The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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rMiuir. MAW'" a
1 1
. i
Special Prices Predominate
For the Month of March
Why not spend a half" hour or so and visit our various
departments and see the NEW GOODS. Note the special
prices. Then compare the merchandise and prices with
other stores. If we did not know that we are offering better
values we would not make the suggestion. Usually when
a comparison is made we get the business.
New Spring Droties
A beautiful nillrrfluii of I'ri'im
dcClilnr. Toltrtrt. tlwirgrtlr I rfir,
Htlln Ourmrtir. Wool Jrrr nml
I'miUnl Milk... Vr lime iirlinl
the above drrr irrj miMiiinlilc
foe a iUlrfc trllliiit.
$16.50 to $28.50
Newest Creations in
Blouses now on Display
1 A rlnbornlr nnx-mblMRf uf
daiatl (imrcrllr' nml Crriir tin
Chlur III(iumi In lhr Ulrt utintlm
If inu will ftimiiarr llit5.r hlou
with nlhtra, )m ..III flnil (lint wr
are making an unuounl iitTcrlng
tiiic, 80 l.i 4(1.
Price $5.95 to $9.85
IV 1
Kayser's Knit Underwear,
Summer Weight
We ran utn )u uImiui U.1 sr
rail on Ihl high Rrmli unilcrrr.
VcU la col (on lllr and nllk lllr.
I'aloa Hull In rnllnn, lUIr nml
ilk lUlc, wild ohrll, umbrrlU nr
U(kl kaw. All !., InrluilliiK
ntra aim fur fall flgurm.
Special Sale of Kid Gloves
.Kid Glove am nut only difficult
IrabUlrtrtmt vrry high. An
crptloMllr opportune purrhnxn
pennlU un lo makr IliU upci'lnl
otrr. All Inn new tialrw .tnrlutl
laftaupr, hroHim, liini, Mark nml
while. ThU glutei Mill riiniMirf
favorably with glovr jou arc k
J tt.00 for nlvwhcrp.
. Boys' Scout SuiU
Made of brut quality Klmkl
(loth, In mllltnr) Mjlr.
run 1110 HOYH
Price $6.00 '
Price $3.50
1 Boys' Blouses
Mad,, of ltt qunlltj (.liiglimii'i
MO Mark Sntrrn, ,tin ." to III
Prices 85c to $1.00
fe$ i
m zf ii n r
1 fiVil .'.
A '
1.1 1
M :M
'1' &m
v i fii
Y 1 II
$ m
IV M;:
i M I ' ! HI
i hbh: -mmm
rsmMffimj' jmmmvsw
yMIUM W WfflffAX
i - i--i i .i - -
: .
f - "
karv ii
f .. '. i.M k
I'fi , 1MJ wr.
- 75. rsii
, M55 l
'."l.1' I. .f!,
Hi t HI
;: .
A.N ',i
'' ll
ii a-, .i "A
Kayser's Silk Hose
i'M Shliiii(Mil Jim ii'ii'UimI In
liruMii, IiIiiiU nml mIiKi'.
Kayser's Silk Gloves, 85c
lllmkmiil lill'. SI.- H, luH
..v .
"White Outing Flannel,
24c yard
A kpi't lul iili' fur' n
tllil tlir iluiil :."' cinili'.
Not-a-Seme Lisle Hose,
Cniiir In browns, land, ktio,
liliuk nml w lilt-. Worth 7Ar on
loclu)'- mmkrt.
Not-a-Seme Silk Hose,
A mt) low prlro fur this trnili
of IIom'. Conic In hruiis, tnni,
mat, uhiti' mid lilitck.
Mercerized Pongee,
75c yard
Full IK! Iiic'Iioh utile; nil rrcl
lnt liiiltiitlon of tlm Uiijnli Silk.
t'oiiHs ill CopcnliiiKOii, old rose,
rcsila, limy, mitiiriil white anil
Children's Play Suits
Made of Klmkl, liluo stripe ilen-
Im or plain
) Mir.
