&?ss1 $$ti :yi r.31. lM h?'i Si II. & I 4 I ill Hi TAGn TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rmn.w, maim h i. p.n, TkaCirAn;n liZn.U ' tllll": u "fls Ionlly ,h0 ,',K""nR '"' MM xx lint a shame It was thm rnriAk T & t 1 A4MfiMxs! 1 ne IVening OeraiU j hor of what i, I10w nationally these poor people were robbed nml LfKKM )N Al , ) .; knoxxn as the "Social Center Moxe buncoed In this fashion Some of r--i-!---- $ MM WWV 1 M W t ment ' onl It xxas stnrted long lie- these "pour people" thought so, too, A 4r Y F 1 ' ' I ihe winneK to., inc. J. M U It R . V KDITOIt foie that lilu.i xxas glxen publicity ami left, to their excrlastlng sorrow These meeting haxe ilone much anil loss Others stnxed ami still Published dally except Sunday by for Ml LaU anj it8 people The nre'otheis e.une. Todaj Kalls? Ko.nK,o do nue. Next Friday, here! n.ed as the ., IT JL intyl Y A I'. links Is n rurnnt iit-rtlnt ""'i "- ' from rrinexiiie. I liriWhixrniiu iitl. Mil be hold in tho Mt 1-nKl church pic of tho county, duo ontlreb to ' iur'n , , "J , Z A Entered nt the potoinco at Klam- a meet. he that will hao Tor Us pur- tho roturna tht lmo uuvlxcd (torn hum Chlloquln. t - ..., u.t -. tiuuouuoaiuu iiuu H)S(. nil 1111 U U fill Vll- " uir vi'invi iiiuii Ultlil? 1 t'll HUIJ .'II 11111)11 the malls us second-clnsa matter of nnmthe ground sur-! Issue the challenge of "stum me." . II.... It..-. .tttts,.-. Hint It. id K.1.111 1 UMtni l'tmi.. . it... M..JI.. II.... .1... . 1 7, Subscription terms by mall to any ' , , - "' ""V" """ """"," , ,7 .... . -".". ,. .... .......cr- oi raimm. y vr I Mr. and Mrs. Ueot'KU K, Kurber ii t.. .,... ,,,... tti.ii-.i .... .. .,. r .-ft '(II- 411 Uj'U HWill ItllUlllllU ll'l 118111111 A U'lini li'ti.1... ..f tt... M..JI.. II.... .1... 1 7i 426 Main Street Klamath Falh subjects tton The same storx xUI bo told i,, fur .,.a...' .m,,, i!-. i.,,i ' A . - T U"XHIIU 1lt' t BUI MIICTt- W. T Anderson left this morn- address In tha United States- '"e mime oi .in oi me RuinerinRg mm uie eouniy is uue or inner see- One year J5 00 the neighborhood Other Ono month 50 ll i, .lUciied. but out of thNl xxltliln (en mmh about I.ineell Vainness xlslt In Klamath Falls ' meeting there ire koIiii; to firoxx blK ley and Yoniia Vnlloj Timber land ,,., ,, . o.lnia ...r, ,i,i. ,- Xi'inu'r r tim , wi,.i..,i tr.w . ......... .. . .... .... ... . "', " " hurl els left this mom .-....-. . ... .... ..--........ -. 1. 1, o rf t mil -itii "i no iinr. i nil i iinr inn inn inrni inn im tii.i ... t ... w ... iiiuif,-- iwi .'i ........ .... ...v ..x n ...-- .....i. ..in ..v- tn- in iur iiiaiiin rass, urt'Kun Tho Associated Press is exclusholy al( , pps thnt thu Rnmlh will ex-' mnnd-by of the county. AtlllfflAit In llin linn Fj.tt A.itiltlrAA tlhH B . t ? iur a inly, for like our xMt xxlth her father and mother. iV enimod to mo use tor republication . . ' ,, ... ., , , n... ., . .... , ,.. of all nexvs dispatches credited to It toml " I""1"'" "tl1 otller "elsh-j climate, xxe ran sell the products Mr ,, Mra, Mnroil Uronl ,,)ft y or not otherxx-Ise credited In this pa- borhoods thruout the count.x xmii t)e,exeix year , this morning for Dorrls after it short por, and also local nexxs published affected bx It. We hope to see thiu-J , xlslt xxlth relatives In Klamath Falls. i bereln. ,,, Kiintli social renters similar .MTIOX l'Olt fDl.l.ri'TIOV. mi... t u- . , I 2 All tl.n . ........ i.it..ii .. -. ... "- - i i .Min ... i.i'jt mi ii'itc.iL's nil. (mi An All rights Of repilbllcallim Of spe-i, M, , ... , h..r.. nn lnflmM.ee for' nt Merrill l..fi fnr l'nril,....l Ihl. V i .. .i.. ....iir nt i... ........... ' I. ......... r..H i it i luoiiilnir fot it nhnrt Ult with hnr & Kl.U.l ll'l l.lt lll'Ull il uiv ,ti.