The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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av, march aa, mm
... r.. u
r. V" "f ,,,,, """ n","
"'mL " ''" 'IMi-
9,tailMici"f I'. I... In.
fliSrt n.l II- Hrr.1.1 I
2?wM' rurnl-li -I'm" ""
ndr wiiiimimik.
......mi'. i:iri:rrH
(IV !.) I HllHlV.)
lUnr iM-itjtt' nin iirnplu-nvlim ilml
Clonal It"'" ttl" '"' "'" ,,,H"" "f
:.:.,.i Prohibit!""- Tjmy nay Hint
bo mi uplileinlo of Hoi-
t largo number or iiunrn-
.1. .i mnilfl nciue "J' h'm""""""
niuivMt -
Sitlonil l'r()l1
.i-.,i moiti acute
Hon InrrrnAp In taxation, miiilit no
WW '"" "f r'v"",",,l! Kr'"'
Inrrcatc I" ".Mi"'"""""" "" "
,r.ton "t lriK ovlli ll" KrHi
It i 6tloiil "I'ltli 'f iiypuortHf
..l.ronlrmpt '" l,,w
put In Pll' "r ",H "'" ,,,1J"'"-V Aimiilniii IiiiIiikii)
.Monlo twill' a" opniniMic Hiiw in
.k. .Ituatlnit nnil m fplrtt'inlr power of Aim-ilui iiml ii
I" , .. .... II I... !... .. ...!,... I... I...,
nml purely Aiiii'iii.ui miv 'I'Ihiv
IiIkO Mil) (lull llln Ullllllii-i or l m-lll
ployi'il will only be ii-inpoiitty
llmv will noon Ml hi l mliiir liiiluaii h'H
til tllllll lllH llllll'l' of Mill AiiIdiim, ll-t
11 11111111 t if Minplojmi'iit If Ihxhii
iin lilplm llio will Im pnlil, mi.
iinifn tin-in will In- 11 wiivn of irm-
ii-ilir hum nil tin- I'nlli'il Hlnli-a nf
i'i tin piiilillillliiii nf liquor, Hint
vlll niiiki- up lot ilin lima or llii 10-
Till 1 1 1 1 1 v -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 will iiuilio ilin nn-,
llllll IIIOIll lllltiii-(llU Jllllt tllll llpl.V-
i'I'h mil fur giiilu nnil olhut mat-ir
I11U lined In tint tiii'rtltiu or lliiiir
will lm 111111I1 limn nnil Ilml will ,wf
tin- irriiln 11111I nllu-r riiini ptoilniiN
(III till' llUlld'l. Mlilrh 1 1 1 n h 1 llii
rout or IhliiK lowm. 1
Willi tliu exile or liiior, H will,
lunmi 11 uiiMiTX n I Inn or iintl'iii,.,'
Wl-llllh llllll. W Minn pny li ki1,,h.
Mil uintH or tin- wit nnil jv- iiih-ii
liionny for tin- iieienmit) i umfiiiln
of llfn riiil rn-iili- it tnnrki-t foi mine
It will nilm- Hie
Mlilldliril of niuriin mill Ilin nr.11
tired nxriimlvuly.
M-nn (iiliiu- moriil nnil iliyiu
ln'iinfitn will In- ri-iipiMl fiom ih.'i
ilimnfnll of .loli ti lliiiln)rorii It will
luilui'i. llii- lMIh of crlnio, liimiiliy,
piiiniiliililn illm-ii'iii mil) povi-ity It
vlll lowi-i tint tost of i-hnilty lir
I'niiKK iiuipli, will Iiiim- lioitu-H tmit
nt lntpplnr nnil rlillilri'ii timt lire
lii-nlllili-r mill together tlii-y run
Imllil up 11 liomi- Ami In (In- il-iim
or tllll IlirKI- llllllH till- lOlllllllotlH Mil
lm Imlti-i lr .I0I111 llmi-)(orii In i liol
ImIihiI lr nii'ii 1I0 not Iiiivi- tin- liquor
In iiwoil to lln-y will heroine more
tnoriil unit lm inon- willing to tti.ik
III llllllll Up II llllpp) lllllllM
At the Theaters
r"" 7 !