Akiw 1 In 8
J. F. Maguire Co., Inc.
Tin- it Lhi'lii' " r pursu.iitt to n-n-ulntloii
of tin- ' on m in ( mint II lir
tofori ndoiiti ti.i , r, k on February
3, 15)1!) film plain , i ilUutlotm unil
(MtltnntcH or tin- 'oil or Improving
'IVtitli Htrcci froM Vain ntr'-''l north
erly to Miuolii tr"'i unci High fttrret
from Ninth utri-ii im-.ii rlv to Klcv-i-uth
itri'd. Iii'ludlni; Int-mi'i tlonn.
nti'l tlic council huln tnki'n tho
k.iiii'' under nilvlHoni' nt and flndltit;
xuld pi in. Hpnclflf utio'M .ind tl
nni'-H t itlfutory
lii It h'TPhy n-xolviil that until
plan Hpei Itt'titiotiH and -h I f for
the ltiiiriatn,nl of Tfruh Htri,i from
Mr In (Jlri-i-t tiorUi'Tly to Lincoln
Hire' t. nnd IllKh iitr-ct from Ninth l
..,.....( ..i.a.i.rlu I,. llii., ., I. alfiml lnl
rt.oiii.ff l.n,.r,.fitonM I,p. and iile"l hereby certify that the fon-BolnK
5 Herald's Classified Afe
Hon to tho town of Klamnth Falls'
und that said property above de-
nrlbi'd Is hereby declared to be the1
property to bo assessed for the ex
pense of said Improvement, i
And bo It further resolved, thatijno.M f-PVTMvt'' . ""
Monday, the 7th day of April, 1919. . , or '"oJ--112rt
ut tho hour of 8 o'clock p m , at the .-(,., q . , ,. ..
founcll chambers of tho city hall to ,ljtt ,,,, iCB; ni7 flTe-room bunga.
be flx'-d as the time and Plato for rlnrp f,,r V, nra n,"'ei ner will ac.
the hearing of objections and remon- c()te g. ,,, ",jj " on ea,y terms. Chll-
Dtrances against tno saiu propoipa . ij.3
Improvement, ami tne roiico jungc
In- and hereby Is directed to cause no
tice of said hearing to be publlstted,
in by Charter provided
State of Oregon,
f'lty of Klamath Kulls, sv
County of Klamath
I A J. I.eavltt, Police Judge' of .rnn cAiP n. ,.
the f'lty of Klamath Falls, Oregon, u.i, ,V. "". .iv Ca tractor
pl.f rnpflfv lr,f Iho f nro.nln . ' . ''"Rline 0 Aw n fc
been lined about 90
In Ym;
.-..r. -,r K-noral itore; rnA i"' 8,u-
ment- t.lacn nw .7'
i ..... -:r ""two years.
il If
iiavt n ii-....,
K. norat ...' " ""V0.1" 8ro-
placo r
yatt. OWBjir
Kjgene, Oregon.
. . in ii iniiv I'lirin icii f-iinv (ii ; ri'Hiiin.
name Is hereliy approved i - , ' , , " r. A ..
And be It further resolved, that the I tl'J"U,lo1,il,C'1 'ylh? t-m mon Oou ncll
fommon fomxll hereby declares itM '" ' '' " h . "r,.narC "V
intention to Improve said portion, of ,'" " . 'l" '"".VZ . 1, Tt in
Tenth Htrert and High street In up- Tcnili utreet from Main .treat to Un
rordanre ullh said plans, spectflca-' c"ln ,!!lrcfct ani1 approving the plans
tlons and intimates ,,al.l Improve- "Piflcatlons and estimates o the
menu to consist of paving said por-- "' I EAVITT Po ce Judge
,11cm! of said streots with oil macadam , A l' -kA ITT. I oce Juuge.
