In "THE WHITE .MAX'S LAW" Also Two Reels of Rig V. Conicily. Admission II) and SI) rents. Show Stmts 7::t(l and t):l.1. TEMPLETHEATER Mine llird Presents .MONROE SALISIU'HY In "THAT DEVIL, 'IIATEESE'. " An out door tory of The Ciuiaillnn Woods. Also I'liiieisMl Current Kents. cents Miilincc 7::io it . Admission to A 1.1 !!.:!(. Eeuings MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTCRES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oreuon GHTEN UP THE HIGH COST OF ItEFOR.M When the government undertook operation of the railroads at tho be ginning of 1918 tho people expocled to derive great benefit from the change. In Juno, 1918, they wero called It iislii); Westinglioiisc Mazda Lamps in' ALL jour Mickrls. We make a specialty of lilting ,oii out with the proper Ijpe, sle and voltage that will Kiwi j on the most lllit for the least iiione), and will make free (lelhery on lump purchases nuioiihtiliK to .SI, 7.1 or (iter. Wo Kile u Rogers Silverware ticket with each IM-cent pur ihiisf. Link River Electrical Co. Till and .Main His LIBERTY MAT ER THE PICK OF THE PICTI'RICS" H. W. POOLE, Owner WWMMW TONIGHT "LIFE'S GREATEST PROBLEM" Starring Mitchell Lewis Coming Thursday and Friday, Theda Bara "SALOME" SPECIAL PRICES FOR "SALOME" ONLY Matinees, all seats, 25c. Evenings, all seats, 35c DAILY MATINEE At this Theater at U.'tiO p. in. Doors open at li o'clock MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director AJkiH Ash Your Dealer Remjngonm Grand PrizeMem 3 firearms o Ammunition Write for CAtMofaip " ltd Wl IfiiW COLDS WITH 6USMSS Dr. King's New Discovery relieves them and keep you going on tho Job Fifty continuous ycara cf almost UnfailinBclieckingandrclievlngcouEho, colds and kindred Buffering h t'.c proud achievement of Dr. King'u N.w Discovery. Crandparcnts, fathers, moth 3, l1.. 1 kiddies all have used and r- i..f. t, it ai the oaf est, surest, mat plsaeaKt to-takc remedy they know cf. Sold by all druggists. 60c an.l $1.20. Keep Bowela On Schcdnb Late, retarded functioning t'.rovra the whole day's duties out of gear. Keep the system clcan3cd, tho appe tite lively, the etomacli Gtauncli with Dr. King'o New Life Pills. Mild as: tonic in action. Sold everywhere. 2Jc. who will iimiimuiit tlie pollen nln tlolt xitinilion, iiuniMUU'Kil tlnil tin I Ioiiiih ror I lie iieiltil imtioliueti hud heeii oiileii'il 11ml tlmt ilum.t would he ohleieil In Mn. ul n uicelllir. of j nhiiini uimiiif leltiein In Atlnutlel Cli The itimlioii luolmlih will' tuKe tlii till li) .lone. Ii fiilil Ai iiiiillliK In Colonel Tll()IUou, lii kiiiiiiIioii vl inliipli'leil wll 1 nuipi lie I "'I' men, llli'lliillil): t IIhim. uii'i'liniili liiii-t. nuppli offheiK. ineill 11I nrriiiMN, n cliiiplniu mill runkK 1 l.iiliillUK plilien "I" I"' "I !"i'i , 11011. M11111I Vnn t'oitlMiiil Pink mill Slieepvlumil hny Lnli'i. ho ll'l. ' "l'1 lim pinion pmlmlil) HI I" roii'lnut oil on the topH of D'kIi I'uIIiIIiik , Roth liiinl mill koii pluiioi "III he' After the Hoeloly of N'hIimiin U forinoil Uoiumn) U 1:111111: i hm,, liiinl time hrenliliiK Into n.n u 1 o.. riiiucUi'O llullntlit ' toil KMTHAY SOI'll I nnii' to my iniieii ii' un hrlilKO, :i-oiir-olil IIoM.