KSaUHMuMMlt 5 s s : : i : I I MOMMV, MAW" 3. "'" ft PEflSHIHG THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. ORLGON FULFILLS WISH OF ICESTEHS niirilNHIll ltd IM . Mrrli 22 - r,n i J"1"1 J ,'',r,,,,,,'u f'",ll,",, ! ' 0, t. 1 1. iiili ; 'tmhy klnuil.. ,i. Al' I "" h" :"' " ,fiK,u. American iirnilo Milnil "' ''"'"'' Tl' fnr' '" Lleje.l t il"1 It-tin-ii.t Junius N ivnhltiK ","l" ,,f l,',l"rnl ,,"l",, lr hu him Hindi) nilII ttlT triilrn l """" I'"""1"" ,,,"r,, thin JO" """" '"-'" ''' I'"'11"1 lr, I'erihlnK (i''""'"1 IVwIiIiik'i. hn'mi ItfJt uraintrnttinr In this letter lliu (nrr ii""'"",f Mxpr'Hi'il tin. lj tlmi in '"' Frederick 1'en.h Inj Jr.. ur In ilecendulii "wtml.l Mm buck wihii ly "'"I nnlenn (Iiii lr land" nf Alitiue.Lnrrnlne from opprrMlon Aieniilliig In tlm teller, tint ivihIi llie lived In tin. Milage of Ki'ln- in , Aim l.in ii1ii in it ft mill fought Ulllll'l l.lllperoi Cllim Ml'llltlxl Mil' MngJlHN Hii'iiii it rt r tluil, When ,i law WIIH iHiHiml 4 It II t lilt able bodied llli'll between I III' ugi'S of HI mill f.u IM II M t Jlllll till' lllMllUl'Ml til IIOll"t tliulr i oniil t y riniii lavage li Hi" AiiHt rlntiM. I'li'ilinirl, I'imhIiImk Ii , sent IiIh ihmi to A iikm li'it I'iimIi'I i I, IVnlillitf. Ji , rem bed llil on ti 1 1 III I74U mill after iiiuirylng n Mlm Wytinl In IIiiIIIiiiiiiii, Hutlli'il In V'fit imiMilmiil ioiiiiii), I'minm Ivuiiln, wlinni (imii'iiil I'i'ImIiIiik'ii urilliil pin -t'lltn wnin hum IIOTCI. MAN TO 1,1. M It. i W .1 Mil Inn, wliu linn liclil the ion It Ion UK iniillloi nt ( tic White I'ell cm lloti'l foi the imi'l elghtien mouth, teltiiueil lunt eeulug from ii itliort IhII nt Han I'i mi lucn While tlnnu In- tin opted a position nt tlin llutol Hlewnit mnl l ii'turn to im mune IiIn new it it I Ton 1 1 1 tmrly iml of next iimntli lfJK THnEK SCHOLARS 1 1SS SCHOOLS lOVI.I'IIONS UHlt MAW viri,'HTi:ns niiiMM or iiciii: now ,(-n allv i:.ist rxiurii IIOI.SIICVIKI PORTLAND H ' I rtcnt to bed mi nini'li tlmt gimids LONDON -Corroniionilriicn of 1 1 -I AHNocliiti',1 r(.HN Pupils Inntcnil of Iimi'Iiitm control tint hcIiooU of Hum- Iii under tlin bolshevlkl regime, nc ,nrilliiK to two Englishmen, oiio of them iiii experienced Hchnolmimtor, j i See fhitrleii S , Agency for health Mil rn ikk lloinl. Ktmnntli mnl uirliint t t t - 6 Mm M This New Reo Light Four Is a Handsome Motor Car AT THE NEW YORK SHOW, in January, the REO exhibit wai, to an even greater extent than ordinarily, the mccca of the crowds. YOU'D THINK, PERHAPS, that at the Natioaal automobile show, and especially in the world's greatest metropolis, where dealers and buyers go to see what is latest in construction and de sign, that the ponderous multi-cylinder ma chines would attract the most attention. ON THE CONTRARY, there was vastly more interest shown in the types of cars designed to supply that great American need for a prac tical, economical, five-passenger tourin car or three-passenger roadster. THIS YEAR, more than ever before, buyers arc paying less attention to fads and more to prac tical things. More to cost of up-keep than to first cost AND THIS REO this new Light Four stood out above all the rest. IT IS SUCCESSOR to the greatest four-cylinder automobile ever built that wonderfully effi cient, wonderfully sturdy Reo the Fifth, that for eight years maintained its supremacy. THIS IS A REFINEMENT of that great car. ALL FUNRAMENTALS have been retained and every detail has been refined to the last de gree. In a word, this latest Reo represents all that has gone before and just that much more of Reo experience. THIS IS A REAL CAR a full five-passenger Light Four. Not a skimpy not a little four. IT DOES SEAT FIVE full grown adults you don't have to use a shoe horn to get them in. BODY DESIGN IS BEAUTIFUL it is up to the minute in every line and curve, and in every detail of upholstery and finish and appoint ments. HERE ARE COMBINED roominess with econ omy of operation; beauty in appearance with sterling mechanical quality; AND LOW UPKEEP that quality for which Reos have always been famous. OUTPUT IS LIMITED must be this year, for the Reo factory is also doing its part to assist Uncle Sam. SO YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY. Make your decision see us and place your order well in advance of the time you will want delivery, Tnn yU wil' ,urly b5 disappointed. TODAY won't be a minute too soon. C. L. McWILLIAMS 610 Klamath Ave. Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Mich New Light hour iVI'nsM'iiKci' Tourlii. tjtl-'J.-i H ft a m & M m M M Vi an n m m m m who linvn JiiHt rehiriicil from KuhmIu. i IIidm unit KirU am linnlml InillH- crlinlniitly unit tluiri' Ik no llnclillno, xny tlin KiikIIhIiiiiwi I'nplU control tlin li'iirhiT In ii Kolimi ncliool u plinth of is wiik nppolntiMl roinmliu I nloni'r of tin' Irint It tit Ion. anil wuh In rlnirKo of all ti'acliiTti On ono occn- nliiii ho rlotii'tl the hcIiooI for n wok tin n iirotrxt iiKiiiiiNt thu action of the ' iimiitiir. who hntl ruurhimmletl n puiUl ' -Slum Id u inaxtcr provn unpopular, hi) Ih promptly I'JiTtecl hy IiIh clitHX, Ofti'ti tlin itmntcr iippi-nm for cltms nil) o llinl IiIh pnpllH oiikhkuiI In n onunUii-ii ini'CtltiK. which inunt not he iluturlii'il Knelt i'Iiikh htm Iih own cnmmlttco, mnl tisnally tlin tinmt populur hoy mpri-Hi'iitH tlin oIIkth nt tlin tnnntonT council TIh'iiii roiiimltii't'H not only iliii"t thu niaBtiTH. hut control tlm illitlrlhutlon of food, which In provltl nil for ilic ntlil-iliiy tnonl, and which Is the i-lilnf rauiu for .iny school at U tnlmirn ut nil I'upllii do I'vactly an limy plcaRD, ulKltiK Into thu i I:ihh room ami leuv iiik it u hlli- a li'Hion Ih in proKri'sx. Thin Ih pnrtlculitrly trim uh rcKnnU liinrh tlmi'. for the Ami to ri'iich the iltnliu: room Ih tlm flrnt to h icrvotl, itinl hi) iiHtinlly Ri'tK the ht-Ht No ptitiulimrnt of miy klml Ih Inlllcti'd on thu pupil, iih narli pupil Ih IiIh own tnvtitor iih to rljshi mnl wtoiik No hmni' work Ik et. tlm pupil do Iiik all hln hcIiooI work ilurlnR tho hourii net iipnrt for ouch HPHslon At ti'inlmu'f) Ih not compulsory or nvon ri'nlatt'il hy ruin, rnch ono nttonilltiR cIiihhoh or HtiiylnK uwny, uh ho hods fit. No iniirkn fnr kooiI work art' allowed, unit coni'iucntly noim for thu hIuk Kiiril who ninkcH no utlviiipt nt hcIio- ' Instlr nttnlnmont. The Hanm chnotlr conilltlonH were oltiorvod hy tho KiiKllnhmen In the unlvor.iltlcH mid ollmr sonts nf hlRlicr ictluciitlon Any hoy of 10 may enter j 'without iutillucnt!on. Kvcn tlioURh ln may ho nnnhle to reud, and all hoi Hlmvlkl children havo not yet attained that dignity, he still may hecomo an 1 undur-Kraduate, entitled to nil tho ' food and othor advantaRCs enjoyed by tnoro ndvunced persons In search of such educntlon as thu demoralized system linn to offer. UAH IIAItDH Alll.i; TO WoltIC lll'I'OIII. III. m:oN I U(IN(; TAVLAC "U'hi'ii I Hliirti'il tikliiK Tnn I at- I wan ho weak I lottlil lintdly do all) tliliiK ut all, mnl it Iiiih not onl iiimte a intiii of mi', hut I have culn oil twcnty-foui poiinilH lii'Blili'H," Milt! Climli'H K. Hltuffi'i, an omployee of tho circuit Hmltli-rorti;r Sltlj. lii'lldliiK Company. IIvIiir at 60S V. (IniiloHton Ktreot, 1'oitland, Ore. tlie t.llier day. ' A litlli) over a year iiko," he loiitlnned, "I siifferi'd from a hud ciihij of la Krlpiio that pulled mo down till l was hardly fit for a thin; I i"t my appetite mid what little I tirwiiiMMl to forte down sou red on , ni stomurli and felt iih hard as n luinp of lead In me, and I wim mlHer. aide iiIkIU and day Tlicn sever. I veeks bko I liad an awful attack cf Ir.itH'lltlH that had mu so had I could n t mv allow n hit of nourishment for tun days, ond It came near