'pavement, nt ah estimated cost, In-1 -J-Jt
eluding cement sidewalks, curbing
and grading, or jis.'j'ji. i.; or ce-i ---- (
111 1 v r.iiK..i.''. , I.U. ll.tlt.V l
good cr million;
rlavs. t ia r.iin. t .... -"u
'T.,f,.w i;a X!a;
FOIt '
I'lione 95
i ,on wod alfalfa
with records, chiffonier, wrltlnit
desk an.l rockers, 1. chair.
electric cok stove h a er "dl.h'
book-, etc 711 Main st. ...
UKSOI.VTION v...,,,,,n. nt nn imr. in,! ri.ii rhe t jiv engineer, pursunni
III' III - lIU!t, .. k. -.., - ,., cement sidewalks, curbing resolution or me t-ornm on i oum-n FOR SI.E Seven-room ho,.7oi.
and grading, of $25,000 00 Said 1m- nereio.ore aaopieu. av m?. u, t ,,atll RrrPPncd porcuM ; ,"
,..... ii,i rn,ii,. miiino i atn of February 3d 1919. filed , i,inrv ,rn .;."" c"n'r'ot,
and curbing l'an. specifications and estimates of eagy terma ohllcote k Smith"
And i. ii re.ire.i. i.v t). the cost of Improving Crescent ave- """"
Common Council, that the property ' nue from U S Irrigation canal to FOR SALB Four room houw n.
hereinafter described be and hereby fanny street; canny street to casi. high school. In first clas? rondltlnT.
: nnly 12,000, on
Panby street: Canby street to Easti
Is declared benefited by said Improve-tercet, fcait street to Intersection of. a real
luent to-wlf rresrent avenue at L. S. Irrigation ; terms
i ,..u t n.i t ,.r i.i-.i- ii ,. n.t.. canal, and Intersections, and the,
Inul Town, and unnumbered block Council haying taken same under ad- FOR SAt.E-In Klamath Countr ten
the Central School visemeni a .u iiiiu Bam p.a,., ..-, acres, lot J, block 37 ranite 15 In
nargaln at Sl.flfin
Chllcote t- Smith.
on easy
known as
grounds .adjacent to Tenth street
ilia J Howden's name; make offer.
jg-jg tne improvemeni oi tne aoove men-i .
lots tloned streets and intersections, be. ( FOR SALE New and modern tlx.
t 1. a"'!. t.he1?am.'i "? h"e,.,aPi?ir.ldJ..5oomhoa?.lot'OaJohn.
Beautiful Spring Silks
now in Stock
Fancy Foulard In blues, graj,
hrowni, in mail) pleasing combi
nations. $2.00 to $2.50 yard
Rich Imperial Costume
In nil the witntnl shade", full ilfl
In. lies mile, in the best shade, nt
$2.25 per yard
Swiss Taffeta
For ilreM-i Kill Ik crj fashion
able, nml c arc ofTerlng nil excep
tional tine qunlit), .10 Inches wide,
In the boot shades, nt
$2.00 per yard
acres, lot
cations and estimates satisfactory; 1 1
nnd between said block 13 and , " ll npreoy, resoiveu, mai sam Address V A. Mlllbnrn, vIlst and
. . . . llii. I hi s,inn m n r W t ts n n KnMn nr n V I '
ots 3. I. T. and C of li ock 4S. Irtts "' i""":"i. " ""
3. t. .. C 7 and S of block 4G
1 1 S finrl T. ,,f ltl,,n!r J7. Itu
2. 1. 4. 5, and 0 of block 45: lots A" UP ,l'urtr?.er. resolved that the
1. 2. 3, 4. 7 and 8 of block 44, lots common uouncii nereoy aeciares us
-. i r. ,i e. ,.r i.i..b r.n .i, ...,. Intentions to Improve said streets, or
r. i.. or mi-Mod ..onion'nr Va,h. portions thereof, and intersections int
Ington street, formerly known as
Canal ntreet. between Ninth and
Tenth streets, lots 1. 2. 7 and 8 of ments
block ."il. lots 3. I, G and C of
block 57. and lots 1, 5. 7 and S of
Georgette Crepe, $2.00
per yard
INcil extensively ulth Taffeta
for dresses, anil exceedingly popu
lar for spring blouses. The best
quality in about tuenty-tlxe dlller
ent shades, ut
$2.00 per yard
Pongee Silks
Unusual values; every jnnl Is
genuine, imported Pongee,, mid
what Is more practical or sensible
Ihnn Pongee for summer vicar.
