lg lEtigttmg Herald OFFICIAL NtwarATLn OF KLAMATH qOUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS '(" "Thirteenth Year No. 3,574 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919 Price, 5 cents M GREAT CROWD AT INCOME TAX MEN ARE COMING SOON RABBIT DRIVE AT I MERRILL SUNDAY ENGINEER ANSWERS GRIM REAPER'S CALL FIREMEN'S BALL .f i.ii3 FllE WITH 1 T ISUEIISTS 6 IIS HAL Lettish Are Succoiful North Russia in WIDE RETREAT FORCED PoIWi rhr ' "luil" ''"," ' of HrcM l.lit.I. llnl-lifvlli Am (Ulil lo lit' lii I'ikm--l" ' Nritrly ,111 "Utile HiiIii" Orounil 1 Gbtrdt "'"'J ",, Tlic foiirti'imtli A n ii int 1 I'"Iniiiiiiiih' llllll III till) llllllHlllll ()ICIII Hoiihii I' Ml IllKllt WIIH IIM llllllH'IIKC SIICCCHS frnill tint nImiiiIiiiIiiI or iittcudunro mill everybody who was thoi U to iluy talking iiliont lint good t lino he IiimI. Tin- npprri liilloii of I tut pii III tc for (lui work which I hit rile Iio)h ft I r iloliiK '-ih Indicated lii (lui way t tiirmiil mil In tin' iiffnli, tin' pi r roi'iln of which w Iin iikmI Id gel tile tlopiirlmont In better slmpe Tim Clly CoimhII ulno took n stop Inwnnl aiding till" lin port an t clcpnrt - incut Inst iiwuilug wh.in It niitliorl reel Ihii purclriMi of II mi hundred ft t or iiiiw hose Tl) llSslst tllOHII Will) failed lo I 01. 1. Iili'tn tlii-lr Incoinn lux returns with hi tint required time, owing to t he; luck or available blanks anil oilier finises. Collector Milton A. MIIIit nnnoiini'i'H t ti it t Messrs. Harper mill Wlmbuiiy or Portland will do lit tho Court House April Seventh, eighth anil nlnlli tinil Hint all Interested hIioiiIiI Ink.. advantage or tli In op porlunlty to got tln'lr inaltnra straightened out An extensive drive tor ili'lliiiiii'MtH will noon bo under taken, tin says, T SCORING 1 IT In onlcr to assist In tile extermina tion or the .link rubhlt, whlrh Iiiih her oiiio hikIi a pent to the rat mem In many part of the County, a rub lilt drle Ih being planneil hy the rc HliletitH of the .Merrill district Tor Ul. .,..(- niM.nll.1. .1 I 4... ..n1..r.ls ' I .JII1II1HJ III ! II I lift I1 I fc. II If l.KJ.fl. (Everybody In that dlBtiltt Ik to Join and to he at the Flaming . . ranch rive inlleH southwest or Mcr- Uregonbenator Again lakes rJ, nt tllu ,pointe.i time. These ln C'tiAapl 1 drives In the past have pioicd cry News or the passing or (' II. Sll shy, the Espeo engineer who ran the passenger Horn Weed to 'Klam ath Falls, has been received at the loeil Southern Pacific Station. The time or his death at San Francisco, was not given In the message, hut It urged occurred some time Tuesday and the have been (JOVKRNOR MARKS APPOINTMENTS. KAI.KM, Mm ill 111 Coventor Ol- m CLUB TO HAVE BIG BILL 'effective In ' the animal ridding STARTLING CHARGES ,1-olt linn appointed tlr Floyd la ton of I'orllaud, a (number of the' Htitto Hoard of Optometry, Hurcoed- lilK Ir. V. J Curtis of Corvallls mid tins iiiniiiiiiH'nil that he would re- , , . 'appoint W M. Poiiro of LaCmiidu, I f.OI'KMIA(ii:.N. M.r.h S.I.- ll.o llohur muM)or (f (h)) ,iwr wion taporwnt wlli-M.1 Jmt Ion of .Ml ..... h( (orm hii(, iMiriM j ,lhHl at KlKii I"- '' Miiliir-, ,oli if hM ., ur ,.f. HI by UHUh troops An offl,i..l Jum nri ()f, ititement rc-rimou nere ii;iij (bit the HuMlimlkl urt reilrlin; ilonf the whole front COI'KNIIACKN. Mint h SO The rtoliharlkl troops under pivasi.n. o' lie Polish (orre ItiiH tien'i tonlpnllcd tc rtllre ami t'nruute I'ln'V, n hun dred mWti east of Mresl l.ttovitk. nc rordlnr to a dlspatcli rece'vod from Wirtiw LONDON, March 20 - Virtually ill of I'krnitm Is mi" hi the .luml'i ol the llolnli.nlkl. it Is .