MOMIW, MUtt II -j i , PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i The Evening Herald R. J. MURRAY EDITOR Published dully eicepl SundaJ- by The Herald Publishing Company or Klamath Palls, at 115 Fourth street staunch upholders of the conserva tion policy, hat been contorted by a letter fiom Secretary of the Inter ioi Lane In which the latter sas In regard to the eperlraent with "leas ing coal land In Alaska that It Is "not entirely suitable to conditions ' and lontlnues 'There lias been but little inquir. j P ERSONAL MENTION IL I I.ITTLK HIUKMOinM ON MM'.Wi HMl'KNINON AMONO THK I'KOI'I.K OK THIS CITY A Nil VICINITY. (lOINGS AND COMIMl OK I.OCAli KOI.KH . This eotiimu for the pieseut will lie devoted lo II illHM- Inl ovpn'sslon nf ilu students of the hlnniiitli Count) lllub limil. 'I ho )outliful views m man) nf the bltf tuestlinis nf the ilv me suit' to be In IficstliiK unit tin llcnilil I" pleased In fin ul-li spate KM Ibeli iniiiiuents. Entered at the postofllco at klam- for these lands and onl) limited u- Omlley Cnln Is n count seat 1st am rau, ure , tor transmission mru ' Mlopment Four leases were grant-1 tor f,om Midland uc uiniis inuuu-tun uiunur. . 0(t umj, ttio present law and nut ' inn .if tliBin wore nble to finance ttie John Wnldnn loft this mornlnc Subscription terma by mall to any i sim,n operations tint had begun, j 0 the stage for Olene. ' address In the United Stales: Alter further stud) of tho sltua- I One year ... 6'rn ' t,on l l,!" cowe t0 the c0lu,lusl01 Thomas Ilrown is In town for a' One month BO ; ()nt polhap, ,Hl, rioUl would be mor. ,h01l tlme from. Midland ; ; InvltliiK to coal operators if title j i Member of the Associated Tress wp)0 prallUj as iu the states, e.ipocl j I' Walden wont to l.nkovlevv to The-Associated Press Is exsluslv el) nux since Alaskan operations nrot(in) on matters of business urn itvH to iirni: rxu.. llnm I) Mills f Hu' '" l,ml Count) AliHluut Compnii) who hoi been hem foi u ahull vlitlt finin initio Pulls, U-rt rm his homo vetiienlnv iiint iiIiik Tills was Mr Mill-. iliHt visit Tin two Win itnd lichees mull) iiiiii Km or piiiRiesH In mi iiiouiid tin (IU ! Clns. C. Ouggnn Is hero on mat ters of business from Merrill entitled to the, use for republication s0 far nwaj fr0ni the bases of lasor of all news dispatcher credited to itinm supph' or not otherwise credited In this pa- .j therefore recommend that Alas per, and also local news published a be placed on the same footing as herein. i the states In the pending bill, ana All rights of republication of spe tliat operators in that field hue thi .),(, morning for lira), California clal dispatches heroin are also re inmo choice of lease or purchase a; i Jack McCurllo and Jack Morrlsev came In Saturday foi u short bust ues.s visit In Klamath Palls John Shepherd was a countv seut lsltor Saturda) nftuinoou fiom his ranch In the I'lno tliuvo set Hon. V Hcntlov was iiioiik the train nrilvnls lust exeulug fiom Sai'inincu to He Is u guest nt the Hotel Hall thi: iiihii gt'cvnoN. (leri) Cozad, left thl.s morning foi Sin Fr.iiulsco, where he will spend Mrs H. 11. Pails was a passenger the next week on mutteis of busin ess served. MONDAY, MARCH 24, HMD POOR OLD DEMOCRACY If the present rate ot defection continues, the poor old democratic pnrt will not only haie a hard Una finding a standard bearer for Its party for the next presidential cam paign, but It will have a hard time to find leaders for the party itself It seems to be a case of "New Demo- cracy" not only "for the world itself, but the policies ot President Wilson are making a new democracy of the party. The latest leader of the par tv founded by Jackson who refuses to follow the President Into the quagmire ot radicalism is Senator Bailey. The press dispatches say: "Asserting that the democratic party has "ceased to support demo cratic, principles," former Unucu States Senator Joseph W. Bailey of Texas declared In an address here to night 'that he would "neier again vote for the candidate of any party which constantly reduces our liberty and unnecessarily Increase our taxes." Mr. Bailey, who was the principal speaker at the "victory banquet" of the Road House association, blamed the democratic party for the passage of the prohibition amendment to the constitution and for the near passage of the amendment granting suffrage to women. "I have been a democrat all my life," he said. "A 'color' democrat, if you please and I have never Scratched a party ticket. But those who now control the democratic party have renounced or abandoned one democratic principle after an other in such rapidity and bewilder ing succession that they have left us nothing but the name. "Since Thomas Jefferson founded It, the democratic party has always Insisted that every state should ex clusively control the local affairs of its own people. "The doctrine of reverence for the ( constitution, he declared, had been altered until the constitution "was. regarded as an obsolete scrap of pa per." i "The liberty we thought worth fighting for and dying for," he de-. clared. "Is the liberty of the individ ual the right of every man to do for himself and with his own as he j pleases so long as he does not Inter fere with the right of other men to do1 the same. "But in this day they tell us that It ia better, to be good than It is to be I free, and they haie multiplied our penal statutes until the lawyers can not carry even an Index of them In their minds. We have restrlctpd the rights of men until no civilized vuuufci v vii tut; siuuu iiiieritrrea wim the habits, the pleasures and the bu-1 Kiuraa vi lis peuiJie as mucn as mis free government of the United States " -...,!.,.! Mcnulinrn- rtthnmUn. Aln I Mi- in.l Mr. Mi. t f nhnnMmln l..fl Mrs llt'lptl Til HI Of is llPIV IhH- W,. ....... ..-..-.... , .. .-..t ......i ..v.v....... -, k-i coal lands will remain In a dlsid-' this morning on tho stage for lllv. I"K ft lends from McCloud, Callfot lantageous position" t , uln. Sho foimerl) resided In this . . ,,, ,j , I -iss uiara iirk painch leu louny ri,, The proposed bill would giie mln , ..... , , . ... , , . c ' ' ... . , I for Midland for a visit with friends, ers the option of either bu)lng n i j AViiam Kordney ot the James leasing In Alaska as in the state j Uos W. Flnley and K. Olian are jieicintllo Coiupaii) at l.oiella trim and would thus let experience prove here on matters of business fiom RactC( tidiness here Saturday after whlch Is the better plan to promote Merrill j noon, development Mr. Lane concedes ,,, , , ,.i! ..ww,...-, ., - .vi... ........ i ijoiuamiii Martin nilil u weeK ami Ho is stopping at st ,,, Klamath Falls from the ' (lit limn gei ) The lilsh iim let) ileslious fur self government The have asked jPiesldent Wilson fm his help Im uuife thov believe thai his Influent!' In ie(ognlliig their self goveiiimeut would loiivluce I.'ukIuiiiI to u gleit 1 extent The) desire to have then uuestlon settled In the puue ion ference, and be reingnUeil( bv the It'iigue of natlmiH 1 Illsh dek'gltes fiom nil illfreietit pm tM of the fulled States have gone to Washington I) C. In giln toufei oiho with the President but thev have fulled These delegiiteM do not i AWA Ivl. M II H I'.W.I.N llll VM II MASON, EHRMAN. & CO. Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO. CIGARS. CIGARETTES Olllie I'M s lllli St. Plintie H7 i:. ii. .ii:fpi:iim l.ninl Miiuugtr U 11. from l.nkevievv the Hotel Hall. Cecil Fletcher. W. Lawrence and n short looking Klniuuth Ageur) on the Indian Re servation G. A. ilellmiu left this morning for California points where ho will Mr and Mis. Pin It) an were pas sengeis this morning for San Fran ilsio. where the) expect to remain for about a week. that expei lence has alread) condemn ed leasing In Alaska, which is one reason why tho optional s)stem Is proposed for the states. Without regard to this unsuccess-'. O. A. Sorrels are here for ! f ul experiment, Clifford Pinchot and time from Merrill. his d mtnlsnmg coterie oi innaucs 'look after business interests for the , i...i. .-! Jle Crane Is looking after bust- ,UUK '" "sinss murnia mr im ... um... .c...h ""' ', 'ness interests In Klamath Falls from , next raw uns- tin atnttia no U nil na AlnQlf! 71l(. I . , , ... ,,,.'. i the Algomn section, purpose of the bill and of Mr. Lane I and the desire of the people Is that Pan Driscoll Is In town for a few the coal land be developed. The de-; da)s from Langell Vnlle) termination of the Pinchot clique is after business Interests that It shall not be developed at all Mrs c .lMMmrU .laughter of except on his plan. Their persistent Life insurani-e companies luiie puld MrS- Ainandn Hnmaker of this city. lODUjinK nas reuueeu 10 waste paper w,wwwivw .. wmi. iuimui. all of the work done by congress in H ',he ???. 8,Z loW .. , . . . . , pollr) from Chllcote & Smith. 1-tf the last two )eari, and has condem- i ned the coal and oil Industries of the west to stagnation for another )ear. The Pinchot crowd are nothing but obstructionists and it Is to be hoped that the new congress will send them to the rear and make them sta.v there. Oregonlan. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s The League of Nations will prob ably run along with a fair degree of. smoothness, at least until the project of International prohibition comes be fore It. Syracuse Herald. , CONDEMNED BY EXPERIENCE Tbe rock on which the coal and oil land-leasing bill was wrecked af ter the conferees had reached an agreement In the last congress was tbe option given the public either to buy or to lease land containing these minerals. Representative Ferris, wbo has been one of tbe most High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes BLADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS "BEST OF WORKMANSHIP IiATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are ver) reasonable Your Inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR BIS Main St. left today foi Portland after u short visit with her mother James Straw, u lattlemau of Odes sa left this morning for Portland and Seattle, where he expects to le inalii for about a week. Misses Illrdle and Pva Copcland . arc among the count) so it visitors from Fort Klumnth. They are stop 1 ping at the Hotel Hall. W. E. Ileidlemnn cime In Satur da) night for a sjiort business visit j)esterdny morning. This was from Anderson Cullfornln. I ! Kurl Humphre) is home for u fow ldn)s visit with his parents Mr and i Mrs. Oeorge Humphrey fiom tho Oregon Agi (cultural College HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING SATURDAY EVENING JAZZ MUSIC STAR THEATER TODAY Goldvvyn Present MAE MARSH ln Miss Cleo Km berg, who has been "THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE" assisting Pr. A. A. Sonle In his of- A Romance of a Girl who bought , flce for 80mo tlmc mst loft ,h,s Happiness for a Dollar. I morning for Sncremento for an Inde. ' finite stay. Admission 10 and 20 cents.' Show Starts 7:30 and 0:13. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Reed, who for- , merl) resided In Klamath Falls, and ppw ni r TUCATCD wn0 now "ve nt Rosehiirg are heio TODAY Triangle Presents WILLIAM DESMOND In "WILD LIFE" visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. W. Kaler. See Chqrles S. Hood, Kht'inth Agency, the real estate agent. Ho will write your contracts and other A Wild nnd Wooly Western Drama. IeBal PPerB- 12"lt " .Uo J Patho Xew Latest Current Kven. I Remington firearms and nmmunl- .) Admission 10 & IS cents Matinee 2..10. Evenings 7:30 & 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUREb TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS i Merrill. Oregon i , tlons were awarded Grand Panama Pacific Exposition. Prize at 19-12t l i fnvor the league nf tuitions bemuse !tlev believe It mollis destrui tlou i some of the powers mid llghln nf the nation 'I his Is prnbabl) the reisnn i why the Piesldetit will not locelve 'them However, the Irish hive man) , friends Iu the Semite who are wink ,Ilig foi them Wilson has reielvod 'other delegates for self government i such as the Jews, who wanted home rule The Jews hive not given lis I mail) gieat men In the wmld us the Irish, so why should the) have the preference' Home rule for Imliud Is nuoril Ing to President Wilson, u doniestli question to be settled between her self nnd Pnglaud Pngland ilms not however, want lieluiid tn be elf governed The Irish believe tint this tan be settled In the peine ion ferenie, If Wilson would iiiopeiate with and help them Kuglauil lion ever, may resent nnv luterfi'ii'iiie bv this country Ireland (.intuit have home nile uu lessi some countr) will reuigulte then government unit lulp them nb tit I ii it. Presldi nt Wilson Ins In en naked by them, tn help and lie tun refused to hear them The) liav been put off a greit man) vears anil told to wait awhile, wh.v should the) wait an) longei ' They have alvvn)s been striving onward towa-d self government Per haps President Wilson has in iinsvv-, or nnd does not wish tn express It until he Is read), and, iignln, per ' haps he has no answer, hut In going' to continue to rnll It a domestic nf fair j The peace ronfernnco could In i Inde this question and settle it us nil othci nntlonal nnd International affnlr.s will he HCttlcd Ireland gave is mini) men and as miah money In proportion to their size as mi) other nntlon, so there Is no obvious mason v. hy they should not be Included Now, Is the time. If ever, for 'I (l.ies'Ion to be decided i The Irish hnvo been patient for )enri nnd prnbiblv would roiitinu-' lo be patient, hut w'iv should t'iev. when nothing Is tn bo gained b) If. rttnerlcn would not hnv bad bur hi. de)).'miunte If another countr) hud i refused their aid. Wo had to have! help and recognition of u great conn-' try. Just ns wo did, so do the Irish,' sud we should not refuse to help then. Bargains In Cars DORT TOURING CAR Sells for 1,00.- in Klamath Falls CARLOAD OF REO'S ON THE ROAD Will arrive in about u week ALSO HANDLE BETHLEHEM AND DUPLEX TRUCKS AND , PARRETT TRACTORS C L. McWilliams 610 Klamath Avenue LIBERTY THEATER "THE PICK OF THE PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT Kitty Gordon in "ADELE" l . A Thrilling Heart Story i Harold Lloyd Comedy "THAT'S HIM" TUESDAY G. M. Anderson, "Broncho Billy," in "THE SON OF A GUN" Commencing Tuesday .March 23th, a dally matinee will be given. Doors open nt 2 o'clock. Shou starts at 2:30. MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director i A RARE OPPORTUNITY I We have for sale nil eviellt-ut Utile husiiiewi in one nf tho vci) best towns in Klnmutli Count), Stmk mill fix tures will Involie from SKM) tn 81,000. Two sl(ir) liuildliiK with liv ing rooms upstairs and large lol is dirt t heap nt 92,000. iliilldlug mid stock will sell for iippiovluiiiti I) 9K.000, and less than $2,00(1 will bun dle it. Tills Is jour i Inline tn gel n good liu nine from u miiiiII investment. Owner will sun idle ut above pi lie If sold within th ice weeks. Evi client reason for selling. Invehtlgnte Ibis. 21-3t CHILCOTE & SMITH. FEEL MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD? ; Coldo and coughs are quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Discovery Nobody should feci "perfectly mis erable" from a cold, cough or bronchia! attack for very lone. For it taUs only a little while to relieve 't and pa bick on the road to recovery when Dr. lung's New Discovery ia faithfully used, it soon loosens the phlegm, re lieves irritation, soothes the parched, core throat, brings comfort. Half a century old and more popular today than ever. 60c nml $ 1 .20. Make Your Bowels Behave Make them function with cratif) Ing precision. If regulation of the diet does not relieve their torpidity Dr. King's New Life Pills will. They are perfect bowel trainers, .-teanse the i) item surely, comfortalil). 25c. ALFALFA GARDEN SEED-Bulk and Package Oregon Standard ' Purity and Germination Oassengers and Baggage .suiii in: in im: nrv vt it k si:itici: Itl.VSON lll.i: R.VII.S I'HONi: IH7 WestemTransferCo. FormaldeSiyd FULL STRENGTI 1 Blue Stone HIGHEST QUALITY Poisoned Wheat e !ia-erwood'5 V IvUMMimUs tic PMrnrv i 'wl 1 1 :: : : ::.;. We Sell Satisfaction i:vitv lime )nil I'll) u tire nr n lube from nut stmk, we lire xt-tlliiu )nii mine than Hull, we are -t Ilinu )"U s,i. Mm linn. We must tin that In Keep niir Iraile, tn build up ii reputation anil it sine fniliiibitliiii fur future busi ness. 'Mini s wb) we lui) nul) the kihmIs iiuimifiii llir ill Ii) eniiipnules wlm bnve Hie smile sliiiuhirds fu- 1 .mil biislm-ss. x i Vftt n 9 wr 6 flavor for every teste .V 1 . 'tt VST" 'iVi i jm V ' )$ vx. " l X. R?uSI ti hi 'ft m imiis. n F?.tj?i rwr H sW fkr. sealed air-tihf and imporiiy-proof. in the wax wrapped, safety packages. Be sure to set WRIGLEY5 beca"" It Is supreme in quality. W 1 1MB-! J & fa& Waoir1 Ims 23 fht Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St ' Phone 87