Hjieclnlly priced nt, jnnl,
89c, $1.25, $1.50, $175
halls, sleeping porch, splendid garden'
and fruit; price 13.500.00. w. n.'
Slough 12-tt
FOR SALE Modern four-room plas
tered bungalow with screened
porch, cabinet 'work, china' closet;
only one block from Main.' A rare
chance to get a good home for little
money. Price t2,000. Chilcote
Smith. 19-3t
son ave It's dirt cheap at $1,250
Chilcote & Smith. 19.31 '
FOR SALE Not fancy, but a good
accordance with said plans, speciflca- rooms, four cloaeU. bathrnnm t
..a.,. n n .1 CM !.n.rA , 1, , ( . .. . ... .
nut. 9 U..U cauiuBica. .a.u iu.H'w'v-
to consist of bringing said
street to establish grade, the instal
lation of concrete curbing, proper
block Gfi. the easterly 26 feet of "rainage ana me Pvms ui mu
the reserved portion of Jefferson streets and intersections with bithu
Htrect abutting on tho north side of "thlc. oil macadam or other hard sut
lot 7. block 51, nil In Nichols Addl- face pavement, at the estimated cost
, of $10, 924. S5-for oll macadam and
'.estimated cost of $16,400.00 for bi-
tullthic or concrete; and be It further
Jresolved by the Common Council, that
the property hereinafter described be
and hereby is declared benefited by
the said proposed Improvement, to
wlt 1 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S and 6 of block
11; lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of
, block 13; loK 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7.
and 8, of block 14; lots 1, 2. 3, 4,
! 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15,
16 and 17 of block 12; all of the
foregoing being In Hot Springs Ad
dition to the City of Klamath Falls.
Also lots 1. 2, 3 7. 8 and 9 of block
5S, and lot 2 of block 59, all in
Nichols Addition to the City of
Klamath" Falls, Oregon;
and that said froperty above describ
ed be and hereby Ib declared to be the
property to be assessed for the ex
pense of said improvement. 5Vnd be
it further resolved that Monday, the
7th day of April., 1919, at the hour of i
S o'clock p. m.. at the Council cham-
hers in the city hall, be fixed as the
time and place for the hearing of ob-l,p T p.pTira whn found black.
J"110"9. a."l '!?.-'iC" "i' yoEwPmS2dS cWoI.leIOdUog abou7
! V.i'.r .."'I'k' :"V.T,' flrst week In January, with name Ht
UlU rUllLC JUU6C 3 ucmj uvv.wu i.u .
........ . nti n lr1 dAnvtncr In Via
L'UUac 1 Ulivc u. naiu uvuiiub u mu
FOR RENT Famished houe. In
quire T05 Spring rtreet, back of
bath house. l-5t
WANTED By woman with a child,
place to do housework. !"hone Is
care of 179J. 15-$t
WANTED Experienced girl for
housework. Phone 43 13-tt
WANTED Experienced woman for
general Housework; "good wages.
Phone 265. 3-tf
Drown on collar Rill return to
027 Wantlaml aNe.. the): will receive
reward 17-ot
published as by Charter provided.
State of Oregon.
County of Klamath. ss- THK souncE 0F CORItECT
Cltv of Klamath Falls. i STl'LE IS PARIS
I, A. L. Leavltt. Police Judge of the "WE HAVE IT"
city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do The feature th'at always distinguUhes
liereby certify that the foregoing is a hats they are faithful reproduc-
uuij ciiiuucu v.u.j u u .... tlons of tne raost successiui ran
"l-t 327 SUin Street,
adopted by the Common Council on creatlons.ti,e authentic origin
an nay oi .uarcii, uu, oecmrinK us our mUnery Is assured.
inieuiion to improve puruons ut cres
cent. Canby and East streets, in the
City nf Klamath Falls, and approving
pl'ins, specifications and estimates of
cost thereof as submitted by the City
Kppii eer.