S6S i :
Ji ' fill I
lh The City of Ik ;
A f .
rx yueer
1 Itniiuliin a wlimoniii Kill romliiR
1 liiio jour Iioiikii a n-rfi-ri HtriiiiK
mill liiftlntliiK on nuiltliiK your
nklll of
. ...I i..,i-. ilmv iireiiH Unit tlit tin. WiilkiilH will In- lu.llir
Of noun""1 "
..-I. sill lalir till' ili'ClnliMI f tntt will KlMi Allll-il a II i- imUiiiiI ijj .r
MplirlHllWUlUli't lltlllT l-Olllltlll-1
tt lift I-
iilnilnil l
wL W mrWL Ji
Quality Goes ClearThrough
There is no safer evidence
upon which to base your
selection of a car than tho
experience of Dort owners. It
confirms what wo have said
as to the reliability, the com
petence and the marked econ
omy of Dort performance.
Dart iwnrr n other thvuhl niV fur thn " War
Mfmorlal Numbmt" of our H-rloJiCMl, DOliT DO
INOS, publlttMrd hnutry 15. It toll a gn.ihia
ttory, nw'tly In picturvm, of thl company' activl
tltt durlnt thm war and will prturo a valuable nouve
nlr to that lntarnid In the til 4 part ptayril by tho
aulomobll InJuatry In tha trvat contllot. Vnura
for tha a king.
l '
"IH" ,
l" .
Tu rrBwi .
V, m-t
ffmit 14m Ktu
I1011111 In-lit foi iih Ioiik 11 hIid curi-il
to hln A1I1I to Unit llii' Miirprlmi or
piu'iiiK our lnitli-i foni-il to puy lliu
ii Inn 111 wliii InoiiKlit liitr from tin
Himloii mill nn 111 11 Ht iiiliult yiiurH
Iiiim Iii-iiii 11 r:itlii-r iiinixiiul i-xpi-n-iiiiii-
Tills In unit of tin' many
m:irl(iiy HtrJiiKo lurldontii In Muu
Mirnli'H Intt-Ml tiolilwyn I'ktnro,
"Tin- (llorloiin Ailvi-iiturii," fiom tlio
Htury by IMItli lliirniinl Uolutio
wlilrlt iiimi-H to llm Slur Tlii-alrc In-,
r.liinlin; Hiimlny. 1
A wcnliun hail man' A Kniiitjlor,
a trlfli-r with wonii-ii, n kuii tiully--lliut'n
liaiiilnoiiin tllll Ui-mnoml In
"Wllil l.lfi-." to In- hIiowii nt (lm
Ti'iupln 1'lii-titin Humliiy nlRlit
Tin- atinoiitu cinctit Unit Mr. Dim
nionil will nppuiir In cliapit, iihIiir liln
ttx liooti-i to n-moo I1.11I moil from
lil pntli will, no iloutit, comu as a
nlmrp aurprlto to (o'.lowcra of thh
impiihir iiar who turn hlitnttto up
priroil In roli-4 of itiiothur tyjip
Minn Jonri- Si-ilKwIck Ik thu yeiini:
Inily, luri'il 10 h wpEtnrn Joint hy n
trlrky i-inploymuiit uKi-ncy, who ail-inllilttti-rn
tin' ntiip tliul latisoB liniitl
somo Hill to ruform.
In thu niHt siippoitliiK Mr Doh
monil, hi-Hlili-K Minn Si'ilRwIrk. iirf
Dot lURir. IM Itrinly. Orrnl Hum
phries Uriilitim I'l-ltli-. IMily li-ti-r
nnil Hill I'.iiton.