puttlni; me nut of huslness. I felt tired and wotnotit all the time and lost overv dpnik of enerR)' I ever had Whe.i I would roll and lost I nevei cot (i cood nliMit sleep, in fati. I I'ovon't hon nlilt 10 sleep innoli in ilio last threo oi f'Mir )enrs, and I alwn) cot up In tlm moriiliiK-i f""-lltrK Just as had it v hen I went to bed I lost consld i r.ihle In ut-iKht nnj iroi so weak and rundown tliit al lai I Just had ti. null wirklnK Hlt'isothoi' "I rend so mmli nlinui the kooi T'nilnr wns ilolnfi olt'or-i thit I d i Idi-d to trv i bottle I began to p! I; up rlht smartly fijnn the vory fl.Jt. mid In u little wlilln I hud my appe tite but'k and wai eatlnir '-nd enjoy ing n tnoals. and overyi'i'r i on ,ij(; with ir.o I ret m ' oner) ni I. '. r in throe bourn nfl'"- out I . -i I i in U'"nktiirt. and inv food Is '. il'" v, me up something nt i. !e. ful. I sloop nice a log all night and llalni from your druggist now. Ap ply n little of this fragrant, antlseptl henlliiB cream In your noitrlla ponetratos thru every air passage of i lie head, soothes tho Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief foine-i Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up witb a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv .Mr Jninoi) Heck of New York Buys that 100, ono, 000 stand Aghast ut the thought of a I.oaguo of Nations. Kvl dently Mr Heck counted them whllo be wnt Rtunding beforo a multiplying mirror - rhlciiro Dally News. LEGAL NOTICES : ' HeraldChssified Ad?s. FOR SALe" I'llONK PEYT0?T7r7l ,ui 'f V00d112R 77 N 9th street ' 8' ",Ui,cJh.e.n for sale 1 tn,V7rr. r- Addition to Klamath Fall,. S(1 ' - offer; will Li lots In the Spo'nn,t .llnmond. or wlilsell rt,.p ?0V"ihw must be sold. A. J. i2!CR.Ior.SJ.J 1st St . San !,... ..,.""' ' . -'-., aiu. 'I IIKHOI.UTIO.V The City Knglnenr, pursuant to resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having, under date of February 3d. 1919. filed get up In the mornings fooling Just plans, specifications and estimates of fine mid daiidv. I am fast gettinirthe cost of improving Crescent ave- hark my old tlino energy, and Imvinuo from V S. Irrigation canal to 22-tf "-". 1.n-P. Addreas Hnr sue i-5t -. FOIt SALE, 11 II Wyatt, owner IM it. ?' street. Eugene. oZn ,M,R?ta nlmnily got a number of my friends started on Tanlac and oxpott t" keep on boosting It." Tanl.ic Is sold In Klamath KaIN bj the Star Drug Co., and In Lorelir hj tho James Merc. Co. Adv. 5"H"8"M5"M.-: i y Sc)-s Cream Applied in Nostril M-fr W-W-K HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD f Opcns Ail I'dMages Jlight Ljj. -m..-:-: h Instant relief- Knrt Tti.ini" ii.. . i vbiSVf"" u'... ."" "" lw" years. 19-St street; Hast street to intersection of " ,,? TUne 102() Case tractor Crescent avenue at U. S. Irrigation! ,tn a 'hrce 14-gang plow, all In canal, and Intersections, and thol00" conulon; been U3ed atout 90 Council having taken same under ad-jnaJ's; lye outfit for S650 rash In. visoment and find said plans, speclfl- 1u,rre .' Wm Barks, Merrill, Ore. cntlons and estimates satisfactery: I J He it hereby resolved, that satdipnn aTTp Z plans, specifications and estimates for, , SAI' Practically new Sonora tho improvement of the above mon-l . "" 'Mordi, chiffonier, wrlllnr itloned streets and Intersections, be. IU"K Blan"- rockers, d. chairs, rns, , and the same are hereby approved.', ec'rlc co stove, heater, dishes. And be It further resolved that the!l,"0" tc ilSMainst, 20-tf Common Council hereby declares lts'n" 'ntontlons to Improve said streets, or " '& jn wamaih County. 160 iui l, OIOCK 37 nnrt IK In X' portions thereof, and intersections in. , , l ! accordance with said plans, speclflca-; l':,.'a J "o'de :-'tlons and estimates. Said Improve- a,lre'' . A en s na-ue; make offer. t HUH..... A... Irii'Kiiiway. Paducaii. Kr ' K.7t m m m m R n H Sen Chiirk-s S. tlood. Klnmnth Agency, for Indian griv.'