A L. LF.AVITT. Police Judge
Some nlft new st)les in jonng
men's suits Just arriied.
20-2t ! K. K. STORE.
Every Can Guaranleed
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to res
olution of the Common Council here
tofore adopted, having, on tho 3d
idav of February, 1919, filed plans f.ncU
spre'ficatlons and estimates of cost of
unprovlng Pine street, from Third
street westerly to Payne alley, In
elud'ng Intersections, and Payne alley
from Pine street In a southerly direc
tion to Main street, Including Inter-,
sections, and the Council having tak
' en the same under advisement, and
i finding said plans, specifications and,
i estimates satisfactory; '
i It is hereby resolved that said
plans, specifications and 'estimates'
for tho improvement of Pine street i
from Third streot westerly to Payno
nuey, unu t'ayne uuey trom i-ine Un
Phone 59
Mglit Phone1 845
2 J S and 9 of block 25; lots 3.
4. 3 6 and 7 of block 21; lots S
and 4 .f block 23; lot 3 of block
22, lots G, 6. 7 and 8 of block 21.
north 120 feet o( vacant portion of
Center street: lots 5, , and f
block 20. lots 5, 6, 7 and s of Wo
19 all of sad lots and blocks be
ing In the original iu
kuaarM iT ' CM Bl'HuVi'll '
'.,." ,,Ul1'1 mlnll"r nro dnstl'' Tho UnlvorHlly of Oiegun Ih Houd-
' iiu witimut meniiH of minni.n. HiK u Picked body of ItH iiuiik nid-
"ordBK in ft r . . . ut miinliiiml tit Klimmlh FiiIIh to
,,BPln commit. "... I ..' Btfinuliitt. InliiniNt In tin. 1'nlvoralty,
"Pllit cwL. Nor,lum They glvn glnn elub eoucerlH nt IIoiih-
, "-viiMuil, mnilO III! ll e nn'u nn,,,., Iwinu.
noil uru said to biilTuosduy ovonliigN
Nil cltUt'ii of Kluinnth, young or
h. All
lllllllle inn'u nnnr.i Ii.hihii next MoildllV 11 II 1 1
tllltBi, ... . In... , . .. ,..
old .ij. '""" uru nli '! I wuwsuuy uvmiiiigN
.. '-, I.IL' 1'r.lHH wi n .,n.. ..., ., ,,.,-,, ,',
"Moms lnrn...i.n.... ..... . old. can nfford IfTmlsH those eoiiiiirts,
mt of aorvlc. i i . . K Novor boforo Iiiih this coiuniiiiilty
lllon it, , H t0 romeiy been favored by u visit from tho I'nl
tl'ureh h ll,)m"n "f the Uuptlnt verslty Olen Club.
nn. .. nv! ofKanlzod thole tn.niTfi .i Our itloiiHimi. niir duly nml our In-
vitlory cumpmK wi,irt. win t... trrost lie In smullng thoHO youn t edit
. '"-Hliruoiit i,n .. ...... .: ciitlonnl ml
uJJH")ltheiiHop Mareh 21
rrtmmiti ....
".00O n '8 VO,oa t0 B,v"
iHHlOIIUrll'H liui'li with un
onthtmlUHtla neeouut of their rm-ep-tlim
by tho ponplii of thlit city
First ImprossloiiH on yoiiiig mlims
uro lastliiK. lllvo Kliiiuulh Fulls it
good iiumo with tho rising gimora
tlon thu futurti lKllnttir, profes-
IXMUUrnl i I sldllUl 111011 Utlll hUHlllDSri I1IU1I
j(... "r" for our Hprln Hull nt do to thu concerts nml onju
' n. k, NTOKK. i aelvea.
uy your-
Dr. King's Nov Discovery'
removes the danger of
Cnugliitii' until the parched throat
fnma puiimil tlmuM not be permitted,
t kliould be relieved before it glim
'"adnny- with a iloic of Dr. King'
,ev !)i(iitrr).
