The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 20, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    mintawAV, march ao.
Ul J'SS.mi, County IIWi
fflSPtu "urnl.1. ! ftr
hjlr cQmrurnH.
j,Ir ciulkilnn MimlcK.i.) j initiations Ii.i oh,
orld todu 'I l of vllal ,m
Stance to our fnmm '"'tlo
OuAtt l'" n 1,m,!,, Ur "",
t hMO Jt w t'T'"1"!! H
Ml critical pc.lod " " l,urf
JH ibmt " rW ",
", big teak l",r"ru "," Al"'"1 ""
"foine think UiHi tl'l" ''" ,,f
S.tlom.1. I'"' "' "ll,,K ,""t wl".
nltb oiur UiriHiW, n'- om"
itlsk that I' I" ""' f',1"l,,,,, "" ,,r
hi Brut obje-tlnii ,,",, rlH" '" 0,,ri
mild i that It I " l'l"nlUtlc nl111
(00 ntoplin for an It object to on J
(err Peace Is IihImI a beautiful
em but to lu nn imttiiuiion ni
tu'lirrr kind l-"''c a t lo
(hli li too IdciillMle. too wrak when
irt.tHr completed It l baaed on ,
Idttli and not on pliln haul facta.!
TbU Uue mint no very nearly
perfect and antliliiK like liU but;
I dream of Utopia
Hi'cinnot Bay that this League
totld Involve u In entangling al-i
Hue lucb as Washington advised
m to beware of anymore than If wo
it not havo It. but rather It la
irainat our Independence, If wo on
ur tbtt League wo aro pledgod to
btlp protect' any nntlon ngalnat nn
mrlcloui power llko flnrmany and
tltbougb we would protect thorn
injfiy II dor-a nut corroapond with
our former policy to ho forced to
Another qiiratlou that arlsea In
whether auch a League ran provont
Inttre win even If properly organ
lied? Some aay Hint an economic
blockade would bo sufficient to
brlif an offending nation to torma.
Homer, If one nntlon should hronk
br word what would thcro bo to
prevent aeveral other nation from
breaklnir tbelr words, looT Thero In
ibeoluiely no guarantee when wo
bire auch natlona to dotil with n
Oeraany who ronaldorod n tronty, .
"a wre arrap of papur " Bovornl na
tion mlnht break their words and
the rut of tbe world might, not bo
abli to enforce nn economic block
ade. If ao, military force would havo
to be uaed and then wo nrc right
tick to war again.
Ur, J, P. Mngulre has returned
Iron Rlchardaon Spring Cnllfon.lo
-tre he went with Mrs. Mogul,
bo hti been Pilfering from rhcu
nutlim for aevornl months. Ha ro
porn that Mra Mngulrn shown
Im of Impfovoment. i
B? -
Il lan't economy nd It
lan't wlae to buy aaythlng
bl th beat In drug.
Wo lure Rained the con
(aee of our cuatomera by
aeHIng drug of the hlgheat
laallty otdy. You cannot
P" X any other kind here,
yon are always safe
auro that nothing but
U beat drug, will be sold
la tfaU itore.
10 Matin Street
i",5f?.WM i
i IflTni I'ricna I
A . .. .
County Court Proceedings
JA.NTAHV TKHM 11B Continued
Momltiy robiunry 24th lt)19
day of term. .
Court met pui sunut to adjourn
liiont ull iiii'iiiliorH holiiK iiro'iout when
llio followliiK iiroioedlnga Wuro lina
to wit
Yuba MfK Co. supplies Co.
rondi Atay l'jls
Ft II Ittinnoll, Mlluugo In
HjicctliiK tounty road from
.May to Nuombur 18 ..