.!tii; lnnds uod ti'"lmr i-ii ME ITS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS I Fuel Oil In n heavy, black till, almost as thick iih moluxsi-t. It vuih used primarily iih ii fuel In Mcam en gliien and large hentlng plant.s. It makes n -ry lint lire mill IruVPN ery Utile nxh, and Is more econoinlcnl ulien properly used tluiii mi) other fuel except In Imlnteil rnsi-s. It Is not ntlnpttsil to family uses, iih it re quires speeliil tiiiilpinent In or tler to burn It. For the Rancher The rancher mid stock raiser tins found iniiiiy uses for fuel oil in recent years. With fuel nil lie brands Ills sheep, he gronses hli swine for llro and mange, lie oils his caterpillar track nutl logging skids; he paints his barn, sheds, chicken house mnl all the rough board oiit-houxes, for fuel oil will pre serve xtootl ns well as tho best of paint ut less than one-tenth the cost. Kwy barrel of fuel oil n rancher buys Ik worth 930 to him, but It costs him only slv nntl n half. Mr. Huneher, "never bt with out fuel oil; It's us handy as liny wire." HELP WANTED ' l ,!. i ..Vm, monts to consist of bringing said -no ualtlng Your street to establish grade, the Instal-. cogged no-tr.1. open right up; the "- " -. P"' air passages of jour head clear and .... nn.i mtorsoctlnna with liithu. WANTED- lleln tn, i,,.,....!. you can bruatho freely. No more lltlilc. oil macadam or other hard sur- A A Soule ' 21-St ' bauking, suuffllug, blowing, head- face pavement, at the estimated cost! -- -- , , No strugsllng for ' i.-- tor 011 macauam ana 1 w 1 r.u r.xperlenced girl for cstlmateu cost 01 siu.iuu.uu tor 01-i nuusetvorK. rnone 43 tj.t ; tufitlitc or concrete; ana De it iunner(- achc, dryn.-'ss. No struggling breath at night: your cold or catarrh dlfappear.s. (Jet a small bottle of Ely's Cream BRIGHTEN UP Hy using; Wostinxhnuse Mazda Ijiinps iii ALL jour sockets. We make ti -peel. ill j of Ilttlug jou out with the proper type, NI70 nml vollngc that will fie Jim the most light for the le.ist money , nml we will make free delivery on lamp purchases amounting to $I.T." or oter. We j;Ie a Kogers SIherwarc ticket with each .-cent pur chase. Link River Electrical Co. 7th and Main St. IT LKSS MK.lT IP YOU KKKIj ItACKACHY Oil HAVK ULADDKU thoculk !. A B K MZW'Sk "m i v X . UT. 1 U "'" - --------------.---.-.-.-. -w sfeSStHBH AWM -MJJii-g-giBB S8&r' vVvirM mm ffftsisS yW m i'Hi. 1.. . s- ' Ii. Linslnn nml tlm sped nl I'tsleral lu iiiusl he nildeil. I THE GOLD STANDARD OF VALUES" Meat forms uric acid which excites mid overwork thu kldnoyH In their offorts 10 filter It from tho systom. lleguliir entoiH of meat must flush tlie kldtiojH occasionally. You must relieve tliuni llku you roliovo your bowels; lomovlng till tho acids, waste mid poison, else ycu feel 11 dull mis ery In tho kidney region, sharp puln.s In I ho hack or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coaled nml- when the weather Is hud you have rheumatic twinges. Thu urine Is cloudy, full of sediment: thu rhtiumils often got Irritated, ob liging you to gut up two or three Union during the night. To neutralise theso Irritating acids flush off tho body's urinous taiwnHlo gel utioui tour uuiicua ui ju as Halls from any pharmacy; take a mm tublusponful In u glass of water bo g foiu breakfast for a fuw days nnd 'your kidneys will then act fine and g bladder disunion disappear. This U fnmnus nlts Is made from the acid I of grapes and lemon. Jtilco, combined with lllhla, and has heon used for Ki'iinrullous to clean nnd' stimulate blugglsh kldnoyH and stop bladder Irritation. Jud Salts is Inoxponslve; lumnloHH and mnkes a delightful of- ri'iBosiotit lltlliu-wutor drink which mllllniiH of mnn nnd women take now uud then, thus avoiding serious kld- uoy and hladdor diseases. Adv. M H M II N K l m 8' 13 13' 1 and O. PEYTON Successor to KLAMATH PUKIi CO. IMione lllt New City Laundry M'K or.lHAXTKK Ol'K WOHII Shirts mid Collars Laundered IVe also wash silk, wool nnd col oretl goods very carefully. Try us onco and be convinced. Our prices are rl.ht. I'lione l."l. ! FOR RENT '" --"' '"" . -.