-upoil'id In the heavy (IrIiIIdk nt Nlkolulr, nirtli-j flit of Oiloima, the llifls'uwlkl lmv i loit betecn fix nud elgtil liiinilreil I thousand men, but ibey f ircn-f the French cnrrlnou alter 'lorro fight lit to withdraw to Oilcan. IHhT VISIT OF THIS (JIIOIII' OF i:.ti:iit.ii:iih ki.vci: mm. KXAI'I'V I'lKXilt.V.M IIKItK XKXT vi:i:k riiaiiilx-rliiln Wluile .lliollicr Demo mil In I'ulilie loiter for Ailing in llml Fullli Willi 'oiigr..s, nod to Dentro) Offlri-r Who Kxposcd In. Justice of I'rintliig .S)stcm. the (oiintry of BIB Dl HERE BEING FOUGHT im.rmricv ix kam-:m to oitosi-: the last IcKlnHtiirc ' COUNTYlDYIS WAR HERO NOW WASHINGTON, D. C. March 20 An Indication of further difficulties In the ranks of the democratic party Li shown here today in a public let- Is what, tor by Senator (Jeorge Chamberlain i "Music eer)body likes I'rof John Slink Kvans. lender of' or Oregon, who takes this method the University or Oregon Men's Gleo . or charging Secretary of War linker (lib has to say concerning the po-,wlth being under the Influence of gramme which will be presented by the reactionaries as shown by his (iiiMMjti.N man oirrs emu l-'OU COl'lt.KJK IX ACTION ON vi:kti:iin fiioxt. okts in WOt'XDS that organlzntlou when they nppoir in concert before Klnmath Falls music lovers, Monday and Tiffdny, March Z4th and 2Mb. The. piogramme will be live iitid snappy with an appeal to everyone. It w consist of chorus nunibeis, 0,1.1 Hettes, solos, and a number of original and clever "stunts." The (ileo Club has not made :i trip Court opposition to changing the Mattlnl system of the Army. The Senator declares that Is acting In bad faith with Congress by ordering nn Investigation which he believes Is designed to destroy Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Tunsell, who exposcil the Injustice of tlie printing system. Chamberlain i:v accused linker of being "deaf to the COXHTUl'CTION -SCHOOL LAND ItAllltlKIt - DA.MAOK TO MAY I'ltOVK Oregon is going to take a hand in the effort to keep the Callfornla-Oro gon Power company from building a dam across Link River, in order that 6,000 acres of school land will not h. damaged, is the purport of a telegram received by the Herald last evening Ilakerlfrom It. B, Hradbury, who is now in Salem for the purpose of taking 'ip this Important question with the gov ernor and the attorney general. Fol lowing is the telegram through southern Oregon for s.imo , complaints and to now be fencing on WOW STII.I. iiki:i IX MAST KLAMATH. SiVm llniiiukor. foreman for Louli (icrlivr nl Horsefly Valley Is In lonn for a few days on mutters of limlncm He reports from two to four feet of miom still In that section. That n Klnmath County boj. Cor p irnl Matt Khndley holds the cord foi (Ik. number of wounds io'1. Ied In buttle with a total number of 117, Is the assertion of Mnrlon Mar line In n lengthy article In the Ore gon Join mil of last Sunday. The hal tered veteran ror exceptional cour iiglous and efferlent romlurt In ac tion bus been cited hy the war de partment. The article says In par' IB ISSUE TO FIMK ROADS " i iiuiiii time, although this Is the twentieth J the subject season that the organization has ; toured the state Medford. Ashland, ; (rants 1'an.s and lloseburg n're other cities which will be vlsltod by the organization during Its spring tour this year The list of inembeiH or the (!lee club contains eighteen nnuiei, e- j pii'M'iitlnp men from every pact of the northwest. Tho filco Club litis! ui.derpone an entire re-organUi'tlon J since the war, and his undertaken twlrc