Si' Charles S
AKi'iicy for lii-alth
llooil, Klamntli
iimt ncclilvnt li-12-tr
aLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaar&a1aWGs?T i wf
1 1 TtlEAT b 'o'o It POISONS dep or
w.iWU!lK'll,fJiniCHt .
e x cexa. weuiiN
tlKKHIl' No ' X.yr
-Kl'r An 1iimJ
M I 1.
1 ji; :.::!, uiufMjiJiwW
OldBjrdis ,
The Pelican
Its bill holds more than
its bellican.
But at that, its heart
is bigger than its bill.
It is the only bird
which shares its
food with other and
weaker fowl.
So the queerold pelican
looms up handsome
in Goodrich's eyes
eyes which see
beauty that is more
than skin deep.
Goodrich, it is true,
makes Silvertown
Cords the handsom
est tires the very
Beau Brummel tires
of smart cars.
Yet if clumsiness and
ugliness would add
one mile to their
service, Goodrich
would make them
clumsy and ugly as
the queerold pelican.
"Quality First," rules
in the manufacture
of Silvertowns; and
they render quality
service first and last.
Give your automobile
the obvious grace
and elegance of the
Tires with theTwin
Red Diamonds on '
the sidewall. Their
mileage is sure.
Huy Goodrich Tires
i rem a Dealer
610 Klamath Ave.
Jf I at I
ciicia. ue tui 10U
1 llUt I II lrtirrthUll.
Wuman's Breast" CANCER
It ret-m IWffl OU0l ibl KILLS QUICKLY.
Cat lM7il in cmr T Dtti cr tucn o. LMTMI
i-uoii cunro mti tr cirifi i vct mail
kbi DR. S. R. CliAHLEY a;""
f.Wl 1111 Mil 10 S0K1030T ANYWHCRC
Jhe Time Sqyer
Fully one-half of tho time you now devote to ironing with old stove
heated sad-irons is a..sheer'los.s. - .
Inis amount of time could easily be saved for more urgent household
requirements by using an
In addition, an Electric Iron will do better work for you will save
your clothes, linens, doilies, etc. will eliminate needless tramping
aboutwill abolish dirt and muss will save fuel and expense.
California-Oregon Power Company
NOTIf'l- In onlor to Inmtro puli
llrutlMii. '-opy for ilmrtli utinouncu
himUs must lie t rhu Iloralil olflco
not lutur thmi I'rlilay t-vt-nlnK
Hiirroil Mi-nrt Cnurf-n, cornur 8th
uiul IMkIi ntrcota Jtov. Much J. Mur
hIiiiII, p.iHlor
I'lrst .Muhh lit 8 11 in
Hctonil Main at 10 '! u m
I!i-iipillctlon uftor lust Miibh,
No I'Hiiiliii; iiurrUi'H
Plrrt UniitlHt rimrcli. rornnr Wash-
liiKloti anil j:iKhtli .1 Ii Urimthrl
jiaxtor I
Kuiiilay st'liool at 10 a m C. K.
Di-I.iiji, siiicr In liinili'iit.
r niacin 111; ni j 1 it m
All ar ronllally Invllctl to worn
with IIH
1 Tlio ChrlKtlan Hcli-nco Society
niiiHiimi i-anii noios .)rvici-H ai i i3;,.0,inK may i,c gerved upon the un-,
. V, - . 1 . r"""la '""rn'nBlilernlKneil residing within the State
- - - -... ,or W'0d-I12R
Addition T'KUmaih11 Pth,? Setmi
mo un effer: .mi .?.?.,h Fa"! malt.
noiint due an above shown, to- '"nmond. or will iel thnToblIe or
r with coiU and accrued Inter- '"""t I'e sold A. J, iiocvi.Ior,J",i
rid in case of your failure to do ,st st San Jose, Calif ' ,, ,N-
or porflonx nboro nnmed nro hereby
furthor notified that plaintiff, Chan.