-vjiih., muii mi nil' liuil-t-tiuil ill "" .. mix be Inculcated and xhere w ill ! J2C0 for professional sorx-lces rend clal dispatches herein are also re served parents. FIUDAY, MAHCII 21, It) HI sit. Iraki's st)Vi.ii ck.ti:k. spring up a fountain head of truth and education that xlll purify, cleanse and drlxe out some of the xiiious doctrines that are stealthily thrustinp their heJds Into the home.s of our beloxed country. IMItM" AS AX IXVKSTS1KXT. Out In the neighborhood of Mt l.akl there has been going on a quiet movement thnt has escaped the at tention of the people ofthecomu.x, and this hiding of their light under j . n bushel Is reall.x unfortunate Kxerx i "You newspaper men alxxajs talk section of the county should folloxi about timber. Umber, timber Why in the footsteps of the people of Mt don't ou talk some about our I.aki, for they lead' to the higher farms? Hack east xihere I came from things of life, those xxorth lixing a fanner pa.x.s $20,000 for 1C0 acres and xxorkingvfor community inter-' and if he rents it out he will axer est, intercourse and dexelopment age, jear in and eir out, for a ten This policy will exentually attract year period, not oxer txo percent. to this neighboihood a better class net, on his Inxestment and be satis of residents, people xho bellexe In I fled. Hoxv Is It here? Down In Malln the great commandment, "I.oxe -tn.x j a man xxlll pay $100 an ncre for his neighbor as thxself," for that Is the: land and he xvlll rent it for half. He guiding star of the people of the Mt i can raise three tons of hay to the l.akl district. Not that they arc acre and he is sure to sell it for solemn-faced, joyless, nairow, sel-. $S a ton or $24 an acre. That gixes fish. They are Just the rexerse. At him for his share $12. Txvo dollars the social gatherings that haxe play- an ncre will pay taxes and mainten ed such an important part in the ance charge, leaxlng him $10, or ten life of these people, there sou xxlll percent on his investment. I haxe find happiness and laughter, enter-, earned as high as $100 an acre on prise and co-operation, sjmpath' my land, and no year less than sixty and help. And it has all come out for the past three years. If you can of the faft that a fexx of the more beat that x tth timber, show It to daring ones several years ago con- me." . ceived the idea that 4t would be a. This is part of the enthusiastic good thing "If xxe Just got together conxersation of Mr. F. Zumpf, one once in awhile and "broke the mono- of the Bohemian colonists xvho came tony." The first meeting xxas such a to this county ten years ago and lo success that a second, and a third cated at what is now Malin rec&g and a fourth xere held, the number nlzed as being one of the richest attending increased and the final sections of Klamath County. Many decision to make It a permanent' were those who shook their heads ered and $ir.2.'i0 haspttil serxins. Frank Itlooiiilugvump Is In "the no part of which has xet been p.ili . ?"' looking, after business Interests i, i.., ... .,. ... .i from. ' 9T.ls. Ilo Is stopping at the Johnson against Kddie Oookmau Jn the office of 'the Countx Cloik, tru j his attorney II. C. (,roesbeck. A ItAltK OlM'OltTCXlTV We luiir for sulo an evccllcnt little biiine-.s In one of the er best towns in KlaiuiUli Count). Slock" anil (1 lures luoli-i from SHIM fu SI. 0011. iTuo stor l.iiililliiK with llw ing rooiiis upstairs mill large lot is ilirt cheap at !jl-J,tMH. Itiilldlng mid stork xxlll sell for aiiprovlniately Hotel Hall ,& V II 1.x tie. State Veterinarian Is ,V ith Falls for U short bust- ? ness visit. II White IVlican Hotel IN THE Grocery Department We offer while Present stock lasts: SPLIT PRUNES The pound . . 12'ic 1 In Klamath Falls for U short b I He is reglsieled at the Y ! Mr. and Mrs. I). M. ISilff'tn and Y W H. (nitidis aie iiuwn Horn Uagle'V ""'Z Ouy and Hoy Meirlll are In the .. city from Men III tod.iy. Ouy reports' that conditions there are of the best1! AMERICAN SARDINES Keyless, three boxes . . .4 25c llldge fpr a few days. Tliov stopping at 11 Hotel H.'ll. Y r r anil that things are certainly going to hum iiround the Alfalfa city thta 9.MHH), ami less than jKI.tHH) will ban-1 -l " die H. This Is )(iur chalice to get a! Mr and Mrs. II. ri, Wolford-are g.MAI Income from a small ln est men 1. 1 In the city for i sboit llmtx from Owner villi sacritlce at ulmie lirlce if I Ynlnnv uliom Mr x.'nlfnr,l lo miiii. sold xxlthln throe wks. Kvcellent I td in tho niemuit.io business. They, t reason for selling, lmestlgute this. .are stopping nt tin White Pelican. V 21-3t CH11.COTK SMITH. A . TnAI.l. t..H...... .... ........1....... . .. -. m - I ,j.uu .Mm Luuj i, u iiruiiiiiiriii x I ......a 1...... .. ...1... I. 1........ I .A i fusii;. a iiiiiiuurii.uii, u.i is nil'ca. ei In the. Pelican llav Lumber Com-' . pany here, arrlre.l last eveiiiiii? fo.-i a xlslt xvlth his .10:1 II IJ. Moi'ler. son Mr Mortenso 1 Senior resides 111 Chicago, 5 t HEINZ PORK AND BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE, smalhcans 13c ALL MILK The can 14c BEST STANDARD CORN The can 19c I ', ats Harry I). Mills, who Is Identified xxlth the City anuCountv Abstract Company of th! 'Itv and xho for'' merl resided in Klamnt.i Falls, is MHS. JIOOUK WAS SO WKAK Sill: 're on matters of business f on ri-irin H4K11I v r-i.-x i'i ,ll"t,! Kulls or 8l,or' ,in'e- "'' IOll,l HAKOIA (.KT II I Came III last evenliu ni! Is rogls'er- 1 Best Creamery Butter TAX-.cd at the White Pjllcan Hotel HKAI.TH IlKsTOKKI) IIV I,AC , I I See Charles S. Hood, Khvnithi "I feel so , well now that I can Agency, the real estate agent. Hej hardly realize the awful condition 1 1 wl11 write -0UJ contracts antl other xxas In before I took Tanlac." .said ,eeal papers' 12-" Mrs. E. I.. Moore, of 943 S. Welling-' ton street. Memphis, Tennessee. ! ...iiKj;' ?- -h,rt- "Bd M"U 20-2t K. K. K. STOHK. T t T t ? T Price guaranteed for Saturday enly: v The pound .58c The roll $1.15 THE i Delicatessen While not as yet in full swing, of fers you a line of wholesome Iiohh--cooked foods, without the work umi worry of preparing them. When you are infa hurry or Imve unexpected guests, send in for cakes, salads, pies or meats. Jhe list of foods "will be increased a from day to day until the line is com plete. We cannot resisV saying a word or so regarding our cakes; these are not mere cakes, but confections that melt in your mouths. The Winnek Co., Inc. Our Store Is a Factor In Your Happiness This innr sound Just a little conceited, but Isn't It n fuct? Consider hoxv much the goods xxe sell have to do xxlth jour comfort, jour contentment, jour greater cnjojineiit of life. Xoxv If xxe can offer jou theoe goods in their best qualities at prices that make it es for jou to possess them xxe beliexe xxe're aiding jou to better lixing. Your serxlce Is a large ele ment in our business. We want jou to demand more of us than of others. We be llexe xxe'll make good. Come lu and see Just what xxe haxe to offer jou. SUPPLY mm. "I had been In a rundown condi ,S..t, tr fun .'.-, ..o ' oi,.. nnn.f miMil "and was so weak I could hardly keep going. I had to force myself to eat, but nothing agreed with me and I got so lifeless and no account that I could hardly get up when I was sitting or lying doxxn, or even do my housework. I suffered xxlth, splitting headaches, that would al-, most drlxe me distracted. I "My appetite picked up on my first bottle of Tanlac and I am now eating three hearty meals a day, those awful headaches are gone and I am feeling just fine. I hax'e gained . ten pounds and am strong enough 1 to do all my housework xlth ease. Tanlac did me a world of good more than all the other medicines I ,. .. .... .. . naxe tanen inn togeiner. tiyrame. kccd Tanlac is sold In Klamath Falls by i family. The big bottle is economy. the Star Drug Co , and In I.orellr bj. the James Merc. Co. Adv. t SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges Tliis warmth-givinc, conjesiics ccattcrinz circulation-stimulating rem edy penetrates without jubbint right t9 t!ie aching spot and brings guick relief, cjrely, cleanly. A wonderful help fcr cr.tcrr.al pains, cprcins, (trains, ftiijf &K3, headache, lumbago, bruifes. Get your bottle todav costs little. means much. Aal: your druenst fcr i: '. keep