EttMt2 -mwpav, MAfttni ax, ion MflCIIS SHI i fcr:1 MRNV FIMniNC i I IIIUII1U THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MIDLAND L nrii r.arllr wore given 0fllonJum.MJu.r. It l.olnu t,n "tloo f H"lr Wrthd.r. uri Fred I"1"1' """11 IMr' "' ''"" SlUr Mil Arthur HIIm, Until" mi,, and Mr "iiJ 'r O"1"1 w"" i. Adr ruhlnic " HuniUjr. Mr and Mr J l "'"'I'- ' ' K!imilb Kll 'l,"',"ln'r Ffnk Adam ahlpprd ' ucli "f t,rMi rrum hero Monday j In nil stall- exrepl Mnlno, Wont 'to have bcon the cnuse for about 38 Vliclnln, Hoiith Carolina, Alabama, per cent of the divorces. Mississippi, North Dakota, Houth Da. I Records also showed that the mar Icotu mid Colorado, tho divorce rotci rlnge rate In 1916 was 1060 per 100, woiu )iliii in l'iic than In 10G 000 or nine time u gfeat as tb O't'iurtlmi It shown by the figures dlvorco rate of 112 pef 100,000 -'" " ' ' i i u,i...ii..i , paor TnnEB AMRRIAGEHOAX BUCKMECHT ARMY J7SMOB A0KI I'lONIIlIU IMHHKS. SAI.KM. March 27 -Mm Kuilly A Bil'n K'J nl,lH)f 0,", wl,ow "f ""' lilt Juatlco K I' "I1"". "" "f ",0 (roam ot ihe Omiton Cont liuiluit piiikI "'" ),i"''i' I ViIIbm every day at the Llbnrly. ,11:80 P m. 2S-Gl WAHIIINd'ION MiiiiIi 1 A pioxlllllltoly win mil i , r i-ViTJ lllnn tiiuri liiKcn In Hut I n 1 1 ml Hiiiicn In (nrilillinlitil liy illvolcn 'IIiIm In IH' riirilllll! to riKUt HI p 1 1 1 by llio Iiiikiiiii ot tin' ci'iiiiM nml Jiimi Muni' puhlU' IhilliillnK Mouth Curolliia, where nil lawn permitting illvnuii worn r piinltul In IhTH, (In. ttirio low ml div orce rntevi In I IMC. for whtih yi'iir returns urn rompli'ii', are mIiuw n for Ui n Dltili let of Columbia, North Car iiIIiiii nml New York. win-re tho rati- with 13, 31 ami 32 vr IdO.uou ot population U'UpMi'tiH'i)- Tlio hlghent rntcii vwini returned for Nevada Montana nml Oregon which show r,n7. VIZ uml 225 to-sprc'llvely UI.ACK GUNMKTAL, MAHOGANY CALF OK INDIAN TAN CALF $6.50 to $8.50 AT ALL DEALERS Prom tot to bet!- the Budouciir Army Shoe U every tack a inan'i ,'hoel Worn by men in til wallcj of life at all timet, In all cluntt. A tboebulil for tu ruin'ort and extra tervice. Get a piir today I For Hale at K. K. K. Store, Uradlcy Shoo Store Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM & HECHT Su Francisco r The War and Your Gasoline The first of a serins of three statements t For obvious reasons the following facts of interest to the public could not be published during the war. They affected a vital war necessity regarding which the Government required secrecy. But now that the war is won, we are at liberty to make the following fc tatement of facts: Highly volatile gasoline for fighting aeroplanes was one of the war needs. The output of this special gasoline by all the refineries east of the Rocky Mountains was not enough, so Califor nia was called upon to furnish i large part of the supply. At the request of the United States Government the Pa cific Coast Petroleum War Service Committee apportioned California's quota among such of the large refiners 'as were able to make this special gaso line. The Standard Oil Company, being the largest of these, had the greatest quota to fill. We were glad to do our part. We supplied more titan our quo ta of aviation gasoline. Aeroplane engines, operating high in the air under conditions of extreme cold and rarefied atntosphite, require a different gasoline from engines operat ing on the ground. In fact, the needs are so special that the gasoline manu factured for aeroplane use (often used at altitudes of from 20,000 to 25,000 feet) would be utterly indifferent for use in automobile or other internal combustion engines operated on land or sea. Aviation gasoline has to be highly volatile. It must vaporize rapidly even in the extreme cold of very liigh alti tudes. On its rapid vaporization alone must often depend the lives of the men in the aeroplane. This gasoline would not be good for general use. It would lack power on the ground, its loss in storage by evaporation would be gret, and it would be expensive. Making aviation gasoline for trie Government took a very considerable part of the low boiling point or highly volatile constituents of the crude oil, and, as a result, the gasoline left avail able for regular use lacked those quali ties which assure easy starting of tl:e, automobile engine. The Government's demand for avi ation gasoline reached its maximum in the late fall of 191, and then for a peri od of about six weeks the deficiency of Ked Crown gasoline in low boiling point constituents or easy - starting qualities was most apparent. Now that the war is won and the great demand for aviation gasoline has ceased, we are again able to offer the same grade of Red Crown gasoline as formerly, with the sme full and con tinuous chain of boihug points from the low to the high -which Is necessary for easy starting, qr.Iofc and smooth aa-cleration, high power and long mileage. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) In1! 'i At the Theaters Hurt I.ytfll. yUu mil b- seen qb tho Rtnr of "I'noxptctcd 1'lacej' at the Liberty Thontro tonltflit in n content with h'-lnc known to fjoif only an an actor but also hoi -.-pi at'oti (in mi author and pluyvr (.1 t In inking tin- n'li'fu wrisl'm of 'I'nisxperted I'laccj,' w lil h v.a atlap led Iiom Ihi- Btory of that ii.ui.c . rlltcii 1 I. lout 1'runV It AiLtm pin! I'Ubl'thfil In the Blue I'ook Mi; I nrln- A S l.tVIno, nn-niwlo wr' for Metro tollobormod with Mr l tell Thin was not the uctor'n fir' it tempt an be hail nldcl In wrlt'nj; 'lie Hcrlpt of "No Man' Land " 'Ihls u',n orly tho beginning of Mr l.irll o literary efforts an he linn no urit ten n piny which wan bought by Met ro anil which will be adapted ' jt screen VurposeB. Mr. Lytell v. Ill himself bo soon aa tho Mar in his own play Some of tho speeches against th . Lcacuo of Nations Indicate hlr.b- muzzlo velocity, but tbey turn out to be duds. Manchester Union See Charles 3 tlood, Klamath ' A&ancy, for Indian cr&'.in; lnnrii und ti-rber. 12 tf rrasESEIgnT? Fashion Says You Musi Wear Beads The Bevere necklines and lack of color and ornamentation In pres ent stles have given beadB Ereat popularity The smnrtlj dressed woman quickly saw the possibilities of adding n touch of color to her costume, and securing the long slender lines fashion Insists on, by the use of beads She wears them with all costumes, securing the most stunning effect by hnving beads In a vari ety of colors, kinds and sizes. You will find beads suitable for all occa sions and all costumes at Upp's. It Is a fasci nating display Frank M. Upp JinVKLKK 511 Main Street Fine Wnteli Repairing a Specialty Phonographs wMM Ism U , mK&jtm i mttm j WgaaSwk HP' in'Kira'Rfr.H if- vr.-r-- i 1 Wllclff nmw&au v'f t SQUEEGEE TREAD vvr Tht & T2aVlLJL HALLMARK' Store Fuel Oil iires You Wouldn't Paint This li tho proper season for Mr. Handier to buy a barrel of Fuel Oil, anil uhlle the work is not rushtiiK, paint jour barn, roof mid nil; the roof of jour house; paint all jour outbuild ings and rough board sIkhIs. You nlll bo surprised at the im provement. It will bo worth A hundred dollars to joii In looks alone, to apply a barrel of Fuel Oil to uur buildings, but tho cost Is almost nothing blv iiiul a half. Does It Preserve the Wood? I put a coat of It on m barn flo j ears ago, twentj-fUc Rat ions entered it, roof and nil, and It ha-s iirt-scninl the lumber us well as any paint. Tho eolor Is dark brown on now lumber and black on old lumber. lluy a barrel, or a few liiu Rallou euns, and get busy. It means money to jou. Hike In Dress Shoes Suppose, for example, you had a lot of walk ing tc do, day after day, would you wear flimsy-soled dress shoes? Of course not for you'd see to it that your shoes were the tough-soled, substan tial, serviceable sort. The same holds with the "shoes" for your automobile. You want your car to keep going on one set of tiresas long as possible. SQUEEGEE TREAD 0. PEYTON Sumvbor (o KLAMATH FUUL t.0. I'houo UUlt the tires with the red sidcwalls, are the tough-treaded, substantial, serv iceable tias that will give you the long mile age you have hoped for, plus a little more for good measure. If a ou want a tire that will make you come hack for more, buy one DIAMOMJ. Klamath Auto Tire Co. 120 S. allxUi St. Telephone 107 Klamath Falls, Oregon HcraldsOasafied Adrs. FOR SALB-HuTTTTT"; .Hon. flOO; Ubsrlr te'J cond cd In payment. FrankB,,nd' Main street " M- DPP. SU Iff J FOR BALK Fir- T(IA ' " er, cioie In; fornltiip. i j . ' own eluding plana E,!' aUei n- Upp. 511 Maln',t. S,nlre F"n.k - 2J-4t FOrt SALEU-aeneral m- i business, located on landlM Langell Valley, p"-J; . FOR SALE Small twm '.T, : must b. sold. A. J. Hocklac 27? N tgt at. San Jose. Calif. ", N' F0fR fCHEAP-MotoTbSTli F,R JRA?,oHsTe a !"-cre ach In Yamhill County to trad, forpt m.nts; place rentM t tn ,' ) J1, owner' 8 Lincoln street, Eugene, Oregon. lj.jt .;: . iv uuru"u tu ftor j V,, "-sans Plow, all in good condition v.oon i.j .l.. days; the outfit for 1650 cash. In- i ? , n . Barks' Merrl". On. 19"10t SITUATIONS WANTED MMMrM0Vt """---" FIRST CLASS COOK, second cook and waiter want Jobs In lumber camp. Enquire Houston hotel. 2S-3t" HELP WANTED WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages; reference re utiired. Address C. T., HersU. 2Wt WANTED Girl for general home work. Call 29IJ. JS-tt WANTED Eiperieoced woman tat general housework; good wage: Phone 265. 3-tt FOR RENT SfWSSlWWWa FOR RENT One large donble room, steam beat, hot and cold water. Clairmont, 221 4th st 26-2t FOR RENT Will remodel my retl- dence, cor. ot Sixth and High, for a flrst-class boarding house for a re liable tenant. A. J. Lyle. IHt MISCELLANEOUS CHICKENS WANTED, at the Jewel Cafe; good prices paid. 2(-4t TEAMS WANTED To ikld logs by contract; work to start about April 1st. Lamm Lumber Co. 21-tt LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold brooch let with small nearls: J5 reward. Arthur R. Wil son. 517 Main street 2-5t r... .,.- j..ii -t.AM ilia T.lhartv AT- oee mo iuii mw- ..-.- - ery afternoon. Doors open at I p. m. snow starts mv. -. ItrCKARD UEXT SEBVIOK Phono' 58 Mght Fbooe 5 Wi' DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wiecarver PHOXS 354 Dr. P. M. Nol PHO!fB 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and SUta Streets LEGAL NOTICK . ..a ri r'nunTTORS In tho County Court SUto of Oregon, for K lamath Coun y In tha Matter of the Ki" " lev Pedro, Deceased. The" undersigned having : JP; pointed by the County Court or to Stato of Oregon, for Klapa" rS administrator of the f0Siffi. Pedro, deceased, and hftub9 Oed. notice Is hereby -gm creditors of. fnd.a,i 'Seo; to pre clalms nsalns said doceasea. f jont them, verified uwuira' within six months a ter the nrsiBtoT llcation ot this notice i to yw pr etrator. at CW loquln. ore Ronnor & Chastain, attorne,., ath Fulls, Oregon. mhU . . v, . Palate of Stan Administrator ot the Fsltie loy Pedro, Deceased. Dated March 1. ." 13 20 27 5-10 -.. - m mi i ri 'UiK'm m