'Die uiiie uitli a rold or bronchial Milliom have ued ttiii well
kuiiun , rnneily (or half a rrntury
regularly uitliuut thought of change.
Sold by druggiata m'nee 1869, An all
iinpnrtant adjunct to any family
Mitdii ine cubinet. (i0c and $1.20.
The Burden of Constipation
it lilted, comfortably but positively
when )uu trrut )nur bocli ivitli Dr.
King' New Life 1'ilU, The lierceti
bin), iliiiestion improves, the (ickly,
lalknv ikin i (feed from bile, tiet a
bottle today atari the day right. 25c,
I LIQUI DS anc PASTES : Tor BIcick.WliitP.Ton una
I Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes
ajlir lilli it. Hit Lti I .n ll
tk T.'illa
., ...... !.i.i n.nmriv above descrlb-
street southerly to Main street, be.'ecl bo. and hereby is declared to do
and the same nre hereby approved. the property to be assessed for tne
And bo It further resolved, that expense of said improvement , " j
I the Common Council hereby declares it further resolved, that Mjmw, "
its intention to improve said portions 7th day of April, 1919'u ,,:!;.
lot Pine street and Payne alley in ac- s oclock p. m., at the Council en
. , ....... ... ... ..nn..n . . . .i.- t. hiii nr tne ijity u
l,.c on. I nstln.ntiu unlil Imnrnvn. I- I. P11b. Oregon, 06 H0 ""
VV,(d ,,, ...,..,u, u...a a..,,-, w , -. .V........... --
, Bittu improve- raus, uii-i,", -- --.
ment to consist of paving said portion the time and place for tne "'"? t
nent'nosi'.d' P'-Sg
:. of , tUe P .hce Judge be. and herebj -U
. i '
of said streets with oil macadam, at 0bjei tlons and remonstrances a
nil esumuieu cost, iiiciuiiuiK ii'iuun
sidewalks, curbing nnd grading
110 17fi nfi nr pnninnt nnvniiunl
v - - ..-.- , -.....-.. r... w.. ..., ...
.l .. Inl...lln A.n....'... ...
i III. t-nilllLlllii buai, iHviuuuiH wmciu I iu in
' ...........ll.n nn.lttn. nn.l , flk ... .. ....
mu 11.3, miuiiib ut... h"l.'.6. K Villi CI
I 4 01 Kl.n lift, n. rrnatiOil r,iplr. nt nn C..c .if Cll-nCon. ,
y,..wV,... , w, ... ...... ...., . .. 1.,,,. v.. --"-'. ,
ostlmntcil cost of $1S,000.00: or bl-'Couiitv of Kiamatii. -
tullthlc pavement at an estimated I Cit of Klamath Falls. . ,ne
.alks. curbing. I, A L LeaTiii. i. . . ---- dp
,it. at recto i to causo notice '"'- ..
publlslieu as i w -T- -
cost, Including sldow
and grading, of 23,500.00; said im
grndlug, rolling
And be It further resolved by the
Common Council thut the property
horulnnfter doscrlbed be, and hereby
Is declared benofltod by said proposed
Improvement, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 at block C;
lots 1, 2, 3 und 4 of block G; lots 1,
2, 3 and 4 of block 4; lots 1 and 2
of block 3; lots 1, 2 and 3 of block
2; lots' 1 and 2 of block 1; lots 1,
Klamath Fall'.
!, or J23.500.00; said im- City of Klamatti a. "' " ,
in olther event to includo, hereby certify that the "re",uJlon
ling and curbing. a duly enrolled copy of the reso rai
3 .adopted by tne '""ots declarln.,
the 3d day of Mareh, !' ?J
Its intention to nw "7 d d
from Third street to PAyne alley, arm
3d day or.Brc.., "--. ,reet
niru ' ''.. m Main
Payno ntloy from f ,u "'V'a BDecl
stroet and approving tha p lans. spw
tlcntlons and wtlmtta , of the coat
13 lOt