Iturrell Short in I lea no In-
ai iiiih iiiiio tho mnttor of draw. Hpoctlni; county roads from
iik tho I ill" Jury llHt camo on to I Juno to Heutoinbor 18
no uiiiMlileioil ami tho Court nt thlxl Tho followlni! cIiiIiiih woro ullowod
,, i ! ' unm-' Horn tho ntiu tlio Clork wn liiHtructoil toilraw
IHKmu rolls and plated biiiiio In warrants on the (lmral Kuml for
the Jury Mm Hiiiiii. to coiiHtltutu tint tholr iomioctlo iiiiioiiiiIh
I'M'i liny IIhI for the Circuit Court, T K. Orlffllli, upholdliiK cilm- '
cludlriK cement KldnwnlkH, curblnr;
und Krodlnrr, of JIHC'iCST, or ce
ment pmomant nt on estimated coit
IncludliiK (.ornenr sidewalks, curbing
und grading, of 32. ooo 00 Said Irrir,
piovcmtnt to Include grading, rolling
and curbing j
And bo It fuither renolvud, by tho i
Common Council that the property1
horclnnfter described be nml hereby
li doclnrcd benelltod b tuid Improve-'
in e nt. to wit
I.on 1 nnd s of blo'k 1 1 of Orlg
Herald's Classified iUtt'SSftB&a
"i" :!.' SaK,ffl
Snn rt Tri"Tfi
und fruit
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 1121
KOK SALK Dandy five-room bunga
low on Esplanade; owner will sac
rifice for $2 2G0 on easy terms Chll
cote U Smith. 19-3t
trtn. n .. .
'" 3 3(J Of)
FOR SAt.P mj .
tered buntalni "Xl10"? '
porch cabinet work chinn TIS
only one block from -j.,LnB
Inul Town, and uiimimbereil block1 ,V1I, .r,. r,r, ',,,, ,,r , ..,,
known na tho Central School ' . I"' '!" ?."B.?"."-Il,
1.1 1111J111111 lfUllkjr IU UflUC 1UI R1U'
cory or genernl store; good Improve
" t0 Eood home' for littlf
Price 12,000 CMIcotY
of Klumntli County, Oiegon. Inal laws Kebruiiry l'ji'j
IIhi follouliiK claims woro allow. II. A. Anderson, Hubblt boun-
en mm inn ciorx vwm instructod to i ly Kolirtiiuy 13iy
No Two
About It
the man who always
docs his work day in
and day out with the
consistent certainty
that you can bank on,
brilliantly at times,
but thoroughly always,
he is the sort of de
pendable man that you
lean onforsure results.
the tires with the
red sidewalls,
are just like that
sort of dependable
Ihey have the rug
ged, robust tenacity,
the grim road de
termination, that does a great
deal of honest, hard
If you want a tire that
will make you come
back for more, buy
Klamath Auto
Tire Co.
iao s. Hivtu St.
Telephone 1(17
Klmiliilli rmt, Ort'tfoii
lliitt win inntH on the New (.'nnrt
llmiHi. fuiiil for iholr respective
iiinmiuls. tho wan nits woro drawn
by tho Clork pursuant to ntlpiilatlon
mid order of Circuit Court
Jiu lliiwnniiiin, norvlcos mid
exiieimi's Couiity Coin! (!tn.ja
The rollowlui; clnlniH were allowed
nml tho Clerk wiih IiikIi ih toil to draw
win i until on tho llond Knnd for their
riispi-ctlve aiiiounls -C
M llr'ioo, Inbor county
romls, October l'UH 7 00
In tho COl'NTY COl'HT of tho
stati: of oitnnoN
In tl utter of tho WIDOW'S Pen
sion of MAIIY P. RTOUDKIt.
This matter cnnie on at this time
and It appo.irliiK to the Court thut
Mary P Hlouder wns heretofore al
lowed 11 Widow's Ponslon of $10 011
per month
It also appoirlng to the Court from
tho oral MtntvinenU of rollablo part
ies thnt Mrs. Mary , stoudor hau
removoil from tho County and that
her pension should bo discontinued.
it is tiu:iu:foue iibfieiiy oit-
Ii:i(i:i) tint tho Ponslon of Mnrv I
Ktomlcr, In tho ium of $10.00 per
intuitu ue oisconiintlotl.
Dated Fnhriinry 24 1919. (Signed)
It. II. llunnoll, County Judge
Ilurroll Short, CommlMlonor,
Asa Fordyce Commissioner
Whereupon court adjourned until
Tuesday. Fobiunry 2Cth 1919.