as much work this year as frr r.u rly l.i.hl year the glee club gave sev eral ronrerls before men In training cniiii'K. nt Camp Lewis, Fort Vnn -o.i-ve. and the lower Columbia foils. This year, augmented by .sovoimI former membcrH, who have returned from the service and much new IM- CITY SOLVING T IN WAR n.VAXci: ( (iiti'oitATio.v TO FLOAT ll(i ISSI'F. TO IMIO VHIK ITMIS roil IIAILIIOAOS AMI MKI'T OTIIIIll DKMA.VHS WA8IIIN(iT0N,t I) C. Mnrr.l. KO. "e W'Rr fliuiiico corpnuitlon M no.v '""Wiring the finally f tt aiK0 bn'l lime, prol, till two linudio'l on iloliar, ,,,,!iu )Q n,.xl fl,w " ,0 I'rotldu funds for mll U ami to meet any othcir do nnilon tin, totporntion. Tho In- "i iuie lontemplated Is four Wnt. machine gun bullet exploded n prenndo w hlch he curried In his ammunition bug nud by one of 'those strange whims of fate it did juot kill lilin nor dlsflguiu his fare cis all of the 117 wounds are on his leg, hip, side nud arm. Willi the fortitude mid endurance Inhertled ft inn his Inillnn mirestors this 2.1-year-old boy lay In No Man's Land two days nud nights nud today looks l.iul iiu fmu nliAiiliiwI ninl iiili v alrnllv junt tin inn; v itinjfti ii mill riiiniiwiii ! perfect as he did the day he left his BAY CITY WOMAN fnrm In Klamath Falls to become a , 'soldier In the Three Hundred Sixty-! Ilrst Infnntry, Company Iv." , IXKI.l'KNZA AXI) IIKill WAIt IMUCJ-IS 1IAVK MADI-: IT XKCKS SAUV TO (JO IIKTOXD CONTKM 1'LATKI) KXI'KNDITfltKS The extraordinary cxpounes In cident to tho Influenza epidemic to- I appeared before the governor and the attorney general today. I find that 6,000 acres of school land will be affected by 'the Link Itiver dam. Tho attorney general will make a thorough Investigation of the ques tions Involved. He considers It of great importance on account -of Its relation to tho public school fund. This would be a very important mutter for tho school fund, and under the present regime It is certain that nothing will be permitted to happen that will In any manner Jeopardise tho abheta of the state's public insti tutions. Tho state will undoubtedly Join with the district unci tho Water Users Association In the suit to' test the' legullty of the contract entered Into between the government and the reclnmullon service. If tho attorney general finds that tho rights of the public schools are Injured. KILLED BY BOMB Shadley Is woll known on the lie nervation nud had leslded In the, Chllntviln district previous to his entering the army. j QUARTERS SECURED FOR R. C. DRIVE -The pol itic kiting wlf-j of a Mis. H. K. M trtlu who Is to have ehiirgo of collecting tho clothes dur ing ll.o lied Ciois drive next weok, i ... i i... . I IlllllllllllCt'S lOllliy lll.ll lliu n. linn OAKLAND, March 20. ire are trying to explain of Mr (leo. (? uwoo I prominent San Francisco banker, presumably by n bomb explosion in the garden In lior homo Tuesday night. A threatening tetter was sent to (lieenwood early last year slgnod hy tho "C. C, of C." similar to tho letter received by Ciovornor Stop hnns before his mansion was dyna mited In Sacramento In 11)17. "' IOII I'OKTLAVO. "r. ami Mr ., ,.. ,,-,,,,. ,, "'. Md Mrs, pHlk Melfliim loft to u...I0r ,,or,lH"'l !''" tliey will - ."Ml u Uirtlnlny "' Ii a ii . Uiil... .. ...... --."