-m, ,, Inmiileil V !; Willi hn m ,n, 1 n , ' loft ulilo; iimiKi'il iiini ( , HkIiI nml nplll In lott . m ( 1, ,rI,. i: Dmw. .Miinlll 1 ,, " Men Cliurlon !1 1 1 ' Miiniiti, Aitmiey, for Indliin i;i 1 n. 1 ii,,.,i ii"'hnr ! . u ll'IOll ho Hlllll i:rn.r him1 woitiuiRs Villi: N.'AIVST sTRIM-. SI'.VTI'I I' Aptll I The hlpnt.l viikori Inn 1' witeil oiei hi IuiIiikI) iiKiliiMt Kiilin: on .1 -.tiil.e A 1 1 II Hi! lot liUliei vwiiti- CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE (Vnii'iil WniU of all Itiml, nml Hiiiillnj; Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractu1 1 . "I'll praUo Tmilne the Ioiikimi ilnv I !ie for kIIhk 1110 hack my Ii-mMIi," snlil Mm. It. W Smith of Sll'l llui ilett Street, Oiiuilin, Noli rii'oull. when the special Tmilne lepresentu-i tlo. who luiil liennl of her leiiifir't-, al.lo loeovery, cnlleil to iinrortuiii ! farta , "Elltht years ami," contlir.i '.I Mn Smllli, "I lieKim miffeiiiiK fi-nn 1111111 ' nrli troulile, loss of .ippotlto .111 I 1101 -, MiusnesH. .My hoiul nrhoil ho it th'ns It fell like It would Jump fi ' 1 uv, sldnililers Then aeuto rhoiiin ill un Kot hold of me, and piiltiod mo -. I eoiild not sloop. Mj feet, knee Joltti mul elbows would swell terribly 'inl the pain almost unbearable tie foio I took Tan l'c I had not been ep mul about, nor able 10 ko down town for three Ioiik oars. and was In bed for ten mouth perfectly holpleis 1 wns under troituieut evor day for throe months, and I tiled everything until tho hills Kot so IiIk I dremloil to think of tlintii. but I never Kot alo to be out of bed but very little 1 "I siiffeied until I lost thirty five pounds, but I have Rotten buck evor ouure of It since I boRiin takltiB Tan lac. Pretty soon after I stirted on It my appetite came back mid I got ho I rotild eat itnthltiK. .My nerves Kot stroiiKer, anil my pain commeuied to net less. After the second bottle I( felt much stronKor, and It w .isn't Ioiik before I could Ki't about tho house and do my work. I haven't 11 pain of any kind now, nnd my sloop Is as sound mid restful ns ft baby I am full of llfo and energy and feel fully nblo to go down town when I please, ns 1 inn ulk and stay on my feet all day. In fact I can do as much work, as I ever could in my life. If not' more, mid I Just fool so happy over what Tunlac has done for me that I, wnnt evorybody to know about It. I ! : have told lots of people about It al-. ready and know many who aie lulling' It on account of what It has done for' inc. Tnnlac Is sold In Klamath Kalis by . the Star Drug Co., mul In I.oiellr lij 1 tho James More, Co. Adv. A Kno.clcpiitTroiiMe ?:; KSTk ir 4 jtxi6c Starting flighting Batterj Service w l-" D ,ONT put up with iiny little "Devil of Doubt" In voiirsturtliitl I1.1t lory Mitiilon't luno to. An "ExIDC" lUltery Ih "the ftlunt that liven In 11 box." It lll make 11 reality of tlmt reliable MTtlce about which Jou'w ilrotinusl, It "III o,lw you niatliiiiiiii power mul lll cicrl tlmt power on liiHtnnt ilcnninil. It In emy to ttire for -imi to repair. Let us (Irmonstnite lust how you ran make your starting buttery "lioubl proof." We olUr free InnpcCllun of till hatterlm. 23 Main St. JUDD LOW Phone 22M You'll, Be Lucky Apiil I the "Dliiiiionil .Mould," nml If yon "Mill the d'oddo nf I. ink In sinili 1111 nii llie year Yoiinil you'll put 11 illiiuiond ring 011 her linger, nml eipilp your cm ltli Diamond Tires It I- 11 unoil business pruposlllon to Iiim"( In "DbiiuoiiiK" ill mi) lllne, nml llie .oonor you (In Hie more you will nppiei lule your guild I111 k, Klamath Auto Tire Co. C. R. MARPLE, Prop. ' 120 Sixth St. THRIFT For Children 11 We are all creatures of habit, and upon the habits we form in childhood depends our future success. Every boy and girl should be taught to practice Thrift, to save part of all money received. Hy SAVING NICKELS AND DIMES until they grow. into Dollars, numerous children lay the foundation of a .suc cessful career. 11 Set the little feet in the right path hy opening a Savings. Account. A dollar will do it. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON AI FALFA SEED n GAR,DE,N SEED-BuIIc and Package Murphey's Feed & Seed Store .TULiJL J-KM-Jl kJM iM ii J Oregon Standard Punty and Germination 126 South Sixth St. Phone 87