II II llunnoll, Judge
Ilurroll Short, Commissioner,
Asa Fordyce, CommlsBlonor.
Tuesday February 2Cth, 1919
day of term.
Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment nil members being present when
the following proceedings wero bad
to-wlt -In
tho matter of Issuing New COUNT
! . nui Si; wurrants In lieu of uoner-
al Fund win runts No. 44875 &
It appearing to tho court from an
I order Issued under date of May, 20,
lltiis tint Coneral Fund warrants
1 No 4 4 S 7 ft and 4 4 871! Issued to E. 1.,
Elliott und F. II. Mills and Jity How.
Ionium In tho sum of $750.00 wero
. 111 tiered cancelled and Now Court
1 house wurrants Issued In lieu thereof,
. It also uppeirlng to the Court thut
1 1: I. Elliott and II. Mills and Jay
lltiwermmi Inue lecelved tompensn.
t Ion from sab) services on February
li, anil Kelmury 24 respoctlvcly,
from tho Now Court Houho fund.
DEItEl) that no wiirrauu bo issued
In lieu of (ieneral Fund warrants No.
i 4 4S7.1 mid 4487R (Signed)
! It II Hunnell, Judge,
! lllltrj.11 CI11H emitliilealnnn.
Asa Fordyce, Commissioner.
Tho following claims were ullow-
1 ed and tho Cleric wjs Instructed to
uliaw warrants on tho Houd fund for
j their Hespecthe ameunts:
.It II Hiiuuell, cash advanced
freight on Houd (Irador
' Febiuary 1919 . 193.84
1 "I'lie following clnlms woro allowed
Uiuil tho Clork w-or instructed to draw
wan ants on the uonoral fund for
their icspoctho nmnunts:
It l. llunnoll, cash advanced
postage County Judge,
roliittary 1919 1.00
Whereupon court adjourned until
Tliuisday Fobrunry 27th, 1919.
It, II. Hunnell, County Judge
Hurrell Short, Commissioner,
Asa Fordyce, Commissioner.
Tliurstlny February 27th. 1919
day of Term
Court mot pursuant to adjourn
ment nil momborH being present
when tho following procoodingH were
hud to-wlt:
Tho following claims woro allowed
mul tho clork was Instructed to draw
wm rants on tho Road fund for their
lospeetlvo ameunts:
Tom Dixon, Bnlary road inns-
lei f 1 inn February 15th to
I Foliiunry 28, 1919
Von I Ireland unloading grad
er February 1919
C. E. Sovits unloading grader
Febiuary 1919
Joo Tii7iik unloading grador
Folium y 1919
Oeo. I,, How-limn, Merrill
ron (Is. January 1919
E. M. H'.immond, Morrll
tonds, January 1919
Klamath Hardware Co. sup
plies Co. Hoads January
Clyde Deal, Morvlces District
Attorney February 1919
Oluss & Prudhommo Co sup
plies Tux Collector Febru
ary 191!)
Remington Typowiltor Co
Office Supplies Dlst At
torney January 1919
Clara Ta)lor, blith and death
reports December 1918
J T llmdlrjy, lllrth &. Death
reports Dei ember 1918
E. M. rtiibb, lllrth & Doith
reports December 1918
II. Knowgooso. lllrth & Death
reports, December I1 18
Honry E, Vclt, lllrth & Death
reports December 1918
Thco. I). Young, lllrth &
Denth reports December
1918 . ..
II. V.Magniissen, lllrth &
death icportn December
C. It, Williams lllrth t death
reports, Dccombor 1918
J. H. Wise, meals election
Ilonrd November fith 1918
II. II. llunnoll, Mileage &
Expenses May & August
2.. ,
31.00 !
90 00
grounds .adjacent tu Tenth street
and between said block 13 und
Tenth street in Nichols Addition,
lots 3, 4, 5 and r, or block IS, lots
.'!. 4, li. fi. 7 and x of blo'-li )C, lots
1, 2, 3. I and . or block 47. lots 1.