....lii iiiih Ktittiiiring n annual Mo, llt .,,,,, , u'n miiKn It ent. pP iiiiiiiiuiK rn lui... i. mi i.tw n.ii... j froon.H In Hi" orpueus ouiiuiug inai i used liefore for this purpose; seen red mid that I to K'Uheiing for I'hll lei' nf l... vi i ...... nj 1f . '.in, r i. iiuiiii n ' hit. 1YI...I...I. were Imve been again they will bo kepi open from two five e.ich afternoon of next weok At tills time those who have arti cles of clothing which llioy tan sparo for the dcvctltuto sufferers In tho war zone of ICuiope, are ieiuestod lo bring (hem In. ' Point lo bo pro- COLLECTION Sl'IT l-'II.KO. "0H0S8K HTIK K OF ,.,. WllOI. ON HANIl. ASNTON. ) c. March 20- ik.. 1 r ""I'nrlmi'nt has unno.inced ofwrl, '. "'' '".100,000 pounds ed of ' ,r" roi"nln to he dlBpoB- (itlMI.VAL STII.Ii AT LABOK. GOLD HILL. March Suit for thO collodion of $20'. 37 nlloged duo on n note lor $l!'2..)0 signed Dcromlior 22nd, I'H.'i IjihI boon ItiHtltuted in the n'tlco of ll.o County Clork hy J. H.' McClellai agnlnst F. H. 8tophonou mid Loin o....i........ rTl.l..r tn ill.lln Wl III I (llUIIUL'IIMUH. lllll LJ inn li"l... i nuked for attorney roes. Tho firm or posso Is still hunting for I Ilrnnnr nnri Clinstaln roivacr-nt M.o pert" who escaped from i nlnlntlff. .woiks here threo 'OR Uonrrh Is being condu IIIHLDIXO. ivnM'i.i-ud pikivk 'on. Oregon unci along tho California March 20. Flhy. I CKOSSKS OCKAA. boundnry. but no doflnlto cluos have flvo litiiidrnil .intli.ra I i nMimu ii.rAi, in Tim cunti- been found. Tho seurchers may de- Mb"!11;01'1"! the initial lunch. 'iihhment of u window teUphtme ' pend on tho authorities of oUhor Kraut,.!, orll,,m,'J' lmro Tor tho Bjniem hotween lroliiiul r.nd Ctmadii BtUes to arrost him later unless livestock imposition Iur been nnnouncod by tlio Marconi moro oncouroging reauits tiro ou- eut, they nre touring southern Ore- gether with the enormous lncrei.se in gon for lliu Ilrst time since 1912. cost, due lo war conditions, of many of the things connected with tho conduct of the government of the city, there exists a deficit In tun avallnblo funds necessary to p.y the warrants thnt hac been issued and that will be Issued between now und next June. To meet this difficulty, the city council, nt j. special ses sion last evening,, passed u resolu tion directing tho city treasurer to place In tho iKencrnl fund for this year tho money uppoitloned to that fund fro.ui the taxes of l'JIS. This method will keep the city on a oish basis, but something must be done to romedy the condition uiislng nut of this change of procedure, nnd with that end In view a resolution was adopted providing for the call ing of n special election at such tlmu us the council may deem udvis nblo. The purpose of this special elec tion will be to authorize the city council to Increase the estimate for 1019 expenses mado in tho budget. At tho special session of the fny council last evonltirf, Tolles i.tdge Lo.'.vltt was nllowr I a dems'v, In hitvinr been insisting on I'HVlng an assistant, Tho sulor" was not lx ed, tut $7t to $80 i'. nouth was tho tentative figure dlscussol. INDIANS BOOSTING FOR BETTER ROADS MANY WIHTKHS IHK AllltOAl). I SAN FRANCISCO. March 20. App.olmatoly one-third of' the cor respondents and photographers re presenting tho pross of many nations nt tho front wore killed or wounded during tho ontlro period of tho war, according to dipt. Donald C. TJiomp ! son. who Is horo from Siberia on 1 route to Kurope. Ho Is representing I American, Kngllsh and French por lodlcnl.i. Cnpt. Thompson lost his loft eye during n bombardment and Intor was wounded twice. "Tell my white friends that tho Indians on the Klamath Reserva tion are out for good roads as well :is themselves," says Jeff Riddle, a prominent Indian, who is In town tod y from that section on matters of business. The Indian apprec.utes good highways as woll as any one, Mr. Riddle declines -ond he will bo found ready to got out his pocket book and help 'pay for them as soon us arrangements can be n.t.do for his doing so. Riddle will boost, the proposition to his utmost among Ills associates there. DESCHUTES COUNTY WILL 'BOND LIMIT hirer. """IIKIIS Kicux MVKSTOCK t.UT,'AN. " w '."oueund " pledge "minent ,20.