- inn arum FOR KENT Furnished apartment at the Oregon House, Klamath, nesr Sixth street. tf FOR RENT one large doable room, one single room; steam heat, hot and cold water. JUremont, 224 4th street. 24-lt MISCELLANEOUS ' m - ,-msj.imv ,.,v ,WWM TEAMS WANTED To skid logs by contract; work to start about April 1st. Lamm Lumber Co. 21-lt LOST AND FOUND - "SMSSi.,. SWL.iSMVSl LOST A week ago, on Altimont road, a brown far cape. Finder leave at Magulre Co; reward. 23-lt LOST Watch charm, black arrow head, set in gold band. Return to Herald effice: reward. 21-3t 127 Fourth Street Hack, of First National Hank CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds mid Hooting Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor resolved by the Common Council, that WANTED- -Experienced woman for the property hereinafter described be1 general housework; goo J wages and hereby Is declared benefited by t Phone 261. j.; tho said proposed Improvement, '"- wit Lot? 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of block 11; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 and 7 of block 13; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. of block 14; lots 1. 2. 3, 4 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12, 13, 14. 15 IS and 17 of block 12; all of the foregoing being In Hot Springs Ad dition to the City of Klamath Falls Also lots 1, 2, 3, 7, S and 9'of block &S. and lot 2 or diock t. an in NMchols Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; and that said property above describ ed be and hereby Is declared to be the ' property to be assessed for the ex pense of said improvement. And be I it further resolved that Monday, the 7th day of April. 1919, at the hour of , S o'clock p. m., at the Council cham ' bors in the city hall, be fixed as the time and place for the. hearing of ob ' Jectlons and re-monstrances against 'the said proposed Improvement; and I tho Police Judge is hereby directed to cause notice of said hearing to be ' published as by Charter provided. Stato of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: Citv of Klamath Falls. I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a duly enrolled copy ofthe resolution adopted by the Common Council on 3d day of March. 1919. declaring its intention to Improve portions of Cres cent, Canby and East streets, in the llt. gt It'lnmnth Cilia nni) nnnnlni plans, specifications and estimates of the Property to be assessed for the coat thereof as submitted by the City I ?XDense, of saId, '"Jl,?!,!!! 11 luriuer rcauivcu. mm .uj 7th day of April, 1919, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., at the Council cham bers in the city hall of the City of 1 ... .. .. a v. a.! .. RESOLUTION i "'amain tans, uregou. ue uu . . .,. r. . . ine lime ana niace lur wic uewms w The City Engineer, pursuant te .res-. objections and remonstrances against olutlon of the Common Council 1 here-; h ,a proposed improvement; and tofore adopted, having, on the odt.h e p0licejudge be. and hereby Is dl day of February 1919. filed plan, r.nd l B mm, noMce of said hearing sprc'flcatlons and estimates of cost of ; published by charter pro- improving Pine street, from Third . Vr . rr street westerly to Payne alley. In- St? ' . Oregon, .lud'ng Intersections, and Payne nHeyi- ,v of Klamath. ss: frotn Pine street in a southerly dlrec - 0"f KIamath Falls, tlon to Main street, including Inter- , , pnti-. .Tiutee of the ...In.. 1 .1.