K Drew, will apply to tho Circuit
Court of the county and state afore
said for a decree foreclosing the lien
iiKulrmt the property above described,
uml mentioned In said certificate
And you are hereby summoned to ap
pear within sixty days after the first
publication of this summons, exclus
ive of thu day of said first publica
tion, and defend this action, or pay
tin- anion
est, an
so, a decree will be rendered fore
rloHlnB tho lien of said taxes and FOU SALE, CHEAP ,
routs against the land and premises feet. 12 h.-n ,u lov?r bat. 24
above named. 21-Cf 9' Ad(lrM Box 385,
This summons Is published onco a
weuk for six weeks by order of tho FOR 8AI P u n ,. "
Honorable I). V. Kuykcndall, Judge eggs for hate'hin. . .. . "lanJ R
of the Circuit Court of the state of
flrf.pnn for lh Pnlinlv of Rlmnnlh.
. I and said order was mnde and dated
""'.Slst day of March, 1919, and the date
of the first publication of this sum
Imons Is the 2 2d day of March, 1919.
f. All nrnrnfm ntirl nnnprR In thin nrn-
French, phong ?, ,0VtjfB-
,. . , , - -' 1 uurniKiieii reniuuiK wiiuiii iii aiuiu
L 11 o clock and every Vcdnesday0f Oregon at the address hereafter
roiling at 7:30. All an- welcome, mentioned.
Tho subject of lesson for Sunday.
March 2.1. In '.Matter.
1 Thu Sunday school session Is from
9.4T. to 10- 1 6 every Sunday morning.
The frie reading room and frey
landing library is open from 2:30 to
4 30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
22 29 G 12 19 26 3
I Pre,..yteria C.TurcTi. Pifte street.! TWZ'rf' So"
.near Second. Rev E. V UwrcnceJ...fpeSnUo7. and
rnnm r.Hh..i "ute,
caln If ,m I. ""UB w at a bar
on eaV tenn, For S5i!B be bii
law addresT Owner ZlFrtlm'
2i.t uwn. Herald ojdee,
"!:iC SS2. "LW
wun a three 14-gane plow .11 i
good condition; been nViTboai 10
days; the outfit for $50 cash 1.-qUir9e-l0t.Wm
Bark' """? Ore "
City Engineer, pursuant toi
of the Common Council
having, under
1919, filed;
entlmateii ofl
.. . t i.....i.. -.& .... FOR SAI.P1
' ".r!!,r','0r.8,h,p-n'",,B,;,'",t:t' "" f W- S. Irrigation canal tol lW Phone 95. ir-Bt
Sin and Salvation." The choir will r,i,v rni- fnnhv .irpi tn r.t '"
flirnlsll special music. .iront- Pl reo tn lne.-ftnn nfFOR SALE Praet!rM!.. o -
Crescent avenuo at U. 8. irrigation ' , witu fecordj, chiffonier, wrltla
I r enlng service at 7:30 n. m.. sub-
Jeet. 'Sermons In Shoes." There will ,ni .n,i im.r.nnn. n,i ih. I desk, stand, rockpr. a ..'. ""?
be a moving picture film, a Iiray Pic- Council having taken same under ad- electric cook stove, heater. dUhei'
towi aiih. showng winter sports In vlsement and find said plans, specif-! books. etc. 715 Main st. 20-tf
Colorado, freak patents etc. Tho cations and estimates satisfactery: Jl
Lnlverslty Glee Club will sing at the ne It hereby resolved, that said FOR SALE In Klaajata County. HO
. ' ?Ji'f, h. 8.0rVlC(i- . , PlanB- specifications and estimates fori, aC3T- I- Mock J7 range 15 In
" cant!?nl a"d.a ap.?ci?1 sur- tho improvement of the above men- I;;a1Ia J- Rolen's name; make offer,
prise from tho "Oo-Oettcrs" class at tloned streets and Intersections. be.Jdress W. A. Mlllburn, 31st and
Suiiilay school at 9:45. ,and tho sarae are hereby. approved 'Rro:,,3way. Paducah. Ky. n-u
f liristlan Endeavor at 6:30 in our And be It further resolved that thn'
cnurciu Common Council hereby declares Its,F.R SALE Not fancy, but a good
liilnntlnnii In Imnrnvn oilrt cfroalo nfl home, CrOUnd fllllllll lui. .1.1..