it handy for the whole t I 426 Main St. Phone 34 Klamath Falls r y ? t T ? T T t ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? i t r T ? T ? T T ? ? ? t T ? T T T T ? t t Y Y ? ? ? ? T ? I "i" J-xj-25J ----js. s4v24vs oXX- X t OIKON CIX'H Mh'KTS. There will be a meeting of the HITCH IX XKdOTlATIOXH Life liiMirnnie i-ompaiiii-s lu.ir paid AT POSKN lli:itltTKI. l IO,M(0,00l on uiii.uiil of liilliirnr. f II..M.I tl... .. u.,ltr i.l ...! i. Int. 1 ,! .. . ... .. .. ... ... i. .. . . - . " " . . . roison uiiid oi me rine iirote ncnooi . ". ... . ..' ... ,. . .... .. . I noiise tomorrow uvynuiK. I'.veryuuu Is I'lged to bo on hand at this Mient Ing. Itoyal Tailornl Cloth. Kuppcnhelmer Clothes Kd. V. Price Clothes, nt 20-2t K. K. K. HTOHK. ,,,, ... . , ., ., y.' ihiIIc) frOin Ctilliole .V Hiullli. PAIHb, March 21. Negotiations ' i between the Interallied coiiiiiiIsbIuii eis and the German representatives i nt Posed haxe been again Interrupt-, ed. It Ih understood that the (leruuiti , high lommnnd l.s lu open conflict 'with Heine cabinet and will nut riA speit the Pollslf armistice , I If OUK DISPLAY OF MODKI. HATS XOTICK. PALACE MARKET FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only up-to-date market in the city that is equipped with cold storage rooms for the proper handling of Fresh and Cured Meats. SATURDAY SPECIALS BEEF ' Plate Boils 18c Shoulder Roasts 20c to 24c Shoulder Steaks .'.24c . Fore Round Steak 25c PORK Loin Roasts 28c Loin Chops 30c SUGAR CURED SMOKED MEATS Bacon Backs 33c Shoulders 31c Jowls 31c KLAMATH PACKING CO. Phone 68 524 Main St. UKRTRUDK CO., Fashion's very smartest conceptions of the ultra exclusive are finely; re flected In . fiOl.11 MKI1AL HATS 21-2t SPRIXfi 1IHI1 30c, 60c and $1.20 I.nilttfl Hnnillflir trt.l fnr tim iiiIa' In a profusion of styles and values kU t)J. ,lm .rosltorlan Church' that cannot fall to appeal to every nr ren.ue.stcd to huvo their till mis '. at the offlro of tho Western Transfer ''onipany4by ten o'clock Sattirdn.x 1 11101 Illl'g woman. OKHTIU'DK & CO., 21-2t A27 Main Street H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements S LIBERTY THEATER "THK PICK OK TIIK PICTURKS" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT The Great George Walsh in "ON THE JUMP" t Fatty Arbuckle in ' " "THE CHEATER" Charlie Chaplin in "CAUGHT IN THE RAIN" SATURDAY t E. K. Lincoln in "FIGHTING THROUGH" Mutt and Jeff to the Rescue Latest Hearst International Current Events Admission 10c and 20c A chili accompanied by par ent admitted free with a 20c ticket, except Saturday night mid Sunday night. MR. HARRY BOREL Musical Director HOUSTON'S , OPERA HOUSE DAXCIXfl SATURDAY KVKXIXC1 JAZZ MUSIC STAR THEATER TODAY Select Pictures Coi'M)iiiUou Present XORMA ifALMAIKiK In "UK MJ.XK AXXIK" Also A Txxo-IUsel Keystone Comedy. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Show Starts 7::m and 0:1.1. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY WII;MAM S. H4RT "WOliF IX1WHY" Also PATIIK XKWfi. Admission 10 & tft cents .Matinee 2.80. Kvcnlngs 7:.'I0 & 0. ' MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURKb j TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon t MAAAAMAAMMMWWWWWiWiwVWsxW KLAMATH KAI.KS HHAXCjl MASON, EHRMAN & CO. Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES Oniru 1 20 S. dill St. Phone 87 i:. II. JIIITKIIHO.V Local Manager JtfH-ALTHFUL W orowinc ' CHILORTN H-ALTHF Tru-b GRAHAMS People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER . PEOPLE'S QUALITY means THE HIGHEST PEOPLE'S PRICES mean THE LOWEST PEOPLE'S SERVICE means THE BEST Come in and get our prices, compare them with any other house. If they are not as low or lower, we do not want your money. And, re member, that one big factor in meats is Quality Phone 83 For Quality Meats, call up Phone 83. VW-s-s,N 534 Main St. AIPATPA .FFH GARDEN SEED-Bulk and Package Murphey's Feed & Seed Store jT.LaM jrM-di. JHL kl -I -I J Oregon Standard Purity and Germination 126 South Sixth St Phone 87