The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 31, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    EfJMHM .j
ul,V,MAm'IHtl, IPI
""iSSr " " " 1
i -
Omni '. "' "" K'MU,
.nil llxtllui(
Let Me Make You an
New City Laundry
ghlrf '"' """' ,","",,r,",,
w. iMt !' "k' """' "ml "ol
Lfood.rro.rrfully. Try im
,,dlrailii(l. Ourprlrn
... III. mm ml. I
,rt -!, -
107 PVinrth Street
Brk of Kin Vlltnil lk j
Every Can Guaranteed
, n- ji. ' i '-Mu'iri "iii m
SWfi u ' $ and 5PCC,a- I
'i V i WRK5LEY5 I
Mf X!P- X'vto In its air-tight B
7fliriDr ffl sea,ed Package.
IftTiffffty Xkm A worthy of your I
VSlT mj lastinfi rcard I
P lff because of its I
IS THE BEST V ' iz-ti quality.
WW WM A I Three flavors to I
mfllV I suit ail tastes. I
I Be SURE to get I
The Simplest Spreader Made
&T ISsW "SVr lf"WtAru- Uutclics Wo Uiaitis St,,) i?,Uyf
" I jy liasy to Load
ntirely New . . Nothing Else Like It
., "" "viiiim. rower wai luuen irom ono end oi mo main iw.iu iiiiuwum mitum. ?i,i".i ....wi.
nuS?.? ' t0 t.ho ucter, mounUl nbovo mvl in tho rear of thu u..b. Horcvoforo tho or. lv li.ip.-oi
niiiS,, "'" ,Pecro Snroador la'n radlcnl doparturo f.-ota tho old mot hod of construction. It h mndo nlonir
niiriiy I1PW niia nm j, t imnr0vomont over tho o! 1 p'ylo BprctuHr. Cotno In inid oimlno tho nachlno
" you w in rmdlly sco why tho John Dec.-o Spreader 1 i bo far superior to i
Even if You Don't Need a New Spreader Now
of nrtlcleu n,. ...i... . ... , ..i i it ..i.., i.i
'" 'ou v. HI rmdlly sco why tho John
fhtvaf! ".w!ly fttrin manuw hould bo uwtl on lira liuul, how Ititlioulcl Iw unplieil, how R should bu stved,
8nr.ii'u u!!d ? Jw't of u.Iiik it lit various wuys. In tuldltlon thero N ii detail ilcscrlptlou of Uu Joha Deere
"rvuvT W1LI1 lTll!trtMn. 1- ..AAU
der with illustrations "n colors
i4f fie Theaters
line till) tlmilKlit of the, Ollent
Urn fin mill niyntitrliniH Kind, fiicln
lite )ou7 Iliivu you nvi'i lunged In nti
(lie lillli' Minllimtiiiieiiii llii glowing
rnlurfiil lutiil nf dm Anili mill Hgyp
tlmi, Molniiiiiiieilnii mill utlinr tilde
of NiirltiMiti Afiliu' ir uti wish in
Dlljll) II Hi III)' llf in tfi y , I Oltllltll
mill pimiiloil. Hi i. III). ui)nti Mii, i,
Iiiuk'Iiik NiuliniiMi In ' 1 : , , rm Kyu"
which n bn hIhiuh ut I hit Libert)
Theatre IoiiIkIiI fin the Inn t tin
Tim niiml liiiiiiitiinl iiiiiiiiiitii I'liii'iil
of tin' tliiMitilini h, it h ' ii i tii it tint
Libert) Tinnier will show for two
du) J Htimrl Mini liinii iiiiiiinIi mi
i('r-iroiliii'lloii Life h (iHNiti'Ht Prod
1 TiwmM ,4 PmW
WIv,! 'f
I Sealed Tight yOs. wIISm
I Kept Right .JSB
I B The pLja
I I Flavor Lasts jiillB
Spreader with the Heater on the Axle
Dec.-o Spreader 1 i bo far superior to uny
n.l ....,,!..- ...x.1
of this spreader worklnij in t!iu Ik-l.l.
hotter Investigate .'. It's Vor'.h Your
Baldwin Hardware
li'Mi," written liy Hint past mislor of
utilise ntul screen rraft, Anthony Paul
Kelly mitl featuring Mitchell Lewis,
who will In, hiipiill) remembered by
eieiylmily for IiIh excellent work In
"Tin. Iliinlitr," "Tin, Sign InvlKlble,"
"TIih lint Sinister," "Nine-Tenth of
tin, l.iw" anil other big Hperjula
Tin, iHinoinieomotil nf thin extruor
illimry eiigiiirenieiit, which begins
Tllendn)'' In utiollifi etldoilie thut
Manager Poole uiui'vliitDH tin- fJi't
Unit Hi" good ii'iiii, or Kl'iiuuth
I'iiIIh are extremely illicrlmlmitliiK an
lo tlm ihkH of iitiirtalniiiiiiit thoy
lllii mill Hint It In hln dimlro to i;lve
thi'in tin very bent money mill hruliiH
i mi prndiiie
"l.lfn'ii tliiintuHt I'loulem" In Dint of
few tint) lili: prodiittloiiM of the Ouy,
ami It wonlil not tnke a prophet to
fori'iint that It will prove n truiiivn
ill iid ut 1 1 it t ton during Itn run hcru
Rnller liearinils
Lisht Draft
ujircu Jcr licretooro constructed
conio In and got ono of our spreader
books. Thoy contain a numbor
The orlKlnul guota for Klamath
County wan flu, 800. UO, hut im all
rountli'n wore ankud to ovr-uhcrlho
thu amount CO p;r com. thin nncli,
our actual guotn fl0,200.00 The
i.U'cutlvo coiiimltteo planned tho In
clvliluul ((uotun no that tho total Mill
iicrlptlofiH would euro for tho JIG,
2UI' 00 ami uUo any pouwlhle dtlvo
f(,r thu Armenian Itellef and expi'iie
of the ('ouncll of Dufenno
The total reciiliilH 17,7C'J 'i'j
','f IhlH amount In xcen of UO,
iiOO 00. $1,000.00 wu turned ovor to
tlm recent Armenian drive and
$10081 to the recent V V f A
Hoinn nulmcrlhiTH Indicated that
their money nhduld ko to u certain
fund, mid our report to tho ut ite
heudqunrtum nhowed the followliiK
amountn dcnlKtiated to the vurloiiK
Y M C. A. 1,267.25
V. V. C A. . . . 47.00
KtilnhlH or Columhug C3.00
Bnlvatlon Army . 71.70
IhidoHlgnatud . 14,742.00
1 1G, 200. 00
Tho expedite were puld hy the
l'ortland headquurterB with the ex
ception of nucli expenHes an have
nrlncn hIiicc the drlvo closed.
The following In an Itemized ac
count of the expcnHcn
Office help
final nam
Telephone and telegraph ..
Travel expense
i Miscellaneous .
The use of the balance on hand has
not been determined, but will nrob-
nbly bo used In the next Liberty Loan i
Tho following amountB wero re- or 'he complaint filed against
celvod from each precinct In theou In the above entitled suit.
rounty Wo also Jncludo tho name of within six wweks of the date of
the precinct chairman, and In this the first publication of this summons
way we desire to express our appre-!'n tho Evening Herald, a newnpaper'
.-..(-- ... at i. , lt.llt. tn,t tinH titlKllaftml In llmnlli I
HUUUII oi uiv vuiuuuie services ren-
i 1,790.25
No 1 Geo. C Ulrich
No 2 Laura Hummer
No. 3 Win. Haggelsteln
No. 4 W. C. Townsond
No 0 Mrs. J. Martin
No. 6 O. J. Eskelson
No. 7 John Ilrctt .
376.82 1
I No. 8 E. M. Chllcote
No. 9 Enola Hawkins
No 10 F C DeChalne
Industrial I'roclwtn
Southern Pacific $
Illg Lakes Uox Co.
Chelsea Uox Co.
Ewauna Uox Co.
Klamath Manufacturing Co.
Lamm Lumber Co,
Modoc Lumber Co. . .
Pelican Day Lumber Co. ...
Algomu Lumber Co.
H8. 00 1
327.05 j
Outside PreclnrtH
Lost River Mrs. Ada Par
sons .. .$ 185.00
Dairy W. P. Sedge 92.00
Sprague River Chas. W,
Warren 622.00
Hlldebrand J. O. Wight.. 212.85
Klamath Lake E. S. Kirby 203 25
TopsV W. L. Fraln 49.25
Langell Valley W. D.-
Campbell ... . 356.90
Multn A. Kallna ..
Fort Klamath L. C. Slse-
Merrill and Tule Lake E.
M. Ilubb .. ..,
Midland Wm Tlngloy
1,111 75
Chiloquln Curtis Held-
rich 60.00
Mt. Lakl Jas. T. Henley 454.25
Odell E. O. Rourk 66.75
Klamath Agency J. H.
Norrls , .. 217.60
Pine 0 rove A. L. Marshall 351.50
Plevna II. II. VanValken-
I burg 128.00
wornen r. ti. uowning .. . au.uu
Poe Valley Levi OriftUh 130.00
Swan Mrs. Martha Patter
son 145.25
Salvation Army
From subscriptions $17,769.99
Advanced by Council of
Collections from unknown
parties ., ,
To State headquarters .... $16,200.00
To V. W. C. A. drive 155.81
To Armenian drive 1.000.00
Publication this report . . 4.25
Balance on band 509.08
A. D. EPPERSON, Chulrman
Uric acid in meat excltos the kid
neys, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache, and reel like lumps
of lead. The urine becomes cloudy;
the bladder Is trrltutod, and you may
bo obliged to nook relief two or three
tlmos during the night. When the
kidneys clog you must help them
(lush off the body's urinous waste
or you'll bo n real sick person short-
ly At firitt yu feel n dull misery
In the kidney region, you suffer from
backache, sick hcadachu, dizziness,
stomnth KttN sour, tongue touted and
you feel rheutnutlc twinges when
the weather Is hail Kat less meat,
drink lots of water, also get from any
pharmacist four oumes of Jud Salts;
tnko a tublespooiiful In a glasK of
"nter bpforo hreukf jst for a few days
and your kldnoyn will then act fine
TIiIh fainoiiH salts Is made from tho
add of Krnpes und lemon Julio, com
bined wltli llthla, ami has been used
for guneratlons to clean dogged kid-m.-yH
and ullmnbte them to normal
activity, also to neutralize the acids
In iirlno, no It no longer Is a source I
of Irritation, thus ending bladder
weakneaH .
Jnd Halts Is inexpensive, cannot in-1
Jure; makes a delightful effervescent1
llthla-wnter drink which ecryone
thould tike now and then to keepi
tho kidneys clean and nrtlve Drug-I
gists herd say they sell lots of Jadl
Sclts to folks who believe In over-l
coming kidney trouble while It Is
only trouble. Adv. i
Sum moni
!n the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for. Klamath County.
(Hqulty No 1047)
State Land Hoard of the State of
Oregon, I'lalntlff.
Virgil Huff and Mary HufT, Defend
ants To Virgil HufT and Mary Hu'T, the
above named Defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are summoned
:"nd required to appear and an-
"""-" "" i,",' wiuni
County, Oregon, which said date is
.the 31st day of March, A D. 1919.
1 And you will take notice that if
you full to appear and answer, or
otherwise plead within said time, the
plaintiff, .for want thereof, will apply
to tne above entitled court tor tno re-
lief prayed for In Its complaint, to-
For Judgment against you, Virgil
Huff and .Mary Huff, and each of you
for the sum of $1,000.00 wltlr inter-
est thereon from the 11th day of
April. A. D. 1916, at the rute of 6 per
cent per unnum, and for the add!-
Itlonul sum of $100.00 as attorney's
118.50 feC9i nmj f0r the further sum of
nrS'rn' $26.56. .with Interest on said sum
r.,fl'rola ,ho 10t" day ot March. A. D
iai9, m the rate of 6 per cent per,
annum, and for its costi and dlsburse -
munts herein '
mi fr decree foreclosing the
mortgage glen by you to tlie plain-.
-7b-7&tlff upon the following described (
premises, to-wlf
The northwest quarter of section
33, in township 37 bouth, range 10.
east of the Willamette Meridian; ,
and forclosing you and each of you,
and all persons claiming or to claim,
hy, through or under you or either of
you, of all right, title. Interest, claim,
lien or equity in and to all and every
part und parcel of said described real
estate, and ordering the real property
filinva (Inci-llmi! in li ciilfl IIV Ihp
6j,00'shorlff of Klamath County, Oregon. In
.f!tho manner provided by lujvgovern-,
36 1 Ing sales of real property on execu-,
This summons Is published pursu
ant to nn order of the Honorable D,
V. Kuykendall, Judge of the Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon,
Klamath County, which order
dated the 2Sth day of March, A.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
31 7 14 21 2S 5 12
The Pllv KniHneer nurqniml In
maniiitfmi nf tin. Pnmnwin rv.,m;i
heretofore adopted, having, on the sald Plans, specifications and eatl
15th day of March. 1919, filed pla!'es satisfactery:
specifications and estimates of the' Be lt heJey resolved, that said
cost of improving Pine street f rom ' P'ans specifications and estimates for
Third street easterly to Eighth street; the improvement of Tenth street from
KVoirth ctront tm,n inin oin, ..n.i,- Main street nortberiy to Lincoln
orly to Pine street;Flfth street f Am ,
ini .) nn.,h.,Vi . m., -.......
sixth streetSrom Main street north-'
torlv to Pine street, and Seventh afreet
76.00 .from Main street northerly to ViMrXr
I street. Including Intersections, and fmnm,n "," 1& WiEL
S.15itne council having taken same under. 'nie"tlo 1 lv"ltl2Z1? f
advisement, and "finding said plans,
specifications and estimates satisfac
tory; Ho lt Hereby Resolved, That said
plcns, specifications and estimates tor
. iu oitccv uuu nuiu lynibivxt ui
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh
streots he, mid the sumo are hereby
And bo It Further Resolved, That
tho Common Council heroby declares
Its Intention to Improve said portions
of Pine, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Sev
enth streets In accordance with the
said plans, specifications and esti
mates, said Improvements to consist
oi paving sniu portions oi sum streets
with hlthullthlc pu anient at nn esti
mated cosf, Including cement side
walks, curbing and grading, of $43,
393.00; oil macadam pavement nt an
estimated cost, including cement side
walks, curbing and grading ot $29,-j
vid.uu; or cunuruiu iuvuuiuiii, wiiu
curbing and grtullug ut an estimated
cost ot $40,819.00, said Improvement
In either event to Include grading,
rolling and curbing; suld pavement to
bo 40 feet wtdo with sidewalk 6 feet
wldo on Fourth. Fifth, Sixth und Sev
enth streots mid 4 feet wldo on Pine
street, and parking strip leveled
throughout thu entire dlatunco of suld
Improvement, ocopt nt Intersections
whoro said pavemont Is to bo 60 feet
And bo It Further Resohcd by tho
Common Council, That tho proporty
herelnufter described bo, and horeby
is declared to be benefited, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 7; lots 1.
Blue Stone'
niderwoos Pharnarv
XTiU rnttm ow (EZ2SZ3
Ba.aaiLaaaiaati jftjffi !a. Tt jftfc ftti iPt
2. 3, 4, block 8; lot 1, 2. 3. 4,
block 9; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 10;
lots 1. 2, 3, 4. block 11; lots 3. 4,
0, 6, 7 and 8. block 14; lots 1, 2, 3.
4, 5, 6. 7 and 8, block 15; Iota 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 16; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7 and 8, block 17;
lots 1, 2, S, 6, 7 and 8, block 18,
all In the original Town of Link
Mile, now City of Klamath Falls
And that said property above descrlb-
ed he. and hereby Is declared to be
assessed for the expense of said lm
And be It Further Resolved, .That
Monday, the 21st day of Anrll. 1919.
at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. at the
council chambers in the city ball at
Klamath Falls. Oregon, be Axed as
the time and place for the hearing oi
objections and remonstrances against
the said proposed improvement; and
the Police Judge be. and hereby la dl-
rected to cause notice of said hearing
to be -published as by Charter pro-
Sirte of Oregon.
County of Klamath, ss:
Clt o" Klamath Falls.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the
City of Klamath Falls .Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
duly enrolled copy of a resolution.
adopted by tho Common Council on
the 17th day of March, 1919, declar-
ing its intention to improve Pine.
'street from Third street to Eighth
street; Fourth street from Main street
northerly to Pine street: Fifth street
from Main street northerly to Pine
street; Sixth street from Main street
northerly to Pine street,, and Seventh
a -an l.nni lnln ntrnot tinftharlv tn
pine street, and approving the plans.
specifications and estimates of cost
submitted by the City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to res
olution of the Common Council here-
loioro uuupmui uuviufi, uu reuruary
3, 1919, filed plans, specifications and
estimates of the cost ot improving
Tenth street from Main street north
erly to Lincoln street, and High street
from Ninth street easterly to Elev
enth street, including intersections.
'and the council having taken the
same under advisement, and finding
stre(' an.d ,H1fh street rrorici NlnCb
street easterly to Eleventh street, in-
eluding Intersections, be. and the
Da'B " "" H""""- .
Tenth street and High street in ac
cordance with said plans, specifica
tions and estimates .said Improve
ments to consist of paving said por
tion of said streets with oil macadam
va a - a nn ad f f t rx i m rtnai li
eluding cement sidewalks, curbing
l(in,i -,
und grading, ot $18,696.87: or ce
ment pavement, at an estimated cost.
Including cement sidewalks, curbing
and grading, ot $25,000.00. Said im-
provement to inciuue grauuie, roiling
and curbing.
And be It further resolved, by the.
Common Council, that the property
hereinafter described be and hereby.
is declared benefited by said improve-
mtM,t t0.v,it
Lots 1 and S of block 13 of Orltr
iuul Town, and unnumbered block!
Known as tho Central School '
grounds .ndjucent to Tenth street
and between said block 13 and
Tenth street. In Nichols Addition;
lots 3, 4, 5 und 6 of block 48; lots
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ot block 46; lots
1, 2. 3. 4 und 5 ot block 47: lota 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, und 6 or block 45; lots
1, 2. 3, 4, 1 and 8 ot block 44; lots
3, 4, 5 und 6 ot block 50; the east
26 root of vacated portion ot Wash
ington streot, formerly known as
Cunnl street, between Ninth and
Tenth streets; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of
block 51; lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 ot
block 57, and lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 ot
block 56; tho easterly 26 feet of
tho reserved portion ot Jefferson
street abutting on the north side ot
lot 7, block 51, all in Nichols Addi
tion to the town of Klamath Falls
and that -said property above de-
rAGR 'rnnEH
Herald's Classified Adfi
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11 2B
FOH SALE Chevrolet. 4-00 model;
thoroughly overhauled and re
painted ; as good at new; $000. In
quire 727 Main fit 31 2t
IlYE HAY for sale
Vln Zumo, Mft-29-6t
I FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, at ranch
I near Merrill. Sco C A. Hunting or
phone 236M, Klamath Falls. 29-Gt
FOR SALE 100 head of stock cat
tle. JI. N Whltellne. 27-6t
FOR SALE 1.600 and 1,300 pound
horses, and harness. Enquire cor.
Crescent nvc und Munzanlta st, 29-3
FOR SALE Saddles.
Springs hotel.
Enquire Hot
FOB SALE Oencral merchandise
business, located on irrigated ranch
on highway Address Owner, enro of
Evening Herald. 25-tr
FOR SALE Tractor attachment for
Ford; In good order; will sell reas
onable or trade; having sold in; fori
have no use for it. II. J. TIcknor,
Langell Valley, Ore. 25-6t
FOR SALE 14 lots In the Second
Addition to Klamath Falls; make
me an offer; will take automobile or
diamond, or will sell cheap for cash;
must be sold. A. J. Hocking, 279 N.
1st at.. San Jose. Calif. 22-tC
thousand acres suitable for graz
ing cattle; tract can be divided Into
two nearly equal units. M. Motschen
bacher, L. Jacobs, W S Slough, Com
mittee. 29-tf
FOR RENT Furnished bedroom;
privilege of bath. 12S 2d t 2S-1t"
FOR RENT Nice clean furnished
roems: also home cooking, by dar
or meat: formerly old Slater house,
now under new management. 1021
Main street. 28-5t
FOR RENT Nice clean furnished
rooms and apartments. 102 Main
street. 23-5t
WANTED Cook and assistant cook
for Delicatessen. Apply The Win
nek Co. 29-3t
VANTED Girl for general house
work. Call 294J. 25-tf
WANTED Experienced ' oman for
general housework; good wages.
Phone 265. 3-tf
WANTED Early Rose seed potatoes.
Address W. A. Koenig, R. F. D.
No. 1. 31-2t
Remington firearms and ammuni
tions were awarded Grand Prize at
Panama Pacific Exposition. 19il2t
Came to my ranch at Wilson
bridge, 3-year-old Holsteln steer,
branded Y E with box around it on
left side; marked under slope in
right and split In left ear. Charles
E. Drew, Merrill. 31-3t
sribed Is nereby declared to be the
property to be assessed for the ex
pense of said improvement;
And he It further resnlvnH 4tia
Monday, the 21st day of April, 1919,
at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. at the
council cnambers or tne city hall, to
be fixed as the time and place for
the hearinff nf nhleetlnriR nnH remnn-
3trance8 against the said proposed
improvement; and tho Police Judga
he snil rinrnhv la Hlreetert tn pahm no
tice of said hearing to be published.
as ty unarter provided.
State of Oregon,
CitV of Klamath Falls r9.
County ot Klamath.
I. A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge of
the City of KlATnnth T?n1l r.n-
do hereby certify that the foregoing
umjr curuiieo. copy oi a resolu
tion adopted by the Common Council
on tho 17th day of March, 1919, de
claring Its intention to Improve
Tenth street from Main street to Lin
coln street, and approving the plans
specifications and estimates of the
cost submitted by the City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dorslgned has been dnly appointed
administratrix of the estate of Ray
mond I. Tower .deceased, by the
County Court of the State or Oregon,
ror Klamath County, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
requlrod to present same to said ad
ministratrix at the law offices of R, C,
Grocsbeck. Klumuth Falls. Oregon,
within si months from tho date nf
this notice.
Dated March 3. 1919.
Administratrix of the Estate of Ray
mond I. Tower, Deceased.
3 10 17 24 31
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been duly appointed
administratrix of the estates of John
S. Hutchens deceased, by the County
Court of tho State or Oregon, for
Klamath County, and all persons hav
ing claims against said estate, are
hereby directed to present same to
said administrate xat the law offices
ot R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls,'
Oregon, within six mouths from the
date of this notice.
Dated March 3, 1919.
Adntmlstratrlx ot tho Estate of John;
H. Hutchens, Deceased. '
2 10 17 24 31 !