- sn..nMil t ., ,. .s., - - - ULllUIlS, Ullll nit: vUUUVU llUlll(i i-iiiv on tho same under advlsomen'., and finding said plans, specifications -iul estimates satisfactory; It is hereby resolved that said. . ., ,.1 .,.. r ii,,,i, mis. rteelarlne plans specifications and estimates s ln,entori l0 improve Pine street for the mi.roven.cnt of Pine street fro -,,,, street ,0 Payne alIey, and from Third street westerly- to Payne p aey from Plne street t0 Mata nil..! nml Unmn iual' fi-rt,i Dlnai - . ... , ....... l ..w, . ,w... ...,,. ri .innrnvine tne mans, sueci- . -----. .-- --- -. ..- -,. ficjtlons and estimates ot tne con RKCKARD REM SERVICB Pbone 89 Night Phone 34A I Engit-eer. A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge. 13-10t City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, ao horebv certify that the foregoing is a duly enrolled, copy of the resolution adopted by the Common council on alley, nnd street southerly to Main street, be, nnd the same are hereby approved. And be it further resolved, that tho Common Council horoby declares I its intention to Improve said portions of rino Mreet and Payne alley In ac cordance with said plans, specifica tions nnd estimates, said Improve- su bunt ted by the City Eaglneer. A L. LEAVITT, Police Judge. l'MOt s'j KPaZlHHsJvt!TJ?- S.TtP'vrv''I'v' "rjfegsjiw in fl-nri7vtPY Affl-yfa Risesrfw Our QuarcT.ico I jr?iTf I your $rocr ''l vckmi Bii M.J.D. CciTco il'it doss Iw7YTVHb not please your t-cL?, no HI Bri J ynlM! matter how rnzch you . MHMll ' ave usec cut cf t"' csm' JlflMinfil Buy t7'2 5 lh' Can nnd Save Money mH--r HII w tew tr RSI yw ftjs Hr mum ma & NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un- ninnt In cnnalut nf nnvlnp uiilrl nnrtlnn derslcned has been UUiy appOUHeu of said streets with oil macadam, at, administratrix of the estate of Ray an estimated cost. Including cement mond I Tower .deceased, by tne sidewalks, curbing and grading, ot County Court of the State of Oregon, 119,176.98; or cetnent pavemont. at for Klamath County, and all persons an estimated cost, Including cement ' having claims against said estate are sidewalks, curbing nnd grading, of required to present same to ' $2:1,500.00; or crushed rock, at unlmlnUtratrlx at the law offices or K. t. estimated cost of $18,000.00; or bi- Groesbeck. Klamath Falls. OrJSn: tullthlc pavement nt an estimated , within six months from the date 01 cost, ' including sidewalks, curbing this notice, and grading, of $23,500.00; said 1m- Dated March 3. 1919. , provement In either event to Include, CHARLOTTE I. TOWtR. grading, rolling and curbing. Administratrix of the Estate or way- Ami bo it furthor resolved by tho mond I. Tower, Deceased. H Common Council that the property, 3 10 17 24 31 linrntmif fnr fL'-iprlltnil l.n nml hftpnliv ' . .w. ,.. ....... I.....-.. .... .. uu, H.. ..V.,UW j Is declared benefited by Bald proposed improvement, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of block G; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 ot block C; lots 1,1 2. 3 and 4 of block 4; lots 1 and 2! ot block 3; lots 1. 2 and 3 of block 2; lots 1 and 2 of block 1; lots 1. j, ;s, s unit y or block 2a; lots 3, 4, B, 0 and 7 of block 24; lots 3 and 4 of block 23; lot 3 ot block 2; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 ot block 21; NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been du 1 Pf("' C.o,m of VtoBSto o'Orn. for Klumuth County, ana "."""" "" Ins claims against said estate, are i.th ,iirtPd to present same 10 'said udmtnistratri t IJJ Z?, north 120 feet ot vacant portion of, of R, C Oroesbecic, run" b Centor Btroot; lots C, 6, 7 and 8 of Oregon, within six months rrom block 20, lots C, 6, 7 and 8 of block dote of this notice. AdnimistratrixottheEsofJohu IL Hutchens, Deceased. 3 10 17 24,31 19; nil ot said lots and blocks be ing In tho original town ot Klam ath Falls; and that said property above describ ed be, and hereby is declared to bo ISI