-"Rod the Tho Ru- llmol WIUSON AS CHAIRMAN PARIS. March 20. President Wil son will be chairman of tho mooting of tho League of Nations commission In be held Saturday, when all tho That tho peoplo of Desehutesv County are bound to see the con struction of the proposed Klimath Dalles Highway and will bond to the lentil limit to co-opornte with tho Commission In carrying out Its pto g.nnn is the news rocelved In u wire hy tho Klamath Commercial Club from tho llend Commercial Club Tho mess..go tenders tho offer f as sistance from thnt district in any wny possible. MKNICAN HAXDITS CAl'OHT IN TLWAS. days ago. The , v0?ne Tw '" ?""""' ' Angeles, when he wt luctodln South-1 lc! h0 ronf,1lerotl w' b0 Pl,t lnt0 "n- Francisco Villa In 1914. was ulldl n. I Company hon-o. tallied soon, KI. PASO, March 20. Fredorick Corvants, chief of Staff to C.enoral ns with s nrrebt- j)d near Socorro Texas thirty five miles southeast of horo yestordny , with twelve men who wero at- . tempting to cross to Mexico to Join ntvo to the Monroe doctrine In such Angelos and Villa, One Mexican Is form as to moet the approval of legal ' reported to hnvo been wounded and oxpoiH, , lunothor escaped In tho darkness. nlte form 1 Lord Uobort Cecil and former At torney General Gregory nro among those Viking to draft provisions rol- r.moral Is reported to held at Ashland today. The deceased was one of the plon eer engineers of the Southern Pari-' fie Company and drove the first pas senger engine over the' Siskiyou j mountains. j During his residence In Klamatii ' Falls he made many friends who , will regret his passing. He was tak-l en 111 last rail Here ana recovereu Diffidently to be removed to San Francisco, but never regained his strength. 'raw girP KILLS IE . if AFFINITY r i- I DAIRY FOLK URATHKCL, J Eternal Triangle It Cauie or Tragedy ' ' DEED IS CONFESSED Klglilciii-Vr.tr-Old fiirl Quietly Ro l.Ues Detail, nf Putting I'oKon in Fruit Cocktail c,r Her Klfal She' Appear. Only Aiulom to Know Whether Man Still Loves Her. The Dairy delegation which at tended the big road gathering in this city thru the courtesy of the t Strahorn Railroad Tuesday night' mmUl,h an,, who eft again yesterday, wishes the 6kanagjn ' to publicly express Its sincere ap-1l(lt0 raechane whose wf(J d,ed jiruciuLiun iu iiiu iiiuiuhciiii-'iH wi mt: Tuesdiv road for the Kindness extended. CHURCH GOERS ! I IBII'MI HI! UN NUnLKOL after eating a poisoned frait Icpcktail, ts expected to arrive here1 ! tiflat Mice D...V. nt l'. .uunj . .'.1.-0 .turn uairi&uii yeaier day confessed to putting poison in the cocktail because Mrs. Storrs tfas her rial for the afrections of Storr Miss Carlson who is eighteen'' years old is quiet and 'calm iind , seems only anxious to know wlielher Storr still loves her. ' i 1 WENATCHEE, March 20. Dud CO TO CHURCH MOVKMKNT IS : ey storrs who was here last night'' ' nnpnlltn frip Caolfl laqmad nt Vtlo I wife's death. He expressed doubts ATH FAI.LH. HIG TURNOUT as to Ruth Garrison confession say ing, that if she made one. It was only to escape the tortures of the third degree. He said, "I am satis fied", he satd,"my v, Ife took her own ,li:e. fulfilling a threat that she hac , repeatedly made." Storr Rented thai , Ruth C.arrison had spent anjr time with him at Okanogan. He