2, 3, I, !i, and fi of block 10, lots
1, 2, '1, 4, 7 and 8 of block 4 1, lots
3, 4, I", and C of block GO. the east
20 feet of vacated portion of Wash
placo rented for two years. ""
2 Lincoln WANTED-Dy woman with alhud
19-81 Place to do housework PS "t
.who m
II II Wyatt, owner.
street, Eugene, Oregon.
cure of 179J.
days; the outfit for $660 cash.
HiKton street, formerly known'as',f"".r'' "f.,Wm narkB- Merr111' rc
Cannl street, between Ninth and "
Tenth streets; lots I,
block r.l, lots 3, 4,
block 57, und lots 1, 2,
7 and 8 of!
1 and G of
7 und 8 of
FOH SALE Ono 10-20 Case tractor
with a three 14-gang plow, all In1
good condition; been used about 90 1.
In- WANTED ExnrlnMj -,-.".'"
housework. Phonl 43 "j.)"
WANThiD-Experienced woman for
general housework- . ". '..
Phone 2Rr. ' "'VJ ""
buy Phono 95.
good alfalfa
block r.0; tho easterly 2fi feet of ,,n CAII, t-,,.i.,i it ,
tho reserved portion of leffersoi, '0 SA.b-Thorohred paying hena.
J .00 Htreet abuttlnir on tho north side of I
lot 7. block 51, all In Nichols Addl
'"r' I Hon to the town of Klamath Falls 1
Oregon , . 1
and that s.ild property above tie-1
..' srlbed Is hereby declared to be the
'"'property to bo usscssed for the ex-
. pense of said Improvement;
'"' And bo it further resolved, that'
. Monday, the 7th day of April, 1919,)
.- 'at tho hour of 8 o'clock p m , at the 1
Itouncll chambers of the city hall, to
or will trade for heavy hens or
roosters suitable for killing. 741
Wulnut street. 18-2t
FOR SALE Seven-room house with
bath, screened porches, corner lot,
one block from Main; only $2,000, on
easy terms. Chllcote & Smith. 19-3t
FOR SALE Four room house near
high school, in first class condition.
A real bargain at $1,000, on easy
ibn llxetl ns the time and place for
1 the hearing of objections nnd rcmon
strances against th
Improvement, und th
tin tinil hr.rr.1iL lu illrnM
tlce of said hearing to bo published,
terms. Chllcote & Smith.
FOn RAI.K Tn Klamath CrMintv 1 ft
o said proposed, ,. ., , ..,, ,, ','- ,
o Police Judge.. ..T,'V '.'".":.' ""t "'
n,1 Ir. r-.-ittar. nn. '-"' - """ - "". """":
Ailtlress W. A. Millburn, 31st and
T D .-ir.iTfiifttif T) a 1 t A m tf
u I.,. 1,nrfr.r ,.rn.-l,ln.l I.IMUU, ittUUt-UU,
tin hj iiui tvi ii if i tui-ui
I State of Oregon,
20.85 City of Klamath Falls, ss
The following clilms wero allowed County of Klamath.
nnd the Clork wns Instructed to thaw I A L Leavltt, Police Judge of chllcote' & Smith.
wuiruiiiH on inc norary r unci lor -- "-) "' muiiiuiii i .ins, uregou,
their Respcctlvo ameunts: ,do hereby certify that the foregoing
Mrs. M Anderson, Janitor is n duly enrolled copy of a resolu-
Co. Library February 1919 4.00 Hon adopted by the Common Council
on tho lTt'i day of Mnrch, 1919, de-
1 CO clnrlng its Intention
Irono Anderson, cash advanc
ed stamps February 1919
Irono Anderson .salary Co.
Library February 1919.
FOR SALE Now and modern six
room house and large lot, on John
son ave. It's dirt cheap at $1,250.
-r-i-i-i-a-i-sr ir wnrni.- m.mj,
IF THE PARTIES who found black
yellow marked collie dog about
first week in January, with MrSe H.
V. Drown on collar will --,. ...
2027 Wantland ."wSf
APARTMENTS and rooms for rent
Gray Apartment Houae', over post
office. . i9.,
FOR RENT Furnished home. In
quire C05 Poring -.treet, back of
bath house. lg-5t
from Third street westerly to Payne j
alley, and Payne alley from PInei
street southerly to Main street, be,'
to Improve and the Bamc are hereby approved
Tenth street from Main street to Lin- And be it further resolved, that.
4 5.00 coin street, nnd annrovlnc tho nlans. !the Common Council hereby declares!
Tho claim of John 81nde for Room specification1! and estimates of the its intention to Improve said portions'
nnd bnnrd 1 month of T J Backus, cost submitted by the City Engineer !of Pine street and Payne alley In ac-
-rr-rN-s...rV.rrN...w. -.i, . W ,-Lr j jtjij,.
Phjslclans and Surgeons
Office. White Hide.
was dlnallowod In full.
A. L LEAVITT, Police Judge.
cordance with said plans, specifica
tions and estimates, said lmprove--fment
to consist of paving said portion
of said streets with oil macadam, at
to an estimated cost, Including- cement
The C'tv Engineer, nursunnt
.A.nliittnn nf 1 1. r. fr.,,. r.. r... Prtttnr.ll ISfdnWnllCR. Clirhliie &ntl Cr&dlnE. Of
WASHINOTON, Mmch 18. Stops heretofore nilonted. liavlmr. underi$19.17G.96: or cement pavement, at
to reduce the price of lumber will bo, date of February 3d. 1919. filed an estimated cost, Including cemonti
taken In n conference of leading lum-' plans, specifications and estimates of sidewalks, curbing and grading, of
hr.,,nn with .), ,,n,v in.i.i.irini ! the cost of Improving Crescent nve- $23,500.00; or crushed rock, at an r
hoard, department of
Successor to Dr. Truax
Suit 206. I. O. O. F. Bldg
Ofllce phone H6J
Ites Phtme 8AM
which bns
March 21.
been called
for Friday,
In tho County Court of the Statu of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Stan
loy Pedro, Deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of tho
State of Oregon, for Klamath County,
administrator of the ostate of Stanley
Podro. deceased, 'and having quali
fied, notice Is hereby given to the
creditors of, und all persons having
clulms against said deceased, to pre
sent them, verified ns required by law,
within six months after tho first pub
lication of this notice to said admin
istrator, at Chlloqutn, Oregon, or
Ronnor & Chastaln, attornoys, Klam
ath Falls, Oregon.
Administrator of the Estate of Stan
ley Pedro, Docensed.
Dated March 12, 1919.
13 20 27 3-10
Irrlcntfon canal to'e3tlmated cost of $18,000.00: or bl
...... .. ...
iiimnic pavement at an estimated
nne from I" S
Cnnby street; Can by street to East
street; East street to Intersection of
Crescent avenue nt l S. Irrigation
cnnal, nnd Intersections, and tho
Council linvlng taken same under ad
visement and find said plans, specifi
cations and estimates satisfactory.
Re it hereby resolved, that said
plans, specifications nnd estimates for
tiio improvement of tho above men
tioned streets and Intersections, bo.
nnd tho snme are hereby approved.
And 'be It further resolved that the
Common Council hereby declares its
Intentions to Improve said streetsor
portions thereof, and intersections in
accordance with said plans, specifica
tions nnd estimates. Said improve
ments to consist of bringing said
street to establish grndo. tho instal
lation of concrete curbing, proper
drnlnago nnd tho paving of said
stroets nnd Intersections with bithu
ltthlc, oil macadam or other hard sur
face pavement, at tho estimated cost
of I10.924.S5 for oil macadam nnd
estimated cost of $10,400.00 for bi
tullthlc or concrete; und be It further
rcsolicd by tho Common Council, that
the property hereinafter described be
and hereby is declared benefited by
the said proposed Improvement, to
wlt: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and C of block
11; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. C and 7 of
block 13; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. N6. 7,
and S. of block II; lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5. 6, 7, S. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15,
1C and 17 of block 12; nil of tho
foregoing being in Hot Springs Ad
dition to tho City of Klamath Falls.
Also lots 1. 2, 3, 7. S and 9 of block
5S, and lot 2 of block 59, nil in
Nichols Addition to tho City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon;
and that said property above doscrib-
-ta. u.9.
Yes this Is tbe
ilioc that gives you
"Extra acrvlce
every step com
fort every minute."
Why? Because
It is built right to
start with I Our
first consideration
Iuj always been
to put into every
IUjckhix'iit Army
Shoe; hest titatrr
iiii, wholehearted
workmanship and
lajting fjut.
nWraf i!"?B.
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to res
olution of tho Common Council here
tofore adopted, having, on February
3, 1919, filed plans, specifications and
estimates of tho cost of improving
Tenth stroot from Main street north
erly to Lincoln street, and High street
from Ninth street easterly to Elev
enth stroet, Including intersections,
nnd tho council having taken the
same under ndvlsemont, and finding
said plans, specifications and esti
mates satisfactery:
He It hereby resolved, that suld .. bo and hereby is declared to be the
plans, specifications nnd estimates fori proportv to bo iissessed'for tho ex
tho Improvement of Tenth stroet from .penso of said Improvement And bo
Main stroot northerly to Lincoln iit furtlicr resolved that Monday, tho
stroot, and High stroot from Ninth! 7th day of April, 1019, at tho hour of
stroot oastorly to Eleventh stroot. In- s o'clock p. m.. at tho Council cham
cludlng Intersections, be, und thobpr8 ln tnQ citJ. nall( j,e flNI,j a3 the
snmo Is hereby npprovod. timo mul ,,iuco (or the hearing of ob-
And bo It further rosolvod, thut tho joctlons nnd remonstrances against
Common Council hereby doclnros its tho said proposed improvement; and
intention to Improve snid portions of tho Polico Judge is herebv directed to
Tonth stroet and High street in ac-)ClulSB notico of said hearing to be
cordance with snld plans, spociflcn- published ns by Charter provided,
tions nnd estimates ,sald Improve- gtato of Oregon,
ments to consist of paving said l'or-lrjountv of Klamath, ss:
Hon of said streots with oil macadam Qjt. 0' Klamath Falls
pavoment, at an ostlmatcd cost. In- T a. L. Leavltt. Police Judge of the
jclty of Klamath Falls. Oregon, do
I hereby certify that tho foregoing is a
j (July enrolled copy of tho resolution
aaopteci ny tuo common council on
3d day of March, 1919, declaring Its
intention to improve portions of Cros
cent, Cnnby and East s.tieets, in the
City of Klnnmth Falls, and appioving
phns, specifications nnd estimates of
cost theroof ns submitted by tho City
A. L. LEAVITT, Polico Judge
$6.50 to $8.50
K. K. K. Storo, Bradley Shoo Stoxo t
IvUnuf.ctur.ri BUCKINGHAM AHECHT San Franclaco
1 r is significant
that the Buck
hecht Army Shoe
ia worn by thous
ands of men in all
walks oflife. They
have come to ap
preciate its yield
ing comfort, its
velvety feel, its
qualities. And so
will youonce
you treat your feet
Army Shoes.
cost. Including sidewalks, curbing
and grading, of $23,500.00; said im
provement In either event to Include
grading, rolling and curbing.
And be it further resolved by the
Common Council that the property
hereinafter described be, and hereby
is declared benefited by said proposed
Improvement, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of block 6;
lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of block 5; lots 1.
2, 3 and 4 of block 4; lots 1 and 2
of block 3; lots 1, 2 and 3 of block
2; lots 1 and 2 of block 1; lots 1,
2, 3, 8 and 9 of block 25; lota 3.
4, 5, 6 and 7 of block 24; lots 3
nnd 4 of block 23; lot 3 of block
22; lots 5, C, 7 and 8 of block 21:
north 120 feet of vacant portion of
center street; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of
block 20, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of block
19; all of said lots and blocks be
ing in the original town of Klam
ath Falls;
and that said property above describ
ed bo, and hereby is declared to be
tho property to be assessed for the
expense of said Improvement; and be
it further resolved, that Monday the
7th day of April, 1919, at the hour of
S o'clock p. m at the Council cham
bers in tho city hall of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, be fixed as
tho time and placo tor tho hearing of
objections and remonstrances against
tho an Id proposed improvement; and
tho Polico Judge he, and hereby ia di
rected to cause notice of said hearing
to be nuhlished as bv charter nro-
vlded. !
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss: ,
City of Klamath Falls.
I, A.X.. Leavltt, Police Judge of the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is
a duly enrolled copy of the resolution
adopted by the Common' Council on
the 3d day of March, 1919. declaring
Its Intention tn Imnrnvn Plnn nlrnet
from Third street to Payne alloy, and I
Payne alley from Pine street to Main)
street, and approving the plans, sped-.
Mentions and estimates of the cost
submitted by tho City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge. . v.
Looinl Bldg., Klamath Falls
Crlsler & Stilts bids, 7th t Mala
Phone S54
M7 Mala '
Osteopathic Phylcia A Surgtoa
Suite 211, 1. 0. O. F. Tempi
(over K. K. K. Slon)
Phone 821 . . -
(The only Oiteopathle Phyal
clan and Surgeon In Klasutt
Falla )
Designers and builders of mad
em Saw Mills, PUuUag MUTa, Box
Plants. Complete plants contract
ed. ApprnlsaU and reports made.
Dredging. Wo contract lo build
amy class of building and install
machinery of any kind.
Drafting of any kind done. Bias
Print, made. PHONE 14W
Office lu K. 1). Building .
and Structural Engineer
Klamath Falls, Ore.
207 Odd Fellows Building
Tho City Engineer, puisuant to res
olution of tho Common Council hero
toforo adopted, linvlng, on tho 3d
day of Fobrunry, 1919, filed plans raid
sprc'llcatlons nnd eatlmutcs of cost of
improving Pine stieet, from Third
street westeily to Pnjno alley, in
cluding intoi sections, nnd Payno nllej
from Pine stroot in n southerly direc
tion to Mnln Htreet, Including Inter
sections, und Urn Council having tak
en tho sumo under udvlbomont, nnd
finding said plans, specifications iind
estimates satisfactory ;
It Is hereby ' rosolvod thnt sold
plans, specifications nnd estimates
for the Improvement of Pine street
Notice is hereby given to the poo-i
pie of Klamath Falls to have their,
garbage ready to be carried away on1
tho 1st and 15th of each and every
month. No accumulation of garbage
under tho ordinance passed February
24, 1919, Is to remain on the prem-'
(ses more than fifteen days, except
unuut, mi uuiia, Kiuan uuu Kiiruugo ui t u
similar nature, which must lin hnulml . .... .,- l',l Hunter, or a il
iv. uy every ninety dnys, ,juiy uutliorlaed licensee of the city-
The following subjects como under, Tho oxponses of garbage removal r
(ho head of garbage: Every accumu-l is left to private contract between the J
union or onimni, iruu or vegetable' citizen and the city 8cay?u.
mutter, liquid or otherwise, that at-Hconseo, but a higher rate for '$ar
tniids tho nret-arntlon. use. cooklnir. hnrn, mmm-nt cannot be charged loan
Jontlng or storing pt meat, fish, fowl,' the following; . .. .
fllllt or vpifntnlilen? nnliea tin nana I r.nn.An r. IT) e-nllan Or aimiiur
bottles, glass or discarded articles of receptacles not to exceed two ions
iiiiiiuir L'luiruciur; uu trees, vinos,
brushes and .lawn trimmings,
loaves nnd trash" from gardens.
All ashes, glass, bottles, tin cans
and garbage of a similar nature shall
bo placed In a suitable receptaclo sep
arate nnd apart from tbe other
cinssos of garbage above described.
Persons may dispose of their gar
bage by burying It on tho premises
'n accordance with the rules of the
loardtot Health, or the owner of the
garbage may cart tho same away, but
no person shall engage in the gar
bage business except the duly author-
per week, per tank. 25c; largely jrecep
tacles or more frequent "noyau ai
not to exceed a proportionately a
er cost. Oarbage and traah to PMJ
not exceeding 1 cubic yard to i volum.
at not to exceed 50c for each Pe.' '
This ordinance provides a finy oi
not less than $5 or more than $59. or
Imprisonment not less than two i or
more than twenty days, for the Tio
lation of any of these proTlalpna.
Oarbage cans provided for to i the
ordinance must be placed t Pnt
convenient for $&&