Methodist Episcopal Church. Tenth portions thereof, and Intersections ln!,roo,m',-1fol,r closets, bathroom, two
nnil High Rev Simpson Ilainrlck. accordance with said plans, speclfica- "alls, sleeping porch, splendid garden
paiior. Ill i East street. Phone 67W
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11 o'clock.
. Epworth League at C-30 p. m.
Evening services at 7:30 o'clock
bunject. "The Glorious Gospel
flnni nnil o-ttlmntni Rnlrl Imnrnvn-' dnl ITUll
ments to consist of bringing aaltl ' slough
street to establish grade, the insta!-.
price J3.500.00.
w. s.
latlon of concrete
drainage and the
curbing, proper)
paving or said ,
' ' n . .
streets nnil Intnrnerllnns with hlllili. FOR RENT Purnt.V,.,! kn,. i
.. .. - : : - . : ... .-v huuk, .w-
u juu couni your sen a member or llthlc. oil macadam or other hard sur- quire roa Fpring vtrect. back of
'the Methodist church we want to see face navement. at the estimated coat 'bath house.
)u ni me services Sunday.
Good of $10,924.85 for oil macadam and
estimated cost of $16,400.00 for bl-
tulithlc or concrete; and be it further.
good singing.
, Lutheran service at tho Rarest resolved by tho Common Council, that! WANTED Help for housework. Dr.
church, corner Eighth and Washing! the, p'ope"y ,nT "! "T ?",h k,A' A' Soul,e- " .
tun at 7tn n in n m ic.n and hereby Is declared bonefitod by 1
(ion. at ,.30 p. m. Rev. M. Itossman ,h ., 'nnaBA ,mnTnwmnT,t.,.-,m TTT . . .
..... . u , , ...... . miii,u upenencea gin lor
' " ---- ri-Miii-imrinjuuLiLiu
. IM
jjm3m l i rem a Dealer II
nrnmnmn "
G&xw D!LVUiiLSWli
i "J '
.J -. -J. , . , ....... ....,. 1 '
T?m! rV Uwtx-J null si
vW -villi : . jj.ii-s..i: .vx.iVj ii.
uutaSyx' .bbHi ijiiiiihimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii" Sraas1al''fiit h 5We5i
' . gilsS mm
timmifSk wm
f Ka2i:i lip
Y ffPawfal 1 1 Mall
Y IBSSSB 1 I Wm1- '
V ttHHSBlBai 1 1 Ll-
-X .m!S mm
' tSsESaWSxnA I W3k !
mwmiwmx ssh
pastor, residence 137 First street.
Services at 7:30 p. m., sermon sub
ject. "Christ. Our Great High Priest."
Sunday school will be held at 2.00
p. m.
I aii persons not affiliated with
lany cnurch are cordially Invited to at
tend. I ...... .'.. .
rirsi innsiian rnurcli. corner
i Ninth and Pine streets. C. F Trim-i
ble, pastor
' Sunday school at 1 0a. m.
1 Sermon at 11 a. m
sermon ut t:ju p. m.
and 6 of block
housework. Phone 43 13-ti-
Lots 1. 2. 3, 4,
11; lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7 of WANTED Experienced woman for
block 13; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. G, 7. general housewerk: mwl .
and 8, of block 14; lots 1,
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13,
16 and 17 at block 12; all of the
foregoing being in Hot Springs Ad
dition to the City of Klamath Falls
J. 3. 4, Phone 265.
14. 15. ,.:
3-tt I
---- it ii irinnni-irt
Vlsolotsl 3 7 8 and 9 of bfock'TEA11S WASTED-Tb skid logs by
,i lot"'- or'hlik : 59 all ini contrac " start about
NlihoU AddUlon TtoZ'htS j, April 1st. Lamm Lumber Co. 21-.
Klamath Falls, Oregen:
'and that said property above describ-
Chrlstlini EmVcavur meetin.r. 0 30 ed be and nereby ,s declared to be the
p in. at Presbyterian church. property 10 oe assessea tor me ex-
i Prayer meeting Wednesday even- Pe"se of saId 1,mpr.,;emei1.t- JAnd.e
lug at 7 30 p. in. Tho pastor will ad-' " ,fu,r,her, rtes0 ,ved0!at .M.nay' th?
dress the members on the subject. Ith. ll.a'.of Aprn-J"9' at theho"r ot
"Carry On " 8 o clock p. m at the Council cham-
... i uurs in iub ciij aaii, oe nxea uh me
" !. onA nln.A n. . t. A Ua.I. .W
Emanuel Raptlst Church. Eleventh cctlon.nd Mmmatra StaS
and High t-treets. i,,.. ,,, nrnH imnmv.m.nt. h
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mr?. C. ' tho Pniirn inH u hht- HirtVn
V Mlirphy. SUporlntetldont. 'rnn nnllro of nlH honrln.. tn h
Sunday school at 10 u. m. published as by Charter provided.
Preaching at 11 a. in. state of Oregon,
Lvenliig serMcos at 7:30 p, m 'county of Klamath. as:
Prayer meeting Wednesday eren-.citv of Klamath Falls.
i nt ? Ill !'. ... .
I, A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge of the
jcuy or iviamain rang, uregon, ao
hereby certify that the forcroine is a
I LtbAL lNUllCtO duly enrolled copy of the resolution
ww-wwvwawwwwwwww adopted by the Common Council on
in., or ia I.U-U conti Canuy and East streets. In the!
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stito of City of Klamath Falls, and approving
Oregon, for Klamath County. i plans, specifications and estimates of
Ing nt 7 30
LOST Watch charm, black arrow
head, set In gold band. Return to
Herald office; reward. 21-3t
IF THE PARTIES who found black,
yellow marked collie dog about
first week In January, with name H.
V. Brown on collar will return to
2027 Wantland ave.. they wlll'recelve
reward. 17-6J;
The feature that always distinguishes
our hats they are faithful reproduc
tions of the most successful sParU
creations the authentic origin of
our millinery is assured.
21-2t 027 Mairf Street.
cost thereof as submitted by the City
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge.
t'lms E, Drew
.loi ntlinn Peterson, Defendant
To Jonathan Peterson, the nbovo
ni'med Defendant:
In tnj name of tho State ot Oregon.
You nro hereby notified that Ohas. E. I The City Engineer, pursuant to res
Drow is tho holder of certlflcato cf de- olutlon of the Common Council here
llmiuency numbered S4 3. Issued on tofore adopted, hnvlng, on the 3d
the 20tli day of May. 1916. by tho tas lny of February, 1919, filed plnns r.nd
collector of tho County of Klamath, spcc'ftcatlons and estimates of cost of
State of Oregon, for tho amount of improving Pine street, from Third
tlurt -eight 63-100 dollars, tho same street westerly to Payne alley. In
being "tho amount then duo and de-' intersections, and Payne nlley
lln.liicnt for tnos for tho year 1314, 'from Pine street In a southerly dlrec
tocetlier with penalty, lntoron audition to Main street, including Inter-
costs thereon upon thu real property sections, and the Council having ink-
Phone 09
Night Phone S4S
in Messed to you, of which you nro tho
owner as appears of record, Jkmitea
In said county and stnto, and purtlc
ularl.v bounded and described as fol
lows ,to-vlt:
East half of northwest luartor;
northwest tiuiirter of northwest
quarter; northeast quarto? of
southwest quartor; west half of
northeast quartor, nnd southeast
quarter of Section 30, Township 37
south, Rangu 1 1 ', east of Willuni
otto Meridian.
You are further notified timt t-nld
Chus, E, Drew bus paid tuos on suld
Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 of block 6.;
lots 1. 2, 3 and 4 ot block 5: lots 1.
2. 3 and 4 of block 4; lots 1 and 2
of block 3, lots 1. 2 and 3 of block
2. lots I and 2 of block l; lots I.
2 3. S and 9 ot block 23; lots 3,
1. 5, 6 and 7 ot block 24; lots 3
and 4 of block 23; lot 3 of block
22, lots 5, 6, 7 and S of block 21,'
north 120 feet of vacant portion of
Center street; lots 5. 6. 7 and 18 of
block 20. lots 5, C, 7 and 8, of block
19; all ot said lots and blocks be
ing In the original town of Klam-
nih Pnlla-
and that said property above describe
en tho same under advisement, and
finding said plans, specifications and
n-arlnintA4 anllafiirlnrv
It is hereby resolved that suld ed be. and hereby is declared to be
plans, specifications and estimates the property to be assessed for tae
for tho Improvement of Pine street expense of said Improvement; and D
from Third street westerly to Payne it further resolved, that Monday tne
alley, and Payne alley from Pine 7th day ot April, 1919, at the hour or
...., .1.. i.. . i . . i .- .....i i . iii rvmncll cham
and tho same aro hereby approved bers in the city Imll of the Uiy H
And be it further resolved, that Klamath Falls. Oregon, be nxea i w
the Common Council hereby declares the time and place for tne neB":;J
Its Intention to Improve said portions objections and remonstrances '""-
of Pine btreet and Payne alley In nc- the said proposed Improvemeni.
cordanco with said plans, speclfica- tho Police Judge be, and nereoyw"'
tlons and estimates, said imnrovo- reeled to cause notice oi sum f
promises for prior or subsequent iment to consist of paving said portion to bo published as oy cnw
j years, with tho rate of Interest on of said streets with oil macadam, at vlded.
"said amounts us follews: an estimated cost, Including cemont State ot Oregon,
Year 1915, paid .May 20, 1916. Tux sldowalks, curbing and grading, ot County of Klamath,
receipt No. 3645; amount, $31.33; $19.176, 96; or cement pavement, nt City of Klamatn ana. i.
rato of Interest, 15 per cent. an estimated cost, including cement I. A. L. Leavltt. i'onw juui, v. .
Year 1910, paid Mtireh 19. 1917; sldowalks, curbing and grading, of City ot Klamath "'?,"' .
S-Vl r.flll tn r fmal.n.l piuV a. nn haraliU rnrllfV lOai U"' v.o----
..u ....!... KT.. ,ltl. ............ .?., ,11.
iltl IL'Ullll. Wll. Uil.; tllllllUlll, ?-0 UVj
liliu ill iiiit-'iuM, in im luiu.
Year 1917, paid Murch 21, 1918;
tn receipt No. 756; amount, ?2S 60;
rate of interest, 15 per cent.
Year 1918. paid March 11. 1919;
tax receipt No, 519; amount. $33.11;
rato ot interest, 15 per cont
Said Jonathan Peterson as tho
ownor of tho legal title of tlio nbovo
described property as tho uamo ap
pears of rocord, and each ot tho oth-
$2.'!, 500.00; or crushed rock, at an hereby certify that the
estimated cost ot $18,000.00; or bl- a duly enroiieu copy v. "-" on
tulltulc puvemont nt an estimated adopted by the Common counwiM
cost. Including sldowalkH, curbing the 3d day of March, "18' " ', ,'()
and gruding. of $23,500.00; said lm- its lntontlon to Improve rw '
provoinont in either event to Include from Third street to I ayneaiiBJ'.'j
grading, rolling nna curbing, Payno alley from Pma."'7.n, .nei-i"
And be it further resolved by tho street, nnd approving tM P?.
Common Council that the property flcatlons and estimates or iob
hereinafter described bo, and hereby 'submitted by Si-Vn-vSirVlaitt.
Is declared benefited by said proposed A. L. LEAVITT, rouce uu
Improvement, to-wlt: ' 13-10t -"