register ed here under an assumed name and appeared calm. OKTTINO ItKSULTS IN KhAM- LAST SUNDAY IV CITY The go to church movement which has been taken up all over the na tion during the last few weeks and which the" pastors of the various rhurches of the city have been fathering, Is getting the best kind of results, according the reports re- colved and the revival of interest most encouraging tb those wiio have been pushing the campaign. Figures obtained last Sunday all over the' city, show that seven hundred and twenty-eight persons attended church and that three hundred and seventy four childron were In Sunday school. Following Is the attendance in de-, tail, Methodist Church, morning ser- vice S9, evening service '45, Sunday j School 120; Christian Church, morn-j Ing service 9.r, evening service 100, Sunday school 108; Sucred Heart,! first mass 150, second mass 120; Presbyterian Church morning serv ice 75, evening service 64, Sunday school 94; Emmanuel Baptist) Church morning service 60, evening service 30, Sunday school 62. SFATTLE, March 20. Storrs uai not on the train on which be was, expected to arrive Horn Wenfttchtp. ILK TO MGL RATES STANDARD RATE OF THREE BIG LAUGH SURE AT ELKS TONIGHT Residents of Klamath Falls attend the big Elks Show at Houston Opera House tonight going to have a big treilt if a who the are look I'ER MILK OX ALL' I'XIIKR (iOVEU.VHK.r, CONTROL. X( KXCTHSIOXS -. CUNTS ROADS at the program gives any Indication of what Is to come. The latest and ottchtest music and original stunts by the best talent of the City are going to be put forth nt this time. This Is the best kind of it chauco to lose a case of the blues and buy a lasting smile which is war ranted to stay for some time. civ pnAvnsro. March 20. Fht Increase to 3 cents a mile, of alt passenger rates on and after April 1. have been announced by the offices of the United States railroad admin-,. t,Utn.tlon here. The inrrease wjs i provided tor In general order Not 23 .Issued June 10, last. , ! Rates la excess of 3 cents a mile will be decreased to the 3-cent limit 'on all lines under the jurisdiction of J the administration, it was annouue- ted. , . ' 1 All specUl and excursion iates to. Mill i iiucontlnued. " ' PARTY LAST SATURDAY. Last Saturday Mrs, Frank Wuvd entertained at dinner In honor of little Catherine Wilson and Ml? Mollle Stewart, whose birthdays oc curred March 14 and loth. Tho color scheme was rod end green being carriod out with carna tions and candles. Covers were laid for Miss Jessio Ford, Misses Augusta and Oertrudo Parker, Mrs. Ooldon Lincoln, Mrf.. Will Wilson, Catherine nnd Herbert Wilson, Mfss Mollle Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ward. IAU, FIHB LAST NIGHT. ' Firo b.oke out last night ab'out eleven o'clock at the home of Dm. Homr and Kotherlne Schleef near tin corner of Sventh and KM Streets. The blaze started in walls of the house um. .1NTI BOLSHKVIKI sttii Mt ihn lelivod to have been caused In eonie manner by electric lro It " quicklv extinguished following Us discoveiy. $25 REWARD s FORCKS DFFEATLD. March 2D. Tho, Rus- The Herald ill W rewftr for infornmtlo.. lwHM ho ""j ,.! ion of "J""""?"' stealing olde, of the HeraW.acr, he,r .h-llvery to bV.!, tealing paPers' -'F"-"' aencu it" practice of ft r niennu w.,w.,, ....v.. v. ... a , w. has re slan non Bolshevik! forces havo boon ,i""K -"" fl lg ,ng defeated by the Bolshevik troops propoi turns that t no , , ;..W tho to stop It, unci w ";," -? Ifcoiri-rlnsflhi reward. nnd turned toward Odessa from North,- it Is reported. ;. MS i i9 ..SI I EM r;. ' -: